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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1901)
THR MOKMXG ASTOKIAX. THKSSDXY. .UXC 20, lH)l WEDDING GIFTS WERE COSTLY W.A. Clark Married to Miss Foster tt Butte. FUNCTION A NOTABLE ONE Smut Cliri'i Qilt t Iks Bride Was Cfcecfc K$lW,W-Otier Eiptaslvc Prtststs Frssj Relative ( tfct Bride aid Qrm. BlTTE. Mont. June 19.-W. A Clark, Jp, In youngeat son of l"n4l Suit Senator W. A. Clark, ana iti Vab'J Poster, were married this after aoon at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. S. C. Blaokiston of S:. John J Episcopal church officiating. The Fos ter home was elaborately decorated. The wedding- guest wen? limited to fifty relatives and friends. Mr. Foster fvi Ma daugruer away and there were no bridesmaids or groomsmen. Senator Clark arrived last night to atteni die wedding; and it is said that his present to the bride was a check tot I100.0M. The groom's present was necklace of liamonds and pearls, said to be valued a: tM.OM. and Mrs Charles W. Clark, sister-in-law of the brida. presented her with a ring st with oblong dlanonds and emeralds. To sec ire perfect gems an expert has been searching ihe s-hops of New Tork for three aion hs past. The bride s gown is Mid to have cost $3000. Th wedding Journey will extend to Zorope and will oov.t one year. W. A. Clark, Jr., is popularly sup posed o be worth three millions in his own right. When he became of age a large sum was fixed on him and this he fcaa judiciously invested in mining properties and realty. He s a popu lar young attorney and a member of the Una of Roote Clark. INSPECTED STEEL PLANTS. Trust Magnates Look Over Properties Beecntly Purchased. NEW TORK, Junt 19 -The member f the exicative committee of :he I'nit ed Slates Steel Corporation who have Just returned 'rom their -rip of inspec tion, give a favorable account of the condition of ihe various properties Vis ited. The: Include th? Federal SteH Company's plant at Johnson, the Lo rain as well as the Joliet work and the (rreat mill? at Pi: sburg and Mo Kewmcrt belonging to the "arnege 2nd the National Tube Companies: in aj. didon several of th? 1-uge mining prop erties ;n the Lak- Supe.-ior region w-re Tisite-1 and al.o the Cuinelkvilie oal fields. X Judge Gtry. chairman of the com mute;, wh'-n fjuesiioned. stated that the plant were all in god condition. Th-? several consti:u-n; companies- during the part yer had. he sail, expended considerable sums in improvements and extensions with the result that 'he properties had teen brought up to a high stite effiri-iKv. Jula" 'lary saii that it was pribbaiy iru- that th rnitel Prates j?til ..;.if.jtiy icu! I n..t iwnd so much m.ny :hi in -n-Ultom nt.s as was .'X;v-rl List y-j.r 'by ;h Kenernl oiMiNii1-? i.-.-aii-.- '.h euno!i.!a:i..n jf the vari ms j.r.j -n.-s made it unn-ve.ssjry t, carry ut kv eral plans for :-xtviii ns nhr-h cd bvt decided ui-n !y .mi .f th- ind -Tidual com pant -s. Th -re u.i-. '. -.. . ever, he said. '..n.:d-r ibl- ., done tinder appr-vtiati .ns uhi.-ti h i I been male some time ago by th- r'n s.iiueiir companies. NO BETTING AT HA It I. KM j Oikags May h- .iys S nn l Ri...e J Track Is Cl.ej i CHIfAW. June 19. S-ct-tary N'jth. ! arwin if the Haiiem J key Clu'j la-J asiraDifiiiiBs Scrofula is an unwelcome legacy, but one which tie children of blood poisoned parentage must accept, with all its humiliating consequences. It is an inheritance that makes one poorer ; that brings wretchedness and disease instead of health and riches, for the child whose ancestral blood is tainted with Scrofula or the loathsome virus of Contagious Blood PoUon is unfitted for the arduous duties of life so Ion a as an v of the transmitted poison remains to its veins. Scrofula manifests itself in various forms; swollen glands about the seek and throat, catarrh of the bead, weak