The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 30, 1901, Image 3

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La5t week I) ro u; lit us Ladles' Vests, low
neck, sleeveless, white cotton, at 15c each.
Same In lisle at 25c each. Ladles' Vests, high
neck and long sleeves, white cotton at 25c
each. Same in lisle at 50c each. Dainty
Sleeveless Vests, white, pink or blue, 50c ea.
All coiilriicti for lulwrtiMiiiK In
tho AnIoi lull tiro made on n Ktntr
Miitcc of circiilntlon four IIiiich
larncr tint n (hat of any paper
publUlicd or circulated hi Clat
op county.
loll'I'LAND, April 30 - M rgon and
Washington uml Mull", partly cloudy,
Hit nhower.
8- Gaston about harness.
A. A. Cook, of I'urtl.uid. 1 ul lli- i
rl.e:t. T. J. Gorman, of Portland, I u gumt
nt ihu Occident,
Marshall J. Kinney, of Portland. ! In
llii city mi l)Ulli".
llct li-cnt me I Rising Dun Iti-
taumnt, (12 Commercial III.
F. M. Warren, wiut 'town f rm Ih I -lanl
yesterday on business.
A rlmlie lot of fine strawberry rhu
barb l J hnnoii llr. today.
II H. Mciiowan and daughter, of ('til
nook, wire in Astoria ycierduy.
Thr flrat-eliuu bortmni at tht Ocrl
dent barbtr hop. Heat of service.
Japanese goods of all kinds, chop at
Yokohama llaiaar; 1:6 Commercial St.
Charli A. Davis, th Chinook trap
nun. u lit tin city yestntiluy mi busl-
Cnplnlii Young, of llii" llrll.
Ih I'oluil'i-h. In Aaioiin yester
dv. Tin- contract for rt'pnlrln No. J en-
K nr house hit been awarded o C. C.
IVrauiinn lloun'oit have roiium-m-ed
the work of litKiolllnic i atrr itiein
nt Fori Hlevnin
Mrt. Itamuen U prepared to da up
lac curtaina In rood order. Ixav or
ler at lrefort bakery.
Cliaili'K t'omp n tt-Tman, who Ihih
Ii'-pii III .it tli' lioiipil'tl for Diiiiii' lime,
lied Siiii.l.iy niornltiK
rust i:.-i'i:nt mical; risino bun
Ride the
Wheel ?
Suits and Bike Pants
Coats and Sweaters
Shirts and Stockings
Suits at $5, $6,
I Nice, .c!iuiil room, newly furnish
I corner It ni l uml Tenth street, Al
I piv in Mr. O. lliTid'Tavii,
Wanted Olrl for general housework
In small fnmlly. Apply at No. 372
Franklin Ave., near hiithlh.
A verv fine lot of large. freh ami
milky roroanut illiwi from the miiw
j wii li Island, at Johnson Bros.
j Tlic flag on On- t-lt y hall I half
i mast out or 1'CHpect IO III" memory
j tin- late ex-Mayor John . Trailing
I Tlx- KrltlMh ship llwthriibafik from
Montr Kong Hint tin- an-am hooper fruit: Him Fl llllclNCO UlTlVl'.l III
' j Hlllliluy.
In tln probate rourt yesterday Iu"i
Dong wta appointed guardian of Jesse
Koiik, minor jviti f Yui-ii Foiuf. who
died recently.
TIih four-inoiilliH'.olil iluuglil'T "f
i. .if t'nloiitown il ! Kun
ilny Ami will be burled in Greenwood
I rcmi ii'iy today.
; Cream pur rye, America' finest
whlnkcy. The only pure good; guar
j anii"l rlrh and mellow. JOHN I..
ICAHUMON. Bola Atnt.
j Mr. W. I. Mark, of AlH-nl'-en. nr
i rlvd In Mi illy on limt niKhi'a iraln.
j to nirml tin' ruin-nil of her father, the
hue lion. J. ('. TrullnKer.
For Rent A alx-roome,l cottajte with
hath, etc Klttier furnlahed or unfur
nlhn!. Knuulre of Mr. Wm. H. liar
kfr. Hit Franklin avenue.
u.. i..,l. Ml.. . Imm rdrner nf
1 Mnilt ami Hind aitvetn; two f-rform-!
an.-en today. 3 and t ,m. Admlimlon.
adulm. Wi-; elillilreit, 2rw.
