The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 18, 1901, Image 2

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gaily atottau.
t-j -
Tilehon Main ML
- l.
Bert by mall per year
Sent by mall, per month
Served by carrier, per month.
. .50
. .CO
Sent by mall, per year. In advance, $2.00
All conmunlcattoni Intended tor pub
lication should be directed to "Editor
Atonan.M Dullness communications
f all kind and remittance must h
addressed to "The Astorlan Publish
ing Co."
The A itorlan guarantee u tta ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can had on ap-
Hctlw the business manager.
The police of Spittle are collecting
$25 a month from" each nlckrt-ln-ihe-lot
machine in operation In that city.
Yet Wf r told that the owners of the
machines In use here cannot afford to
pay the petty sum of $7.50 a quarter.
If our city has too many of these ma
chines to make any of them profitable
the Imposition of a fine such as Is
collected In Seattle will reduce that
number and benefit the city both by re
ducing the evil and Increasing the reve
nue from the machines a a whole.
It Is time the citlxens of Astoria learn
ed whether the city is being run for
the benetlt of the gamblers or for the
benefit of the people.
It is almost Inconceivable tha: any
newspaper could make s cold-blooded
an attack upon President McKlnley at
' this time as appearxi In the Oregon
Ian pf yesterday. The milk of human
kindness and a. decent regard for good
taste are iiJtogethir. wanting in the fal
lowing disgraceful squib from that pa
per: "A prulent man in his place
would have foreseen this contingency
and forestalled it by leaving his semi
Invalid wife at home when starting off
on a fatiguing tour of official visita
tion." Search of the Democratic Pa
ners of the country will probably fail
, to reveal so utterly heartless a cora-
. ment upon any act of our chief mag
istral a. .
Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
The purchase "jy the Morgan syndi
cate of a fleet of British steamships
which will continue to be operated bv
British officers and men under the Brit
ish flag, is taken as the subject of many
editorials from the newspapers which
oppose the granting of subsidies' for
American steamships. By some pecu
liar obliquity In reasoning, they profess
to see in It an' argument against this
measure. What that argument actually
Is. however, they do no: deign to ex
plain in 'detail. It can be admitted that
the British steamship lines are paying
good dividends. Mr. Morgan, acting for
unknown principals, haa iught them as
an investment, for precisely that reason.
American capital will thus receive div
idends on steamship lines which have
heretofore paid dividends to British cap
ital. ' ' . i
Now, the opponents of the scheme to i
build, up an American merchant marine
point to this and say that if our 'obso
lete navlga:lo?i laws" were repealed.
American capital would speedily take j
hold of other British lines, and the su- I
premacy of the seas would go to the
. Stop it with Scott's emulsion
of cod-liver oil.
. A little coughing is nothing
the tickling, that makes you
cough once, is some dust; not
the least harm. You scratch
an itch, and forget it. This
cough is scratching an itch.
But the cough, that hangs on
aid comes back, is the sign of
an itch that hangs on and
omes back. There is some
thing that makes that itch.
Inflammation: a germ per
Maps; it's aliye; like a seed in
saoist warm ground; it will
grow if yo let it, specially
ia children.
WilHadyMtlMbtokr. iymm.
99TT SOWNS, tmd Mr K.. Yark
United Slates. They carefully refrain
from Mating what those obsolete navi
gation law are. Those laws require
that the captain, all of the officers and
a portion of the men on American ves
sels shall be American clttiens or per
son who have d'Vlared their Intention
to become citiiens. They also limit the
coasting trale to wssHs built 'n the
United State or repaired here to a larg
percentage of '.heir value, flying the
American flag, owned by American cit
lxens an 1 with American officers. Our
foreign trade is open to the ships of
any nation, built anywhere, and flying
the flag of any recognised maritime na
tion. Th-r-' is nothing in those law
to rrvrnt Mr. Mrcan or anyone eW
buying ships in Great Rritain or else
where, and emptying them In the for
eign carrymg trade from any American
These Democratic and assistant Dem
ocratic oppewenr of the shipping sub
stJy bill Insist that our navigation laws
I should be repealed, in order that Mr.
