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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1901)
THE MOKMXti ASTOK1AX, I'KIUW, Al'KIL 2ft. MM. MINISTER CONGER BACK FROM CHINA Says Tales of Brutality Have Been Greatly Exaggerated. ON SIXTY DAYS' LEAVE Will Tkei Retari to Cblqi-WIII Accep Iowa Qubcrattorial Nomloatioa II Tendered Looter Anient Atto Arrive. Jchusetts, chairman of the Valley Forge SAN FRANCISCO, April 25. United J committee, st tted that 1147 was needed States Minister Conger arrived this af- j to complete the $5000 for the memorial ternoon from China, on the steamer j sha't with which the daughters ar to Nippon Maru. Conner was accompan- mark the sp't where the revolutionary led by his wife, daughter and Miss heroes lie. In less than ten minutes the Pierce. 1 amount was pledge. Mrs. Chapman, of TV representative of the Associated Masachusetts. invited all daughters Press Mr. Conger, when asked if he who can to attend a reception to be cared to make an expression on the ' given on June 17 by the Massachusetts governorship, said: society In the New England building "I do not wish to make any public at the Pan-American exposition at Buf declaration at this time. In answer to falo. Mrs. Neill. of Colorado, moved telerrams on the subject I replied that appointment of a committee to pre I would accept if the nomination came vent the desecration of the flag by us to me. but that I was In no sense a can- Ing It for business purposes or wear dlrtete. I will not say anything fur- inff apparel. A committee was appoint ther In the matter until I reach Des ed by the chair to co-operate with tV Moines." existing society for that purpose. He was asked for his opinion as to Mrs. Nelson M. Titus, of Massa. hu the amount of the Indemnity China setts, asked the Interest of the society could pay. for the work undertaken bv the Mass- "Under three hundred million dollar." aehusetts Daughters of 1J In re. he replied. . - . Concerning events In China, Conger aid there was nothing new to be said, as everything that happened had been told fully, together with many things that never occurred. The tales of bru tality, had, he thought, been exag gerated. '... ' ri . At the expiration of his sixty days' leave of absence he intended to return to China. Among other passengers was Dr. W. S. Ament. a .-nJsslonary who passed through the siege of Pekln and who afterwards came Into notoriety In con nection with charges of looting that were made against missionaries. CALI WAS UNEXPECTED. Sabin Was en Route to Europe When Elected President of Chicago Telephone Company. 'mentlng on the coterie .of philanthro- CHICAGO. AWil 23.-John I. Sabln. hM(,ed fc Rbt c 'Q(fJen who will succeed John M. Clark asjwnUy maJe an .ejucatIonal tour.. president of the Chicago Telephone through tne South jn Company about May 15. arrived in the .., dfl th)nk much W Ma tonr city from Boston and after holding ajThe negro c0 of do consulUtlon with officers of the tele- j nd ,he aid of N-orthm, phone company immediately departed j pI)? y?ry muh We CM attpnJ t() for San Francisco. He will dose up ! education of the nefrro ln tn South nis anajrs tnere as quickly as possi ble and expects to return to Chicago about May 10th. Concerning Just what changes are contemplated. Mr. Sabin was extreme ly reticent. "Very likely some reductions in rates will be made," he said, "especially for the benefit of the small user of tele- j phone sen-ice. It is too early, however, j ir me xo give uui any specmc mior- mation on the subject. I have really hot' hid an opportunity to look over the situation here and do not know what rates are now charged. -"I Was on my way