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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1901)
VHB MORNING ASTORIAX. SAiTKDAY, Al'RIL 20. 1901 1 Telephone Main 661. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Pent by malt, per year ...$4.00 6nt by mall, per month... CO fctrvrd by carrier, per month. ..... .60 SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mU, per year, in advance. 12.00 All communications intended lor pub lication should be directed to "Editor Astonan." Business communication of ail kind and remittances must be addressed to "The Aitorlan Publish ln Co." The Astorlan guarantees to ita ad vertisers the largest circulation of any a wt pa per published on the Columbia river. Advertising; rates can he had on ap lioatln the business manager. The outbreak of Carrie Natlonlsni In Post Falls. Ida., Is another Indication that the withdrawal of martial law from that district was premature. The world's greatest nations. America and England, are near In ft the end of tedious wars. America rejoices In a treasury which contains more gold than any other single Institution In the world and England finds It necessary to bor row 1300.000,000, besides Increasing tax ation. Tet America has her antls. The Outdoor Art Association of Taco ma has formed definite plans for the Imnrovement of two specially selected plots of ground In that city with funds provided by the Tacoma chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The pUn Is not only to Improve the ap pearance nf the city In these two lo calities but to furnish an ensample to other organizations and to the proper ty owners of the city for their Imita tion. If some Astoria organization would take hold of a similar enterprise It would doubtless be productive of marked results '.n the be.iutiflcatlon of our city. Russia appears to be by no means anx ious to meet the plucky little Jap on the field of battle, but the Japanese are not at all content with Russia's attitude, notwithstanding the withdraw al of the demand on China for tne sign ing of the Manchurian convention The evident anxiety of Russia to make con cessions and thereby avoid a conflict will throw upon Japan the responsibil ity for the bloodshed If the two nations come to blows. The present tendency of the English-speaking nations to sympathize with Japan would, doubt less, on that account be to some extent diverted to Russia In the event of hos tilities. The tendency of the age is to wards avoidance of war as far as pos sible and Japan will do well to recog nize this fact. V WITH THE PARAGRAPHER3. The antls are in a had way just at present. They can't find anything to find fault with. Montana Record. Have you noticed that all the Grand Army men are now wearing the gray under their hats? Chicago Journal. Permit us to hope that the New Eng land freshets washed nut some of the anti-imperialistic germs. Washington Post. Aguinal'lo's purchase of diamonds would seem to indicate that he pro pose to back a comic opera company. Kansas City Star. ' The blowing up of the Merrimac may serve as a delicate reminder to Cuba that it rests under certain obligations. Washington Star. It must be that somebody connected with ownership of that Gainsborough nortralt Is Intending to go on the stage. Topeka State Journal. The only bright spot poor China Is alls to discern on the horizon Is the approach of the American firecracker season. Anaconda Standard. i The man who took the Gainsborough portrait Is said to be one Adam Worth. This relieves Pat Crowe of another burden. Denver Republican. We don't care a ding whether the hello girl says "aught" or "naught," but we wish she'd cut that word "busy" out of her vocabulary. Chicago Trib une. The Brooklyn Eagle says that every , body In Kansas Is a freak except Wil liam Allen White which makes William Allen a freak in Kansas. Kansas City : World. ' .. " ,? .Emperor;." yniUam. would ;be?a .good man to set jRk jrtee-of reducing: the de- mantis on 'China.' Ge.pmans, j,esti- mate Is most extravagant. Pittsburg Dispatch. When w ill employes . Of the "irovern niPiit learn that It Is absolutely Im possible for them to ever become to smooth for Uncle Sum? Dea Moines (la) Capital. If you would make a pair of good shoes take for the soles the tongue of a woman; It never wears out. Alsatian proverb. TO PRKVKNT PNEUMONIA GRIP. AND Laxative Brome-tjuittliie removes tin cause. The average man would be happier wttn a i sneer man a ponuoai wu. You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver Is slugslh and your bowels clogged. De Wilt s Uttle Early Risers cleanse the whole system. Thy never gripe. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Every married man knows that the only way to stop a woman 'n an ar gument is :o di?tract her attention. Spring coughs ?re .peclally danger ous and unless cured at once, serious results often follow. One Minute Cough Cure acts like magic. It is not a com mon mixture but Is a high grade rem edy. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. There Is only one unpardonable s'n, and is not pardoning people who do It "I had piles so bad I could get no rest nor find a cure until 1 tried De Witt s Witch Haxel 3alve. After using it once I forgot I ever had anything like pil?s." E. C. Bolce, Somers P.Snt, N. Y. Look out for Imitations. J'e sure you ask for De Witt's. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. When a woman doesn't prove to be the making tf a man the man generaby proves to le the unmaking of the vj man. "Last winter I was confined to my bed with a very bad cold on the lungs. Nothing gave me relief. Finally my wife bought a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure that effected a speedy cure. I cannot speak too highly of that ex cellent remedy." Mr. T. K. Houseman. Mauatawney, Pa. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist The hippiest woman In the world is generally -ne one that has to go about once a month and sob her heart cut at a romantic play with a baby In it. You will waste time if you try to cure indigestion or dyspepsia by starving yourself. That only makes It worse when you do eat heartily, lou always need plenty of good food properly di gested. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is the result of years of scientific research for something that would digest not only some elements of food but every kind. And it Is the one remedy that will do It. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. Probably the most difficult a.went is getting up a subscription. "I have been troubled with indigestion for ten years, have tried many things and spent much money to no purpose until I tried. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken two bottles and gotten more relief from them than all other medi cines taken. I feel more like a boy than I have felt in r.wenty years." Anderson Riggs. of Sunny Lane, Tex. Thousands have testified as did Mr. Riggs. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. Lots of mn know how to cure bams, where their next meal is to come from. Those famous liitle pills. DeWl'.t's Lit tle Flarlv Rinira will rpmAVA nil Im. purities fro.n your system, cleanse your bowels, make them regular. