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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1901)
ASTORIA PUULIC LIBRARY ASS0(.LT101 , ' 3 Woffo fc-i Toh;i rrn fv, 4 will hu j,nK, : ran VOL. 1.1 1 1 ASTOKIA, OKEGOX. THtKSDAY, -WE 0, 1901. NO. 146 Id i u ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. Plumbers and Stctunfittcrs HOUfi ACJENTM FOR S27 BOND Diamond IN GREAT VARIETY Bats, Balls, Masks, Pads, Cloves Ami even-thing clw in that line to make the boys liupjiy. If you ilo not jilny ball we can how yoa an elegant line of FISHING LINES. FLIES. REELS. BASKETS. ETC. GRIFFIN Granite Preserving Kettles AND AIL HIND OF GRANITE WARE... Foard 8 Co. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A. Vs ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets III7!) " j) 1 Mii I (nil jjV ,1 i I if) We Rent New C. vJ. Commission. Brokerage, Cu,,OM HoHM orou.r. ASTORIA, ORE Insurance and Shipping. w.r.c. 1x10. SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES STREET Outfits AND AT ALL PRICES & REED Something New SIX-HOLE CHARTER OAK STEEL RANGE $20.00 HIGH SHELF ALUMINUM FINISH W. J. SCULLY, 431 Bond St., Retween Ninth and Tenth. Typewriters. Many now improvements added. Seo our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free . . . L M. ALEXANDER CO. Exclusive 1'aoitUi Coast Dealers 245 Hlark HI, Portland, Ore, F W. M'KFfHNIF. Apent. CHARD, NEGROES PAY THE DEATH PENALTY Two Men Lynched lor Complicity in Foster Murder. DIED DENYING THEIR GUILT LjBcim Clm Eitciilos Wsi Ntcc.iarv ht Prssmalloa l Wkltts la rki Ttrrilsr-- Big Pr-Btr Mecl l la Ua4a. HHIlEVKIt HT. I. June 19.-Frnk Hmlth. Iwtirr known a "Prophet" Hmltli, and F. V. MrUinl, held at Tlentuii for complicity In the murdi-r of John Jry Foster, were taken ul nf Jail by a m, ill t,ing-ht and strung up in a tree. T!iry were l-f t dangling M by aid. Iliith nrgrn-s mad' a atatemrnt before death, drnylng that they had anything to do with fhe killing. Smith, who was the h'ad of the "Church of Ood" movement In thai ri'tlun and was blamed aa living rv. ponlble f, it the aentlmrnt agutnst th,; whltm wheh led H the d'-ath of Fos ter, died praying. The lyncher claimed the execution of t h- n'groe aa nec ary to the prrm-rvailon of thr live of white men in (hi territory. Kt'Hl IIUKIt INDEPENDENCE. Surging Crowds Ati.-nd Large Pro-Boer Meeting in London. IXDoX. June l Thousands of people, began mllMMlng outside the iur-n'. hall two boura before the a.1 vrrtl.i-l rme of th pro-ikwr meeting held there tonight. When the door were Anally opened tha prur nf tu miiKiiiK inah waa aa grt-at that many tn-.ipip Thr waa ConnldiTaM iltaiurlianr" and, lndin r bnikfn In during I In- attempts made by rr aim nlilmut tlik'l. to gain almliwlin. Sniii of ih' wer Imiialed. Tin' r.-1. ,1 11 1 ln paa Inrludi-d an anii'iidiiu nt In favor of cwmph-tt' !nd'. P-ii,i tic,, of ihi- ll x r rlublk'i, propoa- rd ty Hariiii H.ur,i fur the radUah. whl.h did not nvvt with thr approval of IthoiK hiTf or Hardy. Th' nnvi lug ri,li-d with the flinging ,f th- Mar- a.'lllulae. iVXi:USIIM' UK HAIUIOAPS. i(' Si-li ine I'n.W Way to Tran. f,T Them to (J.'vernnn'nt. tHXVKIt. June 19.-The Tlm-w anya today: A gigamlr achenie la under way to trnnnf'r the rallnNUla of the I'nlled State to the government. A westi-rn flnttiiner who returned today fn'tn New York, wh're he Inveaiigated the runion afloat In financial clrvlea. aaiterta that the theory of pending government ow nership I general. He declared that In a few yeara. that the Itoi'kefeller. Hurrlman, Vanderbllt. (I nild anl Morgan ln(ent would turn over to the government every line f railroad In the country, ihe government to pay the total value of about ten billion dollar. QVESTION IUIPICP DY OAGE. Kunala May Have Infringed I'pon Our Treaty Itlght. WAS1HXUTX. June 19,-The itu tlon to the retall.itory tariff war be tween the l'nlul Slatea and Uula la auch that the next move must b mnde by Ihe t'nltivl States, If the contest Is to be pursued. Secretary Claire In lila letter ralsea the (Ideation ns to whether the Husstan government hn not Infringed uln the rlghta of the I'nlted Slatea under the treaty. STl'HHS NKW POSITION. Traftle Munasrer and Adviser for Har. rlman Syndicate. SAX FllAXCISCO, June 19.