Morgan or anyone fl may be enabled
to buy British ship and wish British or
other foreign officers and crows engage
In our coasting trade in competition
with American ships and American
crews. In this manner, say they, the
American merchant marne win be re
habilitated. In this, as in all free-trade arguments,
there is the custonary ignoring of the
facts of recorded history. In the vist-
ing trade, limited to American ship, j
the 1'nlted Sta'e has built ui a Meet
of vessels only to those of j
Ore?: Brita n. On rhe high seas. In the j
ocean carrying trale, the American j
fl-et has steadily dwindled until at the J
close of the fiscal vear of 19"0 it was !
less than one-half as large in t"nnage j
as It was in lv.2. It is loudly pro-
elaime.j cy the opponent of al 1 to
American shipping that ships can be
built as cheaply in the Unite,! States
as anywhere in the w.wld. Now the ar
gument stands: The Unite.l States haa
steadily and for more than a generation
retrograded as a carrier of ocean -borne
commerce, while builJing up a magnifi
cent fle-?t in the protected coastwise
trad'1. As the United States has proved
unable to compete with other nations.
paying smaller wages, on the high seas,
the way to insure the growth ofj its
ocean merchant , marine is to permit
thoe same foreigners to enter into the
coasting trade with their cheaply built
and cheaply manned vessels. As the
ocean carrying trale ha been rendered
so profitable by foreign competition
that we have been forced to withdraw
fron: it, we can speedily make It profit
able by surrendering our coastwise
trade to the same competitors.
Along the same lines, the present
. ... . i
iVrmocratic position is .hat, as certain 1
very wealrby Amerirans have purchasel j
, , , , . j
stock in a foreign steamship corpora-
ti?n. we would aid largely in the ere- ;
ation of a seafaring population of our j
own if we should give to the vessel of j
;ni corporation, wun Liieir cneapiy-
paid foreign officers and crews, all of
the privileges which we now extend to
American ships, built, officered and
manned bv our own citizens. This is
nainfullv like all free-trade argument,
the biird-n of which Is that It is com
mercially more profitable to give than
to receive.
A black FriJay would mean a Jolly
Saturday for Russell Sage. Washington
Messrs. Grin A Barrett seem to have
been having their day in Wall street.
Denver Republican.
There is a general Impression that
when Mrs. Natbn went insane she had
not far to go. Brooklyn Eagle.
The strike of the waiter In San
Francisco failed because It was tipped
too soon. Kansas City World.
Let the Evanston blind pig keepers
always remember that Knight "has a
thousand eyes." Record-Herald.
Boston announce chat It sees the
comet. It is time that the antis In that
town saw the light. Brooklyn Eagle.
The Northern Pacific cboo-choos com
In and go out just as if they didn't care
who 3Wbh1 tbera. Minneapolis Journal.
Pin gree haa lived in vain when a Ca
nadian magistrate is able t r, "I
don't know anything about Miehiga."
Mail and Express.
Pessibly 1 bis a wk ka aHumed
tk title f aictatar f th Prlippie
i alia asx t atre' tmi fed.
Waskiagt wtar.
Wila ataaa iMliag f g.
lag , IMua war af MUt Mr
gaa weM h u aritiaha.
Reports concerning the money made
recently by 8. M. Soott Indicate that
prosperity is overtaking the Populists.
Topeka state Journal.
"A smile paa'ed on a whine" Is a
brght woman's description of an at
tempt to be cheerful made by an inver
tebrate lean-to who. Imbibed not wise
ly but too muoh. Brooklyn Kagle.
You are much more liable to disease
when Vour liver and bowel do not act
Property. DeWltt's Little Karly Ris
er remove the cause of disease, CHAS
ROOKKS. Druggist.
The Imaginary spectacle of ex-Senator
Pettigrew digging f.r gt M In New
Mcx'co and perspiring at every re is
a gl st.i id-off for the famous blood
ing picture of Menominee.
The least In quantity and mot In
quality d-ribes DeWltt's Little Early
Risers, the famous pills for constipa
tion and liver complaint. CHAS. ROO.
KRS. Druggist.
Forty thousiaj Italian are said to be
on their wav to the rited State. If
all of them bring hand-org;irv the
Ian-Amrican Exposition may a, well
close Its gates.
DeWltf Little Early Risers search
the remotest parts of the bowels and re
move the Impurities speiliy with no
discomfort. They are famous tor their
efficacy. Easy to take, never gripe.
CHAS. ROOERS. Druggist.
The parole of the Younger brother
oueht to make It easier for the Demo
cratic party to find a man with suffi
cient nerve to defend the Missouri ger
r mander.
Skin affections will speexlllv disappear
by using DeWltt's Witch Haiel Salve
Look out for counterfeits. If you get
DeWitt's you will get good results. It
Is the quick and positive cure for piles.
CHAS. ROOERS. Druggist.
