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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1901)
THE M0KX1XG A3T0KIAX. TUESDAY, MAI 28, 1901 . i j. . Lil PART AND PARCEL. DAINTY box, an exquisite wrapper, a deli cate color, and a dinging; fragrance yet all these will not cleanse the skinl Has it ever occured to you that you pay big prices for i these things? Do you care to buy five articles or do you require only one a strictly pure soap. Remember you pay for perfume whenever you buy it mixed with soap. Don't you think it is wiser to make your own selection of perfume and buy it separately? It is certainly the mctnod adopted by most persons of culti vated taste, thooc who bathe with pure Ivory Soap. IVOHY SO.HWi PER CENT. PURE. The Alorning Astorian TKI.KIMloNK 61 roltTJ.Al. Mav 27 -i-if"ii. Wunli luitioii, Tuliy. ii"W'r. pr"l0tv a'-li-n tiv tliun.W; Mnli'. Tul.i'. utiiiwrm nit I tluriiti-r i"rmit All contracts for advertising In the Atttoi Inn arc miiJc on n nuar Hiitcc of circulation tour time lurKcr ttiui) tltal of tiny pupvr rmblUlicd or circulated In Out nop county. toiutb wbather. AROUND TOWN. Br Gaatott about harnea. Milk dpot, etr. Tmth and Duonc 81. It 'lvrl I'r.t'vrnnl. t N'-tuiMti. I In tlw oily. !. It, Vrrn-un In "l.iivii f riti I'iftlmul rn a limit vlxlt. Tlu- Hiltnh lurk Vlrne'm U t tin in hiii a m ni ;i n 1 he flv tncM n' -.Kiturv l iihui"!'"!' h'T i'Iimv i.iv utvl. UKHT 15-CPNT MKAl.; niBlNO SUN KEHTAl'KANT. ! ! SWEATERS IT Ti! I e 'IiImIiI e ii I SWEATE We have them for Men and for Boys, big men and little men big boys and little boys plain colors all sorts of combinations. Men's Sweaters. $3.50, $3.00, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $100 Boys' Sweaters, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c When you need a Sweater call and you surely will titid what you want. Solo agency for HAWKS Celebrated P Derby Ilttta. S. DANZIGER .. -nuiv i.f Sia: V. 1. Iunhur wtit Suii't iy n Am.irla, I". M Wiirr.-ii. Jr.. wan In lh 1 Uy yt!rl!ay nil IiiImIiich. Mr r t-l 1 HmlHi. f Mr, (H-gn. I" in id- city viiltltiK frlcii,n. ti- A ! Itic.vMfi. ..f Fti Stiv.iin. w.i In tin- city y'-iu-nliiy. Ilcnt J.'-rint lllrttl lUalllg Still lies tauriiiit. 612 Commercial Bt. Three first -elus liarbeni at the Ocd drnt barber lip. Heal of service. lChulnirb! Itlititmib!- Ilbutmrli!!! ton li.Mimtii fur 2'i cuts ul J"htHi)ll lri. Japaiiri ooil of all kind, cheap at Yokohama llaxaar; t2t Commercial St. Ml t.uivlla I'uWMK, of Portland. t-n: Hun.Uv In Astoria, ch gnu-si "f fl i.-mK Thf run f silmon -"nUu light, thoiitth linger nh art ht'lng brimg-tu I" than b'-funv Th- xtenmer Bn H. Elmore arrived In yi-U'iJiiv with a liu-R-) carB.i anl iniiH"tiM'r lint. Ptiin'v Win.- iml tftrowbvrry rhubarb; MiH'Kt f the Hcimon. 10 ;muiii1k for 2j ci-iii Jolnuoii Hruo. Tb- I'nlunilil.i lllvcr !KB,ri'' A. rlu!l..n will elect ottlccnt ul the liH-etlim to In. h Id June 2M. Mr. Raamunwn Ii prnr1 to do up lac curtain In food order, Lrav or den at Oregon bakery. We have r'-celved 1000 pound i.f fin Orvir'in ihuburb which we will aril ten Ii;urHii for V ceiim-JohnHop Uro. M. J. Kinney, f IVirtlund, wan In th lty yinierd.iy, In iittcnluncn on th ini'riliiK of tli.t T'miru" IVnt ayiwMiute. (Vnmi'lliTinn A. Hchern'kHU and Mm Hi hernerkiiu retunil Hunlv from an exii-nded trip throuuh KioiUtii OrrKun. You mny have een t'ftter day but never better bitter than Ill-Ill; try them. Funrd & Htokea Co., dUtrlbutlng aip-nt. Pupil ul"hlnif In Uiku private bwon durliiK ihe BUiiinicr to 'nuke up jrni'le work, apply to Ml Kowii, 273 Ninth etre-!. The minuiil reccp'lon of thi parluli of (irme Mlmrcli wild h'Ul In hi nlKht In the imrliirn of the cburvh, tttid wu latKi-lv u t (nd'-il J C M.iyo, of the A. A '. U. It., iva In I'unl.inl y4t"nliiy In consultation with the iilllrliilit r'Kunllnif the propow-,1 inlviuiilriK of ruii. Crenm pure rye, Amerlra' finest whlnkey. The only pur food: iruar anieerj rich and mellow. JOHN L. CAULSON, Bole Arfent. The l.