The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 04, 1901, Image 3

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    THB , MOKftlKO A5T0KIAN. TUESDAY, JUKE 4, 1901
OU never cut off
cake of soap and throw it away I Yet you
pay twice the price of Ivory Soap for a cake
of "tinted" toilet soap less than half as
rl i .J
large. Your little cake of toilet soap costs you four
times the price of Ivory, for it lasts only half as long
and costs twice as much. No money can buy purer
or better soap than Ivory. If it came in dainty
paper, all scented and colored, you would pay fifteen
cents for a very small cake of it.
The Morning Astorian
All contract a lor iidvcrtisinu i
the Afttoilun Ht c nut Jo mi u Kiiitr
nnlco of circulation (our time
larger than that of tiny paper
ptibllalicJ or circulated in Clat.
nop county.
iKTLANI. Juno 3 . Oregon. Tu.k
day. f.ilr, wariin'r in tin- west portion
i-nri( III" mint; light from In (hi
rutir" portion in tin- arly morning:
WithlMKiiii, fair. warmer In thn wrt
mii portion rxvept n'r thu oot. Ida
tin, fair.
H Omit.Ki about harna.
Tin tu H'-iirK H. Voaburg left Hun
iluy fur Hun Ki wicIhco. l.'.TMii miil-nijlng Sun ll--taurmt,
(i c'otiitiiMvm Ht.
The llt-ltlali ship TIiIiIiilt". with u
.uu of n lim t fur K lip !, wt-ni in rix
ymti-i J.iy.
UKAV t.'.-'KN'T M RAL; lllSlNU HUN
I Euy lour Glethins If
... and . ;:
iFurnishing tedSii
three-quarters of a new
Milk dPl. cor. Ti nl H and Duan Ht.
Tin f fliHi--liin lrlHm nt th ix'i l
iVnt liurli-r'p. It'"! of ' m-rvlr".
Jiiitn-i giuM uf till kind", cheap ill
Yokohama Hax.uir; 8:4 oin iik-t. I,( I S:.
.M.i V.iukIiiiii rill-t Mm. Ix-v" P
tuili'M fpiin til, ! California Sdliir-
lit v
tt y child niiiy 1'iiy .i limply -ni'l
n wi-ll frmii u an tti .int rKiiTii nii'.l
buyer. JoluiLiii lliim.
I in, 1. 1 i -untninin n Willi! (iood liiHi,K. V
llUVi. ko.hI KiMktx iuil niint kik i ii1.i
iiutk J'illiinll llrii.
A fri'nh supply f Oivrhii and Call
f iinln vi(i'i.itili' ltl Iji- riii-lvfil by
Jilin'n Hi"" imlav.
John Mattaon. native of Itueitla, was
ri u n i I'll (Iniii rltiii-nplili imiMr yet-r-lav
in t he rutin tv court.
Mr. rtiatnuiown U prHUTd in ilu up
laie curtain In K"Ol order, leave or
ders Oregon Hakery.
Tlii" pilot schooner Han Jos which h
briMi ri-niM'il with n nrw furr ntufl. will
ii'iurn in Hit Htmll'Mi lulr.
Yiuiiif Jniinf- wnnt jv!t!.in In
mnall fimlly fr bnrl uml room, tn
nil' Hi C.'ll (' Pirrrt.
Tin' 'nr'y whu tmk an uinbrrlln frnn
tlir Anl ihiiii "Ifli-r Hitlurility iilnlit by
mlnliikf riinfrr a farm- by return-!
IIIK lllr Plllll-'.
Thf ti'miir flu II. B)mr arrived
in ymi'Tiliiy fmm THImo,k with a
miKo of i!ry prudurui and lalmon.
C It. Thimuion ban am'lnteil t
mliilmmtor of th rMt if John Th,
drci.,. 1 , t,c tutate U valued at IVW.
Cp-am iur ryi, AjnrlrA'a flnoat
whlnkey. Tliu only imr avxHla; aruar-niM-i
rlrJi and mellow. JOHN I
tMltliHON, H,li. Jucvnt.
