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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1901)
THE MOKKIXG ASTORIA,, THLKDAY. JUKI! 24. 1901. The Morning Astorian TKMOPHONK All contract for mlvcrtiamK In th AatotUn Mrs mudo on nuiiar- mil o( circulation four (Iiiin Urnr Uian Hint of miy ppr published or clrcululad In I'.UU op county. TODAY H WKATIIBR. IDItTI.AND. Jun l-Weanrn Or. gn and Wraiein Waahlngtiin, Thin. ly, fair; Kaamrii, ahower and thunder aioiiii. r.'aatorn Washington mi, I Northern Idaho, shower and thunder aturnia. cooler. AROUND TOWN. Prink H'M llwi and kwu exit; on mnall bottle will nmkrt flvw gallona. Md by J.hnn Urn, Ai'n Me H. U Oii"ii about hrnna. Ornrgrt llunif r(ut doj tut rtlM from Portland. Mr. II A. People, of Houlh llend. Wash., la In (ht Wanio.l: woman to do woxhlnf Cl at K,llIHgn Ml, Th aleam-r KI'W arrived In yea'or tlnv from Hn Kmiolrri. Itcat 5-cent meal -Wang Hun Uuiant. i CoitinifK-lrtl Hi. ! Th l I , l ai'li mier Man Ji return ed ii her tUtl Ml yeirnly. Three fti.cUa barber at the Occi dent li.irtn-r shop. Ileal nf service. J,t,iii . ,iiU of nil kind, cheap at Y kiliaina IUar; a; Commercial HI. Hhlrta. MM.. Nwk.'r W half price at lnlger' odd n I end aale. W II lliiill.iul. f.-rwrlv Willi l!m ii it a s. in Hi" 'iiy y'.T.iy nil blKlliewe 4'nihel strawberry ! cream iil vaiullt IV pint. and ft fr.-ain flue at Hi" I'arlor . Th ilerman baik ll-nrv 1 l.-W f.-l.l It cargo f bliahrla Of wll-'t. valuej al Ii: HI. We r the p-"ile to la'k lo about milk At ihr Milk LK-poi. r..rm-r Ttiih ami Puane atteet. The aicani Wi,.in-r Alliance armed yr.t.-nlty from Hnri Kraiu laro with paosnigora and freight. Msmpl tin Htraw an.! Crah Hal Di. of a klii't. ai 4 tr-c M Itul-a-r' ill and nxl aalv. Mr" llaamilin la prrl'arril lit ld UP lio rurlalua In '1 nrvl'T. l-av or-J-n at r'"ti liak'ry. DnigigT ih-a aa h aJvrt'art. all fixHla Ini lu.l' il In ihi Jil mi'l vii'l mI ! al i-xarlly 4 of f..rm-r .rtt-a. A4,!lkn,i rl i ma lion ,f ilir auooflaa uf Hi.' imffroy aaini'Mi ayiuliiMi" ap-t-dr'i In liwl n'Klit'a Ti-l'sram wlik-h iiun,'a llif Hon il-irKi. T. Mycra, tin i aiiiuT) innn. aa aaylnir llml Jin com. Iiitin him Ifii iiii'iiiixiruii'il anil will uri"Mfuily effi-ii iln" runii;iliiilon. HKM-P ll-i'ICNT MKAI.: SI N UKTAt ltANT. ItMINU Broken Lines SUITS, HATS, UNDERWEAR, SHOES, ETC. AT HALF PRICE ODD AND AT S. DANZIGER'S Wantail-Balamart varywher: Ml- ary or mmimlaai w: prmanint, llrown llrna. Co., Nunnryimn, Kovhnner, N. Y, Captain ami Mra. Arrhla K. 'nn ra llllllrl yiiTilny on III Klilrr (fill raliforiilu, wh'-rji ihy liava bn fur a furliilflil. Julin Nnralnnii, . II. Palmlirrc, F, A. Kiah and A. V. AHn vr tnm$ iHk piaafiiicm In I'orilaiul ywtTily in irnlnaT. Tlirnt. A. Itoaa. of Aal'irla, Ma one of a rlaaa uf llil nrpxluun-il yirr. lay ai Ilia lllaliup Hiolt In I'urllaiiil. Thn 1 trtt I alt lark Harmla da Iiwii clinricrri) in oal Dour on lli- t'nluiii. Iila anl will rrlvo In Ki-i'iiil-r r Oi'ioiM-r. Till' ilnniniii dark II. lU' kfi 1 1. whirl! arrival ilown Ih rivar yrl. r.y wllh a rarri k iraln fr Kuropt will go li ai'a ("'lay. ! Tha lnllr rarrlra nf I'orilanil will, lvi an riruraam to H,aalii'. Htinoay, t . u - , ........ i ........... I ..I I laif rniwd a('nllnaj. 1'ioaiii purif rya, Am'rlra'a llnrat ahltkfv. Tha only pura iila; ur. aiiirvil rli-h aiut ni'How. JOHN I. CAI(ljiN, Hola Acnt, Th Klka' baaball 1m la arranrlnR lor a cama wlih Ihi- team rrprawntlim Ih" I'orlland Kak. lb Rama to bt playl In ih- laiirr illy. I'ir flr(M'laMi tnrala and li,'iin-liki fiinkliiir. i lo ihn llnaion rraiauriMit. h'r- only Ihn but nf rvrryttillif la omI i"-n until I a. m. Mra. Jwail haa purohaard a lai'R-' l.vk of iiillln-ry and Invito the ladka i.f Aaiorla lo lni-tli. I It purl.'ra n in pairoiing owing in ;w aym ari at W Kv.oiih alrwl. , l'ihy '' irh-r on ih.' airnn- who i 'irrml the uiill'-'-no-d flh-nn'n 1nn J.atin A Jl'intgoiifry lua oprnrj a h.ip al 4.'l H .nd itl and la pn arl In do all of liHlinblng an I (In- ning ill llm liW'-ai poeelble ruiaw. Itnlvn c.ial lna longer, la lean r on, I imk'-a ea ir'Xilile wllh atov-a and cbitiiiiey lln .