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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1901)
THE .fOKMXG ASTORUN TttlKSDU. JULY 21 I -Mil Telephone Main 661. terms of snwiuniox. DAILY. Sent by mill, per year Sen: by mail, pr month Served by carrier, per month 60 SEMI-WEEKLY. Son: by mall, per year. In advance, $;.w All communications intondI for pub lication fhoul.l be directed to "Editor Astorian." Husltiess communication of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astorian Pubii!". In? Co." The Astorian guarantees to In adver tisers the larcest circulation of any newspaper rublitVij cn the Columbia fiver. 1 ' i Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. TXRD ROSEBERT AND HIS PARTY. New York Tribune. A striking corroboration of the esti mate of the English Liberal party which was last week made by th' Tr:bun0 and its London correspondent appears in the letter of Lor I Rosebery to the City Lib eral Club, of London. I; emphaslies the hel'owness of :h truce wheh was the other day trumoed up between the warring factions of the party an.I th hopelessness of the par:y's outlook for the immediate future, as well as the deplorable effect upon the government anl ration of having only one effect. ;v party in a country in which govern ment by party is the rule. an3 In which, accordingly, an efficient opposition is a moral necessity. Such a statement of the case Is peculiarly forcible, coming, as it Joes, from the foremost states man of the par'y. the man who was chosen by the creator of that party to be his successor In the leadership of it. an J the one living Liberal who his been prime minister; the man of al'. men, moreover, who has no ax io grnl an cannot be suspected of selfish or am bitous motives in making this utterance. LorJ Rosebery make it clear that the chief point at issue is not. after ail, rihr or the wrong of the war in South Africa, but rath'r tint leading mn of the party sincerely disagree concerning it. They disagree, morover. on a matter of the highest moral prineip'. 5-vne hold that the war is ur.ju.-t and the British cours is criminal. ":h-rs d -clare the war to be just, righteous .v.d ralsencrthy. An! those whi tak- th r,ne view are as sincere as til wh 1 take the other. Ft either Ue :.. sac rifle? such principles would b- '.' tuitifioatlon. such as woul 1 ''.am;, a man unfit for lead-rship. Y-t I r.s a; the- diff -ren. es ex s: it is imp '!' for th two factions f th- party : w-rk t ee '-her or t hav a ...!r.m..r. had r. I; i likewise :rr.p.ib t '-m-r ..rize until after the waar. or : ho: ! th- matter In ab-yance. A 'iU-.i'"n f rational righteousness "r riminil.'y cannot be shelved. The man w!io lodges it is unworthy of !e nl-rs'n p Nor. irdeed. woull such t-mp rizlng V effectual. For the issue ;. or- that will -utlast the war. It will b? perpetual. If the war should en 1 today in the com plete establishment of British author;' outh of the Zambesi, nd tomorrow Messrs. Morley and Laboueh-re anl their colleagues shouid com - into p " they would h morilly constrained to undo the results of the war and re-ea-tablish the Boer states. The diff-r-nc-s between he two factions of the party are irremediable and perpetual. There can be no doubt as to the si le to which Lord Rosebery inclines. N-ither can there be much doubt that it is the popular side, net only in the British nation at large, but also within the ranks of the Liberal party. Th" great majority favor Imperialism and the prosecution of ih'e war to its logi cal end. Just as the gr-at majority of Americans favor the acceptance of the results of the .var with Spain. That does not mean that th-y approve the b-. ginning. Millions of Americans -r-opposed to going to war with Spain, but .nee the war a.' b-gun hey were in favor of figh'ing it out: anl it may be that there are many who sin'-ei-ely rot-ret that this country ever had to a' jino the burd-n of cuing for th. Phil ippines, 5'et w ho, sine- th. bur I n wa Iail upon us. are now in favor of b-ar-ing it manfully an l honorably. In lik" manner many Britons regret 'hat the country was forced into war with the Boers, and yet are in favor of pre.-.