The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 30, 1901, Image 2

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gaily gtatosiaue
Telephone Main WL
Sent by mail per year J6.00
Bent by mall, per month 50
Served by curler, per month to
Cent by mall, per year, In advance, 12.00
All communication! Intended tor pub
llr.atlon should be directed to "Editor
Aatorian." Uuslness communications
of all kinds and remittances must be
addressed to "The Astorlan Publish
ing Co."
The Astortan guarantee to Its ad
erasers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can Ni had on ap
Heato the business manager.
According to the Oregonlan "two dol
lars Is a good deal of money to pay
to go to Astoria." But It ought to be
worth at least that much to get a hun
dred miles away from Portland.
whn only about a third of It was com
pleted. In the cae of the Northwest
this sympathy will be mingled with dis
appointment, although, of course, the
dlpariiointment will be lost slg'u of In
the presence of the sympathy. Historic
ally, some of .he nost interesting po
tions of the country were still aheid of
the president In the circuit whl h had
been marked out. Mr. MeKlnley has
visited California's aivleiit capital
of Monterey. He ha. passed through
part of the locality which saw. Imck In
those memorable summer davs of 1S46.
the raising of the flag Inscribed with
the s:ar and the Irear. in thu "bear flag
revolt" which wa designed to form
the "Republic of California," pre-para-tory
to Its annexation to the I'nited
States. In the region In which he has
stunned, and In iun of that through
which he has passed, the history was
made which advanced the United States' I
southwestern boundary to the Pacific. I
qutt'Hs by freeilng them with luuild
air prove to be a failure we Khali
strongly revomm.nd boiling them. Chi
cago Tribune.
Mr. Hryan d.ies not believe in porson
ul lournalism and refuses to mentln
any tiami when the question of a go.wl
candklate for 1904 Is brought up
Washington Star.
The next time J. Pierpont M irg.m
ges on a .-u.-atim he should arrange
for a pair with K. 11. Harrinvan or In
duce that gentlemm to go along with
him. Omatu Rev.
Thev are not going to let the Phila
delphia letter carriers wear shirt w.iis'.s.
Philadelphia has been quite gay in some
rvspects lately, but she thinks she s'.ill
knows where to draw tne line. Record-Herald.
The old Idea that the body sometimes
need a powerful, drastic, purgative pill
tuis !n expl.vll: Tor Pr. King's New
IJfe Pills, which re iMTfectlv harm
less, gently stlmul Ue liver and bowels to
exp. imIsohous ma ter. cleanse the sys
tem and absolutely cure lmsilmttoti
and Slk Hei tu-he. Onlv I.V at Hart's
Drug Store,
You are much more liable to disease
when vour liver and bowels do not act
properly. DeWltt's little Early Rls-
Mr. McKlnley Is still at an ag "hU v Ul f leMe. CHAS.
i ROGERS. Druggist-
make him on? of the youngest of the -
In financial matters our nearest rela
tives are sometimes the closest.
presidents, yet the things which have1
Just been mentioned, and many of the;
, , , . ,. .. , ,i ine least in quantity and most in
principal events In the history of the, .,, d.,,.rirK,. rjewitt's IJtti. Karlv
Risers, the famous pill for eonstipa
The "yellow peril" Is upon us. A Chi
naman has taken the highest honors at
the Varrderbllt University and bears the
medal for superior oratory back to his
native land. Yet there are those who
argue that the Chinese will never be
able to compete with us on our own soil
if allowed unrestricted Immigration.
The Boxers are reported to be again
active In places where there are no for
eign troops. He must be a bold opti
mist who believes that the agreement
of the Chinese government to pay the
Indemnity asked settles all friction be
tween the allies and the Chinese people
So long as the empress dowager, a Box
er of the Boxers, is allowed to retain
the throne and even has her position
strengthened by the powers there is
little likelihood that the Boxers will
consider It at all necessary to give up
their attempts to drive out or kill all
foreigners and native converts In the
country. The only safety to the powers
lay In placing the liberal-minded and
rightful ruler upon the throne. This
policy has been rejected and as soon
as the allied forces are withdrawn the
' results of the policy adopted will be
We respectfully call the attention of
the Oregonian to the alacrity with
which the business men of this city are
subscribing the subsidy required for the
construction of the Hammond lumber
mill. Half the enterprise displayed
therein if manifested in the city up
the river 'would have doubled Portland's
population within the list five years.
