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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1901)
4 THE MOKXIXG ASTOK1AN, PRIttAY MAI, 17, Ml The Alorning Astorian TKLR1MIONK 61, All contract! for HdvertisinK In tho Aatoi Inn uic miide on u miar. ante of circulation four timed larger than Hint of any paper published or circulated in Clnl op county. TODAYS' WKATHER. l-OItTLANn, May Ifl. OfKin nrf.l Washington. Krliluy, ahowura, much cimiIct In tli miutlin n p"t-ilon. AROUND TOWN. Hi't Canton about harness. Milk d-pot, cor. Tmth and Duane Bt. II. A. Hawkins, of Ilwu.o, bt lit h city. Hirlctly fro mI i egg, wo doi.-n (or 35c, Jiilinxin Iiroa. Krnnk . Moor, of Walla Wall, In at th 0o.lmi. 11. P. KllxTflrM. of Portland. In a gunt at Uio fcvldint. Best l.".-rrnt ml Iltalng Bun taurant, III Commercial Bt. na Tim gasoline hunrh bi-lng cnrmtructcd by H. M. lnlivv for John Jli-M was rncanurvt by tlm custom hous officials ycalnrday. . Oundratui and A. Hc.hroder have I n attending lh Fort-aura conven tion In Kalm as Wi'a"i(M from Court Aatorla, No. I. Crm purs ry. America's finest whlskry. Ths only purs good; guar antnH rlnh and mallow, JOHN L. CAIILHON, Sol Agent. John A. Montgomery hna opened a shop at 421 Bond street and la prepared to do all clanopa of plumbing and tin ning at tho lowest possible ratei. floatyn coal lasts longer, la ran-r and maka less trouble with atoyi and chimney flues than any otlir, 0irge W, Hnnhorn, nu"tit: Mt-plicm't 1 ni J. flirlctly fr'Hli ejgx, two dx-n for Vf. Johnson Urns, Kinh'-rnvn from tha l)ih'mona mind who were lin tin rlty yenti-rd.iy rri"rt rd lhe rapture of a lr lilai'knsll. ntxMit thirty fvt In length, the day previous. Ho Hmlth. of Honth Itend, was In ilm rlty yesterday on buHiwaa. Threa flraf-claas barbers at the Occl dent barker ahop. lieat of sarvlcs. O. II. R.sendiil. of bought a rotnplete ll"W Chinook, ha logirliig on i fit Japanese good of all kind, cheap at Yokohama Haiaar; i: Commercial 81. Strictly fr'li rkg. two d"X-n 'or Jnhimoii Hro. Cupiiiln Young, nf t)i.. nirandi'l luirk I'nlliilhH h. eiptvts io have th" ship ii fluiit by Saturday, Mr. IlaimuNBon U prepared to do up lac curtalna In rl orJr. L-av or der at Oregon buktry. Turnli nrid !t"iijiml'i WVIh havi o. th"'r l.xirliitf I'l.i ht ni Hi.-lln to K.i'. -eni piiri iiiT"i f r IC.Joo. Pupils wishing to take private lem. t i mnk un grada work. aipty to Ml Knatrtt. :73 Ninth street. Ilwiry I yti. the I'lii-lfli- c,.ii( repte. aentative uf ilm I.iiihi Thr'-ud Cumpanv. I III tile i'IIV oil Pr. T. I: Hall ha returns! from I'ullf irtilu and '4ii he found at hi old tjnd 111 the Man'l building. i .t I t tin lown. if ih ronirui'tlng MU.u-leiiiiiu.iiT a dcpartnieni, rturiuHl yinti'rday from a trip Portland. Ye.l.iy wan Ai'euloii day and n bwrvet with aiirtiril aervlrn at the Cttlholti' aitit KpU'OimJ chnri-hea There anmll liiiirviii'nl yea. tenia v In th run of flh. un.l the pro. pen for goo rAti'h-a I tlll dubl ma Tiu my hav in betti-r daya but never herter bittrm than lll-lti; try theni. Koard A Hlokra i'o., llmrtliutliig agent. Dl'-flT 1S.CRNT MEAL; ni8INO 8UN IlEHTAl'ltANT. The ((. II It N. Co ha anutred the tlwoivi Hallway It Navigation Com-1 tinny'a rood running tn-tween Ilwot-o and Nuhi'otta mil will uiv It for Paul ina loir. In th prolix ! court yeairdav Judge Orav tnml" an older authorising Mra Amleraon, admlnlMratrlg of the etat of liana II, Anenin, d'vriiad, to rll a lot In Ald'Throok. Ileervxt aeat aala for the karacifr kolirert lo tie given on Monday evening for he benefit of tjrarr church Will np-n at 8 o'clock ihla morning at Urlf rtn A Ite-'fa. Tlcketa 50 cent. With the arrangement now In force h la pmm'IiI to mnki- cnnnwtlon at l'orilund Iwtween the night Ihi( from here and th' Hnllev rtrttft, and take ii runt Inn mi ! r'p from Atorl to tb (..'nai-ade. The HeiiniM hark If. HiUkfH.l ha ot i rliarti-r licraune of failure to ai rlv.' In tioi i Wi'dm-n I iv cvnlng. The tu Wullul.i w.i outaldi wnlllim for ih. ve.' Inn up to lt night It hnl f.iil-,1 to arrive. Th nirrt'nf tiiiinher of the Oregon Teacher' Monthly ha n ni,rtl 'hig un .nun of th- trip to the lilMtnrl. nl point tnkn bv the nvnt lH'-li -r' In i It tile. Tli article wo .vrnt'-n hv Mr J. nnl' Itii-)', of AKtoiin. Th cou-ity ofTl.'