-cuting the war to an -nd which will be final and will be for the wdfare t the empire. A gteit leader of m-n, holding such views, could doubtless rally to his following the great mass of th once great Liberal party. But such a leader Is not within the present view. Lord Rosebery himself measures most r early up to the re.juire.1 mature. Hut he is lundi. apped. a he hlmsflf rei lies, by the fa. : that he is a lv 'r. as w. II us by old pittv aiii.noi:le Besides him thre ar msry men who w.m: mak admirable Veutcmttts. u: not one has e; shown the ill of supremo load vh p. NATIONAL MFMOKI VI. TO lU'NKU .VI. uUVNT Taconn I.ciscr. Tti- t.,s: c.-f- :o.k action toward the ere, :, on at the ".: of VVah.itston of a --uitihl, ra.orril t ibn era'i t"yss -s S i'.r.i"t. late ptc-o lent of the 1'rit'.! S:at- a d genera-, cf the arm.-- :h-r-"f t'or.fnvis .uith'r I J the appointment cf a statue r mem orial commission ur.dtr !tnl: tie.; tti t selivt a site and rtveive lait. deslsns' or modirlcatio-tj for th? memor. al. The cos- of the structure is limited f ISO. iW. an) the commission ha --t -Trtole -t s Park" in Wash gnto:1 as the s.te. Sculptor, artists an) arch. Vets have been invit-l f submit t the wttn s sion mo i-os for the ni-m-rnl ott r 1'' for the 1st of Apr. I TXt. The s..vue or memoria' must repr's-r; -he charic ter ar.d indlvi-lualtty f the s.ihj.vt. but ;her Is m lim-.tati'n as t tit., natur tt the .los'sn. ar.,1 :: may !v an tri.v or --th rw!s. Th-- cm- -si oi may -K- ope .-.tir- i-'- ctt. tf de li-'i sutflci -r.tiy i- r.t -rtcus. -r ' mav sei vt part any w h-.on it my be aM- ' us- . A'l stitu- vv e k a- 1 bror.t I'.istir.c is r-iuir') : ' ( - cut. e l in -he Tr.::. ! Stat-. but i: . st pu- la-ed as on- cf th.. e ! ti tts of th- comp-t.t: n that only ti' h s artists or in-hit-vn as ar- : c e) in a bns:n-s way wi h a-v mental rlrn or t -ni- f uindrv , t- h- ailo.vH ;ak part in th- comp -t "i r It w-vjli v a fine thing if thi o m--tition ir'-j to -.eag-' th . -T-rts 'f th- very b-st anvng th- Am--i.-tn scu'ptor anl art s's I-. is a r-gretta-ble fact that ma-y of th - ab! : w rk ers in b- a ir- ,1- !ir-- M - r.f r into comp-titlor whet". has any thing to ! 1 with the award. No that they ar- t 1 he blame ! for k .-' Irtg ou: of a wir-puliing .-mp-Mti -n j Th- comm s-i .in should have invi -ij design t h- su'.ntt'"-! tin !-r flvV us j names, mi th- i ! '. 'h- c.T.p-'-i it .rs sh '-jl! hive until the jhs hr-s-lecf-I Th.. Jury case sh-uil fr bias ..r p l.t: .il i--1 m iy !,- h 1 t ! w I rr.v - i r-maln-i ut:k-b-t !-L"i '. I A I;- I i t -! .1 I! i , , . -il il e ! . I V tury. a r v. Mn.iJ. 'N.v ' rtii ! n !,t. it. Ut- cy -: ,- .u J n : !..'-: nt. f It. K..- j . N -.v I,.: sav- ! r. tn. Th v st-a,-h. al ! d.e-s. ; r impr ve a-; -. I bi-k .' ti .t -i::-ri- 5. Hart, Prjirf s-. I- - Vo. M . v K-ir.k ! i i If i: k--; In s burri- up th- ' r p an's ,"t i n. ui I ' A P.AOINd, ne..F;:sr, Fly-if) ! Wash-1 d-.wT. a t-l-itra: h I - v-.hf.-t ("has. .'. Kills, .f Li-b et, f.i. hid 'i r-.l pair. "S-andlnic w a : J p m .! w.v-r." h- '.vr: . ir i-. .. hi-t a '-rr.ii , ( '! anl . .ma-... I- ft-.v ialy ' Finally the (.,-- i '. rs tn 'iiklan'i., N-b . Si.ux ':. .ir.d On. a ha. -si. I I ha 1 '.,nsum; t.on and - ould r.-.t l.v- i Then I b-g-in u.-lror Dr. Ki it's N-v Ie4.-c ,y-ry an i ',v.i. -.'.h iilv . ur-d by s t ' foottl-s." P-;.t.v Iy Ku iran-, d f r i Coueh. o.dis and ail Tnr'-at .,n I Isijr.if by Harts Iniz S-or-. Pre 50 i-ents. il would upp. ii -ha- th- 'han ' Bryan and H I; f..r b ', x n tn r.a'.-l f.,r pr'-s.d'-n- 14 ar(. a1, ut -v-n -Kansas Ctv S-ar. SEVEN TEARS IN BED. "Will w ,nd-rs v-r c-a.?" in'U:r-d the friends ,f Mrs. r,, p.., f ,iw. rence. Kan. Th-y kn-w sti- bad b n unabl- to l-av- ro-r bed s.-vn y-ar-on account ..f kidney- arid l.v.-r tr.ube nerv ius pros-rvion an,j general de bility; but. -Thr bo'tl-s of Ki -re Bitt-ra enabled m- -o walk." sh- vvrlt-s. "and in three rre.n'hs I f.-i; .k- a n-.v person." W.n-n uffrlr.(f fr.rn Head ache, Pa. kaelje, N-T-.'oiJwrie-S, .-tl-eiO-j,. n-ss, M.-l ire h cy. Kai.'fit.jf anl lo.zzy Sris-I's v.-;i; r,d .. ;i pri, r .-u-. i,p..?,r.jr Try it. Sat sfn- t..,ti is uarar.-. -i Ordv :,- a- 111! '- Ior-ii; Store. A li-li-ito-d th- i M , n n a p U'h Iiako'a M'ir, an t-.v -l,-y rro'l'lt- Jour- ..I. STKPPEIo INTO I.I Vii i'OAI ' Wh-n .a '-hllil I tour-.'-. rr.y fo , frie-htfuliy." -..r.te. v h. l-iile. Jin-svill-. Va.. "whi':t c.,u.,.. re or r, i.l -l- "'-r- for '-) y-ar., ,i u-k . Arnica Sal-.