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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1901)
ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 0 '0,. -Or PftTO VOL. MM 4ST0H1A, QKEGOX, TtEH)AY, JUNE 4, 1901. NO. 132 U MT M II nil The Cheapest Yet A SIX HOLE STEEL RANGE FOR r ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. Pismbers and Steamfltters Diamond IN GREAT VARIETY Bats, Balls, Masks, Pads, Gloves And everything else in tlmt line to make the boys happy. If you do not play loll we can nhow yoa an elegant line of FISHING LINES. FLIES. REELS. BASKETS, ETC. GRIFFIN BOILED Smoked EcIh All Kindt of CIiccbo PrcHh Fruits BvcrythltiR Thnt'a Good Sfu what we have before purchasing It will jny you Foard & Stokes Go. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Ioggcrs. A. V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets 13 We Rent New -.11) P 111- IP i II 'i ilM C. J. TRENCHARD, Commission. Brokerage. Insurance and Shipping. 0.00 Outfits AND AT ALL PRICES & REED HAM REPUTATION REPRESENTS PUBLIC OPINION Reputation represents public opinion. How to get In your favor, Make a first-class, re liable article like the Char terOak Stove and 'Range. Every Charter Oak la guar anteed. For sale In Astoria only by W. J. SCULLY. 431 Bond St.. Between Ninth and Tenth. Typewriters. Many now improvements added. Seo our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter Now Art Catalogue Free . . . L- M. ALEXANDER ft CO. Exolubive Paoillu Coast Dealers 245 Stark St., Portland, Ore, F W. M'KECHMIE. Local Apent. Custom House Broker. ASTORIA, ORE. Agest W. t. AOOm tad Pactfle bmu Oo a. MINERS FAVOR A NEW LABOR PARTY Action of Western Labor Union Endorsed at Denver. ARE OPPOSED TO EXPANSION Strosf Reiolulloaa An Adopted sad Members el I'slooi Advised Is Rcfrili From Vslsslsrjf EoIIiIbkbI Is Mil itary Service. DENVER. June 3.-The Wet.-m Federation of Miners very nearly com pleted the wrk of th present session today and are expecu-d to adjourn fin ally tmnomrw. Tho resolutions adopt ed last week by th Western Labor Un ion In favor of a new labor party, wit adopted unanimously. The resolution committee made lis report. which w adopts. The preamble of the resolutions con tains the following parigrapha: "We advl the toiler to be ever on the alert In definite of hln right, educate hlmf to protect ttvm- right by a peiu-pful uie of tbn ballot, no long an feasible uh means will Justify the end In view. When not, let us be pre pared to rhe't the enemy with weapon of his choice, and rather spill every drop of llf'-givlng fluid M the point of the layonet than submit to further oppres sion on the part of our aggressor." "We are opposH to the expansion of our bou.vlarl.-s for the acaulsl tl'n of territory populated other than by the Carcasoutn race. "We vlw with alarm the evident de sire to Increa the standing army. Therefore we express the hope that nx-mber of organised labor everywhere will refrain from voluntary enlistment In nnv department of the federal or state military service. SETTLEMENT ON JUNE 11. CHICAGO, June S. There will be no settlement of the machinist' strike In Chicago mull June 11. This was the decision of local manufacturers toditv whMi the memlx'.s of the Chicago As sociation of Machinery Manufacturers pledged allegiance to the National Me tal Trad-s Avx-iailon and agreed not to entei- Into negotla'lon with any of their employes until after a great gath ering of employers In New York. June 11th. ' PROCEEDI NG3 dropped. Hoy Moyr Olv.