Colonel Ttry.m's first rlltical speech
since the November election is to tv de-liv-r.
at Nevada. Mo., this month.
PreumaMv It is to be an uncorker.
Mr. W. J. Baxter of North Riook. N
C says he suffered w th piles for fifteen
years. He tried many pmedis w"h no
results until he used DeWitt's Witch
Haiel paive and that quicklv cure 1 him.
CHAS. ROOERS. Druggist.
Having fully relieved the emerg.-ncv
in Sou:n Africa, the Mlittrl mul l
now being shipped, to the Klondike to
haul go! 1.
"Our little girl was unconscious from
strangulaton during a sudden and ter
rible attack of croup. I quicklv se
cured a bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure, giving her three doses. The rrO'tn
was mastered and our little darilne 1
Dedilv recovered." So writes A. L.
Spafford. Chester. Mich. CHAS. ROO
ERS, Druggist.
Some men caJl women angels but
the.i vou can't believe a word some mn
"I have been suffering from dyspep
sia for the past twenty years and have
been unable after trytag all prepira
tlons anl physicians to get any relief.
After taking one bottle of Kodol Dvs
pepsia Cure I found relief and am now
In better health than I have been for
twenty years. I can not praise Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure too highly." Thus
w rites Mrs. C. W. Riberts. North Creek.
Ark. CHAS. ROOERS. Druggist.
j The woman who has reared a family
; of respectable sons and daughters has
1 Tier'orni" a splendid service f .r man-
kind and has !ahl up great treasure In
heavn. But she is likely to be behind
n ,jues
If people only knew what we know
nbf.ut Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. If would
b" UH in neirly every household, as
there ar few peiple who do not suffer
from a fueling of fullness after eating.
belching, flatulence sour stomach or
waterbrash. caused by Indigestion or
aj-sp"psia. A preparation, sucn as 1VJ
dors Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no
aid from the sto-na-h. will digest your
food, certainly can r heln but do you
good. CHAS. ROOERS. Druggist.
If you haven't anything to do and
want to jet busy put a chip on your
shoulder and start around the block
"Our little daughter had an almost fa
tal attack of whxplng cough and bron-
rh'tis." write Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of
Armonk. X. V., "but. when all other
remedies fa'tfd. we saved her life with
Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece
who had consumption In an advanced
stage, al3 used this wonderful mdi'-tne
and today che is perfectly well. Des
nerate throat aiKi lung diseases yield t5
Dr. King's New Discovery as to no oth
er medicine on earth. Infallible for
Coughs and Colds: cents and $1.00
bottles guarantied by Hart's drugstore
Trial bottles fr-e.
The dog tht occasionally shows its
teeth Is not likely to be kicked by ev
ery fello who comes along.
Great consternation was felt bv the
friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexing
ton. Ky.. when they aasw he was turn-
I ing yell jw. His skin slowly changed
color, also his eyes, and he suffered ter
ribly. Hi malady was Tellow Jaun
dice. He was treated by the best doc
tors, but withut benefit. Then he wa
advised to try Electric Bitters, the
wonderful Stomach and Liver remedv
and he writes: "After raking two bot
tle I was wholly cured. "A trial prove
it matchless merit for all Stcmao.
j Liver and Kidney 'roubles. Only 5c.
Sold by Frank Hart. Druggtot.
The best way to reform the world Is
to start In at home.
If he'd had Ttotoing Pils. Tbey'r
terrible annoying: but Bucklen's Arnica
Salve will eure the worst ce of piles
on earth. It haa oured thousand. Far
Injuria, Pains or Bodily h!rup"i"i It's
the best salve in the worl. Price Jic
a box. Cure guaranteed. S1d by
Hart's drug store.
Whaver you get It lata year aaad
teat everybody in th world is aga'nsi
yu take some liver pill.
Saaaatarae a rtue, but aarar. if
yau bar a Jiw avplH, ja-
diaed look, uolh pataas aad bitabH
th kia, all ! of Urar TraW.
Bat Dr. r lag's w U ett giv
Cltar IkKi, flaar Oaaok. Mtth Oo-,
fUMm. r ooat at arf' tK
of modern time la consumption. Many
cures and discovert- from tint to time
are published but Foley' Honey and
Tar does truthfully cUlm to curt all
cases In the early slagva and always
affords comfort and relief In the very
worst caste. Take no substitute.
Hart'a drug store.
Because a man Is polite Is no ln
he Is afraid of you.
Miss Mamie Smith. f MtddVsbnro,
Ky.. writes; "My little sister had the
"I'ouo very had. I gave her several
dose of Foley's Honey and Tar and she
was Instantly relieved. It saved her
life." Hart's drug store.
