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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1901)
1KB MORNING ASTORIA SIS DAY, MAY V). a Tjlephone Main ML TEKMfl OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Beet by malt per year. Bnt by mall, per month Served by carrier, per month.. .$100 . .SO . .60 SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mail, per year. In advance, $2.00 All communications Intended tor pub lication should be directed to "Editor Aetonao." Uustnera communication! of all kinds and remittance! must b addressed to "The Aitorlan Publish ing Co." The Astorlan guarantees to Ita ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on tht Columbia river. Advertising rate can had on ap- rirstlc 9 the business tnanacr. cl (peculation aver that under a giv en set of circumstances governments will be found doing exactly as the In dividual would do under the same con ditions. This argument is frequently used to bolster up the contention that nations grow more' pacific as their na tional debt Increase. Examples are cited from history to prove that the tendency to wage war diminishes as the burdens Incident to carrying on mili tary operations Increase, and the peo ple are constantly reminded of the Pen alties attached to transgressions against the rules of peace. It Is predicted 1" many quarters that the Increase In the national debt of England will have n tendency to recall that country from the fields of military activity and give a more peaceful aspect to her opera tions abroad. Debts seldom serve to render existence more delightful ir In dividual Instances, and If the load of taxes bearing down upon a nation will be reason to entertain fear of a very dull summer. Washington Star. TO CI.TJ5 A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bronio-Qulnlne Tab lets. 2Jc. The strain Is over and we know that the rigors of the winter haw not affect ed the pipes of the basetall rooters. You are much more liable to disease when vour liver and bowels do not act properly. DeWltfs Little Early Ris ers remove the caue of disease. CHAS. ROOKKS. Druggist. A maiden who hung o'er the gate One night when the hour was late Told her lover: ''Well, ye, I can spare one, I guess. Rut I'm wiping mv nose, Jut wait." The least in quantity and most In quality describes DcWltt's Little Early Risers, the famous pills for constipa tion and liver complaints. OH AS. ROG ERS. Druggist. Girls have been excluded from the Cambridge, Mass.. high school because they lose their tempers playing basket ball. We have always contended that bean bag is sufficiently exciting for work a useful end, the result is cause ,ne "un" nM- SUGGESTION FROM ALBANY. "An Astoria Justice has annulled the Proebstel nlckel-tn-the-slot law. Better let the supreme court take a band In It." Albany Democrat. SAME HERE. If a few more Omaha ministers had the backbone to denounce the evils they profess to deplore the effect on public sentiment would undoubtedly be appar ent. Omaha News. THE JURY COMTLrMENTED. The Dalles Chronicle. A Jury of six men In a Justice court In Astoria has decided that the nlekel- ln-the-slot machine law is a dead let ter. There was no question, whatever, as to the defendant's guilt. In fact It was admitted by both sides, yet on the first ballot four of the alx Jurors vot ed for acquittal, one voted blank and the sixth man voted for conviction. These Intelligent and patriotic Ameri can Jurors and fe'.low-cltlzens finally ar rived at the conclusion that the con viction of the defendant meant the closing of all the gambling places in Astoria, and as this would be an aw ful calamity they voted for his acquit, tal. So the operation of the machines will proceed f all the same as if the ProebsteJ law new had a being. A PECULIAR DECISION. Eugene Register. Down In Astoria a Jury has declared In favor of the nickel-in-the-siot ma chines. The findings of the Jury are at least peculiar. They do not question the validity of the Proebstel law pro hibiting the machines. They go out side