-at than my other, tleurg,. V. Hanlioiii. ngeiil; rli-hone WW. r...lM-rt I'miltur. f Unlla- and M . unii-a:oi, that Mr. Kirft-r 'lll ar Anna J.-fT.-t y. .if At',rla. W'-n- innr- ! range fir lh tranfr 'f 'he Ala"ka rl'-l in I'orlland Ti-d.i. and after a Ftahrrnien'a I'm king I'om.'jny'a pr'P ahort lrli will tnake '.heir h one In (h i ,.rly B. hla own cann.ry 4t Ta illy k it. lo the new rnrporttlon nhlch the - nbiive naoinl genii onen aie en-Ii-avr- The ai'hii'ier North Herd whlih ha. i ing to f.inn. Tha 1 1 l-n cimM been loa ling liiinle-r al knapi'tiiii. w-nl to a-a yea'Tlny The ii Ii n r olun- teer haa ."nipltd tv-r caigo and will toolmlily be towed lo r-- l-xliy. A d. id ' filed wHh the roun.y r. eunli-r veaierdav whereby IV J Ilri.l lev -'f 1'ort'anil. tranfera l lc J II. Ilawley rompa.iy 11 a. r-a 'n a'' - lion. and I T. i N , H- I" W . for H-v-ml hota aelmr wiih grounda un Ihe river ll lo am acrve wora i ,i- wr. The run of ll'h yi-aterday ehow-, l imall nnpr ivmi-nt. Ihn old atorage , men nvelvlng th. larger part of ill" ; otihea. , Tiinlaht the Native Iiaughtrre will hold ihetr laat mn-tlng of the iaon at their home In I'age'a hall, and Ii will be In the nature of un Informal reception to their Men.!, who ar cr. diiiliy invlled to attend. , i-i.. ii ii x sr 1'., li... male a tate .. i.a e-.i A'i..ei a ii. I Portland for f,..,i eio-iaitl.Ht at Iluf- ' e..i.. ti. u.o. uiil Im- on aale tlral and ihir.'l Toe.,liva. .lone lo iVtolaT. Inclu- uv The... tt. k : mut be u-el f.-r . AHii'imi.iiia imaaaae going, but amp- oven will be allo.ved within fiiml limn returning END 5ALE I : Tha realint of Braaldn hava raUpd funl of ovff II0O arlth whlrh m ar- rnriati for an lalxiral rourtili of July nli'lirailon. A number of mitrac'.lont will b airurwl and promlnant oraljri will 1rivr pairio'le (ddrraana. A roron u wlvd yaatarday ai iha Hah warden' i.flca from KM.I Bu iwrlntmili-nl ilrrtunian, In which he talaj thai hi had bin up tha (I'M wali'r rlviT to the forka and r''m nifnda ih iill"hm'-ni of a hatrhtry on Aaottn c-n-ik. J K. Iliillalni1. ftirimllnc tha Ny York ('"mni-nlnl. la In lh illy In Hi Inirri'aia if hla iir, Tlif aland lukfn by th I'omini'N'liil rrntly In urKlnc IIih claiina of Aaiorln for iii laJ4.' ruliia li mad many frlrnda for llir paprr hi?r. ThpHpiikaiir Hp.iki-aman-rirvlrw u: "I'm ilnnil will alwaya be a fine and vrowitiK illy. It iaa rrown noiwlid atamllnar thf rla" of Ta-'ma and M.-ut dr. It will grow notwithstanding Ihr r ;w "f Aatorli. Hut Juat th aam" I'nriUnd rannot forever monotMillav Ihr nrran commi-rc" of Iha CnlumMa rlvr Aat'irla will ba itn -:hlf)aT mr than a tlahlnar hamlrt al 'he noulh nf lh Co liimbla." Portland la troubled ovtr iha ahlptiH'nt f Idaho wh'at to Taoaoit, and lh O. IC, it N. ronpany proprama lij ern-i lara warrbiua'a al HoIim-, Ida., to ac rorc ihr hat which Ihla year ha b-n hnndlrd by ;hi Northi-m Public railway and brnuahi :o Tarotrui. I'nrt. Iind la aln-ady frclln thr rffota of ihr aoprir fiirllliln Tanmia now rn- ny f,ir liandilng 'h-ai fur rxport. Turnn a N'W'a. IVlmly I'niiinilaaliincr Mrlt'-avy. !' t. in v lluliman and Wit-r Wlrk man havr arrived In I'urtlan). They if 'rl-d that d.tll. uli ea ha. J b-n mn ll' pair"! lauiirn ai'l'r.iacnrii. a pun I" Hi-i in wrral ..fT. n l. ra near Orv. ' :'y waa rru.iraiea ny a I l iei- ili.iiie l lo the naliernun .f the Impend ing raid. Kcr I hin. r. of the firm ,.f Flaher lr,., P-ft yt.-rlny mofilng for the i ciei. In ta!"fie ;o a 'elcgram fr,on i Mi-xra niftn.v nn, M-JiV-rf It la In Ih. iiv of it Ii "i a Iv iaa( and la authenil.- frum thi The cilnilnal . a- on ih-1 circuit court docket have b-en la' I over ut I ihe September term. In the iaa.' of John Hoy re. the I'latacp Iteach clam digger, charged with aaaul( with a deadly weapon, "not true bill" waa .,urnr),. one'of the raaea nendlna la that of Pr. . '. Ho.entierg. hurg,.1 with running an oherene rewpal"r. It U n.if i.r.O.Ml.l.. Ihai ihla u-tll K.. pe,w.