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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1901)
THB MORNING ASTOKIAN. PKIDAY, AI'KIL 26, 1901 SHIRT WAISTS Wo are showing a superb assortment of White Shirt Waists, made oi fine quality lawn, with rows of Hamberg insertion and fine tucking Prices from $1 to $6 OUH HTOflH CI.OHK8 AT 7 P. M. EXCEPT SATURDAYS. All contract for itdvertiMinK In Iho Antot lun nrc mudu on nuur antco of clrculnllnn lour time 1urgr than that of any paper published or circulated in Clnt nop county. TODAT'B WEATHER. foilTtaNI. April 26-Oregon and Washington, fair. fnt In the early morning, folluwo.l by warnwr weather, AROUND TOWN. 8r OmIod about harness. Heat U-rrnt iihhU lUalng Sun Res taurant. 611 Commercial 81. Three flmt-eUuM barbers at the Occi dent barber shop. Iloat Of service. Japan KiHidt of all kind, cheap at YHuhama liaiaur; tit Commercial 8t. Ann W. Long and wife, of Halcm, wr vlitl 1 1 ii Atirla friiid yratrrilay, A firm lot of Nortvay bloater mack errl ha Just botuj rwtilwj by Johna-si HfYl. AlfrrM Kunir" ! haa been on an ex leriiUM Kiatom trip haa rrtuiwj to Aaloria. A supply uf wry flu grapr-frult ' n-riMvrd mi yrsti.rday'n steamer by JMfi(n Iirv. rntnk 8. Jarnlm. a well-kwwn trav II nar man from 8uu Franoleco. wn In th dty ymlrrOay. Mrs. Itasmussvn U prepared to do up tuv curtains in good onior. L"v or- J'T at or-rm bakery. Wanted fllrl for general houmrwork 1n amall family. Apply at No. 873 Franklin Ave., near Eighth. T'rjiuty F1h Warden Ilultman and Water llalllff Krwt WUknian win leave tod iv on license cllvtlng tripe, The Columbine will leave fwltty fo u southern trip, vlirttlng the light alu t!na lii-iwra'ii (hi city and buy. W, Parsons, it ironiliient Arlxowi nilnliiK man, residing In Hiui Frunci Co. waa the irti'til of Astoria friends yi-Nii-riluy, The niiiiinxlili) Adiitu left in yealerdity fur Niinalmo. where ahe will lake on cou ami re-turn t'i this port fur curgo. C'lulniH to nilnlnir locations In Crul aera (Jul h were filed In the county clerka' office yestcnUy by W. O. Barnes and F. F. Deyo, Thr liltf blink Alaska dog owned by J. Keating waa killed yesterday by a witch mgino near Fisher's dock. New fr.unei fitted to your old Ifrutm or new lenne In your old frames. All work ruaroiit Kyre examined free by Ir. t. II. Klllott at Omn drug tore. WEST 1S-CKNT MEAL; RISINO HUN REHTAUHANT. trr 1 ? r Cream pure rye. America's flneet whiskey. The only pur gKda; guar antned rich and mellrrw. JOHN I. CAHLHON. Bote Airent. It you have a faatldlmi palate and vmi r vaatrln wonomy la In a doubtful condition, eonault the appellilnjf menu at th IloatvMi Iteataunuit. For Itent A alx-rKmed rottajte with bath, etc. Klther fumlaheii or unfur nlahi'd. Kn-julne of Mra. Wm. H. liar- ker, t'A Franklin avenue. Paul .ind Ibftih'ird Ivemcn l"ith naMv-ra of N"rwtiy. tniule derlu rall n f rlttinahl Intentlona In the county clerk ' office veetrrtmy. The Charity !o!ki Dctrn-e of Hnnr, held a very Int'-nntliiK mi-etlnif liiet tilRlit at which time et-v-rul candidate were lnltiatx1 and admitted. 'oniracira FerittiHon and H'Ueton have comtil'-teil the new cannery fur J ( McjfU-r at llrookfleld to rrjloce the him- burned aeverul weeka BgM The llrltah ahlo Fulwooil. now In lrt, will take a carR ) of wh. at to Chile Inntead of loading for the l'nltei King dorn. aa waa at flrat announced. John A. Montgomery hna opened a ahop at 4-1 llond atreet and la prepared to do all rloawea of plumbing and tin nlng at the loweat axuMlble rate. County Judife Oray yesterday made an ordt-r flalng May 2th am the date for receiving and approving" the final ac eounta of