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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1901)
V' i I' V" T1 1 1 'w i i ( , i. ! i oi let it-o.:, often 4 (2 VOL. I III ASTOKIA, OKfiGOX, THLRSDAY, .ILLY 'J5, xo- m Am I: , j t A. If . HI IIV ifWItifWril ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. Plumbers and Stccimfittcrs HOLi: AC1I2NTH I'OH B27 BOND FISjjjNG TACKLE Tennis, Croquet, Hasclull, Ciolf, ami all Kiml of Sjxirtin (ioud GRIFFIN & REED Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED, PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS .Suj'jilif!! of nil kiml.1 at lowest rnl, for fishermen, FuruuTS uml Iiitr. A V. AL,LRN, Tcnthjinil CnmmmlBjStreets W. J. Scully, We Rent New HUE Of New ZeolntKl W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY Subscribed Capital, . Paid-up Capital, Assets, .... Assets i.t United States, Surplus to Policy Holders, Has boon Underwriting on tho Pacific Const ovel twenty-two years. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. llesidunt Agents, Astoria, Or. c. j. Commission, Brokerage. Insurance and Shipping. SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES STRBBT WE ARE SELLING AGENTS I OK. . . Moore's Steel Cooks CIRlOsO JUST RECEIVED 4JI HOM) 5TKHET. Between Mnlh and Tenth Typewriters. Many new iiiuirovemcnU willed. New our InUwt No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter Now Art Catalogur- Free ... L. M. ALEXANDER A CO. Kiuluaive I'ttcitU- Coast Dealers '115 Htark St , Portland, Ore. K W. MKKtVllNIE, Ual Agi-nt." INSURANCE COMPANY OF SHAREHOLDERS f5,000,000 1,000,000 2,545,114 300,000 1,718,792 D, Cuitom Houm Broker. ASTORIA, ORE. Aa-rat W. r. A Co- and raclflo bpreoa Oo'l. AWFUL CRIME OF AN INSANE MAN Michael Kelly Shoots Six People, One Fatally. IS HIMSELF SHOT DOWN killed by Offkm Wbe Tried to Otcrpower Him-Had TbreUeoed lo kill People Woe Stat Ilia to tkt Aijlma. i.r:AVi:swnri!. .., jui- :t - ,MI''li'- Ki'll). n IM.niii- mill, I ,.:iy at the office .f ilir Ititu-K (iurr-ii Lumber Compniy, in the huili!- U ri. t. -li t' nil p-ople, 1(1111. ik urn., probihly f.iiil ly w mining atioib -r it n I hit" r ! rlouty.oun ling f.uir mli-m II.- a Mmi.'lf llniily kl:M ly the iltlcr. nil , trold o ovcipower him Tin- ihtlrn. are .!X II liAKKKTT. us-. I 4" yam. Junior inrmlxr .if ih. It.'ln-r: i;nr.:( l.iiitituT, '1 l.-.l at '.lii ! i . . -1 '. .il MirIAi:i. KKI.I.V. IMJ---I '- i-'rn. Ulr l ft.-r Ii' Ihk :.tki-n in thr ,"li. . .t ll'in. llt. CIIAS Mcil?i:. hk" '' y im. rli'i: III III.- In k mil ru!i.ilily ni'i l.'.J inM'"K si:it;i:.ST v a rr;r. In il. rk. w.iu!i l . ri u MirilAKI. Ml m i A I.I . n ,.:.fl!vi. h n In i In- l.'K. 'iunl i!ljrtii. IK:C IIKAI.Klt. lh.irT ni I lie tuin- Ivr )rl.. ih it In ilif han l. wuun-l .Hit In. Ki-lly h I lue, In Ix ivrnw irth f jr vnm :it d.ftfnnt llnwi lia.l i-n-milf'l in minor !ni.lri.-. nlvrprlf. H' via wccritrli' n. lurlnie Ihr prMUln llnl rainpjiicn In Wit til mind mi-llri-ly. Kl thm mr hr nrrttcl fur t-r -atlim ill"'urtnci- n.l litir thnnl.-n- I to kill liirn,tt. Hf . ir rrt.l in I a IJilUt IriBrtni". .larrt'i! nncl f .iir :Iiit. i'.'.iryinn agiiltiM At lr )'.-Jr In lh f ip-ki nnylum. Ivllv vnii ri'l'M.fl. II,. lint ! r B,'!lnn i iiuiN-rlv in n nn l hu I ilrt-lan-d Umi li" ,ul!l kill ;lic fhi men h hilt T.' him I i ill.- avliim STI'.IKi: AT r."l.l STA N I . UP Holy of nr- l':i. -.v. -f-. Whl. h Ax-I-! UK-. SU'.y lo the T."i. J CHANTS I'ASS . or-.. July ri -X - tin. full I :h! , My fpoii the lioll Stun l: r-1 -tUrK. i u:!i. -:it of (liiint'n ln. on (i.illn ,-re. k.. tlmt'.