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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1901)
THE MORNING ASTOKIAX. SUNDAY, MAI 12, 1901 The Morning Astorian TKMOHIONK 601. All contracts for ndvcrtimnK the Astorlun ur inadu on n rum-' Miit of circulation four time largsr tliuii that of nny paper published or circulated in VAnU op county. TODAY'fl WBATIIEn. I'OltTliANI), Muy U-Wctcrn r gn uinl Wfffti'iit WiiMliliiKion, lutrilv rl'Uiily with occiwluimi ahuwi-rn. Mint crn (mpm, IOiihutii WiihIiIiikiom and Idaho. imiimIv cloudy wllli probably no- CIIHlulllll lllllll'IlT nllllU'l'I'M, COllllf llV Htiiiiinv oviMiitiir. AROUND TOWN. 8c Claston about liarnei. Milk d"w.t, cor. Truth and Dunn Ht. 11. Piiki'ii Ni'tit yentcrday In I'dl'llalHl (Ml bUHllKM. Th ulcftmor Bu 11. IC1mite efi yen trnlay rr THIiunk. Dt 11-r'nt meal Rtalnf Bun Ita laurtnt. Ill Commercial Bt. f W. Vf. llrown. Jr.. of TVrry, On-con, Ih a gu'i a.1 Ui" Oi"'llnl. A. II. Wllion. h irsvllng man from Philadelphia, .n tlu city. SUnn ( litru Hlni.rii U p-ndlhK Hun. day with hrr jvitni In thin lty. All kinds rtf frffli vfKKtablf In aa ii ran 1 1" had nt .Milium IIi'ihi. Thrr flrat-nl'ii barber at lha Occi dent barbrr shop. Hffst of service. Japan? goods of all kind, cheap at Yokohama Itaiaar: 6?f Commercial 8t. W nr now rrrrlvlnic strawbrri '.is duvet from the Kiorr Joliimoii I'ro. Wr nf nrlllna nny lirand of mir full wiMBht rr-iurry luiit'T 41. Joini..n Iir. ruplU wishing to taka private li-wont to make up rradn work, apply to Mia voMntt, 273 runm street, Jo-ih drllilcr left yxDtxnlny to at tend th Riand iktIh of ICatrle, which la to mtHU In Han Fnuic.lwo, Mm, Dr. J. A. Pulton n-ci'lved vetr ilny afternoon at llw hat of a peril' of leu which ah linn given, Tim lltrlitlintimi indir Mansanlta re lumed hint n I if lit from a trip to Oray'n harbor mil Hh'alwn!r bay. Ir. T, I Hull haa returns! from Cnllf ii nla and (.in be found at hi old aland In the Muti-I building. Al- k H-ll. Mlm Maud HHI and Ml 'miiiioii. of I'nriliinil, ww In th city ycNti-rday in rout to MeauM. Ipoiip- Hnrtium a dlmhawd In JuHilii- llrowcr'a court ytrday, II wiin chargnl with Miult by l'org- 1 II I Hi ll. You niny liav nccn T-ttT day but never bo'.tir blttrni 1hn Ill-Ill; try t In-ill. Kourd A Htuk' H Co., dlnitiliuUng nui'iitn. ')r, Karlx nit-rialnnl a lurg party on board the Klcdrlc ymti-rday morn- ln. a trln lx'liiu niad' to Fort Co- lUMlllltt. Work la progrfMlng rapidly on the cold ator.irfi plant bdng rwtl by th llooth tViiiLioy idjulnlng their catuuTy In I'l per Antoiiii. John A. Montgomery baa opened a hop at 421 Ilond ptret and la prepared to do all rlaa of plumbing and tin ning at I ho lowtat poaalble ratei, rtoalyn coal liiat longer. It cleaner and makea e trouble with tov and chimney ftie than any other. fJeorge W. Hiinliorn. nKe'il: telephone 1311. .1 II. Kli-mmnim, of Portliind. who re cently -curil the contrict for on- ti'iK iliitf n m-wiT Kymcm for llermoeii I'lick. urrUol In Aatorln yenterdny. f'llfioii Mondiv io receive npldlcatioiia "f n"xl from nlii-rmi'ii for llc.-nw A mimner have not vt tiik'ti out n licence nnd liilm n tin k of on..rriun:ty. Inriulry haa bwn mad of rifv-rlff Ilnvlll for aaalntanca In locating a voting man named Luff, who wm laat heard of 1n Aatotia. Ilia mother. wlv Uvea In Mendocino county, 'allfirrnla, la th In'iulrer. Th raaea of the threw flnhernin ar reatcd Friday near Clifton bv Deputy liultman and Wa'er IUIlff Wlckman. wrr called up In the Juatlct rourt ye lerdny and by requeKt wr continued until May 22nd. Governor and Mr. T. T. fleer bave left for California, to vlalt the gov ernor'n mother and to wltne the launching of (be btttleehlp fitilo, whli'h will take place n Bnn Fruncimo during rrcaldent McKlnl'-y'a vlalt. The foreign export of canned aalmott bv winer the Pt Iwi week wer- In ihhck an folUrwa; I'-nanir. 