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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1901)
TUB MOKMXG ASTOKUN. THlRSWtr, MAI 30. 1901 fPtB-ft mm GOOD judge must and learning. be a good judge mm m experience and learning or she may think that the soaps made to look like Ivory Soap are just as good. With experience she will know that they lack the remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ivory Soap fWioo per cent. pure. The Morning Astorian, TKl.KI'llONK Ml. I All contrticl for uJvcrtiNiiiK in. the Antnilitii urc iiiiiJv on u' miiIco of circulation four Hiiicn : larKcr than that of tiny pupcr ! published or circulated in (!latj aop county. TODAT'B WEATIIKU. HtTI.ANP Mnv IJ-mvkoh jn.l Waatiliistoii. Tliurdy. f,Ur. wrtnT In thf wrwti-rn portion. fxr-pt n-ar thf r.rant. Mnho. fair. o-Jlrr in tliu iuth rrri (mn U'i. AROUND TOWN. fir (!aton about harnna. Milk drpot, cr. Tnth and Duan Ht. J. 11. Jolmnacn, of H-itlcl'-. wun In th"' ilty ymtrT'luy. II. H MoU.iwun. of Chinook, um In th rlty ynatrrduy. Mr. aivl Mm. H. Normll. city mi u ln'l -f ti Iti nr.. In the I I RI8INO HUN I I URST 15-'FNT MKAl, HESTAl'lt ANT. SWEATERS i a wiip WEATERS We have them i: Boys, big men and little men li bic: boys and little boys plain colors-all sorts of Men's Sweaters. $3 .50, $3.00, $2.50, Boys' Sweaters. $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c When you need u Sweater call and you surely $ will find what you want. J Solo agency for HAWKS Celebrated $: Derby Hats. s. danziger! have both experience A housekeeper should for she too must have s' ii v. i,t.. r. .,r Kan 1 1- I'lirr, Wii-h , . ill til- IkvliWl!. I I'i-inity 'uii:v 'hrk Z;i-kI"T l In I'.tttt.inil .hi bitiin U .ii J 'i M.-kIit and wlr'. of liuk.k-ll.-l.l. nr" In tli- city. Th- Mil- II Klm.o.- Ift nnook v inoiiiliiK foi Tlll- Itcut lC.-crtit nnil Hfulng flun Il ituiaiil, (II Commercial St. Thire flmt-plua tarbcin at th Ocd- dent barber hop. licit of rvlct. ,i11utii!ii-'l.n.rl 1. A. Moore. I'ortliinl. wan In tin- city yint.T.liiy. Th- irK in N.t.nal ;ur, luiv n r kI n tal pnu tlin iimn h, uly Mh. Japaiini RiKida of all kind, cheap at Yokohama Haiaar; e:i Commercial St. Court An:oiia. For-nti-m of Amcrli-o. will attend ih.- Wlaar.l oil nh' in h t.mlKht. Tt.i- hH Cyprimcne. with a 1 curito of wheat for Eunf-. will arrhv ,,iw thl inoriilnaT. Mra. Haiimuiiaen 1 prprl to do up lace curtalna In rMl order. U-avt or- dm at i)regon bakery. In olmi'iviiiii f M-morlal duv our (,-,.- will txi i'.""l at 1 t. m for :h.. i. ninlii l-1- of tho .lav Ji'hn'ii Hroit. I W A T E for Men and for combinations. $2.00, $1.50, $100 A number of Aatorlans will leave th morning for Up river to anulm In th M"iK.rl.U day otxtorvance at that place I'nlciw dHuyed by contrary wind Hie steamer Columbia will arrive In today on ht P'ftulur trip from Hun Knui cmco. I'iiilln wlnhlnjr to take twlvat during the numiiifr !o 'nuke up grade work, Apply Jo MIns FuhupU, 273 Ninth tri. Frank J. Narblad. i citizen of Nor ny, rnil rt.-rluriitliin of cltl.'