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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1901)
THE M0KX1XG ASTOKUS, FRIDAY,' APRIL '26. l i err Telephone Main 6SL . TERMS OF SUBSCUIPTION. DAILY. Bert by mall, per year tS.OO Bent by mall, pr month .60 Served by carrier. per month 60 8EMI-WEEKLT. Bnt by mall, per year, in advance. 12.01 All communications intended lor pub ligation should be directed to "Editor lAstonan." Business communications of all Kind and remittances must be addressed to "The Astorlan Publish ing Co." The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can had on ap- toatlvn to th i business manager. According to yesterday's Budget the w ater In the Ohio river Is UU raising. Presumably owing to a typographical error the word "Cain" was omitted. The name for the Portland exposition Is certainly long enough. It would be difficult to name a good reason why the first half of It would not do lust as well as the whole. It Is certainly to be hoped that now the ambitious "Amer ican Pacific" part has been added Port land will make an earnest effort to see that the exposition does not belie the full name given. It will certainly have to be planned on an ambitious scale to not appear top heavy. Cblcagf. like Portland, now claims to be an ocean port. The ground for this claim lies In the fact that a steamer drawing twenty-four faet of water has Just left that city for Europe. The same dispatch which contains this an nouncement also states that several slmilur attempts have previously been made but in each Instance disaster has overtaken the enterprise. Truly It diesn't take much to make any city an ocean porton paper. An Associated ess dispatch says that the emperor of China has appoint ed a board to inquire fully Into the question of reforms, select those which they consider most feasible and Import ant and report to the emperor who. after obtaining the approval' of the em press) dowager to the reforms proposed, will Issue rescripts for their enactment. Those who have closely studied Chinese current history for the past five years will place little dependence on any plans of reform which are to be sub mit teJ to the Boxer empress dowager for her approval. , WITH THE PARAGRAPHERS. Front row No. the Belgian hare can not be grafted onto bald heads Wash ington Posr. The antis are anxious that everything should follow the flag except themselves. -Dallv Nonpareil. The Easter egg does not give so spir ited a performance as the Christmas eggnog. Anaconda Standard. The banquet to be given Aguinaldo by the Antl-Imperiatlst league has been un avoidably postp-ned. Kansas City Star, i Thirty-two doctors are doctoring King Edward of England. What a consti tution .the man must have: Record Herald. The Filipinos are quieting down In a most promising manner, but the Bos-ton-beaxios are still insurrectlng. Mon tana Record. Now we are learning of the good qualities of our new fellow citizen. It appears that Aguinaldo is a noted cyc ler. Buffalo Express. Funs ton's commission bears the date of April 1. And If he'd failed lots cf people would always have associated him with that day. St. Paul Dispatch. The czar has Just put on his boiler plate shirt and Is wearing a stove lid on his bosom. His pantaloons are expected from the foundry shortly. Minneapolis Journal. It Is stated that the new Llpton yacht will have a hollow boom. This, too, in spite of Bryan's melancholy experience with the same kind of rigging! Mail and Express. Aguinaldo having taken the oath of allegiance. It now behooves the au thorities in the Philippines to see that lie has no chance of breaking It. Phil adelphia Inquirer. Mr, Rrysn appears to have under taken the task of killing off all Pro spective presidential opponents In the columns of the Commoner. The Hon. David Dennett 1M1 Is 'ho latest victim of the journalistic broiler. Washing ton Post. Every man believes In married life for his friends. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Tnke Laxativ Bromo-Qulnlne lets, &c Tab- It's not often you find a man's wife the bosom friend of the woman who think she has a mission to help nun. Tou cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes If your .'Iver is sluggish and your bowels clogged. De Witt's Little Earlv Risers cleanse the whole system. Th'y never gripe. CHAb. ROGERS, Drugget. A meal lo a man means .1 piece of meat and a cigar; to a woman U means something new to talk about and a Huffy dessert. Spring coughs ?re ipeclally danger ous and unless cured at once, serious results often follow. One Minute Cough Cure acts like magic. It is not a com mon mixture but is a high grade rem edy. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. A man's letters to a Kirl never begin to be really dangerous '.111 after he gets too far along to bother with quoting poetry In them. "I had piles so bad I could get no rest nor find a cure until I tried De Witt's Witch Hasei -?alvo. After using it once I forgot I ever had anything like pll." E. C. Bolce, Somers Print. N. T. Look out for Imitations. J.le sure you ask for De Witt s. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. It Is the .minion nf niru worrier out of ten that the average man Isn't get ting everything that is coming to him unless ne is leading a ciouoie me. "Last winter I was confln-Jd to my bed with a very bad cold on the lungs. Nothing gave me relief. Finally my wife bought a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure that effected a speedy cure. I cannot speak too highly of that ex cellent remedy." Mr. T. K. Houseman, Manatawney, Pa. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist If she thought no one would hear the average woman would talk baby talk to a cockroach. Tou will waste time tr you try to cure indigestion or dyspepsia by starving yourself. That only makes It worse when you do eat heartily. Tou always need plenty of good food properly di gested. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure la the result of years of scientific research for something that would digest not only some elements of food but every kind. And it is the one remedy that will do It. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. Whn n man ennsrhf in flnv. thing bis first instinct is to lie out of u: a womm s is 10 nave nvsierics. "I have been troubled with indigestion for ten years, have tried many things and spent much money to no purpose until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken two bottles and gotten more relief from them than all other medi cines taken. I feel more like a boy than I have felt in twenty years." Anderson RIggs. of Sunny Lane, Tex. Thousands have testified as did Mr. Riggs. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. The first sign that the honeymoon Is over is when a woman begins to think she Mkes to comb her husband's head. Those famous little pills. D Witt's Lit tle Early Risars, will remove all Im purities froj) your system, cleanse your bowels, make them regular. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist A woman feels terribly unhappy when she really wants to use a hand kerchief and has only got her best lace one with her. Skin troubles, cuts, burns, scalds and chafing quickly heal by the use of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is Imi tated. Be Mire you get De Witt's. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Tou seldom see a woman that has the strength of mind not to get mad at a man when r.he has to sneeze right when he was telling her something ro mantic. TOT CAUSES NIGHT ALARM. "One night my brother's baby was taken with Croup," writes Mrs. J. C, Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep It in the house to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. 