eyes, bip bone disease, white swelling and offensive sores and abscesses are familiar symptoms, attended usually wit Iocs of strength, poor digestion and pale or bloodless complexion. The skin i sometimes most dreadfully affected, eruptions breaking out on all parts of the body. Scrofula destroys bone, tissue and flesh; no part of the human system scapes its. i,i. i . i.i i. aftsr the birth of my first child, th glands on tha left aids of my nsok began to swell. Four of th plaoae were lanced and became open running seres; risings came under my left arm, and the tiacberge was simply awful. The doctors said I ksd the worst case of Borofula they had srer sen. I took iodide of potassium, but this nor the other drugs glren for this dieeaee brought tsllef. When the physiolans adrleed me to here th glands removed, I deolded to try B. B. S. A Snr bottles cured me completely; no signs of ths terrible disease ar left. KSS. BIOHABD WA8B0H, rfn &h ALU ter, by restoring life sad parity to the profoundly poisoned blood, and the rich, strong blood that is carried to the swollen and diseased glands absorbs and destroys the tuberculous deposits, and the painful, disfiguring sores and other evidences of Scrofula disappear. S. S. S. should be begun immediately upon the appearance of the first symp toms, or where there is a known predisposition to Scrofula. Our medical depart ment will be found of great help to those who are struggling with this wasting aWase of heredity or any other blood trouble, and we invite you to write us. Should you or any member of your family need advice, our physicians will cheer fully give the information you desire, for which we make no charge. Book OS Slood and Skin Diseases free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA. night Issued a s!atHmn: calling oft .the remaining '.hre Java of the meeting. Following is ihe statement: "Hir Intention was to race out the remaining Ihrve days of our meeting without betting, bu; our attorneys ad vice Is no: to -ace. as such action might be ccntrucil as disrespectful to th court's injunction and might in jure our case which comes up on Mon day." The division is to close Harlem as a surprise to the public and to most of the bookmaker. The managers of the track h-'ld a conference last night and the above norioe was Issued. The decision to close !he track w the result of Judge Stein's refusal to dissolve Judge Holdout's Injunction restrain. ng the race track people. Out of the courts the tvi'kmakers re. ceive.l a Mow when Mayor Harrison declared wirh emphasis that he would not a'low bitting on the Derby to be run at the opening cf the Washington Park races on Saturday. Chief O'Neill d .via red that he would o; when the time cotiiis." "There certainly will be no gambling at the Perby," were the wrds of tbe mayor. "I will permit no gambling there and that was the unJ-r'.inding on which the license was issued." There is no d.ubt that the American Derby will be run whether there Is any betting or not. It is reported that the chief of police has received certain in. :ruc:lons but It is n.'t believed that the mayor w 11 enforce the threat made by him that there w.ll be no betting. STANDARD OIL OPERATIONS. Averted That It Has Criminally and Clvily Violated Stale Laws. WASHINGTON. June 19-The Inter national Commission has recHved and wiil print as a part of its permanent teport a number of affidavits making reply to the testimony given before the commission in 19 y John D. Arch bold of the Standard Oil Company. These affidavits are by F. S. Monnett, Ex-Attorney General of Ohio. M. L. Loikw d an J others. Mr. Lock wood submits affidavits to subitintiate hts statement before the commission to the effect that the Stand srl Company was at one time putting oil in tanks to be shipped to Germany for two cents a gallon, while peopl in Texas and Arkansas, where there was ni competition were Paying Jo cents a gallon. Mr. Arohbo'.d had said there was not a word of truth in this state ment. Mr. M.mnetl's statement is a genera! reply to Mr. Arvhbold's testi mony s.1 far as n applies t th" '"pera tior.s of the Standard Company in Ohio. He says that not only the Standard Oil Company, but oth-r oil companies like the Bu.