- I,ly of on- .lvr.iitnii; i;o t . th.- t i ha "f lite unr.iy.'r. l mil ni'.'led at :h 1 mine I-'.f:y ton 'f thi r.rh. fr.v inil- llnir ore r- i-ni'li.-.l. ml there ''' remiln n Inrir hly of '..'i,. .nie ur.l l, of roik fr in rh.- cam,, ply :r-'ik. Sln.v the op.-nltii? of the Hprlng month-' work lm li.i-n push.', I wllh nil k"i'I at the iol,l Stu id ml. .1 larne fonv of no'.' heliiK kept at w irk, aiul the null I he- Intf run eontlntriily. With su, h a rli-h ioly of oi. in HlKbt ey. ry minute meat)'1 dollar 1 1 the operaior. There ar,- ov,r f0 foot of tunnel In thU property, and whaftn hive I'oti mink to a ilep"i of 300 'Ot, At thi ilep:h Hie owner r'i'ort that tho wivlih nf (he oto holy I irri.iter than at nny other point enc.iumered In alnklnlt. with Kradil il liUT'use of KoKI value a ilopih Ih k.iPu',1. Tlmt the rK-k of this niln,. I rich in troln I ovln...M from the f.i.-t ilurliiR the fo- years It hua boon op.ritod ihe ore removr.l hi pnld for nil dovMopuient work. Improve, monla and mn 'hlnory. ami loft hand aomo dlvMon.l for tho ownor. COXSTlTlTloX ACAIX WrXS FUOM iHM'MHIA Henta tho Latter More Than Elnht Min ute Over a Thlrly-Xliio Mllv Cnurn. NEW LOXOOX, Conn., July 21. In a flno southwest hreoae over a thirty-nine niilo oourso from the Now Haven break water to Samp ledite nt the mouth of Now London harbor, tho Constitution niraln showed what a nuporl rnoltiB craft she la In llttht woather and smooth lvntor. Sho liiMt tho Colunililn today eiKht mltnit,- and twonty-throo sivonds fairly and squarely. In a heavy blow and a rouph and tnmbllnir son mnny think the Columbia will prove the speedier. WONDER FAMILY ARE TIIOITOHT TO HE LOCATED Fumou Outlaws Living; In Denver Governor Stinloy Has Issut'd Itoqulsltlon Papers. DENVER. July 24 The persons al leged to be member of the Render fam. Ily, for whom, according; to a dispatch from Topeka, Governor Stanley of Kan sas has Issued requisition papers on Governor Orman, of Colorado, arc Mrs. Frank Ayrea and her mother, known as Mrs. Reed In Fort Collins, where they reside, and Will Biker, of Longmont. Mr. Ayret waa formerly the wife of Charles Lamo'nt, who U aervlng; a four- l' i.n-y, ir ("Tin In prliMin fur rrl' im aull. Af 'it hi. (ur-l u 'livon.- fmin I. iiiMunt tn nmrriM Kmnk Ayr... nfl tiny llvcl on n.ljilnlin rn,-hi- n-ar Miinlmttuii, a mlnlnn -in;) f rty Hill, from K.trt Cullln". Tw,( ar rnc i ft fiinlly fr'im Karma nmi-J MmI.iX. K ilnx llirnuxli Diut iiirll hi of C'nl'iriid'i. in pralrl- i-h.ini,r, mrni-f"! t AyrrV pi n -. Mm, Mnil'l'n k U iall to hnvP x-c-1 iliii-) on cimlnif fi- tu fre with Mr. Aynn: " "Why.'re Ka! !l.;ni-r." Th rxi'Umatlnti w m'Jf In the prc-n'f if AynM, who latir wmi lo Kna, di. rui... I hi mm If a woman, v that hi wife coulil not trace him. an,l nt Clrrrymle tolil thr ofttc'-r of hti u plclnna r-rardlni hl mitv' family. He d-rlared that Mr.. Rrd l In rall:y Mr. !lenJr anj that h waa a'parat-.-l from hr htwtiand, who l living In f,ah. anl thai Will ak.-r l yung lu-nilrr. Mr Ayr. di-nt" that ahe I K it II. -n I.t, anl J lar.- that the win prove an allhl. She la about to year, ol . flov-i-Mor I'rm in la out of the tlty, hut hla private aei r.'tary ay that the r'-'Ul -tl,it) paper ineiitloni-J in the Tup. k i have not t hr-n reieivf.l isHi'iti'.KNTs sriciiKSruiit Tl AMKRI'AN FfilP KS I'olonel Zntirun., nd Hi ('..mumi'l I.iyn rwn Their Arm In Tayuba Province. MANILA. July 24 -Colonel Zurhjni. with twenty. nine nltlcern. 