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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1901)
THB MORNING ASTORIA Tl'CSDAY, JUXt 4. 1901 Telephone Mala ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. 8t by mall, per year Bent by mail, per month Served by carrier, per month.., ...S00 ... .50 ... .60 SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mail, per year. In advance, 12.00 All communications Intended tor pub lication (ihould be directed to "Editor Attonan." Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astorlan Publish log Co." The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia Tlver. Advertising rate can had on ap Hrstl"" .a the business manager. A DOUBTFUL "REFORM." Milwaukee Sentinel. While the Sentinel is deeply consci ous of the many abmirable virtues of the W. C. T. 17. as well as of the lasting good accomplished by that organization In the field of noral reform. It cannot resist the temptation to express a doubt as to the wisdom of one particular act of which the society appears to be un duly proud. The telegraphic report of the proceedings of the annual conven tion of the society now in session at Janesville states that the president. Mrs. W. H. Upham, "refered to the suc cess of the W. C. T. U. in securing the anti-canteen law." It is presumed that she congratulated the members of the society upon the success, although the report does not oo state. The army canteen was originally eg. tabllshed by advice of army officers who had made the subject a study, for the purpose of mitigating the evil of in temperance among soldiers in the regu lar army. It was not claimed by the opponents of the plan that the canteen had not accomplished the purpose for . which it was designed, their action be. Ing based upon the argument that beer was an evil per se and that the govern ment should not allow It to be dis pensed within the limits of an army post The conditions under which the beverage was supplied to the soidiers had no weight with the ladies. The fact that those who were in a position to 1ud?e of the merits of the canteen system were In Its favor was not c-ori-slder?d by them. They did not a-k for statistics relating to the moral effect of the cant?en upon the soldiers, which could have been obtained from the army records of court martials and ar rests. Since the canteens were abolished re norts from all of the army posts have been to the effect that pay day Is not attogether a season of innocent amuse ment on the part of the soldiers, in vestigations have been made by sup oorters of the anti-canteen law In at least one Instance, and their reports are nmt encouraging. Highwood, a Chicago suburb located near Fort Sheridan, was the seen of intemperance and disorder Immediately following the last pay day at the army post. Soldiers who had for a no.ith been denied the privilege of partaking !n moderation of the bev erage for which they have wisely or unwisely. It does not matter culti vated a liking, made up for the enforced abstinence by Indulging to excess in a 1 stronger and less wholesome liquor. If it was the Intention of the antl BABY FOODS It is clear that doctors and mothers think more of speoial foods than they used to. The reasons are: (i) both mothers and babies live less naturally than they used to; (2) mother's milk is not so plenty, and not so good, as it used to be ; (3) Scott's emul sion of cod-liver oil is mother food as well as baby food enables the mother to feed her baby naturally. Vvn Kdd jot a little to try If you like. SCOTT fcOWNE, 409 Pearl ititet. New York, canteen law supporters to promote the cause of temperance. It Is difficult to see how they can And cause for congratula tion in the success that ha a attended their efforts In this case. That they were Inspired by the best motives goes without saying, but a motive alone U not sufficient. It has been Mid that "hell is paved with gvvd IntentNms." good Intention If allied with good Judgment may accomplish much, but however virtuous may be one's purpose, however anient hlsdos're for the better ment of humanity and the elevation of the itioral tone of a community or class, women wise, discriminating Judg ment !s lacking the efforts of the re former may 'ail of aeompllshing l:s ob ject. At all events, it would appear that the orese nt Is not the best time for ex tending congratulations on the subject I of the abolition of the canteen. Later on. when the evil effect of the move- men: may have had time to wear off and Its alleged beauties have been giv en an opportunity to mike themselves ' manifest, there may be occasion for fe licitatlons. WITH THE PARAGRAPH ERS. Ibsen, the Norwegian poet, 's paralys ed. He attempted to re-r.ui one of his play. Minneapolis Journal. It Is said that British nur-emiids hush the babies by mentioning the name ! been marri-M three t'mes an I then as . ,,. . , . , , , ' serted that there was no apparent of De Wet.