-n the Custody of lit Child. IRTLANI. June: 3. Proceeding aaulnst Mrs. Edith Mover anj Dr. W. (5. Woodruff, who were arrested last week on a charge of kidnaping the 4-ycar-old child of Mrs. Moyer, were dropped by an agreement tonight. Roy Moyer. the husband of Mrs. Moy er, arrived here today from Lawrence. Kansas, and after a conference with the attorneys of the defendants, Moyer was glvMi the custtly of the child and tho proceedings wore dropped. ANNOYINO MISS GOULD. James H. Anderson Insists That He Is Her Husband. NEW YORK. June 3,-James II. An derson, of Kansas City, who was arrest ed and sent to Uollevuo Insane asylum for annoying Mis Helen Gould by claim Ing her as his wife, was discharged in the police court today. Anderson still maintains that he Is the husband of Miss Gould. TRAVELERS IN SESSION. OLD POINT COMFORT. Va., June 3. Delegates to the conference of the Travelers Protective Asoclatlon met to day over tho banquet board In the Chambjrlaln hotel. Cincinnati and Portland, Oregon, are fighting for the convention In 1902. The chance sem to favor the latter place. ADDRESSED TUB GRADUATES. Dlshop Lawrence Delivers Paccalaure ate Sermon at Institute of Technology. BOSTON. June 3. The Baccalaureate Commencement WE CAN HELP YOU IN PRICE AND QUA LITY IN DRESSING FOR THE OCCASION :WHITE - Victoria Lawns. 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30. 40c Organdies 2-yd wide, extra fine, 65. 85c India Linens, 12ft, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25. 30.40c. Organdies, 25, SO, 40, 45c. Choice Laces and Embroideries to trim with. ' BHANAHAN'S sermon t't the graining da of the M.iM(K:lijseiiN Itisti'.jfj of Tecltti'ilrgy whs d-llv.-r.-d ,y in- light Jlev, Wil liam Lawrence, Eil4i".pal b!hop of Mass'ichuNetts, In Trinity Church Ills hop Lvwn-tice In the course of his ad dress, sill. I: "It Is a common reir.urk that the key not Irr" :he advance f the las: cen tury was that or personal liberty, the right of the Individual to live, think, act and vote. We hear at the same tlm that the keynot- In ihe jdvan :.' of thU century Is to be tlmt of organization and combination. We are catching the first faint sounds In th combination of capital, the devlopment of great me chanical plants; their centralization one power house and the more com Plte orgiinlcaMon of labor. "We turn to the study of nations and the tame keynote follows us. A nation Is not a machine; It is made up of living, throbbing men. And the most precious things In national life are the character and liberty of the Individual. The real test of the advance of anv na'.lon Is this: Whther In the advance and the Incrtute of rxrwer the real strength which goes to make up the nation Is still there hiracter. Individ ual liberty, men. "I fe-l that In this mechanical and commercial agi there Is danger that the finest type of character be lost in the movement for orgaalzatlon. There are elements which In the process of life and work are essential to the full de velopment of character. First, a clear aim and Intensity of purpose. It Is a costly business, f civ ilization Is to oe upbuilt at the ex renie of character. The second ele ment Is that It will at the same tme see bis work in Its wider and deeper relations. "Men of the clas of 1901. keep by you the fundamental .-Irtu and hom!v maxima f your boyhood life. Strike out In life with intensity of purpose; through your work look deeply Into life and finally let the light of Ood's love sustain and comfort you In defeat or success." PROBABLY A JOKE. R'-formed Presbyterians Asked to Pray for Eight-Hour Work Day. PITTSRURO, Pa., June 3. Moderator Werln. of the Reformed Presbyterian synod. bs received a telegram from the "Association of Chicago Labor Un ions," asking the synod to pray for an elaht-hour work day so Ibuoring men would not have to hold meetings on Sunday to devise means to secure It. Werln said he thought the telegram was meant for a Joke NEC.nO'S AWFUL CRIME. Aged Woman's Skull Fractured With a Hatchet. KANSAS CITY. June 3. While sit ing rocking a baby In her home on 2nd St. and Woodland Ave. this afternoon. Mrs. Mary Schuler. 