to Europe with' my daughter when I received the re- I quest or the Chicago Telephone com- ; pany to become its president. The call j was, entirely unexpected. I decided.) however, to accept and gave up my trip abroad to get .nto harness again." DAU GHTERS OF REVOLUTION. ' : National Soctety Has Finished Business of Its Annual Meeting. ' ' ' j NEW YORK. April 25. The National j Society .of the Daughters of the Revo-' lutkm has finished the business session of its annual meeting. The most Im- way to London, where President For , 'portant Item was the election of seven j get, of the Navigation Company. Is at members of the board of managers to J replace the seven whose term had ex- plred. Mrs. Thomas Hill. Maryland: Miss Florence O. Rand, New Jersey; Mrs. Mahlen D. Thatcher, Colorado: Mrs. Warren Spring, Illinois; Mrs. J. P. Geran. Long Island; Mrs. John A ' iLASS of Baldwin's Celery Soda arts a baadMh at ooo. It Is picas ant, sparkling. efferrMcant drink that aolsimatadiutely. ItalaansandpuroiiM - tlM stomach, gently tiuata tha aarras and relleva all pain. It enraa sick and aarraas badehs, sraiioknaat and ma alfaBgua. IJCj dSc BOc, fl.OO FRANK HART. Successor to Tb. Olaen. $00-2 Com. St mm Heath, Massachusetts, and Mm. D. Phoenix Inirrahain. New York, wow elected. The reports of state rearms, most of whom were present, were read. The state regent of Indiana, Miss Tarqulna L. Yoss, spoke of friendly ro-oporatlon with .he DauKhtera of the Anwrle.m Kevrtlutlon. Mrs. James k, chapman nrowtl Massachusetts to lv the bn niter state by announcing more than It 000 ha 1 ben contributed to the Vallov Forsre memorial fund. In aldltlon to imich other Vvork. New York has contributed over $700 to th.? Valley Fow fund, Tlte chair Winte.l Mrs. McNYlli, of Colorado, chairman of a committee to draft reso lutions of nKrt iHt the death of Mrs. Edward P. Steers, flrst President of the society, which later were formal ly adopted and are t be engrossed and sent to the family. Mrs. Alextnder M. Ferris, of Mussa- i building the old Constitution, for wh'ch congress has granted permission. The next annual meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution will be held at Den ver by invitation of the Colorado so. ciety extended by Mrs. Orant. vice re gent. The establishment was decided on of a fund to help young women who are eli gible to membership In the society to obtain a college education by lending money to the amount of 1300 until It can be repaid. RESENTS NORTHERN INTRUSION. Governor of Georgia Thinks Southern People Know Best How to Educate the Negro. NEW YORK, April J3rA special to , the World from Savanaftk. Ga., says: Governor Allen D. Candler. In com- without the aid of the Northerners and give thorn the education they must need. I ?harM in tnJ increase it means $'71,437 too. I do not believe in the higher j to her. making her beUest $1,371.47. education of the negro. He should ! j Archer M. Huntington, the adopted son. taught the trades, but when he Is : "i'l get that amount, taught the fine arts he ets educated j Mrs. ('. P. Hun'ington and the neph out of his caste and is unhappy. j "v. Henry E. Huntington, are the resi "I am onnosf"1 ta niittinp- hmttivh inlduary legatees Under the will. It Is factories 3nd oms. Wnn vnu ,loiad they Insist on the letter of Mr. yfm wU dissa:isfacti(n between j Huntington's last testament. If they the two rac and SU(.h tning, might lead to a race war. The field of agri culture is :he proper one for the ne gro." CONSOLIDATION IMPENDING. p-tween Canadian Pacific. Grand Trunk and Richelieu & Ontario Navi gation Company, MONTREAL, April 2Z. The Herald I gives publicity to a story of the