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. It's a pity some men can't draw checks as easily as they can inferences. Skin troubles, cuts, burns, scalds and chafing quicklv heal by the use of be Witt's Witch Hazel- Salve. It is imi tated. Be sure you eet De Witt's. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. When a oldier becomes insane tlwre is something wrong at h-adquamrs. TOT CAUSES NIGHT ALARM. "One night my brother's baby was taken with Croup," writes Mrs. J. C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "It seemed it would strangle before we could get x doctor, so we gave it Dr. King s New Discovery. Which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble mat no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. 50c and $1. Trial bot tlfs free at HART'S DRUG STORE. Probably the majority of clergymen are poor because they preach without notes. A DEEP MYSTERY. It Is a mystery why women endure backache, headache, nervousness, sleep lessness, melancholy, fainting and dizzy spells when thousands have proved that Electric Hitters will quickly cure such troubles, "I suffered fur years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Cherley, of Peterson, la., "and a lame back pained rne so that I could not dress myself, but Electric Bitters wholly cur ed me. and although "3 years old, I now am able to do all my housework." It overcomes constipation, improves appe tite, gives perfect health. Only 50c at HART S DUUG STOKE. If a woman has a mirror in her toom there's where the carpet will wear out first.' SHE DIDN'T WEAR A MASK. But her beauty was completely hid den by sores blotches ,and pimples till she used Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Then they vanished as will all eruptions, fe ver sores, boils, ulcers, carbuncles and felons from Its use. Infallible for cuts, corns, burns, scalds and piles. Cure guaranteed. 2.".: at HARTS DRUG STORE. Many a man has married a piece of real estate with a woman in the title deed. OLD SOLDIER'S EXPERIENCE. M.'M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wife was sick a lonsr timo In nnlto nf vrnA doctor's treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health," They always do. Try them. Only 25c at. HART;, pKVQ STORE. .. . ( THE MOST STUBBORN COUGHS suiting from an Attack of la grippe or heavy cold, must yield to the wonderful healing properties of Foley's Honey and Tar, which strengthens the lungs and makes them sound. HART'S DRUG STORK. Many an old toper who has never been In Cork has seen a great many draw Ings of It. GIVEN UP TO DIE WITH" CROUP. Mrs, P. L. Cordler. of Mannlngton. Ky., writes: "My girl had a s-jvere case of croup, the doctor said she could not live and I gave her up to die. I went to the store and got a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. the first dose gave dulck relief ami saved her life." HART'S DRUG STORE. I-aws, like sausages. Inspire respect u hen they are made. often cease to we learn how B. Presson, Pr.'ssonville, Kan., writes: Nothlnir like Foley's Honev and Tar" l.s the universal verdict of nil who luiv used It. Esneclallv has thl tru of coughs accompanying la grippe. Not a single nottie railed to srive ret ef. HART'S DRUG STORE. Nearlv everv father who lis mar. rlageal'le daughter Is willing to allow his home to be used as a court house. V. B. Conklln. Howersvllle. O.. says: I received more benefit from Foley's Kidney Cure than from months of treatment by physicians." HART'S DRUG STORE. When a girl begins to evince a dislike to being called by her pet name she m.iy be considered as officially out of the matrimonial race. The editor of the Fordvllte. Ky.. Mis