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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1901)
THE MOKXIXG ASTORIAN TlE:)n. Jt'.NP 25. ii gaily gictocittn. TlephoM Main ML TEKMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Boat by mall. rr yer 100 Bnt by mall, per month M erved by carrier, per month M SEMI-WEEKLT. nt by mall, per rear, In advance, 11.00 All communications Intended tor pub lication should be directed to "E.IUor Aftonan." Business communication! of all kind and remittances must b addreed to The Attorlan Publish ing CO." The Astortan guarantee to Ita ad etler the largest circulation of any oewspaper published on the Columbia Advertising rates can fx had on ap- rirate s the business manager. Ia another colunm ia reprinted an di torlal from the New York Commercial, which is a plain statement of (net) as they exist The editor of the Commer cial is right; he has called the 'urn on the editor of the Oregonlan, as the Mowing statement published before the O. R. & N. Influence was asserted will show. "ASTORIA IS THE SEAPORT OP OREGON. TPaclflc Northwest.) NATURE HAS SO ORDERED IT THAT THE STATE CAN HAVE NO OTHER GREAT SEAPORT." WAKING UP AT LAST. The Astorian, October II. 1S99. For two years the Astoritn, in almost every daily (dition. has sought to arouse Portland to the Importance of looking after the control of the 0. R. ft N. road. File of the Astorian show repeated warnings to the business men of Astoria, Portland and Oregon that. the policy which controls the O. R. ft N. waa inimical to Portland and to Oregon. Long before the last jejsion of the legislature (1S9S), the Oregon:an wag appealed to for help by the Astorian in procuring such preliminary logislitbn as would amount to a notice to the railroad combination that the advant age of the O. R. ft N.'s water level route to the sea must be reserved at all times and under all circumstance for the benefit of Oregon and her seaports. The Oregonian hooted at the efforts of the AstJrian. The purpose of :h? Astorian were Tiisrepres-nted and its editor personally vilifl -J for his earnt ,vu'r 1 "'-'" "". to the gravity of the situation. The ed- J !a;k.,i ,f in Vhalf of r -;.vi 1 -r As itor of the Oregoniati knew th-n a h- t ,rLl .-n i. s .h r..;iA.n , ,v Grtf. knows now that the Astorian way right, but through some restrain. ng in fluence he was not free to express h:s own honest convictions) in his paper. Whether the editor of the Oregoniati hoped that the situation would re-oive itself, through contemplated Chang's in the O. R. ft N.'s ownership an I man agement, more favorable to Oregon an 1, or whether the peculiar policy he pursued In the face of the then ix Istlng condition and the approaching crisis, which he was in a position to understand much better thin the Asto rian, was dictated out of other and less honorable considerations, the Ad rian does not know. The fact remains, and the whole Northwest will soon be apprise! of It bv thn change whtth mu?t and will come In the attitude of the Oregoman, that the Astorian was right from the beginning and '.hat the Strang? course of Portland's paper has cost the pro ducers and business men of Oregon mil lions of dollars and afforded the com mercial enemies and rivals of Oregon the required opportunity to mature their plans and set up combinations against Portland and the Columbia riv er which may require years to over throw. The Astorian, October 21, 1599. -The common point asked by Astoria Is the extension to this port by the O. R. & N. Company and its a-g .elated railways of the same freight rates from Inland centers of production now granted the ports on Puget sound, situ ated In some marked instances much further distant from those Interior produc:lon points than Astoria. In other words, the seaport of Astoria merely wanta to be put on .in equal plane of competition, so far a rail way rati-s are concerned with the ter minals of the Great North-rn an Nor thern Pacific ii Pug-t sound. In fa vor of this very reasonable anl right ful concession, Astoria pleads t!u cheiper operating expens-s of the down grade haul to Astoria in contrast wi-,h the expensive haul over the niouniain.