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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1901)
THE MQKNIXQ ASTOKIAX, SATIKIHY. AI'KIL 'JO, ... ASK "Charles Carroll" ir t i uuiiurui neon CIGARS TWO UN EQUALED SMOKES ALLEN & LEWIS, Distributors, Portlnnd, Oregon HILLS BILL PASSED. Canadian Government Gives Him Con nection With Coal Fields of Brit ish Columbia. TORONTO, April 19.-The govern mendjf Canada passed two bills through the ralhv.iy committee which virtually acoure a second Independent riihvay ; to the Pacific coast. The first bill was j that promoted by J. J. Hill for con necting his railway system with the Immense coal fields of British Colum bia, where hitherto the Canadian Pa cific haJ no competitor. The main con ditions of the charter are no discrimi nation In coal pric?s or freight rate?, no amalgamation or pooling with other railways 'n the district and the gov ernment to name maximum freight rates. The government retains control of 15.000 square miles of coal land which It may put on the market at any time or operate. The second bill confirms the, sale made by President Mellen of the Northern Pacific of all Manitoba lines to the Canadian Northern, the government re taining the power to name maximum freight rates. The Manitoban govern ment ta givn poxer to guarantee the Canadian Northern bonds and to 'pur chase all the Northern Pacific lines If it so desire at the end of thirty years. WEDDING IN A CONVENT. Said to Have Been First Nuptial High Mass Celebrated In a Convent In This Country. NEW YORK, April 19. Miss May Matlldi O'Ryan, of Sillerly, Quebec, and Dr. Gustave A. Taschereau, of St. Fer dinand, Nova Scotia, a nephew of the late Cardinal Taschereau. have been married In the convent of the I'rsoline 1 nuns at, Bedford Park. Father Diniel ' "Vice, chaplain of the convent and pas- tor of the church of St. Phiiip N'erl of Bedford Park, performed the ceremony. ; At 10 o'clock the sisters of the con- 1 vent, in black, walked In. The little ! girls of the convent school, dressed In white, came In after them and sat in j the middle of the church, the sisters ; sitting on the sides. The bride and bridegroom have start- I ed for a tour through Washington ' and through the South. j The occasion Is said to have been the first nuptial high mass that has : been celebrated In a convent in this j country. i ! SCALE- ACT NULLIFIED. l Growing Demand 'or Nursery Stock In ; Western Canada. , WASHINGTON, April 19 An order I In council has recently been passed by : the Canadian government nullifying j the operations of the "San Jose scale j act." which heretofore practically has ' prohibited the importation from the j United States of all kinds of nursery j stock, according to report to the j stale department from Consul Graham, ' a( Winnipeg. The order exempts from , the San Jose act any trees, shrubs, j plaints, vines, grafts, cuttings or buds, CONSUMPTION f U.. j -jr..i ia, uj iw iiicaus, uic uicuuiui disease it is thought to be j in the beginning. TVip fiwiiKlo i'c I Ihe trouble is: you dont know you've got it; you don't i U,i;a J. N. Ui: ! it till you are (nrrtA tn Then it is dangerous. Don't be afraid ; but attend to it quick you can do it your self, and at home. Take Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil, and live carefully every way. . This is sound doctrine, whatever-you may think or be told; and, if heeded, will save life. H ft ywi a lab I try, (I yea hU. FOR . . . - 10c " - 5c commonly known as nursery stock, from any country to which th, act applies and all Imputations of such shrubbery are iermlrted to be entered at the customs ports of Winnipeg be tween March 15 and May 13 and be tween October 7 and December T. and at the customs port of Vancouver. H. C. from October 13 to March 13. Kn tries are not permitted at other ports than those