Innumerable propositions are constant
ly being presented to the city of Port
land, many of them calculated to be
of Immense benefit If carried out. but
they do not receive the support of the
business interests of that city. Astoria
has rejected many propositions as un
worthy of support, notwithstanding the
generous booming they received from
region which lies Just ahead of him on
the route which had been marked out
for him to traverse, have occurred with
in his own lifetime. The great Northwest
has b?oome United States territory
since his birth. Whit was caile ! the
"Oregm country'" figured on the m.i;
for many decades before Mr. McKinley ,
was born, but he was over twi year
old w-hen, in the treaty w ith Rtiglan 1 in
the days of Polk. It became par; . f the
American domain. The Yankee skitMr. 1
Grav. discovered the Columbia in 179:'. I
and Lewis and Clark in W sa.l-.l ;
down from its headwaters to the Pa-,
cific. Astor Put ur his lirtle fur-trad-J
Ing factory at the spot w hich b-'am his
name as far back .is 1SU. which pied ;
out of his hands during the war of 1S1I.
Wyeth. Kelley. Spalding. Marcus Whit
man, the Lees and manv other Ameri
cans whose names are U-ntifled with
the early annals of Oregon were In thst
country long before the president was
bom. but he Is a!mot old enough to re-
tion and l:ver complaints.
KRs. Druggist.
The poker player who gets cards o(T
the top of the deck has the upper hand.
A Itir-gain counter the silooti-ktep-er
figuring up his receipts.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers search
the remotest parts of the bowels and re
move the impurities spevliiy with no
discomfort. They are famous S ir their
efficacy. Kasv to take, never gripe.
CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist.
Kuff.ilo woman refused to submit
her baby to the operation at the fiwit,
because she did lot believe In Infant
baptism, and. w hen her hiohand Insist
ed, drowned the young m In a loth
tut. 1W tins haul hud the satisfac
tion of knowing that she ha I yielded
to his argument.
of modern times Is consumption. Many
cures and discoveries from time to time
are published but Foley's Honey and
Tar does truthfully claim to cure all
cases In the early stages and always
affords comfort and relief In the very
worst cases. Take no substitutes.
Hart's drug store.
The Chicago papers are telling of a
mother-in-law who appe.uvd In the
police court and paid the fine that l ad
been Imposed on her ;i-ln-law for
licking her daughter. The story woui I
carry mop weight if the court teeord
were sent along with it.
Miss Mamie Smith, of Mlddtesboro,
Ky.. writes: "My little sister had the
ivuu very bad. I gave her several
doses of Foley's Honey and Tar and she
was Instantly relieved. It saved her
life." Hart's drug store.
Lost. ' PORTLAND. " Arrive " Union Drpotlip.W a.m.
:M p.m.lfor Astoria and lnt r-!) 40 p.m.
Ituedlate points.
7.4Ha.m.For Portland A ln-U:Ma,m.
I lOp.m.lterm.Hllate points lt:30p.m.
U:U . m.
. iu.
t S. IU.
i. in. 1
'Sunday will)
7 :40 a. Ill
I IU . Ill
IJ to r m
7 .UU l, III
All triil in make close connections at
fioble with all Northern Paclfio train
to and from the Kait or Sound point a.
Oen'l Fr't and Paaa. Agent
(Tvlephont Dock.)
Columbia River and Pugt Sound Nar.
Igatlon Company.
The Tahoma leaves Astoria daily ex
cept Sunday at 1 p. m.
Leaven Portland dolly except Sun
day at 7 a. in.
White Collar Lino tickets. O. K. A N.
tickets and Ilwaco Ry A Nav, Com
imny ticket interchnngeabln on Ta
llinn nnd HiisniiIc. Through Port
land connection with steamer Nuhcotta
from llwacii and tong Reach points.
Telephone No. 111.
A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria Agent.
K. V. CKICHTiiN. Portland Agent.
Wllllv Heirst has so much nKiiey that
he Is obllgil to start a paper in St,
Iniis to et rid of it. There isn't u
charce on t'artti for Mr. Hearst to be
ilixippiiinted in his expv' Itiiius.
In coquetry and parliamentary pio
cet dings it's the ayes that do the work
Pk:n affe,-tions will speedily disappear
by using DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Look out for counterfeits. If you get
DeWitt's you will get good results. It
is the quick and positive cure for piles.
CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist.