John A. Montfomery haa opened a
ahop at 1 Ilnd ttreet and la prepared
to do all elaea of plumblnc and tin
nliig at the loweit poialble ratei.
ti... t. ..f i' v Piiiir mnu'rvlaor
I of lic Aatoriti roiui iimri-i. a
i In the rounlv eourt ywt'Tday Th
I amount I" 1-000. with Ieandi-r I'lxi k
j and I'hll Rower a auretlea.
There w ill 1m n Hxvlitl m.ntlnn of the
I'uhIi 'lul in ronniMilon wUh it nlmllur
inii-tliiK of the Ouimlier of fomimn
I ill the ronton of the littler at 11 o i lix k
j HiIh moritlnic. Important buln(a will
I lie up for ilim-tnwlon and it full ntlind
iinre lit denred.
Our splendid assort
ment of Bike and Golf
Suits ought to receive
your early attention.
There are changes in
the styles lor this sea
son. Prices are lower
than ever. We have
,4 SV:
$7.50, $8, $9
Tho Id-till Clcrka' Ai-aiK-lHtlin will
hold Im p-icul'ir weekly inetlnif tonlsht
nt the c'y hull. H'-veral nmtt'T of Im
liiirliince w ill bo up for dlacuaalon.
An liiHtruuient wiia filed In thi'eounly
i li'ik'a olllce yenti-rdiiy by whct F. I'.
Kendall wna empowered to a't oa atcnt
for th'i Atiierh wt Can Company,
Rnalyn coal Inula longer, la cleaner
and nm ken leu trouble with atoveg and
rhlmney II uea than liny oilier. (I'orge
VV. Hiiriborn, ntcnt; tipphonit 1311.
Aulhorlty Iiilk been granted for the
eiiipl.iyinent of an extra inini on I he
llf' miving etew at Fort Cuiihy from
April I'Mh to AugilKt 1.1th of eiull year.
Tint run of flu!) (vmilriuea light, the
eold Ktonig" nin getting the larger piH
of th" eMtehi. Fluhernien romplaln
that nea llona are Ix'comliig nvre pum
eroim. Two iierfortnitti will be given to
day at lb" lent, oriu-r of Itond and
Ninth atri'la, by Uukhi-II'm Vaudeville
'lr'UH Company. The ndmiHNlon prlre
In .Vl and - ,.,tn,
The I, idle' Aid and 1'itHtora' I'nlon
of the M. '.. rhureh will meet ut III''
home of Mr. A. V. Pendleton, Dunne
at reel, on Wi-dneadiiy ut 2 t: in. Iimtea-I
of t'xlay an prevloiiNly announced.
A bill of Male waa filed In the cau
tion houwe ycnt'-rdiiy tronHferrlng the
117-ton nrhooner Antelope from (!. W.
1 1 unto to the Col inn bin River 1'aikern
Axkih Union for a connlderulkm of 110.
The i rowdn thai atte.ide.j the vuu h--v
1 1 1 elrctift vent -rd iv uen. i.nrtli'tilur-
Iv Well i,liitii"l The iiLiLriuireineni liUM
cuiieelleii a date nt ILiinnund and two
perronii.inceM will le- given todny. at 3
Ull'l 1 p, in.
The I H o caned agilnnt Will M.idlicn
f r opi-ruMng eJot rmu hlnen. ( for trlu!
tiHlny, will t. continued to a Inter dale
owing to the alxe-nce of District At
torney II.LirlK'n Allen, who la In Ore
gon 'It y on legal bUNlm-.
The Aoiorhi eorrtiipon-lent of the Tele
itinm ettte" that Mra. firegory, pee
lluby Walter, formerly of AMorta. U
now nlnglng In a com'ert hull In iHiw-
aoii. Mm. Hrvgiry ei.tratel from her
Imehnrid In Seattle nome time anfo.