- wh'lly , ur' d m- after ev-r-y!h;':T -I... f.-iii-d,'- Ir.'a.lil,;.. for Hurt s. Si il !;.. i-ii-u, S-o.... Itro.H s in.) file. .-'"Id by Hart'. I one. (f Stor - a T cents. TI. a, ti .n of !!,' Ohio -otiver.t,..n re mind, no- of the ' 'h.ri irria- a ho, w.-i-.-i hie is hav:ng bid ,u.-k. bats bis Joss wil, a club iIinri-a;ioli.s Jeirna;. "I in: Ind-b-'- l t-. ' w M nute Ooiiirh Cure for my pr-sent good h-alih aril my lif-. I was treated ,n vain by do.: tors for lunif trouble following la grippe. I took One Minute Cough Cure and recovered my h'-alth." Mr. E H Wine, Madlmn, Ol. CHAS. R'KiERS. Drugi'lst. WHAT TWv. CENTS WILL DO. it will bring- rWief to aufferera from asthma or consumption, even In the worm case Thin la about what one do' of FVtlejr'a Honey and Tar eot. Isn't it worth trtil? Ilart'a tru Store. ' Oh. my b ar daughter, you shout I no; lv fncht.uod and run from the p at Pon't ou know you are a Chrls u i Sep tttist "Hut mamma," excit edly esclainied the llttli Ulrl of six, "the b'. v soa: d.v.sit't know it." What to Eat. Mr John T.pp. Cidton, Ohio, nya; KoPy's lion y and Tar cured my lit tle girl of a eete cough and Inilamed tonsils." Heu: s Prug Store. V typesetting machine on a Toronto pap-r is in danp'r of pros vution for leso majcs:.v It calls the heir apparent the duke of Pork Ol;Ju v'lilaen. Th 's W. Carter, of Aahbviro. N. C. had kidney troubl and one bottle of Foley's Kidney Cur effected a perfect euro, and he ays there is no remedv that will oonP4r4 with It. Hart'a DruK Store". . .. I'd a ifvd deal rather ri le up on an elevator." observed I'ncle J.whua. "than t' nd- down, whe.i a feller Is goln' up it don't pear so much llks join' f th' dev. I -Ohio Slate Journal. I I -nee ha.s found that rheumatism is caused by ur.e acid In the blood. Thus poison should be excreted by th kidneys. Foley's Kidney Cure always nuke them well. Hart's Drug Stor. IV man lat hasn't nurtltV to d " sal fne'e Ktvn. 'wouldn't tv so objeotlon ,ib!' If he dul l' Ins ist on I ikitr some good man away Cum 'is work to ha p lea; " Washington Star. Pr tie rge F.wmg. a practicing phys ic. an of Snlth's drove. Ky.. for over thirty years, writes h s personal experi--nee'wV.h Foley's Kidney Cure. "For v-.ip I have bvn greatly bothered k '.n. v tnut-l- d enlarged prostrate gland I us-d everything known to the pr .fe:on wttnout rell-f. until I was In duce I ;.. us' Foley's Kidney Cure After uing thr-V bottles I entirely r-'iov el and cure I. I ?resT.b it no ,!a v in my pra t ce and heartily r--oit-.m-n 1 :s use to all physicans for such tr -ub'.es f-r I can honestly state I hav- pr-scr!!e it in hundreds of oa s w th perfect success.'" Hart's Prug S: -r-. u- lire e-What are you crying u- dre m l ne manag-r i my saliry. "Well. I wouldn't av y ao u: it fverytv!v will take you r an an ateur " Yonkers Slitesman Jas r, Amh-rt. IVlla, O, ptes: "I ha I an'.nite sore on my face ev-rvthing e's failed to heal. . - , m.. nt nmn.p Solv- Atir .Mir rt..'.e. - - . It b-itan to heal anel after three appli- j caters : was entirely healed leaving ni-car. Hart's Prug Store. j My n I. Mrs. Hlnks. has r'nted I 'v n .m- in Kurrato ror tn' sum-m-r '' ' P i the price tempt her?" "N". the r.umb-r -f h-r country relatives arel her ." i'I'v -Ian 1 Plain I-aler. Any advertise 1 dealer Is author -d to euarant." Ha-.ner Salve for tetter. - i-rni, p l". sprains, scalds, tiurna. ui. -rs ' anl any open or old aore. H irt's Prue S: r-. H-p. N Mr. S 'ftl-lKh y-'ur flf'.hj V ' -S. v-n-h: w hat's your -or.-? i It I -K.v r nits an 1 e.ijht emfatt - ; tn-t-i- ' '!'. ' Stat- J.'ur."Jl. The i :; that annoy y ,u f-i will be k'v n 1 I erman-ntlv heab'd !f you. ... 1' AV-t s Wit. h Hazel Silve -; ire ,f -.vor-h!-.s e Min-.erf'.ts. (.'HAS , ;...;!ir.S. Pru,--,.-.- ; -.a. ff-r-1 -h - '-iiy " . f r a Tim-' j . - , v.-ry b.ns '; r .ji..p. m tha- liv-ly , , -i A-r-. n n librar: -s. tin? - i- s an I -nl irtj-l J i'-'. j : i n V al c .mi I xi n B-nerally results, 'r n trot. v.. I:-r at d biwels. !n al s-: '. I'-- VVi-fa Little Early Rls- . -s t r li if-.i'.f .Itat results. ("HAS.. IP-H-iltS. Pru'itst. I S-.r-.. -a ,m-n earry th-ir barnun- ( r- 1''. itl-s far as to ake a I ::-, or.l w ii r-putation In slifli'ly j danioi.'.-1. I: s -as r -i ke-p w 11 'han get ur-1 O-VVPfa Mttle Early Rl-r.s t ik-n n .