the law and base their decision on the grounds that it might prohibit gambling and eventually close up the saloons. So far as gambling is con cerned the law might have that effect, but as for closing the saloons, that Is altogether Improbable. If Astoria bas es its growth and prosperity on gamb ling It is not entitled to grow nor maintain any sort of popular standing with other Oregon towns. The case should be carried up and made a test case in order that the people of Oregon for congratulation. War, It appears, is not only as the late General Sherman described It. but It Is exceedingly costly as well. France is given as an illustrious ex ampleof the Influence of a huge nat tlonal debt upon a war-like spirit. In the magnitude of her public debt France stands at the head of all other nations. In round numbers she owes J6.000.000. 000. This Is supposed to have a ten dency to keep the nation In a peaceful mood and cause the statesmen of tht country to think twice before engaging in any enterprise demanding heavy ex penditures. The debt of France has been taken up by the wealthy people of the nation and !n the event of disaster crowing out of international troubles. financial loss would fall heaviest upon the peopie at home. For this reason the holders of national bonds in Fran.' comprise a formidable peace party, that will stand firmly against whatever tends to increase the national debt to imperil their securities. England has a national debt at pres ent of This will be in creased 5300,OOO.0O0 as soon as the war loan recently voted ean be made. The hard !eson that is represented by this costly experience In South Afrlca.wlll. In all probability, teach Britain caution and be useful in influencing the future policy of the nation. The Income tax of England will be a constant reminder of the cost of war. The recent increase has brought every person whose Income is over JS0O per year within the scope of the law. The sum of H0 is assessed DeWltt'a Little Early Risers search the remotest parta of the bowels and re move the Impurities spilly with no discomfort. They are famous tor their efficacy. Easy to take, never gripe. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Chauncy Depew haa made his 66th birthday spevh. He is 6T years old. but owing to circumstances over which he had no control he took his first birth day banquet in private and there were no speeches. Skin affections will speedllv disappear by using DeWltfs Witch Haiel Salve. Look out for counterfeits. If you get DeWitt's you will get good results. It is the quick and positive cure for piles. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. The runor that Pettlgrew made a million in Wall street on tips given bv Jim Hill seems to have had Its start in the fact :hat Frank beat Jim out of 30 cents playing bexique. Mr. W. J. Baxter of North Brook. N. C.. says he suffered with pll-s for fifteen years. He tried many remedies w!lh no results until he used DeWltfs Witch Haiel Salve and that quickly cured him. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. THE ORKAT SCOURGE of modern times la consumption, Many cures and discoveries from time to time are published but Foley's Honey ami Tar does truthfully claim to cure all cases in the early stages and always affords comfort and relief In the very worst cases. Take no substitutes. Hart drug at 're. It Is said that pride go before a fall, but the revtrse Is true It) dictionaries. Miss Mamie Smith, of Mlddlesboro, Ky writes: "My little sister had the MVUU very bad. I gave her several doses of Foley's Honey and Tar and she was instantly relieved. It saved her life." Hart's drug store. "Live and let live" Is a good motto for all Mien with the exception of un dertakers and butcher. Thomas Maple. Rlrkbeck. HI., writes: "I had a very bad case of kidney trouble and my buck palne.l me so that 1 could nut straighten up. The doctor's treat ment did me no good. Saw Foley's Kldnsy Cure advertised and took one bottle which cured me ami I have not been affected sine. I gladly recom mend this remedy." Haifa drug store. When marriage Is not an opP'M. unity It Is an Importunity. George C. Hitchcock. Curtlss. Wis., savs: "Foley's Kidney Cure haa been tested and found to be all vou claim far It. I have given It to my father and it Is the only thing that ever helaed him." Hart's drug stare. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Uava. MTlTtajVPr Arrive" l:00aImTPortland Union DepotllltlO aTm. :w p.m.iror Astoria and Inter-liMU p.m Imedlate points. 7.4 a,m. 1:10 p.m ASTORIA. For Portland A In termediate points MSA8IDB DIVISION. U:Ma,nv 11:30 p.m. U:Ma. m. ft 30 p. IU. t):W a ut e iu. H;W p. m. ASTORIA . SEASIDE 7:40 a, ra 4 00 p, iu II 0O til VI Mp m 7 IW , iu SumUy uuiy All trains makt close connections at Ooble with all Northern 1'aclflo trains to and from tht East or Sound points. J. C. MAYO. Qen'l Fr't and Pans. Agent J.A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Ii Ti In all probability God Is more human than mo-t of us think. Mr. F. D. Arnold, Arnold. Uwa. writes: He was troubled with kidney disease about three years. Had to gt up several times during the night hut three kettles of Foley's Kidney Cure effe-.-ted a complete cure, he feels better than he ever did and recommends II to his friends. Hart's drug store. No man can keep ahead of himself and behind his wife ut tt e same time. A minist-r says that Philadelphia Is worse tha:i New York. He is a Phila delphia minister, of course. "Our little girl was unconscious trom strangulawn during a sudden and ter rible attack of croup. I qulekiv se cured a bottle of One Mlnut Cough Cure, giving her three doses. The rrouD was mastered and our little Jariln speedilv recovered." So writes A. L. Spafford. Chester, Mich. CHAS. ROG ERS, Druggist. If you are sick all over and don't know Jus: what sils you. It's ten to one your kidneys are out of order. Fo ley's Kidney Cure will bring you health an I efiergy. Hart's drug store. Some men are so mean that you ran flatter them bv sticking up your nose at their wives. There !s going to be a convention of crematlonisis In Buffalo. The home city of the noble order of Buffaloes Is the proper place for a convention of men who favor a hot finish. "T have been suffering from dyspep sia for the past twenty years and have been unable after tryiag all prepara tions and physicians to get anv relief. After taking one bottle of Kodol Dys pepsia Cure I found relief and am now In better health than I have been for against the smillest incomes touched by J twenty years. I can not prals Kodol the tax. In the United States, confident as we have gro vn to be, this rate of taxation would be considered too great a price to pay for the glory of war. The debt of the United States is 51,40O,O0O,000. At the dose of th Harri son administration it was 20 per cent less than that sum. Arguing upon the basis of war expenses, it is plain we Dyspepsia Cure too highly." Thus writs Mrs. C. W. Roberts. North Creek Ark. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. ' I ha 1 a running sore on my breast for over a year," savs Henry it. Rich ards, of Wills.-yv!lle. N. Y.. "and tried a great many remedies but (rot no re lief until I useil Banner Salve. After using otn-half box I was perfectly cured. I cannot recommend It too high, ly." Hart's drug ster. UXORIOUS 1 RAVEL The "Northwestern Limited" trains. I electric lighted throughout, both Inside ana sut. and steam heated, art with sut exception, the finest trains In the world. They embody the latest, newest and beat Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are tht moat complete and splendid production of the car builders' art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. 