cellaneous, writes as a postscript to a business letter: "I was cured of kidney trouble by taking Foley's Kidney Cure." Take nothing else. HART'S DRUG STORE. Lots of men who have collexre di plomas In their pockets don't know- where their next meal Is to cohe from. BEST WAY TO CURE BACKACHE. B.vka.:h ' are caused by disorders In the kidn-'ys. Foley's Kidney Cure will make the kllneys right. Take no sub stitute. HART'S DRUG STORE. Whether It cause a woman more pleasure to hear herself praised or an other woman run down Is still a ques tion. Running sors. ulcers, bolls, pimples, etc.. quickly cured by Banner Salve, the mojt healing salve in the world. A sune cure for piles. HART'S DRUG STORJ2. The man who says he wants but little here below Is the first man to kick when he gt'ts into an overcrowded street car. "STICK TO IT." G-?. L. Heard, of High Tower. Geor gia, writes: "Eczema broke out on my baby, covering his entire body. Under treatment of our family physician he got worse as he could not sleep for the burning and itching.. We used a box of "Banner Salve" vn him iirui hv the time It was gone h was well. The I doctor seeing It was curing him said. "Stick to it for It is doing htm more good than anything I have done for him." HARTS DRUG STORE. WHITE COLLAR LINL (Telephone Dock.) Columbia River and Puget Souni Nat Igatlon Company. The Baiiey Gatzert leaves Astoria ilaily except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Sua day at 7 a. m. White Collar Una Hrlr ORAM tickets and Ilwacn Rv Miv c'nm. nanv tickets interehanzeahlo nn n.-iilv I Gatzert and Hassilo. Through Port land jonnection with steamer Nahcotta from Ilwaco and Long Bech points. Telephone No. 111. A. J. TAYLOR. Astoria Agent. E. W. CRICHTON. Portland Agent BEST0F EVERYTHING In a word this tells of the Passenger Service via f he Northwestern line.. Eight Trains Dally between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest Pullman Sleepers, Peerles Dining Cars. Library and Observation Cars, Free Reclining ChsUr Cars. The 20th Century Train Runs Every Day of the Year. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated THE BADGER STATES EXPRESS, the Finest Dally Train Running Between St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line. Connections from the West made via The NORTHERN PACIFIC. GREAT NORTHERN and CANADIAN PACIFIC R'YS. This Is also the BEST LINE between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. All agents sell tickets via The Northwestern Line W. H. MEAD. . H. L. SISLER. General Agent Trav, Agent, 248 Alder Street. Portland. Oregon. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 2 21. DRAYING-AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Cart Will Reoetre BpedaJ Attention. No. ttt Data tL. Aeterla. Or. W. J. COOK. Utt Res. Tel tttl. Oregon 'Short Line Railroad i THE DIRECT ROUTE. Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union lcltlc Fast Mali Line, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME. 1 J Days t Salt Lake. 2 J Days to Donvor. 3 J Days to duongo. 1 Days to Nov. York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal ace sleeper, operated on all trains. For furtner information apply to C. O. TERRY, W. E COM AN, Trav. Pass. Agt., Oen. Agent. 124 Third St.. Portland. Or. G. W. LOUN8BERRY. Agent O. R. A N. ASSESSMENT NOTICE TENTH STREET FROM EXCHANGE STREET TO GRAND AVENl.'E. Mc- CLI'RE'S ASTORIA. Notice is herehy giwa that the arses ni nt made by nillnanot No. r.V.'S of the City of Astoria, Or, entitled "An ordinam.