-T.wka Stale Journal. ,u?i? f .u.,. Wan , tnit The boulevard that Philadelphia stands in great need of is a ljen wate highway to the sea Philadelphia Rec ord. If Mr. Morgan be not In con'rol of the Northern Pacific, at least it .sn"t appear to worry him much. Topeka Slate Journal. The report that Mr. Pettigrew Is to become a railway president Is calculat ed to "pi" the forms of the Commoner. Washington Post. Kansas has had so many hard knocks that she will not much mind the fv-t that Mrs. L?ase is ashamed of the state. Washington Post. St Louis consumed $10,000 worth of frogs last year. Frogs are much bet ter diet for a town like St. Lou's than snails. Kansas City Star. The illness of the Shah of Persia offer-- possibilities of a further real estat wrangle among the European govern ments Washington Star. Elward s miraculous escape w ill strengthen Kaiser Wilhehn's belief In I the d;unity-hedg".ngs theory as applied 1 to kings. Chicago Tribune. Traditions are vanishing! At the V'as ar sports recent'y a girl threw a base ball 173 feet and it went the way she threw it. too! Buff all News. The Chicago newspapers are congrat ularing the citiz-ns on the fact that there has not been a prairie Are in the city this spring. Duluth Herald. The French are paying a compliment to American railway management by adopting American plans in all their new equipment. Minneapolis Tribune. The Siandard Oil octopus will have to fcecon.e a centipede if It is to covir all the new sources of supply. Oil has Jut ben discovered in Wyoming In large ; quantities Minneapolis Tribune. Mayor Tom Johnson has caused the "keep off the grass" signs to be remov ed from the Cleveland park. General Coxev will regard this as a very deli cate courtesy. Washington Star. The Indications are that the popular-. itr of William McKlnley has Increased by a libera! percentage since last fall. nn dow,n wmwii. No other medicine though he had quite a number of frhruls "! ie Its place In our family." Try them. Only nOc. Satisfaction guaran on Noverrber 6. Du'uth News-Tribune. tfr3j y Hart's Drug Store. The czir of Russia and the emperor of Germany mut be filled with wonder when they read that bouquets are the only things which are thrown at the ptesident of the United States Record Herald. Having declared that Senator McLau rtn eats pie with his knife, Senator Till man seems to lie at a loss to understand whv the Populists do not rise en mae and run his collaue out of the state. Denver Republican. It is the rule of the war department to prohibit army officers from making speeches, but vh -re a man talks as sensible :is Gi-n. 'haffie does, the pro hibition outrht to be removed. During his recent visit to the Indian Territory Senator Quarles attended an Indian picnic near Muscogee and was summed to find channel cat instead of dog meat on the bill of far. Col. Bryan has purchased some now lantern slides and is dolnp his best to convince the neople if Missouri that free silver is not dead. Ecsema. saltrheutn, tetter, chafing. Ivy poisoning and all skin t.wture are quickly cured by Diwitt a Wltcli Haxel Salve. The certain pile cure. HIAS KOUF.RS. Druggist. Mr. Cudahy Is glng to become the P. Crowe of the bevf trust. A surgical operation ts not iexrv to cure piles. De-Witt's Witch Haaei Salve saws all that expense and never falls. Beware of counterfeits. OH AS. UoOKRS. DruKVist. Foity-three Filipino generals haw been taken to Guam as prisoners of war. Now all that remains to tv done to establish pec Is to bring the sev enteen privates. Mr. James Brawn of Putsinouth, Va.. over SO years of axe suffered for years with a bad .re on his face. Physicians could not help him. De Witt's Witch Haxel Salve cured him perman-ntly. OHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. Th? ftivri seem to have a deep-seated g-udge aginst the thriving town of St. Louis. They have petitioned Pre. I.lent McKlnley to stoo the shipment of mules to South Africa. Danger. disease