For mid, A flrnt-olruvi 22-tnrn framr
blcytlr; will J. anli rhrap fur riuih.
Whn-I Ik brand n'W from Tli factory,
X, V, Antorlan ofrW'",
J"hn A. Monigomrry hiw ojni'l a
hop at 1 Uoml pi ri?'i and in prrpuri-d
to do all i'liMii of ilium bin ir and tln
nlnif at lh lownut ixnv rati.
Mi-mi. Kdwanla luid FuUrr, InHixTl
r of hutln and Vilb-rn. werr in th
liv yeati-rd.iy liiKinfilnK th atrariHTH
Aiorl, Hifwen i and Katie W't-are.
Itonlyn imil ifm!a lonjfrr, In i-Wnr
unit make bn trouble wlih utiiven and
rhlmm-y Muen thtn any oth'r. Oi-or(fn
W. Han born, aifnt; trlrphon 1311.
Thr lubllr nh'iild twar In mtnd that
thr lit'11-M of the library board will
hold a riirnnma- nal aum after th''
rlune uf thr ('oiiKrKatbinitl t-hunrh nulr.
Monirr Kluh Warden Van Dua'n left
limt nlidit for Haletn to attrtid thr
monthly nu'i-tliijc of '.hi' atato tioanl f
flh riuntiilKRliinrr which will be held
tod ty.
A noon an the neveral Jib now on
hand iir" com;ib-trd at thr Wolff &
.wlrki-f Iron Worku the plant will lie
clnwd down and aold tfV ordi-r of the
Th.- rahtchip wan launchel HutH.iv
nluht nh'irily bi-f.irr mldtilKhl ftnit ulll
arrive in Amorla lonlirht. Th craft will
In- tuwi-d to I'urtl.i.'id where r'-iiitlr
III be made.
Wmk Man li'n ' oinmencd on th'
n w lueiciiK rHi I for r. (.'. M.W'.en b -
iweii Mveiiw-n .ml Ihr plp line ut
Utile 11 ar creek '"l ;henc to the
liUdleP (if ihe Walluiki.
A --t 1 1 i -n a lltiil vrnt-r.lay In lb'
cniiiity conn by J.ihn II. Koch, a linln
Imral r of the en: ate t IvKll J. Jark-
n. d. ieae,, fur prrm!Miun to e cer
tain realty Iii LhikIiiK to the mute
:v Ticket AKi-nt Miller of the A. &
i". K. It will be fiiarrn-. Jun,. 6. ut
Aurora. 're!oii, in MlnJ Iteberca Au
KiiMair fole. Mr. and Mr Miller will
r-'lde in. Amor a after a iihort honey
nnxm trip.
Thr Herman bark H-nrv Hackfleld
arrive,) yeaterdav In ballait from Nn
aanakl. The H,ickfe) 1 w hrr cbitr
ler tiecaunr of arriving late but will
pi ibubly ucnd In rrttlnir a cargo ,.f
when: for Kuril"".
In the eult to In- trinl In Tortland
to tent thr contltutlima!l!v of the law
luohlliltlnR barber iihiHn brlnir ornn on
Sunday thr point will br'd that thr
word "bitrberlnr." uned In the law doeg
not i-xlt and therefore expreaaea nth
Th. " n. & N. Co. ha made a rat
of Hi from Antnria and Portland for
ihe lun-Anvncan rxpo'Ulon at I'uffalo,
TlrkcH will lie n naif flrt and third
TuiHwI.iya. Junr to ficloh-r. lnolu.lve
The- ticket muM I used for rontin-
uiun tiaHKe KcHnK, but stirpovera will
b. allowed w'.thln final Hm't return.
M. J. Kinney wan down from IHiri- l vintrrday and waa In oonf-'rencr
w ill liM-al c iiltallt ymterday af;er-
noiin. While here Mr. Kinney tiled fir
record .i deed trinHf.-rrinif Iota 13. 14. 13.