120; Hlngii- l.rc, 61; Tahiti. 1r,0 and 1 barrel; Mouth America. Hid; China 105; Manila. MO: I'ulcuit", 60; Mexico, .T',0 harrela. Flub Warden Van Duen wan unlif (.ntloiiiilly mlno,ii"ted yeaterday In atiit Ing that he lnt"ndn rollmMlng Itidivlduiil Pcenaen from boat -Puller. AH ch who Mlt In any way In bandllng the rear will ba compelled to take out a USnic. Yoaterday' run of flah w lht and hut few flnhernen ara working. In a local boarding boue twentv flan- ermen and a miny txiat men and the high boat ha a record of five aalnum One man wai out eight day without making a catch. A broken trolley wire near TVwith'a cannery remlled In the- atoppage of the utreet cr liat night hortly after 10 o'clock. The "trouble" men of ih- Aa- lorla 8tret Hallway ( nmany wre called "ill and the damage repaired abu two hour lau-r. Terry McKuin will leave tomorrow morning for Hnn Francla"o to Join th" Frank i'ihiIi-v Ketmrtolre Company. Mr. MrKefin will play Be Juvenile ro!r hiuI hU decided lellilendea toward blh (I'lneilv eiiaure lil aiMi-eax. Th. com pany ta b Hiked to appear h'-r In April vear. SALMON TRUST DETAILS WILL BE CAPITALIZED AT TWO HUNDRED MILLION. Nh nick of 1'romotvra Arc Mad I'ub- lic and Financial I'lan la Definitely .Stated. The liif.inl clllld It Irf-.lln died lit night. f Mr. and Mra F Ilaitiuii4id 111. In V Try our I'erfectloti Illcn.1 Mh'bit and .Tuva C,,fT--'; there la pone te-iter-Jolin-a 'ii llroa liiapei'toia Ivlwuida an. I Fuller la a'ceil th nieiuiiora t'lnia and Ca! lender yeatcTiluy. The r.ermaii alili Nereua. with a cargo of guiln for Kurope, will go to aen thla niornlng. The teialin .i the atemner W II lliirriaou. IicIiik made In 1'orilan.l. are prog rowing tait't!y, Mr. Itaaii)un U prepaid to do up I a iv rurtalna In good ordr. tamva or der at Orrgon bakary. Nrlln 1). Johiiaon. who private ee relaiv to A. II. Itniiiiiioiid. la In the i lty for a abort vimt. Cream pure rye, America' flneal wblakey. The only pure goo4a; guar- nntefd rich and mellow. JOHN I.. CARLSON. Bole Agent. HKHT I6-(KNT MICAL: R1BINO HUN RKSTAl'RANT. It.-v. Ilenrv Murcolte w-: iren h to day In the Flrt I'reatiyterlan church of Rot'tUnd. timing liangeil .u!;ilta wlMi ih.- ll-v J V. Milltgan, former paa-or of th l'rebvterlnii church ber". Iridic wanted to work on aofa I'll Iowa: mnterlal funilalu'd ; ateady work (II II. ml I; fXM-l lellei- lllllieeeHH.irV. ft'wA nain,d ciiveloe to Mla H. Mc. li.f N.edle Work le.t.. Ideal Co., Ctll CllgU. An order made in the pi-obit" nut t veatetd.iv ly Judge lrnv to al low the iiiiar.Piina of Hie bera of t lt tale ,f Mra W. rt. Klnnev to II cer ta'ti re it ctati p algiiatixl In the petl. tlon Iidlo and glrla "oik for iia at home, to fto weekly. ey work; no vaaalng. exierleiic. unnect-aaarV. t'iid aelf -addreaaet enxeltine for iMirtlcuUr. Co- t-r I'lve llo'tie Work Co, 40 Pear b.nn. Chicago. Th. twetitv-ntnth iinnual reunion of' th" Oregon I'loncvr Arlatlon will ti held In the ein.mltloii building In Rort land. Friday. June 14. The annual nd diTa wll b'- dellverml bv Jlldife Ral eigh Siott aint Charl.-a V. C.allowv. ,f McMlnnville. will alao wak. lb due"! ratea have been by the rillroada and a large crowd la ex-pecfel. A illatuiti h from r-at tl- iclla of the phenomenal run of halibut encountered thla aeaa .n. The a hooiier J.-aale, In which W. W. Whipple and other A- torlana are liiterrt'd. la m.ik rig a rec ur 1 for banner cat. he The market la firm and the flh rtre In atei.1v d iiiand In New York AM the veel n vaired In the trade win make jr ofl mon ey thla aeaa ill. The Oregon I'lon r Mlaton. nl Socle ty, hi ita rgilir me-'ing yeaterday. 