Thomas Maple. Uirkbeck. HI., writes:
"I had a very bad case of k dney trouble
and my back puine! me so that I could
not straighten up. The J.x'tor's treat
ment did me .10 go.l. Saw Foley's
Kidney t'utv adv.-rtls.-d and t""k one
bottle which cure) me and I have not
been .iff ."ted since. I gl.ullv recom
loend this remedy." Hart's drug store.
The "Northwestern Limited" trains.
I electric lighted throughout, both Inside
and out. and steam heated, are with
out exception, the finest tmlns In the
-orld. They embody the latest, newest
and best Ideas for comfort, convenience
und luxury ever offered the traveling
public, and altogether are the mot
complete and splendid production of the
car builders' art.
Gunner Morgan, of Samps m fime.
has brought suit for divore- against his
wife, who was a Mary Noonan. Fancy
the admiral having t meet a lady w ith
a nume like that on the MUarter deck!
Mr. W. J. Baxter of North Riook. N.
C. says he suffered with pll-;s for fifteen
years. He tried many remedies w'th no
results until he used DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve and that quickly cured him.
CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist.
A Pennsylvania congressman will
ask congress to pass a bill provl ling
for the execution of criminals by as
phyxiation. He would put the murderer
in a do' cell atid blow out th- gas. The
bill will never The rural vote
will hiit-rlv n.sent this atrenivt to
usurp on,' of the mwt honored pri'i'oga-tiv-'S
of the agriculturists.
George C. Hitchcock. Curtiss. Wis
savs: "Foley's Kidney Cure has been I
tested and found to be all vou claim
for It. I have given It to my father
and It Is the only thing that ever helped
him " Hurt'd ilriiir Hfiire
These Splendid Trains
Connect With
The (ircut Northern
The Northern Pucifle nnd
The Canadian Pacific
CHICAdO nnd the KAST.
Xo extra charge for these superior
accommodations and all classes of tick
ets are available for passage on the
famous "Northwestern Limited." All
trains on this line are protected by the
Interlocking lilock System.
General Agent. Traveling Ag't,
Portland. Ore.
A familiar name for the Chicago.
Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, known
all over the Union aa the Great Railway
running tht "Pioneer Limited" trains
very day and night between St. Paul
and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago,
'The only perfect train in the world."
Understand: Connections are made
with all transcontinental lines, securing
to passenger the best rvlo known.
Luxurious coaches, electric HghW steam
hou. of a verity equaled by no otlw.'
htt that your ticket reads via Ths
Milwaukee" when going to any point
In the United States or Canada. Alt
ticket agents sell them.
For rat. pamphlets or other Infor
mation, nddrews.
Trsv. P.iss. Agt., Oen. Agt..
Portland. Oregon. Portland. Ore.
The best brands of Kentucky Justl.e
are like t'le b"st brands of Kentucky
whiskey very rurely on tap.
member the day when England Joint j Thw WM a yi)Un? IaJy n pink
occupation of it ended, and when, as
undisputed American territory, the stars
and stripes were first raised over the
region now comprising the states of
Oregon, Washington at! Idaho and
parts of Mxuina and Wyoming.
If the president had been permitted
to pass through th? course which had
been marked out before his affliction i
came, he would have seen many things j
which would have revival his reooliec
tion of one of the most
chanters of Americas hist in,'- The map
of the I'nited Srates as it was at his
hlrth in 1814 vuld look odd if pl.v-d
beside 'he map of today. Not nn:y did
the earlier map nt contain the region
h'teri the Rockv Mountains and the
Who bought a nice bottle of ink:
She got paper and pen
An l a snug little den.
Rut she coukrn't evolve any "think.'
"Our little girl was uaconsclous from
strangulator) during a sudden and ter
rible attack of croup. I quiokly se
cured a bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure, givins; her three doses. The croup
was mastered and our little darling
speedily recovered." So writes A. L.
Ppafford. Chester. Mich. CHAS. ROG
ERS. Druggist.
I Sweet Dream won In a canter at
1 Newport. Ky. And to think how ofte-n
interesting you have pUyed that horse.
"I have been suffering from dyspp-
sia f r the cast twenty years and have
been unable after trying all prepira
. tlons anl physicians to get any relief.