'No extra charge for these superior accommodations and all classes of tick, ets are available for passage nn the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Block System. W. H. MEAD. II. L SISLER. General Ageiil. Traveling Ag't. I'ortland. Ors. WHITE COLLAR LINl (Telephone Dock.) Columbia River and Puget Bound NaT Igatlon Company, The Tahoma leaves Astoria daily ex cept Sunday at 7 P. m, Leaves I'ortland dally except Sun day at 7 a. m. White Collar Lin tickets, O. R. A N. tickets and Ilwaoo Ry A Nav, Com. puny ticket Interchangeable on TK- hoimk and llassiilc, Through Tort land connection with steamer Nahcotta from Ilwaoo and Long Reach points. Telephone No. 111. A. J. TAYLOR. Astoria Agent. E. W. CRICHTON. Pes-Uand Agent jssf?L. si AKO T5v" OREGON Shout line Union Pacific DaTART TIMH 5CMPDUIHJ From mrtlinil AasiTS Chleni fc 8iH I.nke, Denver. Kl IVrlUndl wotth.Oinsh Kn "l"iai I Hjr, Ml l.ouU, I liii'M imiiiI Knit I -1 - i , , HIl, Denver. r AtUntln north, Oiualia. Kn HipreM m i lty. St I. ' ''hl,'K" snd ' :Wsll Walla", Lrwlsiuru SlKtktne Mpokslie, Mlti'ieapo V'lyiT, Hs. t. ul, I'uiulh, 6 p.m. I Milwaukee, ('lii'if' ami Kt From Aturt i OCEAN 9TBAM5rtlP3 All Sailing t.a lut Irrt lo hali(. For Han Kranciam- Ml Kvi fv Klve invf 30 p. Si. in . m t 7 10 a III 7 am K Huuilav N:iih times out of tnti, when a man throws himself away he finds a .vomta waiting .n the cpol where he 'light.. V; catch him. The greatest skin specialist In Amer. lea originated the formula for Manner Salve. For all skin disease, all cuts or sores, and for piles. It's the moet healing medicine. Beware of subtl- tutes. Hart s drug store. A big supply of rubber blankets has been sent to the otdr serving In the Philippines, and President McKlnley's desire to have an elastic army is about to be gratified. u uuxsonxaiw- auu Ha iVfri1? CAIPTIII-- I'ulunitila lllvrr Steam . en to IVrtlnu.l an. I 1,1 Way I. in ilu(. u day . ... r'"m Portland ' . , K.V. ",LUS,"T k,VK" A"unC OrrifiiU I'ltv, NrlMr, Malum A Waf-Und . (Villain tt UUr I'orllamt 1 1 Cirvull ami Hay Ijitnllur i 1 n m. Tuea.Tliur I'orllamt Ii ('irvulll HoM.,Wrd, ana ri. nd If we fend fi'merat Miles to the cor onation Kin? EdwarJ In his robes wii look like a dirtv deuce in a new pack If people only knew what w know about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would b ueI in neirly every household, as there are fw people who do not suffer from a fueling of fullness after eating. belching, flatulence, sour stomach or have a license to fight for a number of waterbrash. caused by Indigestion or years before we are reminded of our national pugnacity by too grevious bur dens of war debts. WITH THE PARAGRAPHER.S. The mother mountain lions keen their j ycung ones quiet by saying: ' A Roosevelt mar will get you if you d-fl't may know whether or not the Proebstel t look out." Brooklyn Eagle, law is a dead letter. If It is, every ' The Callfjrnlans probably will In sist upon presenting President McKln ley with a large section of climate In a gilt frame. Topeka State Journal. Mr. Bryan is not altogether bereft of political go id judgment. He announces that he is not a canlidate for the presi dency. Philadelphia Record. Ex-Congressman J. C. Tarsn"y wan:. to "abandon Bryan." Bryan giws notice that he will shoot at any party who attempts to abandon him. Minneapolis Journal. dysp"Psia. A preparation, such as Ko dors Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no aid from the sto-na?h. will digest your food, certainly csn'r hein but do you good. CHAS. ROfJERS. Druggist. other town In Oregon has a right to operate Its slot machines. THE PENALTIES OF WAR. Butte Inter Mountain. Is It a fact, as has been asserted, that the conduct of nations is govern ed pretty much as is the conduct of individuals? Theorists who have estab lished reputations in the field of politl- Poor old England may have some sympathy coming, but it is worthy of remark that none of her bonds have vet been plaied on th? bargain counter. A RAGING, ROARING FLOOD Washed down a teleeranh line which Charles C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to repair. "Standing waist deep in Icy water." he writes, "gave me a terrible enJ and cou?h. It grew worse dally Finally the best doctors In Oakland, Neb.. Sioux City and Omaha said I had Consumption and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's New Dlscov erv and waa wholly cured by six bot ties." Positively guaranteed for Coughs. Colds and all Throat and Lung troubles by Harm's drug store. rc 50 cents. Distress after eating Js oauaed from the atomach not TT(?T.U k work ""mediately. Until It getTto work you feel d s- W.