impend Ing consolidation of the Canadian Pa: icific Railway, the Grand Trunk Rail way and the Richelieu & Ontario Na- ; vigation Company, which does practi- cally all the steamship passenger busi- ness on the St. Lawrence river. Mr. Sh iughnessy. president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, is now on his present and there the negotiations are j to be carried on with the owners of the 'Grand Trunk, it Is said. j ) BLACKMAILER ARRESTED. ; j Writer of Threatening Letter- Neatly j ' Trapoei by Officers in Illinois. I ; CHICAGO. April 2!i. A special to the j Tribune from Morris. HI., says: ! An attempt to obtain $600 by a threat. ening letter was frustrated last night i by Sheriff Johnson and his deputies. S. j D. Holderman, of Erlenna township, a j wealthy fanner, was the Intended vic tim. At the appointed hour and place the j officers sc-cr 'ted themselves and placed j a dummy package In lieu of money. The wri.?r of the letter found the pack age and In an attempt to escape was seriously wounded. He gave his rame as Warrjn Wayne and his home .is in Indiana. He Is about 60 years old. SOLD STOCK IN LONDON. J. P. Morgan Got Rid of Big Block for Steel Trust. NEW YORK. April 25. The Tribune says word has been received In Wall street that J. Pierpont Morgan has Just disposed of a big block of United States Steel stock in London. The exact amount could not be ascertained but it Is reported to be in the neigh borhood of $20,000,000. Another block of about the same size will follow, it is said. POOKMAKERS TO RE ARRESTED. Proprietors of New York Pool Rooms Will Make War on Race Track Camttlers. NEW YORK. April :5.-The Tribune says: Police Commissioner MiM'phv has de clared that he wns not acitiilnted with the plans of the proprietors of pool rooms In the city to make war upon the g.imbl-'i-x who are allowed by the ooliee to oporite at the race tracks within the city limits. It has Won re ported that the pool sellers have plan ned to have the l lokmuk-Ms at tlte raiv traeks anvsted on Saturday. The pool sellers arc to carry Into the courts a ease to test the right of the book makers to operate at the tricks. Benjamin Stelnhirdt. who Is counsel for one of the pool sellers, sent to Com missioner Murphy ti brief demanding that the police drive the gamblers from the race tra-ks. Mr. Murphy said that he had referred the brief to Corpora tion Counsel Whalen for advice and that 'he police w ill do nothing until i Mr. Whalen had sent a reply. Mr Steiuhardt said that he was acting as a citiXMt and not as counsel for the pool sellers In making his demand for the stopping of gambling at the race tracks. "I make ;he contention," he sild. "that the police official and the city's loIlce force aid the bookmakers In stead of eje.'tl;ig gamblers. A man can eislly lie sent to the track to call the attentitn of these officers to the gambling which is ipe.ily conducted. If after that they do :iot eject the gamb lers, those officers will be placed In the same position as the police captains whom the district attorney Is after now for not suppressing gambling In ttHr preol ict," Mr. Stelnhanlt said that Justice Je rome had refuse,! to Issue blank sub poenas to him as counsel for the Allen whose case convs up for examination, ile Sflld the law required Issuing of fh subpoenas. Justice Jerome, when seen later. sa:d: ,-I am not compelled to Issue blank ytibo'ienas. though I am compelled to issue filled ones. I am a magistrate sitting as a committing magistrate and. therefore, am not obliged to Issue such blank subpoenas. If the names are furnihed I'll Issue them even for Wil liam McKinley. But no one can have any blank ones." HUNTINGTON HEIRS DISAGREE. Possibility rhat the Matter May Taken Into the Courts. Be NEW YORK. April 23.