70 years old, was struck down wflh a hatchet by a ne pro who appeared suddenly before her. Mrs. Schuler's skull was fractured and she may not live. The negro escaped and Is being searched for by a large number of peo ple. The motive was robbery. OFFICERS ELECTED. SPOKANE. June 3. Officers of the grind encampment, I. O. O. F., were elected today as follows: E. S. Isaacs, Walla Walla, grand pat riarch; H. W. Leuders, Tacoma, grand high priest; Chas. B. Hathaway, Se attle, grand senior warden; W. H. Rob bins, Ellensburg, grand Junior warden; Geo. W, Stoker, Spokane, grand scribe; J. R. Krelnbuhl, Spokine, grand treas urer; A. F. Hoska, Tacoma, grand rep resentative for two years; W. If. Pier son, Aberdeen, rand representative for one year, to take the place of F. P. Robinson, Spokane, resigned. VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION. LONDON, June 3. The shareholders of the British-American corporation agreed at a meting today to go into voluntary liquidation. The corporation was closely affiliated with the London and Globe finance corporation, limited, whose suspension In December last caused so much excitement on the stock exchange. CONSTITUTION'S FIRST SPIN- NEWPORT. R. I.. June 3. The America's cup defender Constitution was given a trial spin today. GOODS: ray SERIOUS TROUBLE IS LOOKED FOR Result of the Killing of Indian by White Man. FIGHT WAS OVER A HORSE Over Thirty Shot Excbaiftd Before lidlai Wn Killed-lioleii 8eprte Very Airry-ShecemeiSale' te Be Badly Frlibteste. SALT LAKE. Juno 3. A special to the Tribune fro.n Lander, Wyo., says that as the result of a shooting affray between a white man and a Kapahoe Indian, which occurred on the reserva tion Sunday and in "Which the Indian was killed, serious trouble is feared as the Indians are reported to be very ug ly over the affair. The fight ensued over a horse in which about thirty shots were exchang ed before the Indian was killed. Sheepmen are said to be badly frigh tened. RAILROADS TO CONSOLIDATE. Tremendous Scheme to Harmonize the Big Trunk Lines. NEW YORK. June 3 -The Press to morrow will say that one tremendous consolidation of railroads operating be tween the Mississippi river and Pacific Coast promises to result from tJv settlement of the differences which caused the Northern Pacific corner. The Press will say that It "la able t0 announce on the highest authority that not only have the difference been set tled between the Morgan-Hill faction and the Harrlmad party regarding the Burlington deal and the relation! of that railroad and the Northern Pacific and Great Northern with the Union Pacific. but also that the St. Paul, Chicago and Northwestern and Chicago and Great Western will be taken care of In the great harmonizing scheme In the trunk lines of the West." CALL rSSUED. First Meting of Revision Committee to Be Held June 18. PHILADELPHIA, June 3. Rey. Dr. W. H. Roberts, stated the clerk of the PresbyterUn general assembly today, received a telegram from Rev. Henry C. Mlnton. moderator, announcing that all members of the committee appointed to revise the confession of faith had ac cepted and would serve. Pursuant to Dr. Minton's Instructions, Dr. Roberts Issued a call for the first meeting of the revision committee to be held at Pittsburg, June 18. The resolutions adopted at the recent general assembly increased the mem bership of the committee to twenty-one. continuing the members of the old com mittee and electing Dr. Mlnton chair man. SHOT HIS SWETHEART. Edward Forshay Shoots and Kills Mis Stokes at Chicago. CHICAGO. June 3.-Edward Forshay. Kansas City, actor and assistant man ager of theatrical companies, tonight shot and killed Miss Edna Stokes, an actress, whose home is at Sedalia, Mo., and with whom he was deeply in love. Forshay originally intended to take his own life after killing the woman, for upon his person when he was ar rested, were letters bidding farewel to his mother in Kansas City and another to Chief of Police O'Neill, of this city. The couple quarreled several days ago. RODIE HELD FOR MURDER. Mrs. Kennedy Charged With Deliber ately Killing Her Husband. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. June 3.