Mi fin if. t I'unib'll i,1 the Vaudeville
IrrllK, hll g.tthen'd toge'.her H valuxy
or never npeciany '.eopie anil tne anow
In fl"4ervi.ttl v txinohir Tw.i twrform-
ancen will be Klven today, at 3 and 8
p. in., iin i annmHion win rx- m ana n
cent for n lulta and ehlhVrcn.
"Th..rM Im .tn..M In fhA .lit fhllf
glvr utlfaction to all." remarked a
leturned Aatorlan to a friend yea'erdav.
"I... I lh.IV ..Ih.IH.. .Via .'HtMf lkllu '
. .... j tai.'ni n.i'.i.jHrun,
dn being akel what pliue thin could be
he a-m'd eurprlned at the question
and anwer-1 "The K rriun Keataurant."
Feigpnin At Ilouainn will eonimence
wurk tiKlay on the WaJluakl brldg-. and
for three .kn or a month travel to
oiney will e bv the way of the old
mllit.irv roud. which la now tiefnir re.
tmired by Itoudmaater Frye. Tho
brh'ge lll be loaed to travel Thura
day. M.ittMiin nn.t ll.t-1tim1 thM nnnniolnrfl
who have Juai flnlch.-il driving pile for
the old factor' at Tongue Point, hnve
taken .heir driver to Vullukl bridge
to mike reratrn. '.Vlien that coniract
Ih I'omple'.tNl thev will to to fieorg."
Kiihoihn nelnltig grounds to drive
The federal building here la to be
Improved lii the iienr future. jhin for
the Work having been recently complet
ed by MnJ.'r . F. rrmiwr, auti-rvla.
lug iirdiltect for the tro.itiry depart
m tii. New wnlkf. ctirbn and gutters
of ciTiient and u urli k will b''
conn: rucled.
The snlvnilon Army hall w.ia will
llllel hinl nlKht at 'he IHiintruted le,-
ture on the ial v.-at n dlnaxter. by Mr-
Jor ('.nif-na and Adju'ant Smith. In
addition to the view taken bv the army
nIMicra at lalventon wel-ns!rtei1
M-rle cf col'r -1 tilcturen of general ln-
i -eft wiia ala ahown.
The la authority for the
alaieitieni that the Northern Pacific la
iinrloua to uIim oil the PortlanJ- Nehn-
lem & lt;0hviy fomixiny. c.r-
Kiinltted In I'orll.tnd hint February. An
otlrlal of the hitter company la aald
to have been In conference with the
Northern Pacific magnate an 1 an au-
thoratlve innouncenient a expected al
in enrly date.
The oftlclnl of the ClntHop Mill Com
pany are making every effort to discov
er the Identity of the men wh-i hove
been tampering with the lop boom at
Smith's Point, owned bv the company.
It whh cut again yeaterday morning and
a l it of valuable timber let loose. The
boom was Intact a: 4 a. m. mid the
nilNcreanta imin utve committed the
I I after hour.
UcM-ge Chlldleigh. an employee of the
Clatsop mill box factory, wa.t arreated
Sunday night and charged with drun
kenness. He nourished a knife and re
volver In aevern I resort and was only
pl-eventc l from slabbing Manager Nels
llurscy of the ta Tosra saloon by the
prompt action of n bystander who selx-
ed and held Chudlelgh'a arm. He was
tlne, the usual amount yesterday by
Police Judge Nelson.
The ltiltlsh steamshlr. Indravelll. un
der charter to the Portland-Asiatic
steamship company cleared at the cus
tom house yesterday. The ship had less
thin half a cargo nnd shipping men
are wondering where the immense
(lUitntltles of freight for the Orient, sup-
nosed to have been wa ting for the m-
tlrnvelll, could have disappeared to. TTv
capacity of the craft Is "000 tons, and
the cargo amounted to about 3000 ton.
The Indravelll draws, with full cargo.
2.ri feet but came down drawing lS'i
feet. The cargo was made up of flour.
lumber and miscellaneous freight, val
ued at $..6.'.S0.3S.
.T. M. Center, an elderly man appar
ently about fift years of nge, a resident
of Stevenson. Skamania county. Wash.,
committed suicide Sunday night by
shooting himself through the head, at
the Ninth street wharf. Center came
from Tillamook Sunday on the" F.lmore
and was so 111 there thnt he had to be
nsslsted on the bunt. He had been In
and out of Astoria frequently within
the past month and was formerly ac-
omminled by a young son, wno nas
been committed to the care of the
Hoys nnd Olrls Aid Society of Portland.