-The Journil and Advenlsr says: The Prince and Princess Hatzfeldt are in ihis city and it is said the nrln cess is endeavoring to secure a share of the earnings of .he estate of the late Collis P. Huntington, accumulated since the death of the :-ailro;ul magnate Prm-ess HatzfeMt was to receive $1,000. "00 of the Hunting: ft state. If she can hey will get all of the $20,000.- jooo. If all the legatees share In the profits it will take about $1,000,000 off the inerase. Various conferences have been held but It is understood that no agreement has been reached. I: is even asserted that the matter mav be brought be fore the courts. 'leirs who received special bequests claim that they were entitled to the stocks representing those bequests as soon as Mr. Huntington died. Archer M. Huntington has called on the princess and had an interview with Mrs. Huntfngton. Hnry E. Hunting ton refused to discuss the matter for publication. DIED OF DEMRIUM TREMENS. Veteran of Civil War Seriously Injured His Wife and Then Expired. ELMIRA. N. T.. April 25. Joshua Shearer, a veteran of the ilvll war. wis found dead, sitting on the floor of his bed room with his head resting on the edgi of his wife's bed. Mrs. Shear er was lying on the bed in an uncon scious state with several contusions on her face and head. The room gave evi dence that a severe struggle had taken Dlae between tho couple during the night. Shearer drew his pension money APrll 12, an 1 had been drinking steadily Hince. He began a sobering up Process by taking morphine and it Is the opin ion of rjfjyslclans and the coroner that. Shearer while suffering with delirium tremens attacked his wife, and after the struggle with her died as a re sult of the tremns. Mrs. Shearer is badlv Injured. NEGROES TO BE RETAINED. Efforts to Have Colored Servants of Union League Club Removed Proved a Failure, NEW YORK. April 25. Between 400 and 500 members of th. ISO belonging to the Ilnlin Lea.-rue Club of this city met last night at the club to take ac tion on the question an to whether or not white servants would be employed to take the place of the colored ones whose services have been engaged since the formation of the organiza tion. Some time ago the house committee had the question before it and, in a ii port which it mad to the meeting to night, roe immend ',1 that the colored help be dispense I with. When the n ut ter came up for discussion, Kx-Con-grossmuit J ihn S. Wise offered a reso lution to 'he effect that the colored employes be retained. There were speeches pro and con. but finally Mr. Wise's resolution was adopted by a vote or nearly three t i one, Tlte matter has ctutuM a k,ioi deal of comment of late because of the pre vious historic position of the I'n'nn I.e.ig'ie Club .is a participant lit the Stniitirles (o free (lie m etroes from Slav crv and as champl ns of the Mack race III silln.-.iiieni yell'-i. OPERA MiM'SK BURNED. Fir- at Dallas, Tvmis Caused Loss of $100,000. DAl.LVS. Te. Mm il -V. -At 3.30 this morning tliv w-in lseteiv In the Dal las pera house, of which Marry Gpvu well, of New Yolk Cl'y, Is iesse,. ),m, W. Ansey, the local MianagM', has apartments In the building an I was asleep at th time the lire .a discov ered by a poile-man. The latter w is some time !n awakening Mr Anev and ty the time the tire department ar rived the entire building was a mass of names. At 4 -t' the r. fell In and at 4.31 the front and side walls col lapsed. Speer. Stelnltamo Company, whole .ile letth'r and saddl 'rv. Immediate, ly west of the theater, and Sanger Bro thers., u Mtton