.'r w'll tnv Into their riilarg.M iiuiiti-ra lit ihe court In uc w ithin a we.-k. the lmtrovementa ( tiding nearly coniplete.l. Ilen-arter trie herlff an I aior will have the f a vault In which to "tore their record Th Wiglnf, two coaohe ami a flat car. which compoaed tha ruling atock of h TyUr motor line purchaaH by A. II. tfimmond, wro taken to l'ort- liuhl yeterdy and will bo uaod by the mvnera of the motor Una running bo- iwwn IndepcTulvne and Monmonjih, Th folhMvIn Inacrlptlon wit placed on thi W. C. T, U. bulU-Iln board yea- terdiiy afternmm, falhrwlng the regular' wei-klv nwfllng: 'Ther are coward. who dr not tx- right with two or three, Younar man, on your downward car'r. amp nd think! All rye are upon you." Tho Munzdnlta la engaged In buoying out th north channel of the Cuium. bin from Harrington Point to Kihpp ton. With cintmratlvHy llttlo cxtini; the north channel can b rnndn a navigable a the amth one, and thi dltance auved to rha on iwa will Ixr conxldcrable. Th recently e-urd by auP- (Mriieii reprem-ntatlva of A. m, Iiiim' immd for a aawmlll alto In Nehnlem do not Includ" Ihe mil fif wivr fron. lure irwnel by Frmk I'attm of thl cliy. Mr, Pa:ton hiu nad a.v-ril me. j nge regarding tn ir.iperty nut no I overtnrca looking 'o Ita purrha h.ive i ye bwn made. PLAN SHOULD SUCCEED WILL CiKEATLY INCREASE TRADE IN ASTORIA. The majority of Aatorlan eem to think rhat the wimraw point lxu U dead. If ihev will n vail themMve of the opportunity of hiring Frit Bchultx ihe celi-hrted orator, who ha connent ed to dlcu the auc of the .nv at the karacter konccrt m Monday even. inr. th-y win Pwn that th common point la atlll a very live lau. THK PAN'-AMB.IIOAN KXIfPITIOS. The exposition at Puffalo will b on of the great'! tha country haa ever "en, The entlr michlmTy will be run by the power furnlatied frmi Niagara Fall. Al'h'iugh the motive power re. nulred la enorm'nia we believe It 1 eounl to the taxk, the aame a Hofttet ler'a Stomach Itlttera la equal to 'th funk f utiplying the human bo.y with motive- power when It I en feeble 1 and run down. It p iw er to revitalize the ayittem and aupply new life nnd energy I well kn'rwn. There la no th'r nc Hi In" in the world i jro'Kl for dyapcpalu. Indl- getnn. flatulency nnd nervouaneaa. It hn ln the favorite mHlclne for over fifty yarn. He aure and get the Kanuln with I'rlva e 7le-nue Plump over the neck of ;he brittle. SAI.MoX comhinm; I'lANS Can He Kff ct-d Withou: Alftiki Park er Anocln!ion. A mimler tny!erv may develop from the finding of the bikly of an unknown floating m th Columbia, ne-ir Hte-v.-nwn. The flixiter wan dlavere Vi-.nrilay and the liKiurat nhmvei thu th leg nail anna wvr- gone and th akiill iriihl. Thr waa alao evl- .leniv that the fWi hid Iwen vartUllv bur tied. The Identity of the man hun not yet been dlenverd. Frank H. Ijilghton. agl S year, a well-known reldenl of Clatii county, died vr.nlay at the resilience of I-v-miin C. Kinney fr.mi piirnlyala. Mr. I.i ahton waa ciaiflnf.l to hi In-d for about a week. A wife- nd four on aurvlve, the hitter Iwlng William. How ard. Albert and Iilghton, nil rel eni of rlataop Plain. Announcement of the funeral arrangement will l' found In another column of thl lau . CLOTHING BARGAINS SPECIAL INDUCE MENTS OFFERED We have the largest stock of Clothing ever brought to Astoria and are crowded to the doors. MUST HAVE MORE ROOM t so will make special prices in order to re duce stock. :- :- :- :- $10.00 12.50 13.50 15.00 16.50 18.00 20.00 22.50 SUIT SUIT SUIT SUIT SUIT SUIT SUIT SUIT F6E FOR 5 8.50 j 10.50 11.251 12.75 1 14.00 1 15.25 17.00 1 19.00 ii These prices for a short time only. Buy a suit and get the benefit of the reduction. DANZIGER 4 The promoter ,.f the propoe Ml mull combine. Mi-aura. Onffrov and M (lovern. are iip,iaren;y determined to bring about the conolldiitloa whether the Alaeka J'uker A''lntlon rr itiemlH-ra of Ihe oiirnMnft'.lori or not. , dlKtuitch fnm San Franclaco to th Aatorlan. rerWv-t yeat.