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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1901)
THE i MOKNINO .ASTOKM.V. .SATURDAY. Af'KIL ,20, 1901 ( A NEW STANDARD OF MERIT IN Tailor-Made Suits Special attention is called to the unusual ex cellonce oi the lino of Tailor-Made Suits we are now showing ranging in price from $7.50 to $20 each New SnnruU fSkirtH, Now Silk WaitH, Hox Coal.i. etc., i-tc. Kiiicwt HuhvH for Infant OITIt HTOUK CI.08BB AT All contract, for iidvcrtiNiiiH In the Astorluii arc made on u Kiiar. Miitcc of circulation four tlmcM larger thun tlmt of any paper fiublUlicJ or circulated in Clut. nop count)'. TODAY'8 WHATIIER. 1-oitTl.ANIi, April 20.-Or-gon, Idaho mill Washington, Haturduy, showers; winl mostly southerly. AROUND TOWN. Vh Onalon about harness. Harry llomblet fi m I'ortlnnd. returned )ut night II H. M.'lowaii, of Chinook, was Hi'- i Iiy yesterday. in J. W. Olrnk. the 1 Kuldellt. of flroys river, In at Tin- Anlor club gave (Wiwlng parly l Foard A Hlkm hail liuit night. J l UU hanl"ii, of Inilep'rwle no, in in the city yi-nlcrjiiy. Ileal I'-rrtil meal IUhIiik riuu Ites- tauiant, S12 Commercial St. jApAjifim goods of all kinds. rhnp at Yokohama Unsaar; t:t Commercial Bt. o. W,' foray th and wife, of Port itnl. are i'iu)liiit few tluys In Ae l'rUi IlolM oat lllllkrn (l good muh when you ift th Ik-i. We nave ir-Ji'illN- tN niton. Hough wnnlluT pp-vented several .aii'i vmiwU In port from ifolnif to a yeMrrday. Commencing this coming Sunday 4i'iiliic church mTvlcin will be hi'lit ul t o'clock Inxtrail of 7:30. J I. Jon-, traveling iittnnc' ac"! of thr Southern INu-lfli:. s In the city yrm.-rduy on bulnea. Mr. Jtnmupirn In prrpard to do up r curtains In rH,l order. I-av or-d'-m at Oregon bakery. Thr remain of Mm. Annie K. Scaborg. who died Thursday from ciwr, will li takm lo Htolla today fr Interment. A liuxbnmt and four children survive. HKHT IS-f'KNT MBALi IU8INO BUN ItKHTAI'lt ANT. i We Know 7 l. M BEST TEN. . . DOLLAR SHI On the market. These suits would easily sell for much more, but we were bound to have the best Ten Dollar Suit to be had anywhere and WE'VE GOT THEM. All new and late styles, neat patterns. You will be surprised to see them. i HMM KXCICI'I' HATUIUUYH. Waritl fill I for general housework In amall family. Apply at No. 372 Franklin Ave., near Klghth. Ye fiinnli' afford to miss t)i Oilcdon- Inn entertainment ut KIhIut torilxlit Library beniftt, 2' mid 60 o'Mitn. Antorlii to Fort f'nliy and return $1 Hiindiy. April "A, KicitiiKT llCl'U l.-nvm , it. N, d'H k at 9:30 a. in. MIh 'ar.. jMffrrii. of I'ronpi'rt I'ark li:m Ih'i'Ii lit,. ttll'Tt of MInm I'.lliab'-tli Unify. durliiK lh" ni'Mnlomi of ttin touch r' limlllutc, Mm. !.". II. ri.-orio and on. wh hiv b'wn ili ui'Nt of th formw imrrnm nl Kor-nt liroviv will n-turn t Aitorla tonUlit. Crriim pure ry. Anirl-'ii flnt whUk'-y. The only pure fxxl; icuur iuiKm"! rlrh and mallow. JOHN h. CAHLHON. Bole Ant. Wnt"d- To rfril, nicely furnlahed hou of four or flvr rwn In central Part of clly. Addrww. ntutlnif price, I curt Morning Ae'ortan. If vou Ilk,, biiitT try our A MornMin. There In iiothltiK letter made, yii.iliiy nnd full weight Kuarun- t 1. JOHNSON HKOH. llo, inn! are you wT the rrood (liul Ik Kure to In; In attendance nt the liliran' iiefit at KIMier'a theater to. iilKhi', Ti and f.0 ent. If you have a fantldlou palate and vour vaatrln economy In In a doubtful condition, eon mi It the appetizing menu at lh- Hunt n JlenUnrant. The Neenlilcuin rlrure Lumber Com iiuiiv of Hlile i nillnir an order for iniep car ulilinir. A new luth mill and boiler have been Inatnled. Th. aitoriieya for llrndley F. Durphy now on trial In Tortland. charited with polyiramy. are enileavorlnir to awure hu releaw da t'thnlcal groundii. John A. Monta-omery haa opened ahop at 2l Mond treet and la prepared to do all claMr or plumDlnr ana tin nllig at the lowrit poaalble ratet. The Northern I'aclflc will upend 15. Ooo.iKW liniirovlnir the road bed of the line from St. I'uul to Portland und $.'i.:M.