-Hth'T work'M. who hnve b'n on a etnke In 1'on.ln.ryi. r-turn-i to work yierd:iy. the dlffen-ncm h.ivliiK been Ninliillily ailjiprte 1. Mt. Anib'rn, the trinh-r of Vr. N. I'. HoicriK.-n. who him l-en III here with l.l KrlptH-, returned p H'r hn.e III I'ortlnnd y.n'Md.'iy. John A MnntKomi-ry hn opeiied a hop at Itond treet and la prepared to do all clae of plumblnK and tin n 1 1 ix t th- owft pn!ble rte. "io,." llolini.. .f ihi. Or.-if n New ' ini;n v. of l"rtl:iiid. who ha N-etl ; ( ! ItK .Vcr:U IV In AHtol.l, re. turned home on lnt nlKhi' train. I'.oniyn coal iit Inriff'T, 1 cleaner and itiakepi e trouble with atove and chiinti. y Hue ttiim uny other. li-orK-' W. Siinliorii, nii'-nt: t plo.ii" nil. 'TIk-' union and milovr)i niv at out here hii.I in l'or!Ui!vl ov.t n cheilule of iu.e nnd a Kirlk'1 tnuv remil! utile. th.- .'.ITereiic.- are emlca bly The fiiiimu ii r 'Uit Seymour niid Hill, will make their pi.-arnme ut the luivr- uuilKht. i:hir new fetitute4 will alo be tirr'iie including i!lK 1'iK. eitiKliiR, etc. S.M1de lo.llfe. No. 12. A. O t' W.. ha el.-'te Tho. Iteal-v. H. StK k loii. (leorne Johnson, A. M'in'if unci y. William Kelly mid F. U. Wlnion a delegnt.- to attend the irrand o,iifi. mei'tinit which will lie helj In I'ri1iind next month. The la.lle of the Library Aelatlon will Ktve a public l, vi at the library room on next Frtdav evening, May 31. In ronimetin'ratlon of the ninth aiinl vemarv of the founding (f the library. The frli-nd of the library are Invited to tf preent. K. (i. Freeman. f Sun FrnnHeco, I"a cltlc coiint manna-.-r for th? ttucuio Urn of J. K. Armabv & Co., 1 ien,l- lnr evernl dav in Ator!a. Mr. Fn-e man tu-ii that hi trip had no 'kM flnme n nd that he wia aimplv reni Imr from buni car- for a brief Jour lie v. i A loinier na'v.vl C. H. 'irliin win lirouirtil down on I.ih! n'ehf train fro:n Ui'n'ian ttfr.Hi. i k.v,rt.. t ilt 111 the Innteu, intllct d by nn axe while workln; In one of the lopirlnir camin at that place. H wa at one eon. vyed to th" hoepltal, where ih, wminl wa (Ir"1.-.. The rnci'han! of AstorU have beii Invited to be the ru.-!. of I'ap'iUn Has- l.i 1 .1 h wt..tito..p V.lrtifo.i r,l an a trip thut will be made tomorrow from ini cny to or:n nlTe iHiini in oe of -tennier. The Vanmiard will leave at in a. m. A conference wim held yesterday be tween the nrlklnir marhlnti'ta and Proeldent Fox. of the Astort. Iron Work. The nen refused to aoori the term offered it n 1 Mr. Fox ordered them to removi their tool and personal property from the fholw anU consider nil negotiation off. Th. Ci. Ti. N. Co. ha ma le a nite of $6 from Axtorln and Portland for the I an -American exposition at Huffalo. Ticket will be on nale flm and thirl Tue-diy. June to October. Inclusive. The,, ticket must W used for rontln U'iu pn.iaKe ifinK. it topovers will be allowed within final limit return In sr. John KHckon, John Yelonien and Victor Lonherir. who were nrreste.i ( n romplilnt of M. Pnaivla. who clwu-R'd them with belnit of the mob who tried to run him out of town Saturday nlK'it hat been released on bond; of $jrrt each. The charge njralnft the men I threatening no kill, and the officer are looking for other person whom Sanrela can Identify a having N-en among the crowd. The steam schooner Pnatch. Can tain Johnson, rmimd yeaterday from Nush.iirik. -where she took a oanro of rwnnery supplied for the CJumbla Ulver PiM-kera' AswvJation. oapraln Johnson reported the presence of lanre quant rtlea of Ice In the vicinity of Dutch harbor, caused by the backward spring:. Considerable rouirli weather was en countered but at no time was the ship In serious danirer. One of the most imposing' and solemn ceremonies ever witnessed by an As toria comrreRaMon was performed Sun day In th Flrt Lutheran church of lTPPr Amorln. when a class of twenty younsr men and women were confirmed. Nine older members and three children were also received Into the church. Th- Rev. N. J. W. Nelson, of Mocow. Idaho, agisted In the services both mornlnsr and evening. The pnstor rev-elved $85 In irold as a Klft from the confirmation class. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Swan Island Poet Light. Wlllamtte River. Notice Is hereby given that this post light has been moved ta a wlllov ti-o 'ibout fifty feet back of tbe white stake on the lower end of Swan Island. It wll be replaced as soon as the pres ent freshot will permit. Hy order of the Llght-Huse Board. COMMANDED W. P. DAY. V. S. N. IJj?ht-Hoiie Inspector. An unknown man was found dead In Chlcairo. He left no letters. The next steo will be to discover his posthumous J poems. ARRIVED FROM NOME MAILCARRIKK HAVI.I S' I'FKM -OLS JOURNEY. Hrln(t Ncwm of Dcutli From Stain pvJcH to Reported Nov (old MclJv A twenty-! wo-huii'lr'.d-inid-flfty-mlle walk ovr the denoiate snowy reaches of Alaska. In tnld-wlntT, with the ; t hT o cold that the th-rmotneter refused to r'-Rister; without fool ttr bliinkeiM, HvIiik a b'-st one an on those desert of Ice Bnd snow, with her nnd there the hospitable hut of a lone ly pettier In which to obiiln sutenance and shelter; not a pleasant prospect perhaps but It I only a fraiement of Hi" perilous trip uiTimpllshed by I. L. liuyle. who arrived In Astorl.i yester day on the steam m-hoimer lesj'itch from NuHhaicak. I5iye a veteran of the Klondike. Short and to appearance, frail because of hi ulender phylque, his luilr lllc-r-ally besprinkle 1 with gray one can sean-ely Is-llevo he went through what he fl"l and llvwl lo tell It. Vet fur elK'tteen years I'.aylen hai been covering this selfsame Journey from the heart of winter-frozen Ala.'ka to the civili zation of the ta,t. There was an Incentive to urire him on. In the Pouches flunn over his shoulder were private mill for half u dozen blf cor poration, letters and paper to be turn ed over to the flrn t poMicfflf and spec 'al il;iatche of ImtMirtaticu to the war department at '.VahlfiKbii. it.ivles started for Nome city on Jan uary 3. With others bound f .r the fior.-n Interior he dUembarked at Cook Inlet und inide ready for the nerll.ius trio over'and At T.llinini hiy an unfortunate accident In-fell a ncMiiber of the party. FrI Illshop, nn einplove of the Alanka Commercial Co'iipany. was ciuifht on a l!"e of Ice th'at le'i'ime detnrhed fr'tn the main and wa Ix-inif hurne t the o-n s-.i bv the Hjw'.ft current. He wa forced to abnn Ion hi mall pouch, live doir and two sl-'dn and In order to ive his own life was ctnielled to Jump Into the Icy waters and swim to firm Ice. From Iillnaninjr lay the tiarty sirtick out for the headwaters if the Kuskokw lm ind. jinwee Hnif on, crowfl th-1 Yukon at the H ilv Cross tri:-don. The route then lav up the Snvlak river until Norton's sound was reached on the other side of whbh lay the city of Nome. Ilayle report conditions In N 'tne a b-'iiiK In every way favorable. Provis ion are plentiful In the city and (Tool meals are served f ir a qjarter. Houses are to be had for the ciretak'ng and very little want or suffering hail been reported. Out on the trails, h .wever. the story was different. M--n and wom en were frozen to death alonif the way side aivl In lonely cabins. Durlnu the winter two stviipede were started bv irresiinslble person, from each of which larg.' loss of life reulied. One rush was to the Point Hot district, some six hundred miles northeast of Nome, on the Arctic ocean. Hundreds nude the trip only to find the country barren, with no t!mler and n. gold. The other stampede was to a district some nix hundred and fifty mile north west where It was reported that the yellow rlvr had been discovered. A legend current in the camps of the north Is In effect one of the tributar ies to the Kurio'kwim la ao rich In metal that it Is deservedly called the yellow river. Many parties have seirched for ltbut nothing has so far oeen tounu. irovernmeni omciais warned person Intending to make the trip not to make the attempt unless Mberally supplied with provisions and cl.ithe. and those who disregarded the warning) came to grief. However some good strikes were im ported by Itavles. At the head of the south