-ata'-''-.flSW d'geation-to make th. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets NoV 21 " "tUrIIIl suppllea the torn--m T, narr acid, and julcaa which di, the food qnloklv' lauj Kfe.",'5,1f3ii' ?VBt best 8uecessor to Th. Olaen. WO-1 Com. St Bostin can now forget the capture of Aguinaldo in a nev sorrow. Some sac rilegious inventor has gone to work and tabloided pork 'n beans. Denver Republican. The hit .-if the season the hi:. It is about time for some able Popu list to discover that our prosperity Is a bad thing because it enables us to accumulate money to lend to England. Washington Post. It is to be hoped that the wife of Corn King Phillips will appreciate ine fitness of things to see that her $700 spring bonnet is garnished with corn flowers. Kansas City World. A movement is afoot in Mexico to put the country on a gold basis. And most of the Populists are now too busy rais ing wheat and selling it to raise a word of protest. Washington Star. SEVEN TEARS IN BED. ''Will wonders ever cease,?" inquired the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Law rence. Kin. They knew she had ben unable to leave her bed In seven years n account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debil ity: but. 'Three bottles of Electric Hitters enabled me to walk." she writes, "and in three mon.hs I felt like a new person." Women suffering from Head ache, Ra kache. Nervousness, Sleepless ness. Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will find It a priceless blessing. Trv !t. Satisfy tlon Is guaranteed. On ly 50 cents. Hart's drug store. If ignorance is bliss, then the in this world have the b--st of it. fools Unless some public man announces pretty soon that he will go duck shoot ing or mountain Hon hunting, there will STEPPED INTO LIVE COALS. ''When a child I burned my foot frightfully." writn W. H. Eads. of Jonesville, Va., "which caused horrible leg sores for 20 years, but Bu.kl-n's Arnica Salv wholly cured me after everything else failed." Infallible for Burns. Scalds. Cu's. Sores, Bruises and Piles. Sold by Hart's drug store, for 2') cents. SOM2THING NEW. Just published by the Southern Pa cific Co. Is a phamphlet upon the re sources of Western Oregon which In cludes an excellent map of the state. una contains inrormation on climate lands, education, etc., existing Indus tries and their capabilities. Attention Is also directed to such new fields for energy or capital aa promise fair return. This publication fills a need long ex perienced by Oregonlans. in replying to inquiries of eastern frlsnda, Cooles may be had of local agent Southern Pacific Co.. or from C. H. MARKHAM, O. P. A.. Portland. Or I Depot. Fifth Leave I I Streets Overland Express i rains ror Salem, Roseburg, Ash- .safari Saiam.MA i JO p.m Ogden. Sun Fran cisco, Mojave. Lot Anirelea t'l I'nmn S:30 a.m New Orleana un.i the East. BEST OF EVERYTHING In a word this tells of the Passenger Service via ?he florihwesiern line.. Eight Trains Dally between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest Pullman Sleepers. i-eenejs wining cars. Library and Observation Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars. The 20th Century Train -Runs Every Day of the Tear. The Finest Train in the World Eltctric Lighted Steim Heated THE BADGER STATE EXPRESS, the rmest wany Train Running Between St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line. Connections from the Weet made via The NORTHERN PACIFIC. GREAT NORTHERN and CANADIAN PACIFIC R'YS. At Woodburn (dally except Hun day), nnrnlnf I train connects with train for Mt. An gl. Silverton. Brownsville, Springfield. and Natron, and even ing train for Mt. Angel and Silver- ton :30a.m Corvallla nnajien- aer. 1,1:50 p.m.! Sheridan Passen ger. Dally. I'Dully 5:Mp.m S:25a.m except Sunday. Arrive 9:15 a m 7:00 p.m Klparla , Wlllam.lj. aart Vam .,UwlaU Uava dly hltl lCUvra 3, , ,0 140 a.m. Orrfim Ctly. Payum ,V dally ' Way l.amlli'it' i ! Tu:.TmhuJ 5-ak.R i,,'.... Saturday Klparla to I!. ion Friday O. W. LOt'NSnERRT. A L. CRAIO. Agent. Astoria. Gen. Pass. Ag't.. PorlUnl. Ore. Rebate tickets on sale between Port land. Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates 117 first class and JU second class, including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe Also Japan. China. Hono lulu and Australia. Can be obtained fr.m J B. Klrklond. Ticket Agent 134 i niru street. TAMHILL mVTHrrvM Pasenger depot foot of Jefferson Bt i-ave ror unwego flally at 7:8). :s a. m; 11:20. 1:BS. 3:26. 8:15. 6:25. 1:06, il:3 p. m. and a. m. on Sunday ? y" .iTT" at land dally at M:S8, S:3. U:50 a. m.: 1:35. S:15. 4:30. t 2 :. 10:00 p. m: 12:40 a. m. dally ex cept Monday; 8:30 an 10:05 a. ra. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, except Bun day, at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland at 9:30 a, m. Passenger train leavea Dallas for Alrlee Mondays. Wednesdays and Frt days at 2:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER. Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. Oen. Frt. and Pass. Agt. ADMINISTRATOR'S XOTU'E. Notice Is hereby given, that the uti dcrslirned has been npixilnted adtnlnTH tnitor. with the will annexed, of the estate of John C. Trullinuer, kc... i-d. n I nil persons having claims against the estate of Slid deceased must tre sent the snine to the undersigned, dulv verlfleil. nt the office of the We Sh ire Mills Coiiipiny, ut the corner of lloml nnd Titith streets. In the Cltv of , tiu1a. in Clatsop County. Oregon, wlih In ylx iu 'Mills front this dale P. A. TRPLLINGER. Administrator Dated t Astoria, Oregon, May lot h, A D, 1001. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. In the County Court of the Slate of' Oregon, for (he County of Clatsop, In the matter of the estate of Elisabeth' A. Scott, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have this dav filed my final account as adminis trator of the rsiute of Elisabeth A. ttcvitt, deceased. All persona are hereby notified Hint the lloiuuable, the County Court of Clatsop County, Oregon, haa flxvd the 13th day of May, 1901, at th hour of 10 o'clock a, in., a the time, and th court riHm of the County Court of Clatsop County at Astoria, Oregon, aa Iho place for hearing uy ami all ob jections which may be mailt to said II mi I account, nnd for settling the same. All persons ere hereby not I (led to guv' rrn (hi'iniclves accorditiKly. JOHN II, HroTT. Administrator of the estate of Elisabeth A. rtcott, .li'ci'isnd. Aatorli), Oregon, April 12. 1901. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. The undersigned have been appointed' executor of the Inat will and tstamnt of Clias. A. Melhilre, deceased. All per sona having claims against (he rat ate of deccaard are requested to present i hem at th ottli'e of J. U A. Itowlby in Astoria. Oigon, within six montha from thtadnte. OLIVE M'OUIRK; J. Q. A. UOWLIir. Executors.". Mar.h !th. 1901. TTt TICEOF Fl NAL aiiTTLl'UlNT. The undersigned has filed his final aV c'unt In th estate of Margaret Weaet, dased, and the tunty Court of Clat ao County, Oregon, haa set Mndar. the 27th day of May. 1191. at 2 p. m.. for hearing objections. If any there be to tho saitit. DAVID WE3T. Executor of last will and testament of Margaret Weat, drcensnd. ADMINISTRATOR APPOINTED. IN THE COUNTY COT'RT OF TUB: COITNTY Of CI.ATHOP. In the matter of the estate and ad tnlsaloii to (irobate of the Ittxt will an '8 teatament of David Whitney, jr.. d re.tard : Notice la hereby glvrn that I have thle day been appointed by the Cminty Court of the rttate of Oregon, for Clat- aop county, admltilatrator-wllh-the-wll. iinnexed of the estate f D.t.'ld Whit ney, Jr.. lceed. All perin halng iIhIiik luultiKt an Id rsntte nr hereby notified to iree(t the :(mr o me, irnp erly vi'rlflei, at the iltl.e f the eour.ty clerk of Clntsop County, Oregon, with in six montliN from tin .lite. w. w. critTrs, Adnilnlstritor ( the rstnte of David Whitney, r. di-ceiis-d. A D M I N I T R A TO R S ' NOT I C I :. Noil,-- u hereby given the un dersigned have b'-en app dntr I ndirlnia- iraiorn 1(f tt)(. eatnt of Alfred II Stone, decensed, by the County Cnrt of Clatsop County, Oregon, and th'it all Her ii "lis hiving claim- nguliat .! 