'elected th.- following of!l,.ra for the I cnulna v.'ir: Rr-aldeiif. R j Miu t Kuan, vl pr-alibnt. F. J Taylor; correapondlng ret iry. K. c. Hold-n; ecretnrv. It. N Carnu'iun. treaaurer. I C. if Wright. A conalibrable amount of routine tui'lti'aa wna a!eo tranaa,-ted at the nveting. The Sin Fr.un la- Trade Jouri al auya: The run of ailnion on the Sacra mento river continuea free The ninr ketmen hre atllt pa king the flah in Ice for ahlpmeni to the Cdiumbia river. where they are aent In cold !orage to Faatern point a 'i'umtift river chl- nixik. Some of the flab haa been canro-d nt the ennnerlea on the"nti river, but the flah uaed were not de irVle iit- for ahlpplng F.iat In roll atorage. The propoaed ayndlcate being plan ned by It. fluff ry to control the al inm Induatry la gralually m-arlng com pletion, Charlc I:. Flint, v.'ho I nam ed a one of the rganUer, la re garded u the "father of truara," be having engineered ;hi- llrat big fioan clnl combination which have recently at art led the financial world. An Aaaoelnted flea dlatilt'h from New York to the Aatorian, received yeaterday, aya; "The Journal of Commerce .iy: The conaolldatloii of the 1'aclflc ;airnon can tierb '. atlll In tentative ahape. The organU;itlon of tin- company I under the management of T. It. McO.nvrn of DelaflHd, Mctiiivrn & Company, Chag. It. Flint, f tbl dty. and Roland Onff roy of Onffroy & McOovrrn of San Franclaco. "rmiiorlAnt matter on the coaat are atlll under negotiation and it 1 like ly to require aome time for thla work. "Aa for the flnan -lal arrangement. It la underatood theae are well In band but that the point haa not yt been reach'-d for calling ul:Tl)tlon. The prcaeiit plan contemplate the forma tion of a company, to be known a the Pacific Packing & Navigation Company with a alock carilullzailon "f $200,000.- 000 eoiirilly dlv!dl Into eyen per cent cumulative preferred aux k end com mon atvk. In addition an laaue or IT.nnn.ofiri Revert -year debenture it alx per cent la proooai-d. A a'nkhg fund of ll.OOfl.OWl to retire the bond ! pro. vlded bv un-haae If the aame can be .litalned for bus than lO.i per cent "r at ttiat price by lot In cne auch pur chaa a can not be mad-. The company la alao to have the :r!vlege pfter the exnlratlon of on" ye-ir. of retiring all outftandlng ilebentura upon thlrtv dty' notice uuoti nny ni'-rea: day at I'i.'i ind aivrued lnt-ret." WOMAN'S CLVR MKRTINO. Intel ,-atlng Rap-ra Read at Seaalirfi Held Yeaterday. The Woman' Club of Aafe-,t met yeaterday at the uual hour ai Tagi Iril! Following the repor; of arlnua aianding ronimlttee the progriin of itila afternoon wa given. Mr. I'raei ' u r Modern Miisnx'ne." Mra. Pra-1 read a wiper on "Ad v.rt!em -n;a In Mud-rn Magazine." n, the topic d'' ciiaacil by Mr. Fatalind was "Cur. rent Literature." The 'nualcal feature of 'he session were an inatrumental "ol-i bv Mi Bea trice Hidden, of Vancouver, and an ln Htrtimcntal duct by Mit Holmes and Mra. fra Rnker. Ni:W CAN FILLER. D vl.e Tht: Will FM1 Slxtv Minute. Can an I CLOTHING BARGAINS ! W IU:hl.o:,e. of IVwvy. SkiMClt county. hft 'nvented a can filler which i may r.-v-ilutlo-vxe the aaimon na.-klna In-ltiHrv of the Pacific cat. aay ih- i i atnianiet -tixei-e tie na anown in wooden model which he ha. to a nuin b-r of the motit prominent ilinon pack-ra of the Sound an I one und all. thev h.ive .ironounced i: a great uc cca. Aa cron pared with the Jensen filler, now own-d ami ,ie exclu1vely bv the Alaakil Packer' Asam-laticn. !t I Inconiiuim'ilv auterl r. That machine ftviiuently fill the can phi full, and often dent them o that the top can not be pi. iced on them until ;hcy have been atralirhP'ticd out again. Mr. Rath- hoii"' m.ichlne ellm'nnte thee defect and pick betw.v-n t.O nd 11 can tcr minute. He ha It nlr.'