A man mav be a gi-ni'.is and still treat
ether people .'ivllly.
Thomas Maple. Blrkbeck. HI., writes:
"1 had a very bad case of kidney trouble
and my back pamej me so that I could
not straighten up. The doctor's treat
ment did me ,10 gHKl. Saw Foley's
Kidney Cure advertised and tk one
bottle which cured me and I have not
heen anV-ted since. I gladly recom
mend this remedy." Hart's drug store.
The maimer of parting; the hlr Is no
Indication of the extent of one- men
tal .-aou-lty. Ituld-heade.l men have
been to evolve bright Idea.
George C. Hitchcock. Curtis. Wis.,
savs: "Foley's Kidney Cure haa been
tested and found to be all vou claim
for It. I have given It to my father
and It I the only thing that ever helped
him." Hart's drug store.
The trouble wl'h to many thinkers
is that they think out loud.
Mr. F. D. Arnold. Arnold. Iowa,
writes: He was troubled with kidney
disease about three war. Had to get
up several tlmea during the night but
three bottles of Fvley's Kidney Cure
elTe-ted a complete cure, he feels belter
than he ever did and recommends it
to his friends. Hart's drug st.'re.
A pessimist is an ass that briys loud
est In gloomy wevher.
If you are sick all over and don't
know Just what alls you. It's ten to
one your kidneys are out of order. Fo
ley's Kidney Cure will brinit you health
anl energy. Hart's drug store.
Mew ate of a Judge
'I ha 1 a running sore on my breast
for over a year." savs Henrv It. Rich
ards, of Willseyvllle. N. Y.. "an.l tried 11
great many remedie but cot no re
lief until I ud Manner Salve. After
using on. '-half box I was perfectly t
curvo. 1 cannot re. omnieiiil it too nign-
ly." Hart's drug stor.
It hardly cfTsets being in Wjll S;ree;
only a few minutes that one mav be
out a great d"V. afterwards.
The sreirest skin specialist In Amer
ica originated the f.irmula for Manner
Salve. For all skin disease, all cuts
or sores, and for piles, it's the mwt
healing medicine. Reware of subetl-
...... . .T ... . .
mie. nan s urug store.
The enthusiastic ma 1 -n who. Just a I
few short we-ks ago was training h-r
uaywarj tr-ss.-s to lie gracefully
against her snowy neck In a Jan!,e
.Meredith curl, has now taken to cuUI
atlng a Li ly Teile curl.
Just published by the Southern Pa
cific Co. Is a phamphlet upon the re
sources of Western Oregon which In
cludes an excellent map of the state.
no contain information on climate,
lands, education, etc.. existing Indus
tries and their capabilities.
Attention Is also directed to urh
new fields for energy or capital a
promise fair return.
This publication fills a need long eg
Derlenced by Oregonlans. in replying to
Inquiries of eastern frtndi.
Copies may be had of local agent
Southern Pacific Co.. or from
Q. P. A.. Portland. Or
In a word this tell of the Passenger
Service via
fhe fiorthweslefn line..
Eight Train Dally between 8t. Paul
and Chicago, comprising
The Latest Pullman Sleepers,
Peerlatk Dining Car.
Library and Observation Car.
Free Reclining Chair Car.
The 20th Century Train
Runs Every Day of the Year.
The Finest Train in the World
Electric Lighted Steam netted
finest auy Train Running Between
St, Paul and Chicago, via tha Short
Connection from the West mad via
This 1 alio the BEST LINE between
Ooiaaa, St. Paul and Mlnaaapoil.
All tnt su ticket via
The Northwestern Line
W. H. MEA. H. L. SIlLBlt,
Geaoral Ageat, Trav. Agoat.
241 Alder 8trt. PorUaad. Ortgoa.
H.F.Prael Transfer Co
Telophase m.
All OeeaV lap to fpt Care
WIN neeetv tjmUX ImfSm.
7 v I
t,T l. . 7 POTCLVd, ArrWiT
l:00a,mTPortIand Union Depothftlfta'n
:W p.m lfor Astoria and Inter-ID: 40 p.m.
(medlatt point.
7 a.m.lror Portland 4 la-11:M tvoa,
.'.,iP;?-t,.?rm?ll Plnli l:S0p.m.
!!:. m,
& l. m.
: in
l. t.
7 tf a. 111
4 U i. in
u so r in
7 00 p. Ill
Stliiil.v uul)
All train mak cloe connection at
Cloble with all Northern Paciflo train
to and from th East or Sound Polnta.