and death follow ne glect of the bowels, I'se DeWItt's Lit tle Early Bisers to regulate thm and ! you will add years to your life and life to your vears. r.asv 10 is.m-. n rr gripe- CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. Funston's heroism will stand until the first man appears In a shirt waist and straw ha. Then it will b-w gracefully and quietly retire to the biek .f the stage. The bilious, tired, nervous man cannot successfully eomv:e with his healthy rival. DeW'.ti's Unle Earlv Risers the famous pills fir constipation will r-'mov-' the cause or your troubles. OHAS. IMX1ERS. Druggist. In referring to a suicide a Hutch Kansas. naoer savs the deceas-d had iause enough? "Th,? doctors told m- my ci'igh was incurahD. One Minute Cough Our male me a well man." Norrls Silver. North Stratford. N. H Because you've not found relief fii.m a stubborn cough, don'; despair. One Minute Couch Cure lias cured thousand and lr will -Mr vu. S:ife a::d surj. OHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. The strawberry that nw Infests the market mav not have been Invented by the appendicitis specialists, but it is a very happy and effective promoter of their game. "A few mimths ago. f'od which I nte for breakfast would not rema'n cn mv stom.ach for half an hour. I usei on bottle of -ocr Kodol Dyspepsia Oure and can now eat my breakfast Rnd o:h er meals with a relish and my fol Is thoroughly digested. Nothing eou.'D Kodol Dypepsia Cure for stomach troubles. H. S. Pitfs. Arlington. Tex. Kodol Dysp-psHa Cure digests what y.-.u eat. CHAS. ROGERS. Dnjggist. The re,iort that Iola was going to issue bonds to get the price to cable congratulations to General Funston was started by some evil minded person who is trying to knock the ere lit of the Kansas Dyspep:i-s cinnot b long live I be because to live requires nouriohmnt. Food is not nourishing until It Is digest ed. A disirder-'d stomach cann,r digest food. It must have assistinoe. Kixlol I Dvs;ensla Cure digits all kind of food ! without aid from the stoma 'h. allowing I it to rest and regain Its natural func jjons. Its elemnt ire exarrlv th "V natura! dltlve fluids and It yjiui'i i an I nl. ou. vi . j ju IS'Tt. CHAS. TiORRS. Datggist. I The voung worn in who has engaged herself to marry Adjutant-General Cor bin certainly never i-"ad- the newspa pers or else -he loves him for the en- mlfi he has made. IT DAZZLES THE WORLD. No discovery in medicine has ever cre ated one quarter of the excltemea; that has been caused by Dr. King's New D's covery for CotiHumptJon. It's severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia. Hemorrhage Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousarvbj of whom It has restored to perfect heaJth. For Coughs. Colds, Asthma. Croup, Hay Fever, H arseness and Whooping Cough it is the quickest, surest cur In the world. It Is sold by Frank Hart who guarantees satisfaction or :efunds money. Large bottles 50c and $1.01. Trial bottle free. An irate paswnger bit an ear off a Chicago street car conductor the other day. It Is to be hoped that the prac tice will not become general, but still It might serve as a menns of attra.-t. ing attention to the fact that you want to get off at tho next corner. STRIKES A RICH FIND. "I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debil ity," writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster. N. Y". "No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicine I ever used. They have also kept my wife In excellent health for years. She aays Flectric Bitters are Just splendid for female troubles; that they are a The telegraph Informs us that a Chi cago newspaper artist "blew out his brains. Possibly the man felt that he didn't need ;he,m In his particular line of business. IT GIRDLES THE GLOBE. The fame of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. as the best In the world, extends round the earth. It's the one perfect healer of Cuts. Corns. Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils. Ulcers. Felons, Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only In fallible Pile Cure. 25c a box at Hart's Drug Store. He that wl sermon. not be saved needs no These tiny CtBMtlst are toperrer to balsam of Copaiba i I I A ' - I CURE IN 48 HOURS lW the same diseases w'th- out inconvenience. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder rlzht. 