-ulv pntcntel and Mr Onffroy. who I at preacnt In the Raft i SPECIAL INDUCE MENTS OFFERED i We have the largest stock of Clothing ever brought to Astoria and are crowded to the doors. MUST HA.VE MORE ROOM so will make special prices in order to re duce stock. :- :- :- -: RKALTY TRANSFERS. C. W. Cnrnahm ami wife to M. J, Wright S crc In section 27. T 7 X, R 10 W; J1S0. Jennie Caniptell to Norman Drape lot 3. block . Clataop Grove; fl,;. Marv Fltxpatrlik. administratrix, to acre of tide land In Columbia river quitclaim: 11. Mary Fltxpatrlck to S. Farrelt 16.42 S. F.irrell aame Property: $ I'nlte.1 Stite to John H. Smith northweat nuarter of section 21. T 7 N. It 7 W: tmtent. Krneat F. Llbke and wife to Wllllam- ette Pulp & Paper Co. northweat quar ter of section 23. T 7 N. R 10 W; 11000. A f"RRnCTION. ASTORIA. Ore.. May It. 1901. E litor Aatorian: In thla mornings Issue un der the h.mllng "Roat-Pullers to Pay" uineared the atatement. "The JuRilce found the defendant guilty but stated that n he wa acting apparently in Ignorance he was discharged." Thla Is misleading, and a it concerns the Pub lic unit i a matter of vital Importance at ihl. time. 1 trust It may be consid ered proper for me to make correction of the autement. The Justice did not flml lh. lifendint initltv. nor did hp orgimlxlng a namm.vh combine to take Utute the defendant "was apparently act- in a numli r of the Sound canneTie. haa . iffnr!lrl,.p The Inailce 1n r,iw. ii $10.00 12.50 13-50 15.00 16.50 18.00 20.00 22.50 SUIT SUIT SUIT SUIT SUIT SUIT SUIT SUIT FOR S 8.50 FOR 10.50 FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR 1 1.25 ii 12.75 il 14.00 i 15.25 17.00 1 19.00 ! These prices for a short time only. Buy a suit and get the benefit of the reduction. DANZIGERl ni'title t him that he wan! 6o0 if them Th" tlri one of the niahlne I ( be bollt nt -he Relllngh'im Ry Inm Woikii In White 'tn. ST. HELENS MINKS. Valuable Oil New In Sleh: WMth. rromiao Ing upon the case, did say that there waa no doubt In toe mind of the court that the legislature In passing the recent fisheries act 'ntendd that any and all person In any way oieratlng a gill-net should have an individual license: al so that ther. wan no doubt in the mind of the court that a boat-puller of an ordinary lower Columbia river salmon outilnr hoot, performing the regular du- Andrew Olaett, fonman nt the (.am ende Ciilumet nln-'s, in the St. Hel en district. wh"re work has ln-en go Ing on continuously lnce lust summer, ws In Portland last Friday from the ramp. The work upon the Norway mine has been pushed, and hundred of tons nf or have neen piled up " the dump ready for ;-hlpment to Caatle Rock a soon aa the wagon road now under ennatru 'Hon ahnll be completed. Mr. Olaen brought out sanipb-d of ore which not onlv .losses value, but are also nietty to .ook upon, being; rich peacock and ulphinvt. He haa re Innied borne with i-ontracts for con tinued work upon the Norway, and al so for a tunnel from the Swejjsh. Min ing Company upon the l.'pper Sweden, and a shaft noon the lwcr Sweden, the Sweden being upon the same great lead is the Norway, nnd separated only by the Denmark. Luke Canyon nt Stiir It Lake. St. Helens will this summer be one of the most active of the new camp In the Northwest. Vancouver Columbian. Just To Remind You tJeg according to custom of boat-pulleri of uch boat, and from which boat an ordinary lower Columbia, river aalmon gill-net wa being operated, waa him- elf operating '.he glll-nt aa -well at waa th man who la usually called the ranmln. Th. !utlo alo ntator that the court believed It to be a part of