:". '.': and HO, bliKk 50. New Aittorta
to ."chooi dwtrlct .vo. 6. tuvvlillnK a
ichool houne, to cunt :'fKi in erected
on thr property before February
A tow-boat owner aava he ha been
nkrd to tow tianrox from Astoria to
Portland to carry back caruiies of
ulabwmid. Thlit la probtblv li.Taue the
pbin for a bla aawmlll at TonRue Point
hnn fallen throuah. The Idea of Port
land impplylnn Artorla with wood put
one in nvnd of the old aayinic abuit
carrylnif coal to Nrwraitle. It la not
rertaln that alabwoixl for shipment to
Antorla ran be obtHned tn lvrtland. as
dealer aav they have not enough for
bwal demand.
The loKaerW tributary to Wlllapa har-
bor are looking forward to better tlrm's
now that their log may be put Into
the Columbia via thr Ilwaoo Railway
Navigation Comptny'a line, aaya thet
Chinook Olmerver. The railroad com
puny will mnke a tariff of neventy-flve
cent a per thousand feet. furnlaMng a
boom at Nahcotta. the Wlllapa harbor
end of their line and at Ilwoco on the
ColumhU river. Fir Iocs are now brimr
Ing $4..'i0 at South Hend. and spruce la
worth $3. Flrst-clo.i fir on the Co
lumbia la worth 16.
Through the eourteay of the Tivrtland
F.lka baaehtll team the local Elka were
(Mrmlttted to acore aeven run In the
match game Sunday while the vlaltora
tallied nineteen and then got tired of
running baaea, and let It go at that. At
no Mage of the game wct the locale
''In the running" and overwhelming
miserable defeat was In prospect, al
most from the beginning. Bert Rosa.
Harry Mamblet and "Hilly" Btgner car
ried off the honora for the Astorian.-".
but they were unable to save the day.
There Is some talk of a return game
to be played In Portland on July 4.
The ordinance Introduced aeveral
weeks ago by Councilman A. Scherneck
au Imposing a license of $7.50 quarter
ly on slot machine operated In the city
was passed last night by the cty coun
cil. There Is a question as to whether
or not the mayor will algn the meas
ure In Ita present form. Some time
ago an Interview was published In the
Astorian In which the mayor stated
that he believed a distinction should
be made lietween machines in favor of
those paying In merchandise Instead of
" Considerable routine business wa
transited and resolutions were passed
declaring the Intention of the council
to Improve Seventeenth street between
Commercial and Franklin, antf Stxtn.
from the railroad track to Commercial
street. A resolution was Introduced bv
Mr. Schrrneckau Instructing the street
committee and city enuinefr to lay out
the road from the water works to con
nect with the new county rotid. a dis
tance of about one mile. A liquor license
whs granted to H. Johnson.
Th? following claims were ordered
Astorian Publishing Co., $20.05.
C.i Itlln & Recti. $7..ri5.
Western Untoa Telegraph Co., $4 61.
A. O. Long. $4.30.
Astoria Hox Company, $18.29.
Foard & Stokes, $16.40.
West Shore Mills Co.. $3S4.
Street superintendent, pay roll, $72.50.
City engineer, pay roll, $12.
Shown That Atliclain In Ignorance
and That Biblical Revelation
Compel Itclicf,
Rev. H. F. Rowland, at the M''tho.
list rhurvh liuu, Sunday morning, took
for his thrme "The Mystery of Chris,
tlunlty." lfepoke from tlve text, "Now
we are thnnigh a glaits darkly: but
then face to face; Now I know In part;
but then shall I know even as also I
am known." And he said In part:
The vrry nadir- and object of reveal
ed and experimental religion make
them mysterious. The mind of man
cannot griutp Christ's1 explanation. "The
wind bloweth where It llateth and thou
hraresl thr iciund thereof, but rana'l
not tell whence Ir. comet h or whither it
g'x-th- so Is evrry one that la born of
th- jipirlt." Th hippiness It Imparts
may flash along the fiber of the splr
Itual nature Ilk- electric fire, thrilling
the heart with the sweetest music bur
Ita nature and mode (tf communication
remains unexplanable. We cannot fath
om th- future. We walk upon ha verg
knowing but little of its mysteries, ft.
gp-at future! What are your revela
tions? We cannot ceisr to be or do not
want to le annihilated. (Jod ha kind
led In our hearts a hope of future glory
that llithtens up our Journey through
this life. Cut what bevond? We
do not know. Our title knowledge Is
but a drop In the great ocean of truth.