There is every reason to believe that
he had melltnted suicide for some time.
When In Portland he suggested that Su
peolnteudent Gardner, of the aid so
ciety, take ehnrge of JP.00. -which he
had. saying thnt r.e would haw no more
use for it. Evidently he bcc.tme des
pondent of continued illness
and went to the pier to kill himself. In
tending that his bodv should fall Into
the river, but instead it fell back
igainst the dock. The body is at Pohl's
undertaking parlors and definite ar
rangements for the funeral will probab
ly he Tnide todav. Center Is sail to
have own?d some property on Wind
UiiKWdr V.iudevllle Circus haa ran
ciilled It ditto- for tonight at Hammond
and will glvo two performance today,
nt 3 p. m. and 8 p, m. The attraction
drew large crowd yesterday and the
show gave witlsfaetlon. The price of
udmlnnlon for today' tierformancc will
D ih; una in tenia, ior cnnuieii .un
A dMpuich to th Aatorlan from Run
Frimiseo. received lt night, siatea
that th Herman ship Otto (Slidemelaler.
reri ntly condemned a ;i total loss, af
ter a stormy piiaaage from Yokohama.
bound for the Columbia river, was 'dd
ycHl-rday at public miction, "he pur
eh iter wan Captain Kill, of l'ortlind
and the price paid wan XZfi.W. K'-rr,
OlfToid A "o,. of Portland, tho chirtor-
era of the vcnae 'ent experts to San
Francisco who reported back that the
ship could be repaired at ! than
the Inaiiiance "XITt. eKilmab- f th, which wa fril.fiOQ. an 1 It Is
probubl" that the charterers are the
pun h is -ra.
Iieoiitlons Adopted by Tobacco and
IJ'luor IJlera.
At a 'nee'lng of the Astorlt
Tohn.To anil IJouor Ivalcrs Asoiatton
held at the city hall Sunday night the
following resolution were adopted:
Whereas. The ministerial alliance of
Aatorlo. Oregon, constating of the mln
Intern of the Congr -gailonal, Methodist.
Ilap'lnt and Pr -byierian churtbe
none of whom pay a dollar In tax'- to
the support of the city or county gov
eminent, have begun a crusade against
certain Interest of tic IPiuor and cigar
dealer of Astoria and
Whereas, The ll'inor and ( Igir dialers
eon'rlbuie over IM.000 a year In II
cennen nlotie to the city government and
over tsi00 in annually received from
diva and forf-ltur.- and
Wherein. The ltv of Astoria ha
reached Its limit of Indebtedness an, I
the amounts so reeelv-d are necesgiry
for the running expense of the city, be
It therefore
itindved. That we hereby mutually
agree not to contribute in any way to
anv of the churche aliove named, and
will withdraw our patronage from all
person Interested In the crusade.
The following officer were e'ected for
the ensuing yetr: President, C. C. lt
xinger; vice-president. Will Madison:
"rretary, August Danesnn; treasurer,
lllto Carlson: executive committee, N.
Slmonson, Albert S'afedt and Charles
Correaponlent Thinks Charitably-Disposed
People Should Not Ad
vertise Their Good Deeds.
ASTORTX. April 29. Rditor Astorlin:
Ther havt been much controversy
a to who la responalble for the relief
of the family of W. H. Dees that a
few word from an Interested observer
may not prove ami. Investigation
shows that the unfortunate family haa
t-n the recipient of assistance from
the W. C. T. V.. the Women's Relief
Corp. the Salvation Armv and from
ch irltnbly Inclined ladles not connected
with either of these organizations, but
as is customary, this work wan done
In an unostentatious manner, and It
was not consider? J necessary to make
a p trade of the charitable work In the
newspaper. It remained for the editor
of the Kvening New to discover that
relief was brought to the family by the
saloon-keepers of this city. The editor
of that nasty little sheet Is no doubt
In a position to know, a from the ap
pearance of hi paper he Is evidently
much at home with and makes his llvine
out of the Silim class. It seems tortj
bad that matters of this k'nd should be
glv -n so much publicity. Charity right
ly bestow 'd usually brings Its own re
ward without the blatant praise of the
niouthpie ( or anv particular class.