Oen l Fr't and IJW. AgnL
IiuxuRious Travel
I The "Northwestern t.l
I electric lighted throughout, both lnld
and out. and steam heated, arc with
out exception, the finest train In th
world. They embody th latest, newest
and beat Idea for comfort, convenience
and luxury ever offered the traveling
public, and altogether are the moat
complete and plendld production of th
car builder" art.
These Splendid Tram
Connect With
The Great .Northern
The Northern Pacific and
The Canadian 1'acific
No extra charge for these superior
accommodations rsd i case of tick
ets are available for parage on the
famous "Northwestern Limited." All
train on thla line are protected by the
Interlocking Itlock System.
General Agent. Traveling Ag't,
Portland. Ore.
I Depot. Fifth nnd
I Leave
1 Streets.
Overland Ezpres
Train for Salem.
Roeburg. Ash
land, Sux-ramento,
Ogden. San Fran
cisco. Mojave Lo
Angeles. El Paso,
New Orleans and
the East.
T 30 p.m
9 i a m
3:30 a m
00 p.m
At Wood burn
'dally except Sun
day), morning
trtiin connects with
tram for Mt. An
Rel. Sllverton,
Springfield. and
Natron, and even
ing train for Mt.
Angel and Silver
ton ii7:30a.m Corvalll ijasaen-
i south;
'i4 50 Sheridan paasen-
Dally. Poaiiy ftrfvl 8un,Uy
Rebate ticket on sal between Port
land. Sacramento and San Francisco.
class. Including sleeper.
Itate, and ticket to Eastern point
and Europe. Also Japan. China. Hono-
lulu and Australia. Can be obtained
tkTA8' KlrklonJ. Ticket Agent. 134
third Street.
Pasenger depot foot of Jefferoii
Leave for Oawego dailv at 7:M i ia
m; 11:30, 1:65. 1.25, 1:15. 1:25. !:,
ii.m p n. and 9 a. m. on Sunday
3. l:5 a. m.: 1:36. :15. 4:30 t tt
M. 1:00 p. m: 12:48 a. m. dally ex
cept Monday; 8:J0 and 11:05 . n. oa
Sunday only.
Leav fr Dallas dally, except Sun
day, at i:it p. ra. Arrive at Portland
at 8:3 a. m.
Paasenger train leave Dalla for
Alrlee Monday. Wednesday aad Fri
day at 2:45 p. m. Return Tueiday.
Thursday aad Saturday.
'Except Sunday.
R. KOEHLER, Manager.
Qn. Frt. and Paa. Agt
When people are contemplating a
trip, whether on business or pleasure,
they naturally want the bt eervlce
obtainable a far aa apeed, comfort and
safety i concerned. Employe of th
paid t serve the publie and our train
are operated aa to make clove con
Wei with diverging line at all
Juaction point. Palace Bleeping and Chair
Car an through train.
Dlung car service unexcelled. Meals
erred a la earte.
Is order to ebtaia the first-clas er
vloe. k the tleket agent to sell you
a lleket vr
The Wisconsin Central Lines
aad yeu will saaiae direst eaaaeeUoaa
at It, Past fr Ohieage, Milwaukee aad
fl piate Beat.
For aag farther lsfraUaa aali
ay Mehet ecaot, ar eerreapoBd with
iJa. C. Pu. a. Pas. Ag't..
or JA4I. A. 4PLifrCK. lmwaakoe. Wla.
Osjj'i A.
awoAt tc PtyvrnnuvTmni
(Telephone Dock.)
Columbia River and Pugtt Bound Nav
Igatlon Company.
Th Tahoma leave Aatorln dally ex
cept Sunday at f P. m,
leaves Portland dally except Bun
day at T a. in.
While Collar Line ticket. O. R. A N
tickets and Ilwaco Ry A Nav, Com
lutny tickets ln:tr, Imnpti'oblo on Ta-
hoini nnd Husiaic, Through Port
land connection with steamer Nahcotta
from UwaiM and Long Head) point.
Telrphon No. 111.
A. J. TAYt.Olt. Astoria Agent.
K. W. CRICHTON. I'urtland Agtnt.
Shot line
Union Pacific
TtB 5CMH0llt.l!j I
Krom tortlind.