Iavld Wint aa aUnlnlatrat'r of the eatate of Margaret Weal, de- rraaed. Hale A Kern, of I"orUand. wIhj have taken the contract fr nmnvlng the Sylvia d flroaee reef from the channel In front of L'ppertown will begin work Immediately. A new drill acow built for the work arrived down from lNrl land yeaterday. ! CLOTHING FOR BOYS I Fancy Mixed... OUR BOYS' ClothllS mil Please Mothers Blouse Suits... Worsteds, Oxfords, Blue Serges, Cheviots, Etc., Etc. IT DONT Cost Much to Clothe the Boys Here Vestee Suits, Double Breasted Jackets, Wash Suits. i!S. DANZIQERl i Aa4Aaa AAaai aataaaaaiaaaaataa aaaaaaaaatiaaaattAA The Hi. Mury'a Altnr H'xlety give a delightful Ice cniitn x'lclai at I'ago'a hull luat ulghl. A pleaaing mimkul and lli'ni.ry program waa rewlered, Iloalytt con liiata longer, la cli-ftn-r and tiiukea leaa trouble with atovea and chimney Hue than any other. O'orge W. Hniiborn, agent; telephone 1311. Why auffer wllh your eyca when proper lenaea and correctly fitting frnitiea give relief, Kyea tented free by Dr. Klllott at Conn's drug atoro. The iHt'in Commercial Club h reiueated the o. H. gc N. Company t iiHlnt 1n eMiiibllahlng a II of atearn"ra to ply to the Hnako river. u('ht wtm of. th: Tin ateamer Vulcan, which ank off Bwan Inland, haa been rabwvl and lro reeded to tide lunda near Qulnn'a un der her own atnm. Tlie Injury la not a'-rloua and the atwimer will ir be In working order again. It a announced that all of the r0.(KiO capital atork for the Portland Woolen Mllla Inia Imo-ii mil ril"il and aa aoon oa a alte la determined on active work tit ivinatruciliai will begin. The achooner It. W. Hortleti. which arrived yeaterdny from Port Angelea, la taking m a cargo of tana for the A UiMkii cannery if the Portltnd and Alimka Packing ('ompany, The clilzi-na of l.ane county are rain ing ii fund in maintain an agent In Portland who will draw the attention of homeeekera to the advantage,) ,f thut aecllon of the atate. The condition of J. C. TruUlnger wa unchanged ymterday. (he Improvement or tlie day t-rre ttaitlnulng. The pn- tleni la now able to take alight nour lahmerii, which 'he phyali lana regard an a favoro,:lo algn. The Chrlaty Unm. having bought out the Stamp Photo Company, have re moved ame Ut corner of Tenth and huiine atrevt, where they will continue to take photoa at the anm? prices. Your natninage aoilcltel. County Judye Oray yesterday mavle an morning for Porll.ind to attend a con ference of county judgea and commla alonera ,at whUh the new law govern ing the redemption of property sold fur taxes will bo dlamaeed. V chaiiu t-r incert will be alven Thtirwlay evening, May 16th, at F1eh T'a opera leUee for the benent of lrc church. A rehe,-u-nol for the chorua will hld this -en!ng at 8 p. m. In the church bwment. The lle:ivi-r lyxlge, S'K 35. Indepen dent Order of OiH Follows, will give an ent-rialnnient tonlht In e.-bratlon of the Hllnd .tnnlveniary (f Odd Fel lowship. All member of the order In good aUndlng and their families an- lnvltvl to attend. It devclod y.-Htenlay that the coun ty court miy decide to again nadver- tle b!ila rr the construction of the county rud to Nehalem. Judge Iruy utat.