fork of the Kusk'kwlm, In the Kongalllon district a g Kd prospect was found, showing quantities of coarse gold. I'nfortunately water Is found at a depth of ten feet and It was Impos sible to get to bedrock. The field Is a promising one and when capital Is invested, ami the expensive machinery that will be necessary Is Inst illed, it will undoubtedly pun out big. Another strike was reported on the Ahkallk. about fifty miles from Oood News bay. At this point gold was found from the grass roots down In fine colors though but lit tk free gold appeared. About twenty Hve people aw sending the winter there and others are expected n the spring. Good reports were received from Ronanza cn-ck. where the Pans GREATSPEGIALSflLE China ware, ('rockerv, Glassware, Lamps, JardiiiciTs ami Jujs, Novelties. Bisque Ware, t Agateware, Silverware and Cutlery, Fish Sets, Game Sets, Dinner Sets, PRICES GIT 20 to 33 per cent Come Just to See OUH IffilWEJlSE STOCK OUR LOW PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOu Great American Importini Tea Co 671 Commercial Street, Astoria. yielded $2.90 from WJrork nd $1 25 a bucket on the dump. Oph'r cre-k In the White Mountain dUtrlct 1 turn ing to be rich and other point have ben favorably reporteJ. liayle reported very little crime dur ing the winter, although there I on case pending that may prove to be a cause celebre In the annal of the Ala kan court. Hayle' detail were de cidedly meagre but from what could be gathered one of a parry of thn?e who held up a man and cut hi throat, killing him Instantly, U the son of a governor of on of the t"t. The crime apparently Wa a particultrlv atrocious one, there being no motive other than robbery, the man having been In the babli of carrying lirg um of money. Hayle will car ry an Important me-ag to the tran portitlon corrfbanle In efff-t that boats will be unable to get to Alaskan p r,- until two week later than lat year. The winter ha ben unusually vere. the ce being three feet thb-k'-r than It wa lat yfir and the backwird st ring ha resulted In the breaking up of the ice being delayed. 'layle left Nome on hi trip on Arirll S'h, and came down the .-oat bv wav of St. Mlc'.ieal, Andreaofsky, Bethel. G'xd New bay and Tog'ak, at vh of which fxilnt he plckd up mall. Bayle was due In Seti Mav 20 and eper. lenteri all the peril of a irp !n mid winter. Thar he might make all pos sible speed Bayle took but ma!l quan- tlti of pr.A-lslori and no clothing or blink.t exeerrt what he Wore. He J bought dog teams, and relayed them at the end of each one hun Ired ml'e. In this way he marie fast time but h expense Involved waa considerable. For day h suffered for want of fo-d and the last 1100 mile he made alone, hiv. 'nir "mu"h'-d" altogether over 22-VI miles. IlayliM expjte j to catch th s-fiino-r Newport at Cook's Inlet, but found the Despatch af Nwiort. where she hid taken a cargo of cannery sup Idle for the Columbia Riv-r Packers' Association. Hiylea walUvl nine days' for the Iiespau-h to sail and dedu -t'ng the tlrne lost mile the trip nut from Nome City In twenty-three traveling day. B-ve "ta-el that there was consid erable I'tlgtitlon oendlng in the emir: tweause of the frequent redlstrlctlng of the country. This ha rei!td In! many claims b-lng transferred from i one district to another and Instances of claJm 1umtlng have Ieen numermi. Bayb-s brings out the first new and mail f rotnr None City hM winter. UEST lItATION OF RATES. Ch-ap Fares to Portland to Ccnae Fr! day. Commencing on June lit the rate le Iwwn Ast-iria and Portland will be rais ed. Although no definite announcement has b-n mide by either Mr. Ham mond's or Mr. Kamm'i representative it Is understojj from an authoritative source that the fare Till be J2 one w-av and $3 roun 1 trip on the railroad, and 11.75 and J2.50 on the ateimers. The restoration .if rates resulted from a mating held in Portland Saturday be tween the intjrested parties at which an un lrstanJlng was reached. It I alo believed there will b es tablish M a co.