50c and II. Trial bot tles free at HART'S DRUG STORE. According to Sir Robert Ball, a dis tinguished English scientist, the sun lost five rnilM of its diameter during the century recently closed. A DEEP MTSTERT. It is a mystery why women endure backache, headache, nervousness, sleep lessness, melancholy, fainting and dizzy spells when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure such trouDies. "l suffered for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Cherley, of Peterson, la., "and a lame back pained me so that I could not dress myself, but Electric Bitters wholly cur ed m, and although 73 years old, I now am able to do all my housework." It overcomes constipation, improves appe tite, gives perfect health. Only 50c at HART'S DRUG STORE. It is properly called "putting up" at a hotel, beciuse the gu''t has to put up with so much stayi.ig and then put uu so much In leaving. SHE DIDN'T WEAR A MASK. But her beauty was completely hid den by sores blotches ,and pimples till she used Bueklen's Arnica Salve. Then they vanished as will all eruptions, fe ver sores, bolls, ulcers, carbuncles and felons from its use. Infallible for cuts, corns, burns, scalds and piles. Cure guaranteed. 25c at HARTS DRUG STORE. "Willie," asked th Sunday school teacher, "what must we first do to be forgiven?" "Do sumthin' to be forgiv en for." answered the practical lad. OLD SOLDIER'S EXPERIENCE. M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wife was sick a long time In spite of Rood doctor's treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health." They always do. Try them. Only 25c at HART'S DRUG STORE. THE MOST STUBBORN COUGHS resulting from an attack of la grippe or heavy cold, must yield to the wonderful healing properties of Foley's Honey and Tar, which strengthens ttv lungs and makes them sound. HART'S DKUU STORE. Every dog has his .lay, but the nights are given to the cats. GIVEN UP TO DIE WITH CROUP. Mrs. P. L. Cordier. of Mannlngton, Ky., writes: "My girl had a severe case of croup, tlu doctor said she could not live and I gave her up to die. I wont to the store and got a bottle of Foley's Honey niul Tar, the first dose gave quick relief and saved her life." HART'S DRUG STORE. Every man may own a gold brlek now a. lavs an-l not be laughed at. B. Presaon. Prossnvllle. Kan., writes; "Nothing like Foley's Honey and Tar" Is the universal verdict of all who have used It. Especially has this been true of coughs accompanying la grippe. Not a single bottle failed to give relief. HART'S DKUO STORE. It Is hotter to drown yourself In the river than to try to drown your troub les ii the 'lowing bowl. V. B. Conklln. Bowersvllle. O.. says: "I received motv benefit from Foley's Kidney Cure than from months of treatment by physicians." HART'S DRUG STORE. If there were not o many Jackasses In the country It would not be so hard to convince most people that man orig inated from a monkey. The editor of the Fordvllle. Ky.. Mis cellnneous, writes as a postscript to a business letter: "I was cured of kidney trouble by taking Foley's Kidney Cure." Take nothing else. HART'S DRUG STORE. Xl'hpn Vim haar :inv ivnd .leclae. th.e hiai-A h,Mri .ltro..t.vt hv Iha T.ip.l t.i .1. i so and so, you had better call the Po lice. BEST WAT TO CURE BACKACHE. Back&2hs are caused by disorders In tha kidneys. Foley's Kidney Cure will make the kidneys right. Take no sub stitute. riART'S DRUG STORE. Of all the reformed people In the world, tha most rare Is a reformed re former. Runnln sores, ulcers, bolls, pimples, etc.. quickly cured by Banner Salvw. the most healing salve In the world. A sure cure for piles. HART'S DRUG STORE. The average politician may not know a great deal about liquid air. but he is a living demonstration of solid wind. "STICK TO IT." Geo. L. Heard, of High Tower. Oor gia, writes: "Ecxenu broke out on my baby, oovering his entire body. Under treatment of our family physician he got worse as he could not sleep for the burning and itching. We used a box of "Banner Salve" on him and by the time It was gone he waa well. The doctor seeing it waa curing him staid. "Stick to It for it is doing him more good than anything I have done for him." HART'S DRUG STORE. WHITE COLLAR LINE (Telephone Dock.) Columbia River and Puget Soual Nav igation Company. The Bailey Gatzert leaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7 p. m. leaves Portland daily except Sua day at 7 a. m. White Collar Line tickets. O. R. A N. tickets and Ilwaco Ry A Nav. Com oanv tickets interchangeable on Bailey Gatzert anl Hassilo. Through Port land con neat ion with steamer Nahcotta from Ilwaco and Long Beach points. Telephone No. Ul. A. J. TATLOR, Astoria Agent. E. W. CRICHTON. PstJand Agent BEST OF EVERYTHING In a word this tells of the Passenger Service via fhfl Sorlhwesiern line.. Eight Trains Dally between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest Pullman Sleepers. Peerless Dining Cars. Library and Observation Cars, Free Reclining CnaJr Can. The 20th Century Train Runs Every Day of the Tear. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam lleattd THE BADGER STATE EXPRESS, the finest JJauy Train Running Between St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line. Connections from the West made via .The NORTHERN PACIFIC. GREAT NORTHERN and CANADIAN PACIFIC R'TS. This Is also the BEST LINE between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. All agents sell ticket via The Northwestern Line W. H. MEAD. H. L. SISLER. General Agent. Trav. Agent, 248 Alder Street Portland. Oregon. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAY1NG.AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Car Will Receive Special Attention. No. iU Duana Bt, W. J. COOK, Bes.TeL.Ull. Astoria. Or. Oregon Short Line Railroad THE DIRECT ROUTE. Montana, Ulah, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Pacific Fast Mall Llns. or the Rio Grande Scenlo Line. LOOK AT THE TIME. 1 Days t Salt Lake. 2J Days to Donvor .'ij Days to Chicago. 1 Days to Nov. York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For furtner information apply to C, O. TERRT, W. a. COMAN, Trav. rasa. Agt,. Oen. Agent. 124 Third St.. Portland. Or. Or G. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent O. R. & N. ASSESSMENT NOTICE TENTH STREET FROM EXCHANGE I CLURE'S Notice Is hereby given that the rsesanient made by ordinance No, TM'S of the City of Astoria, Or. entitled "An ordinance confirming .peclal aNi:m'iit i4l No. ii for the improvement of Tenth strert from the south line of Exchanga street to the north line of Grand avenue." approved April 10, 1901. will be due and pay able In United States gold coin at the otlUv of the city treasurer, on May 2. 101. and If not so paid at sail time the common council will order warrants is sued Tor the collection of the same. The assessment Is as follows: B ABRIDGE, W. W Lot 8. block 71. City of Astoria aa iajax L.A.-NU iu i:Jllt;.. kosa . JUtlNSUN. MARl L JOli.-ssu.N. .MART L. w. C lUUA.N. . C laxian, THOMAS (Estate of) KAilL.ES. EDWARD J IC.V1IL.ES. EMMA E RAHLES, VICTOR A. RAHLES. MART E. RAHLES. ALBERT W. RAHLES, MAUD J. KAJiUES. BKUXiET SOUTHER LAND, ANGUS YOUNG, BENJAMIN The following Is payable In Installments, the first lmtallment due May 2, 19M: fj 4 BADOLLET, MARY JANE BADOLdLliT. MAK i JANE BADOLLET. MARY JANE UAUOL.UET, MAIli JANE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH By order of the Common Council of Auditor and Police Astoria, uregun, Apm id, isvi. ASSESSMENT NOTICE FRANKLIN AVENUE FROM TWENTY-SIXTH STREET TO THIRTY FIRST STREET, J. M. SHIVELY'S D. I C. Notice la hereby given that the assessment made by ordinance No. 2599 of ine -iiy or Astoria, uregon. entitled ment roll no. m, tor tne improvement of Franklin avenue from the east line of Twenty-sixth street to the west line of Thirty-first street." anoroved 10th, 1901. will be due and payable In tne city ireasurer on May isw, anu ir not s- paid at said time the Common Council will order warrants Issued for tho ci II ctlon of the same. The as sessment Is as follows: ANDERSON, ANNA SOPHIA .... BARKER. W. it BOWLBY, J. Q. A. ... BOWLBY, J. Q. A. ... BOWLBY, J. Q. A. ... BOWLBY, J. Q. A BOWLBY, J. Q. A. .... CITY OF ASTORIA .. CLATSOP MILL CO. as laid out by J. M. Shlvnly 12 00 CLATSOP MILL CO Lot 2. block 144, City (ft Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Hhlvely ... 