-nMhl Intentions b"fop the county clerk ye tenluy. You may have mien better day but never better bittern than Ill-Ill; try them. Foard It Ktok"i Co., distributing agent. ''laude I Hlirinori, the well know Portland nw(iiK-r wan, wim In th rlty yntciMiy en route to bin homo it t I .on if Ues-h. K. B. Johnxm, r"prwiiiUnK th'' well known muNln hmiM' of Houb- Brn. Johriwin, of lortliinl, 1 in tht rliv on i binlm trip. Portland cyclist who arv not provld i'J with tag, showing that the licence ha been paid, will be arrant-! and pro 1'i'utcl after June 1. I'nlry ami Food fommliwloni-r Hall ! vigorously r eutlng d"alrs foun.l with adulterated food In their iiow.. Ion contrary to law. Cream purs rye, America's flnet whlakey. The only pure food; guar ante! rich and mellow. JOHN I CAItLSON. Sole Agent. John A. Montgowrry ha opened i hop at 421 Bond ftr"- and la prepared to io all clam-ra of plumbing and tin ni'iK lit the lowest possible rte. Th ' i';rii t for the urecilon of eev nil Hin til building at F'rt Hi. vim will li ;i ir I to KcrciiK'Ki A H.tniton hIi.'k. 1,1-1 f,,r ,n,. Work wn Itonlyn ciiiil Inula lunger. In clean. mid rniik'" linn troubl with utovc an c lilmip j llni ihnn any olhT. l-nrn W rn. aij -Mt: Me!. . I'll rcci-U'ivl h'iiiic v ry .ir nf fitu v cn-aiiH'ry Im't liliiinntM hli ll ' l'll' fur .if off'Tinir at v -r I , i f-w d.i V" - J"hn'n Hron. lliKh wiittr on th.- ti'ii-r Ci.ininl.i will i.r.tmlilv tiiiiki ii nii'f.iry to c. th- l' k at th" Cauic and ih Hal l-v ii;i:wl will ! with.Kawn from :h run. il. 1 1 iin',T r ry wkh in th cliy trro.iv ami r.-trt"l ;ht work w;i iir..irr(HiiiK mnldlv on th' county roml liflnit t-onatrii ':.i nftwen Wal'ukl hrldif.' .m l Willi imi r1. I'url" olor.-l liiitlor h arlnit th,- niwoiiiicemi-nt of th "puriiln dhmv" to In- Klvn hy I'orlliiml Elk. Jun- It nn I I'., have ti,--n dlntrttjuti-d iun .n l. al iwmlM-rn of th ord'T. The '"hamlT of Commerce of Pun I.Vid ytfoerliv f'rm Uly ndorned th' i-anJIdncy of the Hon. John Barrett f ir the apt ointment .ie mlnkMer to China o re.d l-M win H Cmir-r. J H. John.n. am.Htant In :h office of Ir loifiin, l-ft yenf-rdiiy t"T Al biiny. Ort;nn. whriv he hi to be m ir rli-d to a i h.irmlnir yiunir Udy. Th" ! ,iinitl u HI nit.Wu Kimi. In fVilBtiv The atenmohip In Irapura f ir Orlen tnl por:i will prnbubv nCl today iro.wl IxinI earRO will be taken out ami berth have lii-en con;ructel for ttv iicommoilatlon of a large ;..iM"nK" llxi. The Kti-nm rh.Kii-r W. H. Harrison of the Pacific Navigation Company' fleet. wa laiin'h"l In Portland yeeter d.iy nmi the South Portland wayn, w here he ha l-en undergoing cxten lve repair. Ticket were placed on unJe yenter- u.iy for '.he ia.fball gajne Sunday b. tween the IVnland Klk anl a team from the lif'a) lodge. The jx-rAinnel of the locil ream will be definitely an nounced later. The strike at the Antoria Inn Works I apparently a remote from aettle- ment now a ever. The work on hand will b complete,) shortly and It In pmh nhl,' that ;he moulder will be laid rff until the moch'nbta return to work. Al Scafeldt wa. rllgh'ly Injured ye terday hy colli. ling with a runaway team. SenfeMt waa riding hla tvlcycle and wr thrown to '.he ground. Bo- ynn I a gvd haklng up and a few brtil.. he w.t not hurt. The board .f ,1iwtV of the Com mer.'lul Club met lat night a; th of flee of John Hihru at which time rv. port reeJ-eil from the vnrl ti oommltt.-ea. W'nrk on the ouartem for the club In prgfing rapidly and will bp completed early In Jun?. Holiday hmira will be observed at the potofTlce toduy. The general delivery wlnthiw will be open from 12:30-to 1:30 and me lellxvry will be mad by car riers In the bulnens vtlon of ih dty. The money ord.T and registry depart ment wlli be cloI all day. Concomly Tribe. I. O. Tl. M.. have chartered the teamer Mller ai1 will leive Kour'eonth atret wharf at 1:30 tixlay for Greenwood. AVI members of the tribe and their families and mem ber of TVgr.e Pocmonta are Invit ed to attend. TUkets 2Sc. llolh the Willamette and Columbia river ontlnue o tine and H 1a Pre dicted that the water will he higher at Porlland today than