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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1901)
1HC MORXIXG ASWIaX. TIE!1 DAY. MAY 28. 1001 It "1 s i , 1 Telephone Main ML TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. 8eit by mall, per year $00 Cent by mall, per month., SO Served by carrier, per month 60 SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year, In advance. 12.00 All communication! Intended tor pub lication thould be directed to "Editor Astorian." Uuslness communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astorlan Publish ing Co." The Astorlan guarantee to Its ad vertiser the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can had on ap Hrstle to the business manager. Our city and county officers have dis played praiseworthy energy In prevent ing three disgraceful scenes of vlolenco on our streets within the past few days. Lynching bees, bulldog fights and fistic twites are no cred it to a community and the fart that the police haw been on their trail at a time when our municipal of ficials have undergone some sharp cri ticism from sundry sourc?s for laxity In dealing with law violators is worthy of more than passing notice. The re form needed In Astoria Is not. as some believe, more efficient officers but a bet ter class of laws. So long as public opinion sustains low licenses and conse quent cheap and abundant vice the common council is not likely to pass any repressive measures. The officers are evidently doing the best they can to enforce the laws as they exist. Until the taxpayers and other citizens come to a realisation of the fact that their Interests as well as those of the boys and young men of the community lie In higher licenses and the segregation of vice, there will be sharp criticism of the way In which the affairs of the city are run from those who wish to see a purer atmosphere in our cty. KIND WORDS FROM THE PRESI i . ' DENT. San Francisco Call. President McKlnley's speech at the launching of the Ohio on Saturday was in many respects the most notable ut terance he has made during his tour. It was in some sense a declaration of his public policies; an emphatic enuncia tion of hla devotion to the cause of Am erican labor, commerce and prosperity. It was with fervor he said: "'I am glad again to meet the workingmen of the country. All my public life has been devoted to give workingmen the best opportunity, the best chance for good wages and steady employment. When labor is well employed the coun try is safe, and there Is contentment and happiness in the home of the workers. Let us do our duty, the great Public duty, that confronts us; let us do It walking humbly before God. dealing Justly and mercifully and al ways asking His favor and guidance." ; From that dediration the world can ! take the measure of the statesman and die man. His statesmanship Is to es tablish security for the homes of the people by providing ample work for in dustry and ample wages to sustain workers In the comfort to which Ameri cans are entitled; and his religion is to carry out nls official duties with a BIG-HEAD CHILDREN with long thin necks you see them in every school want Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil, to build up their poor little shrunken scrawny bodies. School will be of no use to them. Something will carry them off. They have no play in them. There is no fun in playing, when everybody else can run faster, jump further, turn round quicker, and keep on longer. Big head is no harm; let the body be big too. We'll tnd yo i little to try it jrou like. SCOTT A BOVWiE, 409 Pearl itreet. New York. conscience ever heedful of divine e.nv mand. It is a simple platform, but it is sufficiently broad and strong to carry the best hopes of humanity. By the protective system with which ne president is more closely IdenUfleo. than any other living statesman the In dustries of the people have been built up and male secure. The next duty of the government I to mike clear the way for merchants to obtain largor markets for our products, and It Is an illustration of the progressive character of the man that the president now preaches the doctrine of commerce as earnestly as he ever preached of productive industry. The es-entlal point of hi speech of Saturday was a plea for American trade and American ships: and no plea could have been more ap propriate to the occasion or more In ac cord with the sentiment' of the audi ence. After giving dvie commendation to the skill of the workmen who constructed the Olympia. which s?rved Admiral Dewey as a flagship '.n that glorious vic tory In Manila Kay, and the peerless Oregon whose marvelous Journey around the Horn amazed the ex perts of the world, alluding to other no ble craft built in the 1'nlon Iron Works. be went on to say: "What we want is to build more ships. We ougnt to have a good commercial Hue from here to the Philippines, built by American workingmen, manned by American sail ors and carrying the American flag. There is nothing in thi world that brings people so close as c :nmetve. There is nothing In this world that so much promotes the universal brother hood of man as commerce, and e want to encourage commerce." The encouragement of commerce and the promotion of the American mer chant marine is indeed the Important Is sue of the time. So long as the great hulk of our export and import trade is carried In foreign ships we mus; pay annual tribute to the foreigner: and not only must the grent ship-building in dustries of the country lag Instead of going forward by leaps and bounds, but all other industries must suffer bv the annual drain of money and the loss of that addition to the home market which would be furnished by the ex tension of ship-building and the increase of our merchant fleets. All Californians will be gratified by the warmth with which the president spoke of the part California acted dur ing the war with Spain and particular ly with the patriotic praise given to our volunteers. We may long remember with Just pride the words spoken on the responsibility of the presidential office: "As the head of the nation. I want to thank the people of this coast for their noble work during the Spanish war. and I want to make special reference and acknowledgement, for I may not have another opportunity, to the gallant First California volunteers, that was among the first and almost the last to leave it. and performed conspicuous and gillant service In the campaign in the Philip pine Islands." Such words coming from the head of the nation are not to be taken as an idl? compliment. They stand as an of ficial recognition of the credit due to our young commonwealth and may rightly j he remembered with satisfaction. To j the workingmen, to the volunteers and to all Californians the speech appealed in the right way and by the right words. It is to be hoped, moreover, that all may profit by them and work together for the general good and the prosperity of the republic. WITH THE PARAGRA PHKP.S. For his part, Mr. Andrew Camgie congratulates himseh that he has hls'n in government bonds and cash in bank. Anaconda Standard. A prize should be offered for news papers which have not used "titanic" In describing the battle In Wall street. Duluth News-Tribune. New York has a policeman who can convene In seven languages, but he sadly admits his inability to un.j-rs:and golfers. Chicago C'hrJtiirl. Child labor may be an ls.-ue in Geor gia politics this yar. It ought to be an issue In rvery state where it has been tolerated. Brooklyn Eagle. When the great manipulators gt to fighting, the safe pi are fr the small fry is in the bomb-pnof of the sav ings banks. Pittsburg Dispatch. Schools and colleges exist for the pur pose of aiding us to k-:ep up with the knowledge of those who have never at tended them. Boston Transcript. The Gould dress-making bills, hav ing been liquidated, here's hoping that we may hear no more of the Gould dress-making bills, or of any other dress-making bill that ought to be paid, Philadelphia Inuulrer. Chicago's efforts to be recognised as a seaport will likely be every bit as successful as her ambition to be known as a summer resort. Washington Post. In trying to adjust things so as to give offense to neither, the president finds Tucoma and Seattle a veritable Scylla and Charybdi. Anaconda Stan dard. Much to the surprise and relief of th? Frenchmen, apparently J. lerpnt Morgin left Paris yesterday when he took his departure for L.Mtdon. Chicago Journal. You are much more liable to disease when vour liver and bowels do not act properly. DeWltt's Little Early Ris ers remove the cause of disease. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. It Is foolish to worry; yesterday was once today, and tomorrow will be today. The least in quantity and most In quality describes DeWltt's Little Early Risers, the famous pills for constipa tion and Tver complaints. CHAS. ROG ERS. Druggist. Humor is the spice of life; but even spice Is often out of place. DeWltt's Little Early Risers search the remotest parts of the bowels and re move the impurities speejliy with no discomfort. They are famous !or their efficacy. Easv to take, never gripe. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. We get three shocks at a shocking play-the play itself, the ieape we s-v then', and the people who see us there. Skin affections will speedily disappear by using DeWitt's Witch Haiel Salve. Look out for counterfeits. If you get DeWitt's you will get good results. It Is the quick and positive cure for pile. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. China would be glad to see the otlv countries pull out. but there w.u regr. when the Americans withlivw. Mr. W. J. Baxter of North Rrook. N C. says he suffered with pils for fifteen years. He tried many remedies with no results until he used De itt's m Itch Haiel Salve and that quickly cured him CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. The total of the Chinese Indemnity claims shows that the powers are acting as the advance agvnts of posterity. "Our little girl was unconscious from strangulaton during a sudden and ter rlble attack of croun. I quickly e cured a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, giving her three doses. The croup was mastered and our little darling speedily recovered." So writes A. L. Spafford. Chester. Mich. CHAS. RO ER8, Druggist Iowa Democrats are trying to throw cold water on Mr. Conger by making the campaign In that state thissear on state issues. "I have been suffering from dyspp sla for the past twenty years and have been unable after try! all prepira tions and physicians to get any r-lief After taking one bottle of Kodol Dys pepsia Cure I found relief and am now in better health than I have been for twenty years. I can not praise Kodol DvDeosia Cure too hlfrhly." Thus writes Mrs. C. W. Roberts. North Creek Ark. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. A Pittsburg bookkeeper is short J34.9fl9.4S and sonmho.v he remin Is us of a piece of old lice marke-1 down to ccst. If people only knew what we know about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It would be used In nearly every household, as there are few people who do not suffer from a feeling of fullness after eating, belching, flatulence, sour stomach or waterbrash, caused by Indigestion or dyspepsia. A preparation, such as Ko- dol's Dysppsia Cure, which, with no aid from the sto-na;h. will digest your food, certainly can r hem but do you good. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. If Tom L. Johnson goes wrong won't be for want of advice. it IT DAZZLES THE WORLD. No discovery in medicine has ever tre ated one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. It's severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. Far Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever, Hoarseness and Whoopingr Cough it is the quickest, surest cure In the world. It is sold by Frank Hart wno iruarantees satisfaction or refunds money. Large bottle 50c and $1.W Trial bottle free. Difference of taste In Jokes is a great strain on astonishment. STRIKES A RICH FIND. "I was troubled for several years with chronic Indigestion and nervmis debil ity." writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster. N. Y. "No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicine I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are Just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand itonlc and invlirorator for weik. run down wwien. No other medicine can take its place In our family." Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaran teed by Hart's Drug Store. Getting into an Irrelevant environment Is what makes quesr people look u,uer. IT GIRDLES THE GLOBE. The fame of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, as the best In the world, extends round the earth. It's the one perfect healer of Cuts. Corns. Hums, Bruises, Sors. Scalds, Boils. Ulcers. Felons. Aches. Pains and all Skin Eruption". Only in fallible Pile Cure. 2'iC a box at Hart's Drug Store. The man who has never written a foolish love lefer has not taken all the degrees. BLOWN TO ATOMS. The old idea that the body sometimes needs a powerful, draalie, purgative pill has been exploded; for Dr. King's .r Life Pi!', which are perfectly harm less, gently stimul ite liver aiid birwels to expel poisonous ma:ter, cleanse the sys tem and absolutely cure Constipation and Si--k Headache. Only 25c at Hart's Drug Store. THE GREAT SCOURGE of modern times Is consumption, Many cures and discoveries from time to time are published but Foley 'a Honey and Tar does truthfully claim to cure ail cases In the early stages and always affords comfort and relief In the very worst cases. Take no substitutes. Hart's drug sure. A New York man ate a quart of strawberries and ihen committed sui cide. Thus we iiiv drugged to our des truction by reckless extravagance. Miss Mamie Smith. f Mlddlesboro, Ky.. writes: "My little sister had the .touu very bad. I gave her several doses of Foley's Honey and Tar and she was Instantly relieve I. It saved her life." Hart's drug store. We will be ip-tred at least one Inflic tion : Aggies English Is not even lit for publication In a niiignxlne. Thomas Maple. Rirkbeck. III., writes: "I had a very bad case of kidney trouble and my back pa me.! me so that 1 could mt straighten up. The doctor's treat ment did me no good. Saw Foley's Kidney Cure advertised and took one bottle which cured me and I have not been affe-ted since. I gladly recom mend this remedy." Hart's drug titore. Chairman Jon-' holds that If there .s to be a reorganisation of the IVtno cratlc party it must come from the In side. And Jon s 'eels as If he wore verv much on the Insldt-. Oeorge C. Hitchcock. Curtiss. Wis., savs: "Foley's Kidney Cure has been tested and found to be all vou claim for it. I have given it to my father and It Is the only tiling that ever helped him." Hart's drug store. Professor Ooorve 1. 11 'iron, the pi fessiomil'T. 's li' m.irrv a w. mi in w ho's $I.(Hi,iVni in ln-r own name Like other advanced think ers. Ueorge Is strong-" in his stunt. Mr. F. D. Arnold. Arnold. Iowa, writes: He was troubled with kidney disease about thre years. Had to g't up several times durinc the night but three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure effect! a complete cure, he f.el. better than he ever did and recommends It to. his friends. Hart's druK store. Th Hon. Webster Dav s ha bonitht n farm fnr Wl.h the other JITT.- 000 he mlitht stock the farm with a bee and .1 I-Vlglnn har- and become a gen tleman farmer. If you are sick all over and don't know Jus: what ils you. It's ten to one your kidneys are out of order. Fo ley's Kidney cure will bring you health and energy. Hart's drug store. Sum- unfivorable comment Is made because President Castro has been able to av t.' In two years n a salary of $12,000. Frugality In public life alwavs attracts attention. ' I had a running sore on my breast for over a year." says Henry R. Rich ards, of Wlllseyvllle. N. Y.. "and tried a great many remedies but got no re lief until I used Banner Salve. After using onvj-hair box I was perfectly cured. I cannot recommend It too high ly." Hart's drug store. Woman d.'s :t dress to add to her attractiveness, but to make some other woman mad. The greatest skin specialist In Amer ica originated the formula for Banner Salve. For all skin diseases, all cuts or sores, and for piles. It's the most healing medicine. Beware of substi tutes. Hart's drug store. A New Jers-y man has patented a bullet-proof armor which he says !s intended to ward off danger In war, but the Jersey mosquito goes right on rec ognizing these oft-repeated shps at hl prerogatives. SOSfETHING NEW. Just published by the Southern Pa cific Co. Is a phamphlet upon the re sources of Western Oregon, which In cludes an excellent map of the state, and contains Information on climate, lands, education, etc., existing Indus tries and their capabilities. Attention Is also directed to such new fields for energy or capital aa promise fair return. This publication fills a need long ex perienced by Oregonlans. In replying to inquiries of eastern frlands. Conies may be had of local agent Southern Pacific Co., or from C. H. MARKHAM. O. P. A.. Portland. Or BESTOF EVERYTHING In a word this telli of the Passenger Service via f he Horthwesfern line.. Eight Train Dally between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest Pullman Sleepers, Peerless Dining Cart, Library and Observation Can, Free Reclining Chair Can. The 20th Century Train Runs Every Day of txve Tear. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated THE BADGER STATE EXPRESS, the Finest Dally Train Running Between St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line. Connections from the West made via The NORTHERN PACIFIC. GREAT NORTHERN and CANADIAN PACIFIC R'YS. This is also the BEST LINE between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Ail agents sell tickets via The Northwestern Line W. H. MEAD, H. L. SISLER, General Agent. Trav. Agent, 243 Alder Street. Portland. Oregon. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. lr. PORTLAND. ' " ArrN; 8:00a. in. Portlnd Union Depotllltld 'm. 6.65 p.m.for Astoria and lnter-i:40 p.m. Imedlate point. ) " ASTORIA" 7.5a.m.jFor Portland! A ln-ll:M.m. MO p.m.fternt 'dlate points 110:30 p.m. RKA8IDB DIVISION. Il:.tta. m. VSU p. III. H::) a in a n m. a :iO (. ill. ASTORI'A 7 4ii a in 4 11 i. Ill II O.I III I. Ml p III 7 M p. Hi i SEASIDE Sunday inn) All trains make close connections at fioblo with all Northern Pacific trains to and from (he East or Sound points, J. P. MAYO. Oen'l Fr't and Pasa, Agnt J.A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , li Travel UXUfllOUS The "Northwestern Limited" train, I electric lighted throughout, both Inside una out. ami steam heated, are with out exception, the finest train In the ivoriu. iney emiMHiy the atest. newe.t uiul best Ideas for comfort, convenience mi luxury ever odered the traveling public, uttd altogether are the miwt complete and splendid production of the car builders' art. These Splendid Truim Connect With The (!rcut Northern The Northern rtu'lflc nnj The Canadian I'adfk- AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for these superior accommodations and all classes of tick ets are available for passage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Block System. W. H. MEAD. II. L. SISLER. General Agent. Traveling Ag"U Portland. Ore. I Depot. Fifth nd i-eave l i S,rWrU. Xrrv, wveriana Expresa Trains for Salem. Koseburg. Ash laJld. S&rrtm.nM w p m Ogden. San Fran- 9:1S a m ciaco, aiojave. Los Aniri-le. PI Pi.n a.M a.m .Ne Orlean and '7 00 n . - . .... k wie cast. At Woodburn (dally except Sun day), morning truln connects with train for Mt. An sel, Sllverton, Brownsville, Springfield, and Natron, and even ing train for Mt. Angel and Silver ton. iM .ju a.m ( orvallls passen !5:M p m l8:25a.m ger. 4:50 Sher(jan passen- ger. Dally. I'Dally eeDt flundar Rebate tickets on salt between Port land. Sacramento and San Francisco. .Net rates 117 first class and $11 second class. Including sleeper. n and ,!, ket" 10 Extern points and Lurope Also Japan. China. Hono lulu and Australia. Can be obtained Jnr.mAB- Klrk'nl. Ticket Agent. 134 Third Street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Pasenger depot foot sf Jefferson St Leave for Oawego dally at 7:M. IM a. rn; 1I:J0, 1:65, i:26, 6:15, t:2i. 1:01. U. JO P. Hi. nrt a nt nn O,...... ?.?ny" . ,HV' at prtlaa4 daily at :!. 5:- "i 1:36. 1:15. 4:10, 2, :40, 10:00 p. m: 12:40 a. m. daily x-cei-t. Monday; 8:30 and 10:05 a. ra. 00 Sundays only. Leavt for Dallas dally, except Sun day, at 4:30 s. m. Arriv Pnrti.nA at 0:30 a. m. Paasenger train leav Dallas for Ainee nionaays. Wednesdays and Fri days at 2:45 n. rn Rutnrn. Thmivi inurKMji ana cataraays. R. KOEHLER. Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. Oen. Frt. and Pass. Agt EW N ERESTING ACTS When people are contemplatln A trip, whether on business or pleasurs, they naturally want ths beat service obtalnabls as far as speed, comfort and safety Is concerned. Employes of ths WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our trains ar operated so aa to make close con nections with diverging lines at all Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dlring car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central lines and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago. Milwaukee and all points East. For any further information call on any ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Oen. Pass. Ag't.. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. General Agent. THE CHICAGO ft NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. mm? , fair WHITE COLLAR LINE (Telephone Dock.) Columbia River and Pugst Sound Nav igation Company. The Tahoma leaves Astoria daily ex cept Sunday at 7 p. m. I-csves Portland dally except Sun day at 7 a. in, White Collar Line tickets, O. R. A N. tickets and Ilwnco Ry A Nav, Com. puny tickets Interchangeable on Ta Iioiih mid IliiBwiilc. Through Port liind connection with steamer Nahcotta from llwaco and lamg I leach points, Telephone No. 111. A. J. TAYLOR. Astoria Agent. K. W. CRICHTON. PoUund Agent Ifr UN. A fumlllnr nam for th Chicago, Miluaukee A St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union aa the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" trains very day and night betwocn St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "Tli only perfect train in lha world." Understand: Connections ar made with all transcontinental lines, aecurlng to pawengvrs the best ssrvlos known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, strain hei, of a verity tqualcd by no othe.' I1.1t Sf that your ticket reada via "Tht Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada. All ticket agents sell thetn. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, nddres. J W. CASEY. C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pan. Aft.. Oen. Agt., Portlard, Oregon. Portland. Or GRADE T HI". KSTAltl.lSllKl). Notice Is hereby given, the Com mon Coun - of the i-itv of .s:oi-;a In tenils to es'nbllsti the gm.le on Kr itik 1 tit avenue In that part of tlw City of Astoria us lalj out nod record'! by John Adair, froin Thlrty-lxth street to Kirtv-flf:i siret. ut the following helirht above the bane of gnid'S as -tibllslu'd bv orilliiaiiie No. 71 of said city, elltltlel, "All 01 d n.M'.ie to entail ll!l ft has" of Ki ll I' S for the streets of AsMrln." to-wlt: At the Intersi-ctlo'i ( Kr.inkliti avf. nue wl'h Thirty-seventh Htiwt at 123 fiet on the went side mid 125 feet on the eiit wide; at the Intel vion of Franklin avenue and Tblrty-.-lghth tr.-"t U7 f.-et on the Weat side nnd HO feet in the sUe; nt tile l:iler'C lion of Krmklln avenue and Thlrtv ninth street 179 feet on the WiS( side and IK? feet oil the east side; nt the Intersection of Franklin avenue and Fortieth street ?:'l fivt en the west HUP and 2:i feet 011 the east Rid': at the lnterctl n f Krniklln avenue and Foriy-fli-st !r-t '''O feet on the w.nt side and I-in feit nn the east side; at the Intersection f Fnuiklln avenue and Forty-second rwet 2.H fwt on the west side nnd 217 feet on the eal Side; at the Intersection of Franklin avenue and Forty-third stn-et 213 feet on the t side and 213 feet m the east ld: at the Inters cilon of Franklin avenus -nd Forty-fourth street 231 feet on the west side and 229 feet on ill., rust side: at the Intersection of Fnuiklln avenue ami Forty-fifth sint 193 fet on both si les The street and the gride there of between the ):tts deslg luti-d e to le on a straight nnd even slops tbrougtiout :h entire wdith thereof. This notice Is ordered pubiish'sl In the Morning Astur'nn for t-n ilii- by resolution of the I'ointlioll Council adopie,) on -he 20!h day of May. 1901. thr flrt publ cation tlvreof teig on the 2.".r! day of My I Wit 11. E NELS')N. Auditor an. I pnllc Judge of the City of Ast rl 1. NoTli'i: Kolt I'CMI.Ii'ATloN I'lllted Stile Ijind Otllce, Oregon city Oregon, Mav 20. itioi: No. lee lii her-by given Iii com pl.ancu with the proilxlnus of the net of emigres of June 3, 1H7H, entitle! "An act for the inle of timber land In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Vahliigtoii Territory," as extend ed lo all th- public I mil xtalen by act of August 4. ISM. William W. Pope, of Olney, County of i'liito,i. State "f Oregon, hit thlM lay nieil In LIiIh nhVe hi sworn statement. No. 0271. for thr purchase of lot 4, . 