51S men, 241 rllle and l) bolim ha mjrren.l-re.l t I.l.-ut.nant Hykman. of the K!mt cav slrv. In Tiivfiha pnivlnoe. These for mer Inaurarnt huve lak'-n the oath 'f nlleKlanee to the lnltJ Stile and their aurren ler clear ihat -ilst riot of the revolutionary element. A named I'lnnl.-k ha tieen ente:icel 1 1 one year' lmprlonment an.l to pay l(ViO for receiving; lupplle to!-n from he rommlary depart"""'- rriAnuvuinrmnnriniruiJvvnnAp TO Cl8E THE DEAL. 5 XEW TOHK, July !t It waa staled today that the active or ganiiora of tho 1'acifio pjokmir and XavlKailon Company would le.ivo thU city tomorrow or next day for tho Paolflo ciat for the purpose of completing; the trans fer . th- propor'.lo and closinK up the other impTtaut details of the deal. The transfer will take pi.u- LPorl! in.t. (.iregon. 2 HnllHKKS LiHlTlXC. SHOPS IX CANTON. Sell his Trouble Predicted in.l Kore.fri Consuls Warn, to Prepare for I'prlsing. CAXTiX. China. July 24. A band of over for.y annod robbers for three su. -i-essl, nights have boon looting shops opposite Shntoen. The Chinese author ities have made no attempts to Inter fere. The Chinos themselves are alarmed and predict serious trouble. It Is un derstood the foreign consuls have boon warned to prepare for an upris ing. Seventy-five robbers hive boon be headel at Skertohaly during the past two months. HIIOOKLYN HRIIXIE ACCIDENT. Number of Supporting Cables Pulled From Their Sockets. XEW YORK, July 24.-About 6 20 uVliM'k this evening a number of th supporting cables of the Hrooklyn brldg pull.vl out of ,holr Sivkets and lire now dangling In the air. The ac cident happened at the north side of tho Now York end of the bridge and this end sawd from four to six inches. This completely stopped all street car tranV over the structure, but after a tempor ary delay pedestrians and wagons were allowed to proceed. The accident caused great excitement and the nollce reserves were called out. PLACH'R AT NEW YORK. Fireman on the Steamer Hohenfols, III of the Dread Disease. NEW YORK. July 24.-Dr. Doty, health olll.vr of the Port of New York, announced today that the Illness of Rubvlave, the stoker on the steamer Hohenfols. who was sent to Swlneburne Island on Monday, has been diagnosed as bubonic plague. The Hohenfols came from Calcutta. Dr. Doty says the case Is a mild one. All of the crew of the Hohenfols will be held at Swlneburne Island for observation, and the vessel will be thoroughly disinfected. ON TOUR OF INSPECTION. SAN FRANCISCO. July 24. Major General S. B. M. Young, commander of the department of California, left San Francisco tonight on a tour of Inspec tion of the post's deimrtment of ..he Columbia. SILVER, MARKET. NEW YORK, July 14. Silver. SSH. EFFORTS TO BREAK THE BIG STRIKE Shipping of Non-Uniou Men lo Wellsvillc Plant. THE COMBINE IS AGGRESSIVE Deternlntd lo Force Operiiloa ol All Idle Plain - Asotbcr Move Made to Start Park Plaai-TroiMe Feared. PITTSIiri'.i;. July 24.-To move., t I repjrt'-l. w,-r- male by aggraiv of. Ilrlals of the Amenrari Shet Steel " m lany t -l.iy toward breaking th" strike. Otie was :', srtipitig of some non-union men that have been employe 1 In the Vand-rnr- m.llH of 'he company to W.lisvill -. ; i ,-iss; in starting the p'.ant there. It .i s:it'-1 that fifty men are t j be h,ip.-l to W-IUvlIle during the early -v. nit k an l would reach thre af. ter dirk. As a ro-s,-qu'nce of th'.s re. port thef" Is suppr.