mentioned. The plants mu-it be thoroughly fumigated but th, Cnna dim government assumes no responsi bility for env damage resulting. The general tariff laws Impose a duty of three cents on each budded or im proved fruit or shade tree and an ad valorem duty of 20 per cent on shrub bery Imported from the United States. Seedling stock for grafting and florists stack in general are admitted f r e of duty. Consul Graham says there Is a grow ing d-mand for nursery st.vk in Mani toba and the Northwest Territory and that the I'niteJ States should supply It in large measure, notwithstanding the tariff, as trees grown in our North western states are best adapted to the. Canadian climate. TRIAL YACHT RACE. Proposition Male Cup Defenders Indian Harbor Yacht Club. by NEW YORK. April 19.-The Consti tution. Columbia and Independence are invited to race on the Sound for a sui table cup wbkh will be offered by the Indian Harbor Yacht Club. Frank B. Jones, chairmm of the In dian Harbor Club's board of trustees, announced their Jeclslon. He said the date of the race and th course to be used had not been settled and that the farmer depended on the convenience r.t ,he ovwn of the big 90-f.x.ters. It is prn l hav? raw sailed about ten -nl,,?" dbov? Greenwich. Conn.. whre d,JUth of wa:er nJ width of th s,,un'J wMI 8lv,? the best possible course, The 'ach,s wi" -"all eithrr a windward and leeward course or a triangle of about 30 niles, which will give It the aspect of the big international race, STANDARD OIL DIVIDEND. Capital Stock Is to Be Increased From J1O0.O00.0OO to J400.000.00o. NEW YORK. April 19. The Journal and Advertiser says; The Standard Oil Company will de clare a dividend about May 1 of 20 per rent on its capital stock of 1100, 000.000. At the same lime the plan will probably be adopted of Increasing the capita' stock of .he company from 1100.000.000 to M00.000.000. The increase of the capital stork will he in reality an adjustment. Four shares of the new stock will be given in exchange for .me of the old. The stock is o,uted at present at its top fisure. U05. ?o that a share of the new- stock will be worth in the marke nroximateiy $200. ap- PASS OPENED TM:OfGH ANDES i hile E-ldently Preparing for an In- I vainn of Argentine Territory. i Kl-KNOS AiRES, April 19-The Ar- gentine government is alarmed by the announcement that Chile has opened a pass through the Andes at a very strat- eglcal point leading into Argentine ter- l ritory. Minister of Foreign Affairs AJ j corta conferred with the Chilean mln i ister here, but as the latter was about t0 "tart for Santiago, Chile, he decided not t0 SPn0 a IttRn rommunIration ZZ, 'SZZr. Chile will be asked to before the 'hllean minister to Argentina arrives home. The Argentine minister in Chile tt 11 alrectel w request an explana tion. VACATION FOR CLEVELAND. Ex-President AVill Make Short Visit at Islesboro. ROCKLAND, Me., April 19. Miss Ros F. Cleveland, a sister of ex-President Cleveland, accompanied by her niece and Mr. and Mrs. George M. Newell of Boston, have arrived here on their way to Islesboro, where they will make preparations for spending the season. In the early days of the first Cleveland administration, Miss 'Cleveland was the lady of the "White House. Misa Cleveland has bad a summer house ' built there ind among other guests who will be entwtiil ex-PresHeat Cleveland, -who plan make a short visit In about a month. OONFKRKNCB OF RITUALISTS. Small Church Publications In This Country Are to Be Combined in One Large One. NKW YOKK. April 19. Colonel and Mrs. Stevens are entertainlug the Duke of Newcastle it Castle Point, H.ittokcn. The duke met at luncheon the Rev. G-'orge M. Christian; Bishop St.ukey, of the Kpiscopal Diocese of New Jer "; lh Kev. Fa her Ritchie, of New York; Kev. George ICrnst MaglH. of New York: Mr. Albert Clifton