-cuie. aa Hair--ln. w ho aw .re to the rnmpUn, h(. ,) f( (h. plIy anJ f lr j,,, ht )t(n(. ,vnalerble routine hurtnMW tranaac.d by the court yitrrday. The regatta uueen nutter 'a atlll un . ni,.., no c-iicluil n b-ing rache ut the me'tlng held ymtcrday When chairman I'ark-T gin to I'ortland to- ,iy i .Mrmult with AJm ml i-'dwarda he will lake wllh him a gif: from the rgat:i c onnilitie In ihe forn if a U- v.r ai I Kn graven ..n me a d.- U 'he ltie.rti.tlmi: "Captain K. S. KJ- wuriV Admiral Aaiorla Annual It-gs: la. Il." and on the r.-vrrw aide aie Hie ininica of the mrmhera of th" com n. tic. 1' ipera throughout th.- mat hiv - ne-n giving onudcrable apace to , lie r 'Hall. i plana. I The Portland police have !n . aatody a liotua chiik operator who gave ih name of lieorgo Wtlaon and It ! thought he la Ihe amnoth awlndler who w rkl four ba al bmlne'e mm Sun , ilav II a meili Kla In Portlan I were different, however, a forged aitploa,-,lly ilgnl by the caahlir. bring uaed- The I.ilce aay that '!!on hiva a reiMrd for laying down wortftleaa pa ,'H-r and that he haa aervrd i-ne term in the penitentiary. Wllaon c'.alma U have been a newapipir man and ha ulao aludied liw. H-veral chargea are piiullng nguln! him. i t'athttine Hrady, wife of the aMnatant engineer on the Rla Jano-ro, wh. waa . drowned w hen thai veaael wua w reckiil on the --ml of February, has died a I ault againat FnMt'rick W. Jordan nd I aaaoclated pilot a for 115-000. A alm- i ll-i r milt for .0.(kki for the death of ; J. II. SmliU who waa a water tender on 'the, haa also been 1 rough t by hla wl !ow. Theae aulta are baaed m . th- ground that Pilot Jordan waa in ! aole control of the unfortunate veaael I when ahe went down on the rock In 1 the (lokl'-n (into nn, I that he la re ponalble for Ihe death of ihe two met). The cingreaaionn cominlitee on riv er and harbora haa not yet indicat ed how long they will atay In Ore gon, but the member have agreej to return on July l.'. and put In aome additional time In Inapevtlng the Co lumbia and Willamette rlvera. The Diana for Ihe flrt vlalt have not been fully matured but the flrat day will be devoted to a trip down the Columbia to the jcttlea. The party will make the down trip by atenmer and will return on the train. While her the congrexa men will be entertained by tile Joint committee from the Commercial and Puah club. District Attorney Harrison Allen r celved a letter yeaierday from a prom inent Portland legal firm deiaillng an experience that the member had with CI. J. Simmonda, the entt-rprlalng young forger, w ho , wanted here and In other cltlea of the Noi'ibweat. Through the aniualn lance of memberf of Ihe firm with the young man a father he was received cordially. Ho reprecented that he wu a practicing attorney and that he wna In Portland attending to legal nutter In connection with n f- at. Incidentally he requested the fa vor of securing caah for a check on a Seattle bunk, eluned by himself. The money was hanl-i iver and the swin dler iliac pPeared, The check came back marked "no funds": and ihe lawyer are willing lo proarcute If the often- dor can bo cuugiit. It la poibo thai a hatchery Juat es tablished by the United S.aifa flab, conimlaalon on Mill creek. In Tehama county, about two mile from the town i.f Tehama, will In ilnie be one of the most Important In the northern pirt of the ftate, any the Sun Franclc0 . Chronicle. A leading ''"h cullurist nys that while but one retaining dam la In position there and the plant is 't in a crude condition, there are great prospect ahead for the now nlte chow en for the propagation of flah. This I undo especially true, he aays, by the fact that salmon aeem less Inclined each year of late to come n far u,i th Saoramonto river as had been their