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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1901)
THE .HORSING XSTOKU THIKS3AY. JUXI? 20. IWI gaily gtatortast. Telephone MeJn 4X1. TEhMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Seat by mall. per rear Brat by mall, per month SO Served by rt(r, per month M ' SEMt-WEEKLT. tent by mail. per year. In advance. IJ.OO All eonmunlcatlon Intended for pub llratlon should be directed to "Kdttor Aatonan." Uuslness communication of all kind and remittance must be addressed to "The Atorln Publish tnc Co " The Astortan guarantee to It ad vertiser the largest HrculUoB of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rate can had on ap nea M the burtneM manager. In another column of the A1. T an thi morning 1 publihed a communi cation from th? Hon. C. W. Pulton, tnj It ha pleased the brilliant senator fri.m Clausop to be abusive. sarcatio and evasive In his an?r. That portion of hi letter devoted to kuesing ;ne .unu tlty of the correspondent signing him self "A Loyal Astor.m.11 efto, tuat ly answered elsewher In a signed statement from Mr. Elm.. re in which he denies the authorship, and state tha: It was handed to htm for publication by a person not connected w th the paper. Stripped of the sarcasm and abuse Mr. Fulton's eommun';aticn re solves Itself Into a futile effort ;o strad dle a fence and dangl? one leg in Port land' front yard and the -:her in As toria. The editoral utterance of the Astorian. which s. roused the ire of Mr. Fulton, sought to show that so long as large apprvprations wve txpjnJ-'d in keeping open the channel to Port land, under existing conditions. Astoria would never be the commercial searrt of the Columbia hasin and of Oregon. The injustice was poin'.ed out of main taining an inland feaport. inaccessible to the largest cargo carr ers of tbe eeas, and of spending the pubic money coterie of riilroid mag. to benefit a natea. It was shown that thee va.t expenditures had In them no ilemnt uf benefit to the farmers cf Oregon; that it was a wanton wj:-? of rutilic money when we have here, jlmost at Thj mouth of the Columbia, en? of finest harbors on the Pacific c. a: the Mr. FuUoti ile'.ai''-J :ha. th exDfesyed in thse columns b- ai'ov 1 to go forth unchall-nged it a:!! r-u:-in making en-mies for Astoria, r. .t alone in Portland, but in Easi-m ).--gon, in fait, in the entire state. H-accus-4 the .f bgg.n? question, and says that th- c 'm-n ,n point rate problem is in no way inv..lvl In the controversy. If in coram i point rate is not the pivotal point of the discussion then what is? The As torian ha stated that It dies not op Dose the maintenance of a channel to Portland providing It redound? to the benefit at the entire state. It is not the channel that has been involve! but the mjn, who are back of the r-sure on the government to s-, ur- th-- ap propriations, and their motive the question of equitable rat Is not to the ' seaboard and the de-rp-ning of th; riv er from here to Portland o ins-para-bly Interwoven that one cannot I- Jis lURSed without the other being involv ed? Mr. Fulton himMf admi's tbat if the appropriations were to be -xp-nl J according to the imwrtanc- of the im provements that the rivers fmn Asto ria to Portland would be the ia-t , be considered. Also, he says that he know that the people of Astoria would not seek to prevent some other lo'.aiity from securing congr-sslona! aid to help themselves. Why not, when th-r is th more Important point to b- considered of the welfare of the entire state? Why not, when Portland hu r-pi.-JIy thrown down the gauntlet of hostility and done everything in her per t i retard the development of Astoria? Th-j channel is now sufficiently J-rP fvr river transportation. With th- xo-ndi-ture of money on the upp-r riv-rs yi a n and other products could be 1 .a I- 1 ii barges and brought to A.-toiia '.': i one Lading. It would be th- ;rt.r. equitable ai rang -m.-ti: for ail toti- -: : except the railroad people. Hut tin- i "common point'1 and ba-- no pla .:, the discussion, say Mr. Fulton. I'.-tl.-.ip not on Mr. Fulton's but ! wll. first have to demonstrate th- lin- ! fparation before hLs torrent of vituper ative Billingsgate will be acc-pt'-l js the voice of the community. This fine pie..e of wit an J sarcasm fiom the New York Sun la wotth pcr t.etuating: "Col. Bryan has be-n t-H-!ng the faithful of Kansas City about the outlook.' He quote the prospect of popular government from fa r :j middling provided the supreme "court lll let it alone. Put the supreme cvnr: will not leave it alone. Conse quently the vlonel w 11 not leave lac supreme court alone. The llbertlf of she people are I" Jintf hut 'the Huh wjII com.1' beloved phr .. of melc. dramji! 