-.v anl 'n-n. w h iJ.vays ke'p v ie bcv-ls in ,erf.;..-t f.rd"r. Thev r. v.r ifrlp- but promote an a.-y gn'le it i ,n. i HAS. RO;ERt. UruKglat. N ..V hit th. n r..bblng has gone out what is to b-cme of the i nut b'l ..nil ,ff' h'Ts smie of the roads an Tlios- famous lit'le p.l, De'ifa h liarly P. s-rs compel your liver ar, I bi-a-ls to do their duty. tiliiH fV. ir,i? you pure. n.;h blJOd tj recur crate v ur bodv. Ar easy io l ike. Ntver KT p-. CHAS. HOW.M. DrusKt. Th- rural editor ha gone ashing. nia sinturn in charge of the ol!i, boy. N-xt day the paper inae ot wl h this announcement! "Sum in. -r has '-am-, and the green apple Is in ;ur midat." Y u 'an nev-r cure ayapp!ila bv dl-tlr.K. What your body needa In plenty 'if go-od fool properly digeated. Tren if .,ur stomach will not digeat 1-, Kodol Dyap-rmia Cure will. It con a.ns all of the natural digeattantH, h-ri. - mur. dlKet every claaa of food and so prepare It that nature can use It n nourishing the body and replac ing th wasted tissue, thus giving life, h'-al-h, streng h, ambition, pure blood and iroid healthy appetite. CHAS. lt'ic;KItS. Druggist. A S-. u-hern aiif'.rnia man han ul -i- Ii' kl- w:dw who Jilted him to r'-'ov-r what be spent during the wurl--h-.-i. I.o.iriK his heart wi--n't btd bo- tf...r..-y is mon-y these days. ri'VVil'.'. Wlt'h Hazel Salve .hould b - promptly applied to cuts, burns an I .-alls. It ,oth-n nnd flckly heal the Injur pan. There are worthlwR '- iin--rf'-:t.. be .nil to get DeWitt'H. ' HAS. KOOEHS. Druifgiat. ''oion-l also hi an Idea that om , ,s al,s.-rit treatment, but thaj P.. sci-Titisi who ought to be call'.-'l ' I wi-h to truthfully state to you and the p-ad-M "f th'fl- few lines that your Ko-loi royspeps'a Cure I without ques tion, the le-sr and only cure for dys p p-a that I have ever come In con-ta'-t with and I have used many other pr-prir.itlon-. John Ream. West Mid dlesi x, Pa. No preparation equalaKodol Ijysp. psia Cure as It contains all the natural d Kestants. It will dlgft ell kbida ,,f f0o and can't fcelp but do vou good. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. I Stories of Thv aiv the d. "f summer utlngs. With a clear and cloudless sky -When the young mm m h Uneti to.vchos Sits down on a otiM.ud pie. At least so was the In the h.ippv ,las And e , i y man w h Has the cliaini; ol y wrlllen, oil ills a p on ll. o v lo I I hav,. nexer see So the matters Hut I'll say ,t i If the f.iels a;P ; the victim, lip lo VOll. oupoi taut god are ;iuv lt.:o:i Tiav. IMiOVlPKS I-MK HIS i'I.P OWN Kit Hunaw.iv Slav e K' ui ns I Home After M my His I" 'I 'tier Y .m A oorpMjvndent acrlDi s mds lo tlia .f ih pap. toton Tra i- I the following I account f a recent On the Tth of June, . nit in V.rgmn i Itsd. as -he "Mttl Narrow vluage" was wending lis westwarl. it bore home one who) loo.g b-n a t!.inc t : l he land birth. A g 'titl -m.i-' .mi -ar I. p. Ing a gen:l"iian'v i....k uc id c. man In the cm Ci anl .mul-ilng was som -thin; finul.a:' ab.''.!: his way had f hs civ doted there flee. walked up to h:"i in I vour fac 1 ok f.i-ni: S - . I .WW th,; '..; f ol I col 'r.M man sm.l. 1 Miss 1. A- s N d cour" . Mr S war 1 In an: I" toini dm and telor.g... t . M - -.11 I 1 'Id "I.H1. .ir, tnv n mi II o '-. The ,n I - ii I I am vnl t'Ml. of . h.-ar h s -...rv S i wis a si ive . l.U.-v V She ! . u ' of him r us-' him. to. k g ' ! There w is ti. I il :t though th- N o: . :i ,n th-'re wer- manv ( mlstr-. s in the s .utti N I w . child; e i . a K ,11; I .! i-d by Mr f N ! !- ! l.oSltl.Ml III I .1 Si I' ll A. pr. p. '.'"! to M I .u v h i : i him so that h- -u' ' lly all th- t:m- V I ma le iue-t. and Mi's l.u.-v ' uni n. f'M It. .10 I and w .i- I w . f k- ,d okT. M' 1- 1 sh In,. N1 '. a i:h his fain- j tie s.i rue r : .inn a kl id I hearted lie-: oitia:'. bd tines: and hir.-d h tn u: f r i .-ai Now Mr V ha I an .-rs.-r wh. was j not so lenient as M I.u. y an I. j inn Ned .ui.- day ml tlir-.u-iioim hi in , w ,th the "lash." N I vv-nt home a d J report...! !., Mi l.uey Sh- Jus- ; start. tus ! ehurd but sn he ird In. sh- would s, ... M would so.- ab. u Sh' saw Mr l' don-' tw'hiriif t . .;. b- inn ii - u t I th r she w .-nt h on ' i as N-d w.ilk.