-d yesterday that purtW-a who have not heretofore bid have Intimated that they can submit flgurra connld- erablv lower than lhoa' received pre. vlouily. Thomas Murphy and a compnrrn. whose nitn.' bt not known. wer arrest ed v-stenlay nnd ore In the county lull rhirged with larceny of a skiff: from Peter Marks, of Clifton. The men borrowed the boat to go over to the Washington shore Put turned up In Astoria with a strrv f the boat hav ing rnpalxed above Tongue Point. The lxt cannot be found and the men ar susjxvted of having irtspowd of It. J. Sullivan, who haa been arrested several tlm for being drunk and dis orderly, created a small si"d scare In Cppcrtown yenterday afternoon. He waa releasml from jail Tuesday and celebrated his freedom by acquiring an other Jug. He attempted to enter sev eral houses presumably tn search of some place to sleep and Officer Kim ball, who sent to arrest him, found the man sleeping on a pile of lumber. Will Madlsm. the Commercial streeet cigar dealer, was arrested again last night on a second chonre of operating slot machines. At .he preliminary ex amination yesterday on the first charge a demurrer was submitted by attorney or the defense contending that the pro vision of the city charter regulating lot machine and fixing a license for hem rendered the stage law Inopera tive. The case will be heard Tues day. Work on the stranded HrltUh bark Poltalloch has been suscnded until the high tides next month, whan, it Is eg. Pected, the vessel will be successfully launched In Wlllapa harbor. Yuen Fong. better known as James Murphy, who conducted a small store on Commercial street near Tenth died yesterday from consumption. He was a member of the liuptlst church here and funeral services will be held by th pastor, thla afternoon,' from Pohl'a undertaking parlors. The re mains will be sent to China f'T Inter ment where It g understood h has a family living". A8HAH, FIHH LAW. Telegram flays Fish Warden Exceeds His Authority. The Evening Telegram of Portland h'is consistently ami persistently tried to tear the riew fisheries law to tat ters and haa upheld Flih Commissioner Heed in his contention that he Is still entitled to hold office and draw salary. The following Is reprinted from yes terday's Issue of The Telegram: "Attention Is called to a technical vlo- i latlon of the new fish law In the 1s I siiance of licenses to cmnerymen and cold storage houses by the fish warden direct. The law provides that all ap plications for such license shall be nnule to board of flh commissioners, who shall Issue the llcenes. No pro vision Is made by the law for the trans fer of this duty or power from the board of fish commissioners to the fish warden. "Although no especial slgnificinco Is attached to this violation of the law. as no special harm can result from It. It Is referred to as an additional Indica tion of the general disposition to Ignore portions of the law. Thn board of fish commissioners themselves have given ainctwn to the evasion of that sec tion of ihe law prohibiting fishing on Sundays. The own -r of a fish wheel on the Clackamas nrr'st.d on complaint of the fish warden has declared his In tention of carrying the cose to the high er courts, us h Is satisfied of lis un constitutionality, and Fish Commis sioner Reel hai br "night mindamus proceedings to comp'l the Issuance of his salary warrant, which. If won. will sustain his contention .hat the law of ivts is still In f"r.-e and effect. "Thus It appears that the new law l not only being Ignrn-ed hut asalled on ever)' Hide .and no great surprise Would be expr'-sed If the supreme court did not knock It out entirely. This liw appear to be such a Jumble of Incon vruitl.M that It is douV.ful whether It will hold water when subjected to the iet if constitutionality and consis tency." !!strlct Attorney Harrison Allen stated to an Astorlan T'-porter last night that Master Fish Warden Van Iuien had kept within the law In con ducting the nff tlrs of he office and had not exceeded the authority delegated to him by the new fisheries law and the state board of Hih commissioners. NO PROW