spawning habit of previous year. This is occasioned, It I contended by (ome through Iha walara of th Ha'ranv-nta rlvi'r being Imprrcnaird with (lag, cm alatlng of fins glaaa-lika parllrlri, for many mileaj Im-Iow l(elllng. Th Mag la from tha K'awlek m-ltera. It la aid o onter tha gllla of the Rah and eventually kill them. The take of egga at the fmixtua ilalrt and Hatlle rreK flulierl'-a. In thla county, haa dmln:ahei yearly alnr lh Inalalllnent of the b melting plant named. P"r lh tmil alxli-en yera Norrla Ilowe'a big trained animal ehowa have been bef.iro ih'i American public. Klrat aiarllng with a f-w l"ga aiwl a Idli, llllle by little, until It la today the larg eat and moat aiid-ea-ful Inatltuilon of (lie kind In th world. To make thla alurw what It U t'Mlny meant perae-ver ame and pluck. Nmrla at Itowa met ninny reverse, but with an indomlnaJ able will power and honai bualneaa riK lhoda they have oiti.e a fortune and a nam for theinadvea. 'n their tartl cuUr line, that 'annot be tclliiaed I. any ainua'-meiu Inadtullon. Alwaya on the alert of novel featur.-. and a de Ire to -give llielr patrona more for their ninny thari they ran get elae w h,re, th'-y aun I lodjy In a t'eld all by theri'a?lve. The pr"nt a-aaon the ah"W la iloublo the alxe of laat year and many new and novel featurea have been idd-d. Thla will be th farewell tour of the ahow In thla country, a ar riin'ment have Ik-cii cimpleted where bv the ahow will go to Parla and then make a lour of the world. The ahowf will exhibit In rtrla city on Haturday aftenoon and nlgnt Till-: Hf.S IlWX)MrNO FXTIN'CT. An eminent a-lentlat haa atarled the world wl'h the declar.itlnn that the heat nf the aun . being exhaualcd. He aa aurra tia, hoev-r, ihat It will be many cent irl' before It takra place. In the meantime we ahould try and make the Iw-at of life and enjoy It while we have th ono,irtuge)y. Ibla. however, la Im tioeallile unlea you have good healih and ee-!aly a alrong aiomach. l'e H.atiet' ? Htomoch rtitteia to keep the almna -h In order nd you will be hap P'. It curia d)T-;jla, ciliatlpatlon billoiiaii'-aji. am ilig'-ilon and kiv th" boAela rigulur. It haa t'--n the afind.ird medicine of the American people ov r fifty year Inclat on hav lug th" genuine wlih our Private Hev enu' Htanii oer Ih- neck of th- hot tic. Ni.TIi'K TO BTt'DENTS. T atud-nta of International Cirr!. poiid'ii.-e S'h)ola I will make the fol lowing eclal offer for June an, July To ih? atui-nl who a.--urea for me the largeat nu'nb-r of nrollnienia. I Will g a boiiua of 110. and lo the one a-curlng (he next largeaj number I will give 15. The minimum numler n'eiry to aeeur... the lid la five enrolment" and three enrollment to a.-cure the 13 bo ntia Th-'a-- Ivinu,-a rf in addl'ion to the rrellta allowed by the aohools. Hoping here are 'ni- -untlew among you. I am, loura tnily, U.H IS O. SPIES. BIDS FOR WOOD. Notice la hereby given that bid to furniah WiM to arhool district 1 In tho manner aa hereinafter aet forth will be received at the onVa of the arhool clerk until Thursday noon, June in, 111: One hundr-M and fifty lor more) cord of yelliw fir. bark rlabwod; 150 (or mor-1 corda of live hemlm'k wood, to be delivrvl at 'he MrOure. Shlvely Alderbrook, Adair and Olney chil houaea; delivery of wood to commence on or la'fore June S7lh. and to be com pleted before August I. 1901. Itlghl ri-a-.-rvoil to reject any and all bl'le. Ity order of the board. J. E. HICCrlNS. E Z. FKRi"l'.N. Chairman. Clerk. CALL Fi"U WARRANTS. Notice I hereby given to all parties homing ClaUiip County warrant, en- d.iraed prior to October S, 1K99. to pre ent the lime to the County Treasurer at his office, 164 Tenth mreet, for pay ment. Interest cease after rhi date. II. C. THOMPSON. County Treasurer. Dited. Astoria. Oregon, thla 17th day of June, 1901. FOR SALE. Tha Columbia River Tackera Assooi atlon haa for aale, two schooners and on launch. A description of the schiain'Ts follow: Schooner "Kinney Length, J5.5; bexm. 11.3: depth of hold, S.lHj. Sohixmer "Hattie" Length 31.