-J. C. Stubhs, iralllc mnnoffer of the Southern rncltlc, .irrlved from ihe Eaat tonight. Ho confirmed the report that he had iwccpt'l the piltlon of traffic man ager and adviser of the Harrlman syn dicate of railrwids. Stuhbs will leave for Chicago In July. His headquarter will be In that city. STAYED AT THE BOTTOM. Indiana Watched for Harpooned Whale for Three Days. rortT TOWN 9 END, Wash., June IP. Reports comes from Neah bay, that a canoe containing twelve halt starved Indians, arrived there yesterday from down tha coast. 8everal days ago the Indiana sight ed monster whale off the entrance to the straits of Fuca, and tha Indians made attempt to capture It. They suc ceeded In fatening a harpoon and the whale started In a southerly direction. but the Indiana h-ld on and by the time a point vlghty n.ll-a South Cf Cape FUiirery was reach' 1, the Indiana u'rH-d In killing It, but It Imme diately went to the bottom. Th Indiana, h-.irvr, remained with the harpoon line fiat to the animal expecting It to come to the eurfVe, but at the end f three days, they were forei-d by hung'-r and thirst to return and abandon their prise. KKItflRY ItRPOKTETJ IRAD. I'roinlnent lirlton Who I Well Known In the Htate., NEW YORK. Jun 19-The World avs: A report reachud the White Star Line Mer last night that H. Maltlan.j Ker sey, ex-agi-nt of the line, had died In South Afrlc whre he went aa a vm mlpl'inel officer tn a Hrtt ah reglnvnt. It waa Impossible to verify th rumor and Mr. Keraey'a friend were nt In clined tn credit It. Mr. Kery waa the agnt of Lord Dunraven at the lime of that noble- tnan'a efforta In connection with th" America's cup. H ret rel from the line and went i the Klondike, where h li'i ame general manager of the Yukon Sieuniehl,! Company. He married In 1992 Mis Carrie WanUeaford. a Call fornla lngir. who subsxjuently ob talned a divorce. fViXTItATS AWARDED. Moiling St'Hk and Eijulpment Orlered for Washington Railroad. NEW YORK. June 19. A contract ha. Just been :gned In this city for a complete outfit of rolling stock. ,n cludlng prewil atel cars, loromotlvea and passenger coaches, for the Repub lic Grand Forks Railroad In Washing ton. The roid will be 48 miles long and of standard guage. At Grand Forks It will connect with the Canadian Paelflu raJlnd. The first train will b run early In Novemtier If nothing occum to block the construction work now under way. The road wl be used mainly to carry gold and silver ore from the mines tn the Republic district on the east slop of the Cascade to Canadian smelters at Grand Fort. OCEAN YACHT RACE. Favorably Considered and May Ite Pulled Off. NEW YORK. Juno 19 The proposed trans-Atlantic racu between the yachts of the America's cup class Is receiving much consideration fim yachtsmen In this city. The fact that Sir Thomas Linton looks with favor "n the propo sition lead many to believe that Thos. W. Law-son and W. Butler Duncan, Jr., will agree to enter the Independence and the Constitution against the Sham rock. J. V. S. Oddie, secretary of the New York Yaoht Club, was een last ni ,ht and aaJd that the trans-Atlantic race had not yet been brought to the attention of the club. ARRESTED FOR LARCENY. Qualey Accused of a Queer Slock Transaction. NEW YORK, June 19-John A. Qua ley, ex-president of the I'nlted States Carbonate Company, has been arrested In Newark. N. J., on a charge of grand larceny. He alleged to have apro prlated 600 certificates of stock of the company of which he waa president from Patrick Kgnn. ex-minister to Chile, who was the vice-president and ecretary. AN ECONOMIC MOVE. Count Cassini Says Differences Will Be Satisfactorily Settled. WASHINGTON. June 19. Count Cas alnl, Russian ambassador, la discuss ing tihlay the latest phases of the tar iff Isues. which has arisen between Russia and the United States, said