any other time dnrlnir the year. At The Pallen the Columbia I aNn rising and I expected to reach the 40-foot mark today. Senator John II. Mlvhell arrived In Portland yMterdiy frorn San Francl co, where he has been for several weeks. The BMintor has recovered, fully from the erlou ntta"k of la grippe, which compelled him to remnln in hi room during almost hi entire stav In Wash ington. The revenue cutter Orant. which ran on a rock In fcinnlch Inlet, hfis been t.oved to Victoria and will be repaired there. The hole In her hull win ne cltnte new plate, otherwise the cut ter 1 not seriously dnninged. The out fit taken for a six month.' cru!e ws entirely lost. About thirty merchant nnl r"nn entntlve cltix-ns made the trln o North Shore points yesterday on the steamer Vangiii"d. Ptop were made it Plllir Tto-k. It rook field. Pkamokawa and Cntliliuivt and at ea,h place the visitor wre cordially greeted by the citizen. Harry Hamblet. to whom In n large mnsnre Is due the raising of th guarantee, acted ns hoot and an appetizing lunch was served. The-party rturn"d to Astor'.a about 8:30. 1 The ladle (ti the Mhrary Asaoclatlon will give a mjWIc ti at the library rooms on next Friday evening, May 31. In commemoration of the ninth anni versary of the founding of the library. The friend of the library are Invlt-d to be prenent. A flry .ilarm was turnel In yesterday iifierno.m for a fire In the dwelling at the cornr of Hlxth and II md. Tim de. pfirtni":it uil' irotn)tly and found the Nhlrigh ne'ir the c.himiiey on fire. The lil.i.e wait quickly extlngoli.'n-d. Th flr originated fnnn a defective Hue: the ilinndg.. w-re slight. Th- .'). It. ft N. Co. ha ma a rai of $t from Astoria and Portland for the I un-American expoiltlon at HufTalo. Ticket will tie on sale first and third Tuesdiys, June to Oi;:otr. Inclusive. Thi-s.' ticket mul be uted .'or roniln U'ltis pflsDHK" gHng, but st'Tvivem will hi iiiloweii within final limit return ing A ,i.c1il to the New York Commer cial from I'ortl.-kvl stat- that six ve. se have b.en charti'rej in cairy the Kraser rlvr alm'n pick for the pres ent seaoi. The dlst'iitcti furth.-r states that no Columb'a -Iver salmon will lie. shli;'d by vavt. atli(fiu.try rate. having lien arranged for rail shlpwient ai rosa the continent. During th" month of May ten sa'llng veswla loader! wheat on the Columbia and the total of tin- cargoes amounts to 1.0M..1I.1 bushel which exceed nil lii'i'vloii records for the same m.nth In previous years. The Itrltlxh shin Thlrlmere, the last of the grain fleet, will probably ! ilowii th.- river to.lay. She carries a cirgo of 93,41'"i bushels of w heat. J. C. Mayo, freight and pa "iigT agiit of the A. C. It. It., stnt d to an Ast'irlun reporter lant nlgit ihit Iher" wis no foundation In f.ic f 'v the s;atement pulHiehiM In the .New of y, trd.iy tint carl, ad of salmon hail lie -ii lilii'-'l through ov.-r th- A. K C. K. ft .1:1 1 ih" O. H. N. Mr M.iV'i "aid !ha no traffic arr-inu'inent h;i. 1 n mad- with the O. n. & N. in regie! totti. buslr-s teMWi-. ll Axtori i and I'ortl iid th.- Situation In other r.t"ct remaining uncharged. A petlliotl Is t be prceme for iKiniiure of citizens In iviy county In th- ite shortly. akW !h.- it- board of dsn commissi, n.-r t . coe the ut.p.-r Coliimb ii to fUhhig Tt'e el.iiro u tn;lde that It Will be for the benefit of the industry If the i.,.riit!.ni of fish who-! In ih i' lo cality Is prohibited. I'nd.-r the law o:i' i at the las; session of th" P'gU latilre the Iwiard ha the now-T to dos any str-am In the state by giving ten divs' notice. The p.