(ioo for Improved rolling; tock. rcumui II. H. Miller, of Oreimn. now In China ,nan In u rwent letter that lara" demand for orcnon apple ran be created In the Orient providing the com to the ronHumiT can be innlntainetl at a reamm'ible flirure. t HERE'S S'iii SHUT SALE We Have the MB Mwmm A new afternoon dully ho appeared In Hak.T City called "The Itaker City Herald," i l lluah Uverrtiore la editor and Churlea W. Hill, the publlnher. Hoxtyn coal liuit lona-er, I cleaner and make nn (rouble with atovea and I'hlmney llui-a than any other. U'lirgn W, Mariborn, tti(erit; telephone 1311. Oo to Fort Canby m the Nahcotta. Hunday, April Z. Fare for the round trip, II. I -net chance to view the light ahlp before iihe u launched In llaker'a bay. M, K. Murphy, formerly yard fore man of the 'latafp mill, la occupy ing a almlllur pfwltlon with the Pof t land Lumber and Manufacturing Com pany. J. A, Adum and Mian H. II. Mantola, of Qulnr.y, were nuirrled yeterduy by Jiiitli" of the Peace Itrower. Mr. Ad mm la employel by the A. 4 C. rullroiid, Contractor Alien and Hob-rt ejtptvt to have the llghtHhip at the water' edge by Sunday. launching will be de layer until neccHHiiry repair are eom- pl!ed. rt.illor are ocurce on Puget Sound and hli miiHient are having trouble in'cur lug crew. Men, not member of the Hempen' t'nloii, lire not permitted to xtiip by tin. union allorM. The annual North Pacific Whlxt tour nament opeiu-d in T'icomii Thuraday nlghl Several etnuig team are pre. ent from Portland, Including a team of ladle from the Kale Wheeiork Club. Hubert JohiiNton, formerly a renldent of (lerval. hi removed with hi fam ily to A(orla and will make thin city hi future home, Putrlik Kelly, ala) from (lerval. will remove fr'ni that illy to Atorl, Hev. n. W. King, the eviingellat. will occupy the pulpit of the It iptiHt church Hun lay, both morning arul evening. The revival ervlf n III lie continued toriliclit mid ilurlng each evening of next w--k. Everybody I cordially Invited to attend an I take part In tln-xe meet ing. Alak:i HMlmon porker exr-t the (1rnt run of IIhIi to begin brtuecn May l.'.th and June I. The Sun Juan Kth ami I'h kltiit i'"ininny. of Seattle, will erect i large cannery on Taku har bor, with a capii-lty of I.VKl niHc a day, A odd toruge plant will alxo be nin In coiinei tion with the cannery. Tile lidl'H of Oatf-way Itelx-kah lodge will give an i-nterta nmi-nt at Odd Fel low' hall on M md.ty evnlng, April 22. A program will 1m- rendered. o be followed by dancing. Itefrwhment Mill Im- m-rved. AdmlHlon free. f)ne of the leading feature will be a fleh 5md, for which a mall charg'- will be nnd . Chli.f of Police llalln k ha been un able to find any lrae of S. D. Mullen, who l MipiHiwd to have ehlpxd from Aerorla for Liverpool about the flrt of lh" preent month. The father. W. C. Mull-ii. of Aldo, Neb., would appre ciate any le-w of hi win, ho 1 des cribed an being L'3 year of age, and llghtly ib'ttiented. The committee appointed by the may or to confer with a committee from trie Woman' Club and dlncu the remieHt of the latter that & public dumping ground U- laltlHhed In the city, will m"et early next we.k. It la reported that the member of the council com mittee are heartily In cympathy with the i.lun of the hidlc and favoruble retxirt will probably be returned to the council. The Seaside burglar arretted Thurn lav by Sheriff Unvllle, yesterday tat- ed that hi name wan C.wirge Wilson. He ald that he wa a allor and lived In London. He had been at Seaalde lnce AugiiHt liet. with the exception of a brief trip to Seattle. The prisoner I about 2.1 year old and I believed to be pirtlally demented. C. H. Cooper and Hen Young, whose hnuxes were en tered, presumably by Wilson, swore to warrant yesterday, charging the pris oner with burglary. The Fishing (laxette (N, Y.) says: It I stuted that Mr. Smith, formerly of the Haranoff cannery, Alaska, will st.irt large cannery in Siberia, and that an other company expvts to operate one another aiun. This doubtless 1 the beginning of the development of the salmon Industry of Siberia. It appears thu a wealthy Ilusslan syndicate com posed of prominent business men of lVtropavlofvky and San Francisco, have acquired sole right of concession to ftah the waters of Kamchatka for salmon. At the Baptist church night af ter the opening song