IN CANNING a. i: IJOOTII TV BUILD COM) KTOKAtiK PLANT. SuyH That Kranch of Industry Will Ultimately He Mont Import ant onGctiun.h(a, Iust night tos a record-breaker at the Baptist ehurrh. the congregation being much lanfer than any previous one so far, and it was remarked that the sermn by the evangelist wa the best he has preiohed In this place. His subject waa "The Great RUvatlon," which he presented with great tender ness and power. The Salvation Army uartette was present and rendered some pi 'islng music. A meeting will be held tonight at 7:45. John Rnyv and O. C. Hansel, clam Iggers living at Seaside, became la- olved In an alteration yesterday over the latter kicking a 6Vg belonging to Boyse. Hot words followed and Boyse picked up a sputa and made for tils an tagonist, who escaped, and subsequently swore out a warrant lor Iloyse's ar rest. He was brought to the city by Sheriff I.lnvllle and waived examina tion. He waa released on )50 bonds to appear at the next session of the cir cuit court. The Co;tim?rclal Club held a ahort but very Important meeting last even ing at which the report of the com mittee on house and location was re ceived and adopted. The report waa to the, effect that he building of Captain Flavel, formerly occupied by the Co lumbia Ttlver Packers Association, the djolnlng office of the Alaska Fisher men's Association, ami the bulMlngs In the rear. In addition to sufficient ad jacent space for the erection of a bowt- Ing, could be leased at a monthly ren tal of $4r. It is the Intention of the club to proceed at once to getting the building In proper shape for occupancy. The West Const Trade says: Colum bia river salmon canning Interest are reported to be Indulging In the expen sive luxury of a finish fight. The Inde pendent packers on the upper river are represented as having a knife out for the Columbia River Packers Association because the latter took a more than friendly Interest In attempting to Induce the last legislature of Oregon to abol ish the use of fish wheels, the appara tus employed by up-river men In pro curing their supply of fish. They pro pose to take advantage of the fact of ability to secure salmon at about 4 cents, as against 6 cents demanded from the combine by the Fisherman's union In disciplining the corporation. Prices opened Inst week at $1.50 for tals., $1.65 for flats and 95 cents for half-pounds, figures which. It Is stated, may be still further lowered by plac ing tails and flats upon the same baste of values. NBW USK FOR ELECTRICITY. A professor recently discovered that e'rtrirlty is a stimulant for the brain, We do not wish to dispute the merits of this discovery but are Inclined to think that the only natural stimulant for the brain Is sleep. If you are not able to sleep you are certainly in a bad way. It Is usually caused by the stomach be ing out of order, the disturbance being out of order, the disturbance being communicated to the brajn. Keep the stomach In good condition by the use of Hostetter'i Stomach Bitter, and you wii have insomnia no longer, it la a aplendld medicine for strengthening the nerve .ind will cure dyspepsia. Indi gestion, constipation and biliousness. Aa a spring tonic it has no equal. See that our Private Revenue Stamp la over the neck of the bottle. REALTY TRANSFERS. Joseph Puxanowskl to S. C. Hlldreth lota . 10. 11. i:. 13. 14, 15 and i, mock 84. Rosedale addition. 