- to Tacoma and Seattle, it will be r,n. eerved that Astoria asks none of the advantages over the Puget soond ports whlcb she might Justly claim, on ac count of this cheap"'" railway haul. She only pleads to be equalised with these ports and left to fight Iter battles alone. If. as the often claims, this con.-rsslon to Astoria would entitle Portland to a lower rate that eitlv r A:or!.i or the vm t on Pu get sounl In consequence of Port land's 100-mile Inlatid situat.on Asto ria would have no complaint to make. Portland and the producers of the Co lumbia tastn who preferred to ship whea. to Per. land would ho that ituol. better off. Astoria milk's no demand for the same rate as Portland. She his no fi.cht with Portland. She Is anx ious that produ.- r and tni::ics men of Oregon shall have all the advant age that the respective Nations of Portland and Astoria can possibly of fer. What she cries out against is the manifest injustice of forcing such 1 ro- ducer of the Narthwsj is might pre fer to eioort wheat at Astoria to send their product to S.-attle and through the pwn: policy of withhold ing rates Irom Astoria which are g'ven these farther distant sn l mor- Injios sible ports on Puge: sound. This . the sum and substance of AstoriiV con'en tlon and It Is strange that .vy honest newspaper or f.vir minded Individual In Oregon ?hou!d deride a ;r p iti n so meritorious and one off ring so great benefits to th whole state. Ast 'nan. October 1 The rate on eg? rt wheat frun cT Hln Interior "Vomin n points" about ihr-e hundred riles from Portland on the O. R. & N.'s dow n ftr.i I s is as much ss $ a ton. the sure rate , harg ed by the S und re-ads to t.ikJ the same commodi.y ov r moun-ain rmg-'s. m r- than I'M mile further, to Seattle. Is this a fair ra'e to ch.irg-' producers for a down-grale haul? Is it Just to Port land and a proper r-Ml'.iati.-n of the advantages of her location as against her rivals on the Sound that the Ore gon road should exact a much for drooolnc wheat down its water gride rails as suffices to lift the same grain over mountain tops an! carry I: more than HH miles further to Seattle? The Astorian. October 31. 199. The Oregoniati cannot be blind to the preparations huh the Northern Pacific and C?reit Northern railways are mak ing at h-!r Pue: sound t-rminals to handle both inward-bound Oriental traffic and products I ffim th, Ia;aa., ,.,p;r, N-lw wha, preparation i the I'ni-in Pacific making to faster a grc.T-r co-r. : ere- in and out -f th- Columbia rl.-r. A t I If no I "n I such r-r-pintior, are mak ng e-man 4 Strang- ..!--n- in !! fjoe a romm-re'a: -r:l so thr-at-n ti,- to th whole stat- -f or -got;. Will -h Ore g -nian in--r? SOWINV. THE WIND ! Omaha Daily New?. Sir Roh-rt H-ar th- ''niti--- c.m-m.-si jriT -)f customs, and who un-doubte-lly knows China ie-r.-r than any other living fauei-ian. has f-.r -In first tixe -Xir-s?--l some op.n.-'-r.s r-'gard-itie the Chin-se 'iues:i -n ,-hould appeil to th g-nti-rr.en wa are tink ering with that -rgag ng ;.r d.lem. He savs that th- enditi-ns w iioh ate be ing imposed upon th- 'hin-se under the indemnity tr-aty must --s-arily result in further rr.(ub, .'or they have been treated with c -nt-mpt. Hir Rob ert looks upon the propos - fortified !-gation quar-er as an Injudicious move, becau-e n-i ma:t-r how str-mgly It may be f,r:ifl-l ;h- ''hin-se will be able to capture it with the enlighten ment in the art of war they have re cently received, while politically It throws upon th l-ga:ions themselves, ra.iier man on tne i.h nee eouern. emnt, the burd-n of proper protection. The Chinese governn.en-, in his opln ion, should be mae t0 understand by the d-fensele.s character of the lega tions, that It was lncumb-nt upon it to protect these r-pr-ientat.ves of friendly nations fr,m hostile atuk. If, Sir Rob-rt affirm", it is considered nece??ary , frtify th,. ..Ka(m8f which hav.. diplomatic usage of many c-ntuii-s f,r a pro-.e..-tbn, how much more necessary it w.,ul I ), considered to fortify thr-jughout China the dwelling pla-en of all oth-r f-,r-igners, who will have no pmo-cti ,n. instead of mik ing mi-t-rs l,--tt-r, . b-li-v that this innovation w::I make t.