(1: beam, 9 ; depth of hold. 3.S. Offer will be received at the office of the association, where full partlcu lane may also be had. WHERE PO YOU HAVE YOU TRIED A. W. SHIPLEY? Sj6 Commercial Street. DO YOU KNOW That he give the best there 1 to be had in the city for the least money? Tlace an order once and nee. C. W. BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 573 Commercial St., ASTORIA, OR. TELEPHONE, RED 2081. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leav. PORTLAND. Arrlv. 8:00a.m.Portland Union Depotlll:lti a.m. 6:66 p.m.for Astoria and lnter-9:40 p.m. Iniedlate points. I ASTORIA. I 7.4Sa.m.lFor Portland at ln-ll:Ma.m. 610 p.m.ftermedlnte points 10;30 p.m. RBA8IDB) DIVISION. Il::tf. a. m. ASTORIA I 7:40 a. m 4:iV p. m II Hop. in. :S0 a m 6 1Aa. m. il;:tu p. in. I ll:aia in SEASIDE ) ';;5Sp.S Sunday only All trains make close connections at Oobla with all Northern Pacific train to and from the East or Bound points. J. C. MAYO. Oen'l Fr't and Pass. Agent EXPLAINS HIS POSITION MR. FULTON SAYS HE HAS KEEN MlSQl'OTKD. Alternating From Abuae to Sur amin lit Score 'Ihe AhIo rlun In IIU Ancr. EDITOR ASTORIAN: I stated In a prevloua article that I had tnil con templated being drawn Into a dlacusalon of ibe river Improvement luxation and that I did not then proio pursuing It further. I hav I but one object In view at that trine, namely, to protea'. agilnt the publication of article op poiliig appropriation by cwgre for the Improvement of the Columbia, a being In bad Unto and calculated on ly to do u harm. In an article writ ten by Mr. Samuel Elmore, present edi tor of tbe Astorian, aubscrtbed "A Loy al Astorian," you My: "I am afraid you will have to recall the remark that you "will not be drawn into a nwa paper controversy or rtae your argu ment in Sunday'a article being torn no hopeleaaly to tatter, your constitu ency w ill have to rally to your aid and pitch It up for you." Well, really, that article you wrote under the name "A Loyal Astorian" waa a crusher, wasn't It? And yet. strange as It may app-ar to you, were It not that you have so deliberately and willfully misouoted and mlareprment- ed me and at the fame time ought to conceal your ow n ear beneath the lion's akin, I cunfe I can see no:hing In any one of your article that d-a not bear on Ita own fare its own anaw-r. Uy the way, Mr. "A Loyal As:orlan"i wbv did you not lgn your own nam to your communlcitlon Instead of well ing to conceal yourself under the man tie of "A Loyal Astorian"? Did you hope by many d ff-rent aounds to cre ate the Impression that public opin ion was with you? Many of u have live I In countries Infested by coyotes before, ne know- how one can hide bebmd a hill and, with hs tongue. r'pr-ent a hundred, but. Just slip iu!et!y around that hill, and '-u Will aee only that aame old coyote. I It not strange that one o loyal so Intensely loyal should hesitate tj sien his true na-ne? Which nu he ashamed of. hla name or his position? I know he should be a.himed of the latler; I doubt not he has every rea son to be ishanicd of the former. You are kind enough to say that I am a can lldate for office, writing for P"" tlcal effect, and that "it Is quite well understood by person familiar with the devioii wiy of political strategy that Mr. Fulton has no desire to antagmize the Multnomah delegation." "Devious ways I good, coming as it does from a past master in the art. I hall no: attempt to question your Am ple knowledge of such ways, nor shall I attempt to match you In tht Held. for I deem It neither wisdom nor recre ation to "dice with the devil." " There are. you say, no political aspiration bulling in Ihe editorial bonnet." (Sam's bonnet at present.) Who has said ny thing about politic but yourself. Who haa accused you of aspiring to office? ho are they that flee when none pur sue? I fear "the lady doth protest too mui-h." Now, .ir, so far as my alleged fear of antagonizing, politically, the Multno mah delegation Is concerned, ihe whole state knows I have continuously antag onized It during the laat twenty yeans, and luring .he lat 'en years, you, Mr. Editor. It ! equally well, have assisted them In all their political tlirhta. Now, really, were you not Just a little unhappy in Introducing politics into this dlscr.'