1 BLOWN TO ATOMS. The old idea that the body sometimes needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill ha ben expliKl'M; for lr. Mug s New Ufa Pills, which are perfectly harm less, gently itltnuUte liver ami bowels to expel poisonous mater, cleans the sys tem amt absolutely cure vMistipulon and Slk Hea-Holie. Only 25c nt Hart s Drug Store. No matter what Ed. iXirm.ick may think, we sulmilt that he Is extreme when he calls him J. Pirate Morgan. Sympathy is the sivrvt of sight. Ql'ICK RELIEF FOB ASTHMA. Miss Maude Dickens. I'aisons, Kan., writes: "I suffered eight yen- with asthma In its worst form. I had several attu.'k luring the las: year and was not expected t live through them. 1 began using FOblCYS 1IONKY AND TAK and It has never failed to give Inl ine llute relief." Mart's Drug Store. Tlwe who love excitement should look out fir the Raymond, Miss., date line. A negro has lust been appointed postmaster .f that town. Rdwir.l Huss. a well known business man of Salisbury. Mo., writes: " I wish to say for the benefit if others, that I was a sufferer from lumbago and kid ney trouble, and all the remedies I took gave me no relief. I was induced to trv FOLEY'S KIDNEY iTKK, and after the use of three bottles. I am cured. Hart's Drug Store. Tlie wartl-Mi f the Colorado i'nlt -tlary has been removed fer sl'ankinir the prisoners. This will be pleasing news to the Denver woman w h has been ai res let for ele.-tl.wt frauds. The lack of energy you feel, the Kick ache and a run down condition K'li-er-allv. nil mean kidney disorder. FlLKY'S KIDNEY t'l'KK will res:or. vour strength and vlg r by makinit the kidneys well. Take no substitute. Hart's Drug Store. A negro m Vald ta. Oa . shot at a whit" man and :niss il. w li ivup ui he was lyncaM tiy a "nob. Tlv-v wont s;an I '. r inter marksmanship In ti,-or-gia. Allen Halvers mof W st Prairie. Wis., savs: "P-ople come ten miles to buv FOLEY'S KIDNEY critE." while J A. Si-ro. of H-'l-ner. lad., says: "It Is the me.llcU won I t of the age." llai-.'s Drug Stir. And Baltimore hius again gone It' pultlkan. whleh puts a di(T'r'nt inter pretation on John Mosby 'h solid South. A. O. Blanchcr l. West B'ngor. N Y. says: "I have b-eo trouble.1 with kid ney disease fr the last five veurs. i Have doctored with several phvsldans and I gt no relief until I used two hot- . ties of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CCRE." Hart's Drug Store. Ilus'll Sage predictel the crash Iti I th" iiinn'y ma-ket. and when the hot-I1 torn fell out Russ had his securities I all biund 'round with a woolen string William Woodard. nf Decatur. Ia.. ' writes: "t was troubled with kldnev j disease for several vars and four one dollar sixe bottle of FOLEY'S KID NEY ClrKE curel me. I would re,orn niend It to anvorte who baa kldn v trouble." Hart's Drug Store. Dr. Ament has again denie I the im ported atrocities In China. These de nials have grown so stale that they have become atrtirle In themselves. Cy'dlng has Irs ups and downs. Afvr the downs, use MANNER SALVE if you are cut or bruised. It heals ;h. hurt "iilckly. Tak- no substitutes. Hart's Drug Store. He that an ox. "al an vKg v 111 s:eal Ira D. Reckard. Duncombe, la . writ s: "My little boy s. al,e, his Ik from the tanee to the ankle. I used BANNER 9AI.VE Imm-dlately and In thre weeks' time it was aimer entirely heal ed. I want to recommend it to everv family and advise them to keep Banner Salv on hand, as It Is a sure cure for scalds or any sores." Hart's Drug Store. SOMETHING NEW. Just published by the Southern Pa clflo Co. Is a phamphlat upon the re sources of Western Oregon, which In cludes an excellent map of the state, and contains Information on climate, lands, education, etc.. existing Indus tries and their capabilities. Attention Is also directed to such new fields for energy or capital as promise fair return. This publication fills a need long ex perienced by Oregonlans. In replying to Inquiries of eastern frftnda. Cooles may be had of local agent Southern Pacific Co,, or from C. H. MARKHAM, O. P. A.. Porttai.d. Or BESTOF EVERYTHING In a word this tells of the Passenger Beryl ce via f he Sor(hwes(ern line. Eight Trains Dally between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest Pullman Sleepers, peerless tuning cars. Library and Observation Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars. The 20th Century Train Runs Every Day of the Tear. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam nested THE BADGER STATE EXPRESS, the Finest Dally Train Running Between St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line. Connections from the West made via The NORTHERN PACIFIC. GREAT NORTHERN and CANADIAN PACIFIC R'YS. This Is also the BEST LINE between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. All agents sell tickets via The Northwestern Line W. H. MEAD. H. L. SISLER, General Agent. Trav. Agent, 248 Alder Street. Portland. Oregon. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave. " PORTLANI. ' " Arrlv l:OmuiVjportlnd Union Depot)n:l& i'm. 8:65 p.m.for Astoria and lnter-l):40 p.m, mediate points. ( 1 ASTORIA. "I T.4Sa.m.For Portland A In-Ill :Ha.m. ( 1.10 p.m.tenndlate points U0:S0p.rn. BB ASIDE DIVIKION. :.v. in. .1:10 i. III. S::W 111 -D. Hi. . HI. ASTORTA T 40 n in i w i. Ill II oo in SKASIDK I'r, I', in S u mUy out)' All trains make close connections at Ooble with all Northern Pacific trains to and from the East or Sound points. J. C. MAYO, Oen'l Fr't and Pass. Arent inmrr n mr WH IF III AR I INh ITIIIIU ULLflll Llllt (Telephone Dock.) Columbia River and Puget 9ound Nav- IgatlQn Company. i The Tahoma leaves Astoria dally ex cept Sunday at 7 p. m. Leave Portland daily except Sun day at 7 a. m. White Collar Line tickets. O. R. A N. ticket anil Ilwam Kv A Mv iw j tany tickets Interchangeable 'on Ta- homi and HasKalc. Through Port land connection with steamer Nahcotta from IiwHct) and Long Beach points. Telephone No. 111. A. J. TAYI.Olt, Astoria Agent. E. W. ORIOHTON. iwtlnnd Agent J.A. FASTABEND GENKRAL CO.NTRACrOR AND BUILDER Leav I Depot. Fifth -ind I 1 Streets. I Overland Express Arrive Trains for Salem, Roseburg, Ash land. Sacramento, Ogden, San Fran cisco, MoJave. Los Angeles. El Paso. New Orleans and the East. :30 p.m 9 15 a m ,8;30 a m 7:00 p.m At Wood burn (daily except Sun- dav). mnrnlnr train connects with tram for Mt. An gel. Stlverton, Brownsville. Springfield. and Natron, and even Ing train for Mt. Angel and Silver tun. !7:30a.m Corvallls Dassen- ,'5:M p.m llS:2Sa.m aer. ,4:10 p.m Sheridan pas,.n- I fc-er. Dally. fav except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sals between Port land. Sacramento and San Francisco -Net rates $17 first class and 111 second class, including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe Also Japan. China. Hono. lulu and Australia, ('an be obtained from J B. Mrkland. Ticket Agent. 13 third Street. YAMHILL DIVTSTfvw Pasenger depot foot of Jefforan. mt ! Leave for Oswrm Intiw mm,AM 1 a- m; lt:30. 1:M, t.U, 6:15, tlli l:M. I "J.3.0 P; J'- ! s. m. on Sunday only. Arrive at Pertland dally at :tt I :30. 10:50 a. m.: 1:36, S:1S. 4:30 Is' ! j 'sift 1 A fWi . A . . . . ( i.IU, IU.W n. m: 12:40 a m ... cept Monday; g;M md 1:0S a. ra. o i V i Leave for Delia ,i.n ... day at 4:30 m. Xffifi5 at 9:30 a. m. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlee Mondays. Wedneay. and rrl- days at 2:45 p. m. Return. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. except Hunaay. R. KOEHLER. Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. . Oen. Frt. and Pass, Act GRADE TO BE ESTABLISHED. j Notice Is hereby given, that th Com- I mon Council of the Cltv of Astoria In- tends to establish the lln avenue In that Dart Astoria s laid out and recorded by I John Artair, from TWrty-slxth street to j?ortv-nr;h street, at the following neignr, aDove tne nase of grads as e- i tabinried hy ordinance No. 71 of said city, entitled. "An ordinance to estab lish a base of grades for the streets of Astoria," to-wlt: At the Intersection cf Franklin ave nue wRh Thirty-seventh street at 122 reet on the west side and 125 feet on the east side; at the intersection of Franklin avenue and Thirty-eighth street 137 feet on the west side and 140 feet on the eat side; at the Intersec tion of Franklin avenue and Thirty ninth street 179 feet on the west side and 182 feet on the east side; at the Intersection of Franklin avenue and Fortieth street 221 feet nn the west side and 221 feet on the east side; at the intersection of Fnnklln avenue and Forty-first str?