Kelwuy, 'f KngUnd; George Freyllnghuysen a -id Henvv Hay.'s, of Newark; Rlohurd Stevens and Henry A. Wayne, The clergymen present were all Ritualists and Mr. Kelway Is the editor of the Church Review, the otllclal organ of the High Church party in Kngl md, while the Rev. Dr. Ritchie Is the edi tor of the Catholic Champion. Those two chuix-h publications wore the topic of the talk that followed the luncheon. A proposition, of circulating an American edition of the Church Re view is under consideration. It Is pro posed to combine several small church publication in this country into one large publication so that the Interests of the Ritualist party may be adv meed. This new publication will probably be printed In Philadelphia. The Church Review will be sent to this country ten days In-fore it Is edit ed In Kngland and will be distributed with the American publication. The same thing will be done w tth the paier published here. It will be sent to Fng Imd and distributed with the Re view. These church publications have alreaJy be"n secured by the Church Review and will now combine. They are the Catholic Champion, K'vangeltst and Chu-h Defense. RfSSIA KXlORTING Rl'TTKR. Rennrka'ile Increase In Butter Prdurl of Siberia. .A.-III.XI ,1 F.N. Api ll IJ. KUSSUI 1M I recent years has been creating a large exirt trade in butter." reports Con- I s'll Mahin. U Reichenberg. to the state I department. "The export in K7 t amounted to lbM'M.OGO pounds and for the rtrst ten months in 1 the exports doubled that amount, being 37.729.J70 pounds. The principal Increase of ex port is in the butter product of Siberia. To facilitate the trade, butter trains equipped with refrigerating apparatus hive been employed to transport the goods to the ports for shipment. Dur ing the eaon of 19o0, two special trains of twenty-five cars each were despatch ed weekly, loaded with butter, from Baltic ports where. In four months, 14.42S.OO") pounds were delivered." SERIOUS RELIGIOUS RIOTS. Many Wounded in Fighting Between Catholics and Protestants in Hrai.ll. RIG JANEIRO, April 19. Serious re ligious riots have oeurred at Nichteroy as a result of an Evangelical cam paign against the Catholics and of re cent anti-fath olie demonstritlons con- ; se'iu!Ht upon th? presentation of the ' Spanish drama "Electra." J The feeling betw-en the religious eie- i merits has b -en particularly bitter in j Nif-theroy. While a clergyman was ; preaching In th- Evangelical tempi" yesterday. Catholics made an attack up on the edifice, intending to stop the service)). Serious fighting followed anil many of those engaged were wouivled. M I UTA P.V ( " LONIZATION. New Plan of French Government in I"" in Madagascar. WASHINGTON. April 19. General Gallieiii. the military governor of Mad agascar, has begun a new system of military colonization on that island, ac cording to a eommunlcatlon received at the state department from United States Consul Bruett at St. Ettienne. It is said over fifty soldier colonists are In possession 0f (heir concessions and are in a filr way of becoming independent Fisher's Opera House I.. E. SEMO, LtitN and Hnir. ONE NIGHT. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24 Farewell Tour of tbe World's Greatest Spectacular Dincer. LA L0IE FILLER WTho will be seen In her New and Marvelous Creations. THE ARCHANGEL and THE TEMPEST In conjunction with an especial ly selected company of hlgh claas players, who will appear In the charming comedy The Accidental Sweetheart and the screaming farce His Last Chance In which Miss Ada Lewis. Miss Trln dr, Mlas Ida Banning, Harry Braoam, Chas. Arthur and others will appear. Refined and unique specialties. ADMISSION-Reaerved aeaU. SI: raj. lery, SO cents. Best aaie opens Tues day morning at Oriffln te Aeed'a. 9 rears No other soap in the world is used so much; or so little of it