After taking one bottle of Kodol Dvs
pepsla Cure I found relief and am now
in better health than I have been for
i twenty years. I can not praise Kodol
Dvpepiiia Cure too highly." Thus
Picific. but Texis also was misse.; from ! writes Mrs. C. W. Roberts. North Creek.
ery nearly 1.000.000 square nois of
Papa-in-law Zimmerman will de
velop a coal mine on the duke of Man
chester's estate, hitherto largely devot
ed by the duke to the culture of bull
territory !n the far West. In the contig
uous part of the I'nited States, was
added to America's domain in the earlv
days of Mr. McKinley's boyhood. This
is about a thirl f the present area of
the United States, exclusive of Alaska
and the accesslDns of 1S98. Swinging
Mr. F. D. Arnold. Arnold. Iowa,
writes: He was troubled with kidney
disease about three wars. Had to get
up several times during the night but
thnee bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure
efr?-ted a complete rure, he feels belter
than he ever did and recommends It j
to his friends. Hart's drug store. .
Both spvl-'"s of boxers are plucking up
(.gain, the Chinese In the old spot and!
the native article In Sun Fnin. lsis-
which is now his only refuge. '7:30 p.m
If you are .sick all over and don't
know Just what ills you. It's ten to
one your kidneys are out of order. Fo
ley's Kidney Cure will bring you health
anl energy. Hart's drug store.
8:30 a.m
The kaiser cins'ders the new police
arrangements fir his safety too -howy
i.nd ostit itiotis. What sort of a kalel-
doscoplc raini-tit uiv th.s- cops wearing?
' I hal a running sore on mv breast
for over a year," says Hnry R. Rich
ards, of Wlllseyvilie. N. Y.. "and tried n
great many remedies but got no re
lief until I used Banner Salve. After
using on.'-half box I was perfectly
cured. I cannot recommend it too high
ly." Hart's drug store.
the Evening News, but the business J through 1he sUi(m of Oregon. Washing
men of this city have taken hold with ; ,on an( Mantana. on the iine wnl(.h h
a will of every enterprise which has ;
promised sure results.
was to travel on his course eastward
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
The entire country will regret the af
fliction which has compelled Mr. Mc
Kinley to cut short his tour at a time
No sure cure is yet known
for chronic rheumatism. No
man living can cure it always.
He can try. If he fails he can
try another way.
There are many ways.
Some harmless; others worse
than the rheumatism. Better
not take the chance of quack
Scott's emulsion of cod-liver
oil cures rheumatism only by
crowding it out by vital force.
If that succeeds, it succeeds; if
that fails, it fails. It never
docs any harm.
We'll Knd jrou a little to try if yon lilt.
SCOTT & ilOWXK, 409 Perl street. New York,
he would have passed over territory
; ruled by England's Hudson's Bay Com
pany 'lntll a time within the recollee..
t!on of hundreds of thousands of per
sons still living. L'tes, Sioux. Pawnees.
Blackfeet and others of the fiercest
warriors which civilized men ever en
countered in the wild regions of the
world held sway !n the great North
west anl along the country's northern
border through the tier of states mark
ed out In his ltin?rai-y as originally ar
ranged, until long after he reached
manhood's years. The names of Long, j
Lander. Bonneville. Stansbury, Fremont!
! If people only knew what we know
about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It would
i b used In neirjy every household, aa
I there are few people who do not suffer
i from a feeling of fullness after eating.
' belching, flatulence, sour stomach or
tvaterlrrash. caused by Indigestion or
I dyspepsia. A preparation, such as Ko
I dol's Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no
1 aid from the stonaoh. will digest your
I food, certainly can't help but do you
; good. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist.
' He's to be pitted." observed the
locular driver of the penthouse ambul
ance as he helped the victim Into the
No discovery in medicine has ever ere
ated one o,uarrT of the exchemeivt that
his been caused by Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. It's severest
tests have been on hopeless victims of
unsumation. Pneumonia. Hemorrhage.
Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of
whom it has restored to perfect health
Ft Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup. Hay
Fever. H wrsetiess and Whooping Cough
It is the quickest, surest cure In the
world. It Is sold by Prank Hart who
guarantees satisfaction or refunds
Hetty Green is emulating Carnegie
in supporting literary Institutions, hav
ing the other day presented two news
paper reporters with Ave dollirs apiece.
The pen pushers ar sal 1 to be recov
ering. The greatest skin specialist In Amer
ica originated the formula for Banner
Salve. For all skin diseases, all cuts
or sores, and for plies. It's the moet
healing medicine. Beware of substi
tutes. Hart's drug store.
Depot. Fifth nd
I Streeta
Overland Express
Trains for Salem,
Roseburg, Ash
land. Sacramento,
Ogden. San Fran
cisco. Mojave. Loa
Angeles. El Paso,
New Orleans and
the East.