12 00 CLATSOP MILL CO Lot 3. block 144, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shlvely 12 00 CLAT30P MILL CO Lot 4 block 144. City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shlvely 12 00 CLATSOP MILL CO Lot 5. block 144, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shlvely 12 CO CLATSOP MILL CO (Fract) Lot 6, block 144, City of Astorlu, as laid out by J. M. Shlve ly 11 10 CLATSOP MILL CO Lot 7, block 144, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shlvely 42 10 CLATSOP MILL CO Lot 8, block 144, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shlvely 42 10 CLATSOP MILL CO Lot 9. block 144, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shlvely 42 10 CLATSOP MILL CO Lot 10. block 144, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 42 10 CLATSOP MILL CO Lot 11, block 144, City or Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shlvely 42 10 CLATSOP MILL CO Lot 12, block 144. City of Astoria, as laid out by J. SI. Hhlvely 42 10 CLATSOP MILL CO Lot 1, block 145, City of Astoria, aa laid out by J. M. Shlvely 12 00 CLATSOP MILL CO Lot 2. block 145, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shlvely 12 00 CLATSOP MILL CO Lot 3, block 145, City of Astoria, as laid eut by J. M. Shlvely 12 00 j ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIYER RAILROAD. Lrsv. PORTLAND. "Arrivs Union Dopotll:lO a rn. 7;Wp.m.for Astoria and lnur-:40 p.m. ItnjMlaU points. i ASTORIA" 7.4R a.m. For Portland ln-)ll:M 4 10p.m.termdlate points 10;30p.m. BBA81DB DIVISION. 11:34 s. ra. ,V . m. :: a ut ASTORIA SEASIDE " -40 a m 4 It) i. Ill 11 (Da in II VI p in 7 .00 p, lit lit I in. , It SO . m. ' SuinUy uuiy All trains maka close connections at Goble with all Northern Paclflo tralna to and from ths East or Sound points, J. C. MAYO. Gen'l Fr't and Pass. Agent J. A. FASTABEND GSKEiUl coimcroR AND BUItDER STREET IV GRAND AVENUE Mc ASTORIA. laid out and recorded by John MiVlure uj tj it i, block 4j, city of Astoria 04 laid out nnd reconlcd by John Vlur 103 M Ut 2. block , city of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John McClur Jl W Lot 5. block 46. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClur 67 SJ Lot , block 46, City of Aatorla. as laid out and recorded bv John McClure 34 S3 Lt I, block 71. City of Astoria, as liid out and recorded bv John McClurv 103 00 Lot 2, block 71. City of Astorlu, as laid out and recorded by John McClurv 40 SS Lot S, block 43. City of Astoria, hs laid out and recorded bv John McClure 103 SS Undivided one-sixth of lot 7. Uck 45, City of Ast.irla, as laid out and recorded by John McOlure 6 i Undivided one-Hlxth of lot 7. block 4.1. t'liy of A:nriA. its Wild out and reeorde.1 by John McOlure 6 I'liilivlde.l one-tilth of lot 7, block 4.1, City of Astoria, im laid out and revrded by John McOlure 6 7S I r.llvid- I one-.Hlxth of lot 7. block 41. City of Astoria, im laid out and recorded by John McOlure 6 77 I ndlvlded one-sixth of lot 7, blurk 40, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McOlure 6 7S LmllvideU one-sixth of lot 7, blvx 4... City of A tori a, as laid out and recorded by John McOlure 6 77 Life interest In last above descrlb- ed lot only. None. Lot 7, block 71. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClur 40 SI Iv t 3. block 46, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McOlure 34 tJ Lit 3, block 7: laid out and , City cf Astoria, aa rworded by John McOlure 40 SS Lot 4. block 72. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by Joho McOlure 122 S3 lint 5. block 72. City of Astoria, aa laid Dut and recorded by John McOlure 112 M Lot 6, block 72. City of Astoria. a laid out and recorded by John McOlure 40 SS Lot 4, block 46, City of Astoria, as laid out an-l recorded by John McClure 17 SS the City of rii, Oregon. II. E. NELSON. Jmlre of the City of Astoria, Oregon. "An ordinance conflrnlng special assess United States gold coin at the office of .....Lot. 1, block 3, City of Astoria, ac laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 42 10 Kast half of lot 4, bltick 5, City of Astoria, a laid out by J. M. Shively 21 05 Lot 1. block 143, city of Astoria, ns laid out by J. M. Hhlvely..,. 