goes so far. AH wrt.of people ue IVrnV wvnp, all tort of ttotc. tell it, npccMlly ill ukMi, and -is.ful members of the community. The new system now appll'-s not only to soldiers who have 'lnished their term of service In the French army but al so to those who aii' yet In their third an.l last year and gives the colonisa tion more of a l-uncntc than a mili tary asp vt. The colonUt !s provl led vlth airrlcultur il inplenients and I few heal of cattle to start with and. if he fulfills expectations as to his value as a member of the community, may bor row money at long ere. lit and wl'h no Interest. , KNIGHTS TF.MPLKRS' COVLAVK. Great Tented City Will He Erected at Umisvllh . I.iJ'.'lSVll.l.K. April pi -Colonel J. T Cathright. chairman of the hotels a i 1 acommoda'.lons committee for the twenty-eighth triennial conclave of Knights Templars, to he held 'n this city. August '.'7-:!0. reimrts that l'!.' i grand and subordinate commanders have already closed contracts for ae c imniiHlati 'tis for about ll.oin. persons dining the triennial. Contracts are now hfing made for a. co, innovations ,n t. "Tented City." which will be coititucted under the aus pices of the committee. . ,.t colony will 1 s'.ibllshed at Fountain Ferry I'.irk. i subarbau ip : on the banks of j the Ohio. Army, w.i'.l and ftiuily com- j parttp.-nt tents are to - erected along j avenues liiiNl with b".ird walks and, here from :::oo to 4' ii-iting lYmpUrs and their rrlfinls will "camp out." while j on he -onclave pjlKrimau-'. INVADING KiRi-MGN F!EM. St.'.l Tt'.is; i ls Big order fiit. Ireland. Ftoni Itel- Y"RK April l; -The Worid says: That the United States Steel Cor poration is about to enter the foreign field with all possible despatch is shown by a '-ontract Just made.' The Carnegie Steel Company has been nvardod a ,nt r;i-t for 21 tons of ste-l plat's by the HarUnd and Wolff Shipbuilding Company of t-!fa-t. Ire land. This is the Sarg"st contract er placed In this country for steel plates. It i w irth ;7sn.0nfl. A majority of the Clyde shipbuilding concerns have recently made contracts with Ameri -an mills fur their ste.-i plate requirements for many months ah-ad I i tie ontricts are i'ing placed now Tor ! fear th it the United S'at-s Steel Cm . j I'oritioti will shortly advance prices. j WnI'.K FiK lloitSiiN. ven .in Assignment in 'urine. Vi:h Torpedo liont Tyngey. t.o., Washington. April is. Navii ( 'onstrurtor Hobson, who Is now on special duty here, has U-en given his first assignment In connection with the torpedo boat Tyngey. the cnntra. t on which has bc-n declared forf.-ltisl. Th" contrar-tors claim that hey furnished a number of of extras before the for feiture occurred. The ship will now be towed fr'm Hal timore to Norfolk, where Constructor Ififbson and other members of the board will make an Inquiry to learn how far these extras were warranted. WANT FASTEFl MOATS. Navy Department Suggests Changes In Construction of New Torpedo Uoat Destroyers. WASHINGTON. April 19.--The navy department Is considering a plan by which the torpedo b'iat destroy ers now building at Philadelphia. Penn., can undergo changes In construction by which one knot can be added to the spew originally con tracted for, making them 29-knot boats. Th chief constructor of the navy will be In Philadelphia today to determine -whether the changes can be made. Q I TAILS FOn SWEDKN. Over Five Thousand Have Been dered From America. Or- WASHINGTON, April 19. Consul Nelson, at Bergen, in a communication to the state department says that the Importation of American quails into Sweden has awakened lively Interest. More than five thousand 'lualls, iepre senting a sum of about 13,500,000, have been ordered for the spring and still more orders are expected. CHANGKS IN MANAGEMENT. President of the American Ice Company Has R-esigned. NEW YORK, April 