-e continuing .n-cluJl .utsewiKMit roll No 4.' for the improvement of Tenth street fruin the south line of Exchange xtivoi to the north line of Grind avenue," appr'ej April 10, I'M, will he due ami pay. Pble In L'niteU States gold coin at the olllce of ilie city insurer, on May W, and tf not so ivalJ at sal t time the common council will onier wurrunu is sued for the collection of the same. The usMcssmem Is as follows: liARRIDGE. V. W ItriLDINO & LOAN LAND CO. COHEN ROSA JOHNSON, MARY I JOHNSON. MARY L. LOGAN, W. C LOGAN. VT. C LOGAN. THOMAS (Estate of).... RAHLES. EDWARD J RAHLES. EMMA E RAHLES. VICTOR A RAHLES. MARY E RAHLES. ALBERT W RAHLES. MAUD J KAHLES. BRIDGET I.lf- Interest in last aboAe d .' rt ti ed lot only. None. SOCTHERLAND. ANGUS Ut 7. bl Kk 71, City of Astoria, as iuld out and recorded by John YOUNG, BENJAMIN The following is payable In Installments, the first Installment due May 1901: KADOLLET, MARY JANE BADOLLET. MARY JANE BADOLLET. MARY JANE BADOLLET. MARY JANE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Bv order of the Common Council of tin- City of Ai ri 1, Oregon. H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police JihIk.- of th.? City of Astoria, UrcKon. Astoria, Oregon, April 16, 1001. ASSESSMENT NOTICE FRANKLIN AVENUE FROM TWENTY-SIXTH STREET TO THIRTY FIRST STREET, J. M. SHIVKLY'S I). L. C. Notice Is h?r-:by given that the tne city of Astoria, Oregon, entitled An ordinance cotiflrnlnif special assHi ment roll No. 43, for the Improvement of Franklin avnue from the eist line of Twenty-sixth street to the west line of Thirty-first str-t," anccoved Annl 10th, 1W1. will be due and payable in tne uty irasurr on May i, 1901, and ir not m i iuid at caid time the Common Council will orler warrants Issued for the ccll 'ctlon of the same. The as sessment Is as follows: . ANDERSON. ANNA SOPHIA BARKER. W. II BOWLBY, J. Q. A. BOWLBY, J. Q. A. BOWLBY, J. Q. A. BOWLBY, J. Q. A. BOWLBY, J. Q. A. of Astoria, as laid mt by J. M. Khlvely 16 84 CITY OF ASTORIA Lot 4. block 4, City of Astoria, as . : laid out bv J. M. Hhlvely 42 10 CLATSOP MILL CO .' l.Lot 1, block 144, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shively 12 00 CLATSOP MTLL CO. Lot 2, block 144, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shively ... 12 00 CLATSOP MILL CO Lot 3. block 144. City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Khlvely 12 00 CLATSOP MILL CO Lot 4 block 144. City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shively 12 00 CLATSOP MILL CO Lot 5, block 144, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shively 12 00 CLATSOP MILL CO (Fract) Lot 6, block 144, City of Astoria, us laid out by J. M. Shive ly 11 10 CLATSOP MILL CO. Lot 7, block 144. City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Khlvely 42 10 CLATSOP MILL CO. ..." ..Lot 8. block 144. City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Khlvely 42 10 CLATSOP MILL CO Lot 9. block 144, City of Astoria, ' as laid out by J. M. Khlvely 42 10 CLATSOP MILL CO ...Lot 10. block 144. City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. ShJvely 42 10 CLATSOP MILL CO. .,..Lot 11, block 144, City of Astoria, as told out by J. M. Shively 42 10 CLATSOP MILL CO ...Lot 12, block 144, City of Astoria, . as laid Out by J. M. Khlvely 42 10 CLATSOP MTLL CO. .'