that they do not seem to him to be very grave and he Is hopeful that they will be satisfactorily adjusted. He said the action of Russia was an economic move pure and simple, and that no polltcal significance could be attached to the matter. IS NOT A CANDIDATE. Senator Allison Would Decline Nomina tion for Presidency. PES MOINES. la.. June 19. Gover nor Shaw received a letter this after noon from Senator Wlllam B. Allison, In reply to a telegram sent last Satur day, suggesting the name of the sena tor for the presidency. Senator Allison stated In the letter that under no circumstances would he be a candidate for the presidency, but as sured Mr. Shaw that ha was In favor of his (Shaw) being a candidate. KILLED BY STVTTCH ENGINE. CHEYENNE, Wyo., June 1.-Chaa. Johnson, aced (S. waa struck bv a switch angina and Instantly killed heer at 4 o'clock this morning. Ha served with tha California volunteers during tha civil war. ALL PERSUASIONS ARE REPRESENTED Reformers Launch Allied Third Party at Kansas City. HAS SYMPATHY OF BRYAN MavtBMsi, Hawevtr, Hat Net Vet 0t Hit Sssparl-Keasiatlaaf Eatbefjilni tk PrlKlsal Dsttrlaci af lit New Parly. KANSAS CITY, Jun I9.-The "Al- lied Third Party movement," which It promot'-rs predict will result before 1904 In a natlinil organlattlon strong enough to name a party nominee, was launched here this afternoon. The conference waa called by Lee Merrlweatber. of St. Loul. who with twenty-two olh-r St. Louis leaders In public ownrahlp of the party of that city, came to Kansas City yesterday af ter a visit to Wlllla.n J. Bryan at Lincoln, where the Intentions of the delegation hal been laid before the Ne braska statesman. Mr. Hryan. It was staled, had express ed sympathy with ;he movement If he had not gone so far aa to support It. At the conference there was represent ed Populists of all peremslons. Public ownership advocite. Free Silver Re publicans. Socialists. Single-taxers and Hryan Democrats. PART OF THE PLATFORM. Rusolu'.lons Embodying Principal Doc trines of the Party. KANSAS CITY. June 19-The con. ferenoe of polltcal reformers, whose ob ject Is the building up of a third party n Missouri, which shall take on na tional prop)rtlons, accomplished its chief purpose today by adopting the following resilutlons embodying the principal doc'rlnea of the new party: Public ownership of all pubic utilities, as railroads, telegraphs, etc. While awl'.ing legislation to secure publb own-nh:p. a 'iglJ public con trol of fre'ght and passenger ra!es tnJ severe penalties for rebates and other discriminations by railroads. Taxation of railroads and other Public utility corporations In the same propor tion as the values of farms and other property. Direct legislation by the Initiative and referendum. Griduated income tax. That whavvjr is used as money shall be full legal tender issued by the gen eral government In sufficient volume for business purposes and that volume of fered In proportion to population. Election of I'nlted States senators by popular vote. DENIAL FROM BRYAN. ATLANTA. Oi., June 19-The At lanta Constitution tonight. In response to a telegram of Inquiry, received a dispatch from W. J. Bryan denying that he Is affiliated with the Third Party movement. Bryan's telegram reads: "No truth in the report." Pl'RELY LEGAL QUESTION. Law Relative to Imposition of Duty on American Goods. NEW YORK, June 19 The attention of Judge Henderson M. Somervlile, chairman of the board of classification of the I'nlted States general apprais ers, was called lately to the statement of M. Dewltte, the Russian minister of finanqe, on the Russian sugar declsvn. Judge Somervlile wrote the opinion of the majority of the boird in the decision made last April, holding that the laws of Russia bestowed an Indi rect bounty on the exportation of her suirar products, within the meaning of section five of the present tariff act He stated among other things when Questioned about M. Dewitte's observa Hons: "The question as to the construction of the Russian law governing the pro