-r lay. aald: "The big almon combine 1 off, n far a the Alaaka Iat kem Aaorlutlon la concernej. Aft-r day of n-gotlatlon between the irnixter of ihe Pacific Packing and Navigation Company and th AaxrK-wtnn' ifflcer a halt waa called anl th prvr.otera, T. n. McOdv em. of New York, and Roland Onffroy. of Falrhivn, Waah.. left laat night for Portland. fri-gm. Prei p-nt Forimann and VP e-Pr lil.-nt Hirm h of the Alaa ka Packer Aclatlon aay that thev reftiaed to aHI to the promoter exc.-iit for caih and that not being offreil they terminate! :he r-gotla!lon. Tro muter McOovern aJd. tn'fore he tii"k the triln for Portland. thA! they had offered th Belation a Certain amount In raih Imt that the fiinire demanded waa an high they cimclu.l.-d to leave Jhi Held. In an Interview M!overn ;ild " "We hall (tut thla comtiine through without th Alaaka Packer Aovlnrlin. We hil Mirurcil that wt:h the irptlon we have, if could aivure the ajn. elation we w,.uld ron:rl prju-tlcnllv all the aiilmon In ihe world. Then- an roughly ap.-aklng 3.2O.WiO ,nfi of a,il nuin packed every year. ff thla total th Ahiakn pwple put "u? about mil lion rnaea. Wo now have opilona from nearly a acr of coTnpatric. including prarticnlly all hoa" with Independent tcrrlt'iry and 'tNivIng out 'he Alika concern can conTol atMnit 2 500.000 caaa it yenr. A conaervatlve estimate of the tangible a.ct to be tranafevred la at lenat Tho value cf the rack for the laot four va hna averaite.l 11V000.0M n year.' Now York lobb.-ra. who are intervate I In the canned an 1 in on producta, believe that the deal wd po through, ftcrnrd Ing- to a rvent iuc of the New York Commercial. Rut few have bvn taken Into the confidence of :h promo-era but tho. who have twn are cnthua hatlc over the plan and believe In Its ultimate aucceaa. Whde the hitch In th irr.i"K"ivnt with the Alaaka Pnck era Aaaocl itfon mav delay the consoli dation It I not lik-lv to prevent the plan from going through. I'usliUunCominlttccKalHlnKfiuar untcc Fund for North Shore Line of MteanivrM. The committee appointed it the meet lug of the Puah Cub Wednesday night to arrange for a ateamer lln between liolnta on th North HJiore and Ato rla, met yesterday at the Aatorla Na tloml bank. Plan were Immediately conaldcr-d for the trelminary work am! mmljer of th committee were appoint ed lo Interview merchant and explain lo them the detail of the plan. The committee I compoaed of II. L, Ham blei, J, T. Iloa. Martin Fi.aid. F, A Flaher, Albi-rt Uunbir and M. H. Cojie- land. The enthuNlaam with which the com mltt'-e haa gone to work dea?rve the co-otieration of th .n'Tchanta In plarilwhlch tiaa been fimulited for their own good. The people of Cathlamet, Skainokawa and other point along the North Hhore formerly did moat of their trading In Aa'.ir-ia. JTirough change In ihe achedulea of the steamer thev now rach thla city after shopping hours and can make the trip to Portland and return In almoat the aame time It would take them to remain here over night and Iran ict their buamea the follow ing day. The altuatlon haa rulted In th dlverslw of thousand of dollars' worth of trade to Portland that nhould In all reHin come to Aaforia. The plan of the committee. a out lined In the Aat irl.