The text Includes two antltheca, the
first part of each refer to the mysti-r-e
found 'n ex;i -rlmi-ntal religion. P.".
cause rellgii n has the uncxp:ina'l In
It Infidelity pn-tiounces It filse. Th
argument Is that mytry ,'atal ti
the vry Idea of revelation. The two
b'-lns contra llcrory-. Now If -hat wh! h
pdiglon reveals Is shrouded In inyst.-ry
si thai man for whom the revIii!on Is
ni.i le cannot tiossbly understand It
tln n the objection nf Infidelity Is valid
Hut such is not th easi for what It
da in to reteal Is clear to every Intel
llgent mind. True It n-vil-i fjcts
whose relation to 1h- Inflnlie mak"s the
mode .if ihelr existence Incon jirehensl
Me to us. for we are rap idle inly of
ent'Ttainlng finite Ideas.
The mysteries of religion are the
mvsteries if modes not of facis, wh'le
the revelations are revelations of facts
not of mules. There Is a differ T.e
between mysti ry is to mode, and mvsicry
tery as to fact. The fact of Hod's ex
Isteiice :niy be clear but the mode must
remain forever unexplanable.
Revelation Is sufficient to promote th
end for which It w-aa Intended and that
is enough. To require more Is as un
PMSonalile as to require history to teach
ch"inistry or chemistry mathematics of
anv on-' of these to teach all the others
and falling so to do to condemn them
is filse.
Are the explanable facts of reyea
Hon sufticlent for life an 1 salvation?
Ask the apostles and martyr and
saints of all ages. Ask thM- splendid
examples of Christian characters form
ed amid the flres of persecution. Ak
the expiring ailnt a he dies with a
smile of triumph and a shout of vie
lory. If the unexplanable In religion
nrnrea -he entire avstem false then na
ture which has mysteries as profound
as revelation must be false too. Who
will undertake to explain the law of
organic life and growth? Why does one
scid produce wheat, an ither corn? Who
cm explain the phirrophy of color, or
of motion and how the latter Is com
munlca'.M from one body M another.
If you pr..-ss Ignorance of the laws
of organic life what must be the sum
of your knowledge of the higher laws
of animal life? Can you explain your
own body? Where Is your soul? How
do you gnw How do you live? How
do vou think? Yourself la the greatest
myst-ry In the universe.
Rut the objiv'.or says every fact of re
velation ought to be as plain as pure
mathematics. Again we say. apply the
same test to nature. But suppose we
admit the oblectlon for the sake of the
argument. Th-m we ask Is all Intelligi
ble la mathematics? Kx press the third
of one decimally adding a cipher to
thr remainder and '.ontlnue the divis
ion, It Is three Into ten three times and
one over world without end. Here l
a number eterrally divided by three and
losing two-thirds of itself forward with
out the possibility of ever being ex
hausted. This can be demonstrated but
is It Intelligible Ood asks nothing of
man in religion that be does not demand
In all other things and we ought to act
JardiiuTos and Jugs,
Bisque Ware,
Silverware and Cutlery,
Fish Sets,
Game Sets,
Dinner Sets,
20 to 33 per cent
Come Just to See
Great American ImBortiaii Tea
571 Commercial Street, Astoria,
In reference to It as we do In reference
to other things.
Htrange but true, that men will lay
hold of the most inconsistent and frivo
lous objections and atubbornly maintain
them If they only cast a shadow of
doubt on religion. They have resorted
to all manner of tricks to array nature
against revelation but Insulted nature
baa proudly hurled back their empty
honor nnd proclaimed revelation tru.