3; lots I, 2, 3 anl 4, of auction No. 4, in township No. north, rang- No. " wl, and will offer proof :o show that the lend sought I more valuable for Its limber or stone than for agricultural puriw.n, and to establish hi claim to uld lund before the register and r Iver of this office at Oregon City, op'gon, on Thursday the nth day of August, 1901. He names as wltnenses: Mrs. Mary Dew-It, of Olney. ClalsOn County, Oregon: Sebantlnti (llnser. of Olney, Clitiop County. Oregon; Mrs Appollotila Johnson, of Oln-y, Clato;i County, Oregon; Sidney Dell, of A"to rla, Clatsop Cmmty. On-gon. Any anil all person rlaJmlng adverse IV the abovedeorlbe J land are re quested to file their claim In thla of fine on or bnfore said H'.h day of Au gust, 1901. CHAS. II. MOORKM. Ib'glster. CONTEST NOTICE. Denartment of the Interior, United States Land OfT.ce, Oregon City, Ore on. April 29, 1901. A sufficient contest aflldavlt having been filed In this ofllce by Albert Lnlch hardt, contestant, against homestead entry No. 115S2, made October 12th 1893, for lots 8 and 9 of Sec. 29, and lot 6 and the N. W. Vt of 8. W. Vt of Sec. 28. townwilp 4 north, range 8 wet, by Charles B. Nawn, contwtep, in which It Is alleged that contestant "knows the present condition of the same; also that said Chirles E. Nawn abandoned his said homesteid entry for more than six months prior to the expiration of five years from the date of his entry, to-wlt: for more than six months prior to Oc tober 12, 1900; that said tract of land was and Is not settled upon and culti vated according to law by the suld Charles K. Nawn; that said Charles B. Nawn never established a bona llde res Idence upon said claim; that the ab sence of said Charles E. Nawn from said homestead claim was and Is not due to employment In the military or naval service of the United States dur Ing time of war; said parties are here by notified to appear, renpond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 15th, 1901, be fore the Register and Receiver at the United States Lmd Ofllce In Oregm City, Oregon. Th" said contestant having, In a prop er aflldavlt, filed April 29, 1901, set forth facts which show that after due dili gence, personal service of this notice pan not be made, It Is hereby O'dered and directed that such notice be given bv due and proper publication. WSI. GALLOWAY, Receiver. NOTICE OF AI -M 1 N IMTR ATION. Notice Is hereby given lo ait wli'Hti It may cmicern, that the und"rlgind hu been appointed the adiitinlsirator of tho estate of llulll (lamer, deceased; and all person having claims iiguinst the sold estate must present tho samt to the Ulldeisimvd iluly vnrlflml, nt Ids olllce In the A mot-la Havliigs liNtik, at the Cltv of Asl rli, In Clatsop county, In I lie Stale of Oregon, on or befurs sll tnotitlis from this date. JolIN W. OARNEIt. Administrator, Dated at Asiorlii. Oregon, this 14th .tny of M11 v. A, li. 1901. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice s hereby given, that the un dersigned tin been appointed adminis trator, with the will annexed, of tht estate of John C. Trullltiger. deceased, and nil personi having claims against the estate of s.ild deceased must rr sent the Mine to the undersigned, duly verified, nt the nttlce of the West Hhors M Us Compmy, at the corner of lloml and Trnih streets. In the Cltv of As toria. In Clatsop County, Oregon, with in six months from this dats P. A. Tltt'LLINOER. Administrator. Daied nt Astoria. Oregon. May loth. A. P.. 1901. A DM IN I ST RA TO R APPOINTED. IN THE COUNTY COt'RT OF TUB COUNTY OF CI.ATSOP. In the matter of th state and ad mission to probate of the last will and testament of David Wbltnry, Jr., de ceased : Notice Is hereby given that I have this day be'-u Appointed by the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for flat sop county, ndiiiiiltrtor-wlth-the-wl). annexed of the estate pf pa, 'id Whit ney. Jr., deceased All perna having claim agnltist ld cMie nre hereby notified to present the iine o Hie, prop erly verirl- l, at (he iftl. e f tint cmiMy , clerk of Cliilsop County, Oregon, with in six months from th' .'a!'' w. v crnT:-. Adtiilnlitr.itor of the entnte of David Whltnev. Ir , iecend ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Notice hereby given ih un. .lertlgtied have bren appointed niirtnia Irntots of ttie estate of Alfred If. Stone, deivimed. by the County I'ourt of C.itop County, Oregon, and tin- all t.Titn hiving cliilm agaliist pal 1 tale are h'-retiy required to prent 'h same to the urvl Tilgne.l duly verlf)! an by law provided, within six rmnthn from the date of Ihl n.tlee. Vert fleet rla'nis agiiltint mil l entate tny h" prs enle,l either to the undersigned