Suddenly Stricken While Chatting With
Mrs. Val'nda Conn, wife or J W.
Conn, the druggist, died suddenly Sun
day evening, while In tho apartments
of friends n the Page building. Death
wis due t apoplexy, and though she
h id. been ill for several days, her sud
d"ii demise was totally unexpected.
Pes. A. C. Kinney. Fulton mi l Hen
derson were Immediately summoned but
medical aid was unavailing. Mrs. Conn
was a native of Ohio and was sixty
yens of age. Resides the husband there
survives a daughter. Mrs. V. Harris, of
Oregon Cjty. wh arrived in the city
last night. The funeral will be held
from the Kplseopal church nt 10:30 this
morning and servlct at the grave will
be private. The members of Beavr
Ltd go. No. 35. I. O. o. F., will assembl"
ar their hall and attend the funeral In
n body.
To Rvery Purchaser of Our
Teas, Coffee, Spices,
Over and above our handsome presents,
consisting of CHINA, CROCKERY and
Remember, we lead for the best goods
and lowest prices.
25, 30 and 35 cents per pound.
EXTRA FINE TEAS, 35, 40, 50, 60
and 70 cents per pound.
PURE SPICES. 10. 13 and 25 cents
per oan.
Come and get a package of cut loaf
sugar free.
TEA COMPANY, largest distributors of
Teas, Coffees, Spices on the Coast.
Operating 100 stores throughout the
Pacific Coast States.
Great Amsrican Importina Tea Go
571 Commercial Street, Astoria,
Funeral From Family Residence
at 1 p. m. and Interment
Will IteinOceanv.ew.
Th funeral of the Hon. John Carse
Trulllnger, who died Sunday morning,
will be held today from the family resl
deno. at 1 p. m. At 1:35 a special train
will leave the West Shore Mill Com
pany dock for Oceanvlc cemetery,
where the Interment wil be. The public
In Invited to attend the funeril. and
Mayor Ucrgmin and the city council
will be present In a body.
Th Hon. C. W. Fulton will deliver
the funeril address at the house, and
prayer will be said at the grave by the
Rev. Henry Marcotte, pistor of the
Presbyterian church.
The active pll bearer will be F. J.
Taylor. Renjamln Young. K. C. Hughes
W. K. Dement. F L Parker and Gran
ville Reed The honorary pall bearers
will Is Mayor Isaac A. Mont
gomery, D. K. Warren. J. Q. A. Rowl
by. B. W. TaJIant, R. 8. Carruther
William Chinee. F. Shermtn. Judge J.
H. D. Gray. C. 8. Wright. J. H. Smith,
S. S. Gordon, George Noland. 8. B. Har
ris. W. L. Robb. H. B. Parker. George
Imidson and John Hahn.
In the passing of Mr. Trulllnger As
toria has lost a citizen who did much
in bs development and always stood
ready to do whitever wan In hi power
for th good of the city. He was born
In Fountain County. Indiana. July 29
1R2S, and came to Orgcn in 'he fall of
IMS. The (fold excitement In Califor
nia drew h'm to lhat state In the earlv
r0's. but after a year Senf In mining
he returned to Oregon and had since
made this stite his home. He ore-rated
(louring mills at Oswego and Forest
Trove and for a time wns interested In a
mercantile venture at Milwaukee, where
he conducted the larg-st warehouse on
the river.
Mr .Trulllnger came to Astoria In
1875 and engaged In the lumber mill
business erecting the plant since ao
ouired by the West Shore Mill Co..
In which Mr. Trulllnger and members
"f his family were largely Inter ted.
He also engaged In logging on a large
scale or. the Wallusk) river and owned
a large farm on Young's river. From
m to 1SSS Mr. Trulllnger waa may
or of Astoria, defeating the Hon. C. W.