-d up. t o i . an I t.,, hi-ii I' .it .hunh anl wlo r- Oi r-'uni' l I. tin N- I h id i w hi.pini an I -h uM hav-- .eie. i-d N I '-i k Hut in I f- on -li it h- ti id n- v er h. ar I ... A.I. 1 11. IliS she f Mind r I iy Jui: . ? him SI" th. -tub: w i pr h m. o 1-... r in w h po i-i; f. I! f ". . i N I pi: '; i- I.M Ui I tl I: Ii i ' w -ri ' f.nir d ; v-litit , wh- i in i I i !... lei i i : i ' 1 1 r i ii f r- TV . I"'" in- .n A I th- It'l il .SIUIk' I iw ntv--.' t ,). him that Ii man. y u z .n.i: no- .-Mill-III 11 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' I 111' ' hyo. I. in : i-in and h i ,'li I mils i-r.g 1,1 I Old ,i n.a v u ' r Art-Wn-n N-l h ai l -h com.- to that I to be burl- I III i.l "N . n u h..i I f I II e Well. I If It has a :n if ui''-. I want , i-uiei-ry ' 1 1 v -.'' am K unit." I a .vhi: JIM") io a c- ''If you ko said th- phy. nnd h- '-am man for t','"i V:ik. II- . in I xp. eomnanv h in loon to i on- al ii". II- r-a, h- I M ir: town) and pir up color, w h-r- b- ne : Who colli I t-ll Ililll II- Wis f-.-ble n.ll- ihis ciintiy a hot.-l for Id" old aei ini-.-s. cmeth.iiK of bin chlldr-n. He t -b i aph-d f,.r tb-tn right awav; his daughter ar,,s.. from a s. k bel to corrie p. him. His s ,n cam., as soon as h- was aB.-ur-1 that It was his fath"r. His slsi'-i was the (I rut one of the r-l.rlv.-s to i-ji-h libn. N-d sent word to Miss I.ii'y to come to s-e him: that he too f bl- lo -..m" to h-r. Shi. went itnl he was glad to tee h-r. They talked over th- "Id lif--: he fold whv h- had inn away, and what ll- had b-s-n d"lm? all the'- years II,. b'-en shlpwr -i k-d twlc and met wiih many ups atid downs. Told how he bad mad- h s mon-y and said: "It was y 'ii r tim- orm. to lake rare of me, bin It is my Urn- n ov to h-lp you." H- ntly i:ifiiir- I a. :o h-r mil dltlon, ind was evidently hint 'hat she bad to work so hard in h-r old ag II took up h-r- littl- hand and said: "Ail, lit;- Mistress" this was his old name for h-O. "it do-s n ,i l .k .as it did in the years agon". Put n-v-r mind, my time has nun. i,o-v and you shall b" provld-d fir" II" tli-n ask-d h-r how she would have It. Sh- i",,l-.: "N-l, If you warn to kIv- rn. anyliliig, do it in vour own wiy, I will be uran-fui to you for whiitev-r you lo." All il-rJit. II- list-tied to advl'- fio-ii many, but arrang-d mal'ers Ho that his Hill-Mistr-s.s should have a horn of her own ,-ind mon-y enough to run It as long ' sh" lived, and then it must jpp to his children. II" show-. I oo, Judirm-nt in his management ,,f the whole thing. Many whit" men that km-w him as a nlave vlHlt-d him. An oil slav.. coming home wejlihy was a "wonder," and th" story created finite a sensation and was on every tongue. He had marrl-d the Hour while away, but In, wife hud died I have no I) vii able lo leam wlieihci I lie W ife he left behind lm lv. e is Ik lug or not, but think oho Is dead I Imve -n Miss l.uey and "he says N'e I is well educate I and as smal l is h- ao 1 be. and as g litlenianlv as an wh i man she ever saw, unlet and gentle H his deme.iiioi-. not at all boatful o pompous He Is gla, to b home ;IK i" A luCln -lioi n mi. I r -.ue.l V'ligioliin never ivois.-s to love the o;, pomiii ion." Sooner or later. If It U possible, lie w-Mid his way back to her The old slaves cling us ol.we to lu'r is any AH the old slaves love tlielr wll.te people, and I ho while people .ve them and fed that th'y are part of the fit mil The feeling, however, will hugely out l it the list of tti ,.id slaves. The f lailon be! ween the younger i.v-o is "ot so ten I T Ned has duoatej himself -did it at night, while he was running h:n bar ber shon .Tills proves a bl.u k I man tfor'Ned s parenis w -ie bo b bla. k. not a drop ,,f white b: o inns In tus veinsl ,an take an ! -, cm , have genrl oiia ily feelings, make 1 money and 'uke eaie f I'. an . t 'b l - ; ioitely and lenleily. In short. . an b- a' true lO'iitb-ma Ills huuuldv ;s beau j t fill to w.'n. ss, H.s v!s: Will lo the 1 1 r 1 1 1 v good I- I e ill sh w what i cb't.-.l man can d ' . and beo lie I: will encourage men ' li t col r to try i . .iiiula him I. -H i push th white man to r ii.-w.' l eff o :. j not m !.: his .-..oi.l I av,. hou bellin I 1 :l lit -tllg 1. e hulllilit V . p.'Pte I i.-ss a I w.ll .lilts f M . i 'hi 1 elP' ve th the col, I. le nianlv . '. it a. w hi man b- r I man -vim lis 'l III, IS- Kit.!. lit' THK I! VTTI.I'll Mrs Like' d's Mali Show ' n-abl- Nerve I Jfe on a taneh In Arl na i n ' ut its owti forms ,,f neit'in. lit. h. 