.on? It waa unneces sary, certilnly Just J unnecessary as it was to become personal or ascribe motives at all. I had not questioned your motive, but condemned your Judg ment In contending against appropria tions for the Improvement of the Co lumbia. You say you have always stooj for the common point. Have vou? Always? Well, yes, sometimes. Hut, who win dlacujisalng the common point? This Is the charge I bnng against you. that you have completely evaded the issue. 'You seek to make it appear rhat I m opposing the extension of common rate to Astoria. ou say that Mr. Ful ton "scored this paper for Its attitude in demanding that Astoria be recognu ed aa the seaport of Oregon." Is that true? You knj.v, and every person who ha real my articles, know it is not true. The following are the statements criticised: "The government of tho United States has no m.ire right to expend money on the improvement of the Columbia river hmnel between Astorian and Portland than It has to exp"n.i money to Im prove the streets of Portbod." And. 'government appropriatt ns to enable easoing vessel io ascend the river to Portland are not only a misuse of public fund they are at the same time a swindle on the government and a fraud upon tho .'Igh's of every pro ducer in the Columoia, bisin. And. the Delaware Is a very deep, wide river, navigable at aM season of the ear." whil'. per inference, "the Co lumbia la not," that is. neither wide nor deep, nor navigable at all seasons of the vear. These were the statements I crlti. iseil. I as red and I repeat that such article only create enemies for us throughout the entire state not alone in Portland- Eastern Oregon, as w'ell as Portland, is Interested In this mat ter. When you tell them that ihe Co lumbia is not "wile nor deep" and that It Is a fraud on the government and the producrs to Improve it. you Justly excite their indignation and in- Ite thoir enmity, i protested in me name of our pe iple, against such state ment belrg accepted as representing the sentiment of this community I re iterate that protest. You answer that I am a candidate for oftlee. Even If I were, It would not, in all probability, mnke tho Columbia loss wide or les eep. or bus a highway for commerce, nor an axiom any the less a solf-evl- ent truth, nor decency and manliness anv the less admirable. You say "It would be interesting to known what I Pacific NavigationCompany Steamers "Sue II. Elmore" and "XV. II. Harrison" Only line Astoria to Tillamook. Garibaldi and Bay City, Hobsonrille Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com pany and also the Astoria & Colum bia River Railroad for San Fran cisco. Portland and all points East. For freight and passenger rates apply to Samuel Elmore & Co., General Agents, ASTORIA, OEE (O. R. & N. R. R. Co.. Portland, AGENTS A. & C. R. R. Co., Portland, j B. C. LAMB, Tillamook, Oregon. lift Me r 9 r NstciM ft , m A LESSON OLLAR for dollar, w more in Ivory Soap than in any household soap. It is easy to find a cheap soap; but to find purity and low price in a single soap is not easy. They combine in Ivory Soap. You can afford to use it in the laundry; you can not afford not to use it elsewhere. It is vegetable-oil soap, in the cheapest form in which it can be pro cured. You pay nclhfnj for a fancy box, wrapper or perfume. It is all in the soap I It floats. Mr. Fulton' sources are for ascertttn - Ing the sentiment of this community." I answer, by meeting and talkin with our people. Sine; publishing the two artlcl ' you cr