Fulton. Previously he had been a
member of the city council. In Decem
ber, 1R9I. he was elected a member of
the beard of police commissioners, and
the following year was elected to the
Mite legislature, serving at the Jan
uary session. 1893. his colleague durlngj
the session being Captain J. C. Camp
bell. During the boom days when enthus
iasm ran high Mr. Trullnger was fore-j
most among the aggressive and pro
gressive citizens who were always
ready to do whatever possible for the
benefit of the city. At a meeting held
In th .-, opera house Mr. Trullnger
coined an expression which was current
f ir several years after. At that time
Minneapolis wa attracting the atten
tion of the country by the marvelous
rapll strides, that the Minnesota city
wis making In the course
of his snee?h Mr. Trulllnsrer said that
the reotlc of Astoria needed to get a
"Minneapolis move" on them and the
expression thereifter stood for enter
prise and puh. Mr. Trulllnger was
marr'ed !n lv3 to Miss Hannah P.ovles
in Washington county and the widow
and eight children survive.
News convs to us of a balloon asoen
sionlst who was title 1 while makinsr
one of his daring trips. His hands
slipped from the trapeze and the horror-stricken
crowd saw a sight they
will not forget. Life Is too val
uable to trifle with in fool-hardy ad
ventures. It Is best to employ ourselves
in peaceful pursuits, where we may
be secure. Then If we take care of our
health we can live to a (rvl old age.
The best means of promoting health is
H istetter's Stomach Bitters. This rred
icine ai Is digestion, regulates the
hone! and cures dyspepsia. Indigestion,
iatuloncy and Insomnia. It w-iU also
prevent malaria, fever and ague, which
Is prevalent at this time of the year.
Re sure to try It.
Rids for the construction of a sys
tem of sewers In the town of Her
niosa Park, will be received by the un
dersigned, at the office of Fulton Bros,
up to 10 o'clock a. m. Monday. May 6.
1901. Profile maps, plans and specifi
cations on application.
O. C. Fulton. President.
Delivered at
or residence,
wrrtMNf mm m tm erta omm ea. t"cmmn
HERE is an epitaph in a Vermont church
yard: 44 1 expected this but not so soon."
Such is the epitaph on clothing: vom out
IS: &J in the wash-tub.
frai!l. wt it nutrrtt nnr
But this isn't wear; it is
worth of cheap soap and you lose the equivalent of
50 :nts in the wash-tub. Ivory Soap will not harm
the most delicate fabric Is it wise not to use it ?
Monument at Champoeg to Be Unveiled
May 2nd.
The monument erected at Champoeg
on the spot where the famous meeting
was held that resulted In Oregon affil
iating with the United States govern
ment, will be unveiled May 2nd. Ad
dresses will be made by the Rev. H.
K. Hines. Gov. T. T. Geer. Hon. Har
vey W. Scott and others and elaborate
preparations are being made for en
tertaining a large crowd.
The Oregon Historical Society has
ben active In securing adequate com.
memoratlon of the Important meeting
held on the site where the monument
now stands. The list of the 52 who
voted for the establishment of the pro
visional state government contains the
names of well-known and prominent
pioneers, and the list is herewith re
Dr. I. L. Rabcock.
Dr. W. H. Wilson,
G. W. Le Bretoii.
W. H. Gray.
Joseph L. Meek.
Dnvld -Hill.
Charl-s McKhv.
Rev. J. S. Griffin.
George Gay.
G. W. Rob-rts.
Rev. J. L. Parish.
Rev. Harvey Clark.
Robert Short ?ss.
Charles Campo .
Dr. RobPrt Newell. W. J. Bailey,
Reuben Lewis.
Allen Davy,
Amos Cook.
Caleb Wilklns.
Hugh Burns.
Francis FletchT.
Sidney Smith.
Alansnn Beers.
T. J. Hubha-d.
James A. O'Neill.
Robert Moore.
W. P. Dougherty.
L.'If. Judson.
A. T. Smith.
J. C. Bridges.
Rv. G. Htn?s.
Rev. David Leslie.
John Howard.
William McCarty.
Jiseph Holman.
Jor-n Edmunds.
Joseph Gale.
Russell Osborn.
Pivld Weston.
William Johnson.
W. Hauxhurst.
William Cannon.
Medorem Crawford.
John L. Morrison.
P. X. Armstrong.
Calvin Tibbetts.
J R. Robb.
Solomon H. Smith.
A. K. Wilson.
F. X. Matthieu.
Etienne Llcier.