'tilth I rutin i s. irn are thluK 1 .us: A i "hi' ait. and his wife r ly wer-. visltltut an .'Id friend who w . , v -n .f I he j OW OS I a ranch m ar I'Ivm-iiIx. avs Hie I'hl. ait , I'bri niele Mis tik'-side had K "' here f.r h-r Inalih an t a I ,-v-ai -,,1,1 tlrl h is deMIHI to w.u: upon ln-r One if'er io on mlstr-sn in. I mail w.r- seit . In a room t .aMher. when ih.. Kirl -a.v a i;o.,d-s ie ratib snak- . , limit in a . "r n. -r not far fr.'in th.. Invalid's Th- Kill knew th. il-ll.a!.. .,., mi ..f tn "hi. ag i w ,im an's hea'th an 1 .pi th , nh: -f a pla-i i . vt I "m -' t . I th nk 1 h a d M u a- lb.- gate." sh,. Th- iiiv.i:! 1 ! f' th r hus'..ind. and as Ulkesi l . ,' I i ; i i - ! V .. 'ii In -.! il'lng ,ii a a it f oi I 1Mb 'it - Ml f he inng ih u n a f-w in on i I - Sh h i 1 Jo- v h- n M:-s l.ak h nil - th g rl '- I- r tl d h-r w b i in in v Id h i b 1 Th oh., ig ' Pmnglv grit'-ful I. W ll I Is ll 'A 111-' ti. Til. IS I is A if"' T- r ii'l' S'i ik' ,. .n, I 'lit,. p. k' tl I I i,'. , In n1 p. is n i s -It 1 1 , ,ks i i d ,n. th. v--lrlng i:'.Tni: IrVNIIlI.'S IT Tie r- no more dl ' ' d adv - , Virginia bar thin Serial ! 1 Iialii. I. says Ih- 1 'ble.ig i I Ills -l"iii-iie.. Is know-, the j r .and ll- Is as faiii'.u ' f .r Ins ' a- Mi J..hii V. i 'hr nil, e. i- unit ry "V Wll ,1- f'M- Sb.irtly if his greir legal itu.nuieiits er ttie War ll- was pfseeut- lug a riioiititain.-r In .me .if th- w.-af-rn e,,untl-.s f..r forg-ry. Th- e.oirt nibs al th" lime were very lax. and it was common for lawyers t "iiim- t I" nly In c out coni-erniiig ihe i.ih h "f their I ol''.'lgl.-. "n Ihl.S ' Sp'Tial oe. iHb.ll Mr Hini'l hid I'lst isk-l -h" pilsm-r i vrv polnl-d ipiesibiti eoneeriilng an other shady trausa-tion. nth r than lb" one for whl'h h- was being tried, when a lawy r for wh m the .-.ttoni-y did not hav- the kindliest f-ellng ar and i--miirked. "Mav ll ideas,, your hull ir, I would like o K'lit" for the benefli of the state that ih" d-f mlant mi one 'wrasl ui tiled to forge my name to a fhek, but" Turning quickly around S-nator Ian-1-1 gave the lawyer a searching lo'ik. and Hi n turning to th- Judg", n-mark-d: "If tU" court phase, I would Ilk,, to -ay I am not trying to prove Hi prlH .n"r Insane " hi: had had i:xri-.i!ii-:N-i:. Th- t- her was slioivlng l-' i- -'nss a e,,py . !( now if "The Ang-lus" and wint-d to ill- man and ill- woman W-le ibiltlg. The children iipl'.lieil'ly l ouldn't malt" out, -i-ver having r. ,id III- "hoe" (loeni, After inu-!i sllgge-tlv ti'-Ml ililng. a hand lltullv went -ip. "I know, ieai-li- i-r," said i tn owner. "V dl. Johnny, what are ih-y doing "Isonkin' for poia'o Imgx, I'-aeh r." i-. pip-1 Johnny, triumphantly. N-iv Yoik .'omm-rcl il Advnls r. "ll-re'd a g'Vid one," nald ih- nun from Denver. "Whnt'H the dlff r-ne-betw'-n a p-n and a p-mtll? '!iv- It up? A pen has to he driven, nut a pen cil has to be lad. Hoe?" "The auto matic bell beatH them both," murmured a 'iuite little chap who had got on al Hovel ind. "Il right a Itself.' '-I'liUnd' I phla Proas. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. HFFIXTIVW JULY 6. J'M, IK.WK , s ii in I ll V p IU J an p . I IDHri.AMt I'elllailil I'll mi ieh. t-ur AiI.mU ami Way Amv( II in a in y lo in AHTtilll A K.M I'uitlsiiil Hid W.y K lit il le p tit ll Hi a in I In .10 . in i e.Vi j. in Xt VMPK PIYIHION Aslnrla lor WarrrntiHi, deal hall ami I . III : II a in II O a in i V Vi . in ; 1 V p in 1 at in i '. a in J . la I OK'p in I T in a in i U a in 4 io p in .0 .H'. Ill u flu a in 1 Kl . Ill I . p III 7 Ai p 111 It VI p Ill Seaside, flir Warrrnluti ami AM. Mia Pally ec-pt Salurday. Siturday only. Trains leave Aalorla for Flavel Ham mond and Foil Stevens al IS a. in and .' io p m dally, lave Fori Ste vens for Aaluila T.i4 a. ill. aild i lb in. dally, All li al a make clone i oiiii vil hi at d .ble wub all Northern 1'actHo. train to and fi'Mii the liast and Soiin I p.onla J C M A o, lien'l Fi eight and l'aui'iiger Ag'iu. ..Forlland - Astoria IjoulB.. STR. TAHOMA." Pally Hound Trlpa ri-ept Sunday TIME CARD l-ivc I' TtKind l.eava Astoria . ..7 a I V Throuuh I" atcau'cr Nabe. Hct.h points. ertland connection Willi t a rrom llwaco and Lsona White iVller Ian' ticket lntrehana;. able with o It A N. Co. an4 V. T. Co. ticket. T-l-pli le lo-ick. Telephone 111. THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE STR. "BAILEY GATZERT." DAILY HOUND THIP ICEPT MONOaf ive h-r nvUii.VincouvefiCjKjJe Loc((S j, Mf. tin's Springs. ooJ River. Salmon nl Tnc DHIcs TIMfc CAHD leave I'orlliinl ., Arrive Thu I'alb-s leave Ttie Hall' t . I" r land .. . 