Home one has said. "When astrono
mers crowned In beauty came tripping
down the heaven, her antral train borne
by chTubs and weeping In queenly
rnagnlflranee amidst the misty range of
the nebulae they rushed to worship her:
she repelled them. "Worship God." and
sheaving the beam of light and plunk
ing the stars of heaven she wore a gar
land of stellar beauties and to their
amazement and consternation approach
ed revel: Ion. cfirwned Its bead and Jro
clalmed It true.
Z'Kilogy nxt tn turn was ealM upon
to xpos? '.he Increasing power of re
vealed truth. Rut in the hour of con
flict It threw the weight of Its testimony
Into th s.-ale of nubile faith and es
tablished the truth of the Mosaic u,rr
of man.
Geology wan their last resort and Its
testimony was thought to be fatal. Rut
this Ihe youngest daughter of nature
crowned with spar and with granite
came up from her caverns and plied
her fame and flora, her rocks and fos-
lls at the foot of revelations throne.
and pronounced ita truths,
The second part of each antltheslj
contained In the text, conveys the Ilea
that In the future state we shall pos
se a more extensive and satisfactory
knowledge of Invisible and spiritual
things. That we shall then see thing
not by reflection as we see them now.
but face ti fac?. The text was writ
ten to the Corlnrhian Christians and is
a description of that bleated future s;a:e
where darkness shall give place to
light and Ignorance give way t. know
Further knowledge will be more ex
tensive, for the Intellect will thn lie
freed from the rl.n plodding material
ity which embarrass it In this life, it
Is Imprisoned in a body that s bound
to earth by laws of gravitation.
Th- body grows old and d!e b"foro
the Intellect masters the first principles
of knowledge. Rut in the future state.
If brfire th resiirp.v.lon the spirit w 111 l
hive no body if after It the body vrl
be so perfect in all Its parts and func
tions as not to embarrass the Intellect
In anv way in It acqulalilon of truth.
Then In that life th-re will be the ab
sence of sin. Sin has brought the Intel-1
lect under the control of passon em
barrassing It In Its discovery and un
derstanding of truth. Rut In the future
life there will be .10 gin. Freed from
sin the redeemed will roam o''t-r eter
nal fields In search of knowledge. They
will go on learning forever . Com
mencing whre tbey '.earn their first
letters, wher-f they repeated their first
oraver at mother's knee, till dropping
the rudiments and learning the ele
mentary principle of death they take
their first lesson in .tie sciences of an
gels and the metaphysics of heaven and
go on learning forever until they have
reached the utmist limit of knowledge.
We will then know more about our
selvesthe meaning of this life and its
relation to and bearing upon the life
that la to some. We will know more
about redempUin. The wonderful sac
rifice that purchaa! our pardon, the
condescension. Ignominy and shame
borne by your savior in order to free us
from the bondage of sin. We will know
more about providence. Wre will be able
to trao the hind that moves in dark
ness. We will know the reason of our
bereavments and sicknesses the pains
and the sorrows and the dark and try
ing things that we have been called up
on U bear in this life. God himself
may tell us or some siinted. loved one
may take ua by the hand and lead us
to some ttrbor under the tree of life
along the bank of the river that makes
glad the oltv of God and there explain
these deep, dark mysterious things that
have so puzld us !n this life and as
the full meaning dawns upon us an J
we realixe how these things have work
ed out for us an exceeding and eter
nal rirsht of glory till our whole being
filled with thankfulness we rush to the
theme and pour out our souls In grati
tude to Almighty God. We shall then
know more about creation more about
the laws governing the entire universe
than we no- know concerning this poor
earth. We shall go right on learning
forever. All limitations removed, the
Intellect expanding forever. Starting in
this life learning the first principles go
Ing on in that future Hfe until we shall
have reached the utmost limit of per
fection In wisdom, knowledge, truth,
virtue, low. in a word. In all that makes
life true and grand and noble and
great. That to me !a heaven. Is It not
worthy the am bill on of an Immortal
Washington Grays Harbor Light
houseAlteration in color. On or about
June 1, 1901. the color of the tower at
the station on the seawst of Wash
ington, seaward side of Point Chehalis
and about one and one-half miles from
Its extreme northern end and on the
southern side 'it the entrance to Grays
Harbor, will be changed from stone col
or to white. (N. M. 21. 1901)
(Notice to mariners NV. 61. Light
house Hoard. Washington, 1901.)