1.The Tribune says: It is reported that Charles W. Morse has resigned as president of the Ameri can Ice Company and that sweeping changes in the management of that cor poration will be effected. AD Important meeting was held at tbe office of the company at which tbe proposed changes are said to nave been diacuwved. OPPOSITION TO COAL TAX (Cuutlnued from pjtgo on.) keis being captu-ed by iueiican and German coal. The manufacturers, on the other hand. Hatter themselves that the effect of the tax Will be to lower I rices and lenen competition In lim and Steel. The rvpoit coal business at Car lift d e. was at a st in I 'tlll to, lay. Mer chants refifie (,, ,,, ;u,, t.ikc the re sponslblllty of the new liv. while the colliery own rs repudiate any liability. The Scotch exporter of coal are of the opinion that the United Statch i bound to capture the West ludl in iial market. The ship owners of Glasgow iinil'l.iate that a portion of the duty will come out of their pocket. 1 he grocers advi'icod sugar a lulf penny per pound this morning In Lon don Itrltlsh retlned sugars were V'i strong an I Jump-. 2 shilling to 2 xhll Piigs and 1 pence n hundredweight. Tb" S.'ot. h manufii.'luring conrivtloiieni and pre"i e nmker advanced price 4 shil lings an 1 t ;ien ee ui.l 2 NhllllngH and t! pence p-r him II -edw eight respectively. The S,. teh sugar refiners hive put on :! shillings to 4 shillings and hive abol ished discounts. There as prietlcallv n.i Inislne.s (o. .!av on the grain or sugar exchange, owir.g t i the evti'ti!,,. buying pi lor to the budget innoiiiicmciits The president of the Refiner' Ao i'ot; exiH'esses -he that tic I IX ill work out ti. nellclally A steamer wl'h a cargo of continental u gvr ei iive l at Green. k last veiling af-t."- the cits oni ho.ise wa cloned, and was t-ffu d permUsI hi to unload. Thi duly on her cai'go amount e.lhl), The Itnp.n ier . '.aim that the duly on siu u ha I not been llll"sed when the ! .ini. r arrive I. and therefore tti. v will ...nte; p.iyii.-n! .r the duty The budget bid 111 tie Kend al , .fleet on the St. i. k eXch.HIKe here apait fr.en weakening cot:o the ,il. c f -th ou ! lug the liwest since Istl? Tll'-re i reason to i -e that the Let llnan. i lal rcl ,i.iie of lioei owing on consoU. I Here Is some eX) t.ltion of the new loan coming to.iirow The marke' talk sugjf: thit the Issue price will be ('.. md ilrea lv dealings have o, . oiiire.1 at 's to premium The comment of the aft-rnoon .. tier. llete follow !'e lead of the Hint If leg papers goiorilly In anticipating th;it the more a. ute o r tall. m will soon piss off. The Irish n.'W p-;e condemn the Income-tax feature of the budget, an.l they ;hlnk th- ugir duty win ptes specially hanl m I r-l owing to the general povi'y ..f the people. 1'he Dublin Independ-nt reinaiks: "Th- iinM-rlil t.ixgatherer will thetidiy be enabled to Iraw out i, Ireland an idlllloinl half million for the South African war. whoh, i a nation. einph itlcally o.n.l- mi.. d." y. c. KM MITT di:ai Was a I.- tclant ..f the Emmetts K.iiiioii i i, NEW YORK'. April 19. --Willi.,,,, f.,1 v ilie Emmet t. treasurer of the l:.t,. Transit Subway ' 'oiiipmiy. Is del, it his h mc In this cliy from ,llel'nolll.l. lr Km, ii. It ,, .. si en. lent of the Kmne tts of Irish fame. He whs e. In cited ,t Veviy. Switzerland. He as!w, a inemb.-r of the New Vork bar tind practiced in this city f..r a few years, 11- was a,, pointed secretary of the le. gallon a: ' by President Arthur In ISM and was made consul at Smyrna by President CleveUnd In lSS."