.Lot 1, block 145, City of Astoria, : as laid out by J. M, Shively 12 00 CLATSOP MILL CO. . Lot 1. block 145, City of Astoria, (ATSOF MH-.IJ CO. . iATSOP MILL CO. A: CLATSOP MILL CO, A; ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. UTe, " PORTLAND." ArrW 8:Wft.m.Portlund Union Depot ll:lO a.m. 7.W p.m.lfor Astoria and lnter-;40p.m. Imedlate points, . .. A8TORU j - 7.4!ia.m.For Portland ln-U:Ma.nL 6.10 p.m.terrn.'illute points 10 30 p.m. BKA9IDB DIVISION. n:S . mi. A CTn n I A ' m .v.Hup.m. 4ivyilf N;Wm I ll UU m ;30. Ill, I ourWllU I 7.UU i,m Suml,v gin) All trains make rlis connections at Ooblo with all Northern Pacldo trains to and from the East or Sound points. J. ( MAYO. Gen'l Fr't and Pans. Agent J.A. FASTABEND GSNEim coircroit AND BUILDER ... Lot S. block 71. City of Astoria as I. iid out uud rccorilttl by John Mi dure Jl2i M ..11 1. block 4j. city of Astoria X1 liild out and recorded by John McClure 103 M ...lot 2, block 45, city of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John McClure 3 1 6J Ia1 5. Mo. k 4. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure 6T SS It t. bio. k 46, City of Astoria, us laid out and recoikil by John McClure 34 81 Lot I. block 71. City of Astoria, us laid out mid recorded by John McClure 103 00 Lot 2. block 71. City of Astrlu, as Uid out and rrorded by John .Mot-lure 40 SS , . Ut S, block 45, City uf Astoria, u laid out and rvordM by Jwhn McClure 103 ss .. I'llillVlili'd one sistll of lot 7. bl'K'k 45, City of Attona, as laid out and rtvorded by John Mot 'lure 5 7 .rndivld-d one-sixth of lot 7, block 45. City uf AMoriii. a laid out Slid r ' l.-d by John McClure S 77 . 1'inlh id.-. I oiie.Hlxth of lot 7. block 45. City uf Anuria, iw laid out and v ordod by John McClure 5 7S . I'l-divM- I one-sixth of lot 7, bl' k 45. City of Anorla. as laid out and recorded by John McClure 5 77 .1 ndlvl.l -d one-sixth f lot ., block 45, City uf Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure 5 71 .1 rullvlded one-Blxth of lot 7. block 45, City of Astoria, as laid out and reovrded by John MctJlurc 5 77 McCluiv 40 81 1 t 3. block 4, City of Astoria, us laid out and reonl-M by John McClure 34 S3 Ix t 3. block 73, City rf Ast'Tln. as 1 Ud nit and rrorded by John McCluiv 40 St L"t 4, bio k 72, City of Astoria, iui laid out and recorded by John MoA'lure 112 63 I-'t 5. Slock 72, City of Astoria, us laid .nit and r-cordl by John MoClui-c 112 50 L-t t. bior-k 72, ,'l:y of Ast rla. tin laid out and i-ecunb-U by John McClui- 40 81 Lot 4. I.lo. k 4G, C:ty of Astoria, as lull oil! an 1 p-o.irded by John Mi l liii.- 67 SS as.-ieMiietit mad by ordinance No. 2539 of Unite, States K"ld coin at the oince of . Iit, 1, bbK.k 3, citv of Astoria, at laid out by J. M. Khlvely 42 10 . Kat half of lot 4, block 5, City of Astoria, a-i laid out by J. M. Shively 21 05 . Iot . block 146, city of Astoria, as laid out by I. M. Hhlvely.... 12 00 Lot r, block 148, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shively 12 00 Lor, 9, block 146, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shively ...... 42 10 Lot. 1, block 5, 1ty of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shively 42 10 East 2) feet of lot 2, block 5, City an taid out br J M. Bhivelv ..... 12 00 :Lot 3. block 4L City of Astoria, j as fald out by-J. ,M. .BhJvely .... 1180 CLATSOP MILL CO ,.Lot 4, block 146. City of AslorU, fts'lalil 0111 bv J. M. Khlvely 11S0' CLATSOP MILL CO !.ot (I, block 14f., City of Aitlmla, 1 us laid out by J. M. Hhlvoly ..... It 10 CLATSOP MILL CO Lot 6. block 145, city of Astoria. as laid out by J. M. Khlvely 13 ft CLATSOP MILL CO Im 1, block 145, City of Astoria. ns laid out by J. M. Khlvely 42 10 CLATSOP M1IJ. CO Ui , block HI., City of Awturln. us laid out by J. M. Khlvely ... 42 16 CLATSOP MILL CO i, , block 145. City of Aslurla, mm laid out by J. M. Khlvely .... 