-keye pip Line Company, the Ohio Oil company and the Solar Refining v' -nij-iuiy oontwted with It "each and 'very one. have rnly and tiotori us:y v olatfl their ihart-r and S v;.i'.i--.i the statutes) f the state . A ally an 1 civilly and are now so v: i.tting "h-ni an 1 did not dare to .'m- I.To . ..iirt at-1 anw-er the charges f su. ii vi-.lati.o ' H- .iss-rt th ,., ni;-ar.y has evad ed int-a I -f inv-s g.ite.J his bribery .-haise ar. I ad N: Thr.oieh their pipe hn- . harg -s an I !,y m- ins ..f th-ir mo n .;.y n trir.sp .r'.a'.on th Standard 1 1, i ir -rt' I- n ;": in 1 -f ...I t.y h; k v.. .Ims. th- t. t.i: t I..-H-!! i.i:-.- . i -' .i I t'h i an I 1-M in.e s- r.t.n'i- their m !.:.? .,,1 in '!iio, ev.-ry ri 'h s s ate cm verify - k. Th 'uollc are lt : ' I f law violaters t: 11 t kt ! -s are the t'.e in !-r. The iub .it th-.r v.-ry t l In-4 T:i t-iv o titn. n- alone :i..'i- ' SI'ItYKY' HtS ' Al-Min IN. Hurl r Mcv- Hiv- AlMndoned I'.:..v!i Mull. .'HKYENNK. Wv, . Jan.. iti.-S.-ver. j , i f - ii . . in the employ 1- !on .m; ; Mtii 'id who have . n k.:..r t. th- lin- ( 'h- prop'--I -Nt-t..-, I 'i.- ' I'l-i t'.sey branch f ti'i- i. a I '. .'a'- I-i k - have been ..ill-! it: .in 1 .id .. "k has en s:.p ; . -I. I . .- !. - .: . !--io:l that the com i'ltiy has i . i I j t.i . nstru'"-! th- X I- I. - Parents whose blood is pois oned by their own misdeeds, or who themselves may be suffering for the sins of some remote ancestor, must re store their own blood to its normal purity and strength, or they cannot expect fcsalthy, robuit children. S. S. S. cures Scrofula, like other dikeases of a deep seated, constitutional charac- HCXTlXaTON WIU. IS lANOli IMiKn Hatifcldt May V'tctn Co u;oi ' ' as an Adopuvi v'hlld. SAX FHAXCISvV, June 19 Ever since mention was made everal months aco that a secret search had bvn made of the records of S,i,r i men to county to determine If there w is a record of the adoption of ihnnoes Hattfeldt by the late Colli P. Hunt ington there have been persistent ru mor that the princess has In contem plation a content of the railroad bu M er's will. Ttiese rumors have been revived by the arrival of Prince Hatifcldt and th,' Princess Hatifcldt on this ooa.n and the fact that the princes has gxie to Sacramento ostensibly to visit her mother. The prltvews, however dts claims any Intention of begn'dug a contest. With the prince and princess in rhelr Western Journey is their at torney, Joseph IV Ke.ldlng. of New York .and his pr-sence here a: this turn has the report that legal arwivilings of some eort an- In con templation. To all imiuirlen Mr. Rai ding persistently repliiw that he knows nothing of his client's intentions In this regard, while the prlnee contents h.moelf with the declaration that h- has nothing to give out at present. It Is pointed out that such a contest would present unusual difficulty, for hi order to have the will declared Inval'.J It would be necessary to show that Mr. Huntington was f unsound mind at the Time he male th? will or that the will was executed was forged. The will was ex-vutej about two years before Huntington s death. Then there is the additional fact that the Princess Hatifcldt was men tioned In the will and was provlled for by giving her the Interest on J1.000.. (WO, during her life time, the principal to go to her issue, or failing is-ue. to such persons as she may by w II direct. The prlncews cannot therefore rely on a claim of a pretermit ted child, even if she should produce documentary evidence of