17. S. Lighthouse Board List of Lights
on the Pacific Coast, 1901, No. 152, page
Pacific Coast Pilot, 18S9, page 482.
Bv order of the Bureau of Equipment,
Captain, U. S. N., Hydrographer.
Columbia River. Notice Is hereby g'v
en that on May 30. 1907. the La lu
est Commercial Street.
That he gives you the best there
Is to be had In the city for the 1
leaet money? Place an order
once and see.
Successor to Dr. Ball.
B7S Commercial St.. ASTORIA, OR
H.F.Prael Transfer Co
Telephone 221.
All Goods Shipped to Our Care
Will Receive SpedaJ Attention. '
No. EU Duane St. W. J. COOK. Vgr
Astoria. Or. Rem. Tel. llSL
I'ost Light wan carried away by the
present fr-shei. and the light extln
ruisheI. Th beacon will he rexlrivvn
Vand the light re-established aa soon as
the stag f water will permit.
The foregoing affecta the List of
Ught and Pg-8lgiiala. Pacific Coast
1901. page 21, No. 144; also the List of
He icon and Cuoya, Pacific Coaat, 1901,
page 67.
ueer isiana I'oat ugM. On or
about June 13, 1)01, or aa soon there
after as the stage 'it water wdll per
mil, a reu ngnt will be established on
the end tt the .evertment at Deer Tsl
and, Columbia river. Oregon.
Uy order of the Light-House Roard.
W. P. DAY.
Commander. V. 8, X., Light-House In
The country is becoming agitated over
religion. I'eriollcally some one arises
and declares that It Is decaying. This
results in countless dlacuslon until the
agitation runs Its course, and still re
ligion nourishes. It always will, for
It Is something the world needs. One
of the Inest recommendations of Hon
tetters St'miach Rttters. the great
Amrlexn stomach strengthened lies In
the fact that tt has lived for fifty years
In spite of hundreds of Imitations, and
I renowned for Ms cure of constipa
tion, dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, fe-
I ver and agje. and sees to It rhat the
life-giving elements of the food are as
similated with the blood. There Is
nothing "Just as good." See that
Private Stamp covers the neck of the
Notice Is hereby given that the com
mittee on public property of the Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria will
accept sealed bids at the office of the
auditor and police Judge of said city
until 2 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday,
June 5th. 1301. for the repair of the
bell tower at the city hall In accord
ance with the provisions of ordinance
No. 2S0S of said city, providing for
said recair. which 1s nn file in and
can at any time be era.mlned in the
otllce of stld auditor and police Judge.
The committee reserves the right to
reject any and all bid.
Committee on Public Property of the
Common Council of the City of As
Notice Is hereby given that there are
funds In the city treasury to pay J1
warrants drawn on the general fund
and endorsed prior to December 1. 1300.
Interest will cease after this date.
City Treasurer.
Astoria, Oregw. May 23, 1301.
Mary Basel, et al., to D. M. Shanks
lw acres in section 27, T 7 N. R 9 W
The undersigned merchant of Astoria
for the purpose of showing their appre
ciation to :helr customers, have agreed
to start a contest under the following
We give one vote for every ten (10)
cent purchase. Votes may be cast for
any society, organization, public or pri
vite Institution or Individual. No votes
can be sold under any circumstance.
The contest lasts from now until Oct 1.
The society. Institution or individual
receiving the highest total of votes will
be awarded the five hundred dollars
with which to buy a piani), or furniture
or whatever they may prefer to buy.
Roes. Higgins & Co.. groceries, etc.
Fisher Bros., groceries, etc.
V. H. Coffey, groceries, etc.
Johnson Bros., groceries, etc. '
Central Meat Market.
P. Lawler & Co.. fish market.
Palace Restaurant.
Seaside Bakery.