1 . tati are hereby required to present 'he same to the undersigned duly verlflil Hi by law provided, within ax liiMitha from the dnte nf this tctlce Verified rlnliii HKHlliKt an! estnte miiy e pre- enteil rlther to the undersigned. H O, .'lll IU..ell. .it his office, a( Astoria orig in, or Mr. J. D. McK.u lane ; hie office nf business, at Knappa, Oregun. All persona In llied to aiild eat.ite. aro hereby reipilreil to pay silch Indebted-lies. It. a. VAN' DtMr.V J. D M KAItl.ANK. Admlnlatrainr of the Estate "f Alfred II Stone. h-cese. Dnte.l this 1st day of May. 11 CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice il hereby glet) to itll panics Imlilliig C.ii,,p county warrants en- Inracd prior to August 1st. IW, lo present the atne t the County Treas urer nt his office. 1C4 Tenth street. f"r A If FA EW ERESTING CTS PROPOSAL FOR BIDS. N'llce a hereby given, that ur to thr hour of 10 o'clock a. m. on Monday, the 13th day of May. 19ul. the cotnmit. tee mi public property of the Common Council of the C(y of Astoria, will receive scale 1 ld for milking the fol lowing repairs to the bell tower back of engine house .No. 2: Removing obi cops and replacing with three new caps, 12x12; removing old lolce and repliudng eight new Jolce 3x1J: pu'tlng In new slls, 12x12. being four pieces; and painting the caiw and sills with creasote oil. Right Is reserved to reject any nnd all bids. J. H. HANSEN. F. E. WRIGHT. Committee on Public Property of I he Common Council of the Cllv of As torlii. f; i a woman's ambition to be so well known that other women will wonder v. hat kind of a husband she ha" got. A POOR MILLIONAIRE Latelv starved in London be cause he could not digest his food. Early us of Dr. King' s New Life Pills would have naved him. They strengthen the stomach, aid digestion, promote, assimilation. Improve appetite. Price 25 rents. Money back If not sat isfied. Sold by Frank Hart, druggist. This Is also the BEST T.TNK hetwn Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. All agents sell tickets via The Northwestern Line W. H. MEAD. H. L. SISLER, General Agent, Trav. Agent. 248 Alder Street. Portland. Oregon. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYINGiAND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Care Will Receive Bnedal Attention. No. 511 Duane St. Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK. Mfr Res. Tel. 1UL When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the beet service obtainable aa far aa speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so aa to make close con nections with diverging lines at all Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dlrlng car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central lines and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further Information call on any ticket egent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Oen. Paas. Ag't., or JAS. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee. Wis, General Agent, THE CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY, CONTEST NOTICE. Deinrt merit of the Interior, United States Lnd Office, Oregon City, Ore gon. April 29, 1301. A sufficient contst affidavit Imvlng been flli-d In this otllce by Albert Lelrh hardt, conteMUint, agalnni liomemeud entry No. ll."92, made October 12th, 1 S'J.I, for lots H nnd 9 of Hec, 29, ami lot 6 and the N. W. ' of 8. W. 