42 18 CLATSOP MUJ. CO Lot 10 block 14t, City of Asloii.i, ait laid out by J. M. Klilvrly 42 16 CLATSOP MILL CO l,t It, blink 115. City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Khlvely 41 10 CLATHOP MUJ. CO Ui 12. block 145, Cltv of Astoria, us laid out by J. M. Khlvely 42 10 COLUMBIA RIVER PACKERS A8HN.L1K 4, block 117. CHy of Astoria, us Iuld out by J. M. Khlvely 13 00 COLUMBIA RIVER PACUERH AKSN.Lul J. block 117, t'ltv of Astoria, .us laid out bv J. M. Khlvely 13 00 COLUMBIA RIVER PACKERS ASSN. Iit 6 block 147. City of Astoria. its I ild out by J. M. Khlvely II 00 COLUMBIA RIVER PAOKERH AH.4.N. ,o 7, block 14.', City f Aloila. 111 laid out by J. M Khlvely 42 10 COLUMBIA RIVER PACKERS ASSN. Lot H. hl.iek'lC. 'Mty of Astoria. us Iuld out bv J. M. Khlvely 43 16 'OI.U.MBIA RIVER PACKERS AHSN. .t . block 147. City of AsSorlit. 11 I ul I out by J. M. Klilvoly 42 10 COLUMBIA RIVER PACK EMS AHSN. 4, block lis, CHy if A(orU. us laid out bv J. M. Hhley 13 60 COLUMBIA RIVER PACKERS AHSN. l.m 5, .Ih k 14 City of Astoria. us laid out bv J M Mhlvcly 13 00 COLUMBIA RIVER PACKEUK AHSN. lot . bl.H k its. City of Astoria, us laid out lv J M Shively 12 06 COLUMBIA RIVER PACKERS AHSN. Lot 7. block 14H, t ity of Astoria, as Iuld out bv J M Shively 43 10 COLUMBIA RIVER PACKERS AHSN. Ut S. block 'its. Cltv of Atloiia. us Iuld out by M Shively 43 10 COLUMBIA RIVER PACKERS AHSN. Lot !, block HV filv of Astoria. DE Force, J, H ENBERG. JOHN EltlCKSON, AUGUST FULTON. C, W FULTON. C. W FULTON, C. V FULTON, C. W GILBERT. A 1. 11. BERT, A GILLETTE. MARY I GRIMM, 1! HIGGIN-i. J. E 11IGGINS, J. E IIIGGINS, J. E H11I.I.ISTER. OEOROB C lli 'I. LISTER. OEORGH C JEFFERV. MARY R Ui '11'. JOHN Ki'PP. JOHN KOPP. JOHN KOPP. JOHN us laid 0111 by J M Khlvely 42 10 K'H'P. JOHN .o 11. block 147, CHy of Astoria. us Iuld out by J M Khlvely 42 10 KOPP, JOHN lot 15. block 147. City of Antorla. ns lull out by J. M. Khlvely 42 10 KoPP. JOHN lot 6. block 2, city .f Astoria, as I iid out by J. M Khlvely 42 10 KLINT. A. II Kant hulf of lot 5. block 1. Clly at Astoria, ns lull out by J. M Hhlve ly 31 65 LARSON. DORA M Undivided mie-ihlrd of lot 1. block 2. t'llv of AHoiia. an lab) out by J. M. Khlvely 14 03 LARSON. A Undivided one-third of lot 1. block 2. City of Aoi1a. 11 Iuld out by J. M. Hhlvely 14 03 LARSON. ERICK A Undivided one-ihird of lot , block 2, t'lty uf At"riu. us laid out by J. M. Khlvely 14 04 LARSON. MARIE C Imwre Intercut to last above described lo only. LARSEN. LUDWIO Undivided half of lot 6. bs-k 2. Cltv of Astoria, an laid out by J. M. Khlvely 21 05 LAR.SEN. CAROLINE Undivided half of lot 6, block 2. City of Antortu, u laid out by J. M. Khlvely 21 05 oLSEN. MA REN A I01 3, block 4, City of Aslorlii. as laid out bv J. M. Khlvely 42 10 OSTROM. JOSEPH Ist 2, block 3. City ,,f Astortu, us laid out bv J. M. Khlvely 42 10 PACIFIC UNION PACKINO CO lot 2. block 148. Clly f Astoria. as laid out by J M. Hhlvrly 12 00 PACIFIC UNION PACKING CO lot J. block 146. Cltv uf Astoria, us laid out by J. M Khlvely 12 00 PACIFIC UNION PACKINOCO Lot in. block 148. ciiy of Astoria, us bid out by J. M. Hhlvrly 43 10 PACIFIC UNION PACKINO CO lot 11. block 146, city of Astoria, us laid out by J. M. Hhlvrly 42 10 PARKER, C. L lot 6. block 5. Clly of Asturla, us laid 011: by J. M. Khlvely 42 10 PARKER, C. L lot . bmk 5. City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. KhlvHy 42 10 POYSKEY. JOHN West half of lot 4. block 3, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Khlvely Jl 65 RAISTAKKA. MATT lot 4. block 2, City of Astoria, ss laid out by J. M. Khlvely 42 10 SARKKILA. MATT SHIVELY C. W SHIVELY C. W SHIVELY C. W SHIVELY C. W SHIVELY C. W SHIVELY C. W SHIVELY C. W STEPHENSON, JOHN STEPHENSON. JOHN THOMPSON, ERICK TRULLINOER. FLORA A ....West 30 feet of lot 2, block 5, City TRULLINOER, FLORA