1HB MOKXIXC ASTOKUX SUNDAY. MAY R 1901 t i Telephone Main ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bert by mall per year 1100 Sent by mall, per month..... 50 Served by carrier, per month $0 SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year, In advance, 12.00 All communications Intended tor pub lication ihould be directed to "Editor Astorian." Business communications ef all kinds and remittances must he addressed to "The Astorlan Publish ing Co." The Astorlan guarantee to Ita ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia nver. . Advertising ratea can bad on ap- ttratlnn r the business manager. The papers of the Northwest are prac tically unanimous in condemning the recent brutal attacks of the Oregonian upon President MkKlnley. Wisconsin has an Innovation In an export tax on Ice. It Is a bad prece dent and will- probably be declared un constitutional. Perfect freedom of trade between the states ta one of the prin ciples of our government which we should be In no haste to abandon. Aeuinaldo thinks that American gov ernment of the Philippines, in order to . be satisfactory to the Filipinos, mut conform strictly to the constitution. If he were the astute statesman which the amis affirm he Is. he would un derstand that the same thing would be . essential to make American rule In the .Philippines satisfactory to the American people. We have not yet reached the point where we are willing to see our officials override that foundation of our institutions and because of our faith In the present admlni?tr.tlon's course as constitutional It was re-elected. TARIFF PROBLEM IX THE ISL ANDS. Tacoma New. The supreme court has not yet decid ed the cases which have been argued before It Involving the constitutionality of special tariff legislation for Porto Rico and the Philippines. The practical Question before the court is whether or not the Island possessions which the federal government acquired under the provisions of the treaty of Paris are now a part of the United States and subject to the constitution and general laws. The constitution vests In con gress the power "to lay and collect tax es, duties. Imports and excises, to piy the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the Unit ed States;" but declares that "all du ties. Impost, and excises shall be uni form through :ut the Vnited States." If the euDreme court should decide that this provision of the constitution applies to Porto Rico and the Philip pines, there would be a decided change of sentiment ag to the desirability of their acquisition. In faet, some almost insurmountable difficulties would be im.,. o,u -j. a jTunii ot-iiurmall, in an I .rtini. i r-mv. n-, ....... . - doe not seem feasible in any way to' assimilate the tariff of one Philippines to that of the United States. The two tariffs are today as far apart as are the corresponding economic, industrial and social conditions of the two countries. Two-thirds of the total value of the imports of the Philippines consist of rice, cotton yarn, nails and wire, stee rails, petroleum, drugs and chemicals. paper, silk, spirits and still wines; and a Distress after eating to ewued from th stomach out r?" 'If work immediately. Dottl it MtTto work you fl &' trsd-lh food Uys In your stoa aca like weight. .Jo lrt diK8tIoo-to mk th stomauh do iu work yea mast udrt U wrkBr ,U)maoi ta WBk or l"r Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 WkfUrmaa soppllM the itoia ac wltt aMenarr acids and jolow whiak ditrsst the food qnickli i taa iwy aiaaoar. To gt the best aw &U4wla-s HaWth Tablrts iWkSa " ot Wo and FRAITK kart. Successor ta Th. Olaea. MO-S Com. 0t comparison cf the Philippine duties with rhe United States duties on these arti cles will show how fundamentally Ir reconcilable the tariffs appear to be. Rlc. for example. Is the chief fod of the Philippine people and '.he Philip pine duty on It Is 1" cents per hundred weight. The duty on rice entering the States Is 13 per hundred weight. It would be absolutely out of the nueMion to raise the Philippine duty on rice to the latter figure. Food Hi-: would be Incited everywhere in the