Oregon Bakery.
Robinson's Furniture Store. "
The Bee Hive, department store.
The Wonder, departrment store.
HoefllerV Candy and Ice Cream Parlors.
Tagg's Candy and Ice Creflm Parlors.
John Hahn. shoe store.
J. H. Seymour, , jeweler.
Eagle Drug Store. . ... , .
Central Drug Store.
Herman Wise, clothing, hats. etc.
C. H. Cooper, dry goods, oloihing," etc!
S. Danriger. clothing, hats. etc.
N. Schlussell. ciQthlng hats etc.
Will Madiam'sL oigaf store,
Jack Bums, cigar. v.v:. x'iJ?- t'
P. Miller A Son, rlgars.' ! ;
Theo. Bracket; -cigars; i'"
John PentlUa.-garjiV
J. Utiinger. cigar
Fred Brown,, cigars.;, ; t r
.!)':: )'.:3rrrJr
ThrMtatald to DIGESTION.,.! i
.in iiiiil'WJ 8 J .Ilu Uuu ii"i:u 3i( olui
v.. . T ,!. ,!, i 4i''!... 1 kj -vio i
l -...J
iiir no. lit -it-
nil Jfiii'tVv I'f'1
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a ;iii; io .imiit 'iiinaiiiwi:.inv
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il? rufj-iti-w ,a-rfii-Mili
. .(;n.
I. Ill) I!
nil.'! H
.I'llW tn
.-ii! -tin
lot It
w & ivui ui ,,Wr"Twafl
if -ll't -lilili ,f: i . I
iiin1) i i( t. r -i. ii. !
in. til! '-Id :-. I' i il u
i ll d iuai
We are the great profit killer amr
b.t.i 'tiii.iili ill ;m.;i..i:H j JlS'f&'J .MW ' .
Northwest; and ,' with ' our special facilities can sell line-piaao or
II:, JlllOH.1 .1 4 -. Ilil I'l f- 'HI I
, , ,Qur. 6iyck,iaaudps, th , three . jjreate.5 , American jiiaQs-Tthf JQw
.vldcil iji Jf:d -iliin fit' ; .rjL'j tii-ifiii
Utll,vtue Chitkmng and liia,Uober -
9l-1ti-vr'' vl-jtiiif li i ilinniiii't vlit'i aI) ai ,H
rjoakts,". I' audi i.U.j tihi iiii 7 .TiftiJuii
,jijn.d'i luoiili no' -i'Vihr. yliiiti nil ) '
Following Is a Hat of letters rmAln-.
Ing thirty days In the pwtofrtre at As
toria, Oregon, June 3, 19ftl;
Anderson. Ed. Mallon. Jami-a
Reyer, Albert Mllafn. Olw
Chrlatlansen, Bertha Mabee, Andy
Conner, W. W,
Rhvan, Oe.irl
Durk.-e. Chaa.
Gumbert, Geo.
Irish, Samuel
Johnson. P.
Luce, Miss Uuth
Rock, Charley
Schmidt, Jno, H.
Smith. Patrick H.
Tyberg. F. .
Wrlaht, Mr. and Mr
Anderaon, C. O. Kunnai. W.
Johnaen, R.
What can be accomplished In the tln
of an education and brightening If fu
ture prospects, Is very well detnoa
stnted by the testimonial cards on ft
"Display Stand" placed In the abort
store by The International OorreapOn
dence Schools of Scran ton, Pa.
See display and .nail a card.
Yours for success.
To earn more. earn more.
" ii liiii
To the members of the clerks' "union
and to ail those who rare to Join, it wtU
be of Interest to you to attend th
meeting to be held this Friday., rUb:,
at o'clock, at the City hall.
VIA O. R. 4 N. CO.' ,n
To St. Paul, Minneapolis Oaaah.
Council Bluffs, Leavenworth, StrJoeph
and Kansas City, $60 round trip. Tick
et on sale May 20 and June 7. TRetura
limit 60 days; stop overs eh reW.''iruH
particulars, berth I'eservattoiifjeirtogi.tit
ticket office. O. R. tc N,,,(fook,!n-( i
. Tii.a ! ii;
NOTICE!,,,, w., ,w..