duction and exportation of sugar is purely a legal one. The legal aspects of the subject seem, however, to be en tirely overlooked In the political and fiscal attitude It lias assumed under the retaliatory tariff which Russia Is wag. Ing against American Industries. The criticisms of Secretary Gage's action In this matter are exceedingly unjust and are manifestly based on a shallow view of the law governing the official duties of the secretary of the treasury. In the first place M. Dewltte Is mis taken In his assertion that the secretary based his ruling merely upon the report and opinion of the American consul. Mr. Holloway. He had before him the Russian law and regulations In all their Intricacies of purpose and phras eology and passed fully on the merits of the question." "The policy of Russia ta refusing to discuss the subject," continued Judge Somervlile, "has been folowed up by a recent order of the minister of finance, made since the boards decision, forbid ding the prlfs of transferable certifi cate; any longr to be quoted In th 'ock mark -is Can th purpose of this a-tlon be otherwise than to conceal from the courts In this country evi dence of a kind which goes to estab lish the existence of and exact nature of th Russian government bounty on sugar? ' The recent convention of American manufacturers held at Detroit really perceived the remedy for the exlatlng evils (If any) disturbing trade and ex citing a tariff war between this country and Rusaa. They placed the reapon slblllty where it belongs and called on the congress of the United States to modify section of the Dlngley tariff act, knowing that It is for that body and not for the courts to amend or appeal laws bv legislation. The Judicial func tion is confined to construction and doe not permit legislation." LANGUAGE WAS DIFFICULT. Because He Couldn't Learn Englih Young Cuban Commits Suicide. NEW YORK, June W. Despondent because of the difficulty be experienced In learning the English language, Por flrlo Caster, son of a wealthy custom house broker at Havana. Cuba, com mitted suicide last night by Jumping out of the window of his room on the fourth floor of a boarding house on West Twenty-fifth street It was said a: the boarding house that he had been suffering from nervous prostration for some time and waa temporarily In sane when he committed suicide. MANY CALCULATIONS UPSET. Daughter Born Unto Cxar's Family Causes Disappointment. ST. PETERSBURG, June 19. There Is general disappointment at the fact that another daughter instead of a son has been added to the cxar's family. Many private and other calculations have theri'oy been upset. Politicians anticipated amnesties, decorations, re forms and society fetes and tax payers were looking forward to a remistoo of important state taxes. SADDLERY PLANT BURNED. Private Watchman Supposed to Have Perished in the Flame. ST. LOUIS. June 20.-J. B. Sickles' saddlery company's plant was destroy ed by Are this morning. The fire was preceeded by an explosion In wlilch the company's private watchman is sup- puosed to have lost his life. The concern waa one of the largest of the kind In the west. KILLED HER NEIGHBOR. One Woman Shaots Another Over the Kill;rig of a Goose. MUSKOGEE. I. T, June 19.-At Clarenceville. Mrs. Jessie Miller shot and killed her next door neighbor, Mrs. U L. Brake, because she had killed one of Mrs. Miller's geese. EX-GOVERNOR CHENEY DEAD. DOVER. N. H.. June 19. Ex-Gover nor P. C. Cheney, of Manchester, died here today. Besides having been gov ernor of New Hampshire, Mr. Cheney served as United States senator, having been appointed in 1SS to fill the vacan cy caused by the death of Austin E. Pike, and as United States minister to Switxerland, under President Harrison. "LUCKY" BALDWIN WORSE. SAN FRANCISCO, June 19. E. J. Baldwin, widely known as "Lucky" Baldwin, winner of three American der bies, is in a private hospital a very sick man. He was taken 111 in Seat tle recently when about to embark for Nome and was Compelled to return to San Francisco. Instead