'when (he pco-vie will become I rouM and right I he wrings of Ke. J publican doctrine1 It seems to tike a ! go.vl deal to arouse the poopV but i there is no doubt ibout ihe c. r.el. He is thoroughly aro'.ise flf'y-lwo times .1 ear and of.ener. He :and.s ! uvn :he watch tower and work his r.uii-v Hi Warm cl.x-k s making a monstrous bxh-r. Nobody wake up. but ;h colonel will no: go to bed. When he i n'l tinkling th tocsin he I conpewmg hi epitaph, if I were the only opponent of Republicanism In the United State.1 he cries. "I fhould b glad to have the fact written on my tombstone." Put I: in ihe Common er. That : a tombstone, too." If Mr Fulton will end w of the letter "from all over the county" that he ha received, commend. ng him for j hi pvs.ti .n. ti the Ast.rt.n office they J will be published. If he ha voiced the sentiment of .he community by all nuans t it tx' made known. From Mr Fult.n's reference to the ''dev ous ways" one would itv.agi political .rategy that he modestly aslgtte I himself to the kindergarten class. He should g u; highJr. TO CIT.E A COLD IN ONE DaY. Tike Laxative Brnnc-Qulnine lets. :t. Tab- The itttcll.g.'nt coroner1 lory has ar rived aga.n n n ileorgii. Thl veriict n.w ivnl rel by .m- aggrvga ti n of mortuary chumps- 'That the J.o-a-vj came t hu d--a;h by tryln" to 1 ght h.s pipe y ilctri-: light, which can't tv done sucessfu!." Elwirl Hus. a well known business mm of Saiisbun'. Mo., writest " I wlh to say for the benefit of others, that I wa a sufferer from lumbago and kid ney trouble, and all the remedies I took gave me no relif I was induced to try FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE, and after th? use of thre bottles, I am cured. Hart's Prug Store. Beatrice Ham.l-n will have to get I jut restraining order or J Pi-rP. .i'Ma.1 .i;i .nil & v'.iii'in .'i mi- ' That Pc in the Night." Ira D. Reckarl. Dur.ombe. Ia,. writ?: I "Mv little b y aided hi leg fr.wn the I kn-o to :h I used BANNER ! ?AI.VE Imm-diately and In three I week?1 t.m it wsj aim entirely henl . t i. I want t rec.ommen.1 It to evorv family an I adv.? :h-T to keep Banner Sa'.v on hand. . it is a ur cure for ! eild or ar.y s re." Hart' Drug I Store. A Ma-s,. -if it; 1-el- mar,;g- s man .lrownej him-r---rv oir. Some teo-ik- th-ms-dves dis to -he v.-ry finish. i: h t SVT- UK WAS TORTCP.ED. "I -uT-r-l t-i.-'n tiair.s from corns I c-u! 1 hirl'v walk." writ-s II. Robln-o-i. IL.i.te.r'.ugh. III. "but Bucktei's I Am: a Salve o'l.p -t-ly cured them " A.-ts oke on sprains, bruise, i curs, s ,.r-, sea. 1-. burns, bolls, ulcer. Perf-.-t heil'r -kin dtsases and piles. rur- juarmt -1 1 y Hart's drug store. In tb- b'ot'm ..f a strawberry bx .I-nd at Hutunins n. Kas., the other dav there was f .uni written: "I am "on Marsh, ag-i sixt-en, of Li.gan. Mo. Nrver been kiss-d." But the bo:nm of s:rab-!rry bJXe8 cannot always b- trust-. WO P. KINK 2t HOURS A DAY. Th:-r-'s no rest for those tireless lit tle worker Dr. King s New Life Pill. Million are always busy, curing torpid livr. Jaundice, billcusnees. fever and ague. They banbh sick headache, drive out -nalan.1. N-vr gripe or weaken. Small, 'aste nice, work wonders. Try th-m. 2. at Hart's drug tore. A belt t'.vo n t around l- a-.v. he waist Is worth Dyspeprhi cmnot be long lived be because to l,ve requires nourishment. Food ; nouri.hing until it is digest ed. A d's-.rder-d stomach cannot digest food, it must hive assistance. Kodol Dys.'Ap'ia Cur dig"sts all kinds of food without a.d from the stomach, allowing it to rest and regain it natural func tion" Its -lem'fits. ire exactly tbe same a th- na'ural digeftlve fluids and It imply can't help but do you good. ' HAS. ROGERS, Druggist. J.A. FASTABEND G EN ERA L ' ONTR ACTOR AND HI'M,DER. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This pfjiaratiorj (ntains all of the digeitaiiLs an'1 fli'ust-i all kiDtlH of food. It fives instant relief and ncvttr fails to '.'urc. It allows you to eat all the food you want. Th'tiuoht sensitive stomachs :an take it. Jiy Its use many thousands of dvsfA'ptics nave teeri cured after everything else failed. It Is uneijualled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but do you good Prepan-d onlv by II. '. IikWitt f.'o., Chicago Tlieil.ljuul:.'(fitalrm2i4 tliucntbtMic. sUI CHA3. ROGERS. Drurglt Allen Hlvern of Wet Tralrle. Wl.. at: "JVoplf ccm ten nUle to buy FIJ:T'8 KIONKY CCKK.