-Mrs. Lulu Prince-Kennedy, the bride of a month, who has been In the county Jail since January 10 last, held under Indictment for murder in the first de gree for deliberately killing her hus band, Philip S. Kennedy, contracting agent of the Merchants' Dispatch Transportation Company, was brought to trial In the criminal court here today. The woman's father, C. W. Prince, pro prietor of a billiard hall, Albert Prince, a traveling musician, who has dried the globe on a concert tour and William Prince, a young business man,, both brothers of the defendant, will be tried rater on a charge of conspiring with Mrs. Kennedy to kill her husband. The father and Albert Prince are out on bond, while William Prince is In Jail, his relatives' van v as for bail having proved unsuccessful. The case is one of the most unusual in local history and sensations are promised by the state. Both the Ken nedy and Prince families have lived- in Kansas City for yean, the Kennedys being prominent in social and business circles. Phlldp H. Kennedy was 28 years old. He had known Lulu Prince for a year and In that time had paid her some attention. In December last thev were married at the courthouse by a local Judge. Kennedy refused to live with his wife and a month later brought suit to have the marriage annulled al leging duress. He charged that the wo man's fa'h.-r and brother William com pelled him at the point of revolvers to go before the Judge and be married, threatmlng with death If he demurred. A few days after the suit was filed, on January 1J, at In the evening, Mrs. Kennedy appearej at her hus abnd's office In the Ridge building, and calling him Into the hall, shot him five times killing him Instantly and kicking his prostrate body. Kennedy's brother tried to disarm the woman and while doing so was struck down by Wlllam Prince. The latters presence m the building and the movement in the vi cinity of the Princes that day led to their arrest on tbe charges of being ac complices In a conspiracy to kill Ken nedy. During her five month.-. In Jail Mrs. Kenndv. who' !a but 20 years old. has shown no remorse for her crime and has frequently enjoyed concerts from the violin in the cell by her brother. Each side has worked up their case carefully, the state having summoned 123 witnesses and the defense nearly that number. Last n'ght for the first time since her daughter has been In Jail, Mrs. Prince visited her, -vho talked cooly of her coming trial. COLLIERY FIRE RAGING. NEW YORK. June J.-The lire at the Jersey Colliery of the Delaware, Lacka wanna & Western Company at Wilkes barre. Pa., w hich has been raging for 10 davs. is now beyond control. There is no chance of putting 4t out by the method now employed of pouring water down the shaft. A conference of offi cials has been held to devise a better means of fighting the fire. As a 'result the fire probably will be left to Itself until a shaft can be sunk to reach the workings at a point at the back of the fire and an effort made to extinguish it In that way. MAY TAKE TUB VEIL. NEW YORK. June 3.-A dispatch from London to the Journal and Adver tiser says: A rumor is current to the effect that the Dowager Duchess of Newcastle, mother of the present Duke and of Lord Francis Hope. Is about to become a nun She has long been a Roman Catholic and since the death of her second hus band ha devoted herself almost entire ly to Roman Catholic mission work in the East End slums. COLLAR AND SHIRT TRUST. NEW YORK. June 3. The Mail and Express says: Under the title of the American Shirt and Collar Company a $20,000,000 linen goods manufacturers' trust will be In corporated under the laws of this state. It wll control nearly the whole sale of the shirt and collar trade of the coun try. - SUCCEEDS-DR. GILMAN. BALTIMORE, June 3. At a meeting today the trustees of the John Hopkins University. Ira Remsen. Ph. D., LL. D. professor of chemistry in the John Hop kins University since 1876, was elected president of the university succeeding Dr. S. C. Gllm in, resigned. AMERICAN COMPETITION, PARIS, June 3. In the chamber of deputies today M. Des Tourneiies de Constant asked Foreign Minlsted M. Dl Casse for a statement on the Chinese situation, saying: . "American peril" was advancing toward them with meth odical rapidity. STORM IN KANSAS. TOPEKA. Kas.. June 3. Specials from Palina and to the west of there, say that a portion of the state is being vis ited by severe storms. Hail is the most