117:30 a.m
li:50 p.m
At Woodburn
(dally except Sun.
dav). mnmlnv
I train connects with
train for Mt. An
gel. Sllverton.
B r o w n s v 1 1 1 f .
Springfield. and
Natron, and even
ing train for Mt.
Angel and Silver
ton. Corvallls passen
ger. Sheridan passpn-
ffrxilly except Sunday.
':15 a.m
00 p.m
Notice I hereby given, that the C.nii
nion 1 niii Ml ,f the Cltv of Astoria In
tends to establish '.he grade mi Frank
lin avnue in that par: of the City of
Astcrl.i us laid out and recorded tv
John A l.ilr, from Thirty-sixth stive! to
l-Vrtv-lUth street, at the following
height above the tmne ..f grades n
t ibllshed by ordinance No. 71 of said
city, entitle I. "An " t" estab
lish a base of Ktnl-s for the ir..ta
f Astoria." t'l-wll:
At the interocti.e) , f Fr.itiklm If
tine wl'.h Thirty- - entli trw at 122
feet on the west side and 12.r feet on
the Mmt side: at the lsitmv:ifi of
Franklin avenue and Thirty -eighth
slr.-et U7 feet on th wt side and HO
feet n the rtst side; at the Intert.c
tlon of FrinkMn avenue and Thirty
ninth street 1T9 feet on the wm side
and H2 f.-et on the east side : at the
Intersection nf Franklin avenue nnd
Fortieth street 221 feM cn the ueM side
and 221 feet i.n the t-imt side; at the
Interaction of FrinkMn avenue and
Forty-first strt '.'60 feet on the w.t
lde an I 20 few ,in the east side; at
I the intersection of Franklin avenue nnd
1 Forty -second street 2.19 feet on (he
wet sMe nnd 217 feet on the erut side;
nt the Intersection of Franklin avenue
and F"Tly-ihlrd stnv.t 213 feet on the
wnt side and 213 fef n the east side:
at the Intersection "f Frankhu avenue
in I Forty-fourth street 211 e,.,.t on the
weiit side and 129 feet nu the rust side:
at the Intersection of Franklin avenue
anl Forfy-llfth stnt 191 ert .m both
si e The sire.'t and the gri.le there
of ln'twen th" imints d"slg mtel ' to
be on a straight and cvm slope
tbnuighnut th" entire width thereof.
This notice l ordered publish.vl In
the Morning Astor'an fur t"n daye bv
j resolution of the Common Council
I adopted 0:1 -he 20th dav "f May. 1901
I th first publication thereof being on
! the 2"rl day of May Itxil
Alldltcr and police Ju Ige of ,he City
nf Ast rl .
Notice I hereby given to all whom.
It tiu y concern, that the underlgnd
has been niiolnteit the ndiiiliilHtrator
of the estate of Ruth (lamer, deceased:
snd all persons having claims against
the said estate niimt present the same
to the undcrrfKnl duly vrirltln.!, ut his
olllce In (lie Amorla Havings ItiMik, at
the Cltv of Asl irlii, In Clatsop ciiutuy,
In the State of (inroii, on or before sis
months from this date.
Dated st Asioila. Oregon, this lf?th
lay of Mav. A. I. 1901.
Notice s hereby given, that the un
dersigned has breti appointed ndmlnts
trutor. with the will annexed, of th
estate of John C. TTulllnger, dHvn.
snd all persona haying claims against
the estate nf snld deceased must pre
sent the name to the undersigned, duly
verified, at the oftlce of I tie West Hhor
Nf Us Cnmpiny, at the corner of llonil
and Truth streets, in the Cltv of As
toria. In Clatsop Omnty, Oregon, with
in six months from this date
Dated at Astoria, Oregon. May loth. A,
P.. 1901.
In the matter of th estate and ad
mission to private of the loet wilt an.
testamrnt of David Whitney, tr. de
ceased :
Notice is hereby given that I have this
day been appointed by the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for flat
sop county. nditiliilstralor-wlth-the-wilU
aiinrxe.l of the mtairi .f Da vli Whit
ney. Jr., deceased. All permits having
claim nliit snld estate are hereby
notified to present th am to me, prop
erly verlfl'd. at the ifTl.-e f the county
clerk of (Mstsop County. Oregon, with
in six months from i'i ,' i;e
W V ccut:.