-i-rn -1-cil-edly ivore. The failure in th-- p.ic y ,,f W st-,i nati-,ns in d-,,lii,K wi:h Chli.a is due, in his opinion, to the :vt that the n.; has not Ik-a tr- at- d an a rational i -.-ii.t'; lie is stow a.-,d con fervdtive and his n.-th-ei.s of thinking rnd acting are not our methods, but In order ti d-al properly v.ith him it is neees-ary to understand him. A Chinaman may be ma,,.. t0 an 1 agreement. Just as by force any other person may. but like the Utter, lie will endeavor. If he can, to) gvt (h,. better of the compact that ha been made against tils will. One of the gnat merits of Russian dlplorraey In China, a merit which accounts for a great deal which has been .ild to bo the re sult of force and bribery, has been the curtesy and amlabllly shown by Rus sian officer In their treatment of the Chinese dignitaries. Sir Robert quotes loading Chinese statesman to the effect that "the Russians are so polue that when they take some. ling from us they do It so nlcily that we feel we must thank them, whereas, even . he" certain other nations fall In with our views, they do so in a manner w hi. h milk it clear that they have no re spect for us." WELL RAISED. Mooty Grubb I waa raised on dts very farm, mister! Farmer Git out! Moore Grubb A fact. Your old bull out there tossed me clear over a hay stack last summer. TO Ct'F.E A COLD IN ONE DAY. Ttke Laxative Broiuo-Quliilne Tab lets, lit. WITH THE Hl'MOKISTS. FORCE OF HA PIT. Rodrick Did you find your Norwe gian girl an ideal domestic? Van Albert There was one objection. Slv would get up in the night ,tnd in sist that the arc light o:i the corner was the midnight sun. Ohvag News NIGHT WAS HER TKRROR. "I would cough nearly ail night long." writes Mrs. Chas. Appbgate. of Alex andria, In I., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that! If I w alked a block I w ould cough j frlgtfully and split blood, but. when all ; other no llelnes failed, three f 1.00 bottles j of Dr. K ng's New Pi-vovery wholly cured me and I jil-ia! ...viinds " t-" i absolutely to cure Coughs, i Colds, La C.r'.ppe. Hronchit.s and ali Throat and Iung Troubles. Price 5v and 11.00. Trial Dottles free at Han's " FRIDAY NOT UNLUCKY. Quixi Do you think Friday an un-1 lueky day to mo-e? Bill Not for me: I moved ,n Friday and found out If I d waitej until Sat. i urtlay my goods would hav b-en at-ta-.ed for rent. Ohio State Journal. A FIREMAN'S CLOSE CALI "I stuck to my engine although every Joint ached and every nerve was rai-ke.l with pa'n." writes C. W. Bellamy, a I comotlve fireman, of Uurlmgton, Iowa. "I was wak and r-ale. without anv id-i petite and all rundown. As I waHig about to give up. I got a bottle of Elec-! on Pug-" suin l w re vilv IW.I r.-i-l trie Hitters and. aft-r taking it, I Mt a. jn ,,, , . ..,... $:j4 ln r.,,... well as I ever did In mv life." Weak I sickly, run down p-ople always gain; " v"r te-r rent-while in -xp -r new life. str'ng:h and vigor fr -m th-lrl w-re in r-a--l .-vr tlv---f I I in th--us-. Try them. Satisfaction guaran-j U'ilamette , str'e, fr t,. sam ie-n..- tee-i oy nans arug .'lr". t'rio- j-k WELL NAMED. Con Why is that arts; imfiis-Vdiiin itt I an Merrill Perause a ptetur- -f his bxks as If he had laid the canvas ..:i a palett-' full of colors ,m-l .iti mi-pr-ss on. Ju-lg". The U"k of energy you f-el. th' bick- i ache ind a run down cm lit. on g i:-l erallv. all mean kidney ii-or l-r. : FOLEY'S KIDNEY Cl.'RK will res or-i v.tur strength and vlg--r by making the I kidr-ys well. Take no substitute. Hart's Drug Store. SLEEP, B.U'.Y. SLEEP. "See, here," exclaimed Mr. I'-pl-igii. "I don't propose to have that burglar alarm In our helroom. eil put it downstairs in the hall." "Nonsense!" replied hs wife. 