OhlcM-v 811U Lake. Drnver. Kt
I'lirtUni Woilli.Oiii.ln kM.
i"cll 1 Si Iniili,
i M p. m
I una. 1
1 ihchj mil) Kt
Sll Iirnver.
i.ortli. Unmlis. ku
-My. HI I. lilt.
t'Ulrsf o smt Kt
!Snikne, Mltiirsw
IN, Ml. I'Mll, I'llhllh.
Xllwmikee. 'lii'(t
nd K.u
From Aitort
All hailliig Pstes 111b
Ject lo rhsiif e.
Kor Nan Kriir Hail
Kv fv yr !)
p. ni.
In . 111
Spok sue
( p. ui.
I 'ill II III t'ls Hlvrr Mlrsni '
ft. to Ivrtimicl m
Wsy I, in llii
K suudar
U 1111
.Mo. iUir
. Vtm Hortliiiil
treiin i'tv, Si-wVn,,
4 3D xt. m
Ta in. WllUm-it. Illr
lupi.lhur I'ortl.m1
1 1 t'ir4lll -..w r.
uU(L ud Wr Umllim.
ana rn.
Klparla , "dm .lwut0
Ua dljr sua to
i W a. a. Orrtou City, I'srt'm A daily
0't l.nilir
'am .
Tue, Thai Saake Rlvtr.
Saiurdax ( Klparla to (. iitn
1 i in
M-m, Wrd
A L. CRAIG. Agent. Astoria
en. Puss. Ag't.. PortUnl. Ore.
Nullc la hereby aft v tn all limn
:t may cniirern. that the uinl' rnl k I
ha been uppuluted the admliili.1 1 .it..r
f the .-state ,.f Kutli liarni-r. d'Vea' d
and all perxun hivliiif 1 1 .1 1 in .kmiiii:
the said estate 1 1 1 11 -1 prevent the Hilllle
ti the lltl'lel n.KM ., ,uy Vl-I Itleil. at IIk
Hire III the AwTiirla Savlmr :it
It V .if At Hil. Ill ri.llH.lIl illKIIV.
In the State ,,( trigiu, on ir before U
m.itith frum this late.
jmHN w. (; r:Ni:it
Dated at Astoria. Mrexnu, thin 16ih
day of Mav. A. I). ll
P.y virtue of an exi-utlnn mid order
nf s ale lueiled out of the 'lie ill t I'olll'l
of the State of 1 )reK,,ri. fur the ("mnity
of ''lata (i. on the lib day of May. I'.mU.
upon a Jiidgem -lit rnd -red Therein ,,n
the I'Oth day of Kehruai v. lsn, :i favor
of Myra Russell, pl-ilntlrT. and iigaiiist
Mary I i.llleito, ilef.-ndant. for the hiiiii
of Ji;t".,il, (he Finn f .'iHMi) having be.-n
HatiKll.xl. leaving a due mi mid
llldgmeii. of the inn f (o(eie
with IntM -it fliel-eon t the rale of
10 per cent per :tn num. mil 'he vopU of
and iixi: this wilt couimandlng nnd re.
'lulrlng me to levy upon the property
of -he above iintned de'-ndanl in satisfy
the balance of sild liidgineui. interest,
cints and ill nrci'ulng costs. I did on
the llih day of Mnv. 1W1. ittiirh the
following described rul piois-rty. to-
Iit . 10. II, 12. 1:1. Hub. of Itlk.
lot. II. 7. 2.1. 24. 2.1, 26. Sub. of Itlk 4
lot 8. P. 10. 11. V!. 11. Sub. of HIU. V(i:
lot l. 17. 27, 2K, 2!. .10, Sub. of lllk. M:
lots II, 12, lllk 4: !t 7. t. . lllk. hs.
the N. 50 feet nf the went (f lot S Itlk
111. In the Cltv of Astoria, a lull out
and reoorde I hy John M. Slilvelv. I.ol
2, In Hex-. 21, Tp. , X. t It. . west of
the Will. Mer 170.'! arr. Itegln at
south biiuiidiry of Slilvely ). IA c.
4HM feet west of S. K. . oi'tier of mM
D. I ''. to south boundary if pp ne
R. of W., thence west along said It. of
W. to a point ll.3 feet went ,f est line
of tract herein described, tlieiic south
and purillel to eaf line of tract herein
described to south boundary of H.ild I).
L. C, thence along said south line 10
Iteglnnlag, containing 4.41 acres, M Tp
k, N. of It. . west of Will. Mer. All of
srjid deHcrll)ei real prop-rty leng n
Clatsop county. Oregon.