nervtce. the evan gelist commenced hia special work for the evening by a beautiful rendering of the solo, "I'll Oo Where You Want Me to Oo." This was followed by a pow erful appil to those present to awaken to their Christian duty and privilege. proclaiming that the great need of the people of Astoria hi to thu awake and the great duty of the Christians of this city Is to put on the strength of the Lord, thus making their religious live of such a character as to attrirt men to Christ, and thus go forth to be used of Ood for the salvation of men. A meeting will be held tonight, commenc ing at 7:30. OurnCH SERVICES SUNDAY. First Lutheran Morning topic, ser vice In Swedish. "The Good 8hepherd;" evening topic, service In English, "In His Steps." Everybody cordially In vited. rresbyterlan Morning topic, "Labor ers Together With Ood;" In the even ing the sermon delivered several week ago on "A Young Man's Opportunity," will be repeated by request. Usual services at the Methodist church next Sunday. At the evening service the pastor will deliver the first of a reri.s of Sunday evening; sermons on "City Problems." These sermons will treat especially f local conditions and some Interesting. If not startling facts. Will be presented. The topic for the Sunday evening sermon will be The UesponslbiUtlm of Cltlxenshlp In the Enforcement of Law," All are cor dially Invited. YE MUS' NA MISS IT! The ladles of the llDrary find It nec essary to give an entertainment every so often In order to secure funds for carrying on their worthy work. Tonight the Caledonian club of Portland appears under their auspices and for the benefit of this library. Fisher's theater should be crowded and those who attend will not only receive due worth for their money In the way of entertainment, but Will also be adding their mite to help along a good cause. The program will please everybody, young as well aa old, the prices are extremely low 28 and (0 cents, to -some ooc: . brm the fam ily and enjoy yourself. Seata on sale at Orifflo ft, Reed'a. , TEACHERS ENJOY TRIP HISTORIC POINTS HERE VIS ITKD YIISTEKIMY, Prof. Cumphcll Spoke Last Even ing on "New Century Out look In Education." Th annual session of the Clatsop Teachers' Institute dosed butt night and today th" irieriilxrr, who luive been. In attendance, will leave tirr their home. Yesterday a trip to hUtortc points In the vicinity frf Atorla was enjoyed and at the night seMlon a large audience gathered at the melhodlst church to hear Prof. P. L. Campbell. ..f the 8tat Normal School at Monmouth, deliver a splendid addr on "The New Cen tury In ivlucatlon." Mr. Carrie Shaw Hlce, tit Tac.oina, ho wa to have read an fmsay on "P.x-tH of the Northwest Pacific Coast," was unavoidably detained at her home, end rent a me.ige of rgret to the Institute, I)urlng the evening vocal mi les were render-d by Prof. J. C. M Cue und Miss Kathryn Shlveiy. Prof. Campbell's address was a Kplendid ef fort and was received with nthudatlo appl'iuie. Ho Is me of the foremost educator of the state and his address wa replete with Informatl in particular ly welc line to teachers. Prof. Campbell said in pirt: "The m development 'f the cen tury Just, closed ha ben enormous: but it ha been fully equalled by the de vi lopnivnt In public education, There wa practically m system of public school.-), ai ' understand them. It the beginning of the century enrolled and Hpend ll.'iOO.OOO annually In mainten ance. Oigmlzatlon I b'-lng perfected, and advance are being made with rapid trlde. "At -vry "tage of development we hav feir.'d hat we were going at too rapid a rate, and have Imagined grive danger lying just ahead; but the sur prising fact I cle-arly ascertained that rrater safety come with grf-ater com-til.-xitv but apparently Increasing risk. The express train hnve fewer acci dents thin the fr.