-seed exci'.omen; prevailing a ' We:iville, that at any m m-nt : br- ak yu: In t s-TWua c'.n dition. Th- impression is strong tonight that the officer of the I'nlted States St -,; ('.irji .ration hive become determine I on the subject of an early breaking of the- s rike anl to ultimate ly for .- th- op-rati o of all Idle plant. The s.-on, nnve that !s understood to hav,. b-e:i initiated today 1 the sturt Ing of the I ,ng Idle Hyde Park plant "f th- American Sh -et Steel .. Company. This plittt a taken Into the combina tion burd.-ne with bJ-?ctionable con tract male by the former owners and ha remained I He since. THREATEN To BECOME INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT King Elw irl Wis Misinformed on D nors of Hospital Ship Maine ti Uritl'h dovernment. IXrxV. Julv 4. The proentatin n July T.' of a commemorative ..f th work ..f th- h-vplt il sh'p Main :i Kir.i IM.iirl by the Duchess o.' Marlbope.nth. Mr Oeorge Cornwall. M's. R.ent !- itvl other American w-un-.n of the M line committee, and King's r-t-ly t 'he members of the , mm t:-' -. n w-hl h he thanked them f ,r ti'i .!!, ;h-l- vaiti ible service to ,i , n'tit :m: .-. by prtseti'.tng th- hip to t!i r,r i g-; -rnment. threatens tt ),-, ,t'i-. .in in - rn t'.i 1:1 il incident. Th,- Atl.n .' Tf.i isp 'rt Company atl l fii-'ii'.s ,f n marl X. Baker, president ,.f th tiipatty are g-'H-.M ally very In- ,i:-"iitit. Th icn.ifM d.r.vtor of the Atlantic T: i:i-p'r: Company today expressed h'nis.-tf m r- tln.i surprised that Kint Klaarl has b"?:i misinformed re t the ictua! donor of the Maine an ds ni l wh i: surprisod him still more was tint th- ' i.lies .iccepted the thanks of th-1 k'rie; f.,r ;he gift, knowing full well that it n time had they ownel the ship and that President Baker alon was cnti'i-'l to thanks. DltfUEOARDED THE ORDER. Raiiru l Foreman Shot and Killed at Rljckfoot, Idaho. HLACKFOOT, Ida.. July 24. Tom Cilhin. whe was foreman on the Sal mon river branch of the railroad at Hunt's Camp, was shot and Instantly killed this evening by Billy Trapp, of Pooau'.lo. Callati, who ! been drink ing, subbed and severely wounded Ed. Johnson, the bartender, who tried to ej v: him from his f.iloon . Trapp. wlii took Johnson's place at the bar. so-.t for an jlllcer. meanwhile warnimr C.iil.ui not to attempt to es cape. Call.ui. however, disregarded the order and started for the door. He Ig nored Tripp's command to stop and the latter tired with deadly effect. DEPARTMENT OF MINING. Boise Congress Favors the Establish ment of One. BOISE. Ida.. July 24. The Interna tional Mining Congress today adopted the following resolution: "Resolved, That the magnitude and Importance of the mining Industry, which has now reached over a billion dollars of annuil product, call for the establishment of a national department of mining, the chief officer of willeh shall be a member of the president's cabinet. WILL PROBABLY DIE. Henry Smith Terribly Injured In Runa way Near Pendleton. rEXDLETON, Ore., July 24. Henry Smith a veteran freighter, was prob ably fatally Injured yesterday in a run away. With two wagrons drawn by four horses, he was climbing the Yellow Jacket mountain, intending to bring down a load of firewood. One of his horse became frightened, causing th' burn to run away. Smith was thnwn fr m hi at anl three wheels of th. wagon paused over him. He was ter ribly burls -1 and three r! were brok- n lo"- from the backbone. Dr. W. O. Cole, .,. Pendleton, and Dr. M. Wilton, of Pilot Hock, treated the sufferer, but hi In'ernil Injuries are i s-vere that hi life Is likely to last but a few hour long.