" " :ir:!ii iml-'i'.
To wham It may concrn.r-ynrli fur
ther notice I will sell W c&h vnr
bov's knee ?ant auli atlla'geTi6rlWre
dnctlon. Vesfvs. Refers;-iiflaalir.
whether two or three .Bloce.,..4)ll1.knf
pant boy's suits are doomed . to jro at
prices to tickle all. ITERS! Altf WisW.'
i I mill .
ii urn" 'i J u inxrio';
W'rii iKIrfy .! nit;
Foard Stokes Hall, :ft
Friday Jiin7,19tff -
:i ' itA n tiiii!'J i!
OtTrn bjrtte
"IT;ii'( Si : KJKH'UoSi
MachinistsrTDf,. Astoria
Musi? by torn this drcheatra
M i i
.11 .'
r-. n! ; i, i (i
:l I I
:.!; r.'n'it f-iii.
and uwoja Pacific
From Portland
ror lana
Halt laia, Denver, fi.
4:30 a. 1
9.0 1 . m.
i Bunt-
AtlaDt e
E preaa
Salt LaiefPetuer, Fl.
Worth. Omaha. Xan-
CHv.M. I ouia,Chi'
9 00 p. m.
i'. T
via Huot
mttoa eago ana eaat
SU Paul
W..ha wall , Lewis-
m mall
ton. Spoka-e. MIdm
apolla, Ht. Paul, Du
luihi Milwaukee, Chi
'ko a d east
6 p. m.
r.toa. aa.
73 hours from Portland to Cbic.
No Change of Can. i .;i . . ,: ! .-..:
. rtoaj anoau i;
i All aaillng datca aub-1 i i
. jei-t I nn J ..
to San Fraiicifco
i!(lveilHy ; I
"coTu h ufiTifi a j 1 1 i ( i
To and Way i a. at. ex
7 n. n..
Hailr ex-
eeit Sub.
utnqiiijra r.Monaay
Steamer-Jtahootta-Imvoe AetorU
tide dally for Ilwaco, connecting tber
with trains for Long .Beach, Tioga and
log an4
Korth Jaeach ponU, .ieturnHf j
at Astoria same evening.
lounsbehhX !x&ir
Aatoriav ia
.!TAt(T.V.1 I ilT .l -jJf
).:':.. Tl)-).lili-) -lXl to a-KUOaiS
i't .n'K.'A.i I.'CIUUO.'I yh'i'ionj
i 'i i .iiiiiieaeral xaserurar, Agrt,) jiii J
iiii viiH.ntiiPoTtlaajd, arWtuTillfb tin
;rs Tuf.'n ut in i-jn-):irit ttdlh it
nil .rtiif.r.ioii iii .. '..-in i1 .Mud m1 J,?
'iin.l ill 'vtr-iri'i iltiw .ii.iiii;;
rvtt Jul' -miiii'i
mi i..I;;,-.jmi u
ci t n wivti r a
wia mm" us:- Mui L.iii.vjiii a
liua lUi'Iowa .dm vs brta v.b ,hd J
' 1UOT
nL V 7l .? , V',fc,T.i. v1rlti
booa Olt lUlW
ilaulun nii ( imdl I n;ii'J Ituill
.abn a yl: i.i :r. u 10' el J( ,nt yut
iiu ?-i!i.niiiiii-j .v.ii'j.l'rj'i't t'ld v1jriv
T - togeuier, with cnghtoLuur good
.-! ,L.
!J ii in .iliti ill, lnil'n;n)n
nl ail'. U
i.ji iIl ! -Jilt inta .viyjii-;
'd nili iu booiJ vaa
u I.
( IB- "IrB "
viioIilSo Mo
'rlwiii -ri i .tl'liii -liti riur.l ra,-,i
Kf!l- ''" !"'' mill Jnt-
am shortl
lltJ-ST .'.'I l Vi.. -II 1
i. . . ! ui i:li-it'f