-in W?dneday, con fmplate th? establishment of a steam er line that will leave N'rth Shore point In the morning and give paescn ger several houra In Aatorla during buainea hou-s. returning to thetr honi at a aemon.ible hour the same night. To do thla a guarant'-- must be maintained to the steamboat owmra until the traffic shall prove profitable Thla guaran'?e I what th committee a trying to talse. The full amount of the subscription will probably nev er be called for and It Is uulit on the cards that the uslne' may prove to ! pylni from the start. In case a deficit occur the subscribers will be liable only for a pro rita amount. It would I) Impossible to estimate the volume of trad that would Ik- brought to Astoria by the ucci-a of the plan. but It would aggregate considerable. In addition to Ihe smaJI town that would lo their trading here there are ss-veral seining grounds on the rout, the i fdoyeea of which would spend their money with local menihant. nualnes men with Ucre Interest have com mend"d the plan and are working for is success. The committee called on several merchants yesterday and the work will b continued today. REWARD. Will oav a liberal reward for the re turn of all paper and keys taken from the grip stolen from the Northern Pa cific warehouse at Kalami last Wed nesday. Will not prosecute. CHA3. LANGKRT. Box 1H3. Seattle. Wash. HIUVS Us.TKST MOVE. Seeks ContM of Right of Way to T.i-coma. FROM THE EXCHANGES. All bids for the erection of the exper iment station buddings at Union, have been rejected. Two hunlrcd and fifty men have commenced weeding sugar bffls In the i Irand Ronde valley. The universities of Oregon and Wash ington will meet In Joint debate In Eu-ifi-ue on Friday evening. Th- annu.vl convention of th.. State Red Cross S.xlcty will occur In North Yakima. Waph.. May 2S-30. A piece of (uartx was picked up near Antulne. at the Mule Gulch placer In i irecon. that is worth JOOO. A monument was unveiled at Eugene on Monday to Line county volun:eers who f -ll In the Spanish war. A good (low of gas has been struck In the w.. bi-lng bored near Hooulam. Wash., by the Olympic OH Company. Th- work of laying the new steel on the Northern Pacific track between Prosacr and North Yaltlma Is progress ing rapidly. The Masons. Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows of Pomeroy. Wash., have combined to build a two-story hall at a ccst it J600o. The field meet between the teams of the University of Oregon and the Uni versity of Washington, which will be held at Eugene Saturday, promises to be an Interesting athletic event. On or about June 1, 1901. a siren will he established on the extreme outer t-nd of Toint Arguello, CallfornU, to found blast of two seconds' duration tepa rated oy aiienl interval of 2 eond. The rpport that a contract for grad ing the Graya Harbor extension of the railroad, from Hoqufam to North Bench. Wash., ha-1 been let to Nelson Rennett i aenieu ty that gentleman, but rail road ifflelal iy the extension will be built Chl season if no obstacle are (-ncoutit-red In securing tfc right of way, The Commercial Club of The Dall la eonidering the woolen mill proposl tlon submitted to the Puah Club and Chamber of Commerce of Astoria, The same Inducement la asked for there as her .the aubscrlptlon of 125.000 of ten- year-bond to b? covered by a mortgage on tha olant. Th'-re is an Impresahn prevailing thai the proposition will b accepted. WHERE DO YOU BOY YODR GROCERIES? HAVE TOU TRIED A. W.SHIPLEY? 154 Commercial 8treet. DO YOU KNOW That ha glrea you the beat thert la to be had in tha city for th leaaH money? P)ae an trier net and tee. SOME INTERESTING FIGURES Capital Bt ck of the Four Great Bank of the World, December 31, 1899. Rank of EngUnd $ 8.047.35 Hank of France 34.0S0.OQO Imperial Bank of Germany .. 28,5fi0,00 Hmk of Russia 25.714.920 Total ir6.372.8jS Funda held by Mutual Life Insurance Co.. of New York. Dec. 31. 