-r. Ralph Cummmg was kicked by a hors- tolav at a ranch on Stewart r'v er. He wa trying 'to mount a bron cho whn the animal wheeled sudden ly and kicked him on the Jaw, severe ly cutting his face anj loosening sev eral teeth. SOME LOCALITIES VISITED BY THUNDER SHOWERS Intense Heat Broken In Northern Tier of But- in the Central West. WASHINGTON. July 24.catter-3 thundershowers in the northern tier of states In the Central West to-lay gave some relief In that locality from the Intease heat. These showers, generally high in character, occurred in the Dak' tac, Siuthern Mini -sola. Northwestern Iowa, the extreme northern portion of Illinois, in Minnesota and In Michigan. More r,f these sho iers and over a wid er ar-a are expectei tomorrow. Tneir effect, no-.vever, will ie temporary and warm weather i again predicted for Friday. In the gTv'Jt cora belt, intense beat still conMnua anl there awmi to be no immediate prospect of a general rain, thougn the fa: that shower arr becoming more general for aome daya, is encouraging to officials here, who hepe th-y may be the forerunner of a general break up la he beat and drouth condltlois. although the forecasters will not say -hat this is a probability. St. Louis reported a temperature of IDS anl St. Paul one of 104 degrees, both record breakers. SEVEREST DAY YET. Kansas City Has Temperature of Hun dred and One In Forenoon. KANSaS CITY. July 24. For twelve hours todiy '.he government thermem eter here registered above the 100 mark. While the recerd of 106 of Monday was not. toactied. 'he day --as the severest ever exp-.rlenced in Kansas City. At 11 o'clock this morning 1-U.5 was re corded, the highest mark ever touched so early in the day. For eleven hours after that the temperature ranged be tween 104 and 1054. Still there is no relief In sight either in Kansas City or any part of the Southwest. OVERCOME OX THE STREETS. PeoDle in St. Louis Have Excessively j Hot Day. ST. LOUIS. July 24 St. Louis' max imum temperature tolay was 107.1, a figure n-ver reached before in this cl.y. Xo prospects of relief is in sight. Throusti'mt the day peop'.e dropped oti the sidewalks and horses In the stree.s fell to the pavement unable to raise. In the wenty-four hours ending at 11 o'clock tonight forty deaths directly due to the heat occurred. In the samJ period seventy-five prostrations w-ere reported. BREAKS ALL RECORDS. LAWRENCE, Kas.. July 24. The thermometer at the University of Kan sas rose to 10S this afternoon, breaking all records. HIGHEST RECORD EQUALED. OMAHA, July 24. The thermometer registered 105 today, which equals the highest previous record. DEATHS AXD PROSTRATIONS. ST. PAUL July 24.-Five deaths and a large number of prostrations are di rectly attributed to the Intense heat here today. A femperature of 10-1.2 degrees was reached. - NEW FILIPINO PARTY. Senor Patorno Will Work for Ultimate Independence of the Islands. MANILA. July 24. The Liberia.! is authority for the statement that Senor Patemo will leave the Federal party and will organize what he calls the Nation alists on a platform resembling that of the Conservatives with Agulnallo as president and former Insurgent military officers and former member of the Fed eral party as leaders. The purpose of the new party will be the ultimate independence of the Phil ippines. This coincides with Senor Pa terno's policy as he has been making efforts to Induce Agulnaldo to unite with tho new party. SALT LAKE SELECTED. MILWAUKEE. Wis., July 21. Salt Lake City was honored by being select ed as the next meeting place of the grand lodge of the Benevolent and Pro tective Order of Elks and Grand Rapids. Mich., captured the first prize In the big Elks parade this afternoon. BASEBALL SCORES. SPOKANE, July 24.