'Then we won't hear it wh-n it go-s off." ' Neither will the baby. That's th main point." Edward Muss, a well known business man of Salisbury, Mo., writes: " I wish to say for the benefit of others, that I waa a sufferer from lumbago and kid ney trouble, and all the remedies I rok gave me no relief. I was Induced to try FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE, and after the use of three bottles. I am cured. Hart's Drug Store. THE GENTLE BEGGAR. "I'm hungry, sir," siid the beggar. "Won't you give me enouh to get a meal??" "Here, my good man," said Mr. Pompous, "here's a pmny for you." "O! thank you, sir. By the way. have you a pepain tablet about you? I always get dyspepsia when I overeat myself." Philadelphia Press. Dyspeptics cannot be long lived be because to live requires nourishment. Food Is not nourtahlng until It Is digest ed. A disordered stomach cannot digest food. It must have assistance. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure dlg-ts all kinds of food without aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest and regain Its natural tunc tions. Its elemnts are exactly the same as the natural digestive fluids and it simply can't help but at you gooo CHAS. ROGER3, Druggist. ASTORIA AMD COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. !.' PORTLAND Arrive 8:00a.m. Portland Union Depotllitlu a.m. 6:65 p.m. for Astoria and lnter-3:40 p.m. mediate points. I " j ASTORIA. I 7.45 aim. For Portland In-Ill: a.m. 8:10 p.m. ternrfdiate points l:30p.m. SEASIDE DIVISION. ll::a . m. Viio p. m. :t in :l'ia. in. i.-vi p. III. ASTORIA SEASIDE I " 10)11.1" IHMJa in I Yi Mt; in I 7:0l i. in Siiii-lsy iuiy All trains make close connections at Goble with all Northern Pacific trains to and from the Eaat or Sound points. J. C. MAIL), Oen'l Fr't and Psjw. Agent. DYSPEPTICIDE Th ratst aid to DIGESTION. IlilHII PLAINLY TOLD NEW YORK CO.MMOKCIAI.'S IN. CISIVK KIMTOKIAI.. Direct Statement of Situation on the ("olmiibia utul the Only l-'cutihlc Kcmcvlv. The New York I'uninii-n -f ."( publishes the following editorially: If the editor of the ie goniati w.'iil-l lab.'r one-half u. hind to tell the truth as be d.v to -lls.ort the statement -'f others, and if he had tll- courage of hl own c-ivlction long enough to tell what he believes In stead of trying to support a policy he knows Is Injurious to the commerce of his own s:ate and city, it would reflect more credit on hi honesty of purpwe and the dlg-alty of his J.urnat. No careful and Intelligent reader of our editorial of May can Justly ay that It was an "elaborate and mallgiant attack on the Columbia river." The tuironse of this article was to Khow how the present transportation policy n the river was declining and the trade drawn away from that natural gateway to oth--r and le natural gate, wry routes. The Oivgonlan's literpr1 tat n. or misrepresentation "f our statements an.l Its sneaking insinuations as to the motive that prompted our article are in keeping vvl h this narrow guage-l policy t-i which we h.iv.- r-f-r-l r-' l. It s.-nMv t.i them th-p- It ! nothl.-.g on the Columbi.i river except! Portland, which, to fact. I" n-t -n the' Cehimti.a river at all. but to-ve tw-lvej miles frm the Columbia on 'It- W-.ll-j amette. I The Or- g-itiiati .iv- that th ' -Hfii bi t river Is no: oil'v g.-ttit'tt iT bnre j of foreign tra I but ;s !!ng that ,llr"- here are the tlgure, from the treasury department in W.i-hl,-g:en Tti-y p--ik f-ir themelv- ' .,, 1 t, Kx.'orts I s.s;.ir. t.m S.vtj.l-a:t ll.s.'.C. i: .!. m; lT.Or'i.dM ' 1-C10 $ 3t.'t. I lwt M.709 r.'.'J.-s . I"'-'" 1 " 1"1 . P.lM.:tU l1' months) S.-tno.!:-!) him!!a River I Willamette) Imp-irts. t SW.t-i l.l.4ttj l.ttir.'M-i i i:h Kxrt", t tun ;: .VIIT.DiHi s. ': t .'.TS.ti-.iii t :".'o. :( i ,', -lumbla wa.t the ,m. :; : ivsi hi". S.',; l'l HO months) l.Hs.971 J this 1W ns if th-- i - tting its "hai-. In 1"J j th- I i.i--r i birr -us I only fr -m ! to JI.7M.'i or 1- th in " p- ,'ctt; immi ! while th- ', .o i-i In.-r-ase ..nty "r-m j j S'..t71""" t S-..!':" 'i-' .-r I ss 'bin ; .in-l a h.iif fo'.l I N-.: -. how itnportj b.v- j st-nlilv ,.n -h- S-unl. whil.-j i -in th - I'-ilntn ii i th-r-- is no -u h :-ho - ; ins: hi f t t. on- year '1 ":.. her.- w ,1s. . I I i --nlv !,'. -v-r-h " g" -Is b-oiiit'i t in. And v h.i- -I - tl.U m--a:i? I: : m- vis 'ha: th- full ..Hit"- mil th-; liners w -n: t 'h-- ssun-l to mil' -i-l. ' and th- - mpty s' is .in I th- tail it I v-ss-ls wvnr t" Portland f--r wheat, li that k I busess? N'o w ni-l-r th,. 