1700. GflEATSPEGIAbSALE or Chinawarc, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Jardirieros and Jugs, Novelties, Bisque Ware, Agateware, Silverware and Cutlery, Fish Sets, Game Sets, Dinner Sets, PRICES CUT 20 to 33 per cent Come Just to See OUR IffifDENSE STOCK OUR LOW PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU Great Americaii Imp ortiiii Tea Co 671 Commercial Street. Astoria, Dr. Rhoda C. Hicks, OSTEOPATH 1ST Consultation Free. S73 Commercial St.. Astoria, Or. C. W. BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 573 Commercial St., ASTORIA, OR. TELEPHONE, RED S06L A. B. Dooth. of Baltimore, who sine mc retirement it his father from ac tlve busln'iw. Is at the head of the larg? picking and .-old storage firm of a. uootn & Company, predicts that the cold storage Interest on the Columbia will ultimately exceed In Importance inn canning pra.Tcn or the industry, Mr. Iiooth has announced that the liooth company will erect a large cold storage plant adjoining their cannerv In Kast Astoria, and win be prepared to pay as nigh prices aa other old stor age men for Isb. "There Is no profit In canning fish when we are compelled to pay 6 cents a pound tot small fish, and an In creased price for large ones." etild Mr, Iiooth to an Atorlan reporter yester day. "In self protection we have been compelled to go Into the cold storage market and will have our plant In oper ation within two wevJts. Tlie action of the cold storage men In putting up the pries will ultimately drive the can lerymen Into that branch of the In- duntry In self protection. There Is lit tie doubt thn the prices now paid will be Increased aa the season pro gresses. Although the run of fish thus fnr has been less than was antlcipat ed there la every reason to believe that the total will compare favorably with previous years. "We will continue to operate our can nery as heretofore but will pay parti cular attention .o the cold storage de partment. Our firm has Just complet ed the constructl-m of one of the larg est freezing plan's in the country, which Is located In Chicago, at a cost of $750 - noo. It Is nine torl- high and 150 feet frontage, and will be devoted al rn'it entirely to handling fish. Booth & Company have cold storage plants In nearly all the large cities of the coun try, and altogether there are eighty flve branch offices m the United States. We had a busy season back Kast this yenr. Th season for fish and oysters will close May 1st and during the sum mer and will cm fruits and vegetables. A. Booth, the founder of the firm. In living In London, where he ha? been since bis retirement from business, and is enjoying splendid health." NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Common Council of the Citv of Astoria, has declared 1's Intentions to establish the grade on Franklin av enue, from Thirty-fifth to Forty-fifth street, at the following height above the base of grades as established by or dinance No. 71 of said City of Astoria, entitled "An ordinance to establish base of grades for the streets of As toria." To wit: At the Intersection of FTanklln avenue with 35th street as nam established at 67.4 feet above the base of grades. At the intersection of Franklin Ave nue and 36th street at 86 feet above the base of grades, thence on a 12 per cent, grade to S7th street. At the Intersection of Franklin Avenue and 37th street, 112 feet on the west side and 125 feet on the east side, thence on a 4 per cent grrade to 38th street. At the Intersection of Franklin Ave nue and 3Sth street. 137 feet on the west side and 140 feet on the east side, thence on a 4 per cent, grade to 39th street At the Intersection of 39th street and Franklin Avenue. 