12 00 ....Lot 0. block 146, Clly of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 12 00 ....Lot, 9, block 146, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shlveiy 42 10 ....Ixjt. 1, block 5. Hty of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 42 10 ....East 20 feet of lot 2, block 6, City of Astoria, as laid :ut by J. M. Hhlvely 16 84 ....Lot 4, block 4, City of Astoria, as laid out bv J. M. Hhlvely 42 10 ....Lot 1, block 144, City of Astoria. CLATSOP MILL CO, CI.AT.HOl' MILL CO. i CLATSOP MILL CO. CUVTSOl' MILL CO. CLATSOP MUJi OO. CliATSOl MIIJ. OO. CLATSOP MILL OO. CIiATHOP MII.L CO. CLATSOP MUJi OO. as laid out by J. M Hiiiveiy iu COLUMBIA RIVER PACKERS ASSN. Lot 4, block 117, City of Astoria, us hit I out by J. M. Hhlvely 13 00 COLUMBIA RIVKU PACKERS ASHN. Lot (I, block 117. city of Astorlu, us laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 00 COLUMBIA RIVER PACKERS ASSN. U.t bl.M k 147. City of Ailoria, as laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 13 W) COLUMBIA RIVER PACKERS ASSN. Lot 7. block 14.'. City of Astortu. as laid mil by J. M. Hhlvely 41 10 COLUMBIA RIVKU PACKERS ASSN.I.oi H block l7, City of Astoria. as Inl'd out by J. M. Hlilvi ly 41 II COLUMBIA RIVKU PACKERS ASHN, Ut . block 147. City of Aslorlu, as hU l out by J. M. Hhlvely 41 10 COLUMBIA RIVKU PACKK'tS ASSN. U 4, block 14. City tf Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Hhhcly II 00 COLUMBIA RIVKU PACKERS ASHN.Lot 5, bl'tck 111, Clly of AMorii. as I. lid out bv J. M Hhlvely 13 00 COLUMBIA RIVER PACKERS ASSN. U,t . block 14, City of Astoria, as laid out bv J. M. Hhlvily 11 00 COLUMBIA RIVKU PACKERS ASSN.I.ot 7. block 141, City "f Astoria, aa laid out by J. M Hhlvely 41 10 COLUMBIA IUVKIl PACKERS ASSN. Lot . block 14. City of Antorta. us laid out bv . M Sliis.-iv . .. 42 10 COLUMBIA RIVKU PACKERS ASSN. Lot P. block 14S City of Astoria. as laid out by J. M Hhlvely 43 10 lK FORCE. J. It Norih 100 feet of M I. bio, k 4, City of Astorll, na laid out by J. M. Shlvely S3 KN'BERG, JOHN V,tt half of lot I, bl.).-k 6. City of Astoria, as lill out by J. M. KUICKSON. AUGUST FULTON, C. W FULTON. C. W FULTON. C. W FULTON. C. W GILBERT, A GILBERT. A GILLETTE, MARY I GRIMM, H HIGGIN.S. J. E E MIGGIN3. J. HIGGINS. J. E HOI.LISTUIt. GEORGE C Hi 'LLISTER. GEOROB C JLFFERY. MARY R KOl'P, JOHN KOPP. JOHN KOPP, JOHN KOPP. JOHN KOPP. JOHN KOPP, JOHN KOPP, JOHN KLINT, A. II DORA M A LARSON. LARSON. LARSON. KRICK A MARIE C LUDWIG CAROLINS LARSON. LA RS EN. LAR3I0N. OL8KN. MA REN A OSTROM. JOSEPH PACIFIC UNION PACKING CO PACIFIC UNION PACKINO CO PACIFfC UNION PACKING CO PACIFIC UNION PACKINO CO PARKER. C. L PARKER. C. L POYSKEY. JOHN RAISTAKKA. MATT SARKKILA, MATT W W SHIVELY C. SHIVELY C. SHIVELY C. W SHIVELY C. W SHIVELY C. W SHIVELY C. W SHIVELY C. W STEPHENSON. JOHN STEPHENSON. JOHN THOMPSON, BRICK TRULLINOER. FLORA A ;, ' . TRULLINGER, FLORA A. ' WELCH. JAMES W WELCH. JAMES W WEVANO, LENA WEVANG. LENA WESSMAN. JOSEPHINE WESSMAN. JOSEPHINE WILLIAMSON, ELIZA WOOD, SARAH F By order of tha Common Council of Auditor and Polloe Astoria, Oregon, April 14, 1901. ...,Lot 4, block 14f., City of Astoria, Uk laid out by J. M, Miuwiy is w Ut S. block 14r fltv of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Hlilvoly 0 Lot , block 4f., City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Htuvely H 00 Lot 7, block 145, City of Astorlu, Ms laid out by J. M. Hhlvcly 10 Ut 8, block I4ti, City of Anions, a laid out by J. M. Hhlvely ... 43 10 Lot , block 14,1, City of Astoria, us laid nut by J. M. Hhlvtdy .... 4110 Lot 10. block 14.1, City of Astoria, m laid out by J. M. Hhlvely O 10 It 11, block HI, City of Amelia, as laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 43 10 Lot 12. bhxk 14fi, City of Astoria, Hhlvely 21 W East half of lot 4, block 3. Oily of Astoria, laid out by J. M Hlilvc- Iv II IS U't 2. block 141, Clly of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Hlilvoly II 00 Lot 3. block 143. City of Astoria as laid out by J. M Hhlvoly 12 00 Lot 10. block Hs. City of Astoria, as hi id out by J. M. Hhlvely 42 10 U't H. block 141. City of Astoria. us laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 43 10 Lot 3 block 3, City of Astoria, as lul.i out by J, M. Hhlvely 43 10 Undivided half .f '.tit i, block 3. City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Hhlvely Jl 05 Lot 12, block 144, City of Astoria. as laid out by J. M. Hhlvrly 42 10 South fiU fct of lot S. blurk 14. City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shlvely 4 00 North lw fc-'t of lot . block 1. City of Astoria, laid out by J. M. Hhlvely IN North SO feet of lot 7. 