-t'ilon wil' be pre sent.. nt next month's meeting of the board at Salem. Link M'l.-ig. n driver f r the A tori.i rt'oodvarl Company, was erhnts- h lnjii-e-l yesterday while attempting to stop a runawiy team attai ned to a d llverv wagon bH.mgtng to Foard A Stoke. The dashed around the corner of Seventeenth street and Frank lin avenue anil McIog made an effort to step them. He wa knockel down and rranmle.l upin. When rescued he mi bleeding fr.m both ear and ex amination at the hospital showed that thr--" rib liad been broken and the shoulder blade Injured. At last reports th'- latent was resting easy. ALASKAN RATES. Another material cut in Alaska pa.s senger rates ha been male by the Pi- clllc Coast Steamship Company, which advertised and placarded first-class ticket to Juneau and Lynn canal ports for Y. It provides also a round-trip voviure between Seattle md Alaska for 110. Th- cut applies only to first-class tickets, no distinction being made be tween ;he tlr't .nd second class iccom modatlotis. The cut will probably be met by the oth.r two companies., the Alaska Steamship and Washington ind Alaska, which are part'es to the rate war. Freight rates are as badly de moralised. Almost any price offered .or transportation of a ton of freight to Alaska Is accepted. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Thomas D. Honeyman to Clara S. Carlyle lots 1. 4. S. 10. block 2. and lots 7. . 9. 10. block 3, Ocean (.rove An- next: $1500. Hermosa Park Investment Company to Bertha B. Buchanan lots S and 7. bl.xk 9. Hermosa Park; IWO. If you do not wish for HI Kingdom. d"n't pray for it. But If you do you must do mor- than pray for it; you must work for It. John Ruskln. ihr nTrhrvTitr rnir Chinawarp. Crockery, Glassware, Lamp?:, .larrlinores and Jups. Novelties, Bist un Ware, Agateware. Silverware and Cutlery. Fish Sets, Game Sets, Pinner Sets, PRICES CIT 20 to 33 per cent Come Just to See 0UH IffiluEJlSE STOCK OUR LOW PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU 171 CmsBeroW Street, Astoria, MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE I'AKADK WILL MOVK AT 10 A. M. S1IAKI'. At . V. M. Appropriate I'rograin Will He Rendered at the Opera House. M innrial day will be flt'lngly cete brm d twlav. The ach'Kii children will loin with Cushlng P'mt, (i. A. It , and oth' r societies In the parade, and a nu nber of steamers will leave luring the day for the different ccmeterl, . where gravs of vefrans who fell In def, rise of th-lr country will be ap propriately divora:ed. A petition u-iiM t lenslvelv rfiit:, Ll an-ng th" merchants yesterday rtl - Honing for Honing at 1 p. rn. and fh r foil .wing signature were revived: i:.iss. Hlgglns He Company; Foard A Sf Ues Com. mny; Johnson Hros.; Peier- son Brown: Central Meat Market; Fisher Hros.; Oriffln ft Iteed; s. Ian - zlif r; J. H. Seymour; C. H. OKm-r. Herman Wiie-; The A. Uunbar Co.: P. A. Stoke; H. Croker; Chrlstensen A Co.: N. 8 hluHel: Mm. CoiHand: V. II. f'offey; A. V. Allen: John Hahn; H. Ki kstrom: F. lament A Co ; P. Laww Co.; D. Shanahan: Charfe Heliborn Son. The parade will mow at 10 a. rn. ii he r,.i. r w: Cush'ng pout will form on Eleventh stre-t. resting on Commercial street. I'.eiv.-r I,ilg'? on Eley-nth street, left) resting on CommTslal. Tic" other so-ietles will form on f ine meri l i tr-"t as th.-y com" Into .Ipe. The K. of P.. I. O. K. M.. etc. The school children w ill form on Elev enth n-eet, rlgli; rerlti!j on Commer cial stre-t: first. High sen.,!; tecnnd. Shlvely's: thlr.l. Adair: f.mrth, Alder brook: ilfth. Oln"y'.s. i The band will form on Comm-rci 1. nt'ht r-"ting on Eleven'h street. Tli' Woniati s It. l; -f Cor; will form on Commercial, l-ft n-sting on Eleventh s:re.