archipelago. The ccnditlons which prevail in the Isl ands are so essentially different from those which obtain her that an assimi lation of the tariff would be 'mprac tlcable. In addition to this point made by President Sohurman, It may be added that consl ierable opposition would be raised In this country to the admission to the United States free of duty of all the products of the inlands. This oppo sition would become even more serious were American capitalists to establish certain Industrial enterprises In the isl ands, employing the cheap labor there obtainable, and were they then to send the finished prod-jet Into the States free of duty, to enter Into competition with the product of American labor. Another matter of practical Import ance which hinge upon the decision of the supreme court In the pending cases arises out of a clause In the treaty of Taris which assurt's to Spain for a pe riod of ten years equal advantage with the United States In the markets of the Philippines. If the clause of :h" consti tution above quo:ed applies t the new ly acquired islands, there will be free trade betw-en the states and the islands as there 's between the several states, and in that event Spain will laim the privilege of free trad with the Islands for ten vears under th treaty of Paris. And were Spanish products admitted to the Philippines free of duty, what would prevent their reshipmen. to the Unite 1 States without the Imposition cf the tariff tax. To be sure, the treaty of Paris gives only a trade privilege to Spain in the Philippine i.-lands. but :hjre would be grrat difficulty In restricting the privilege If the Philippines ate en titled to free trade with the Unite, States. Eminent lgal authority Is divided on the proposition that the constitution follows the flag. The late President Harrison, one of the great constitution al lawyers of his generation, frankly ex pressed his conviction tint it does, even though such a conclusion was unfavor able to the position which his own narty had assumed. But on the other hand, there ire great lawyers who take the opposite view. The question has been arguel pro and eon before the learned iudes of the supreme court. They are taking a long time to dlb-rare on the question. The future policy of the Unit ed States with respect to colonial en- terorises depends on thv decision which is soon to be announced. Should it lian- pen to accord '.vi'h the late President Harrison's views, a lar?e number of people will lose their Interest in our island Possessions. But It is harjlv probable that the court will reach such a conclusion. WITH THE PARAGRAPHERS. K've it to the trusts. This is one of the ?ranJ Wivll-avs of this glorious country. 'Washington Star, It will be worth while watching the btar that walks like a man hustling for cover if young Mr. Phil'lps ever gets after him. Record-Herald. In Statuary hail, Washington, two niches are left for Kansas busts. Per haps this accounts for Aunt Carrie's activity. Montana Record. Frederick Harrison, the English Pub licist, savs the United States has come out cleanest and best from the Chinese imbroglio. Kansas City Star. When Emperor William gets weary of n diet he shuts It sff. This Is where William has a big advaniage over peo pie who board. Record-Herald. Steel plants are not sprouting as nu merously this spring as last, but those of the previous year are growing strong and thrifty. Pittsburg Dispatch. The oystsr season is closed and the Republicans have carried Baltimore a combination of dprsssing events for the Maryland city. Chicago Chronicle. It is not likely that any persuanions which Mr. Towne could bring to bear would tempt Aguinaldo from the com forts of a surrender. Washington Star. The Gainsborough hat Is com'ng In again. The Gainsborough .8 a teauM- ful creation, hut in a theatre it has the effect of a barn door with feathers on It held up In front f y.iu Minne apolis Journal. Wo repeat that we violate no lonfl donee in asserting that the kicker aaalnst the president's tour of the states wouldn't think of raising a foo If they had been included among the lt of guests. Philadelphia Inquirer. TO C( P.E A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo-Quitilne Tab lets, 25c. There's no good reason whv McKIn ley should not get the honor of LU l rrom Harvard. Me got a degree of at least equal Importance twice from the Electoral College. You are much more liable to disease when vour liver and bowels do not act properly. DeWltt's Utile Early Ris ers remove the cause of disease. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Someone hasestimued that there are 147 different purposes to which a wo man may put a hairpin. The least In quantity and most In quality describes DeWltt's Little Early Risers, the famous pills for constipa tion and l'ver complaints. CHAS. ROO KRS. Druggist. Cvnlclsm may be fashionable, but It has very disagreeable effect on the corners of the mouth. DeWltt's Little Early Risers search the remotest parts of the bowels and re move the Impurities spe-'JIiy with no discomfort. They are famous tor their efficacy. Kany to take, never gripe. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. There's a new walk that I fashion able. It Is known as the golf limn. One need not be club-footed to indulge in it. Skin affections will speedllr disappear by using DeWltt's Witch Haiel Salve. Look out for counterfeits. If you get De Witt s you will get good results. It is the quick and oositlve cure for piles. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. No matter how homely a man mav be. some woman thinks him good-looking. Mr. W. J. Baxter of North Brook. N. C says he suffered with pil" for fifteen years. He tried many remedies w 'th no results until he used DeWltt's Witch Haxel Salve and that quickly cured him. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. We shout-.1 be as charitable 'o other people's faults as we are to our own. "Our little girl was unconscious from strangulaton during a sudden and ter rible attack of croup. T qulcklv se cured a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, giving her three doses. The croup was mastered and our little dar'.lng speedily recovered." So writes A. L. Spafford. Ch-ster. Mich. CHAS. ROG ERS. Druggdst. The Constitution may follow the flag, but of course it's expected to 1 ad every thing when it com- to yachts. "I have been suffering from dyspep sia for the past twenty years and have been unable after tryiff all prora tions and physicians to get any relief, After taking one bottle- of Kodol Dys pepsia Cure I found relief and am now In better health than I have been for twenty years. I can not prais Kodol Dyspepsia Cure too highly." Thus writes Mrs. C. W. Roberts. North Creek Ark. CHAS. ROOER3. Druggist. The plow makers are to form a com bine. If the trus: idea is sroing to fat ten on the lind they'll havj their share in it. If people only knew what we know- about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would be used In neirly every household, as there are few people who do not suffer from a feeling of fullness after eating, belching, flatulence, sour stomach or waterbrash. caused by Indigestion or dyspepsia. A preparation, such as Ki dors uysppsia (,ure. which, wttn no aid from the stonah. will digest your food, certainlv cin'r heln but do you good. CHAS." ROGERS. Druggist. When a lecislat'ir calls his fellows asses It would sem to be in order for the speaker to tell him he was forget ting himself. SAVES TWO FROM DEATH. "Our little daughter had an almost fa tal attack of whooping cough and bron chitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland. of Armonk. N". Y.. "but, when all other remedies fi'!(d. we saved her life with Ir. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had consumption in an advanced stage. alsD used this wonderful madiclne and today Khe is perfectly well." Des nerafe throat ana lung diseases yi-'ld tD Dr. King's New Discovery is to no oth er medicine on earth. Infallible fir CouEho and Colds: .'0 cents and 11.00 bottles guarantied by Hart's drugstore. Trial bottles frse. The question with China Is not whether the powers will raise the in demnity, but rather whether they can raise It themselves. WHITE MAN TURNED YELLOW. Grat consternation was felt bv the friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexing ton, Ky., when they saw he wvs turn ing yell jw. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered ter ribly. His malady was Yellow Jaun dice. He was treated by the best doc tors, but withiut benefit. Then he wan advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver reinedv and he writes: "After taking two bot tles I was wholly cured. "A trial prove if matchless merit for all Stomar-h. Liver and Kidney 'roubles. Only 50c Sold by Frank Hart, Druggist. There are women who believe 'hat husbands must be treated as children: always on the alert to keep things out of their grawp that may be attractive but not good for them. JOB COULDN'T HAVE STOOD IT. If he'd had Itching P1I. They're terrible annoying: but Buckln'n Arnica Salve will cure the worf? case of piles on earth. It has cured thousand. Fnr Injuries, Pains or Bodily Erup'linn It's the best salve In the world. Price 2'iC. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Hart's drug store. How few friendships would be lasting If we knew what our best fri-nds say of us in our ahsenc?! WHAT'S YOUR FACE WORTH? Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you have a sallow complexion, jaun diced look, moth patch" and blotches on the k1n. all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. Kl nit's New Life Pill give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Com plexlen. Only 25 cerits at Hart' Drut star. , THE GREAT SCOURGE of modern times Is consumption. Many cures and discoveries from time to time arc published but Foley's Honey and Tar does truthfully claim to cure all cases In the early stages and always affords comfort and relief In the very worst cases. Take no substitutes. Hart's drug sure. Nothing contribute more tow aid al leviating dmnetiilc storms than a clear conscience. Miss Mamie Smith, "f Mlddlesboro. Ky writes: "My little sister had the ;rouo very 'bad. I gave her xevtiul dose of Foley Honey and Tar and she was instantly relieved. It saved her life." Hart's drug store. Some people uiv so Just and discern ing that they never find un opportui' Ity to be generous. Thomas Maple. Blrkbeek. III., writes: "I had a very bad case of kidney trouble and my back pained me so thnt I could not straighten up. The doctor' treat ment did me no good. Saw Foley's Kidney Cure advertised and tonk one bottle which cured me ami I have not been attested since, t gladly recom mend this remedy." Hart' drug store. As a rule, women are rot so generous as their brothers when tipping a waiter. George C. Hitchcock. Curtiss. Wis., savs: "Foley's Kidney Cure bua been tested and found to be all vou claim for It. I have given It to my father and it Is the only thing that ever helped him." Hart's drug store. To know a woman find out her ovcu - patlons; to know a man note his pleas ures Mr. F. D. Arnold. Arnold. Iowa. writes: He was troubled with kidney disease about three years. Had to get up several times during the night but three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected a complete cure, he feels better than he ever did and recommends It to his friends. Hart's Jruc store. When a woman Is no longer attrac tive she ceases to be Inconstant. If you are sick all over and don't know Just what nils you, It's ten to one your kidneys are out of order. Fo ley's Kidney Cure will brlnit you health and energy. Hart's drug store. The frequency with which Senitor H.tnna denies that he is a candidate for the oresidencv is hivomlng suspic ious. ' I had a running sore on my breast for over a year," savs Henry R. Rich ards, of Wlllseyville. N. Y.. "and tried a great many remedies but irot no re lief until I used Banner Salve. After using one-half box I was perfectly cured. I cannot recommend It too high, ly." Hart's drug store. In those lays when a mm displays common nobleness he is referred to as a gentleman of the old school. The greatest skin specialist In Amer ica originated the formula for Banner Salve. For all skin disease, all cut or sores, and for piles, it's the most healing medicine. Beware of substi tutes. Hart's