- whlla J A., of Hlmer, lnd., ay: "It l the mMtoal wonder of th age." Hart1 Drug Store. King F.dward ha abandoned hi club. He still toycn with te4t and dltmond. howvver. He probably guve up th club when he llpHl on "he deck. A. O. nianchart. Vet I.tnifr, X. Y.. say: "I hve b-en trouble.! with kid ney dlfe fr the laat rtve year. Have doctoreil with several lhvlclan and I gK no relict until I used two bot tle of FOLEY'S KIPNKY Ct'tUV Hart' Prug Store. lth' iwfrn.ti. hA. aikI rhe papers are making much fun of I the fact. What In the w.-il I Is ex peeled of the governor of t'tuh. any w ay ? William Woodard, of Pecatur. la., writest "I waa troubled with kidnev dlee for several jvar and four one dollar bottlea of FOLEY'S K1H XRY CL'R cured me. I wvuld rAtn mend It to anyone who b. kldn y tioubls." Hart1 nrug Store. A Oyd-. X. Y., gtrl I said to be so ccMutd that any flv or other lnvt that bite ber die Immediately. Pre sumably her best young man weirs a muxsle when he call a Cycling has Irt urw and down After the down, use BANNER SALVE if you are cut r bruised. It hei'.. the hurt oulckly Take no substitute!. Hart's. Drug Store. Mejumpeieri Hendri.Ws proposes to disseminate the gwapcl by a wholesale conversation of the bartvr. He thinks It will tw effect. w o.vause th'r. lll be no Wiaiice for argument. nrwx to atoms The old Idea that the bodv sometimes needs a powerful, drastic purgative pill rw b-"n expl.vb'l: for Pr. King's New lafe Pl'l. which are perfect' v harm less, gently stimulite livr an I bowe's to exp-'l poisonous ma ter, clean.' the sys tem and absolutely cure ivistlpa:lo:i ind SI -k Healiclie. Only ::c at H.irt's Prug Store. "I am so dreadfully run down. d.v. tor." sighed the painfully thin woman "What can I do to get stout r1 "Tnere is an old aiying." replie.1 th' .Ivtu. "that tells us to laugh and gr-.w I II " "Ala! I cannot," wailed the no t an. "Mv husband Is a prof-siotiul humr tsl." Ecxema. -altrheum, itter, chafing. Ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Haiel Salve. The cer'a.n pile cure. CHAS. RlXIERS. Druggist. The servsnt g rl nrlem might set tle itself In a l ltle whil if men .u .l pledge themselves not to marry w.m-n who get their Mean of houet.vp ng from "household hints." an I tli ir knowledge of the culinary art fi;.m a cooking school. A Kansas university prop.e ; , up s't the theory of evolution .r be it.-!f upset. With b.ite.1 breath the rid watches the contest. A surgical operation Is not necsarv to cure pile DWitt's Wit. h Hazel Salve saves all that expense an I never fails. Beware of counterfeit ("HAS ROGERS. Drugvt. Don't. dear sentlni-ntal maid-n-spend all vour lime w'shinsr you -re a bird. Life is a hard enough propo. sitiin without the adl.d car-s of luck ing assvited bir.Uh.'t .mt ..f your dark molt now and :h--n. Mr Jams Brwn of Putsmouth. Va . over 90 years of age suffer for years with a bad ,?ore on his face Phy.-la.n could not help him. D Witt's WP.h Haze) ?alv cure.1 him permanently. CHA8. itoGKRS. Druggist. An asylum a'tenjant down in 'ill fornla was giving u patient .in alco. bath and at the .ani time smkng a cigarette. The result was exactly that whii h anybody but a ful .vould have anticipate.!, an.l the difference b tween It and mur.b-r is hardly worh the attention ,t a Jury. Dangr. disease and death follow ne glct of the bowels. L'se IVWItt' Lit tle F.arly Risers to regulat thm and you will add years to y.ur life and life to your vears. Flasv to take, never gripe. CIIAS. ROOF.RS. Druggist. A soldier Just returned from the Philippines, where he hid experienced hard and blfody service, as (var-d into Insanity by elng a man commit suicide. Even the brave have weak spots in tbelr armor. The Wllous, tired, nervous man cannot uocessfullv compete with his halthy rival. DfWItt's Urtl Fairly Risers the famous pills for constipation will remov the cause of your troubles. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. It appears that the Boer soldier are bovs and lack the mature Judgment which recognize the experience f hav. Ing been licked. "The doctors told me my rough wa Incurable. One Mlnuto Cough Cure made me a well man." Norrla Silver. North Stratford. N. H Because you've not found relief from a stubborn cough, don't despair. One Minute Cough Cure has cured thousands and It will cure you. Safe and sure. CHAS. ROGERS, Drujrglst. If Botha is suing; for peace, the ac tion is being conducted behind cioed doors. "A feiw months ago, food which I flte for breakfast would not rema,n on mv stomach for half an hour. I used one bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and can now eat mv breakfast and oth er meals with a relish and my food Is thoroughly digested. Nothing equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach troubles. H. S. Pitts, Arlington. Tex. Kodol Dyspasia r-Ure digests what ynu eat. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. Two villains up at Whatcom have e-n sentenced to t'-n and fifteen years' Im nrisonment r spectivly. and are said to have srn!l-d at hearing their doom pronounced. They know that In escap ing the rope they had perp-i rated u gr.rn sort of J"ke on the public. The lack of energy you feel, the biek aehe and a run down condition gen erally, all mean kidney disorder, POLICY'S KIDNEY CURE will restore vour strength and vigor by making the kldroys well. Tak3 no substitute. Hart's Drug Store. If that Jefferson City kid really arated Russell Bage from $2.'0 Jim Hill ought to take him Into partnership. It was the financial feat of the age. 1 X101IT WAS HKU TRimOR. "I would cough nearly all night long." write Mm, t'hsu. Appb'gate, of Alex andria, In "and ivulj hardly get any sleep. I had consumption o bad thai If I walked a Wo.k I would cough frlgt fully and split blood, but. when all other nisllclne failed, three fl 00 lmtlle of Pr. King1 New I'K-overy whollv cutvd me and I gained M ihiuiuI." It absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, C.iKI. I drlppe, Itioochlt and all Thnat and Iing l'rubles. Price Wc and tl 00. Trial bottle five at Hart's Prug Store. One of Ihe adviuuag ' f I'.tvbu ldc strrvts lies in the fact that i lice man can sh.H.t at an roMpuifJ pnn'iu't Altliou. klll'lig many i f the pns-i-is by A FIREMAN'S CLOSE CALL "I stuck to my engine although every Joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain." wriUv C. W. llellaniy. a lo comotive fireman, ,.f Burlington. Iowa, "I a. w-ok and pale, without any ap petite and all run don. A 1 was about to give up, 1 got a bottle of Elec tric Hitter and. after taking it. I felt as well as I ever did In my life." Weak sk'kty. run down people always gain new life, ltrength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaran teed by Hart' Prug Store, Price Wo. That college girl who .tole to git aay from the mnui of sch.Hil life will be Jut tkite.l to death when Mie ha to pass all her picking oakum. WHITE COLLAR LINE ..Fordand - Astoria Koute. STR. " TAHOMA." Pally Kohp ! Tup. cx.ept Sunday. TIME CARD P Ttl.lll I Astoria . . .1 7 P. HIE HWD fiOUIEi STR'BAILEYfiATZERT." DAILY HOUND TRIP EXCEPT MONOaT Cascade Locks. Hood River. Wbite Salmon and Tee Dalles TIME CARD I.eav Po'tland Arrive The Dnlle-i Leave The Daliir. Arrive Portland ... 7 A. M ...11'. M ... 4 P M . 11 P. M MEALS THfe VfcRY BEST tTSuiiday Trips a Leading Feature. IThls Route has the Grande-. Scenic Attractions on Earth. Through Portland connection with steamer Nnhcfa from Itwaco an I Lmg llea. h pom's. White Collar Line tl. k.-t-s Interchange, able with ) K. & N Co. and V. T. f tlck-ts. LAN I 'IN I AND nFc-p-E' FT OF ALKKIl STRHKT. 1'oiTH 'PHONES MAIN 3"d PORTLAND. ORE. E. W. CRiCHTON. Aet- PortlnJ JOHN M. FILLOON. Aet The Dalles A. J. TAYLOR. Aft- Astoria Tel-phonc T I -pY.n- II- li T, UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL The "Northwestern Limited" train, electric lighted throughout, both Inald and out, and iteam heated, are with out exception, the finest train In the world. They embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenient: and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most complete and splendid production of th car builders' art. Tbese Splendid Train Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for these superior accommodation and all claase of tick et are available for passage on th famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains en thl line are protected by th Interlocking Block System. W. H. MEAD, H. L. 8ISLBR, General Agent. Traveling AgX Portland. Or. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the beat ervloe obtainable aa far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employe of th WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our train are operated so a to make clone con nections with diverging line at all Junction point. Pullman Palsce Bleeping and Chair Car on through trains. Dlrlng car service unexcelled. Meal served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class er vlce, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over. The Wisconsin Central lines and you will make direct connections at 8t. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any farther Information call on any ticket agent or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Gen. Pass. Ag't.. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wi. General Agnt. THE CHICAGO A NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. SOOTH Depot. Fifth s.nd 1 Street Overland ICiprea Train for Salm, Itoseburg, Ash land. Sacramento, Ogdvii. San Fran. Cisco, Mojav. Lo Angtle. K lao, Niw Orlran and th Raat. Leave Artiy '? 3D p m t IS a m 8 :30 a m l. p.m At Woodburn (dally sxcept Sun dav). niornln train connects wltli I train for Mt. An I gel. Hllverton. I II r o w n y 1 1 1 . Springfield, and Nat run. and tven Ing train for Mt. Angel and Silver ton I'tMani Corvalll paasen- I mr IlltUp.m 114 it p ml Sheridan paasrn I Ham 'Pally. flM lally excett Sunday, Rebate ticket on al betwesn Pnrt. land. Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates 117 first class and lit second class. Including sleeper. Hate nd ticket to Eastern Point and Kurup. Alio Japan. China. Hono. lulu and Australia. Can be obtained from J II. Klrkland. Ticket Agent. 114 Third Strrt. YAMHILL DIVISION. !Penger depot foot of Jefferaoo It Iave for Oawego dally at T:M. M a. m; II JO. 1:U. 1 11. StlS. I M, I o. 111:30 p. m. and I a. m. on Sunday only. Arrive at Portland dally at M. :30. UM a. in.: 1, 1:11, I H, 1 7:40, 10 00 p. m: 13:40 a m. dally i- cept Monday; 1.10 and 1 04 ft. ra. on Sunday only. Iavt for Dallas daily, except Bun- i day, at 4 S0 p. m. Arrtv at Portland - sH m. asaengpr train leaves Dallas for Alrlee Monday. Weilnmday and Fri day at I 44 p. m. Heturn Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, Except Sunday. R. KOKII LE It, Manager C. H. MARKHAM. Osn. rrt. and Pass. Aat. VIA i SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO St.I'aul, Imluili.Minnfiipiilis l'liii-a?n and Ail Point East. DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; BER I VICE AND SCENEHY UN. EQUALED. Through t'alncr and Tounit Bleeper. Dining mid Ifurret Hmoklng Library Car. Ticket to point East via Portland and the Great Northern Ry.. on al at O. R. N. Ticket Office. Aatrrla, or Great Northern Ticket Office Mi TIIIHO STREET, PORTLAND. For rates, folder ad full Inform' tlon regarding Eastern trip, call on or addre. A. B. C. DENNISTON. City Pas, and Ticket Agent. Portland. PROPOSALS TO FURNISH IT.USH El) ROCK. Sealed bids, marked as above ad dressed to the ciunty court of Clatsoo county .Oregon, will be received by the court, until 1: .10 p. m. June j, lsol. to crush an.l deliver 'or either) good, hard rock for the N"halem road. No. "7. Judders will state the prlre charged per yard of 27 cubic 'est, for crushed unscr-ened rock, not more than 2xk In ches In diameter, delivered In bunkers suitable to load In wagons by gravity anl l m within one mile the beginning, or on either side, of said roid. No. 77. IIIddrs will also stale the prlc charged per cubic yard, to deliver mid crushed rock, one or more mllen from said bunkers along and upon said road No. "7. where dlrecj-ed by the county roa.j master. Bidders wll also stale (he price for same kind 'it crushed rock, provided Clatsop county furnish a rock crusher and engine power. Ten per cent of the amount of bids will be received n a guaranty of good faith of 'he bidders. The coun'y court reserves the right to reject any and all bid. II. J. WHERITY County Clerk. HIIEItlFF'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given, that I will On Monday, July 8tli, 1001, at the hour if t'-n o'clock, a. rn., at and In front of ihe court 1 Inns., door nt the Cltv of As toria, .'n Clatsop County, State of Ore gon, I will offer for sale and wll at pub lic auction to the hlghent bidder for ensh In hand at the time of sale, all and sin gular the r"al estate and property to which the County of Clatsop and School Districts Nisi. 1 and fi of Clatsop County, havo acquired title by virtue of sales for taxes, and all real estate and property that has been heretofore purch lsed by Clatsop County or School District N' 1 and S of ClaUp County at tag rales and rltl acquired thereto thereunder, and whl"h Is now owned by said Coun ty, or said Hchod Districts. THOS. LINVILLE, Sheriff. Clatsoo County, Oregon. Doted thl 29th day of May, 1901. HHKUirF'H BALK. Ilv virtue of an xecut. lul Hit of ihe Circuit Court of the Hint of On-" n for ihe County of ClaM. mi the Ann day of June, IMI, upon a judg ment rendered ihiMfln on llm 10th dy of NUivh, 1HH4. In favor of 8. K Harris, plaintiff, and against ()"rg 1 1 til. de fendant, fur the sum of IU SS, Hie fur ther sum of I'M) stlotlipy's for togeth er with Interest thereon at the legal rate from lbs lvllli dav of Msrvh, lv.4. and the poet of and upon this writ commencing ami requiring me to levy upon the property if tho above nnmi.l iUtVildaitl to Mtlsfv Ihe Judgment, In terest, costs nn I all accruing o:. 