Norlc Is hereby given that I wJI on
Monday the 17th day of Jun, t
th hour of ten o'clock In th" forenoon
of said day In front of and at the Court
House d.wir In the City of AlorU. Clat
sop county, Oregon, el al Kuhllc auc
tion to th highest Wilder for- cash the
ab'ira described ral propeny to satlafy
said Judgnent, Interests, comis and all
accruing coats. THOS. LINVILLK.
Sherir f rlatop County, Or
Astoria, Orego, May I4lh, 11.
Th uaderaigoed has filed kls (11 a,
eoant la the aetata f Margaret Waset,
deceased. sd tk Cauaty Court af Clat
o Couatr, Oregon, hie let Monday
th 27 tk daer at Mag. 111. at 2 s a..'
far keariag esieettea. If aay tbera be
to the saeae. DAYIO WBW,
Baeeater of Jaag wJU aad teatamest of
Margaret Wed!, dfeeeaeet.
In the County Court of lb Hlate af
OtiMon, for h Cnuniy of Clatsop, ln
Hit matter nf Ui rlal of Hllsabelhi
A, Scot I. dn raaed,
Notice Is lieiehy given that I liav th
ilnv filed my nnl accounl a admlnla
trator of the elal of Kllsabelli A,
Sinn, deceased. All persona ar herobjr
nolltled Hint Hie Honorable. Iha County
Conn of cinisop Couniy. (igun, ha
due l Hie 1.1th day of May, Wl, at th
hour of 10 oMm k m., a the tim. an4
the court room of the Ceiinly Court of
Clittsop Couniy at Astoria, Oregon,
the plm'e for licailng 1 1 ' nod alt ob
jection which mnv be made to laid)
mini accounl. nnd for seltllng lh nam.
All persons are lierehy nolirled lo g)V
el'll lliellist r accordingly.
Ailiiilnllitor of lb etle of Klllitl
A Scoli, dece ied.
Astoria. Oregon, A pi II 12 IWI.
The tiiidetnluiii'd have been app Hntad)
exi'i utora of tha last will and ltmnt
of CImih. A. MiMlulre. deceased. All per.
noli tins log claims salnl Inn (
of deceased re niueled lo prasent
I hem at Ih I'rtW of J. J A. Howlbf
in Aatorl. Oigun, within H inonth
from tin. date. OMVK M'OIMIIK.
J. g. A. HOWLUY.
Marsh ?th. ll.'
N ulce I hereby given, that III un
derslnird ba been appointed almlnli
(rator. with th will annexed, nf the
etie nf John C. TYuHlnaer. d4.
and alt person having claim (lnt
the estat 0 Said dreeaard must pre
sent (he anme In the undersigned, duly
verified, al the office of (lie West Hbor
Mills Ciimpiny, at the conr f Hndl
and Tenth streets. In the Clly of As
toria, in (1top CiHinty, Oregitn. with
in sit 111 'tith from this del
a P. A. Tltt'l.MN'i
Inte, nt Astoria, firegmi. May 1'Vh, A.
D. 1501.
in Tin: cdCNTV (NiritT or tub
In th" nmttrr of the elat anl al-
mUslou to prolmte of the Injit will and
testament of I M M Wliltm-y, ;r, d-
N'o'l. e ;s h -rel y givrn thai I i,e hi
1 . V he'l n'lnte. . y the ("ninty
1 ouri ,,f the S'ltt" of nrrgon. for i'lt
oi i'oti:iy. .i linliiliitrtor- it!i-th'-!!l-
lllinrj-d ,,f the i-tAIr f lu.i.I Whit
"ey. Jr. dm-rasod All l:.ilng
eliilnis annlio-t sui t es'nte are hvrstiy
IIOtlfl", to preS'(ll III.' inic lki till, (ir-lp-
erly verlfl-I at the ifTI e f the rminty
clerk of I'hits.'ii County Mriron, with
in six tiioiiilis from th s ' -
w v TitT:.
Admlnlstr itor -t 'he r.ta'i- of I'avl l
Whllnev Ir. d'ee.l'-d
Notlee Is hereby given !li4t th- Ufl.
di-rilitned have b en app dntei ad:rini
Iratoi of the satatn ,,f A'frl H.
Stone, dei-eaned, by the County Court
of ciat.. i County. OtK"n. and thv. all
persotis hiving claim Kaii.t 1
tate sr h"-rehy ruire. to prrnt h
came lo the -.ind -t (tned duly Verinel
11 by law provide.!, within -. tnnth
from the dale of this Wrirld
rialiiis attain! .ti I ete may t- pra.
seiit.-d eitlwr to tin. undcraigneit J O.