-nm.m point rate on lum ber from this city anl It Is rumored that three sawmill will be erected In Astoria at an early date. Walter C. Smith. .f Portland. repereent!ng Mr. Hammond. Is In the city, and was In confuvtice yesterday with the Tongue P nnt syndicate "elatlve to taking over th- timber land held by the company, The deil was not complete! and prob ably will not be for several days but there Is small doubt but that It will ultimately go through. The plan for the Tongue Point mill Includes the erec tion of a naner nuln mill. The Clatsop mills are to be rebuilt by M. J. Kin ney and William Bray, a millionaire Michigan lumberman, and It Is under stood that Mr. Hammond will erect a mill on the Young's river site, which he Inspected recently. In addition to Its other advantages It lies close to large timber holdings of Mr. Hammond's that he Is anxious to convert In-to market able lumbo-r. Pl'SH CLUB MEETING. Loial Rock Deposits to Be Examined fr Jetty Purposes. At the special meeting of the Pu.-h Hub held last night President F. P. Kendall appointed R. M. G.iston, C. W. Carnahan and H. G. Van Dusen as a committee to work In conjunction with a similar committee from the Chamber of Commerce in examining the deposits of rock In the neighborhood of Astoria with a view to determining whether or not it will be available for the w-ork of Jetty construction. A partial examination was made some time agv. at which time a' favorable report was made by experts. It Is es timated that the government will re quire stoie valued at Jl.000,000 for the jetty work. The cost of the experts will be between $700 and $S00 and It is the Intention of the committee to raise this amount by subscriptions from con tractors and merchants who are Inter- WHErtE DO TOU HAVE TOU TRIED A. W.SHIPLEY? 65S Commercial Street. DO YOU KNOW That he gives you the best there is to be had In the city for the least moneyT Place an order once and see. c. w. barr dentist Successor to Dr. Ball. 573 Commercial St.. ASTORIA. OR. TELEPHONE. RED 2061. THE LOUVRE The headlines of the program at the Louvre this week, are the clever and amusing Irish comedians, McSorley and Whltnev, who come to Astoria well rec ommended, after successful engage ments In the larger cities on the coast. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 221. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Care Will Receive Special Attention. No. ESS Duane St. Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK. Mr Re. TeL 1111. eated In th construction of the Jettle. Option will be cured cm land that prom! gool rock demwlt and It I the Intention of the committee to reimburse, the ubcrlber out of th proeeed of the ale. The names of th metilier of the. re gatta committee were not mad pub lic, th president stating that eleven men have been selected, to nerve on the committee. Several have been seen and hive accepted and the other will b asked to serve within a few day and the complete list will then be pub lished. The action of the committee appoint ed to ecure a guarantee fund for the establishment of a teamer line between Cathlamet and Astoria wa approved. The sum of X"'A hav been guaranteed the owner of the steamer, that will go on the run, for three month at the end of which Mm It I expected the enterprise will be paying. UNCLAIMED LETTERS. Following ' a Ht of letter remain ing thirty day In the postofflce at A torla, Oregon, May 27, 1901: Adamo. Albsandro !Koari. Isaac Anderson, Ch. iLoomi. Ir. C. F. A he. Wm. 'Limon. T. B. Ahlers. Loul V. iMeCormiek. Marth Brown. Martha A. iMcEwan. Lomaa Blghlll. Le iMorri Brc. BJarnaon. John iMille- LAura liey?r, A. !Meeng?tr. Will Carlson. Ott 8ch. INelson, Mr. Lor "Orace" Came. Mr. M. Prnn. Mike Hykefc. Lucy Klllott. Mr. W. W Foard. Wm. H. Falrrie. L. Fath?n. Jimo-j Hlckathur, G. Magown-l. A. Still, J. Ij. Stuart. Mr. A. L. Scrivner. Claud Smith. Mr. P. I. 