Adiiilnhi r itur ( the estate of Davl I
Whltliev. Ir . deceased
Notice In hereby given that the un
dersigned have been appointed ndir'nie
trntors of the ette of A'fre.i If,
Stone, ilecriised, bv the County Court
of CI. it. if County. Oregon, and thivt nil
tiers. hi hiving claims -late
are herehy required to present 'he
same to the and vslgned duly verified
ai by law provided, within six month
from the date of this notice Verified;
rtnlms ngalnst snl I estate may pre
sented rltln-r to the undersigned H O.
Van Duwn .it his oftlee ut Asioria
Oieg. 11 or Mr J D McF.irUne at hie.
offlce of business, at Knnppi, ()n-oii
All tirrsons Inb'hted to suld estate, are
hereby required o pay such Indebted
ness 11 c, van DtrsnN
Ailmlnlstrntors nf the Estate of Aifr
H Stone. IVorasevl.
Dated this 1st day of May. 1W
and other explorers would have rNen In : money. Irge bottlew 50n and $1.0.
his mind as he rode through the coun- Tr'al bot;l tI.
try which they helped to bring to the A Kentucky rectifier being charged
. ! with having attempted to poison a
"uimn aiieiiuuo. i iik namvn ana ii - i whole
sonality of Kit Carson, Jim Rrldger.
John Colter, Jim Baker, Chief Joseph.
Rel Cloud. Sitting Bull and other white
and red plainsmen and mountaineers
would have gained cont-reteness and
vividness for him as he swept across the
vast expanses which they have mad-cla-sic
ground for all Americans.
community by watering his
whisky his fled. The wretch will be
burned alive If he is caught,
Vice-President Roosevelt still enjoys
the venomous hatred of the Washington
Post, which loses no opportunity to crit- I
icise and misrepresent him. Minneap.j
11c Tribune.
The Wall street fice ha- n..w be.-n
added to the oicyole hump, the auto
mobile arm and the golf knee. You
will recognize it by its length Den
ver Republican.
If the new scheme for killing m.jS-
j "I was troubled for several years with
chronic Indigestion and nervous d-bll-'
Ity." writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster.
N. Y. "No remedy helped me until I
h-gan using Electric Bitters, which did
me more good than all the medicine I
ev-r used. Vhey have also kept my
wife in excellent health for years. She
I says Electric Bitters are Just splendid
I for female trouble: that they are a
I grand tonic and invigorator for weik.
1 run down w.n.?n. No aether medicine
I can tak.- its nlace In oor family." Try
th'-m. Onlv .Vk Satisfaction guaran-
i te-1 by Hart's Drug Store.
A good many men think that chas
ing the rum dem n Is almost as excit
ing as hunting the octopus.
The fame of Tiuoklen's Arnica Sajve.
as th" best In the world, extends round
the earth. It's the one perfect healer
of Cuts. Corns. Burns, Bruises, Sores.
Scalds, Bolls. Ulcers, Felons. Aches.
Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only In
fallible Pile Cure. 25c a box at Hart's
Drug Store.
In a word this tells of the Passenger
Service via
fhe fiorthweslcrn line..
Eight Trains Dally between 8t. Paul
and Chicago, com arising
The Latest Pullman Sleepers,
Peerless Dining Cart,
Library and Observation Can,
Free Reclining Chair Cars.
The 20th Century TraJn
Runs Every Day of the Tear.
The Finest Train in the World
Electric Lighted Steam Heated
Finest Dally Train Running Between
St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short
Connections from the West made via
This Is also the BEST LINE between
Omaha. St. Paul and Minneapolis.
All agents sell tickets via
The Northwestern Line
General Agent. Trav. Agent,
248 Alder Street. Portland, , Oregon,
Rebate tickets on sals between Port
land. Sacramento and San Francisco.
Net rates $17 first class and $11 second
class, including sleeper.
Rates and tickets to Eastern points
and Europe. Also Japan. China. Hono
lulu and Australia. Can be obtained
Pasenger depot foot ef Jefferaoo Bt
Leave for Oawee-o daltv mi 7-an t im
- m; U:$0. 1:66, 1:28, 6:11. -.u
UjM p. m. and I a. m. on Sunday
my. Arrive at Pertland daily at H U
S:30. 11:50 a. m.: UXTtVsO. T:'
7:40. 10:00 p. m: 12: a. m. dally ex
cept Monday; and 11:05 a. m. c
Sundays only.
Leave for Dallas dally, except Sun
day at 4:30 . m. Arrive at Portland
at 1:30 a, m.
raasenger train leaves Dallaa for
Alrlee Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
day! at 2:45 n. m. Returns Thma..