Van )u-ti .11 his nffli'f at A-oris
'ten n. or Mr .1 M. KiuIm ., hi
nfn.'e ..f lmin. s it Knappt, ()re ,ti
Ml .erols III One. estril" HT
10 rehv r illl.-. . pay u h In t j's,!
Iie II c. VAN !I'M;S'
J 0 M KAItl.ANi:
A.lnilnlstr.iiots ..f rvstair ..f frf.J
11 S.olle. le.eii,e)
lifted this lt ..IV of May. IV!
l avmeiit, Inletesi rraaes after Ibis d.i'e,
l.'olllltv Tre.isilf rl .
1'ite I !..r n. Ore . Mav lt. I'.ii;
hms c.M.i.rn nut.
I'll"!. oil II OIe As! r 1 u t r. r.r.
tot's iitll.-e Ain :'i. tmi
Silppll S for ReV -title Vessel, e'e.
proposals for si.ppl,-,iis. rati,.,,,. ;.,
on I lo vessels of :he I'rli Hlai. s Rev.
niie rim, r s. ii. " r"dat'v stationed
or .-Mi.i.trilv at Ao.r :i (ir.-goii and
ell,-.- on b .iir l hi. I . selH l ''iat
nlaee diiilne the lis al . ar n lln Jon
!!Ki2. III be r-ce. v ., it this offlc
"ntil J ..' I o, k ;. mi .,' Tile lav. May
14. I's'l. hI wit,, h ' tt,,. .,,,, pin,... .,rv
Will '( .,.e, I Tl,,. fUT.
iilshed to be ri'hi.i. .,r I.Hiim.o.oiis
of be: pirilitv; iniif , character
to w.-iv-h 2 2ln p minis t , I,.. ., , e
dellvt.,e, ,, , , ,,, ,,,,, ,,..,, (( sUrh
lime .Hid ti sin h iilalilll.-s us lliay b
""'" " 1 I"! lcc.ll:!lc e..v UlceSSibU
tc s-ii I v. ss.- s p, . sul.-. t . In.
xpect:..,, :,. to l llitV ,., Wel,. ,.
lets will name !. price both for
i' .imiiiik :,n. . nl M,
les for fllllilshllig llle vessel -Uh.
water and ihelt chant.- ihen-for.
111 ink
lorrns or uiti, s.,s.l.
niis ho.Mi,K coinponeni ptrts ..f r.
tmis. may I,.- bad upi.t wcpti-it l..n to
th s olti.
propiHais must he siib idl-
ted on lhee fni in s
Sepiitl,!,. hl . Will
;',r,,1,,"1r i !h. same ti,,,.- for
IiibilcHiing and llliiiulnaliiiK oils Th
ils-hi Is reserve! to r.'ht nnv r all
bid", nnd no coiiliuct will be put In
""'ii rongre slut, flave
an iippimnlatlon for the purpose
m 1 1
J"ii. I'OX. Ce, tor
I 'en i n mem f u,e Interior Vnhrt
States Land office, OreKon Cliv Ore
'ii. Aorll 29. 1901.
A Hufllclent contest lUTIdavli having
been filed In this offlce by Albert Lelch
baislt. coiii.-siatit, against homestead
'."ir. ?' "W. made OrMobe, 12tb.
11'.., for lots R and of Sec. 2!l, and lot S
and the N TA'. I S. W. U f Hee. 2,
i;wnslilp 4 north, range west by
Chii' les K. Niiwn, cimlesiee. m whli h It
Is allied that comestant "know, i
present rondlt Ion of th, same; UH0 t)t
h,rh Nn abandoned kl
said homesteid ennv for more lh,,n six
month prior to the eiphail.m 0f five
years from the date of hi entry, io-wlt:
,'1 '"T !li,n 'lx m"",h" P''r to Oc
was and Is not settled upon an(J U.
va.e, according , aw by the'saM
f h.rles K. Sawn: that said Charles I.
Hence upon said claim; that the ab
sence of Hld Charles it. Nawn fro
"aid homestead olalm was and Is nor
due o mnpioytnent In the military or
nava serv ce of I.. United State, ur.
by notified to appear, respond and after
clock a. m. os Jua l&tb. 1141 i"
l"Rf liter and R.elv,r , th
The said oataiat karlag sres.
wVleb'. n 'W'.'Vt torfk
tact which (how that after akli.
eeeee. erM. r?,M f r"
hv d asd SMnar as, lvt"
WW. Jrfc4)rr AT( na,jtTr