-t. The line of nurch will be north on I Eleventh to Bond, west m H m l Sev- rth. south 'm Sey -n;h to Commr-lal. eat on Commercial to Fourteenth, and south on Fourteenth to cemetery. Af ter service In oemctery the parade n ill he disniled. C. S. Wright will be marshal of the I day and will dirc: the rarade. The j service at the op-?ra h. ue will be pre- i sided over by Comrade Samuel Elmore. 1 and will be called at 3 o'clock. The to order Promptly following program will be rendered: I'riyer Itev. Mr. 111 Recitation. "Lln'-oln's Add reps at Gettysburg" Mary Antomlch ong. "Flee a a Bird". ..Miss Sweeney Recitation. "For Grandpa's Sake" Theresa Grannus Song. "Our Soldier Heroes Sleeping" Boys, room 4, Shlvely's Recitation. "Red. White and Blue" Three Girls. Alderbrr k Wreath Drill R vm 4. Adair's Pong. "Mother Klwed Me In My Dream" Mis Shlvely Address O. C. Fulton Recitation. "Decoration Diy" Edith Smith Song. "My Father Was a Sailor on the Maine" Mabl Larson Recitation. "You Have Put no Flow er on My Papa's Grave" Mis Brunold Recitation. "The Blue and the Gray" Ida Nylund & Mary Bike Recitation. "The Rusty Sword.".... . It. ,!- D ..U..- Song. "Abide With Me" Mrs. Fish Impromptu Wizard Oil Co Recitation Mr. Mean Song. "Cover Them Over" Sixteen Girls. Shively's Recitation. "What I will do for My Country" Chas. Buckner Recitation. "Emblems of Decoration Day" Three Girls. Shively s Song Three Girls. Shlvely's Recitation. "The Grand Advance".. Winifred Higgina Club Drill Ten Young Indies Recitation, "Her Pipa" ...Jessie Harris Song. "Absent" Miss Fester Recitation. "My Favorite Heroes".. Six Boys. Shlvely's Recitation. "Our Old Flag" Mollis McCroskey an 1 Chorus Recitation. "Old Man and Jim" Llllle Anderson Recitation. "Decoration Day" Mary Gustafson Song Annette Adams Recitation. "Near the Heavenly Camp Ground" Fr'nk Mason Remarka Hon. J. H. Smith Gun Drill Rooms 2 and 3. Adair's Recitation, "Our Loyal Women"... Mamie Raymond Recitation. "One Bullet's Work".... Bertha Simpson Class Exercise. "Memorial Day" Five Girls, room 5. Shively's Recitation. "After the Battle" Arthur Gr'.mbunr Recitation. "The True Glory of Washington" Emma Shedxl Recitation. "Blue and Grey Togeth er" Clara Anderson America. Services commemorative of Mmor'.al day wen? held !n the different schools yesterday and the programs rendered WHERE DO TOU y HAVE! TOU TRH5D A. W.SHIPLEY? CS Commercial Street. DO YOU KNOW That he gives you the best there Is to be had In the city for the least money? Place an order once and see. C. W. BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 87S Commercial St.. ASTORIA, OR. TELEPHONE, RED 2061. H.F.Prael Transferee Telephone 221. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Care Will Receive 8peclaJ Attention. No. KM Duane St., Astoria, Or. W. J. COOK. Mr Res. TeL 1121 ai fh McCbfe and Shlvely achoola ars appended: M'CM'jik HCHOOIa Song. "Stir Spngled IJ4nn"r"..flcho il Salute to th Flag School Itecltatlon. "The Kusty Hwonl"' Hat tie Partlow Song. "IUJ. White and Ulue." with FUgs School Itecltatlon. "One Ilullet'a Work"... Uertha H'mpaon Pong, "M.irrhlng Through Oeorgla" Olrl of Grade; Four Song. "When Johnny Cornea M irrh- Ing H me" Hoys of Or tde Four ffecltatlon, "f)ur Flag," ..Kmma Shedd IJncoin's Oeitystiurg Adilrea. ccn- cert recitation Kntlre School fteeifailon. "The Flag Over the Sih iol House". ..Oride One A Two Chi-rs for ir Flag and th O. A ft School S..nsc, "America" School SHIVKIY SCHOOL. Imitation " Decora tl'-n Day" Mary Oustafson Class exerclsv. Hed. White on 1 Ulna Five Olrl a of Koom 4 Song. "Tramp. Tram " School 1 Kecltatlon "Sieen, S I tiers, w-P . ' U" Wat"0 i Itecltatlon, "After the Buitll- ...... ,-,' Artn"r ('?m!''T "n?. "rur Soldier Heroea Sleeping B5Y V.'"1 4 ! U'cltatlm. "Our Doyal Women ... i Mamie Kiymond ' olumb a ' .............. School cin exrcl.