duck company, on the opposite corner, received the at'entloii of the firemen and thev wer.' saved from des'ructl n. The ..s to the opera house and contents will reiwh Jb'. oh). The origin of th" lre is not Known. MAY GET CLIFF HOUSE. Mrs. Clara King Sutro Gets Recognl tlon "f Her t'l.ilms. SAN FRANCISCO April -Th. Examiner says: Mrs. Clara Klug-Sutro has s-vured frm the rvprvs-iitntivs "f the Adolph Sutro estate u recognition of the claims urged by her and her children. Adolph Sutro. jr.. and Adolphlne Sutro, aged nine and seven years. The settlement, which Is on the basis of J1W0O0, has been pureed on. The women claims to hive W-n the contract wife of the late millionaire. It Is Intimated t h it she nay sM Ute the famous Cliff House as her share of the estate. Before his death Sutro executed a deed conveying to these children estate In this city which was then estimat ' 1 to be worth $.V.00. FORGED REPRIEVE Telegram Sent Sheriff That 1 flack J.i. k Was Givn Respite. CLAYTON' N. M.. A pi il 2V--A tn. s sag wa weived her last night by th- sheriff of this countv signed "Ot er." saying Presld.-n: McKlnl-y ha I grant" I Th irnas Ketchinn. al'as "I'.laj-k Jack." who is 'o b- hanged here Flilty. the :c,th lay of April, a respite unt I the 2" th day of May. 1-01. An Iii'hiItv I'llressl to th- gov rii'T ('evelojped 'he fact that It was a for gery. The governor denies having M-nt any messag- to '.he nh'0'ifT h-n The the sheriff has doubled his force sine1 false telegram wms received. "ONFKRRING WITH CABINET. Premier of Newfoundland Ivindon. Is Still In ST. JOHNS. N. F.. April 27.. Premier Bond holds his final conference with the Imperial cabinet In London next Satur day "nd leaves England May 2 for N'-w York. From tho latter city he will prob ably return home via Montreal, where he will further confer with Contractor Reld respecting railway matters. The colonial legislature wil convene Mav 23. This date admits of Premier Bond reaching here and preparing the program of measures before the house opens. MINE TO BE SOLD. Sspeculutor Mine Said to Be Several Millions. Worth BUTTE, Mont.. April 2i. Mrs. Lulu Largey, administratrix of the estate of the la'.e P. A. Largey. made applica tion yesterday for partition and sale of the Speculator mine, one of the most valuable In the camp oulslde those of the big companies. Th Anaconda Com pany at one time had the mine bond ed for a million dollars. It Is believed to 1 worth n-v -ral times that amount. The Largy estate owns one-half of It and the suit is r-uppos-d to be for the purpose of realizing on the assets. COUNTERFEITER ARRESTED. Said to Be Implicated in Big Steal From Bank of England, SAN FRANCISCO. April 25. United States Secret Service Agent Hazen has arrested George Taylor McDonnell on a charge of having In his possession ap nliances for making counterfeit money. The officials claim that McDonnell Is the man Implicated with Rldwells in robbing the Bank of England of $5,000,. 000 In 1873. JEFFRIES-RUIILIN MATCH. SAN FRANCIHCO, April 23 The Na tional Sporting Club announces that It has matched Jeffries and Ruhlln for a fight in this city during July or August. ANOTHER BIG COMBINE. Consolidation of Farm Machinery Trade AVUh Minimum Capital ot Fifty Millions. NEW YORK. April :.Y-The Journal of Commerce says: It Is leirtusl In 'his city that the report fruit Chic igo that th plow maii ufiU'tiMv.n have ,vldcd to form a $.'rt. t "00,000 consolid'atloii Is only -arilv cor. iivt and that th" present Plans, Instead of being inei'-ly for u consociation ,,r the pt iw Industry, contemplate a con solidation which shall include cverv branch of the farm machinery '.iale with the cxc"p'loii of mowers and in niters. The reported , upllal "f !''i'.