A WELCH. JAMES W WELCH. JAMES W WEVANO, LENA W EVA NO. LENA WESSMAN. JOSEPHINE WESSMAN. JOSEPHINE WILLTAMSON, ELIZA .J.. WOOD. SARAH F t 1 . ' m By 2rVw'bf thl 1 Comrnon (nc5ofthi City ot Astoria, On . -v i fi V auditor ini PojUce 'Judge of(W City of A us laid out by .1 M Shively 43 10 N:-ih loo f.,. of lot 1, block 4. Cltv of Anii.rii, iid I il l out by J. M. Shively 31 W'rn half of lot I, bl.i.k 5, City of Aitorlu. s till out by J. M. Shlvelv It 05 East half of lot 4, block 3, City of Astoilu, as laid out by J. M. Kluve- Iv 31 65 Iah 2, block 144. City of Astoria. us Isld out bv J. M. Hhlvrly 13 00 ,ot 3. I.I.k k 14H, City of Atorla. us Iuld out by J M Hhlvrly 13 00 Lot ID, block IIS. City of Astoria, ns laid out by J. M Hhlvely 42 10 I t II, W,ck 14H, City of Antorln. 11 Iuld out hy J. M. Hhlvely 43 10 IaiI 3 block 3. Cltv of Astoria, im Ul I out by J. M. Hhlvrly 43 10 Undivided half of lot 8. block 3, t'lty of'la, 11 lul l out by J M. Shively 21 05 Lot 12. bl.H k 148. Oily of Anions,. 11 lul l out by J. M. SijUcly 43 10 South 50 feel of )t 8. blot k 146. City of Astoria, an Iuld out by J. M. Hhlvely 4 00 North l'H) fo-t of l 8, block 14. City of Antorla. mi laid out by J. M. Khlvely t 06 Norlh 5 fe.-t ,f .,t 7. 146. City of Astorli, a Iuld out by J. M. Hhlvely , I 41 North 5o feet ,.f i S, p.,i 146 City of Ast rla, us laid out by J. M. Khlvely I 41 b t 2. bl ick 2. City ..f Ajitorla. 11 laid out by J. M. Kbivrly 42 10 l-.t i. block 2 City of Astortu. a laid out bv J. M. Khlvely 42 10 North half of lot 2, bhsk 4. City of Astoria, us laid out by J. M. Khlvely J g Lot 1. lx k 147. City of Alortu, us Iuld out by J M Hhlvely 12 00 lot 2. block 147, City f Ajttorvs, u Iuld out bv J M Khlvelv 11 M Jot 3. block 147. City f AtoTl. nt Iuld out by J M. Shtyrly 13 00 lot 10, block 147. City of Antortu. North half of lot 1. block 8. City or Anion. 1, us laid out by j. M. Khlvely 31 E8 lot f.. block 4, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Khlvelv 42 10 lot 0. block 4. ciiy of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Hhlwlr 41 10 North 100 feet of lot 2. bhwk 6, t'ltv or Astoria. a laid out by J. M. Hhlvely jj (a lot 3, block 6, City of Astoria as laid out bv J. M. Khlvelv 42 Id Lot 4. block 6, City of Antorla as laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 42 10 IM R. block 6, City of Astoria as I Hd out by J. M. Hhlwlv 42 10 Lot 0. block 6, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Khlvelv 4? 10 West hnlf of brt !. block 3, City nf sionn. us laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 91 ng Undivided half of lot 6. bhirk 2 Cltv of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shively ji ns Hoiith 60 feet of lot 1, block 4 Clly . of Astorlu, ns laid out by J. M. Phlvely 41 or Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shively m lot 3, block B, City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 62 10 Lot 1. block 14 City -of Astoria, us nun out Dy J, M. Khlvely 12 00 Lot 12, block 14S. City of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 42 10 South 10 fet of lot 7, block 146. t.ity or Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Bhivelv nn South 100 feet of lot 8. bkck 146, ity or Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shlvelv m i South half of lot 1 block , City 01 Ai(irm, as laia out by J. M, Shlvelv is s South f0 feet of ot 2. block fl, Ciiy 01 .niuoria, as iam out by j. M. Shlvelv t 41 South half of lot 2, blojk 6,' City ..I nruiini, its iaia out ty J. M. Shively r in i Lot 1, block 148. Oltv of AMorf'n. 88 Jald out by J. M. Shively 12 00 Orefron. NELSON, Astoria, Orefon.