1 did on Ihe ti dwy of .lull". 1H. St luh Ihe follonlnji dcrll,t icsl prop erly, to-wit; lots . ;, block I. First Add. In Ocean llroxe; lot J. I, I, 5, 4, 7, hi s k I. I.'ls I lo !?. Incltisue, lil... k i. I. U I 10 ST. Inclusive. b.vk 1. I c i to 3.'. In clusive, bl.vk . Hill's All m ocean ilrnv; lols 13 lo I. IncluslVf, bl.vk J, lots I to Is. lit lo 1. J J lo el. Inclusive, block t. Ii.ia I. S. 1 .1. " i . in.-lusiv.'. block 7. Iota 1 to .iic'U'lV.'. liink 10. lot t to 30, Inclusive, h'o k II. I I JO. Inclusive, (dock 14, Hill'sHsHond Add to li.Ynii Orov '; bx I, 3. S, il, I. 7, , . If. tl. U 14, block, ., lots 1. 4, 1 7. t. . 10, II. 11 block , lots 1. 10 IX. inclusive block 7, lX 1 to H In. elusive, bl,-k 10, lots I to 14, Incluaivs. bl.vk 1'., lols 1 to : In.'l.niv, bhvk IS, lots 1 to !4. In., hl.K k 17, Ion 1 to 24. Inclusive, Mock IK. I ! I, 3. I, 4. i. t. 7. I. . 10. 11. U block 14. bus I .i U. Inclusive, ul-xk 30. ols 1. 3, 1 4. 11, 7. . , 10. l.l Kk II. u lo Hilt's Second Ad I. to V-cn GroVe; lot I. 3, J. 4. i. , 7, . . 10 II, I bl.n k 1, lots I. 3. t. 4. tl. 10. 11 1.'. block 3. lots I. 1 J, 4. , i 7. H. X 10. 11 li l.l.y k 3. loi I. . 1 4 a. (. 7. 10. block 4. I d t. 3. 1. 4. 5. . ft. . . . ) 10. bl.H k S. I"ts 1. 3. 1. 4. 5. 9. 10, II. I.', bl.vk . lots I. 3. 10 11, I.'. block 7. I.'ls I. :. 3. 7. . I". II. 13. W vk s tola 3. 3. 4. 5, , 7, s. . 10. 11 tl. bl.H k k.ts I. 3 lot I. 1 block II. I'l. bl.M k in. bb k lots I. ?. 3. 4 s. 10. II. I'. bl.k M 3. 4, li. 7. S, . 10, 11, 13. I.K I. 3. 4. 5. e. 7. , 11. 13. I..l I. -'. 3, 4, J. 7. . . 13, lots i. . 7. . 9. bl.xk 14. 3. 4. 7. S. t. 10. II. 13. bl.vk 15, lo I, 3 3, 4. 3. . 7. . 9. 10 II. I.. I. 1. 3. 3. 4. V . 7, . 13. bl H-k IK . 10. II. 13. b.'k I', lols I. i 3. M 7. s. . II. 13. ol k . b'l" I. t', . bl vk 19. 1 ! I. 3. 3. 4. !.. . 7. S, . 10 block 3". b.ts I. :. 3, 4. 5. . 7. I, . I iV bl.H k 71. I ts 4, i, . 1. . 9, I'L II, 13. bl -k 33. lots I, 3. 3. 7, . 9. In. II. 13. bl.vk Zl. lot I. 3. 3. 4. 7. S. . I'l. II. 13. block 31. I'l I. 3. 1. . 7. . 9. I". M. 13. bl.vk lots 2, 3 4. 5. 7, V 9. o, 11, 3. bl.vk lots I. 3. 1 4. i. 7. s. 9. 10. II. bl vk 37. lots I. 8, 3, 4. 1. , 7. . 9. bl.vk 3. lots I. 3. 3. 4. 5. . 7. s, 9. bl.vk . lols I. 3 3. 4. 5. . 7. s. J 10. II. 13. bl.s k 30, lot 1. 3. J. 4. i . 7, 4. 9, to, 11. 13. bl.vk 31. lot 1. : 3. 4. S. t. 7. 1 9. ID. II. 13. block 13. Ia clflo Park near P"n Mi'vens, dr. Iota I. 3, 3. 4. i. 1. 7. V bl.vk I. I lo 34. Inclusive, bl.vk 3. .c 1 to 37. Inrlu stve. bl.x-k 3, ,t I. t. 3. 4. i. 4 7, , 9. 10, It, 12. bl.H k 4. bus I to 24, III. fliulv. hl.K-k V lots 9 lo 37. inclusive lot 10 lo M. Inclusive, bl.vk I M I lo J4. inclusive, hi,, k 7. .t I to Is. In. elusive, ol.vk . !ol H . 10. tl. U. 13 14. bl.vk 9. lots 1 to ?). Inclusive, loo M lo M. ltwlusUe, bl vk I". lota I to inclusive, bl.vk II. b' I to 34. Iilclu. Hive, bl.vk 13. lot I to 21. lu.dtlsUe bl.vk 13, lots I to M. Inclusive, bl t, 14. lot I o 19. 'nclun'vc, ,,t 3. i.. 5 in. luslve, bl vk lj. lot 1 to 14, Inclu sive. til.s k 1. I"ts I to 14. In. bl.vk K, lots I to ..4. inclusive. i.I.n k Is Ion 1 to M. Incloslvr. bl.vk 19. lots I t i 34. Inclusive, k 2''. I.'ls 3 lo 24 inclusive. bl" k 21. lols 1 to 11, Inclu sive, bl.x-k '.'3. lots 1 lo M. Inclusive, block 21. lots I t 1. Inclusive, bl k 24. lots 1 to 14. ln. !ulve block 2'.. lols I to '.4. in.lii'lve, M.M-k 2l. bos 3, , 14. Ii. 17 l !'l. 23 2 1. 24. 2'.. 2, '2t, 30 3.2. '!!. J4. V.. 3. 3H. 41. 43, 4. 4,', .'.2. r.,1. .'.4. blo. k 27. lots I lo 22. inclusive, bl.vk 2S. I its I to 22,,., bio. k .". lo's I. 2.7. , 9. 10. II. 12. I'l. K. is, Jii. 34. 2. 21 J". I", !r .19. 41. 42. 43. 41 4 '2. .'.I. bl i-k -X lot I to 14, block 31. lot 1. 3. 7. 1 9. b'o. k 32. lot I. 2. 3- 4. 5. 1 It. 14 I "2. 34, 3. I'l. 'el. .".I. Inclusive, I'l. II. 12 bl.vk 31, :t4 lot I lols I to 27. lii. liikve. 1,1,., k ti 27, mcliisl bl.vk IS. I , I l,i U. Inclusive, hl.vk H. Hill'. Klr A id to Astoria, all of ihe above describe I real nrrierlv ' til Cl.ilrt.m Ci.untv Or.-sflll. No'lc Is herby given thnl I w HI nn MoikUv. Ihe .'iiv of July. !'"'1. t the hour ,.f 10 o'clock In Ihe forenoon of said lav In front of Mid at Ihe "lirt House joor. In -he city Asiori. Cluisop County. Oregon, s.