., re-naming th'r during President Har rison's term. He was transferred to tin- consul-it- at Alx-lu-Chnp-lle in ivii. by President ('levelnnd, where h,. s-ryed fur four years. NKWI'OI'NDI.AND MA IT ACT. Men Now Permitted to I'se Herring on Colonial Fishing Vessels. ST. JOHNS. N. I'., April 19,-Vlie N-wfoundlaod halt act has Just Is-cotne operative. Heretofore local llsherineti have not been permitted to take herring for use ,is bait among the colonial Hh vess-Is. Now this embargo Is removed; but an absolute prohibition of (he trans portation of herring to St. Pierre l enforced. A evenue cruiser has b-en on the herring grounds for two weeks srrang. Ing for the season's operation and watching suspected bait smugglers. The French at 8t PI -rre are gre.atiy ham tered for want of bait, a large number of their vessels being unable to leave for the grand banks In consequence. NO I'SE FOR COAL. 'uttlng It Out of Business In Cali fornia. Oil SEATTLR, April 19. A special to the Times from Nanalmo, B. ('., says; "United States Consular Agent Rchet kv.f recently ret urn Ml from San Fran Cisco, gives a most pessimistic account nf the condition of the coal trade there. He says that oil Is putting coal out of business everywhere except for do mestic uses. MAMMOUTH STEEL PLANT. Will Be Erected In Pennsylvania by Engllah Capitalists. WASHINGTON, Penn., April 1-W. Jesaopa and Bon, steel manufacturer of Sheffield, England, will erect a mam moth steel plant here, having purchased thirty-seven acre of land on which the pUat wflt be erected. CUBAN TEACHERS' VISIT STARTS HEALTH REVIVAL Paine's Celery Compound Doing Won derful Work Among Sick. aci Mt -v' m 1 The visit of hundred of bright Cu ban t.Mchcrs to Hie Culled States In, summer hi caused a tieni.-inlou h-.ilih revival In H ,iini uud Hintlng.) The American Idea. "A sound mind In a inni blv." I" our of (he flrt lm nous I'ub.i and Porto Hlco .n- learn ing. Hur thev are learning Whatever i tiut. ("ubsn may hav. of Amerlein Miltlclan, they have con fidence In America' greatest ii-in.'ily. ISIne celery i .iinH.iin. It ha opened the eyi-s of the M-npe of ll.ivin.i and Santiago to the possi bilities of good health In a way their cm. I., remedies bud neyef let thllll imagine. I'.ilne's . e.-ry i onip.'iind I doing a ire :.'-iiioii mission it y work this spring amoinr the Kick, not only tin nighoiit the t'nit", States, but h vr tl.e Atnett. in inllu' iii e Is felt i Th" hem families In Sant ag are ' I iklmr I' line's i ee, y coiniouii I The i common people are looking after thelt health as never before. Aiiierlciin ,iy j tl.iaiiM in llav.ini are .ird.rlng lie-ei-.i! spring remedy. Its heulih-givlug I effe, ! -.11 fl.ellds and relatives Mil., Illxt I til.-l I'alne's celery compound In the I'm! , 1ms ciiciiui aged thounan ls i of ."p ill, ! lit. hopeless HUffel'el K at W'lTMKit '. I'EliSiiN I'M T. ae ..i4sliifitloii of I'.uiopcan Monarch. PI miie.l. j ' NEW VoltK. April l'.i.-A dlsimi. h ' to tn '(raid from llU"iii,s Ayres says: The pclii-e ut Itoenrln, In the province of Santa Ke, have seized paiier which prove that a plot igaliu'i the lives nf I'ii' emp.-r,,,- uf ( ji , many, iit ir f ltu sia, king and iU"c,i of Italy in. I count of Turin was t-eri'ly laid In PatciHnii, Now Jersey. NKW T Af'OM A KHIPVAHiiS. I.arire Viact of Land Shipbuilding : Pill cilllHi-ll iiinpaii) . by 'I ACOMA. April !!. A tonliact was i-IohciJ by J. A. Shun of Cleveland. O.. t 'day fur a tract of land with u front age of kio feet nil the Puyallup rlwi for the .l int of the Tacotini Shlpbuil.l Ing Company. I-'AILI'IIKS Foil THE WEEK. NKW VoltK, April 19. Unit's Week ly lieylew says; The fallur-s for the ivm-k nunitx'i'ed :.'i; In the I'nlte.l States agulnst IK lat year and 1M In C-iiiad.i against 17 last year. I-'ltlARS IN URI'GCAY. MONTEVIDEO. Uruguay. April 19. Th" government has derided to per mit film who may come from Kpiiln to ext-ihllsh themselves In Uruguay. RIPLEY CASE WITH JURY. FRANKFORT, Ky April 19-The case f ('apt. (1. D, Ripley, charged with being accessory liefore the fact In Ihe Gncbcl ass isslnnll'in, Is now with the Jury. INDLN CHIEF ASSASSINATED. MERIDA. Yucatan, April 