H O. Van !llen. . hl office, n Aiori, oteg n. or Mr. J. D MeFarUne t hi oftlre of btioiness, at Ktinppi, Orvg.Ol All lirr.onn In trbted to mil. I rutate, ST hereby requlretl to pay Uch Indebted tiem. II. G VAN Dt'nN. J. D M'FARLANE. Administrator of tlio Etat of Alfred) H Sione, pe-eae. Dated this lt day of May. 1901 SHERIFF'S SAU:. II)' virtue of an ex. lltJoil and order of nale lMUe. out of ;tie. em lilt court of the of oivgutt f,w the Cunty of Clat () n May 22. !9o, up'wi Judgment and order of jlt. ien,'Tet therein Minn in, 1199. In favor of Rluke, M. Full Company, plalfillff, anil aKain't ileoige Itihhert. defendant, f.r the sum of IIH.1C, together lih inter est thereon frotn date if Judgment at th" ri'e of s , t emt x-r annum and the owl of ihm writ, iNeiimanilliig mw to levy tl ill th" oropertv of nil 1 ,e (,ni rllie. In n.i.1. 1 older of al. to s't 1 1 Judgment. !iiterei nn.t colt. I di I I'-VV llpoll the foll H.lg dexerlhel fenl'H r'y: Ie 9 .1 tt t 10. In bl'K k I I. In the Toivu of . ..vll'l: lot 1, 2. .!. 1. . 'I nnd 7. in t.l.x k 9. in the Town .f Hill Kiri Addll ..u t. Aitoil.i; I,,) 2. in l.... k I'i. In the T wn of S.-HI RiN-k lle.nh. and Mi aii't 2S, In hlo.-k 2, 01 the Trt 11 of I.oig Itninch, .ill in ('ia',, Couniy. oirg.n, ind that I dl 01 Mondiv. thi- ;ci iliv of June, ('Mil, lt the ii'.ur f b 1 '1 lo. k In th" forno n of nld d.iv In the fruit door .f the eoiiit li t.e lr the City of ntoiu. Ciuo County, Ofeg il, Nell It .lll- a'l tio 1 1, (he ll gllenl bidder for clIAll the .1 te We .,e. rrlbed leal property to a:l-ify i'I liidgiiient, Inter.': nnd ,ill .n. ruing ol THOMAS LIN villi:. Sheriff of ('Pit n County, Oregon. AhIoiI.I, Olegotl, May 22. 1901. SHERIFF'S SALE I'.y Virtue of .in exeeutl'MI nnd Older of .le Ineiled out of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for the County ofClttsop, on the 14th liiv of May t; upon it Julgeiu-nt rend -red therein mi the 20th day of Fehiuiii v. Ivn. t: fuvor nf Myrn Russell, ilnlnllff. nnd against Mary I (iillette. ib rendant. for the niim of ti'et:i.40, the nun of .",1140 h iving been a1lflel, leaving a bilniice ilue on said Jlldgmeii; of the .uin if SIH.'i, together with lilt T "it thereon at the rate of 10 per cent p-r annuiii, nn I 'lie cont of and upon tbl writ c-inmanillng nnd re. (liilrttig me to levy upon the u..pprty of the abov named defendant to satisfy the balance of mid liidgiiient, ntrcit. costs and all aci-rulng cokI. I did on the Hth d.iy of May, 1901, ittach tht following dewrlbcd real property, to wlt: Lot 9. 10, 11, 12. 13. Sub. of Rlk. ?,3 lot 0. 7, 23. 24, 2.ri. 2. Sub. of lllk. 64; lots 8. P, in, jl, p., sub. of Hilt. 78: lot 1, 17, 27. 28, 29, 30, Sub. of Itlk. 99; lots 11. 12. lllk. 49; lots 7. S, ft, lllk. 88; and all thai portion (,f block llj des cribed ii follow; beginning nt (mint on the north line of i 8 n sild block. 1M feet eat -4 the northwest corner thereof and thence running east along the north line of said lot 6 and lot 5. 27 feet, thence south on a line paral lel with the west 'Ine of said lot 0, 50 feet, thenc west 27 fet. thence north to the place of beginning, being porthins of lots fi ,m. 6 in nl I block in. In the City ir Astoria, as nl, out and recorded by John M. Shlvelv Lot 2, In Sec. 21. Tp. 8. N. f )t, R. ...t of the Will. Mer., 37 03 acre. Regln at south bound iry of Shlvelv n T. r 414.RA feet west of S. E. corner of rn'd i. 1.. . ana run thence N. and parallel with the K. line of aald I). L p. to Houth boundary of pip,. Un,, rj of W thence west along mild It. of W. to n point 191.S feet west of mmi tin of tract herein described, thenc.. south and par illl to enst line of trnrO herein described to south boundary of siild D. ' - 'iieiico along nld unuili line to beglnnltig, containing 4 41 n.Tes u Ti. 8, N. of R, 9, w st of Will. Mer.' All of 'nn 'I'Scrlheii rea riroiirf u t.elntr ln Clatsop inutily, Oregon. Notice s herebv riven II1..1 T ..01 - Monday, the 24ih day of June, ii.ui, at the hour, of ten o'clock In th- forenoon of snld day In front of n,i m n... r.,. House door In the Cltv of Astoria, Clat sop county, Oregon, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash the ahova deHcrlbed real said Judgment, Interests, costs nn(l ail accruing costs. Tuns. Ltwtt.t.r Sheriff of Clatsop County, Or. Astoria, Oregon, May 11th, 1'JOI. j -