-ll ui pujiltc auction " i th" olgbest bidder, for i sh. the above .lescrllie.l real propi-riy lo satisfy said judgment. Interest, costs and all accruing costs THoS LINVII.I.K. Slierlff . Clataop Cumly, 'li Asioriii. uregin, June 10, I'JOl. NOTICE roll PUIII.ICATloV United Stiles Ijind Office, On-goti Clly, Oregon. Muy '30, 1901: Noilce Iii hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the aid of congresa of Juno 3, u,s, enutieii -ah act for the sale of timber lands In Ihe States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terrljory," extend ed to nil th- public I mil slates by set of August 4. 1H92. William W. Pope, of 'llney, County of Clatsop. 8(e of Oregon, has this day filed In Ibis office his sworn statement. No. 6371. for the nun base of lot 4. seo. 3; lols 1, . 3 snd 4, of vtlon No. 4, In township No. ( north, range No. 7 w"t, and will offer proof :o show that the land sought Is more valuable for lu timber or ton than for agricultural purpose, and 10 establish his claim to said land before the register and receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the Hth day of Augum, 1901. He name s witnesses: Mrs. Msry Denck. of Olney. Clatsop County, Oregon; Scbsstlnn Glaser, of Olney. Clitiop County, Oregon; Mrs. Appollonla Johnson, of Olney, Clataop County, Oregon; Sidney Dell, of Ato rin. Clatsop County, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adverse. Iv the above-dosoribed lands are re. quested to file their Halms In this of fice on or before snld 8!h day of Au gust, 1911. CHAH. H. MOORIIH. Register. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Notice I hereby given that the un derslgned have been appointed adminis trators of the estate of Alfred H. Stone, decerned, jy the County Couri of Clatsop County, Oregon, and that all persons having claims against said es tate are hereby required to present 'he same to the undersigned duly verified as by law provided, within six months, from Ihe dale of this notice. Verified claims against said estate may he pre sented either In the undersigned, H. O. van Dusen, at his office, at Aiiorla. Oregon, or Mr. J. D. McFarlane at hi office of business, at Knsppa, Oregon, All pemons Indebted lo said estate, are hereby required to pay such Indebted ness. H. G. VAN DUSRN. J. D. M FARLANE. Administrator of th Estate of Alfred H. Stone, Deceased. Dated thl 1st day of May, 1901. PHKUtrrit KALT8. fly virtue of n rimuitlon and order of sain Issued out of lb circuit oourl of Hie Stale f Oregon fir th County of Hals. 'p .mi May 37, IMI, upon Judgment and order of aalo rrnderetl thetvln Msnh I. I, In fv.r of liloke. McFsll Company, plaintiff, and against Urs IHbbert, dcfsiiilanl, fof ihr sum f llHfl logoiher wlih tnler est I here. ill front dale of Judgment at th rsi cf 1 ,'r cent per aniiinn and) (he rt of this writ, commanding me lo levy iip iu the property of said d fi'iidsnt d.wcrlbe.) In said order of sale, lo satisfy .ild Jiidgntent, iniermi and c.'sis. I did levy upon th Mlowtng described is-aI pnperiyt Ixils I and 10, In block li In Hie Town of Idlewlld; ..t. I, 3. J, 4. V I and 7, In bl k I. In the "f Hill' Kbut Addition to Astoria; lot 5. m bl.u k 4, In ibe Town i.f Seal lt.s k II.' i. b. and lots 31 and :t, iii blin k 3. iii I lie Town of lm liianrh. all In cia''!! County, Oicg .n, nd Ihnl t will on Monday. Ilia 34th day nf June, 90. at the hour .f 19 o'cl.H'k In tli fonmo'iA nf said day In lli front door f h court house la the City of Vsl.irls, Clatsop County, Oregon, sell at puhllo au.'llo'i ,t the highest bidder for cash Ihe bv-dM-rrlbed r-al property lo satisfy said lii'lgment, interest and all accruing Costs. THOMAS IJNVII.IJS. Sheriff of Clin t'ounty, Oregon. Aslnrl. Oregon, May 33. IWI, siiKitirr-s SALE Ry virtue of an eiecutlon and order if sale Uaud out of Ul Circuit Court of lbs Stalo of uron. for ihe County of CUisip. wi ih Mh dy of May. Mot. upon a ludgnienl and .Ishmy rendrit ; therein tn ihe Iih day of My, l"t. In favor of W T, Hcholftsld and K Hauk. eo-partner. doing business m Hchl field and Hanks, against N t1 Jenen and .Vtin Ji-nvn. ef.vidatil. for Ibe sum ,.f lloJo. with Intel wi th.ron at Ihr rut of III per wn per annum fnn the ::i div i.f Mav. M9H. 10 Ihr 7lh day of Mjy. -i. the furllicr turn of Iii at torney's fee, the rusts an I dlstiunss mem of this suit !aie,i at 113 30 and In terest on snld lil.lgtneiil (be legal rat of bur and Ibe cos's of anl Un till nrlt,lng and riublig iw to rnukrt nle of ihi following d.