'ir-g-nlan shriek "Portland will mnlnttiin h-r .hani-1 to: the . a an-l -l-i the bu-dn' -f the '-i-lumblii basin in spite ,,f .ill -ml-s of the river and its romm-Tre." H,, th business nen -if I'ortl.m-I bk- to fav such f.vts ns the above? D they want the truth, or do they prefer to b p e-h-wlrike-1 by a newspaiwr that Is the r-.--ognliteil -irgln of th- Interests that are holding the )usln-ss of their city and sta'e by the throat? And, by the way, the editor of It knows h-' Is w rong, an 1 he hasn't the biu klnine to siand by his convictions. V.'hen the J'-ttl-s are com pleted at the mouth of the Columbia th engine -r In charge says that there will be from thirty-five to forty feet of water at Astoria. on of the fln'wt If not the 1n -st harbor on the Pacific coant. If the railroads extend the com mon point rate to towns on the coat (and they will) a bushel of wheat will be rarried there as cheap as to Port land, and the competition of the river will guarant-e -he lowest rates. With suh a harbor, a down-grade haul and an equitable rate all possible advan tagesthe Columbia river route will be the gr tat outlet to the sea. Astoria will be the port, Portland, the comm-re-a! centir, and the entire state of Oregon and all districts tributary to the Co. lumbla will b- the gainers. Every dollar In time or money that it cos's a ves to nass Astoria'g docks and go up to Portland anil r'-turn must either come out of the v-sss-l's owner or out of th- farmer. Would It tak anytblng old-r or wls-r than a lO-year-old boy to 8-'- the utier foollshn-sg of such an arra.ig -men'.? It simply ('riv'-s vewlfl to other ports. If they can go to Portland, -.hy not to The i)all-s? If th'-re Isn't water enough, ask t'n. le Sam to put ,ils steam shov-ls to wo.k, We. say, In all klndn-ss an-l Irank nes, to the business oe-n of Portland, isn't It about tlrn- lo mil a hab nnd to stop a few inIn -ntial and mlsKui-l'-d people from miking fools of you? Why not turn and lake advantage of ih natural r-Hourc-s ai your v-ry door steps to place you in a i,ositloii t m"-t any and all com pel tors? This idea that the nli!ps must come to your docks Is a phantom, lonir since expxed In other I'K -ilitlcs. I'm up your ware houses at As'i-rl i, open branch -s of your banks and transact your dock business th'-re. It will bring th goods to Portland, and where the goods are, tho buyer will come. It will open tip the commerce of the entire Columbia basin. Your far mens will gain by tin- lower rates and Increased transport- lion f.telllilev It give a Uhhm to your btislit-jis aii-l put new life into ilie entire state. REPUCLICANS OP OHIO IN SESSION (Contlnuisl f rsitn Third Pivge.) anot the wages of ev.iy man In the t":i!bl States who e.its It's bn-o-l In the sweat of his fare. It seems surprising any party could lake ti h a p.vsltlon. and yet It l Just like the IVimn-rntl,- .irty to do so, for during the hist fifty yeans It has never cotwed-d to the gen. ril govern ment any disputed p. t, h.-r struck one I'ck for lnhr. It denied the power bi pn-serve the I'nlon. denied the power t. abolish siuv-ry; it douie.i the power of reconstruction: It denied the power to protect our Industries; It de nied the power to ettablUh the gold standird. and now It denies the power to held ivsim'ssIoiis, and govern ih.-tu Mcv-oitig to sens.-, dbhough the constitution lts-lf rxpr-sly so pro. vlde. And as t- I.itior. al h -utta con stantly iveilng as Its file 1 1 un,) cham pion. It has been at nil tunes Un Invrl er.ile enemy. It was the en 'toy of i.ib -r when upheld silvery, by which all libor was i dlsiirilivd nnd -b'Klil-led I: was the j cliemv of labor through all the years of Its opposiM-ii to ;( prop-cue tariff bv which .. th. lab : -f :his cnin. j It. v fr on comp-titioii i 'i .he under. I j paid lali r of I'm -p- li is the en-mv i-f ir i"- in it - 'litem. on tb.l: we, ! have in H.-r to pr.Pct the waa' j wotlicis ..f Ai.-iei fr ail h.'.ip lab r of our i,i-. e.. s ,n the 'r-. ICS nil I i thei'ri.-M.. iiii-l --t. o - Ii.ii. ;-a:' :i'''.ei ai', I' -It-H'l' lie a (" aU f ; the ilec- t.