144. City or Aatorki, as laid out by J. M. Hhlvoly I 41 North 50 feet of lot I, blk 144 City or Ast-irU, as laid out by J. M. Shlvely Ill Let 2. bl a k 2. City of Astoria. as laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 41 10 Ut 3. block 2. City of Astoria, u laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 41 10 North half of lot 2. block 4. City of Astoria, as laid out by J M. Hhlvely 31 SI Lot 1. bl-K k 147. City of Astoria, im laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 12 00 Ix.t 2. block 147, Ctty of Astoria, as laid out by J M. Hhlvrly 13 00 Ut 3. block 147. City f Ajitorli. ns laid out by J. M. Hhlvrly 13 04 Lot 10, block 147, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M Hhlvrly 41 10 I)t 11. block 147. City of AalurU. as laid out by J M. Hhlvrly 42 10 Lot 12. block 147. City of Astoria, us lul l out bv J. M Hhlvrlv 41 10 U,t 6. block i, 1fy if Astoria, as Hid out by J. M. Hhlvrly 42 10 East half of lot i, bhrk 3, City of Astoria, aa laid out by J. M. Hhlve ly 21 05 Undivided orie-lhtrd of bit 1. bhs-k 3. City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 14 01 Undivided one-third of lot 1. block 2. City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Hhlvely Ill) Undivided one-third of lot 1. block 2, City of Astoria, aa laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 14 4 Iowrr Interest to last abovs described lot only. Undivided half of lot t, kk 2. City of Astorlu. as laid eut by J. M. Hhlvely 11 ft Undivided half of lot I, Mock 1. City of Astorlu, aa laid out by J. M. Hhlvely nil Lot 3, block 4, City or AsUsrfc, as laid out by J. M. Hhtvcly 41 II Lot 2. block 3. City of AstsrU. as laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 41 ll Lol 2. block 148. City of Astsrta. as laid out by J. M. Snivel 11 M It 3. block 14. Oily mi Astwrfa, as In Id out by J. SI. Bhlvrl 12 as Lot 10. block 14. City of Astart. as laid out by J. St. SblvHv 41 ll Ixt 11. block 14. Olty of Asteria as Mid out by J. M. Hhlvrl ii ll Lot 6. Mock 5. Olty of Amaru, ui laid out by J. M. Hhivelv . 41 is Lot 6. block 6. Cltv of Aatorl. u Laid out by J. M. Hhlveiv a is West half of lot 4. bloc 3, City or Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shlvely si lAl 4. Mock 2. City of Astoria aa laid out by J. M. Hhlvely si is North half of lot 1, block 4. City of Astoria, aa laid out by J. M. Hhlvely ji i Lot 5, block 4, City of AaturM, as laid out by J. M. Hhlvrly 41 jo Lot 0, block 4. City of Astoria, . laid out by J. M. Hhlvrlv it 11 North loO feet of lot 2, block 4 Htv of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Rhlvelv 91 si Lot 3. block , City of Astoria as laid out by J. M. Hhlveiv 2 in Lot 4, block , City of AMoria u laid out by J. SI. Hhlveiv .: 1? is IM 5. block 4, City of Astoria as I ild out by J. M. Hhlveiv ii i It C. block , City of Astoria as laid out by J. Sf. Hhlveiv it in West half of lot 5, block 3, City of Aiorio. us iaiu out by J. Si. Hhlvely 91 M Undivided half of lot 4, block 3 Itv of Astorlu, as laid out by J. M. Shlvely 91 nt Month 50 feet of lot 1, blin k 4. City it Asioriii, as iuici out by J. M. 1 ,,,.1., Whh! 30 feet of lot 2.' bbitJc 6,' City I 42 or Astoria, oh iuia out by J. M. Shlvely m a Lot 3, block 5. City of Astoria n laid out bv J. M. Hhlveiv mm Lot 1, block 141.. Oltv of as laid out bv J. M. Hhlveiv .. n f.n Lot 12, block 148. Cltv of Astorin as laid out by J. M. Rhlvelv tn South 10 fet of lot 7, block 144 " City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shlvely ti South 100 feet of lot 8. block lis city of Astoria, as lild out by J, M. Shlvely to South half of lot 1, block 4, Cltv in .nmoiia, an i:uu out liy J. M UI.I....I.. fllivnjr Q rj South .10 feet of 'ot 2. Mock 6 Cltv 01 jimiiris, im laid out Dy J )( Hhlveiv I in South half of lot 2, blo;k 4 "cit or Astoria, as laid out by J. M Hhlveiv ' im Lot 1, block 148, Olty of Astoria, u mm oui uy j. m. nniveiy 12 00 the City of Astoria, Oregon. H. B. NELSON. Judtre or the Cltv at i4. n '""'