Ita duty to take judicial notice of the offi cial act. of the attorney-general of the tate and of the district attorney; an1 If o, It waa within :hc knowledge of the court that the atfirn -y-general ami the dlatrlct attorney of thl dltrlct hal each glv-n an opinion to the effect that "boat-pullr" need not take out an In dividual llcin; that thee opinion were aivm !r the guclance of the ata'. officlil, that the atate flaherle ofllcera having the; luauance of llcenea In charge had errl -avored to be guided by thee otilnlon; that H appeared the defend int hid tieen aware of theae rplnlon and had iw-n guld-d by thorn; that the defendant ha1 a right to con alder thern good authority; and that while the court did not consider the opinion correct, it did think that under all the clrcumatance the defendant waa 1ijt!fled In believing he wa not oblig ed to take out a license. Thl court hi never In any way Intimated that it con sidered mere ignorance of the law. nor even the opinion of an attorney under ordinary circumstance, an exctiae If he were "found guilty." Rut the opinion of the atate'a attorney formally given I, It appear to me, quite another mat ter. And whether or not a man la "guilty," a matter in which a Justice sitting a both a judge and a Juror la bound to give the defendant the benefit of any reanonable doubr In hla mind. C. V. BROW EH. J. of P. THE PAN-AMB trCAN EXPOSITION. The exposition at Buffalo will be one of the greateat thla country haa ever een. The entire miohlnery will be run hy the power furnished from Niagara Falla. Although the motive power re qulrwl I enormou we believe It I equal to the taak. the name a Hoatet ter' Stoma-h Hitter la! to the taak of supplying the human body with motive power when J I en feebled and run down. It pow er to revitalize the ytem and supply new life and energy 1 well known. There I no Mhr mn1ii Ine in the wifrld o go.'-d for dyspepsia. Indi gestion, flatulency and nervoune. It ha ben the favorite medicine for over fifty yr. Re sure and g'-t the genuine w ith Prlva e 7evnue S'amp over the neck of :he bottle. WHERE DO TOU m m GROCERIES? HAVE TOU TRIED A. W.SHIPLEY? Kt Commercial Street, DO you know the PLAGE TO BUY That he give you the beat there la to be had In the city for th least money? Place an order once and see. C. W. BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 173 Commercial St.. ASTORIA, OR. TELEPHONE. RED 20CI. THE LOUVRE The headlines of the program at the Louvre this week, are the clever and amusing Irish comedians, McSorley and Whitney, who come to Astoria well rec ommended, after successful engage ments in the larger cities on the coast. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP ASTORIA. At Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business. April 24, 1901. RESOURCES. Loan and discounts $242,737 13 Overdrafts. s.cursJ and unse cured 1.019 96 C. S. Ronds to secure circula tion 12.300 00 Pbvka. securities, etc 95.143 72 Other real estate owned 6.160 45 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 2,314 70 Due from State Banks and Bankers 50.972 83 Due from approved re3rve agent 97,113 IS Internal Revenue stamps ' 479 28 Checks and other cash Items. 30 S5 Nickels and cents 110 97 Lawful money reserve In Bank, viz. Spe.