-lgh:. and the ocean liner than the freighters. The reason I that Increased skill and Intelligence came with Increased danger. The com plexities of our twentieth century clvil xitlon will be safely met through a b-;ter trained citizenship, thin was that of the century JuM passed. "Our schools must continue to grow In elllclency. and they will. Children will be irilned to a recognition of the duties of citizenship and the same re sponsibility that now- constitutes the un derlying basis of our commercial world will form the foundation of our nation al safety. Faithfulness in civil duty wl! be thought no less a crime tran treason during war. To bring about this better condition some changes are already Impending In the public schools. First .the conditions must be made bet ter by assigning fewer pupils to each teacher; second, the method must be made more fully and clearly Inductive. that the habit of getting all the facts before forming the conclusion will be come fixed in the pupil mind: third, the school must be more Intimately connected with everyday life. 'School Is not a preparation for living but Is life Itself.' "Industrial training will be mire gen erally Introduced, and Industrial Ideas more strongly emphasized. Strong, ac tive, Intelligent, reliable men and wo men will be the great end aimed at in all education. The new century will b - more complex In its civilization; but It will he safer and happier than pant, for the reason that It wU have more highly skilled citizens to manage t!s affairs." The excursion was a delightful trip, except for a touch of rough weather, which, however, did not mar the gaiety or the teachers and their guests. The party numbered about seventy when the steamer Callender left its wharf at 8:30 a. m. The steamer crossed the river to Chinook and kept close to the Washing ton shore, where there was but a little roughness. The first stop was on the sands neir Fort Canby, and was not scheduled. The rising tide floated the v.-sel. after a half hour's delay, and the party proceeded to the fort, which was inspected. The lighthouse was vis ited and later a lunch was served in the gymnasium of the barracks, which the officers pliced at the disposal of tne Institute. After lunch the party went to liaker's bay to view the light ship and relics were secured. The trip from Foct Canby to the Lewis and Clark river was enlivened with songs and other amusements. Geo, H. Hlmes. assistant secretary to the Oregon Historical Society, was present FREE! SUGAR GIVEN AWAY To Every Purchaser of Our Celebrated Teas, Coffee, Spices, Over and above our handsome presents, consisting of CHINA, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. Remember, we lead for the beat goods and lowest prices. FRESH ROASTEB COFFEES, 15,' 20, 25, 30 and 35 cents per pound. EXTRA FINE TEAS, 35, 40, 50 60 and 70 cents per pound. PURE SPICES. 10. 15 and 25 cents per can. Come and get a package of cut loaf sugar free. GREAT AMERICAN IMPORTING TEA COMPANY, largest distributors of Teas, Coffees, Spices on the Coast. Operating 100 stores throughout the Pacific. Coast States. COME JUST TO SEE Great American ItoporUsi Tea 571 Commercial Street. Astoria. .'I. FREE CUT-LOAF SUGAR and a number of relics of historic! In tert wen; displayed, and their value explained. At Fort Clatsop the party was rcelvcd by Wode Hampton Rmlth, who fv.nductfxj the teachers and their leueats over tho historic ground and pointed out place ,4 Interest. On the return trip the Calender reached A torU shortly bfore 6 o'clock. Among the guet of the teachera, who enjoyed the trip, were the Hon. John Mlnto, of Salem; (i. II. Hlmes, Oregon Histor ical HfK-lfty; I U Campbell, president of Monmouth Ktate Normal School; Hiatf Hurx-rlntendent J. II. Ackerman; O. II. Chllcxrte, and E. II. Hartwlg, representing D. C. Heath A Co.; Prof. Moore, superintendent of schools Marlon county; C. II. Jones, editor Oregon Teachers' Monthly; Mr. C. II. Jones, County Judge Gray, Itev. Trumbull, lJe, King and Ilowland; O. P. Itarnes, representing f;inn ft Co., ano other. COL. JCDSON B INCUBATOR. Fooled the Hens, Hut Overwork Caused Death. Since the day of the Immortal Mul berry Seller, and hi famous eye wat er, there has been no more worthy suc cessor ail a wealth-getting project than the marvel )us Incubator which Is des cribed In the following, reprinted from the Pendleton East Oreginlan: "Col. H. C. Judson, who was In town for a time ;hls morning, and went to Milton. I the man who became famous fr.rn the marvellous