-e. Memorial Day ... i Five Olrl of Room 5 Hecitatlon, "Near th- Heav-nlv , Camp C.round' Frank Mason iterdfitlon and chorjs. Our Old I Flag" Mollis McCronkey Remarks by Visitors I Closing song. "America Scnooi STILL MOKE COUNTERFEITING. The secret service ha unearthed an other band of counterfeit?!- and secur ed a large quantity of bogus bliU, which are so cleverly executed that th average person would never suspect them of being spurlou. Things of . gr?at value are always selected by I counterfeiter for Imitation, notably h ; celebrated Moittetter's Stomach which haa many Imitators but no equals for Indig'-stlon. dyt'p-pi'la. constipation, nervousness and general debility. Th Hitters set things right In .he stom ach, an I when the stomach Is in good order it make good blood and plenty of Ir. In this manner the BUttere get a: the sat of strength .and vitality, and re-tore vigor to the neak snd de bilitatet. Beware of counterfeit vhen buying. FP.OM THE Bl'DOET. "Marine Note." "Mrs. George Noland and family left f.i- 4aIH tti snend th- Sum I ,. r ATTENTION. KNIGHTS! You are reduced to assemble at Pvtbian Castle at 1 o'clock sharp to day for the purpose of proceeding to the cemetery where the graves of our departed brothers will be decorated. Bring flowers. J. H. HANSEN. D. R. BLOl'NT. C. C. Keeper of Records Seal. ODD FEUX'.VS. ATTENTION! All members of Reaver Lodge, f. O. O. F., and sojourning brethrem are request ed to meet at The lojo r 'm at 8:30 this morning for the purpis of parti cipating in the parade and m.-morial exercises. By order of C. ESKELDSEN. N. G. NOTICE! To whom !t may concern. L'ndi fur ther notice I will sell for cash every bov's knee -ajit suit at a genuine re duction. Vestv-., Refr. Sailors, whether two or three piece. All knee pant bov's suits are doomed to go at prices to tickle all. HERMAN WISE. SUBSIDY WILL BB RAISED. X'crmnit'ee Expects to Complete Today. List The commit'.ee appointed by Preai- PALMISTRY! Have Your Hands Read . Prof. W. H. Montague, Palmist and Psychologist, is in the City. Remember Prof. Montague Is the only true Palmist that has ever vhjitea Astoria. Nature has bestowed upon this bright young man many advantages; he bp ltevw. with the Brahman, that the lines of the hands are the markings of Quo. The drawings and records of the science of palmistry to be found la a monastery at Thibet. Prof. Montague Has examined drawings and after years of scientific research asserts teat your entire life, past, present and future, may be plainly revealed to yon through the exact science of palmistry. How, you may ask. You have taa printed yourself by the force of your own emotions; your hand has acted Um part of the Fensltiaed plate to the picture of the brain and engraved In lines deep or shallow that which reveals your own life, and perchance the Uvea of those with whom you have come la contact; added to this, Prof. Montague's Marvelous physical power Is a great aid In many Important events he mar reveal to you; hence his advice on business, social and domestic life Is of great value to all who consult him; he can place within your reach a remedy r every failure; there