Thursdaya and Baturaays.
-except Buniay.
R. KOEHLER. Manager.
Oen. Frt. and Paaa. Agt
NOTIi'K llt I'I''VTIiiN
I'nited Stlt.M Ijiii.I Ottlce, irivgon City.
region, Mav 20. 1WM:
No, e.. herty glv.ti tha' In emn
pl unc.; with the provisions of the act
of congress of June 3. HTH, enuthil "An
act for the iili. of tlmlrr lands in the
States of CallfornU. Oregon, Nevada
ami Washington Territory," as extend
ed 10 all th- public I ind states by act
of August 4, Wxi. William V. Ppe, of
"ln.y, 'oitntv of Clatsop, Stale of
Oregon, has thin lav filed In this "fiVe
his sworn statement. No. 5271. for tin
purchase of lot 4, sec. 3; lots I, 2. .1 and
4. of (ctl'Mi No. 4. In township No. g
north, range No. 7 w"t, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought Is
more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for ugriculturil purism.-, and to
establish his claim to fald lund before
the register and receiver of this office
at Oregon (Mty, Oregon, on Thurslay
the sth day of Augu", 1901. He names
us witnesses:
Mrs. Mary Detiok, of Olney, Clatsop
County, Oregon; Sebastian Glaser. of
Olney, CUtp County, Oregon; Mrs
Appollonla Johnson, of OJiwy, Clatsop
Countv, Oregon; Sidney Del I, of A":o
rln. 'natsop uuty, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
lv the above-describe! lands an- re
nocoted 10 ftle their cliilms In this nt
?' fice on or before said Sth ifav of Au
lly virtue of un es-ution and ooler
of sal Iss-jed out of the circuit court
of the Stat f Oregon Tor the C.unty
of I 'hits . p u May ZZ. !Ml. upi
Judgment jiiv.1 enter of snl,, rendered
therein Minh l. lif. In favor of
Itluke, M' Full ''.'iit'uny, plaintiff, and
against lieoia" llibl-rt. d'-fetidant. f.r
the sum of'i toicethrr vsitli Ui'.er-i-s,
; from do.te t Judgiiirn: at
the rve of S ,-r i.-ni it aiinu n an.t
the ciHtts ,,f ih s writ, iNenmnlldlng 1110
to levy up in the :h.(.it:v of said te
fen d fM iilied in said or.pT of ..j
to sitls'y .ii ludgtuent, inteiwi and
costs. I 'lid lew upon the
described incii r'y: lots 9 and 0,
In U. in ih- Town of Idl-wild.
lois 1. 3. .!, 4. '., 1 mi." 7. in tihs k in
th- Town Hill's FliNt Addition to
Astoria, lot -'. In 1.1 k I'i. In -he 'i'..wi
of S-iil It.s k IU-.ii h. a.n.1 lots 'J'. snd
'.'S, In bio. k In the T"rtn nf
Itiiuic-h, all in i'l.i'.i County, oregin,
ind that I -v 1 1) on Mond'iv die 74tli
dav of Jun- I'Sil. at the hour f 10
o'clock in th" foi.-n.e.ii ..f .aid lav In
the fruit ef the court h w li
the City of ! lii. I'luisop ounty,
Oreg n, s,. it p.titc ,. i,, the
ll hot bidder for cash the .ileive-de-crihe.l
real iro-r:y to satisfy ahK
liidgnient, tn er. 4 nnd nil a. . ruing
Sheriff of t'Kisni 'nu'ily. Oregon.
Astoria, Oiegori. May !W,
giuit, Wl.
When people are contemplating a
trip, whether on business or pleaaure,
they naturally want the beat service
obtainable as far as speed, comfort and
safety is concerned. Employes of the
paid to serve the public and our trains
are operated so aa to make close con
nections with diverging lines at all
Junction points.
Pullman Palsce Sleeping and Chair
cars on through trains.
Diring car service unexcelled. Meals
served a la carte.
In order to obtain the flrst-class ser
vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you
a ticket over
The Wisconsin Central Lines
and you will make direct connections
at St. Paul for Chicago. Milwaukee and
all points East.
For any further Information call un
any ticket agent, or correspond with
JAS. C. POND. Gen. Pass. Ag't..
or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis.
General Agent,
JleniTtment of the Interior. United
States LawI Office, Oregon City, Ore-
gon. Aorll 29, 1901.
A sufficient contest affidavit having
bwen filed m this onlce by Albert Lelch
hardt, contestant, against homestead
entry No. 1 1 592, made October 12th.