her adoption in reaular legal form. It Is estimated that the Huntington estate has increased W per cent since his death. It is In the queitlou of residuiry legaie-sbip that there rests a bitterness which may f, roe the bring ing of a contest, for Henry E Hunt ington is named as residuary h-nefi-clary, anl It is pcble that he may receive over fjrty million dollars a his share. In comparison with that fls ure the H.OOO-OOO given to the .iin, e-s arnears verv Paltrv and it is n.'t i surprise to her trat sh- should express hr dissatisfaction. Whether this dissatisfaction will mat-rialii.. in a lawsuit is yet to be seen. There U a 'n the will that savs any one making a contest shall he cut off fr-.m all share in the estate, but the will of Jam-s G. Fair had a similar provis ion and the courts kn vked I: 'lit. Mrs. Clara Prentic. mother .f the prince, asserts, it is said, that she signed a document r-limiuish ng Iter luthority over h-r daughter and that Huntington legally ad , e 1 the .-hd l No record of this a 1 piion has le'.n found. h,v.veer. Gotp j -s so far as to say that ont-st proce-dlng will bJ legun s'mu'tane.uly in this city and New York prnn.isTs wim. wr.K.-Ti.K I'onte I'et.veeti Havy V.ih: Now II ini Arr r t k - I. NEW Yi'ItK. Jan.- 1:1 t . the World pr-p irtlons ar- ilti l-r way for a bis: wr-jtl'ng t ut :. in wli .-H the best li. x-r in this c un ry will he ,een .n New Y rk in a n-w r .... It tieeti s.,ite. on -x nt an horitv that Mad. son Square " ti will soon be the scene nf bouts l.-tw-en Ituhlln. Sharkey. Ki;jt.immn and oh -r froni-!n-nt h-avyw"igh's. p.-rs-.n who hav. 1 1 thr ;ar len are i i I to ) n. -gotiating with ItuMin and Shirk. -y f.r the firt match which will ! 1-. ;.-. w iihtn a few week Th- bouts will be an-ing-d f .r nlithis wh-n the i;.ar..-n is n.-t giv-n i.p to ry. yle racing. Pitzslmmon said a f.-w lays ago he would not tak- no wr-si-ling, but a fil.-nd th" 1 'oml-hm in says that Fltzsiinmons w'll probably be prevailed upon In -nt-r :h- (oiifsts. Sharkey confirms the r-ior thai a wrestling match is b-ing arrange.) f t him and Ruhl n. He said that the bout would op n u the tour-n-y at the Oarb-n and would he fol lowed by other meeting. b-twen heavyweights. CP.ftAT P.OADS HArtMONIZK Community of Infr-st PIn A b'pfd by Western Lin's. NKW YOI'.K, June 19-Far reiIili;g ulans involving the paeiilca'ion and harmonization of the great rallnad ystemn in the went and northwest have practically been compl.-t'-'l. " m v ry high authority It may be stated: There will be no further con solldation or pissing of legal control of great railrd systems of the wett. Second Thre will be no Interchange of securities. Third. There will be no change In the bgal Btatus of the St. Paul and th Northwestern syHtems. Fourth. The great capitalists now In control of the Union Pacific group, the Northern Pacific grouT', the St. Paul syste.n and the Northwestern system, have extended and solidified the com munity of Interest plan and while r.ot acting as a syndicate or a committee will co-operate In a manner which will preserve pace. The arrangements will be stronger than any of th old time "gentleman's agreement." The great capltaliKts will be in a measure a gen eral board of arbitration. Much has been heard within the iast ears Pears' soap is nothing but soap. Pure soap is as pontic as oil to the living skin. Pears' is the purest anil best toilet soap in all the worM. A I ii'.is of peep ti, ell sent el etl ii. i.iuiii a ugi; mi. few days of a consolidation of the t'nioti Pncin. system and the St. lul iMict In which the riiVngo North western was al. Intcivnd I: was stated that there was to be a iui, ha.s.' of th. control of the St. Paul road 'n the tnlerent of bth the t'nion !iMllc and the I'blcaito . Not thw .vtern In the pursuit f the community nf Inter.! schciii's This, It In authniltatlv.'l) learn.'. 