'Smaldlng. Mrs. L iSmlth. Mm. Clara Sent or, Uobt. !Thoma. W. Win. Harry !Vue1;rl. Karlc Kaulber, Basie FOREIGN. Huxley. W. G. IWHlson. F. A. Oman, Hilda SEINING GROUNDS IDLE. Only Seining Being Done Is on Jim Crow Sands. James E. Meehan. th well-knwn einer. ! In the city. In speaking of the outlook this season. Mr. Meghan aid that enough of the season remain ed for the gillnetter and seiners to make good money. All seining, he ays. I suspended on the river because of BEFORE YOU BUY A PIAJiO OR Afl.OHGAfl It will pay you to write FILER'S PIANO ME OFFICE: 351 Washington St.. Portland Ore. 1ir .1 . i Ci 1-11 u e are uie great proui itinera Northwest, and with our special nrrrfln for less ruonev than vou O . today. Catalogues for the asking. Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos the Kim ball, the Chickering and the Weber together with eight other good makes. EILER'S Wm MS! III THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT i- FISHES BR0TMEP.S, Astoria. Ore. KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which Bottled beer for Iaaiu use or kesj Mr. John Kopp is proprietor, make, beer supplied at any time. Delivery, beer for domestic and export trade. In the city free. North Pacific Brewery PacificNavigationCompany Steamers-"Sue II. Elmore." "W. II. Harrison Only line- Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, Uobsonville. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad k Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R, for Sac Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply Ij Saititiel Elmore & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA. ORE. ( 0. R. &. N. R. R. Co., Portland. Agents A. A 0. R. R. Co., Portland. (B C. LAMB. Tillamook, Ore. gnninruinnruvuvvruinjir varuxruv uvuiriAnjinJVtvruxriru nnp I HiS PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. f I The Only Hlrt-CIos Hotel In Portland m ruruvuuxrtnnnuwinjx.mnjuuuuu THE ASTORIAN Delivered at or residence, lack of fish. The only exception U C-s Jim Crow sand., operation ort were begun a few day ago, Tlici l but a slight freshet In the river iwi a footi a the salmon mk their pearanre work will be commenced on sJl the groundi. Mr. Meehan dx- not hold to the tbe ory thtt salmon Invariably return i river In wh:h they nre spawned, ad believe that the tig run now in th Sacramento river l largely Coiiimirt river fish. In support of his belief tin cite the fact that Fraser river salmon have he"n found In the Columbia aft-i doe not see any reason why ColumhU river almon would not enter other riv er. Of course, he siys, it w the ex ception and not th rule when sa.lmo enter oth-?r river from those In whH.J they were spawned. 'DNaiBilUEIlNnOD tlltOK TII.U The secret service ha unearthed other band of counterfeiters and sector ed a large fjuantity of bogus bill, which are o cleverly executed that tb average person wrmld never suspect them of being spurious. Thing ot great Value are always selected Vy counterfeiters r Imitation, mitablir the celebrated Hostetter' Stomach Bitter, which has many Imitators but no eqoaJ for indigestion, dyspepsia, ?ontlpatloa. nervousness and general debility. Th Bitter set things right in the atom ach. and when the tomach Is In iroodl onler 1t make good blood and plenty of It. In this manner the B'ttterj get at the seat of strength and vitality and restore vigor to the weak and de bilitated. Beware of counterfeits whea buying. TREASURER'S NOTICE. i Notice Is hereby given that there art funds in the city treasury to pay ail warrant drawn on the general fund, and endorsod prior to December 1. 1500. Interest will cease after this date. F. J. CARNEY. City Treasurer. Astoria, Orgi. May 23, 1301. CHEAP EXCURSION TO THE EAST VIA O. R. & X. CO. To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha, Council Bluffs, Leavenworth, St. Junepii and Kansas City, $50 round trip. Tick ets on gale May 20 and June 7. Return limit 60 days; stop overs en route. Full particulars, berth reservations, etc, at ticket office. O. R. & N. dock. J t auu piano price regulators ui- facilities can sell a tine pianf can pet them elsewhere. X o illl your office, store 60c per month r