7 A .. 3 r . t r io v Ml-ALS IHfc Vt H Y UfcSr -'Simlay Trip" a I.i-a ling Feature. tThi l.ou'e lias the i!rane: rs.-enh A'tra. tbuis mi IKirth. I.AM'IN i AND olTI'-!-'. F" T tF AI.KKIt STItKKT. lb TII IMH iNKS MAIN VA. l' 'HTl.ANIh lltll t. W. CR1CHT0N. Agt Porllnnvl JOHN M. F1LL00N, Agt The Dalles A.J.TAYLOR. At. Astoria PHATHER I BARNES, AftS HooiRlvcr ETHrL McCUKN.Agt Vancou er. OREGON SHOT LINE AND Union Pacific iTIMK WIIKD- D-p.irt f'hleigo Cortland Htieelal K.W a. m. via Hunt ington Allan tin Ilipr.wM 9 0 p. m. via Hunt ington St. Paul Fast mall 6 p. m. via Spokane IJI.K8 From Portland. Arrive Salt I Ake, Denver vt Worth, lima. ha, Karma City j 4:30 p. Ri. Ht. I.OUII, Chicago and Kaat. Halt Lake, Denver Ft Worth, Oma ha,' Kansna I Mty.; 8:10 a. m Hi. Isouls. Chlcagoi and Kast. Walla Walla, TywlHlnn. Hlio knne. Mlnneapolb St Paul. Puluth 7:00 a. m Milwaukee, Chi cago and Mast Tl hours from Poriland No Change of Cars. to (Chicago. OCEAN AND rtlVICn SCHBDUL.I3 From Antorla All willing ditto I mibject to cliangi For Han Francis co every five dayi Columbia Klver To Poriland and Way Landings 7 a. m. Diulv ex oerit Hun. 4 a. m. exc. Monday Steamer Nahcolta leavea Awtorla on tldo d illy for Ilwaro, connecting there with train for lmt Dea'th, Tioga and Nurih Iteach points, fteturnlng arrlvi-a at Astoria name evyilng. O. W. iy)UN8BRRnT, Agent. Astoria. A. U CIIAIO, General Pammger Agent, Portland, Oregon. ! viio lljo il Mo SIIHRlFrH HAIJC. ty vutile of an riin'iloii lud out of tlio Cn, nil Court uf Ik Him of iirmrm f.'r ilm County of Clataup, on the llrsi dm of June, IWU, uIhui a Judg ment i.-iuliii-d tlinrvlu im th lih day of Maivli. M'. In favor of H Vt lUrrla, lilninlirr, ami ngalnat t) IIUI, d. re.idant, for the mini of tbtl.St, the fur ther sum "f li.O attorney') fw tomh er with Interest IhelvMil at tha oti rate from llii IHtli day of March, I vol. ami I ho i'l "f and upon this writ coiiuiisiiiMiig and rfiiilrlti( m ( lvy upon tli piop.-riy of the Uiv namej defeiiduiit to satisfy Ilm Judgniont, In incut, cut" an I all accruing ivu i, did UK following described rl luopriiy lo wit .ot it. ;, block I, First Adl. to H, -en ll liiove lota .'. II, I, '. t, 7, Illicit i. ioi i to ::. iiie!iiiiv, hiock i. lota t o 3f. inclusive. Iil.iek J. Ins & lo J.'. In. cliinlve. I'lvk I, Hill's All. 'o Ocean liov". I da 11 to 1. Inclusive, bl'Mk t, lota I to l, I to V. ii !o bl, bii'luv.. Iil.vk . lots I. J. 1 .1, " i it. in.-huiv.. liliK-k r. lois I to 3, iiic,'jlv. 10. kit I 1 I .'''. Illelll'IVO, h'O'k 11, il I t, :. ineliislve. hl.s k l(. H!l-tVoil. Adil, to iVenu ilrovi; ,ks , 1, J, f,. I, 7, 1, , I'-. II. II. H t.l H'k, I. loia I, :. J, . 7. I. f. 1. II II. u'H-k (. Il .. ' la, lnciu.J. blvK'K I, lot I lo K In. cUialva, bl'srk 1. lota 1 (Q )(, Inoludv bl.s-l; tit ls t t . 31. InebHlvf blcvk Id. .t I lo :l incluiiv. til.Kk IT. Id!, i to "H, Iheluuve, block l. Iota I, 3, I, 4. i. i. ".. 1. ll. 13. Mock II. lol I in .11. In.-hmlv e b h k 30. ol I. I, JJ, I It. :. V I', 10. til h -k il. ainx tl) llll'a H. 1-011,1 Adl to OoeB Or.if; !oi l. .. it, I. 1. a. .. 1, , l ii. u. block I, Iota I, 1. . . T la. II J. hl.s k 3. lot I. 3. J. 4. 5. 1 T. I. . 10. It. IJ. hhsk J. lola I, . J, i , , 7. t. 9. lo. t,U k t. Iota I. t i. j, , 7 . 9 I.l. block t. I.'U I. t. 1. 4. . i, 7. . t. to, 11. 13. Iil.vk . lot I. J, J. 4 9 la. II. IJ. Id's k 7, lot I. 3. 1. 4. 1 . .'. V r in. 11 13. bl s-k I lot I. J. 4. :.. :. v . io n is. i.u-k . i..i i. 3. 1 'J 10 It I.', him k to. i.u t :. 3, t . . 7. , . io. it. lj. t.l k II. I.M t. '.'. J. 4, i i 7. i. , pi. m .. k if. :.' I. :. i. 4. s. . , , I". Id . k 11 t ea t. . i'. . . li.-k 14. i..t. 1. :. t. r, h. . io. ii, i:. bi.vk 15. l.v I 3. 3. 4. 6, I. 7. . . 14 It. I.', t.l ..-k l l,.(a 1. 3. J. 4. 5. 4 7. 1 10 . 17, Mock 17. k.t. I. 3. 3 it. t;. oU k t i.t . , i r. i. i. 10. . 10. td ek It I ., I 3. 3. 4. i. e. 7. . J. bl.K-k lota I. 3. J, 4. i, I. 7. I to t.i.K k 31 lot. 4. I. . 7. . 10. 11 . t.1. bl v k ... I ts I. 3. 3. 7. I M. II. 17 Pi s k 73 lot 1 3. 