Exemtion of Boatpullers in Oregon
Affects Washington.
The Washington fish commission Is in
a peculiar quandary, according to the
following, which is reprinted from the
Tacoma Ledger:
"A conflict in the fishing laws of Ore
gon and Washington has placed the
stat fish commissioner in a peculiar
position with regard to the Columbia
river fish licenses and any decision he
makes there will have an effect, on il
ia pa harbor. Grays harbor and Puget
The Oregon license law allows boat
Pullers to escape from the Individual
license fee of 11. The fisheries law
docs not specify that they shall be sub
ject to the license and the attorney
general of Oregon has construed the
silence to mean exemption. The Wash
to try our cigars we've done all
we could to furnish you fine ones.
The tobacco in our cigars is
long filler and of the best qual
ity, and the people who roll them
thoroughly understand their
business. So, as we said before,
'It's up to you" to smoke 'em.
If we can succeed In having you
make a trial of one cigar, you
are very likely to finish the box.
Astcrla. Crc,
your office, store
60c per month.
Underclothing may be
tn wmi mtf in tn nrtr
decay. You buy 5 cents !
ingtoo law .however, explicitly Includes
boat pullers.
The fish commissioner Is facing the
certainty that it would be almost lm
Dossible to collect the boat pullers' li
censes, as they are xempted In Ore
gon. If they were forced to pay Ore
gon officials might cause trouble for
the men on the Washington side. They
have the Sunday law to use as a lever,
for Oregon has prohibited Sunday fish
ing, while Washington permits it.
"At the same :ime the fish commis
sioner recognlx the fact that tf Co
lumbia river fishermen are exermted
it would be impossible to collect licenses
from boat pullers elsewhere In the state.
The attorney-general has construed the
law to demand that the license be col
lected, but io policy has been outlined
by the fisheries department."
Following is a list of letters remain
ing thirty days In the postoffice at As
toria, Oregon:
Bruce. Jno. Hakanson. Herman
Blttner. Robertla Ajohnson. J. F. A.
Ranxer. Mrs. B. Johnson. Edward
Clark. Mr. Wm. (2 Jackson. H.
Campbell. Alvln R. Keegan. Thos. E. P.
Dreneberg. A. Louis. Chs.
Dench. Wm. Malinum. Mrs.
Enderson. Louis Moore. Chs.
G?rmanla. Albert Reinertson. Ingould
Gather. J. Stanpher, T.
Huist. J. T.
Anderson. Agustus Pedersen. Nells
A special meeting of the Chamber of
Commerce Is called for this (Tuesday)
morning at 11 o'clock. Business of im
portance will be brought before the
meeting and a full attendance is desir
ed. Members are requested to be prompt
as to the hour 11 o'clock.
E. C. HOLDEN. Secretary.
The members of Beaver Lodge. No.
1 I. O. O. F.. will assemble at Odd
Fellow's hall this (Tuesday) morning
at 10 o'clock sharp, to attend the funer
al of Mrs. J. W. Conn, wife of Brother
J. W. Conn. By order of
Noble Grand,
Tlia funeral of the late Mrs. J. W.
Conn will be held this morning. The re
mains will be taken from the Page
building to the Episcopal church at
10:45. Services will be held in the
church at 10:30. Services at the grave
will be private.
A me?cing of the committee appointed
by the Astoria Push Club to appoint a
regatta committee is hereby called to
meet at my office Thursday. May 2,
1901, at 2 o'clock p. m.
G. C. FULTON. Chairman.
Dr. Rhoda C. Hicks,
Consultation Free.
573 Commercial St.. Astoria. Or.
Successor to Dr. Ball.
573 Commercial St.. ASTORIA. OR.
Manager Welsensteln of the Louvre
has secured a splendid attraction In
the persons of Miss Blanche Brogan and
Fred Allen, In Illustrated sones and
ivlng pictures. The songs wm be "A
Tiger Uly," "My Georgia Rose," and
the great coon song hit, "Pliny. Come
Kls3 Your Baby." Views of points of
Interest from San Francisco to the
Klondike, changed every evening, will
656 Commercial Street.
That he gives you the best there
is to be had In the city for the
least money? Place an order
once and see.