1899 1301,844.537 Or. 1123.471.682 more than the com bined capital of these famous banks. Th new form of policy of the Mu tual Life provides: First Security. Second Profitable Investment. Third Liberal loans to the insured. Extended term Insurance In case of lapse. Automatic paid-up Insurance without exchange of policy. i.ineral surrender values. One month'g grace In payment of prmlum. For further information apply to VAN DU5EN & CO., Resident Agents, Aatorla. Oregon. THE PLACE TO BUT CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT. FISHER B!STiIE0S Astcrla, Ore. 4Af feimnu mmc BRIEFS AM TKAaStBWS ASH II PDBLE SUING r PMlMfi ILL mi l!LIT!UI ii tiii n is nmu Cor. Tenth and Commercial Streets Telephone 661. Mr ZEALAND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Just TO Remind You It is helieved in Taooma rhat Presi dent J. J. Hill, of the Orvat Northern Is Bhout to make a fight for possession of the rlirht of way between Tacoma and Kiluma. knrvvrv as the Tortland rug-t Sound railway graie. The Urent Northern suit for the re covery of M.220,r00 allegvd to have been advanced by the Seattle Montana railway, which company built the line of the fireat Northern from Havre. Mont., west to the coast, to the Port land Puvet Sound, has been served on H. u Tlbbils, Jr.. who, In 18!K, was appointed state agent of the Portland ,V Puget Sound railway. In addition to this, it is stated upon good authority, that the flrfat Northern will shortly bring another suit for t'ie amount of tax recefpts along the Un recently purchased by the company agents on the Sound. The suit of the Great Nor'hern seeks to obtain title for that rond of the entire right of way I.Ant T..A.n.A . V. ..... Y. TlAMA Tlll..VM ii Aiii-iiiiitk iiii.'iiKil i.rivv, inu'c I t. ,. ton. Lewis nnd C.wliti counties to Ka- MSting bpOOUS lama. n,yonn tnis point mere naa been no attempt to get control. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TlfE IRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASTORIA. At Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business. April 24, 1901. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $242,737 IS Overdrafts, secured and unse cured 1.919 9 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 12.500 00 Stocks, securities, etc 95.143 72 Other real estate owned 6.160 45 Due from National Bank, (not reserve agwnts) 2.314 70 Due from State Banks and Hankers 50.372 85 Duo from approved reserve agenUi 97.113 II Internal Revenue stamps 479 28 'hecks and other cash items. 30 35 Nickels and cents 110 97 Lawful money reserve In Bank, viz. pecla 114.700 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 625 00 Subscribed Capital, -Paid-up Capital, Assets, Assets in United States, Surplus to Policy Holders, 15,000,000 1,000,000 2,545,114 300,000 1,718,792 Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast ovei twenty-two years. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Resident Agents, Astoria, Or. ...The Esmond Hotel.. PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. EurooeanplaB.SoetollJOoeTday. OSCAR ANDERSON. Maaater. J. C PESDE6A3T, Chief Clerk American plan, 11.00 to ft 90 per day. Total J623.907 61 LIACILITIES. Capital atock paid In 50,000 00 Surplus fund 25.000 00 Undivided profits. ies expenses and taxes paid . 31.&SS 77 National Bank notes outstand ing 12.500 60 Individual deposits subject to check.. 3415.139 63 Demand certificates of deposit 89.217 01 Certified checks .... 462 20 504.818 84 : POSSIBLY You Are Not Aware of the Faat Time AND SUPERB SERVICE VIA. Total 8623.907 61 STATE OF OREGON. County of Clatsop, ss: I, S. S. Gordon, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and be' lief. S. S. GORDON. Cashier. subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of May. 1901. C. R. THOMSON. Notary Public. Correct Attest: O. C. Flavel, W. M. Ladd. W. F. McGregor. Directors. THAT WE SELL j ..Granite Ware.. C. W. BAR R DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 57S Commercial St.. ASTORIA, OR. TELEPHONE. RED 2061. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mary E. Stanley et al. to Julia Ram seylot S, block 6, Grimes Grove An nex: $160. Grimes Grove Land Coffinnny to Julia Ramsey lota 3 and 12. and east half of let. 4. block 6, Grimes Grove; $120. United States to Margaret C. Corco ran 160 acres in sections 29 and 32. T 6 N. R 7 W: patent. Reaver Lodge I. O. O. F. to H. F. Flsher-lot 28, block 50. Ocean View cemetery; J20. FUNERAL NOTICE. The funeral of the late Frank H. Lalghton will be held from the residence of Lyman C. Kinney at 10:30 a. m. Sat urday. Interment at Presbyterian cem etery, Clatsop Plains. Service at the grave private. .. Milk Tans, 2 qt . Pudding Puns, 3 cjt, Wash. Basins, Sauce Pans, lipped, 2 qt. Sau e Pans, Covered, . Gem Puns, 8-hole . Roast Pan, 9x13 Dish Pans, 10 qt, . Tea Kettles, .05 .10 .15 .15 .20 .30 .25 .35 .40 .50 Great AniBilcaii ImportiBt Tea Go 571 Commercial Street, Astoria. THE LOUVRE The headlines of the program at the Louvre this week, are the clever and amusing Irish comedians, McSorley and Whitney, who come to Astoria well rec ommended, after successful engage ments la the larger cities on the coast, WE HAVE tfri ill' A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train in the world," Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heal, of a verity equaled by no othv line See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, address. J. V. CASEY. C. X EDDY. Trav. Pass, Agt., Gen. Art., Portias d. Oregon. Portland. Ore. 2-DailyFastTrains-2 TO THE EAST If you cannot take the morning train, travel via the evening train. Both art nneiy equipped. "OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS PULLMAN DINERS. LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hours in Urn. saved to Omaha, Chicago, Kansas Citv, St. Louis, New York, Bostoa, And Other Eastern IVmts GO EAST VIA SHORTEST flHD. QUICKEST TO Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. It Is to your Interest to use THE OTERLAND LIMITED. Tlcketa and sieepmg-car berths can be secured from G. W. LOUNSBERRY. Agent O. R. A N. Co., Astoria, Or., OR J. H. LOTHROP. General Agent. 136 Third SL, Portland, Or. Foley's Honey r Tcr aeais tugs tuta steps tne coesa. St.PauI, Dalnth.MinneapoIis, Chlca;! and All Points Bast. DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; BIEt VICK AND SCENERY UN-EQUALED. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dmlng and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. Tickets to points East via Portland and the Great Northern Ry on salt at O. R. & N. Ticket Office. Astoria, or Great Northern Ticket Offlcs laa THIRD STREET. PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full inform. tlon regarding Eastern trip, call so or address. A. B. C. DENNTSTOV City Pass, and Ticket Agent. PortUal Foley's Kidney Curo makes kidneys and bladJer right. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Notable among the nleaaurea afford. ed by the Shasta Route ts the wia my iu ouumern uauiorma aa4 Arizona. Renewed acquaintance wr mis seciion win ever develop fresh points of Interest and added industries, in its prolific vegetation and amonr its numberless resorts of mountain, shore. vnittry ana Plain. The two dally Shasta, train fram Portland to California have been re cently equipped with the most as- proved pattern of standard and tour ist sleeping cars, but the low rates sf fare will still continue in effect Illustrated guides to the winter re sorts of California and Arizona mar b had on application. C. H. MAKKHAli, G. P. A.. Portland. Orerc.