tlciae, I have been assured by letters from nil over the oountv and by th great majority of the peop! I have met. tha: I have truly expressed the r?n:tment or m;s community. You say that you "have been demand ing that Anoria be recognized as the saport of Oregon." I am with you for that, moat heartily. Uut is it neces sary' to "knock" some other Place in order io advance our own Interest? W want appropriation for Improvement of the entrance to ihe river and of our harbor. In the name of common decen cy wbv should we protest aganst cm. gross aiding some othr place. I agre that Improvement of the entrance 's of first importance and I would asaert (If the order of Importance were under discussion), that opening the upper Co lumbia is next in Importance, but I also contend chat It is Important that appropriations be made for Improving the lower Columbia. Were the latter. however .'In our judgment), not or any importance, I contend that it w ould b narrow minded and semsh to the Bor der of 'ndecency in us t oppose such appropria.lons. and that, in particular. Is the point I have sought to make clear. Conscious, evidently, true you 'tan J en slippery ground, you talk loudly about the common pn'-, and about what the Budget and Daily News Live sa'.d. I can not avoid remarking, in passing, that It will not eac.ipe the notice of the public tiiat your desper ate need of help haa caused you for the first time to speak a kmdiy word concerning your "esteemed contempor aries." But you will not find them rushing to your lid. Nor will yourj "clevirus strategy m pi'ung mem un the shoulder avail. The Bu-Ig-.'t has never voiced and. I am told, does not endorse any such sentiments as those for uttering which I criticised you. The Dailv News did once, in the article I criticised, but all Its orevlous utter ances were In line with my Position, and the editor of rhe News has Inform ed me that the article I criticised ap peared in his paper unobserved by him and did not express his sentiments. The fact Is. I should properly have given attention to the Astorian first, as It has been the real, uniform ana con tinuous offender In this matter. It is responsible for having arrayed every part of Oregon against us. But the river and harbor committee being about due when I saw the article In the Duly News, I answered It for I thought I oucht not, at this time, to remain un answered. But, you may observe. have not been so far wrong, after all in mv estimate of public sentiment. Had I not known the sentiment of our people, I would never have doubted It I know they would never be guilty of so ghouimh an act as that of seeking to prevent some other locality from se curing congresMl inal aid In order to help themselves. I do not have to ask our people what they th'nk about such a proposition. Now. hereafter, in your discussion. I want you to stick to the ouestion. Don't try to ring irf any more propositions like this: "For years the business men of Astoria and investors whose fortunes, large and rmall, are Invested here, have been demanding that common point rites be granted this port." You know we all aeree on that proposition. I believe I have labored as earnestly as any per son to secure common rate for our rort. I have invested as much money In our city. In proportion, as any other nerson. surely, for I have invested in this city and county every dollar I lave made, and I expect to continue doing so. But. sir, the common point is not the question and you know it. It is a ques tion purely of nonesty and decency The question is, were you Justified in saying, (1) that Astoria will oppose all appropriations by congress to improve the Columbia. For tht, remember, Is v. hat you a il l; and, (2) that the Columbia Is not a wide or deep river and Is not navigable, between here and Portland, at ail seasons of the year, lor that, remember, is whit you said, Now, I assert that the sentiment of our peopb will not sustain you in such con tontions and that ' In making such statement you do not reflect 'heir sen timent. On that proposition. Mr. "A I.oval Astorian," (remember, Tieroarter. IN VALUES. pound for pound, there is ! that a truly loyal man never fear ; to ubcriSe his nsme In support at his position) I do not hesitate to gJ before "my constituency" concerning; whom you are ao sincerely alarmed. As for my loyalty to Astoria, whlcl you seek to impugn, I have only to say. that I have resided bre now, over $. ifuarin il a i-7ijiu.j. 