drug store. The get-rlch-iulck faker hus lvn backed off the boarl bv the stock bill. SOMETHING NEW. Just published by the Southern Pa cific Co. Is a phamphlet upon the re sources of Western Oregon which In clude an excellent map cf the state, and contains Information on climate, lands, education, etc.. existing Indus tries and their capabilities. Attention Is also directed to uch new fields for energy or capital aa promise fair return. This publication fills a need long ex perienced by Oregonlans. in replying to inquiries of eastern friend. Conies may be had of local agent Southern Pacific Co.. or from C. H. MARKHAM. Q. P. A.. Portland. Or BEST0F EVERYTHING In a word this tell of the Pascenger Service via the Sorlhweslern line.. Eight Trains Dally between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest Pullman Sleepers, i-reriei Joining cars. Library and Observation Cars, Free Reclining Chair Car. The 20th Century Train -Run Every Day of the Tear. The Finest Train in the World Clcctric Lighted Sttsm Heated THE BADGER 8TATB EXPRESS, th r inesi oauy Train Running Between St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line. Connection from the West made Ia The NORTHERN PACIFIC. GREAT NORTHERN and CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y8. This la also the BEST LINE between Omaha. St. Paul and Minneapolis. All agent sell ticket via The Northwestern Line W. H. MEAD. H. L. SISLER. General Agent. Trav. Ageat. 2 Alder 8treet. Portland. Oregon. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING.AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Car Will Receive 8peUl Attanttoa No. Itt Dium It. AiUrtav Or. W. J. COOK. Kir Rea.TL118t ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. CveT"3 rynTLlKD,"' ArrWcf l:00TnCportland Union DepotTU:l5 a.m. 6:6Sp.m.for Astoria and Inter-IM0 p.m. Imedlatt points, 1 "a8toria7 7.4ft aTm. For Portland A in-U:Ma.nv ;1O P:.m.(termdlate points 11:30 p.m. ABA8IDB DIYIIION. U:. m. : p. m, i.:H) a in p. in, ASTORlV SEASIDE : 40a.ro i u p. in 'ii urn in 13 N) I' 111 7out, ni "Sunday ouiy All trains make close connections at Gobi with all Northern Paclfio train to and from the East or Sound points, J. C. MAYO. Gen'l rr't and Pas. Agent J.A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Luxurious Travel The "Northwestern limit.!" tnsina 1 electric lighted throughout, both Inald and out. and steam heated. ai with eut exception, the flnet trains In th wurld. They embody the latest, newest and best Idea for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the moat complete and splendid production of th car builder' art. These Splendid Truin Connect With The Great Northern The Northern t'aclfic and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for these superior accommodations and all clauses of tick et are available for passage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Ulock System. W. H. MEAD. H. L. SISLER. General Agent. Traveling AgL Portland. Ore. EAST th SOUTH I Depot. Fifth -tnd I I 8treet. Overland Expres Leave Arrlre iratn for Salem, Rosrburg, Ash land. Sacramento, Ogden. San Fran cisco, Mojave Lo Angeles. E Paso. New Orleans and the East. At Woodburn (dally except Sun day), mornlna- 7:30 p.m :15 a m 3:30 7:00 p.m I train connect with train for Mt. An sel, Sllverton. Brownavllle. Springfield. and Natron, and even ing train for Mt. Angel and Silver ton. Corvalll passen ger. l:10a.m 15:50 p.m !8:2Ia.m 4:50 P mj Sheridan pa-isen- er. .'Dally. flDally excent B.mdwv Rebate ticket on sal Between Port- v?,0' acr,a,l?e"t0 and 8a Francisco. Net rate 117 first class and 111 second class. Including sleeper. Rate and ticket to Eastern point f.?id. i"1 AlB0 Japan- Cnlna- ""no lulu and Australia. Can be obtained Th0.r,dJSreet.'klan,1 T'Ck" TAMHILL DmSION. Pasenger depot foot of Jeffenon Bt Leave for Offwego dally at 7:20 t-lt J; m; 11:30. 1:66. 8:25. lit, " p. m. ano a. m. on Sunday t i!' JFS? at PortlJ daily at !:. :40, 1:00 p. m: 12:49 a. m. dally ex cent Monday; 8:30 and 11:05 a. ra. oo Sunday only. Leave for Daila dally, except Bun- ?fy.,t4: p' m' ArTXv at inland at 9:30 a, m. Paasenger train leave Dalla for Alrlee Mondays. Wednesday and Fri day at 2:45 p. m. Return Tuesdays. Thursday and Saturday. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM, Gen. Frt. and pan. Agt A FEW BESTING CTS N When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the beat ervlce obtainable aa far a speed, comfort and safety I concerned. Employes of th WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the publlo and our train are operated so a to make close con nections with diverging lines at all junction point. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Car on through train. Dlrlng car service unexcelled. Meal served a la carte. In order to obtain the flrst-clas aer vlce, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines and you will make direct connection at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and an points East. For any further Information call on any ticket gent, or correspond with JAB. C. POND. Gen. Pa. Aft.. or JA8. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee. Wl. General Agent. Till CHICAGO A NORTHWESTERN hJ SUOtT " l RAILWAY. WHITE COLLAR LINE (Telephone Dock.) " Columbia River and Puget Sound NaT Igatlon Company. The Tahoma leave Astoria dully ex cept Humitiy at 7 p. m, Leaves Portland daily except Bun day at T a. m. White Collar Line tickets, O. R. A N ticket and Hwaco Ry A Nav, Com pany tickets Interchangeable on Ta horn and IUshhIc, Through Port land connection with si earner Nahcotta from llwaco and Long Reach point. Telephone No. HI. A. J. TAYLOR. Astoria Agent. K. W. CRIC1ITON. I'erUand Agent OREGON Srioip LINE Union Pacific AND TIMH CMntHJLEj From rortltiid. SaII Uke, Deliver, r'l M'ltth.Oinsli. Kan- i nr. si Uniit, l llirm i mid but DKPART A SWTS Chlrngiv Portland icli I uu. m TO p. m l Hll Uke, lii-nvrr. K1 Atlsntle kipirw 9 p. w llorth, dinulm. Kau Uty, Ht l.-.iil.., I'Uli'M" mid KM j ft In . in Will WIU. (.rwUtnll. Hpoktne NMikne, Mltineniio 4iHktne Vlytr. ILi. Ht. ('ml, llcilulh. Nllwmkmt, Chicago, and Kul. im tin 6 p. til. From Aatorla ! OCEAN 8TUAM5HIP3 All Xollliitf Intra anb Jwl to I'lmiiKC. For Krniirix'o Mali Ki-rv Five Paja 7 m KlHumlajr I'olunihU Klvrr Nleam fi' to I'ortmiid ami U HlKl Mo. day ly I. iii-lin I a . From Portland . , K 8u "ua, V"1'. K'VKK K.'su"'..".', v',.ii, .... ,icaurr, l-ijind a 7 a. m. uea.Th WllUiiiatu l(ler IIIDI, Tuea.Thur I'urtlaiiit t t i.rviilll. atoiWrd. auil taL I Ml,, I 14. r I ,ll auu rn. Rlparlt WIIUm.tl.ndm LtUwUUi Uare dly fclMBIeer J)io J w. m. -Drifoa City. Harioa I. dally Wsy l.andlrc" t m ! Tuia,Ttauii kRItr. Saturdajr ) Hlparla to l.t I. Ion i .1 W p rn M n , H ud Friday O. W. LOCNSnERRT. A I CRAIO. Agent. Astoria, (icn. Puhk. Ag't.. Portlanl. Ore. NOTIi'K OP ADMINISTRATION. Notice I heieby glvi'ii to all uhmn It may concern, th.it tile unilerslgni'il tins been aiKilntei the ndinliilstriitnr i'f the mute of Ituth llurni-r. d'Veomd. mid all iieritoim ti'ivlng rlalni iiKalnoi the a 1 . 1 entilte inut pl'tteiit the Kmne to the undiTKil"l duly ventleil. at III" iplllce iii tli Aatorla Saving Hunk, nt the t'ltv of Ami irlii. In I'l.itsop coiiniy. In the State ,if OiiK'tn. mi ir before six inonttm from Kiln late. JulIN W. irARNHIl. Adininistrilur I'liled m Astoria. Oregon, ttiln Mill day of May, A. I). 1901. SHERIFF'S SALE. I!y Virtue of un extvutlon anil order of sale laeueil out of the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon, for the County or i laiH hi. ot) the It h day of May. 1W1 upon n jungim -ni rt'ntl Ted therein oil the JOth day of February. ls!!i, in favor ot .iyra itii.H!.Mi, plaintiff, on iigalnin .Mary I. (illlette, defendant, fur the sum of iW:.i), i he sum "f .".ix. 40 having been satisfied, leaving n b.ilance due on suld Judgment of the inn of together with lntr-tit thereon t the rate ctf 10 per cent per annum, and 'he costs of and upon thin writ commanding itrwl re quiring me to levy upon the property of the above, named tic '.-ndunt to satisfy Ihe balance of id ludKineut, Interest cox is ami in ni'criiltig costs. I did on the 11th day of May. l!Mil, ittiich the roiiuwmg iieiM-ribed real proMrty, to wn: Ixtts 9, 10, 11, 12. i.i, sub, of Uk. S3; lots 8. 