-U 114.700 00 Redemption fund with I. S. Treaaurer (5 per cent of circulation) 625 00 THAT WE SELL I ..Granite Ware.. CHl'RCH SERVICES TODAY. MothodlHt Morning topic, "The Su periority of Christianity Shown by the Testimony of Enemies;" evening topic, "City Problems" series. "The Nlckcl-In-the-slot Machines." The p.iator will give his personal experience -with the machines. All are cordially Invited to attend. First Lutheran Morning topic, in Swedish, "Prayers and Answers"; even ing topic. In English, "A Pure and Undeliled Religion." Sunday school at 10 a. m. First Congregational Services at 11 a. m. nnd 8 p. m.; Sunday school at 1 2 : 1 r ; mid-week priyer meeting. Wed nesday, 8 p. m. Presbyterian Usual services at which the Rev. J. V. Milllgnn. a former paa tor. will preach. Raptlst Morning topic. "Two Ways of Dealing With Sui;" evening toP'C "Paying and Giving." Everybody cor dially Invited. Basting Spoons Milk Pans, 2 qt . Pudding Pans, 3 qt, Wash Basins, Sftiico Puns, lipped, 2 qt. Suu e Puns, Covered, . Gem Pans, 8-hole . Roast Pan, 0x13 Dish Pans, 10 qt, . Tea Kettles, , Total JG23.907 61 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 50,000 00 Surplus fund 2o,000 00 Undivided profit.', ices expanses and taxes paid 31.5SS National Rank notes outs:nnd- Inir 12,500 00 Individual deposits subject to check. .I41a,139 63 Demand certificates of deposit S9.217 01 Certitled checks .... 462 20 504.S18 S4 SOLE AGENCY FOR ASTORIA OF The "Carhartt" Brand UNION MADE Overalls and Jeans ALSO UNION MADE SUITS UNION MADE DRESS PANTS UNION MADE HATS. CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT. FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria, Ore. Pacific Navigation Company Steanicr9-"Sue H. Elmore." "W. II. Harrison Only line- Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, Hobsonville. Connecting at Aitoria with the Oresroo Railroad k Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River B. R. for Sac Francisco, Portland and all points east, for freight and paaeenger ratea apply t Sattmel ElrtiOfe & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA. 0Ri, (O.K. &. N. R. RCa, Portland Agenta U.4C.R.R Co., Portland. (B C LAMB. Tillamook. Ore. IN COMPANY Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Subscribed Capital, Paid-up Capital, Assets, Assets in United States, Surplus to Policy Holders, - $5,000,000 1,000,000 '2,545,114 300,000 1,718,792 .05 .10 .15 .15 .20 OA .20 .35 .40 .50 Total 5623.907 61 STATE OF OREOOX. County of Clatsop, ss: I. S. S. Gorion, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement la true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. S. S. GORDON. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of Mav, 1901. C. R. THOMSON. Notary Public. Correct Attest: O. C. Flavel, W. M. Ladd, W. F. McGregor, Directors. Great American Imuorlific Tea Co xSTl Commercial Street. Astoria. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Notable amensr the pleasures afford- ed by the Snasta Route is the win er trip to Southern California and 'Arizona. Renewed acquaintance with this section will ever develop rreah points of interest and added Industrie, in its prolific vegetation and amonsr ita numberless resorts of mountain, shore. valley and plain. The two dally Shasta trains from Portland to California have been re cently equipped with the most ap proved pattern of standard and tour ist sleeping cars, but tne low rates or fare will still continue In effect. Illustrated guides to the winter re sorts of California and Arlsona mar IX had on application. C. H. MARKHAM. O. P. A Portland. Oreroa. Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast ovei twenty-two years. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Resident Agents, Astoria, Or. CfiiHEKt'UL PRINTING BRIEFS AND TRANSCRIPTS VT astorian warn f 5 raiDTint ALL 0RK DELIVERED at the it is tmm Cor. Tenth and Commercial Streets Telephone 661. The Esmond Hotel., t a a a w akjiiiviivi m m- m v PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. Eurowan plan. 80c to lUO oer dar. OSCAR ANDERSON, Manner. American plan, 11.00 to 12.00 per day. j, c. PENDIGA8T, Caiet Clerk