179 feet on the west, side and 182 feet on the east side, thence on a IS per cent, grade to 4th street. At the Intersection of Franklin Avenue and 4th street !21 feet on the west s'de and 124 feet on the east side, thence cn a ii per eent. grade to 4lst streeet. At the intersection of Ftanklii: Ave nue and 41st street 160 feet on the west sfOe ufl HI feet on te east side. tneacc en a f per cent, grade to 42nd beA t the Intersection of Franklin Ave nue and 42nd street, 239 feet on the west side and 237 feet on the east side, thence on a 8 per cent, grade to 43rd street. At the Intersection of Franklin Ave nue and 43rd street. 211 feet on the west side and 213 feet on the east side, thence on a per eent. grade to 44th street. At the Intersection of Franklin Avenue and 44th street, ttl feet oa the west side and 229 feet on the east side, thence on a 12 per cent, grade to 45th street. At the Intersection of Franklin Ave nue and 45th street 192 feet on both sides. This notice Is published for tea suc cessive days la the Horning Astortan In pursuance to a resolution of the Com moo Council adopted on the 16th day of April. 1901, the first publication there of being in the Issue of April 26, 1901. H. E. rfELSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. IM-I tun IT'S UP TO YC"J to try our cigars wa've dona all wa could to furnish you fins ones. The tobacco In our cigars is long filler and of the best qual ity, and the people who roll them thoroughly understand their business. So, as we itald before, 'It's up to you" to smoke 'em. If we can succeed In having you make a trial of one olgar, you are very likely to finish the box. WILL MADISON THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS FISHER BROTHERS Astoria, Ore. KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which Bottled beer for .'amily use or kef Mr. John Kopp is proprietor, makasbeer supplied at any time. Delivery beer for domestic and export trade, in the city tree. North Pacific Brewery N. J! mm Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Subscribed Capital, Paid-up Capital, Assets, .... Asts in United States, Surplus to Policy Holders, $5,000,000 1,000,000 2,545,114 300,000 1,718,792 Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast ovei twenty-two years. v SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Resident Agents, Astoria, Or. ASSESSMENT NOTICE SOMETHING NBW. Just published by the Southern Pa cific Co. Is a phamphlet upon the re sources of Western Oregon, which In cludes an excellent map of the state, and contains Information on cllmata lands, education, etc.. existing Indus tries and their capabilities. Attention Is also directed to such new fields ' for energy or capital aa promise fair return. This publication flus a need long ex perienced by Oregonlans. tn replying to Inquiries of eastern friends. Copies may be had of local agent Southern Pacific Co., or from C. H. MARKHAM. O. P. A.. Portland. Or THE UOUVRE Manager W'elsensteln of the Louvre has secured a splendid attraction In the persons of Miss Blanche Brogan and Fred Allen. In Illustrated songs and fivlng pictures. The songs will be "A Tiger Lily," "My Georgia Rose." and the great coon song hit, "Pliny, Come Kiss Tour Baby." Views of points of interest from San Francisco to the Klondike, changed every evening, will WHERE DO YOU BUY YOUR GROCERIES? HAVE YOU TRIED A. W.SHIPLEY? 