7. 2.t 24, 2.-1. 26. Sub. f Uk. 64: lots 8. P. 10. It, 12, 1.1. Sub. of Illk. V: lots 16, 17, 27. 2, 2!. 30, Sub. of Hlk. M: lots 11. 12, Hlk. 4!t: lots 7, !'. Hlk. HK; the N. 50 reet nf the west of lot 5 Rlk. 111. In the City of Astoria, ns laid out and recorded by John M. ShKflv. Lot Z. In Sec. 21, Tp, 8. N. of It. V, west "f the Will. Mer 37 03 acr. Megln at south bound try of Hblvely 1). U . 414.H8 feet west of H. K. corner of ral(l I). L. C to south bnundnry of pip? line It. of W.. thence weat along ealtl R. nf W. to h point 191.3 fper west of f.int line of tract herein described, thene.. south nntl parill'-l to east line of tract herein described to south boundary of said R L. C thence along said south line to beginning, containing I 41 ncre, In Tp R. N. of R. 9, west of Will. Mer. All of said described real propfrfy being in Clatsop county, Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that f will on Monday the 17th day of June, 1901, t the hour of ten o'clock In th" forenoon of said day la front of and at the Court House door In the City of Astoria, Clut- soil county, wreon, seii at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash the abov dt-Hcrlbed real property to satisfy said JudgH'nt, IntereHts, costs Hntl all accruing costs. THOS. LINVILLE. Sheriff of Clatsop County, Or Astoria, Oregon, May 14th, 1901. NOTICE OF" FINAL SETTLEMENT. The undersigned has filed his final ac count In the estate of Margaret Weset, deceased, and the County Court of Clat soo County, Oregon, has ct Monday the 27th day of May, 1891, at 2 p. m.. for hearing objection, If any there be to the same. DAVID WEST. Executor of last will and testament of Margaret Wet, deceaMd. NOTICE OK FINAL ACCOUNT. In the County Court of the Hlat of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop, Irs the matter of Dm vital of Elisabeth A. Scott, deceased, Notice I hereby given that I have thl day filed my final account aa adminis trator of the ealute of Elisabeth A, Scott, deceased. All person are hereby notified (hut the Honorable, th County Ciuirt of Cliitsnp County, Oregon, ha fixed the Uth tiny of May. ltWI, t th hour of 10 o'clock a. in., a th time, anil the court room of the County Court of Clatsop County at Aatnrla, Oregon, a tho place for hem lug i ny mikI all ob JectloiiH which nmy be made to salt final ui'i'iumt, mid for nettling th sain. All person are hereby notified to guv em iheinselves accordingly. JOHN II. ('OTT. Admlnlattatitr of the eniuto of Klltubettk A. Scott, deceiaed. Antoilu. Oreaon. April 12 1901. ICXE'-irfORH' NOTICE. The undersigned have been appointed) executors of lite Inst will and testament of Cimis, A. Mcdillre, deceased. All per. sons hMving clslini agnlnst th tate of defeased are requested o praaent them at th office of J. U A. llowtby in Aatorla. Orgun. within six month rrom this date. OUVK M OIMRK. J. g. A. IIOWLDY. Executor. March 2ih. 1901. "A DM IN I STIIATO R S NOTICE. Notice a hereby given, that III Un- deraismrd ha been appointed adintnla. tmtor. with the will anrteied. of th estate of John ('. Trulllngm-. doai. nd all peraons having rial ma against the estate nf sal. I deceased muat pre- sent the siwiie to the undepalcrird. duly verified, at the oltlce of th West Hhor Mills niiipiny, at the corner of il.'mtl and Tenih street", In (he City of A (orla. in Clatsop (Nuinly, Or-gin, lth. In six mi'iiths rrnni tlila date P. A. TUt'l.MNOER. Almlnistraior. Diilcd ot Aat.iilti, Oregon, May otli, , P., IWI. ADMINISTRATOR M'l'OINTKD. IN TICK Col'NTV (TtritT OF THE itir.N'TV OF CLATSOP. Iii the mutter of tit eMut and al- mlnalon to irtiAte of (h tu,t wilt and t'-Ktanieiii of Jtmid wtiitnry, jr., J. ceased: Notice n ln ret.y if!v,.n that t linve this d.iv le-'i niliitfd by the County Court of the Stnte of Oregon, for I'Ut- i county, .idiitlnllriit tr. lth-th-wt. iiiiiiex.