-!t 260 feet on the west side and 230 feet on the east side; at the Intersection of Franklin avenue and Forty-second street 239 feet on the west side and -237 feet on the east side; at Ihe Intersection nf Franklin avenue and Forty-third street 213 feet on the west side and 213 feet, on the east side; at the interscilon of Franklin avenue and Forty-fourth street 231 feet on the west side and 229 feet on the eaet side: at the Intersection of Franklin avenue and Forty-fifth street 193 reet on both sides. The street and the grade there of between the points designated 's to be on a straight and even slope throughout the entire width therof. This notice Is ordered 'published In the Morning Astorlan for ten days by resolution of Ihe Common Council adopted on the 20th day of May, 1901. the first publication thereof being on the 23rd day of May 1901. H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Aatorli. I tei SOUTH I - - I SHWIUFF'S BU By virtue, of an ex-vutinn tmd order of sal 0 Issued out of the ilrxmlt Court of the State of Oivgoti, fur the County of Clatsop, on the 27th dny of May, 11)01. upon a Judgment ivndentl th 'rein on the 4th day of May, 1101. In favjr .f C. H. Jackson, plaintiff, m agslnnt W, It. Edwards, defendant, for the sum of One HundnM and Eighty-one 71-100 dollars, together with interest Iheifoii at th rate of K per cent per iinnuin from the .h dav of May, 1!KU. the c""ts end dlHtiurocmcnta of this suit tuxd it f 1 1 IV '.'0 un.l the costs of and uPn this writ commanl'ng and requiring me to make sale of the following d''Scillnl rei propcr'y, to-wlt: Iot nuinlierol four (4). In block num. In-red thlily-three CUD, In the (own of Astoria as laid out and recorded bv John M. Shlvelv, lot nuin'il fourlm-n I ID. In block numbered live (51. In Flint Addition to (Vevwi Grove as laid out and riHtrded bv J. T, Mulkey, In Olatsop County, Onvn. Notice Is hereby given, that I will on Monday, the 1st dav of July. 1!1. at the hour nf 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said i hour of 10 oVI'Vk in the foreniHin of ' day. in femt of and at the Court U dour In the City (f Astoria. Oin oil o Ity nf Ast.iria. t'lntson County, Oregon, sll at public auction. to the hlgh-'st bid Dr for cash, the above described real property to satisfy the Judmn-nt, lnter-st, cos! and accruing costs. THOS. LINVILU:. Sheriff. Olntn County. Oregon. Astoria, Oreg m. May liSlh. 1901. SHERIFF'S SALE Notice Is hereby given, that I will on Monday. July Rth. 190t. at the hour if tn o'oliK'k. a. in,, at and In front of the Court House il.vtr at th Oltv of As toria, 'n Clatsop County. State of Ore. con, I will offer for sale and sell ut pub lic auction to the hlgh-nt btd l. r for cash In hand at the time of sle, ail and sin gular the real istate and U'oei'tv to whit h the County of Clatsop it ft-1 School Districts N. I ami 4 of Clatsop I'.itinty. have iu 'ilre title bv virtue of sa'es for taxe. an I all it-aJ istate and property that has Iteeii heretofore tiir hts.-d bv ilatson County or School Districts N' 1 mid 1 of Clats tt County at tux rales and tlrl, .n'lpilivd thir,-un.irr. i and whlii Is now c ne, hv said C,.un- tv, or said Seho l DN:r:cis. THOS. LINVILI.K Sheriff C.atso;i Coiintv. ir.-goii. Dated this ItHh d iv .,f May. r'l. SHERIFFS SALE. Mv virtue of mi execution ami order i or n i, iHuej on; i.r ,e , u-a or .lie . in-um of tv. S-lto of Orvon for the County. of .M ils on the ISM, day f SU . upon ,i Judcm mt and decree rendered , if the Olrvttlt i,iiri then'l:i on rlw. 7th .1 iv ,,r loot. In favor of W. T. S.' and K. H.iuk ! cn-nrtners. doing bus!n-ss as Si ho. ; field and Hauke, .iiralnHt N r lenit'ii ; and Anna Jeim-n. defendants, for the sum of Jlo.'.iV), win, iii;.,tei ther.-on ttt the rate of in per cent p,-r aniiiiiii fnin (he 23d div of M.v, 191. to the 7th day of May, 1901. the further sum of 135 at. torn-y's fes, the rosts an I dlsbunie. men! of hl suit luxe.) st ll.t.20 mid in- I terest on wild Judinn"nt at the legal rate of Interes". and the costs of and i.pon i this writ Cisnm.indliuf and ".Hmlrlng nu to make sole of the following devrlhed j real prore-rty, to-wt: I-it 12 In blm k 47. In Taylor's Astorl l. ' In i 'I.ttson ruiniy. Oregon. I Notli" is hir"ty given, that I will mil j Monday, the 1st law of July, 1901 . nt th nour or ten o , i, k in the ion-noon or sal,) dav, in fro-it of an I at the ui tj House dr. 'n th" t'lty nf Astoria. t'Utsop t'oun'y. Oni,.ii. "e nt public sui'tlon, to the blithest bidder f,r nmh, the hImv-' d" -r 1 - I real ino i. rty, to satisfy the )u gmin. !ni"reit. emu utid nil ii'i'nilnif. Tllo.-t. LINVILLK. Hh-rlfT. I'l lt. ,l I'oillll V. Heg m At itla. Or-g .ti, May :sth. Ifil. NOTICE FOR I'CIU.ti'ATIoN t'nlted Stiles Ijiii, Oftlee, Oregon I'liy, Oregon, May 20. 