1. Is n.q contemt'lat.'d but on he other hand a suttlci'iit Intcnst ii the sm k of the St. Paul real w II be sc. in.livd bv the syndicate if arbitr lit which "111 fully Insure the harmony if interest plan no,v so n arlv ompi.-lrd The riXds which will ent t under th central management are the I'nlon Pacific roads, the I'lilcag o, Milwaukee St. Paul, the lhl, lit N .i thwi'st. em on the one hand and the N 'rihcru Piuirt.- group. comp.,d f ;he N'orth em Pa. ltlc. the I'.reat N'oithern and th-' I' Hurlington ,4 Qulttcy on thi ol Jit r The binding link betwe'ii these two Immense systems Is the Northern Pacific. It ' etpe-t.'d that when the name of the Northern Pacific's new ill. reitors are announ.e.1 the full mgnltl cance of the present far-reaching p'uiu will tv fully uml.rstnod. lirSSFI.l, Itli'.AMY TASK Method by Which Ii W Peer. :l P.- Tried by NEW YOHK. June li - There is much talk aiming Hntlsh liy i. ay the Trbunes lmdon coi r'Upoiident re pec; tig the pro. .slur- In the Uussell bigtmy case If the y pro ceedings are follow til by a commitment by the magistral" and an ln . tment bv the grand jury There 1 a gen eral agr-enient that the rase m that event will be romov-d by writ of cer tiorari from the ordinary courts the h-mse of hods The lords can only hear appeals from the l..w-r courts but when i ier u . with f.'l otiv h- must go to th- house .f I .r 1. f 'r tr al and not on .ipi-.i!. I'.N I x WM KNT IIAISIIIV P!t'VIIKN "K. It. I. June Is A' th-" . oni. in ement of Hi iw ti mmer-tlty t. day, the nnn. inn. ni.'nt was trod. that the les.f.1 .'.''. ") endowiii-iit ll.l l !ee 1 r.l.s '.I Hid W IIS ei-ry hour. Th- . . n r,-.- c law s -rr.-'l up n I. l-ii -ni Mil-s. Increasing lo. tor of it. ll -tl.Ult- KM lM J A Nil I It. Kb iTIMl. NKW o .r.vf Y. .P.K, J.m- i - Accor l ug , 1 Hi'. .e J.I- tlier", as a car f.ii- n-tr .. t ."tiiiit i result "f m. r-a. i-iiig il s. PRAEL c5: COOK TRANSITK COMPA.NY Telephone 221. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped U Our Care Will Receive Hprclal Attention. No. Hi Duane St, Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK. Mfr Res. Tel. 1UL BESTOF EVERYTHING In a word th's tells of the Passenger Service via fhe Northwestern line.. Eight Trains Dally between St, Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latst Pu.lman Sleepers, Peerles Dining Cars, Library and Observation Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars. The 20th Century Train Runs Kvery Day of th Tear. The Finest Train in the Worla ricctric Liijhttd Steam Heated THE BADGER STATE EXPRKSS. the Finest Dally Train Running Between 8t. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line. Connections from the West made via The NORTHERN PACIFIC. GREAT NORTHERN and CANADIAN PACIFIC K'YS. This Is also the BEST LINE between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. All agents sell ticket via The Northwestern Line W. H. MEAD. H. L. SISLER, General Agent, Trav. Ageat, 248 Alder Street. Portland. Oregon. AN INCOME FOR LIFE 30 AOUKS-J MIl.K.-t IN l.KXOTH VA MILUOS IX'NS, Klchest Kold-le-arlng quarti. areund by natures baud Into J'd laes gravel, from iO to M feet In depth ever the entire prupi'rty. In adjltlas the company owns It miles In length sf river bed. each nii of which contains many millions of gnld. situated on the Kt Grande. In Taos county, Nr Mex ico. OVEM 100 MILLION DOLLARS For Dividend:) READ THE PROOFS United Slates Official l(oporl MADE TO OOMMISSIONKU OK TIIK KNITtD STATM. OKNEKAL. UANl) Or FK'K, WASHINGTON. U. C. by a gl.itt and mining ripsrt of worldwlds reputetlm, Profeuor Hen Jamln Sllllman. who spent seeeral months there, then being connected with the 1'mted States surveying corps. and in his otriclal report says: "Here are countless millions of tans of rtch g'Wd quarts reduced by the great forces of nature to a condition r Jy fur the