1. 4, 5. , 7. V 5. I' It 1?, I.l.ik 74. lot. I. 3, J. 4 ' 1. ". V . to M. 17. block 35 l o. I. 3. 3. 4. S 1. 1. t. 10, II. 13. bliH-a J. lots I. 3. 3 , :. 7. . . 10. II, IJ, bl.s k 37. Ila I. 3, 3, 4. i. I. 7. . I 10, til.s-k : I 'l I 3. 3. 4. . 7. in. blm k i'J I.e. 1 3 3. 4. i. I. 7. . . 10, II, 17. M k 3'. lot. I. 3, 1 4 . 7. i. I ' 11. 13. bl.H k 31. lot I, I, J. 4. i. 1. ;. J. , io. tl, 13. block S3, Pa clflo Park neur Fori Hlovena Or ; Iota I. .' 1. I 4 7. I. bl. k I. I.'la I to 71. Inclusive td k 7. lot I to 37, Inedu iv e, tOo.-k .1 lot I. !. . 4. 6 1 T, s. . It. It 17. t.!. k 4. bt t to 34. In eliu.vo. PI -k lola to 37 In, lualve. lola 3D tn U Inclualvr, td, k I 1'. I to li. Ineltiaive. bl,-k 7. ol I to 11 In clusive i,,-li I. lot I 9. to. II. 13. 13. 14. bio. k . I..: 1 to 70. Inclurfvt. tola) TO t 1 (I. !ll -:,livr. 10. lota I t I dl. ,n. iualv.-. I.' , k II. o' I to 74. In. lu s'.ve. I.' l.,t 1 pi 74. Ui,bialv. I.I.M-k I.l I t. 1 to M. liH'liiaire. block 14. lo'a 1 'o 11. Int. JS ,., (4. ill, Iualv ... hi ' 1'. lot I to It In. In ane. PI ,-k : h ts I p. 14 Ineltislv. k I li I ,1 In u-!i - .'4 e. bio. k 1. ii,e, 1,1,1 k U o. I 'l.s-h . I ' 3 t 1 74. I Iota I to .'. Ili.-lu- ,! I 1 !o '4, llo 111. Ve. 1 14 Inclusive, til s k I,, a 1 1 t 1 71 0 'Ual ' .- 1.1 ei, : 74. !., 1 I I to i I'l. 1'. t ' I 11 In e'llilvi- block 3. let 1'l .i k : I.u 3. . 14. 7 1. 71. 3'.. 7 7V .10. ti 41. 47 tn 4: .'.3. os I I 1 73, in.-loi.lve, 1 1 .'7. inclusive bl... k ' b. It. 13. 13 It. 15. I Id -s k .... I .. I I 1 : t . : ."J. 33, 7.1. ,-ih. 11 4 I 4. I' .'..i. :,t. 'I, III l ia v. . i" 11 l.v . 'I hi . k 31. .. k r.i 1 'is t I la I t 1 11. I'lr.i A I I -o I I, 1 t. I.'.,, k l,', k P.tS I in. -In-.: i-.,i .ml I , CO. 10. ' t. I. 111 -he. li I. , k 1" '". I Ml'. 1 : .f . N i4. .eept , .ll-.,, 7 I.l ll" Side of -Sal I I i'a.1 I 0 4 .11 S e 33. W.-st of Will M'-r . T 1 I I p v N f 1: 111 I i'i- l'e W It I". ab-.v , I'Pl's o N ei, Monday, tile h in- '., f Hi- H 11. ' mid 1 : Tp s N ,.f Will M-r, all ,f th I r ul pi .pel ty Is ill 1 1, .,,,11 hv given llllll I w ill on a .lav .if Jnlv. Il'"l. at . I ii k III Die forenoon of nt ..r and at til- "'"lilt h- rity uf Astoria. Illegoll. sel at piihllo ilchi-si lildd'-r. for cash. 1... I real prop-riy In if pi su'd lav 1 1 ' ll-.u-e do,r. I 'l.ltsop I ' , 0, all, tl 01 ' 'h the ah iye I -. sa'l.'fy a e l pi lif-n-ril. Interest, costi and all a - 1 ittit Tll'tH I.INVII.I.F. e-'li' i ff , rinioi 1 'mini y. Or. As',,,:, 1. in, .11, June 10, ITJUl. N'll li'i: l-iilt PIJHI.K'ATIi'N Culled Mlit- j,d lltnee, Oregon Clly. " i,,v 70. l'K)l: No.,. 1, h r liy given that In com pliance wiih ih,. provisions of Ihe net of emigres ,,f .him. ,1, mm, rntltbil "An net for the 'ah- of Umber lands In tho Slates of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," a extend ed lo all ih. public I ind states bv art of August 4. s:i3. Wllllum W. I'"pe, of lii'V, I'onnly of I'lalsop, Slate f "rog.11. han this dnv tiled In Ibis office his sworn siateineiit. Nt fi271, for the purchiMs of i,,t 4, sis'. 3; lot 1, !, 11 and 4. of lion No 4. n iDwnnhlp No. 8 norih, range No. 7 wait, and will offer proof to show thai the limit sought la more valuable f,,r lis timber or atone than for ngrleiiltnr il iurnsifi, nnd to esinlillsh his ela in p, said land before the register and receiver of this office at Oregon 1 lt v. Ors-iton, nn Thiiralny, thi Kill d av of Angus, 1901. He nannn ns wliiu.s'-s: Mrs. Marv D.nck, of Olney, CbilHOp f'minly, Oregon; Hilinatliin Olnser, of Olney, H iti,,,, I'niinty, Oregon; Mr. Appolliinla .lohnson. nf Olney, Clatsop Cmintv. iiregmi; Sidney Di'll, of Am rln, ''liiisop I'luiiaty, ors-gon. Any and all per ton claiming adverse ly the aliovi-.l'tacrlhed ftnd ore re 'lusted i III,, their clnlm In thin of fice nn r befuro ,.,1 Kth dnv of All gUHt, IH'il. I'll AH. II. MOOItl'lH, Itcglaier. I'lN U. Ai 1 '1 il ' NT NoTP'K. Notice Is ll-lehy glvell that I hllVrt tiled my Dual aecoillil III Ilm estiile "f Fred Ki-rman. ,, ewise,l, and the Colin I y Court of I'lusop county, Hlnle of Ore gon, has s.t Monday 1 ho Path day of August, lliol, ,, id,.' Iinur of 11 o'clock In the forenoon, f,,r the hearing of ob leotlons If nnv there be to the same. July ID, llinl It. II. PAHKEIl. Administrator of the Katnte of Fred Herman, deceased