-ral -uitori of th.- nut- w 'ik-rs of or "M r- anl c.'iinlrv Ins I i-i tn- ns. umptl in tba. th- I '- ni " r.i' i-' pirty U th ' t' -. fri-nd in-l K'l-ii li'ii 'f ail who to, l. The laboring ni-n -f .li s .oii.i.ry are men ,,f bruins, of In i ll ,g-'n,-e, cf judg-in-nt. nf k '- n memory an-l , ' go i, as r aiutlons. in.l th.rf-r,. they have de nied :h -s- app i . ... ;l: I, i y ili. ui attain, f.-r th- y kn that ,f l-mi. ctatle l-l-iis prev ill oros.s'nty will :sti und the pride in. I glory cf th' h. ui will turn t- shame and 'nun l.utloii What' V T els,. ! :;ny be I ! U l' Anierlcin. and l- worthy of h- , -i-.l with atio-h we are ,m.,c!:r I. This Is a nr.-it history making -po.h. Except only .i-hlnift 'i md Uitc-I'i -i pres.. d-nt hn bad 'ii li id' "" uti.i s us h tv,' fall-ii to M. Klnl- y N -t i n ,-s-,ip-e him. Ad tiav Iw- n inprov-d to th-li-oior and itlorv of the r-pnbl ,- N- in- in 'ii, y has ,n.i ii -hat he his n c tti'.i iii'h.inMv ,n-t and mo duty ,,f war, -r llps-in.i- ha., b- .-r, so -. I - ' it- or s i dilll -ult that h - has n t p- r- l form,-I ': itr.i'i-lly and -u- c-s. fully AH h-s ai h. - vmi-nts ,n, th - n.ii. n' li s fain-- Is ,"ii . I; r!U ' li- ' ii '"i. A'l lion -r an I .-plan I to i. Th-mgl- :i ,t- -f lis. ..r I . h-t-, il ho c-, iim-iiig -un 4-1 v s under our - on II.ik in si .pr -s.-nts 'h-- Ain- il in pi oiile It IlliS! -(f S-'tllS th- p- (pi- of I !l Th-ir v.-r-ln-t in N v nib. r l!l ,-i d clar-'. Fi:i-:ii; T"N.m;k i n l'Mtlv. Jim- : Soil'' Illl-'.ls in -ss :n Hritlh -hipping clr cl-s according to I lie Tribune's London o.irr- sind. iit, acor ling t i the figure, which show a verv ( (.n i l-table in crease in the number .md tonnage o for igll Vessel eli:eg a: , t--u r--l lit Hritlsh ports last y-ur as compuiej with K'0 and IViS. Th- fad, too. that the number of foreigners and leiara: employed on llrplsh v'es-..-lH Is stcidily Increasing is rcgird-d u-lih misgiving, ii.vsKiiAi.i. ci i.M.irrTi;K. NF.W YORK. June 24 At t,e rcc'-nt tneetliuj of the Protective Ass.sbition of Professional Ilasebull Players In this city, "Lave" Cross, Jam- MeOulrc and Fielder Junsi were appointed a commit tee to thoroughly Investigate n report that several players h-re signed with clubs In both leiigu-s. To sign two c-ji tracts Is a violation of the constitution and should the charge be proved by the committee the guilty players will be suspended. MI S3 LKK TO WED. NEW YORK. June 2f-tener,i Fliz hugh lye and his family arrived In this city lnt night. In the party Is Miss Ellen Ijee. who is to lie married to First Lieutenant James Rhea uf the Seventh cavalry, IT ,S, A'., tomorrow at the f'hurch of the Transfiguration. Miss te-e and Lieutenant Ithei met while th Seventh cavalry was stationed at Ha vana. The party came to New York for the purpose of having the w -ddlng here. VALI'AIILI-: HTALLMN I'EAD. SAHUMKNTO, C11I., June 1:4. St. Andrew, iln- valuable th .roiignbr -d s'nlllon and lre of Home of the best liors-s on the turf, Is dead nt It.inrho d-l Past- from rupture. HI. Anilr'-w wis valued at tjr,,(sih. M. iJi: WITTK'H ItEPLY. It'lsslan Minister Answer 'Sage's letter. Secretary NEW YORK, Jip,e 2). -Acr Hiding to -i H.-rabl dispatch from St. Petersburg, tho reply of M .De Wltte, the itusslan minister of finance, to (Wreiary flagfc In the ftu'sian sugar controversy Is thai, being a cabinet mliilsler, Mr. tlsgs must be UimIiM with re(iecl. tbeivfore Mr. lh) Witt,, cannot Imiiglm' Dull he Is w ilfully oilsleadlng Ilie people of the I'nlted Slaten u to Ihe true condlllons of affairs. The only oilier conclusion Mr. IV Wltte can .'.rrlvc nt Mtter n-adlng what Mr. (luge says I Hint he la uiUliiformed mid eiiilrely un sciiuainted with the details of the sub led upon which lie gives lilt opinion, which la not In keeping with ilie facts, f vretiiry tinge nppe.n to make h's ctitliv point of the fact that rximrt err tltbutea are given which have a value All sugir I'todii.'.'d In Ituasln a taxed one rmblii mid aeveoly five kopeks (12 c-'nlsl r CIS hiiiiiiII ita lis Ii b-av-a ho faelnrv. When xtiijiii Is exp rt.'d 'X.ictly that ainouiil which Is an Internal tax Is Kiunicl. Hut In order not lo nieourage eipoi t itlnil the ltusaliiu g ivcriiliient do- not give rash for these certlflc ites. They are on ly valid for the payment of xcs on tugar subsNueutly pr.elu.