Incubator men tioned In the evening edition of the Eat Orcgonlan of Tuesday. He said that he would strenuously object to any fur ther mention of his name. In the col timn of the diPy pra. bu told a re po"ter for the East Oregjnlan that the invention, thought to be a wonderful thing for the egg and chicken Industry, had proven to be a total failure, and that he had abandoned It entirely. The difficulty wa that the hens didn't un derstand the machine. It was supposed to operate, upon the principle of plicing hens In one end of the Incubator to lay the eggs, utilizing a high degree of heat to hatch them quickly, and bring out at '.be en' of the affair constant at ream of live chickens. A hopper was beneath the hens, the eggs laid by the fowls dropping Into the hopper and disappearing. The hen did good, faithful work. In fict. too faithful work, for they would i.oced to lay the egg, and. the hen fruit dls appeiring through the hopper, the hens were made to think that they had failed In what they believed to have been suc cessful attempts to do their duty. They would proceed to lay other eggs, and kept this up all the time, until they died from sheer overwork.' This queered the Incubator, and compelled Mr. Jud son to give up the enterprise and dis solve the Joint stock company formed to make and sell the great machines. He hinted that he had dropped several thousand dollars, and that some of his friends had, through his representa tions, done the same." AUTOMOBILES IX WAR. Automobiles are to be used as army transport wagons. Trill experiments in France have proved convincing. It Is odd to noie the dlflerent uses to which nature and science are put On the bat tlefield they fight for the destruction of life, while throughout the country Hos teller's Stomach Bitters, one of nature's most scientific medicines, fights to pre serve it. For fifty years the Bitters has been making strong stomachs and cur ing dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation ind biliousness. In the sprlug when the svstem Is usually ryn down this won derful me'diclne will bt helpful In res toring your health and strength. It win also prevent malaria, fever and ague and as an appetizer It Is unequall ed. See that our Private Revenue Stamp Is over the neck of the bottle. LA LOIE FULLER. Famous Dancer and Her Capable Com pany of Players. Without a doubt, the engagement at THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT. KQPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which Bottled beer for ramlly use or ke Mr. John Kopp Is proprietor, makes beer for domestic and export trade. North Pacific Brewerg arm innnririnjxnJiruviriro H ; ; PORTLAND. OR. e The Only Plrst-Ctoss inrunfwinvuwuvvwnnvinnunt 1 1 VXk A Mil 11 Ttosf im t tw oeiw UfX CO. wCiMm. A LESSON IOLLAR for dollar, more in Ivory Soap than in any household soap. It is easy to find a cheap soap; but to find purity and low price in a single soap is not easy. They combine in Ivory Soap. You can afford to use it in the laundry; you can not afford not to use it elsewhere. It is vegetable-oil soap, in the cheapest form in which it can be pro cured. You pay nothing for a fancy box, wrapper or perfume. It is all in the soap I It floats. Fisher's opera house, Wednesday next, of La Loie Fullr will be on of the most delightful treats of the present theatrical season. Anyone who has ever witnessed her wonderful "Fire Dance" can picture It Just as vividly In their minds eye as though they were seeing Its actual Droductlon on the stage. Not only will La Lole Fuller produce all he marvelous creation here, but 1 she is brincring with her an usuallv I strong company of specialty artists to fill In the Intervals between the dances, nresentlnir an orrav nt lh. of which has seldom been seen 1n this part of the country. Taking all things Into consideration, it Is little wonder that the critics along the route she has traveled thus far speak In glowing terms of her performance and of the splendid company with which she Is surrounded. Her tour has been one con tinual ovation from the very start. The sale of seats will open Tuesday morn ing. EXCURSION TO LIGHT-SHIP. The steamer Nahcotta will eave As toria Sunday. April 21, at 9:30 a. m., for Fort Caaby. This excursion Is giv en for the purpose of affording those who cannot get away through the week an ooDOTtunity to view the light-ship as it Is being moved from MacKenzle Head to Baker's Bay. Those who have seen the ship as she now lies in her cradle pronounce H to be a rare and uniqule sight. The owner of a kodak or camera should not miss this oppor tunity to get a snap shot of old No. 60. The Nahcotta. will leave Fort Canby returning at 3:30 p. m.. and the steam er will touch at Hwaco dock both ways. Fare for the round trip, $1. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mary Smith to Jane K. Smith one half interest, tract 50x70 feet la lot S, block 135. Shively's; $300. David Ingram to John West south- IT'S IP TO YOl to try our cigars we've done all we could to furnish you fine one. The tobacco In our cigars Is long filler and of the best qual ity, and the people who roll them thoroughly understand their business. So, as we said before, 'it's up to you" to smoke 'em. If we can succeed in having you make a trial of one cigar, you are very likely to finish the box. WILL MADISOV FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria, Ore. beer supplied at aoy Ukm. DetlTWy In the city free. PORTLAND Hotel In Portland IN VALUES. pound for pound, there is 1 east quarter of J1.00. section I.TIN.RIW; James P. Ro&s to Charlotte C. Rosa- east half of northeast quarts rand east half of southeast quarter of section 19, T 8 N. R 6 W; $5. C. W. BARR DENTIST I Successor to Dr. Ball. Irrj CommerelaJ St ASTORIA no i6' commercial OK. TELEPHONE. RED 208L THE LOUVRE Prof. Traxell. the well-known leger demain artist will give nil marvellous sleight-of-hand performance at the Lou vre during the coming week, and other features have been secured that will make the program a most uttraotlvt one. Dr. Rhoda C. Hicks, 0STE0PATH1ST Consultation Free, S73 Commercial St.. Astoria, Or. WHERE DO T0U HAVE TOU TRIED A. W. SHIPLEY? (56' Commercial Street DO YOU KNOW That he gives you the best there Is to be had In the city for the least money Place aa order once and see. 1 r;iado tiler1 Beautiful Erery Ladj In the Land Can Now Bare Beautiful Skin. 1 " A TEIAL BOX FEEE. Every lady who tends her name and address will receive by mail tree a trial package ef a celebrated beauty's remedies fur beautifying the complexion. It It not a lace powder, cream, cosmetic or bleach, contains no oil, greaao, paste or chemicals and Is absolutely the only success, till beauty maker known. Fannie B. Ralston, 628 Lexington Are., New port, Ky alster of the famous Kentucky Beauty Helen Ralston, who also used these beautflers, says: When I began using Mme. Klbault's com plexion be&uUflers I did not think it possible to FANJTCB B. EAttrrOIT, (Showing her wonderful Improvement) clear my akin, my face was In a horrible itondlUon literally covered with red spots, plmpkw, black heads, moth patches and freckles. Aid when rer the weather changed eczema, chap and salt . rheum added to my misery. I tuflered a thousand 1 deaths, and when 1 sent for a trial of Mme. Rlbault s beautlflert Just at I had done before time and again with other advertised remedies. I did not expect any results. Imagine my surprise when the next day all redness and soreuess were none. At the end of a week my skin began to clear, the freckles and moth patches disappeared and the eczema and salt rheum were completely cured. I Improved to wonderfully that my friends did not recognize me, to quickly had tlie change taken place. My tkln la now perfectly lovely, and there Is not a blemish or wrinkle, anywhere. I hop all ladles win at least try these marvel. 011s beautlflert." Do not delay but write Immediately. The treat ment Is harmless, a natural beauty maker and win permanently remove all tan, freckles, moth patches, pimples, blackheads, flesh worm, son bum, ebapt, roughness and aoy and all akut lza perfections no matter what they may be. Write to-day without fafl and the free treat Bent wul be mailed prepaid wtth f uB dlreetiocs and all parUeulart ebeolutety free. AiAmm, kUsX 11. KXBAUU, am JUM IiUldicf. etueO, Okie. GROCERIES? if 9P