'in ua.e u i vestel here. I am willing that my fel low citzens "hall answer whether or not I h.iv been loval to our city. I can . ... 4 ti f I .. - f- I n ! rielv hnne ?n neitn.r thronrh that growth and prosperity of Astoria. But if it be disloyalty to decline to believe that one may properly pull another down in order to lull himself up; that to advance our own locality we muet retard another: tha In order to establ ish on-j own good character. It i necessary to slander one's neighbor, and tha: the doing of all these I honorable and decent, then, sir. I am disloyal. C. W. FCLTON. WrVaWi' 'Hum ilium itmit tititlli . iniini uviinMiiijniiniimi 'wag The article In yesterday's Asto rian signed "A Loyal Astorian," which called forth the angry, undignified reply from th Hon. C. W. Fulton, found elsewhere la this issue, was neither dic tated, instigated nor written by me. I deny absolutely any knowledge of Its existence or preparation until it was placed in my hands for publication and by me turned over to the editor ial department of the Astorian. As to the writer of the com munication using the signature "A Loyal Astorian" he may have had the same reasons for with holding his Identity as Mr. Ful ton has had on several occas ions when he has contributed to the columns of this paper over a nom de plume. aMtEL ELMORE. Jll.l ...... 111. Ml ... U... ,.. . ..... ... 1. M rj r-IV ii iv on i v. ra 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiiiiiiiYT FOR JSALE. Twenty yearling heifers, bred from Poland-Angus bull and Short Horn cows. Also, five of the finest bull that ever were brought Into Hie state of Oregon, for loggers. Weight from SOW to 2500 pounds each. Will be sold at verv reasonable price. Inquire of M. SUSMAX. FOR SALE OR RENT. Two new cottages at Seaside. Fine location, well furnished. Good water. Apply to C. M. Cuthblrthi 127 Seventh street. Astoria, or to S. J. Hubbard. Seaside. Oregon. A MERCHANTS' CONTEST FOR FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS IX GOLD COIX. The un-lersigned merchants of Astorl for the purpose of showing their appre ciation to the'r customer;-, have agreed to it irt a contest under the following: conditions: We give one vote for every ten (10) cent purchase. Votes may be cast for any society, organization, public or private Institution or Individual. No votes can be sold under any circum stance. The contest lasts from now until October 1. The society, Institution or Individual receiving the highest total of votes will be awarded the ttve hundred dollar with which to buy a piano, or furniture or whatever they may prefer to buy. R-iss. Hlggins & Co., groceries, etc. Fisher Bros., groceries, etc. V. H. Coffee, groceries, etc. Johnson Bos., groceries, etc. James Crouchley, grocer. Central Meat Market. P. Lawler & Co., fish market. Palace Restaurant. Seaside Bakery. Otegon Bakery. Robinson's Furniture btore. The B-e Hive, department store. The Wonder, department store. Hoeflers' Candy and Ice Cream Parlors. Tagg's Candy and Ice Cream Parlors. John Hahn, shoe store. J. H. Seymour, Jeweler. Eagle Drug Store. Central Drug Store. Herman Wise, clothing, pats. etc. C. H. Cooper, dry goods, clothing, eto, S. Danziger, clothing, hats, etc. N. Schlussell, clothing hats, etc. Will Madison's Cigar Store. Jack Burns, cigars. P. Miller & Son, cigars. Theo. Bnicker, clgirs. John Pentilla, cigars. J. L'tzinger, cigars. Fred Brown, cigars.