658 Commercial Street DO YOU KNOW That he gives you the beet there Is to be had in the city for the least money? Place aa order once and see. TWELFTH STREET, TROU TOT BOOTH LIKS OtT COUVHSlCUM fff. TO THE NORTH LINE OT FRANKLIN AVUKTOTl ITCLTJRirS ASTORIA, Notice Is hereby given that the assessment mad ay OftfiHues Ms, MM sf the City of Astoria, Oregon, entitled "An OrdiBanes oonflnoirg speelas. as sessment roll No. 44. for the Improvement of TwerftK street from tm af-oh line of Commercial street to the north line of Pranklla avenue," api-ro-rert Afir. 17th. 1J01. will be due and payable tn United States gold ertn a tfee offlcs mt the City Treasurer oa May Ith, 190L aad if not so paid at saM tints tfc Cera mon Council will order warrants Issued for the collection ot te earn. The. as sessment Is as follows: HENRY DISSB .... GRIFFIN REED J. H. MANSELIj ... E. A. NOYES Lot 1. block 12, Mcdure'B Astoria 48 N Lot 8. block el. VfcOrure'g Astoria JS ft Lot 3. Mock 3. Hectare's Astoria II X Undivided half of lot 1 Moek tX I I v i 1 1 MeClure's Astoria. 17 O. W. LOtTNSBBRRY Undivided half of lot 4, Woek H i ' f i I : 1 McClure-s Astoria 317' ESTER P. ROGERS Lot 5, block M. McClure's Astoria- 1 SS ROGERS TRUST CO. East haK of lot . Mock , Mc i ' Clure's Astoria B-M EBHN ROGERS West half of KH , block , Mc- -' ,!! ,- Ki'if cure-, Astoria, IT BUILDING ft LOAN LAND CO Undivided half of lot 7. block tX i I VJ 1 ' McClure's Astoria 7 GEORGE FLAVEL Undivided half of lot 7, block tV McClure's Astoria 7 W BUILDING A LOAN LAND CO Undivided half of lot S. bloc . McClure's Astoria. U 41 GEORGE FLAVEL Undivided haK of lot 8, block , McClure's Astoria. 14 41 ELIZA LEE PAYTON Lot 1. block M. McClure's Astoria, 41 83 ALANSON HTNMAN Lot 8, block . McClure's Astoria 18 W. S. KINNEY. Estate of Lot 3. block 68. McClure's Astoria 11 M U C. KINNEY Lot 6. block 66, McCiure'g Astoria 11 11 FISHER BROS Lot 7, block 6, McCiure'g Astoria IS 00 FISHER BROS Lot 8. block 66. McCJure's Astoria 48 81 SARAH E. WARREN Lot 1. block 67, McClure's Astoria 48 81 SARAH E. WARREN Lot 2. block 67. McClure's Astoria 15 W. E. JOPLIN Lot 3. block 67. McClure's Astoria 11 11 W. E. JOPLIN t,ot 4. block 67, McClure's Astoria 8 86 W. E. JOPLIN Lot 5, block 67, McClure's Astoria 85 W. E. JOPLIN Lot 6. block 67. McClure's Astoria 11 11 SARAH E WARREN Lot 7, block 67. McClure's Astoria. 15 08 SARAH E WARREN Lot 8. block 67. McClure's Astoria 48 83 J. K. WEATHERFORD 70x100 feet of lot 5. block 61. Mc Clure's Astoria 8 S3 IMA H. MONTIETH 30x100 feet of lot 5. block 61, Mc Clure's Astoria 8 88 C. H. PAGE Lot 6. block 61, McClure's Astoria 15 86 C. H. PAGE Lot 7, block 61, McClure's Astoria ttt 81 C. H. PAGE Lot 8. block 61, McClure's Astoria 61 81 hpbkkt UA-KKUTH y KS Let 9. block 61. McClure's Astoria 15 85 J. K. WEATHERFORD 70x100 feet of lot 10. block 61, Mc- Clure's Astoria '.. 33 IMA H. WEATHERFORD 30x100 feet of lot 10. block 81. Mc Clure's Astoria 3 84 S. H. WTLLET Lot 6. block 64. McClure's Astoria 11 88 A, J. MEGLER, Estate of Lot 6. block 64. McClure's Astoria 15 85 A. J. MEGLER, Estate of Lot 7. block 64 McClure's Astoria 51 81 GEORGE M'LEAN, Estate of Lot 8. block 64, McClure's Astoria 61 83 ROBERT CARRUTHERS Undivided half of lot 8, block 64, McClure's Astoria 7 83 D. M'TAVISH Undivided half of lot 9, block 84, McClure's Astoria 7 93 W. SUPRENAUT Lot 10. block 64. McClure's Astoria 11 89 MARY C. FLAVEL Lot 5 N.v-V McClure's Astoria 11 89 JACOB KAMM Lot 6. block 65. McClure's Astoria 18 W SnfHTA TCTRCHOFF Lot 7, block 65, McClure's Astoria 61 83 SOPHIA KTRCHOFF Lot S. block 65. McClure's Astoria 61 B8 SOPHIA KTRCHOFF Tot 9, block 65. McClure's Astoria 15 85 OUST HOLMES Undivided half of lot 10, block 65, i .McClure's Astoria 5 95 MARY C. HOLMES Undivided half of lot 10, block 65. McClure's Astoria 8 9 By order of the Common Council of the City of Astoria. Oregon. Attest:- H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Jude of the City of Astoria. Oretron. Astoria. Oregon. April 24. 190L ri.-- ( '! t.tiv: .1 fiik-is's'Ji,'