- 000,000 is sold to be a minimum llaiii". Theiv have been numerous "(Torts to unite svlal In. niches of the farm ma ihlneiy trad", but this s the first at teniiit at a general "onsoildatlon. The organ Ixers if the pi"s'ut consolidation argue that a ixirtlal union Is Inherent ly weak as It would lie .ill easy mat ter for other m.iniif''tiiii is I iur tit it partl"ilar branch. But nub a i nei-al consolidation, It is cent mded this Incentive to competition v mild b'' removed. The :iew- cotnp.iu.v, if or ganitc on the pr n, nt lines, wilt. It Is said. Im- In a pohi'Uu to manufacture nil kinds of farm Implements from a h'te .o a thivshor, with the exccptin. uhove no' sl. of mowers und reapers. It Is Intended to secure all concerns rated at Sl'M.OOu or mote. The lltiunclil details have not yet hev-:i ritTMliged, but It is sail that the capital of the new com nan v. If formed, will be divided e.iu.illy b"twctn preferred ami nimuon stiK-k. Gooil will, etc., Is t,i go In at about one-1 blr.l the total citpltalltatloii. Il Is .stlntatt'd that the taiigilile ultie of the plants It is Intended to consoli date is upward of ilj.Oao.uiW, EMPLOYER IS RESPONSIBLE If Act Itl nils Occur He Can II- Ib-M Notw Ithstantllnx Employe Knew Duty Wns DnitKerous. ST. LoUIS. April - lu-cause nn empltive reiii.ilns In the employ of u company when h" well knew t tin t risk was assumed by so doing does not re lieve the employer of responsibility If accidents 'Nvur. This Is the trlst of an opinion handed down by the United States court of appeals in the cose of the Southern Pn, ifle Com puny, plain t'ffs. in an error against Katie Year gin. as administratrix of the estate of T. J. Y-argln. din-eased. Suit was originally filed bi the fe.b-r. al court of 1,'tah bv Ka'le Yeargln, w h.i sought to hinw d image the tleath of her husband, who wils an engineer on the Southern Pacific railroad until killed In 1199 C.EoLoOICAL SURVEY. Bounlarv Between United States and British Columbia Is to II 1 11 vest I ioi ted WASH I.M iT iN V s r i 1 The plan of operations for the Hiirt'-y for the next fisi ul was .iiiii. niin e, today Th Imp 'ttant feiture will lie the Inv stlgatl m In co-operation with the coast and geodetic survey of tin markeil parts of the northwest b"tm darv between the United States un I Canada. The line will be re-run and ti'inponirllv miik-d bv Iron posts In c-rtaln iM-illtl"S. It Is piatinet to mik" a . nv.onnolsance of a strip from t"ti to' fifteen miles wide along th" south side of the boundary line In Idaho and Montana to determine the geological features. ANOr AM EltH AN WA It. Editor St" id Thinks England Will Have to Flg it or Eat Humble Pie. LONDON. April 2.V-WllHtiiu T Stead. In an interview yesterday said: "The Rot are calculating upon England's iM-crnlng embroiled with Russia or .wmc other combinat'on. If I am not mistaken we are on the verge of a storm acr iss the Atlantic that will rudely shifter our peaceful calcu lations. 'When the United States congress meets the Clayton-Bulwer treaty will be torn into shr.-ds and thrown Into our faces. We shall have to choose be tween fighting it eating humble pie. The first discussion of such a possi bility will do more to keep the Boers in the field than all the speeches of all the pro-Boers In existence." CORN KINO SELIjS. Bull Leader Disposed of Two Million Bushels of May Corn Yesterday. CHICAGO, April 25. The basic strength of the oom market. Indepen dent of manipulation which has made adulation ln May delivery ft nerve racking proposition, was shown by the vollow cereal during today's session of the board of trade. Phillips, credited