-.. rlbed real iir-Kverty. lo-!: I. I 22 In bl.vk 47. In Taylor's As' -via. in CHuop County, orer-n N ulce ' hereby glvn. thai I w II on Monday, ihn 1st lav of July. IM, at lbs hour of leu o , k In the fon tio .n of aid dav. In ftn'H of an I l Ihe Cmrt Hiiiise d .r. tn lb" Cltv of Astoria. I'Utsnp Couii'r. ilng li, anil g publio suction, lg the hih"t lddr for rash. Ihe al.v .1r rile-l real property, l. satufy tb Jiilginrn', lnierel. ciwn and all accruing THojt LINVILLE Shrriff Clatsop County. Oregon. Aslirla. Oregm. May :sth. li SHIOIlIKrfl WALK. Hy virtue of .in nevutlon and n'd'r of le MU'd out of the Circuit Court of the Slats of Or.-g.n, for ihe County ..f CU'sep, on lh :flh day of My. I0, iion a Ju Ignvnt rs-nd-rid thrln On the Hit day of May. so. In fvr uf c II Jackson, plaintiff, and ngilnst V II Edw irls. defendant, for the Mm of 110 Hundred and Klghty-nne 71 100 dollar, together ih inifrrsi lh.-ion : the ra'e ..f s per ci .it per annum fr un th" tl day of Mv, 1901, the rot un I illalioreein'iils uf this suit tat'd at lo fl anl the .-( of so. I ui-.i thia nrlt enmm tnt tig nn I rvijulrlcg ire to make sal" ..f the f ., .wing ,-s, ilbod re tl prop."' y, lo I! Lit iiiiinbere.1 pniriti. In bio. k num. Iirre l ihlrtv-thr-e i3jI. In r tie I , n of ,toCa us 1,11,1 ,ut and record".! by John M Khiv.-iv. lot iiumb'-reil fourle. n (It), in block numbered five CI, In Flil A billion to 1 V.N111 ' J rove as laid out tn, by J T Mulkry, In CUis.ip Cinty. r. g 01 Nonce Is hen-liy given, that I alll on Monday, tbe lt day of July. l'l. l the hour of I'l o'. l vk In tbe forenoon ..f a,d day. In frnt of an I at the Court llous d.Hir In tbe CHy "f Astvia. Ciatsnn County. Ores? m. s.-ll at public 111. tlon, to Ihe liltht bid IT for cab. the ab .Ve described renl property lo S;ilfy Ihs ludgmenl. Inter"!, csns anl ac. ru ng CSilS. TH'iS I.INVILLK, Sheriff, Clal. Cotinly, Oregon. Astoria. Oieg.n. Msv 21th. 101. SHKniKK-S SALK. Ily virtue of nn eie,uilin and order nf sale Issued mil ..f the Circuit Court nf the Stale of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop, on the 14th day of llnv 1901; upon a Judgem-ml rmd're, therein ifl Ihe 20th day of l"nlirury. s9, 1:1 favor of Myr Itussell, plaintiff, and against Murv I Gillette, defendant, for (lie sum of IMrun, the oiu of :o 40 hiving h!! satlsflisl, leaving a btUn.e due nn aald tiidgment of the mini of IIS'i. log.-ther with Int-r-st thereon at tbe rate of 10 per Mil per annum, and 'he cost of and upon this writ commanding and re quiting me to levy upon the property of the abov named de'-ndniit In satisfy Ihe bnlnniv of Slid ludgmenl, Interest, costs and all accruing costs. I did on the Hth day of May. 1901, ittach th following described real property, to wit: Lils 9, 10. 11, 13, 13. sub. nf Rlk. S3; tola 0. 7. 23, 24, JR. 21 Sllb. of lllk. 4: lots 1 9, 10, II. I?, 13. Sllb. of Hlk. 71: lols II 17. 27. 21 29, 30. Sub. of lllk. 99; lola II. 12. lllk 49: lots 7, 1 9, lllk. ; and all tbni portion of block lit de. crlhe.1 as follows; beginning at a point nn Ihe north line of lot I In said block. 4H fet east of ihe northwest eorner thereof and th-ni running east along the north line of said lot t and lot B. 27 feel, thenc south on a hue paral lel with the wet 'in of said lot t. 60 feet, thence west 27 fet, thence north to ihe place of beginning, being portions of lot r. ,inn In sail block 111. In the city of Astoria, as laid out nnd record.. I by John M, Shlvelv. Lot 2, In Sec. ?1. Tp. . N. of It. 8. west of the Will. Mer, 37 03 acre. Regln at south hound try of Bhlvely D L. C. 414 M feet west nf S. R, orner of snld I). L. C. nnd run thence N. and piitalli'l with the R. line nf said D. L. C. to south boundary of pipe Him Tl. of W thence west nlong sold R, of w. tn a point 191.3 feet west of east line of tract herein described, thence somh nnd par ill-l lo east line of tract herein Icserlhed to south boundary of snld I"). L. C thence nlnng snld south line to beginning, coiilulnlna- . 41 acre. In To. 1 N. of R. 9. wist of Will. Mer. All Of said described real property being In Clntsnp fount y, Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that I will on Monday, Ihe 24th day of June, l'jol, at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of snld day In front of and at the Court House door In the City of Astoria, Clat sop county. Oregon, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash th abovn described real property to u!tify said Judgnent, Interenta, rout nnd all accruing cost. THOS. LINVILLR. Sheriff af Clatsop County, Or. Astoria. Oregon, May 14th, 1901.