IBM, for lots B and 9 of Sec. 29, and lot 5
and the N. W. V4 of 8. W. of Sec. 28.
township 4 north, range 8 west, by
Charles E. Nawn, con testes. In which It
is alleged that contestant "knows the
present condition nf the same; also that
said Charles K. Nawn abandoned his
said homeste id emry for more than six
months prior to the expiration of five
vears from the date of his entry, to-wlt:
for more than six months prior to Oc
tober 12. 1900; that said tract of land
was and Is not settled upon and cultl
vated according to law by the said
Charles K. Nawn; that sill Charles E.
Nawn never established a bona fide. res.
idence upon said claim: that the ab
sence of said Charles E. Nawn from
said homestead claim was and Is nor
due to employment In the military or
naval service of the United States dur
ing time of war; snld parties nre here
by notified to appear, respond anil offer
evidence touching said allegation at 10
o'clock a. m. on June 15th. 1901, be
fore the Register and Receiver at ihe
United States Lind Office In Or-'
City, Oregon.
The said contestant having, In a Prop
er affidavit, filed April 29, 1901, set forth
facts which show that after due dili
gence, personal service of this notice
can not be made, it Is hereby cdered
and directed that such notice be given
bv due and proper publication,
WM. GALLOWAY, Receiver. 1
Ity virtur of an execution nnd order
of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon, for the County
of Cits,p, op the 14th dav of May, iwj;
upon Jmlgem-nt mid Ted 'herein .
the 20th day of February. PW, in favor
of Myra Russell, plaintiff, ami against'.
Mary I. litte, defendant, for the sum
of (W.f..40. the sum of $".00.40 haying bvn
satisfied, leaving a bilance due on suld
Judgment of the -urn if together
with Int-r-st thereon ut the ru'j or
10 per en I per annum, and -h,.. cost of
and upon this writ commanding nnd re.,
liilrlng me io i.-y upon ipy property
of the iUiov mimed defendant to sallsfv
Ihe balance of siUI lodgment. Interest;
costs and .ill seeming costs, I did on.
the llih day of May. 1901. utach the
following described ial property, to
wlt :
liots 9. 10, II, 12, IX sub., of Rtk. S3;:
lots tl. 7. n. 24: 21, 2, Sub. of Ulk 641
lots 8, P, 10. 11. )?, 1:1. Sub ..if lltk 7:
lois IB. 17, 27, 28, 2. ;0, Hub. of Mlk. 99::
lots II, 12. Rlk. W: lots 7. 8, !. IHk 88-..
and nil thai portion of Block III des
cribed as follows; beginning ut a point:
on the north line of lot f In aiuf Muck.
48 fi..H east .f the northwest comer
thereof and thmi-e running east along
th north line of said lot 6 and lot 5.
27 fe.-t. 1 hem- south on a Une paral
lel with tn Wl,,. in. (tt 1,1 )ot j M
feel, theno west 27 feet, thence north,
to the place of beginning, being portlon-i
of lots r. .uul ln sal I block 111.
In the City or Astoria, ns mid out
nnd recorde) hy John M. Shlvelv, Lot
I. In Sec. ?l. Tp. 8, N of t. R. .Vest or
the Will. Mer.. 37 0t! acrs n..iriri
snulh bound iry of Shlvely J), (
414.86 feet west of P. E. corner Of raid'
D. L. C. nnd run thence N. nnd nnriil.'el
with the E. line of said D. L. C.
to south boundary of rlne Hnm Tt
"f W thence west along snld R. of
W. to a point 191.3 feet west of easr li
of tract herein described, then,. south
nnd pnr.illcl tn can line of trn.-t Wei.
described to south boundary of said D.
i.. i ., itiencf along srIi! south line t
lieglntiltig, containing B 41 flcres, In Tp
8. N. of R, 9, wrst nf Will. Mer AH of
said df. Scribed i ciil nrrmertv helnir U
Clatsop county, f)regon.
Notice U herehv "Iven th .t I will ,,n
Monday, the 24th day of June, jtKll, at
the hour of fen o'clock In ih..
of snld .lay In front of and at the Court
House door In the Cltv of Astoria. Clnt.
sop county, Oregon, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash the
abovo described real oroncriv in smUfv
said JudgTient, interests, costs and ail
accruing costs. THOS. LINVILLE
Sheriff of Clatsop County, Or
Astoria, Oregon, May Jlth, 1901.