with attempting to run a corner, sold at least 2.000,000 bushels of May corn and In doing so showed how firm was his hold on the market. The close found May at 48c, a price at which the bull leader had udmlttcd his willingness to sell. Mean while he bought ns much July as he had sold of the nearer future. NEW ROAD TO OIL DISTRICT. ' Southern Pacific and Santa Fe Will Unite In Its Construction. SAN FRANCISCO. April 25. General Manager Kruttschnltt, of the South ern Pacific Company, has announced that the proposed railroad Into the Sunset oil district In central California will be built In the Immediate future. The Southern Pacific and Sunlit Co linvc united In support of the under taking The road will ho twenty -elitbt miles In length ami will connect with the Southern PnclhV lit Oosford. It will cost about $.MH,000. To meet Increase irniiHpot'tailon to- itilreuii'Uts the Southern Pacific has Just placed an order In the East for toil loconioilves and trim) cam of various kin Is. The SanM Fe will also, It Is said, soon add over I'iOO cars hi Ms eiUlpuietlt. ili iieial Maniigt't' Wells, of tile - San Pedro, ls Angeles .4 Sail Ilke ruad In asking for bids for 200 Hat cms for use In the cotistruc'loit of Hie new line to southern C.illf wnla. The California NortliweMern Ins or ib'ie.l I wo new ttSl-w lnv-1 ot-o,notyes W" EST POINT INVKSTK1ATION liutuliy Con, lu l", Behind Close, Dihiis and No Outsld" Discussion P.rniltte.l. WEST POINT, N, Y April .- So far as can I. Imirtiod there me no now developments redatvllim the Invist'un tlon into the risnit breach uf tllscl pHne iiuioiiK the c n ps of cutlets. Tin' Inn ul ry Is being ciinluct"t behind closetl tlotM's and the cadets even utr n.H iti'rmlllvl to discuss the inatlir among tli"inseTS Cadet Robert 11. li.ilstoti. who It Is Mi'd was i educe. I m the ranks as a piiiilfdiitt nit fur not i-eiiorilng an Infi'ic Hon of the rules In the mess hull ami on which account the cadets have manifested m much dlspleusur. Is un ci iiimunlcatlvi' It Is said Cadet Rals ton Aptolnt"l from lVtinsylMinla and Is In the present second class. In w tilt h he stands neir the top. ROOSEVELT TAKES DEO It EE 'lce-Piesl,l-nt Becomes Master Mason ! Oyster Buv. I. I. NEW YORK, prll -Vice Prcsl-il-nt Roosevelt is now a Master Maeon, having t.ik"it !! thirl degree Inst hIkM In MalHiec.i, k Lds", No. S0. at Oyster Bay. L. I The ceremony was witnessed bv "0 Muster Masons. In cluding (iratid M ist riiurles W. Mend, of the ilmnd Ielu", of this siati nnd his entire staff who did thfl work of the degree. Visiting bre.hrrn wer al so picsent from New Jerwy and Mass in hujo'tts. HULK 0)I.iRAI0 ASHORE. Had Onripi of Concentrafin From Trvadwrll Mines for Tucoma Smelts. VBToRIA. B April 2.-i.-The steamer Dolphin brings ih-ws that the hulk Colorado, loaded with u cargo of conceiitm'. -s from the Treadwtd mini's for the Tiusiiim smeltT. went ashore lu WraiiK"! nu row s an I broke tier buck. LI . I LI Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This irciuratlnti contains ull (if the dlKcstatits und diKcsts till kinds of food. It k'lvcs Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you lo cat all the ftxMl you want. Tin inoKtHeiml live storiiiirlis can take It. Uy Itstiso many thouKands of dysiK-ptlct have been cured uftcr everything else failed. It is u n eq united for ull Momuch troubles. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by !'.'. BrWirr At'o., Chicago The It. iKiUlueixiUlnsan t Inn iIIiiiCjU.