-, ,,f the .pitttie f I ta. -, Whit ney, Jr. deeenaed All er.tna having lulnta tltiillit n.ill eaMIe are hrbv llotlfli-d Iii preaeiit the vnr lo me, pritp. riy verinei. at the tn-e r tit cnur.ty lerk of CJutaop County, oremm, with n six moiitln froin iti t'e V. W .'J'RTrs. AdtltlllUtr Itor of !he relate of Davhl Whltnev. r . decena-d ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Notice la hereby given th.it ihe un. lerilgned have b-en aip dnie-t adrrlnia- Irators .if the eatatn of Alfre.1 If Stone, deceaaed. ,v ,, (,lln,y Court r i itttaop i ittinty, Oregon, and that all persona hiving ehi.nu agaii.st M ale are her..,y required lo present th same to the uitd.i signed duly Verlfletl a by law provided, within alg month from the date of ihla i,. nice. Verlfle.1 llltlia OK.HMBt nil estate nuv lie Bra. aeilted either to the undersigned fj. nn Pu fit. .it his i.fflfe at Aaior.a ieg n or Mr J I M.-FarUn at hi ifflce of business, .it Kiui'ii, Oregon All ttersona In I hied to snid eafat are t'-rehy re.iilt-.-, (o (,.iy am h Indelited- IH'SS. II. C, VAN IH'.-tr.N J. I Ml' A 111. AN I. Admlnlstrjtoia of (hp Ki of Alfred) I Si'one. I let ens" I. I:tte this 1st dav of May. 1W1 Iiymetlt. Illieieat celles nfter this d.t-e. 11. c TlliiMPSoN' Count v Tie,urer. Piled Astorn. Ore Mav lt. 1301. MI'S CW.M n Jint. ( llslotn II Hl"e Vs' -I- 1 I Ire ..!' C, llee- lor's (till, e Ao:l '.' t. I'llll S,iiil.-s for llev-niie , ... Is - f.etle-1 proposals for supplvuu i.ttlona. ntt-l on I In vessels of ihe Telle Sl,i:ea IteV. eniie f "un. r S- ivi.-.. ri'i(t.i.ti-iv tatlolir( or teinMinirilv. ,i( .:,,r a itr. gon. un-f ib'lUerel on h'ar l nt; ti..e!a at flat i'1" Itiilnit th- r.s- n I N,.,,r ndlng Jnn I!i2. win he r v -I tt this office- until I lo, k ; in, of Tue lav. May II. lUil. at wh.,1, .;n. ,,, pi,,,... (hey will 'f imlillrlv ....-ii. I The ,,,,,1 fur nished to be .Ti'in.i, j:.. ,,r bitumlnou nf bi's: !u,tiiiV: uiiif ,nn m diameter; lr. welirl, 2 210 pounds i , U,. r.u: to b delivered on It i.i rd the v,-sm-Is lit Mich time ntid ii sin i, .ilUiii!,., ,,s nmy he r-'tiir.'l at loialiil,-, t.-a.lllv ticcesaible t" sill v.hs..Is and to h,. siihe,- tt In spection as to -pi iliiv and weight. Rid-il'-rs win name the pries both for "learning and st,lVe ,.,-,. ,) 14iH1) their facilities fr fiini!hiig ih vessels with fresh unler ami their i halites thetvfor. Illank forms of it'upos with sched ules showing component pirts of ra Jons, n,i,v b.. t,d up i.i iipiillc'itlon to th," nftlt ! : proposals mst be snb'iilt ted on Ih.'sn forms. Sepiuui,. hld will j1'"" v r Ived : ih,. sntne time f-aj lubilciiUng nml llluinlnntlng oils Th right Is reserve to rei-ct any or all bids, and no ronum-l will be put In force until congress Mint 1 1 have mile an appropriation for Ihe purpose. John Fox. Collector. CONTEST NOTICE. Iieiurtiiient of IhP interior. United States :md Office, Oregon City Ore Ton. Atoll 29, 1901. A Hufllcie.ii ,-ont -st amdnvlt having been filed In this nlllctt bv Albert Iielch hnrdt, eonisiant, ntralnsi homentead entry No. 1 J r.f2. MI1II, o,.toher lh. 1H.I... ft lots 8 and 9 of Hep. 29, an, I lot S and the N. w. ;t of S. W. of Sec. 28. township 4 north, lantr.. K uesl h Charles E. Nawn. conlestee. in which It Is all-Kid that coniestnnt "kiiftws the present condition of the same' .i.n that sild C1:.,. i,; NftW abnnduni'il his said linmeHteid entry for more than six iiionTiis prior to ihe exniratinn or nve vears fr.mi the lnte of his entry, to-wlt: ror mttro than six months prior to Oc tober 12, 1900; that snl.l iraei nf land was and Is not settled upon and culti vated according to law by the said t hurl" w. Suvun: thot i crl.. v. Nnwn never established a bona tide res- mence upon sold claim: that the ab sence of said Charles K. Nawn fron said homestead claim was and Is not due to employment In ihe military or rnvn service of the United 8tatcs dur ng time nf war; said parties are here by notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching sn Id allegation at 10 n clock a. m. on June 15th. 1901, b I?'?. , neKl"ier and Receiver at the United States Land Office In Oregon City. Oregon. The said contestant having, In a orop er nflldavlt, filed April 29, ml, sot forth fact which show that after dut dUl srence, personal service of thl notice can not be made, r 1 hereby o dared and directed that such notice b give bv due and proper publication. WM. GALLOWAT, Receiver.