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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1901)
NOTIORI X1ionXT--TS"3 m pmic mn m Library w.lhout . Any ono ( .ncl guilty of uach offer., will be liablo to prosecution. ft ft o H 0 VOL. LIU ASTOKIA, OKK(iO. SATIKDAV, AI'KIL 'JO, 1901. XO. III UsCA LET, ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. AHTOUIA, OltBOOIN Wo Charge Nothing for Advice Book Bargains .mm ci.iii HouimI .H.k.M, (io.).i gj r; t CjJt Titl.-M, !iiiliiiKiuil Author. . . . O IOI ZjJ 1 Just the Kind for These Long Winter livenings Fivt'-Volunio Sets of Kijilinj;, KuhsoII, llulincfi, IIcnty.MciKle uixl otlicr jjuo1 nutlioiD .... GRIFFIN MfWTIIISLMIS PLEASED ;S 7 fir. rw ' 1 v. I WW .., Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A V ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets We Rent New Coanlsstoa. Brokeurc, . ImTICC tZ StlnlZX. PLUMBING UP TO DATE A 'vorkman tin morn work And do It btir in it day than it poor mie. In rdr to make plumbing cheaper for our customers w employ none but sklld mechanics. If you want first clat plumbing or staam fit llnir dun inquire lit the Cl 7C Ppp pt s)lil J I vl Ovl & REED She has lust re ceived a lot of canned goods from FOARD SUES CO. REPUTATION REPRESENTS PUBLIC OPINION Reputation represents public opinion. How to get In your favor. Moke a Arst-clRss, ti llable article like the Char ter Oak Stove nl Range. Every Charter Oak Is guar nnteed. For sale In Astoria only by W. J. SCULLY. 431 Bond St., Uetween Ninth and Tenth. Typewriters. Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter Ne Art Catalogue Frea ... L M. ALEXANDER CO Exoluiive Paoifio OoaHt Dealart 245 Stark HI, Portland, Ore, ,F W. M'KECHNIE. I oral Asent. Custom Houm Droktr, ASTORIA. ORE Acnt w. F. Co. a&l radio K&Bma Ca a. AGUINALDO ISSUES CALL FOR PEACE Recognizes Filipinos Are Content Under American Sovereignly. PRISONERS TO BE RELEASED Will Be No Immcdltle Btduclioo In Site r( Our Army In Philippine Nf lift Appointed (ioveroor ol MANILA, Apr.l V..-Tiu- ftillowlnir miliMimri iff A k yuial'l' iul'ln-fut U th; FIHplrin pli- m ni(u).- publk; thin Ij-Knn diiiKlit wl"b full rn'Hnln(C ufi'l hlcli iiiiv. r-fntly t ir. Ui my liii'iwli-.lui- ciikk1'! irr'-itlnllblf f'lfn. i hut ihf i'imi4 ! t. rrnlrialUm of Ili'Kllllllr. illl'l !ll"!llK' IV - tiro ulHO- In v ii ih w'lfar! of th rtuiiiiltii- i-l.m'1", "Th" I'llipiiim iuv- ii. v-r fall red In fiillMWinir th" path w mi; hy ih. lr f ir'llii'l'- iti t'i- Th" rm' haH miff, li.iwivr. in uluih t !-" find ihHr u r t it ii . iik ihi" tii!h iini-i-'l'd by an Iik kImiiI.I fi.n pn .-ii,inr to tht-m th'' ( imp'- nf pivi . 'Thin iiium- hn t ti J"yfully cm I r u.-il hy maturity -f my fi-llnw miiiitiyttn-n, u'lm hnvf alriiuly unl'd around t!f lurl.'ti iijvT-lKn banner nf tli.- t'nlti'd Sla'iii In MiI.h bantwr l'i y rpi'". trul mid l-ll"v that un drr lid tr(ti-i-t;on !() Filipino pH)ji' v HI ituln all ih pnnilMi lltxTtlf nh'ih ih'-y ari t(.'iiinlnr to wijoy. The .iiuntry han d-flatvd unnilttiakably in f.ivor nf irfnf"". So tc li "I prixlaltn t th' w.irlcl that I can rut r f u"- to hil thr voii .. if the p?o pli' lnnirlnK fur i-a'-, n"r thi l.nnrnta tlonn nf thf thiiiisaml f f.imllli'a vcarnlnic in tln-lr dar "tkhi enjoy Injr ihc llh-rty and pritnlnvl p ncrottlty if Of Croat Anvr!c:in nation. "Hy arknow Nvlirltip and nro-p!ln,r the ruvirclitiily (f th- I'rutt-d Static tlif.ivmh'iit th- Thlllpiilr,- arc hlpi-lairo, a I now ii and without any rwvrva tlon hiit.i- vi-r. I t'li-vn that I am rvinir if, my td'V-l mritry. Xl.iy happlnifH ( thlnv!" To IfSmtf thin lrr.por;ant utep In i hi pai'iftrntiun of thf otintry. (!'n'ral M.icArltuir orilT th n li-as-, n pwoor Ihk hII'-kI.iim-. to the I'nltiJ Stattti. of a t In itiKit nl ltifuiK"nt iirixinfrf. lUCIUVTK'N OF Alt MY. WASHINGTON'. April 19 Corhln author.ien the aute nieiit that no niaterfaj chanK8 are to be mad' in the army in the Fhlllpplnea until after the .lepartment hiot heanrt from ii'neral 'haff-, who will rellev9 Oeneral MacArthur. June 3ft, and the pit-Kent expectation i that a ireneraJ civil K.r'irnmctit will ! efitablinhed. Corhln Riven an rmphntw denial to the report! that MucArihur ha been Infrtruct'Sl to reriuce the army Imme diately to 40,000 men with a view' to rellevlnu all th r-Kular troop who have had long period, of service In the Philippine!. The fiecretary of war hns decided to replace them ag rapidly iut clt'iimitancc will ipermit with new rijrlmeiiK now in eourie of orgranlift tlon. NHW INTWt-ISlJVNri TKAXSPRT. WASHIN(lTlX. April 19 -The uar-terniafter-jrenerar. depaitmcnt h.i. purchi.ied a transiort at Manila to car ry animal frm Out xrt to the var Ion Ixiamln. The new tranciort ha? been naimd; the MtMom In honor of Col. LiBovm. killed at the battle (f Tien Tain. Civil, CrflVERXMENT AT CEBU. CEI1V. I.ilanrt of Obu, P. I.. April 13. The act entablishlnjr a provincial gov ernment In Cebu wa iied. Julio Llorente, of the pupremi court of the Philippine, who In k native of CebJ. was appointed governor. The adjacent pueblo of San Nicholas was added to the city of Cebu, though atralnu the protest of the Inhabitants of San Xlcholac, who like the lnhabL tant of mont towns In this inland have b"en oonductlmj; what are practically Insurrecto local government!, Including the collection of taxes, all of which ban been jermlttel 1y lieutenant Mc Clernand. the military governor, who Juatlfles this course on the principle thai It Is nil carried on. under military su pervision. Most of the subordinate mllltarj' officers favor a more vigorous policy. Lieutenant Frederick Young, of th Forty-fourth infantry, was appointed treasurer of Cebu, and lieutenant Case, Thirty-third volunteer Infantry, was appointed supervisor. ' . AOIUXALDO-S ADDRESS. MANILA. April IS AruinaWo'g ad -dres will be lasued tonWroir. VERPICf NOT YET KNOWN. ' Coroner Haj Not Filed Verdict of Jury in Fisher Inquest. . WALLACE, Ma., Apra Coroner M.ihoii lmn not yet flli-d tht Jury') vcr dlcl In tlf Finder ltl'Ui:nt. I'eputy Hhi-rlff Flnlay, (huncd with fotmnlt IIiik crliiic, wiik arri-Hied lat nlKht and will Imvc a Iicii-Iiik on Tiiinday morn I'lK. Hmlih, otn of the iiu-n arriild on nuplc.M of tH'Irifc coiHiTM'd In the at tiii l( on th deputy nherlff at Mullan H iuifdny nlidit. him he'-n releand, ther' not h'diiif i.iilllclent cvlilence t hold h:m. ItoKi-ix, iinoilnT HUKift, will hav a hcarlnjf totnorr v If Uoiw, the wourid ei ultie.-r. Im ile ti ,ipi-ar. IH'MOIH rNFi'rNl'KI). .MoiilaKiie Whit- Thit Hut th Ar lleterinlned to 'onllnu the HiruKKle. ;i:an'Ii i:,vi'ii.-, mi. h.. April is. fyhrant WeKtelluit, a ni"-niber of the i'Xectltive ciilliinllt'e of the Anu-rlcun iiv hv.ihI fj-.iifi", received a letter f. nm M'Hil.iKiie White, the American ri-pivHctitntlve of th- TrsiiiKV.iai Ttepub-11- :it N'-.v Vmk. caylnif In part: 'Tlf rum ir ali mt Kruxer mi) Wol l.i rnnn cmitiriellliit; xurr-'tid r ; re nh) li!:;y without foundatl ri. "The fjlrit of det.-r tilnatlon to con tinue th.- mruKX1- In Indomitable. "I ui otir frlendn 'o treat the var l"UM riirnoiH ihlrlmcntal to the Ht i .IUM W Itll hUHpli-Ntl." ti: wsiNi'tT ;kant Aititivi-.s. Ihiiiu-" Tw nty-Ninth and Twenty Thirl Vol'inteerii. SAN KliA.Ni'ISCO, April 19 The Twenty-ninth and Twenty-third p-bI----1 i t .if t'ni'"d Slat volunteern ar rived today from (an'Ia on the tr.'iii" port iJrant. She alii.i brouKht company F of the rweii'y-.sixth volume, r Infan (ry. one hii'iilr.-il and t venty-thre nick telill.-r'i and "ifr'ry -ihln pafnengerti. tmrlnif the iya' 'hire er thn-e ii:ilh aiiioni; ;he KoKllern In the hoc pllal. No oFFiriAIi X N'"H N ( ' E M K N" T. .1. I'. Morgan and Company Hive Xth Intr to Say ltef.irdlnic UurlliiR ton Deal. XKW YOItK. April 19 At the offlre of J. P, Mormin and Company today It w as there was no ofll lal an tiiiuticemeiit to he made concern'tiff the control of the Chlcign. BurllnBton & Qulncy railt.iil hy the Oreat Xorthern and Xoithrii P't'lllo interonts. In the tlnaiulal circle. the Mlef jirevalled that the Important details of the nchemc were settled on Thursday. MfliiiKU EXDEP QI'AIIIIEL.' fhnrl. 