1901: No. Ie Is hereby given that In coin 1'banci.' with the provisions of the net of congress of June 3, j K7S. entllbil "An R, t '"r "' Umber lands In the i States nf California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory." ss extend-1 fl tci till th nilhlli I iml sJiiIm tits Mi-t (,f August 4, 1S92. William W. Pope, of j "ln-y. C-Hintv of Clatso... St.uo of regon. has this lav filed In this office. his sworn statement. No. 5271. for the ' ...i . nurrhaite of lot 4 aw !t' hits 1 ft an, I I "f a-rllon No. i, In township No. 6: uiinn, mode .ii. i wrr-ii, nl wi oner nn,n -n .(,,., .h... .h .i i- valuable folts ' tSr ,han for puns.-s. and to establish his claim to said land before the register and receiver of this omee! at Oregon nty. or-gon. n Th,.rlay. I iok ,i. a.. io,o n . ' .. iV.n.i-. 1 w n i ...i . 1 rZZ."S&r& 2 . 0)ey. CUUip Crmnty. Oregon; Mrs'. inniionu Tn(,nm f ru.. ,-i,.,. County. Oregon; Sidney Dell, of Ato. ria, fHatsop Viunty. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse Iv the above-described lands are re auested to file their claims In this of Register. CONTEST NOTICE. Donartment of the Interior. United! States Land Office, Oregon City. Ore-1 ron. April 19, 1901. A sufficient contest affidavit having I been filed In this oftlee by Albert Iych hardt, contestant, against homestead entry No. 11592, made October 12th 1895. for lots 8 and 9 of Sec. 2!). and lot K i and the N. W. of S. W. 14 of Sec. 28, 1 township 4 north, range 8 west, by Charles B. Nawn, conlestee, m which It Is alleged that contestant "knows the present condition nf the same; also that said Charles E. Nawn abandoned his said homsteid entry for more than six months prior to the expiration of five years from the date of his entry, to-wlt: for mow than six months prior to Oc tober 12, 1900; that said tract of land was and Is not settled upon and culti vated according to law by the said Charles E. Nawn; that said Charles E. Nawn never established a bona fide res Idence upon said claim; that the ab sence of said Charles E. Nawn from said homestead claim was and Is nor due to employment In the military or naval service or the Uniled Stales dur Ing time of war; said parties are here. by notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 15th, 1!K)1, be fore the Register and Receiver at the United States Lind Office In Oreg.iii City, Oregon. The said contestant having. In a prop er affidavit, filed April 29, 1901. set forth facts which show that after due dili gence, personal service of this notice can not be made, It Is hereby o-dered and directed that such notice be given bv due and proper publication. WM. GALLOWAY, Receiver. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION, Nullrs Is henby given to all whom It may concern, that the undersigns.! has been appointed tho administrator of tbs estate of Ituth Garner, snd all persona having claims agnlnst the snld estiito must present tin sam to the undersigned duly verified, at hi "fllce In the Amorla Saving lliuik, at the Cltv of Anuria, In IMatsop county. In the State of Orogon, on or before ila months from this date. JOHN W. GARNER, Administrator Dated nt Astoria, Dragon, this l;ht dny of May, A. D. 1001. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given, that the un dersigned lm been appointed admlnls trntor, with lbs will annexed, of ths estate of John 0. Trulllnger. doe--d. and nil persons having claim against the estate of said deceased must prs. sent the same to the unlerlgned, duly verified, at the olfli-e of (he West Hhor Mils Compiny, at the corner of Ronil and Tenth streets. In the City of A. torln, In tlntsop County. Oregon, with in six month from this data. P. A. TRULUNGER. Administrator. Dated nt Aslorls, Oregon, May 10th, A, P.. 1901. ADMINISTRATOR ATPOINTRD. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THIS COUNTY OF CI.ATHOP. In ths matter of th sstats and ad mission to pnbnte of the last will am) testament of David Wbltnry, Jr., d. censedt NotlcS Is hereby given that I hnvs hU Uy bef'i appointed by ths County t'ourt of the State of Oregon, for Clt sop county, ndmlnlstrntor-wlth-ths-wlll. iinnexrd of the estnte if David Whit. ney, Jr., deceased. All persons having clultns agaltmt unld rn'ate are hereby ii oil (lei to present the mtitie io me, prop erly vrrlflet, nt the ifhVe f the county. ierk of Clatsop County. Oregon, with In six mimilii rrotn this date W. W. CUIIT.:!. AdnilnUtrator of (he rxtate of Darll Whltnev. Ir., decend ADMINISTIt,TORS" NOTICE. Notice !, hereby given that the un. trrsignetl