'A of See. 28. township 4 north, runge 8 west, by Charles E, Nawn, cmitestec, in which It Is alleged that contestant "knows the present condition of the same; also that Hild Charl'ti 10. Nawn abandoned his mild hotnesteid entry for more than lx months prior to the expiration of five years from the date of his entry, to-wlt: for more than six months prior to Oc tober 12, 1900; that said tract of land was and Is not settled upon and culti vated according to law by the suld ChnrIM 10. Nawn: that sild Chnt-les E. Nawn never established a bona llde res idence upon said claim; that the ab sence of said Charles E. Nawn from s:ild homestead claim wasj and Is not due to employment In the military or naval service of the United States dur ing time of war; said parties are here by notified to appear, respond und offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 15th, 1901, be fore the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office In Oregon City, Oregon. Th said contestant having, In a prop er affidavit, filed April 29. 1901, set forth facts which show that after due dili gence, personal service of this notice can not be made, It is hereby o'dered and directed that such notice be given bv due and proper publication. WM. GALLOWAY, Receiver. payment. Interest censes nfler this da-.'. II. C, THOMPSON. Count v Treasurer. I:iled Astoria. Ore. Muv 1st. 1901. HIPS CALLED FOR. Custom House. As; irln. Oregon; (Viler- tor's Office. April L' I, !!m. Supplies for Rev -title VcSe ... Si-lie. I proposal for supplying rations, mid colli to vessels of the I'rlt ' Slates Rev. eniie Cuttir Service, regularly ta:l 'licd or teittMrnrllv. at As.mia. Oregon .ml deliver I on boar I cai vessels in fiat nluce during the fls'-ni v, ar .tiding June .. 1902. W be r-ce.vd it tin nfTice until 2 o' -loi k ;v in. of Tiles lav, May U. lil. at whah time .ml place iliey will piihllclv opened. The coal fur hlshed fo be no ' hi . l- or bituminous of best riiiillty; uniform In character: to weigh 2.210 p hiikIh i he ton; to be deliver! on b i.ud ihe i-h-Is at m h time and in such riantltl.s ,n m,iv be reipilre at lncalltl. s readily access tile to s-il I vessels, nod to be sulect i In spection as to 'priliiy and weight, rud ders will name the price M,t t for steaming nnd stove c, iri. ami also their f.'iellllleHi for furnishing ihe vessel with fresh water nnd their charges iher-for. Ill ink forms of proposals uhh sched ules showing component pin ,,f ra tions, tuny he pid up 1,1 iippllc'itlnn lo th s otllce; proposals tiiusi l. sub idt teil nn these forms. Separate lil, will also be received f , ,e same time f,,r lubricating and Illuminating oil. The right Is reserve to ree, t any or nil bids, and no contract will In- put in force until congress shail have mile an appropriation for Ihe pin-pone. JOHN I'o.X, Collector. .SHEIUPT'S SALE. Hy vlrtu" of nn execution and order of sale Issued out of the circuit court of the Htiil" of or.gon, for ihe Coun ty of Clatsop, on the inth day. .f April, 1901. up in a Judgment rendered there in on Ihe 1m day of March 1911 In favor of O. II. Wirt, plaintiff. ',i against A. H, Cyrus nn.! Oliver kia. wart, defvn.lnnlM. for the .. IBI9.2S, and the further xiim , ti?in the cost and disbursements i.f thiJ suit, and th costs of ,,nd noon thi. writ comrn in.llng nd reouirlmr i nake sale if the following described real property, to-wlt: The HW. nuarter f ihe RIO. quarler. v.. Imlf of the SIO. quarter, SR quar ter of the NK. quarter of section (2S) twenty-five, township ffl) six nrtrl K rang,) f8) eight, west, W. M. Lot (1) one, section (17) seventeen, township (8) eight, north range n seven, west. v Iils f7) seven (8) neh( in .,i Vim',""' !" l?r'u'k f2) ,w". Carruthers' Addition to Warrenton. Hlock fo) five except lots (7) seven, (8) eight, ffl) nine. (10) ten In Pros pect Park Addition to Astoria Lot (3) three, block H) four Kin Orffo nAHtorl"' ft" c'alsop County, Notice is hereby given that I will on Monday, the nth day of Mny, 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, In front of and nt Ihe court house door In the City of Astoria Clat- tlnn to the highest bidder for cash the above described real property to satis fy the judgment, Interest, costs and all accruing costs. THOS. LINVILLB, . , Sheriff of Clatsop County. Attorla, Oregon. April 10. 1901, i