-. sis CHAfl. ROGERS. Druggist. KOUNDEU SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OP LONDON I UK OLIJKST I'UKFI.V FIKK Ol I K'i: IN I 111'. HOKI.I). CMi Aaeta, - - $ ii.iiimi.imki Canli Amiit In Unltvd Mtt, a.ftiO.iMa J. B. F. DAVIS & SON, W INFIELD 8. DAVIH BURT 215 Sansomc Strtct, - SAMUEL ELMORE qAnvuuviuinjutriJiri Hotel PORTLAND J I PORTLAND, OR. I 5 The Only Plmt'ClaHH Hotel In Portlnnd m nrnruririiin njvuxnjxnsininnnnnjy trnnjnivnnnrurrinnijrri n urfi Pacific NavigationCompany Stettiner-"Sue II. Elmore." "W. II. HarriHon'' Only line- Awtorla to '1'IIIainook, CJaWbalJI, Hay City, llob.soiiville, Gonneoting at Astoria with the Oreiroo Railroad & Navihtiou Co. and also the AntorU & Columbta Kiver K. R. for Hac Franclwto, Fortlaud and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply Samuel Elmore t Co. Oeneral Aifenla, ASTORIA. ORE. 0-R. A. A AO Ageota DISTItEMrt IN POHTO RICO. Island Said lo Be III Worse CondHlotl Tlmn It Ever Wan iMNir. NEW YORK. April :.1.-Wuiicisluw I lor, la, jr., n member of I he commis sion chosen bv the Planters', Bankers' nnd Merchants' A s Ititlou of porto Rico to pnnenl to tint United Slates Hovernuii'iil the I, lens of that orgaulxn tlon regiinlliiK the slate f nffalts oil the Island, today said: "Our iiiiinle urn starving and the Isl and Is In wms,. condition under thn rule of Ooyernor Allmi than It ever wns before, ityt-n wlien Hpaln ItMil sway. Ho hoe.,.s s the state of llf. fall's Hint fathers sell their iIiiiikIiIO to keep them from dying iif hunger. These people who say tin country In llolll'lnhlllg are office holders, repriwllt ullves of thut class of professional poll Helium into which llotertior Allen ha fnllelltlut lowest elllM of III! th ls. nnd's liilinbltniils. "This tax hw to which v olis t was frAiiint by Prof. Hollander, n theorist with no practical Unowleditii of Porto Itlct." forbidden by government Russia Will Not Penult Exhibition cf Portmlt of Tolsiol LONDON. April M.-A .ipat. h from St. Petersburg says Unit thn Russian liovci nmeiit bus foib,,en the rhlbl tlon lit MiwtcoW of Iti'lilnr's llfe-l.-r i'tllllt tf Collllt l.tsl Tointol represent ing him In the out tune of u s-snnt nnd lisref.Miled. AMERICANS IMPRISONED Mode False OoiitrtcU 'Vlth Jan a'caii Laborers to Work In (Tuba, KINtSSTON. Jamaica, Apr IS.-Frank Fuller mid Thoiuaja Smith. Americans llllVe been sentence.! to sit months' im prlsniitiipiit for having made f il con tracts here with Jnmalriii laborers to work In t'ubn Fuller und Smith ex uded Hiss.ig nion.-y from earn n Imter with whom thev made) contracts. SlttKANE REITHLB'ANS Nominations Made bv City Convention Yesterday. SltiK.VNE. Wash . April S3.-The Re publican convention nonilnttid !r. C. (J. Brown for mayor: nrenent City Trrnuir White for con t roll er; Capl. Joseph Moore for treasurer, and tn candidate for the council. NEW EDITOR CIIOHMN. Methodists Hire D I TlnxnpMim In Charge of North wsti.rn Christian Advocate. CINCINNATI. O. April ;:. I) D. Thompson, uf Chlragu, was tmlay ebsrt. el e.i..r of the N at hw estrrn Chrfstlan Advocate bv the Melli.idUt con rem tosil r-s-l ill, ElwardS. b-CMsei NEW R ATE N Hi IPS Tuns, LIii.mi M.ike Inceiis- llf Flft V "elllM I'er Illllllhe.l I', muds. SICATTLE. Apr I LT.. All ill- H ills. i"iiiliietital lines California north have . lined In a nei t.iiiff mi hops fr-iill the I'arlflr roasi to lh. At Utlltii Srllllourd. 'Hie mi lle.luli. shows rn ll i iieiMe of fifty rents per hundred pounds. WllcIAl' MAIIKET. SAN KRANCM'ii. April Wheal. Dei.i-inb -r, " , cohIi, I02'4. CIIICA'iO. AimiI July. opi-nlng, 'i'ir'i i'i'-i. closing-. LIVERl'i ii IL. April 2"i. Wheat, July. ',s. lU'id. A. U. ITIO GENERAL AGENTS. L. DAVIS CAUL A. H KXRY -' San Pninilseo, Cal. & CO., AGENTS. N.R. 11 Co., Portland. It H " Inrfun.l w - w w, .- am w. i i ui iinuu, (II C. LAMB, Tillamook. Ore.