-ed. Having thus to wait for their money and need ing cash, the producers constantly hsive Ihelr certlfl.'atea dlcolllllrd by the hanks. If the Russian government lilted to rncouruae the exportation of ngar It wouin y caj.,, ,. m.,ra, oi r,T. Ing people uniting and loalng Inter-. t on their moiiy for probably a year. M. P Witle when askiil whether the high tax on sug ir n.s tmp -s-d in -r.b r lo give a protll to the producer ieplte.1: 'Tluil would lw d Ifl. ult In fu-t mv mind ciinnot grasp any logical icis-mi lug which cent I i Inicrprel b The tax on sugar is hlh to prevent th- lllllket frolll b-lllg flooded If c Wen to loner It, th-n tlioiisunds of sugar fuel, lies Would mnlll ut, and snffar Mould been lie 4 drug -si the innikd We th-r-f re limit production f.r lutei ns! -in ! economic reasons " Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Tills !rcur:ittun contains all of the dlk'cst.uits. ami (Uresis till . kinds iif iinkI. It k'lves Instant relief and never falls to cure. It ul lows ymi to cut ult the fisxl you want. Tln tmist t-eitsitl vo stoiu.u'hs can Uke It Hy lis use many tlimiiaiuN uf (lyM'it Irs Ii.ivm liectl cured after everything i le failed. It Is uiieiiiiiillitl for all stiiiuiit'h trouble. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by !' V. In tt irt Al ii, .Chicago TlieU lnitili.ei'iiliiliiai'i tlim .lie is.', ala CHAR. ROOEI19. Pruggltt. WHITE COLLAR USE ..Portland - Astoria Route..1 STR. " TAHOMA." I ' if y It -ui' ' T: - . a pt Sun biy. riME CARD l.'.iie I'.-iMand Icive Astoria p 111 THE CALLES-PORTLAhO ROUTE STR. "BAILEY fiATZERT.' DAILY ROUND THIP tICEPT MONOIT Cascade Locks, Hood River. White Salmon and Tbe Dalles TIME CARD Leavfl Portland 7 a. M. Arrive The i(ill"i S p, m l-avs The Duller 4 i m Arrlvo I'ortlan.l U v, m MEALS THfc VtRY BE8T rrsunday Trips Leading Feature. tJThls Itoute has ths Grandest Bc.i'nle Attractions on Earth. Through Portland connection with steamer Nnhcoitg from Ihvaco and Long Ilejoh points. White Collar IJne ticket Interchange, able with i. It. & N. Co. and V. T. Co. tickets. LANDING AND OFFICE: FOOT OF ALI'Elt STREET. IjOTH 'PHONES MfcfN 351, PORTLAND, ORE. E. W. CRICIIT0N. Aft-Portland JOHN M. FILL00N. Aft- The Dalles A.J.TAYLOR. A?t- Astoria Tei-i,hone Dock; T'.-l.-plion.- 11-. 1 hese tiny Capsules are superior 10 Balsam ot Copaiba CURE IN 48 HOURSWr the tamo dist-asss with out inconvenience. SrUh nil t,i,i-tt PAHf,!, SALVE. ItMinoftt rMfiiing ealva In tt.z vorld. Allen llalversmof W' tt Prairie, Wis,, tavt: "People coins (en miles Id buy FOIJCVH KIONICY I'l'ltK," whlln J. A. Hero, ,(f IM-ner, lud,, ayt; "It is lbs medical wonder of thr age." II it-fa l'rug Htorc In Ihiyt.ui, Ohio, n Hundiiy vl-'tUig ciukmiIk haa been rmi'bd on ao vigor uualy (lint all business wna iupcinlcl a few diiya ngo-ec.-pi the saloon butlnrta. A. O, llUnclnir I, West, N Y. tnya "I have In en Hon Med wl! kid ney t I -ii ho fir the Inst five ysiiis. Have doctored with aevernl l'hv"l. lans and I g it no relief mull I use, IWo b,. lbs of I'MLKYH KIPNKY H'ltK." Ilul'i l'rug Ht"re The l.ilesl riddle going tile loilli la la na follona: Wlta: l. the ditTereiice br. twecii the Ih'iii-H iiiili' pally no I a TrXiis oil Will? None, they're Ixiili IKiiilcrs, William Wondard. of pec-aiur. la., urllrt: "I was troubled with kidiirv disease for sevcrnl iT-ara and four nns lotlnr site bltb of nUdCfrt KIP NICY (Till: rurcl me I would re,sm mend It m anyone who kl.ln-y ttoubl.v" Han't lrug Htore. South CbmIIiih trenia to have don a little spring house cleiiiilug lierwlf. I t'ycllng hita Its upa an.l downs. Aftr I the downs, u. e HAN'NKII BALVI't If you I are cm or iiruia'ti. it iieaia tne nnri tlllll.klv r.k .. -.bslltuie. Half. l'rug Store. Kamns offers a pits to the ni other of trlpleta. It mutt hav been ra iling; In KatiMta, III.OWN TO ATOMS The old Idea that the body l-imetpnea needs a powerful, dmlic pursnt ie plil tuis b--n rxplol-l, for Ir King New Ufe Pills, which are perfectly ill less, itriitlv ttmiiUte llv-r and boWe s u I c I'.' II. ll. KT, eicll 111 III- .li. '.Ip.1 l"'l I ',,( t,.,-i mi-"iii 'i, (sir i snd SI k II.