have bt-en appointed admlnl Iratitrs of the estate of Alfred If. Stone, nieiied. py the County I'ourt of Cliitsot County, Oregon, and that all ix-rsons diving claims against xal es tate are hereby required to presrnt h same to the undersigned duly verlflecl us by law provblnd. within six montha from the date of (his mule Verified claims against sal 1 estate may be pr- ,.,, hr the underslgne,!. O. Vn ntlP1. . h,,mee. , Astoria, nr,,n. or Mr. J. D 'St. Farlan, at his oftw f bulni.M , K ,,,, , 0lvgn AH persons indebted to snld estate. ar hereby required to pay Ueh Indebted liens. II. G. VAN DtNRN J. D M FAltLANK Administrators of tha Fsiatf of Alfreds II Stone. Ds-ceaseAl. D ited this 1st day of May. 101 SHERIFF'S SAIE By virtue of an exra-uUmi and ordr of sale Iwu,h1 out of the oirrUlt wurt of tlie Slat" f Oregon ;(r the County of ('lata ip n May lfM. upvi Judgment n order of sal reiideret thendn Mmh 10. H!9. In favor of Illake, Mi-Fall '.'mpaiiy, lalnllff. anil against George Hlbbert. defendant. f'r the sum of llviU together with inter est I hereon from date .f Judgment st th- ri'e of S ,) -r i'-nt er aniiuni and i the rot ,,f this writ, nenmandlng me I to levy iii in th' j-roperty of ,iU ,e i fen I. mt dni rltied In "aid oMer of ! to sitls'y H.ild Judgment, mten-et and rom. I , 1,.V llion tile f'lilo.Vilig , ,.-wrllie. pniiM-r y : lo: !i and 10. In lids k I I. in ihe Town ,.f Idl -wlld: lots 1, I. .1, 4, V aii.l 7. In hi. It in : the Town ,,f mil s Flint Addition to . Ast.iti.i; hit 2, In bl . k 10. In i hi- T, n I of S-ul R'H k Me,, h. and tote nift I'S. In block 2. In the Town of Imff j Mi audi, all n i'hi'ip fouiily, Oreg ,n. I iml that I will .n MoiuIjv. the Jtttt dav of June, inn, t the hour f 10 I o'clock In th for-noon nf ul,i ,,iv In I the fr mt door of the court h .ue In j the !ity of Astoria. i'busoi County, j dreg in, mHI it public ii'i dio-i to the h ifhest bidder for cash the alee, e..r. HI .... . ... . ... . "' l'r,"":r:y ' ,,":""" "' 'Mi'1,111' III, III ' I' SB 111 1 I I JS I U ''"'" , fr ' 1 1 oeg'-n, i Til' IMAM I.INVII.I.E. s ii ' 'nun ty, ( (regno. May 1901. SHERIFF'S SALK. ii , , H.v Mrtue of an execution and order f' X?Zy . i 1." 1, ,h . tuh r xLl Z- f, . I ,, , . , 1 1, ',' T , i'"11 ?hP Vh d T Jlh 1 .' "J" ' r ' .. mV " 1(r f , "f Myia Itursell. plaintiff, ami iiuulnst Mary ' ""I!", for the sum f 40, the sum of $.VK) 411 havlna b'en -vlnK a b ' m riiH-r'-s t The'ivim "'." he";",?"; w l,n "r "l ihei eon at the rate of 10 per c..nt per annum, an I 'he conta nf and upon this writ commandlnir. and re- iiulring me to levy iipoii ihe property of the abov name. I defendant tn satisfv the lialance of sdd JudKUient, Interest. I Lots 9. 10, II, 12. 13, Sub. of Itlk. 3.1; , lot. . 7. 23. 24, 25, Huh. of Hlk, 64: lots S. ?. 10, 11, 1?. 13. Sub of rilk v: I lots 16, 17. 27, 2S. 29. 30. Sub. of Bile' Mt ,,,k- '" Hlk. M; nn 1 """ Portion of block 111 din. cribi-u as follows; beginning at a point on ""rth line of lot 6 In s ild block. 48 fe-t east of the north thereof anil th.'nce running east along the north line of said lot 6 and lot 5. 27 feet, theno south or a Une paral lel with the west 'Ine of said lot 6. 60 feet, thence west 27 fet. thence ninth to tho place of beginning, being portions irf lots 5 and 6 In sail block 111. In the City of Astoria, an laid out and records I by John M. Shlveiv Lot 2, In Sec. 21. Tp. 8. N. of It. . west of the Will. Mer.. 370.1 acr, Begin st south boiwuliry of Sblvely n. L. C. 414.86 feet west of S. E. corner of raid' D. L. f and run thence N. and parallel with the E. line of said D. L. C. to south boundary of pipe line R. of XV., thence went nlong said R, of W, to a point 191.3 feet west of eist line of tract herein rserlhed. Ihenri south ami purine in east line of tmrt herein desfiliierl 10 south boundary of snld D. L. ".., thenc; along snld south line to ls'glnnl:ig. containing 6 41 n res n Tp 8. N. of R. 9, wist of Will. Mer. All of said described real property helng In Clatsop county, Oregon. ifrirlce is hereby given that I will cn ondny, the 21th dny of June, vm. at the hour of ten o'clock In th- forenoon of snld day In front of and at the Omrt House door In the Cltv of Astoria Clat sop county, Oregon, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash the abovo described real property to satisfy said Judgnent, Interests, costs nnd all. accruing costs. THOS. LINVILLE. Sheriff of Clatsop County Or Astoria, Oregon, May Hth, 1901.