-Tacorna, 8; Spo kane, 5. TO INVESTIGATE SCHLEY'S RECORD Secretary Lon? Will Order Court of Inquiry. WILL MEET IN SEPTEMBER All Testlmoiy Offered Will Be Made Ksewi lo the Pabllc- Penoaael of Ike Coirt Will Be Aaaoiaccd Today. WASHINGTON, July 24.-Secretary Long. In accordance with the request from A Imiral Schley, today advised that officer that he would order a court of inquiry to examine Into the entire matter of Admiral Schley's course In the Sintiago naval campaign. Later Secre tary Ljng announced that, owing to the extremely hot weather, the court would not me-i untn S-ptember. The j.-cretary said: "It Is too hn now and I do not be lieve 1: would be very comfortable for officers to sit in thtir heavy full dre uniforms duritg August. I Issued an orl-r some time ago dispensing ylttVr the wearing of full dress uniforms dur ing a court martial, but this case will be so Important that evry'form of of ficial dignity will be observed, even to guard of marine at the door. "Will sessions cf the court be open?" "Unquestionably," wis the emphatic rpiy. "I propose to make that fact very plain. It would be a great mistake to have a secret court. The country has a right to know all that transpires In the way of testimony offered. I hope to announce the personnel of the court to morrow." CATHOLICS HOLD ALOOF. Bill Enlarging King's Title Carried by Peers. XEW YOR". July 24. The British house of lords las: night in the seconl reading of the bill altering the terms of the royal declaration was carried by an overwhelming majority, says a dis pitch to the Tribune from London. The Roman Catholic peers did not, h wev.r. vote for the bill anl as the ex treme Protestants will be alarmed lest maintenance for a Protestant succession sh ml I be diminished It is Impossible ti ex.iecr ha: the measure will be pas sed into law withiut a prolonged strug gle .ml .icri n mi us d-ebite. L'X'OMOTIVE TRl'ST. Ha'.; Million Will Be Spent in Sehenec X. Y.. Plant. NEW YORK. July 24.-The American Locomotive Company has appropriated the sum of $:-.-).'Xk for the purpose of enlircit-.e its Plant at Schenectady, N. Y. It is statel that the capacity of the plant will be increased from 425 to IMA locomotives yearly. The idja is to make this plant the central one and It will be developed to the greatest extent, although other plants ar? to be greatly Improved and enlarged. SUFFOCATED BY FIRE. Fritz Ptlag-er Lises His Life In Burn side Street Lodging House. PORTLAND. July 24.-Fritz Pfluger was suffocated by fire in a Burnslde street lodging house tonight. The fire started in the second-hand store of Mrs. L Wolf under the lodg. ing house and the police believe It was the work of an incendiary. FORMER DIPLOMAT DIES. DENVER. July 24. Watson W. Moore, formerly a leading member of the New York bar. is dead of paralysis of the brain, agen 59 years. Mr. Moore achieved international fam- while act ing as consul at Constantinople during the Russo-Turklsh troubles. Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum. Akm Waling powsVn art tie gfeaiest meoaoert to health ol the sraeat 4ay. um torn e.. ww yy