application of the hydraul ic process while the entire bed of the Hio Grande for over forty miles la sluice, on the bars of which the gold derived from the wearing away of the gravel banks has been accumulating for countless sge, and now Ilea ready for extraction uy the moat approved methods of river mining The. thick ness of the Rio Grande g.a.l gravel tt ceeds in many places WO feet, or nearly three times that of the like beds In California, while the average ealuo per cusia yard is believed to be greater In the New Mexico beda than In any other such accumulations yet discov ered. I hav made a recoonafsanc of the whole of this gravel slang the Hlo Grande, and have examined with all the care poeaibl In the time at my command th character of the gravel and Its contents of gold. Nuth'sg. I am persjuaJed, olnc the discov ery of California snj Australia Is com parable for Its immeasurable resources ef gol'l available by the hydraulic ro-ci-v U the deep placers of the Itlo Grand'." Other reports from eminent mining experts of national reputation pro nounc the property of this company the richest and iiimi extensive knewn. Capital Slock 2,000,000 FUI.l.T PAID AND NON-AD-j HESSAiU.E. PAR VALUK II. j KAfH SHARK j One-half th entlr capital stack has I been place. In the treasury of the com I auy as a king capital. To cemsl'te j n'ceesary ditch's and p ace on the rleer I bed several g'lld tam dredje,. ths I company now offrs a limited number I of Its shares at 50c PER SHARE AFTKR SAM: OF Willi'"!) PRICE WIU, HE ADVAN' KD TO $1.00 m mn Applications should b s-tu sreinptly. vVrlte for prospectus. Make check, money orders payable to Rio Grande Placer Gjld Mining Co 7 EXCHANGE PL'CE, B09TON.MA83 A fumlllar name for the Chicago, Miluaukee. A St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" trains every Uay and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train in the world." Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best servloe known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam he.i, of a verity equaled by no othe. hie See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada. All ticket agerits sell them. For rat.-s, pamphlets or other Infor mation, iiiidnss. J. V. CAHKY. C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pass. Agt.. Oen. Agt.. Portias 1, Oregon. Portland. Ore. BOJ2THINfl NEW. Just published by the Southern Pa cific Co. Is a phmnphlet upon the re sources of Western Oregon, which In cludes an excellent map of the stats, and contains Information on climate, lands, education, etc., existing Indus tries and their capabilities. Attention Is also directed to such new fields for energy or capital as promise fair return. This publication fill a need long ex perienced by Oregonlans, n replying to inquiries of eastern frlsnds. Copies may be had of local agent Southern Pacific Co., or from C. H. MARKHAM. O. P. A.. Portland, Or T hese tiny Qaptulsi are superior to Daium or i-opaiDi.v Cubebs or Injections andy ev CURE IN 4S HOURSlKiUT the tame diseases W'th-W1 Out inconvenience. SM h til Drurrlih. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and budder tight BXTR A Metum ol Hie NORRIS 6i ROWH'S Biff Trained Animal Shows AT ASTORIA Snturctny, Juno 22 Slious J iiiul .H I'. M 300 ii:uiormi?(i AINIMA1-.M GRAND FREE STREET PARADE ll A. M. V' m TH AlN'KD ELKPHA NTS TR A 1 N LP OOA?1M Tlt.MNKD IVNIPS TH AINF.D ZEIHtAS 20 FUNNY norriscROs?Zc9 KindcsubtunDady uiphant: Every Act and BrltiK the Enormous Waterproof Tents PRICES: Adults, 50 Qiialicr yedicine Co TRADE WflCae. WI MARK FREE SHOW TONIGHT Twelh and Commercial Streets T'XAMINATiriN FRCTI PAlT.V AT fKVIDKNT HOTKT, THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS 10 AT. I3XTRA lllu Mornl Hliv 300 TRAINTD MONKEYS TRAINED ZEIll'B CLOWNS 20 Feature New Chllclrcn cents; Children, 25 cm FISEIFD nDATtimc Asioria, ure-