severe there for several years. It is expected considerable damage to wheat will ensue. EDITORS TO MEET. PORTLAND. June 3. About fifty edi tors from Oregon and Washington left tonight over the Northern Pacific for Buffalo to attend a meeting of the Na tional Editorial Association. ABRAM MALLAN CAPTURED. LONDON, June 3. A dispatch from Pretoria anounces that the constabulary has captured Abram Malan, son-in-law nf the late General Joubert. Malan has filled several Important commands. HAVE TOLD ALL. LONDON, June 3. The war office made the following announcement to. nlgbt : All infjrmatlon received from Lord Kitchener respecting the recent engage ments In South Africa has ben commu nicated to the public. SILVER MARKET. NEW YORK, June 3. Silver, 60. TO VISIT THE PACIFIC COAST House Committee on Rivers and Harbors Begin Trip. ARE SEEKING INFORMATION Cemmlttee Want is Becsai Better Acquit- ted With Rivera aid Harbors s CMSt-NChatxelaMra.Mc. Killer's Cesdltlss. WASHINGTON. June J.-Cbarmaa Burton and a number of members of the. house committee on rivers and harbors, several of whom were accompanied by their wives; left Washington today for an extended trip. Mobile will be visit ed first and then New Orleans, where other members of the committee will Join tbe party. From the latter city, th itinerary will embrace points In Texas and California and up the Pacific coast as far as Washington. The purpose of the Journey is to ac quaint the committeemen personally with the rivers and harbors of the ter ritory which they will traverse. CONDITION UNCHANGED. Mrs. McKlnley Spent Comfortable Day But Is Yet Very Weak. WASHINGTON. June 3.-Dr. Rixey. after remaining In the White House nearly three hours tonight. Said that there bad been no change In the con dition of Mrs. McKlnley. At 11 o'clock she was resting comfortably. The com plaint which manifested' Itself while Mrs. McKlnley was away from. Wash ington and 'Which has so seriously sap ped her strength, has been checked but its effect had been to leave her tt a very weK condition, At tht White House tonight there Is i flight increase in cheerfulness, and the Jjope bj expressed that Mrs, McKlnley again gives evidence of remarkable vi tality, which she has displayed hereto fore. There will be another consultation of physicians In the morning. PRICE OF MEAT ADVANCED. NEW YORK. June 3. The butchers of this city have announced an Increase In the price of meats. The Increase will "go Into effect this morning. The whole salers have Increased the price of car cases to i and 9 cents a pound, an in crease of about one cent over ruling prices. Retail prices will be advanced as follows: Sirloin steaks, advanced from 16 to 18 to 18 and 20 cents a pound; porterhouse, from 20 and 23 to 22 and 25; round steak from It to 18 cents a pound and roasts from 11 and 171 to 12 and 18 cents a pound. Veal will remain the same but lamb is scarce and higher. DUTIES ON IMPORTED FLOUR BUENOS AY RES. June 3.-The Ar gentine consul in Rio Janeiro, Brazil, has sent word to -the government that the Brazilian government has definitely adopted these duties on Imported flour: Twenty-five re is a kilo when imported in barrels and 35 rets a kilo when Im ported In bags. Argentine flour Is gen erally shipped in bags, but exporters are now using barrels made of fireland. timeber, which are cheaper than bags, , ANNUAL CONVENTION OPENED. TORONTO. Ont., June 3. The annual convention of the International Asso ciation of Machinists, opened here to day. About 200 delegates were present. President O'Connell In his annual ad dress said; . . . . ; "I am firmly convinced that our nine hour movement will result In reducing the hours of labor for 150,000 machin ists." INCREASED CAPITAL STOCK. NEW YORK. June 3.-The stock hol ders of the American Telegraph and Telephone Company held a special meet ing here today and voted to increase the capital stock from 3100,000,000 to $150,000,000. Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food . against alum Alum baling powders arc the gttitat mcaaccn to health of the present day.