10. Gener al Felipe Yarna, the chief b-adcr of the M iya rebel Indians, has been nssassl nnted. IMPORTANT NAVAL INQUIRY. Board of Construction Will Carefully Investigate All Modem Im . provetnents, WASHINGTON. April 19. The naval board of construction has taken up the Important work of Investigating the construction of bat(l"hlp and cnllserif under modwn condldoryt. Th inquiry covers questions an to (he weight tind extent of. armor, the tdHflntii location of turrets, the kind of guna on'varioui "hlpa,. the extent of using electricity and the relative meriu of aheaihed and unsheathed vessels. iAt the same time, otans are to be prepared for two sea going battleship and two armored cruiser carrying the most ultabla ar- home to use It. The result in all itn-t cane bus been the direct cuuw f the health-revlvul thut Is now &rniAlitK such tremendouN etithuslm. Thut Santiago second H.ivnti.i' -,i. dorriiii'ii( of I'alne's fery cnnpniiid Is shown ly the follow lug letter from Mrs, Helen (.Inert a: Santiago, i 'uba. Jan . 191. W'-ll. Kb A Co.; Ifc'ar Sir - I have had the gout in my fbigei and hand My limb wrrv !.--iiuiibe-l nod I ..nil. I hardly t'l!i.l I veit to several phyl. lans A lrug Itlsl advlwl me to use l',il,le t-eery I'nllip.iUIld I ln-gail ( on. .- (o g I Im'I t r an I today I am Tfectjy w.-ll Naturilly I have great faith In 1'ilric' celery rump mud. Very truly yours. MI!S HELEN Gl'EI'.KA Every one In this springtime n.-.l .i purify the blood und regulate th,. nerve Carry home t,n.iy- tim by and ly a iMiltle if I'.lille I del ) , .111 poll t, I I "ill e rierv.iu:ies. io uimIuih and rhi-uiiuitiMii till Npiing Vmi cm now put your health oil ,i s.nii 1 basis by liie.iri, of I'ulne's celery cuinpoun l. Such evidence of ni u ll)k'-t 1 lb o, dlilori as ihiwe c,iiii,int hea.l'.i.hi'i. melancholy, .ynpeiin or consiitmtl.H, rapidly disappear under the okMiislng li-miliitllig action of I'.ilne's "lei y compound. nior and armiuitent for esnels of their class, Senet. iry long has called for 'he ni vl f the boiinl prior to the Individual attention he will give to the subject n -curd'Ug to in net of the lust. congTe" Tile discussion Iiuh been I'lllelly a to Weight of butteries At the same (line the chief i-insirin tor submitted rough sketch pi. l i of the protxised ships Members ( ti,, boanl expntm the be lief that the iruiuliy will prove of great linpol tim- e as It ha brought out a strong tendency for certain changes and Inipioveliii'iit In methods of construc tion which lire likely in result In ships of advanced type. i MI'lisi ItlPTlo.V FIlo.M MOHGAN. IiNio.. April 19. -J. P. Morgan ami J. P. Morgan Company have e-.u-li subscribed CI'XM to i he Victoria memor ial. 1 CHESS. MATCH HAS IIKGCN. i NEW YORK, April ill.-The Interna ! tl.inal cable ches mutch between Ann-r-I iciin and Hritlsii phiyet liegan today. ! YELIIW FEVER AT VICTORIA. I VICTORIA. II. C, April I9.-H. M. S. , Condiir arrived nt (tiitrantine tonight, j She Mil yellmv fever on board. Sgl'ADRON RETURNING. j KINGSTON, Jamalci. April 19. The i . is. .-sortii Atlantic sipiaxiron sailed at dayllghi for Hampton Roads, WHEAT MARKET. liiRTLANH, April lS.-Wheat, Wnlla Wnllu. iSK(.'..S'. HAN FRANi'ISCO. April 19.-Wti.-iit, December, 10'.: ensh, 10. tTIIICAOVi, April 19.-Wheat. July, opeuing, Jl: closing, n. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This prt'paral Ion contains ill of the dlgfestahM and dlffCHta all kinds of food. It (fives inntaut relief and never falls to cure, it allows you to eat all the food you want. The mowt sensitive stomachs can take It. Br luuse maoy tboUBa'ndH of dyHDentirn have been cured after everything else failed It U tiDefjUulled for all ntoniach t rouble. but do you cms! Prepared only by E. ('. IwWitt 4 Co., UUeg9 Tbe 11. bottle on talus tt tlntes tbeNc. UmL- CHAR, ROGERS, Drurt.