-4 I idle Only r.c nt Hart's I'lug Stole Spr llg K!y .-.-u s 1. 1 have i t -Ppe I nill lo such nn rlti'lit 'hill Itnie la llojies of ta go'llg to see, I IVacma. -nlirb u 11, eiirr, cbnfliig. hy poisoning olid till -klti r-riurea tin 'lUii kly cured by I Wi!f. Wit, Ii II i. Snlie The ,-r a n pll- cure .'HAS It'Hil'ltS, I'MIKSl'. The Ka'isia t'lty Tiniri suy f let. Hlie don t Pltiell ( 11 It o. th- snl Oil dressing it -ugh! p- 1 ih. y -u Hung' A urgl-al iip.-inti -n a n,,t n-c-.siry I.) cure pile N-VI;t'a Witch Snlve saves all that ctpense ant nryar full. Ilrnare ,f countrrMts ('HAS ltiwJi:us. in-tirr''. It is lies vr II upon rar h to a ttian'a mind nmve In chail'y, 1 .-, .n pr.,v l ien,-.- and nun up ui the p of truth Franc a Pacci Mr Jdinea trn of Putsmnuih Va . over 90 years of age suffered for van with 1 bad or on his fnce Phy! could not belli blm Ie Will's Wlvh. Ilne Sails rnreil b:ni te-nnin n'.ty "II,S ijin;i:'tt. Imiggi-t ll.'tolv Is ph'l -sopliv I'll Vug by -mnpli. nnd nii t-y no. g n .v. ir c -gi iphi a id 1I11 1 'K) I'.ing-r, lls'.ise in. I b' f-'llo. I IT- r.1; t of (he Ih.V.-IS f... i..V:t: I. it. Fairly Itlw-rs to r-tfnlat. lll"o and will ndd i':ir" o y.-ur r.fe a'l I '.If- , to your 'ear. !"i-i , 'n'.- ti v 1 trip-. ''IIA-t It'i'tltltH iui-i;!.i Til- strength of ,1 re ib a a' -f .1 1 1 nit:"' g. lit il'ld ell '! p''opl Sip-. Ill my The Ml. 011., Hi-. I, n. i '. n i- man , anno! an. s'iiIIv c..iii"e .- w, th h - h-i.liv rival. IN-Wlti's Mi l - irtv lt!er ih f.imous idlls for . oii.i ,,n will i. inoe,. j the cause ,f tr-iiibles i'! S ' IH iiililtS, Iirugglst The ., h nt I- ' 1 v II-11. h no. m o in h. hi, st Ce 111! IV SIC 1 11;, S.dllry "The -lortors ,.i m- mv r").ji wnn liunrnbl.. Dae Minute I'iMigli Cur 11111 1- m- a w.-ll man" N oris Nin th Htni'ford N II n 'cnu- v u'v not fouml relief f,-,in n stuiiliorn I'ough. don't d-siiinr One Minute Cough Cure bus cured ih,. us and and It will eiii- vcu S r,. ure CIIA ItfVlEltS, Druggist Th.- Ic- cr-am, 11 hose ,-be-n doctored, may be s a b m ut ih- pci foi man, ( of 11 Fair .Mind " 'iii,'lexi,.ii has n occupy. ng t ll- "Lpt "A few months ago, f.m ivhl. h I n'e for breakfnsi would nm remsin en mr sloiiMch for bilf an hour us.. 1 ,,n,. bottle of yuiir K.slol Iiyp(.pn, Cure and ran now eat mv brnk.'at and oth er meals with a r-llsh and my food Is thoroughly digested. Nothing ,'iiuels K11.I0I Dyspech Cure f.,r st unsch trouble.. 11, h, pin,, Arlington Teg Kiidol Dyp.iia Cure digests what you eat. CHAS. RoOEItS. Druggist. He t Ii it t does not know ihose things which are of us- nnd necessity f,- him to know Is bill an Ignorant num. ivhai. ever he may know besides. -Tlllotson, 1 Irn D. Reekard. Duneombe. la.wrlt-s' "My little hoy scalded hit leg from the kn'e to the ankle. I used P.ANNER HALVE Imm-dlatelv nnd In three weeks' time It was slums entirely Mul ed. I want to recommend It to everv family and advise them t keep ftsnner Salve on hand, as It Is K sure (.me for scilds or any sores." Hart's Drug Blnrs. It Is Impossible Unit an lll-n iturcl man can have a public spirit; r,,r h,,ur Should he love leu thousand men ,o never loved one?- Pope, . - 1 SAYS I IE WAS ToiiTUnrcn. "I suffer -(I sii-h pains from corns I could harlly walk," writ,-, . t,n. son. Hillsborough, III., "hl,t Huckle.TS Arnl-a Sulve completely cured them" Acts like mM(rr. ,p,ftnBi 1M1Me. culs, Soros. kc.iIiIh, buriiH, hulls, ulcers I erf vt he-ihr of skin i1Ihiisc nnd piles' Cure iriinriinl-v-d by Hart's drug smrel NOT ESSENTIALS. Itec-lve 11,1 sallHf.icilon f,,r preniedl. laii-d Imiiertlnence;'t , fiKet It, but keer. him Inexorably nt n (lisinnc who offered ll.-Livaler WOHICINK 24 HOCUS A HAY. Th'-r-'s 110 rest for those llfcpss lll lle workers-Dr. King's N.-w Life rills Mllllois nre always busy, curing impld liver, laiindlce, bllloiisnr-ss, f,.Ve? and ague. They bnnl-li lck headache, drive out malnrl.i. Ncv r gripe or wenken! Smnll, .isie nice, work wonders. Try them. 2&o at Hart's drug store