of Improving he has grown worse. CAILLES 13 REPENTANT. MANILA. June 19. A representative of Cailles has telegraphed to Judge Taft conveying his principal's compli ments and announcing that Cailles will henceforth be friendly to the adminis tration. ENTIRE FORCE SURRENDER. MANILA, June 19 Colonel Gulavara. together with 90 men of Cailles' com mand, are norar at Pagsanjan. Cail les' entire force will surrender next Monday. VOLUNTEERS TO RETURN. SAN FRANCISCO, June 19. It Is ex pected that all the volunteers, number ing "500 men, will arrive from Mani la before June 26. TO PURCHASE BANK. OMAHA. June 19. The report Is cur rent that the Standard Oil Company is negotiating for the purchase of one of the banks of this city. SILVER MARKET. NEW YORK, June 19.-Sllvr, M. LEGAL BATTLE FOR MURDERER'S LIFE Roland B. Molineaux Case Before Court of Appeals. JUDGES RESERVE DECISION Will Net B AaaasacW Far Urn Mealks Hracc Trial af Miss Merrissa ht Ike Maraer af Mrs. 011a Caul. BUFFALO, June 1.-The fate of Ro land B. Molineaux, convicted of mur der, as poisoner of Mrs. Katherlne J. Adams, at New York, in December. 18tt, Is in the keepmg of seven Judges of the court of appeals who for three' days past have been listening to ar gument for and against a new trial. The decision will not be announced un til some months hence. IMPORTANT WITNESS FOUND. Trial of Miss Morrison for Murder of Mrs. Olln Castle. ELDORADO, Kaa June 19 After only two days of testimony taklag the state tn the case of Jessie Morrison, on trial for the murder of Mrs. CUa Castle, rested this afternoon. The defense. It Is said, will spring a surprise in tha Introduction of new evidence not ad duced at the first trial When Miss Morrison took the stand el bim and will put him on the stand, in December last to tell In her own rival, she testified that Mrs. Castle had called her to the bouse and started the trouble. At that time the affida vit of A. J. Morgan, a pedler, who swore that he heard Mrs. Castle rap on the door as Miss Morrison was pass ing her house and call her In, was pre sented. Morgan could not be found, but it is now said the defense has local in December last to tell In her own STILL THE SOLID SOUTH. Southera Politician Says Democracy Will Continue Supreme. NEW YORK, June 19.-Henry D. Clayton, of Alabama, one of Che Dem ocratic leaders of the house and a mem- . ber of the Democratic national commit tee. Is quoted In a Washington spec ial to the Tribune as follows concerning the general movement in the South for the disfranchisement of the negro: "We of the South are r.ot afraid to grapple with this negro question as it should be grappled with. Democratic supremacy has been maintained In the South tn spite of negro suffrage and that supremacy will be all the more secure when the blacks are wholly dis franchised as we witness In Mississippi, Louisiana and South Carolina. As to the reduction of our representation in congress and the electoral college be cause of negro disfranchisement, I re gard as political bluster pure and sim ple." GAINING STRENGTH SLOWLY. WASHINGTON, June 19. The condi tion of Mrs. MeKlnley tonight continues to Improve. After hla visit. Dr. RixeY said that she had passed a fairly com fortable day and ;hat the gradual im provement In her condition was still no. tlceable. Mrs. MeKlnley Is quite weak, but is gaining little strength each day. HEARST SELECTS HASKELL. MINNEAPOLIS, June 19.-Col. W. E. Haskell, publisher of the Times, has been selected by William R. Hearst as business manager of the New York Journal. . v NORPSTORM TO BE EXECUTED. SEATTLE. June 19. Murderer Nord strom was today sentenced to be exe cuted August 3rd. BASEBALL SCORES PORTLAND, June 19.-Portland, 2; Spokane, 1. TACOMA, June 19. Seattle, 7; Taco ma, 2 WHEAT MARKET PORTLAND, June 19.-Wheat, Walla Walla. 59. TACOMA. June 19. Wheat, bluestem. 61; club, 59. SAN FRANCISCO, June 19. Wheat. December, 101; cash. 97V4- CHICAGO. June 19.-Whea.t, Sep tember, opening, MH8V4; closing, 6SX. LIVERPOOL, June M.-Wbeat, July. 5a IHd.