is no heart so sorrowful or lonely that cannot be beneftie by a visit to this pnenomenai paimisi. Fortune Telling By cards tea leaves, etc., Is perhaps amusing and entertaining. BOTP WHEN YOU WANT SECRETS OF TR UTH, you should consult Prof, fiiontague events, and gives advice in fu'l detail on speculation, lawsuits, love, marriage, divorces, accidents, sickness and death. Call on the palmist and he will send ym away happier, wiser and bolder than before. Introductory Price (this Remember the location. The Main dafly. Sunday, 2 p. m. to 7. p. m. dent Kwdill, of the Push Vlub. U rataa the tlO.000 land subsidy to lie paid to the stockholder of the Columbia, Land and Investment Omipany In re turn for their transfer to A. B. Ham mond, for a nominal sum of 300 acres of land In he vicinity of Tongue Point, expects ;o compl te Its labors toitay. Favorable respo.iseg were received from oropertv owners who Were seen yester day and there Is ho doubt that the en tire amount will be raised before to night. It Is desirable that the; matter be rloM up today as Mr. Hammond ex pect to leave tonight for California. According to the agreement Mr. Ham mond will pay 320,000 f,r the proper ty and igreea to begin construction work within ninety days or pay " additional I'JO.OflO for the land, in rase the forfeit Is paid, the property sub scribed to reimburse the stockholders of the company will be returned. E. 7.. Ferguson spent yesterday In Portland In rooferews with Mr. Ham mond regarding the Kindred Parle property. Mr. Ferguson holds the op. tlon and !t Is understood that Mr. Ham mond and M. J. Klnnev hive Interest, ed lumbermen In building a large saw mill on the site. The property Include over 300 acres and valuable warer front age. TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that there art funds in the dty treasury to pay all warrants drawn on the general fund and endorsed prior to December 1, 1500. Interest will cease after thla date. F. J. CARNEfT. City Treasurer. Astoria. Oregn. May 23, 1901. CHEAP EXCURSION TO THE EAST VIA 0. R. ft N. CO. To St. P-ul, Minneapolis, Omaha. Council Bluff. Leavenworth, St. J"sepfc and Kansas City. $60 round trip. Tick et on sale May 20 and June 7- Return limit M days; stop overs en route. Full particular, berth reaervitlons. etc., at ticket office, O. R. ft N. dock. OREGON Shorj Lime and Union Pacific TIME Sf'HCni'I.KS Kioto Portlaud thlg " for land Meiial ' . m. th Hunt ington Sslt lake, Denyr. Ft. Worth, mha. Kn uuC'iiy.t. l oulA tl rajoaDd eat Ailant e Epis Oti p. m. via Hunt- mfton Pt- Caul Fant mall p. to. via ,apotan !ttlt Ike, ticBter. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kn- t'liy.t ifluis.t'bl rK and eit 10. Wall , lwtv I ion, S . e. Ml n ne- j apoli-, (St. Fiul, l- 7:. luth, Milwaukee, ( hi- rao a d eal i 72 hours from Portland No Change of Care. to Cbtoa9, OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE -non asToau All Millug dales iub- jrtv Fo tn FranciMO Kyery Ave dam 1 7 m. m. . roi.vMiii. aiv a I Dally ex- To fonlnud and Way 4 a. n. xe Cept Sun. I Landings IMonilay Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria oa tide dally for Ilwaco, connectina; there, with trains for Long Beach, Tioga and North Beach points. Returning arrive at Astoria same evening, G. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agt, Aatorta. A. L. CRAIO. CeDeral Taeeenger Aeat. Portland, Ora. He Is acknowledged the rM""! ) ing authority on palmistry. In hi readings he gives date of the prlnclt! week only) 50c and $1. Street House. Hours, a. m. to p. Lo LlNo i Mo