1',,-iss Shot and Fatally Wound ed by a Miner. SALT LAKE. April 19. A i-pelal to the Tribune from Helena, Mont., says that during a quarrel at Marysvllle be tween churl's OetsM ami a miner named H ig.-r, the l itter shot and probably fatally wounded Oelss. A bystander mimed Hurke was alno wounded, but p it seriously. SHAM HOCK IS A MAUVEU Sir Thomas Upton Is Enthusiastic Over New Cup Challenger. C.LASC.OW, April 19. All Is ready for the launching of Shamrock II. Sir Thomas Upton, when asked what he thought of the new bout, replied: "She Is a marvel. This opinion Is shared by experts who have seen Sham rock II." It KAPPOI NTM EXT OF O'XEILL. Chief of the Xaval Hureau of Ord nance. WASHINGTON. April 19. Secretary Long today .Vi.M.nmended to the pres ident the reappointment if Admiral O'Neill as chief of the naval bureau of ordnance. The recommendation Is eiiulvaUvit to reappointment. CHILE AND ARGENTINE. Humor of Pending Difficulties Denied In Chile. SANTIAGO DE CHILE, April 19. Rumors of difllc'Jltles between Chile and the Argentine Republic are without foundation. Nothing has occurred be tween tho govornments of the two coun tries bt eauie anxiety. BRFSSELS CONVENTION. Amendatory Treaty Signetl by President McKinley. WASHINGTON. April 19. The presi dent has signed a treaty amendatory of the Brussels convention for the pro tection of Industrial property and the document has been forwarded to Brus sels. OUT IN FIRST ROUND Morgan Williams Made Short Work of Jack Lavelle. DENVER, Col., April 19. Morgan Williams, of Victor. Col., put out Jack Lavelle, of Butte, Mont., in the first round of what was scheduled to be a ten-round go. JAPAN WILL AID REFORM MOVEMENT Proposes to Assist in Overthrow of Manchu Dynasty. FURTHER CONFLICT AVERTED Imperial Court Orders Cpibcm Troops Out. side ol Foreigi Sphere of Influence -Frsoco'dernsa Military Ei pedillofl Absndoaed. I,OMirX, Apr. 19. "There are strong Indli ati'inx," nays the Sh.i.ihal cor resp'indent "t the Morning Vmi, ";hat tin- Japanese government prop ses to put Itself at the head of the reform movent -nt In China in order to oer ;hrow the Manchu dynasty, which It coni.lcrii bound bund and foot by the Ituiislans." FI NEKAI, OF SCHWAUTZEXKOPP. PKKIX. April 19. The remains of fleneral Schivirtz-nkopp have been re covered from the ruins of the Imperial palace ,m.l the funeral will be hell tomorrow-. fi.-neral Chaffee with the of ficers of his staff and a troop of Amer ican cavalry will attend the funeral. CMIXKS'; T HOOPS WITHDRAW. PKKIX. April !9. In consequence of stronq representations to the Chinese jrovernm nt. an Imp"rial lecrce, dated Tuesday. April IS, has been Issu.-d. or derieu th Chln''e .ror;s at Hual Lu to remove immedla' .iy outside the sreat wnll. The Chinese troips vhose withdrawal outside of the great wall has been or dered by imperial decree are understood to lie the force which the German f nd French epedlllon was preparing to at tack. Huai Lu has been located In the cable dispatches as s wthwest of Pan Ting Fu. The Chinese occupied a po sition within the limits of territory w hlch the military representatives of the powers had decreed as being under their protection. ALLIES AB.YNDOX EXPEDITIOX. LOXDOX. April 19. A dlspar.-h from IMri.i says that in consequence r f the imperial d.vree ordering the Chinese troops to leave the territory considered ur.der the protection of the alliel forces. the Franco-G"rman expedition has beer abanione-I. France will shortly with. Ira w ROOO trops from China. s RUSSIA'S PLANS. LONDON., April 19. The Dally News publishes the fallowing from its. Shang hai correspondent: "I learn that Prince Tuan and Gen eral Tung Fu Hsian last January sent a deputation to the Russians In the vicinity of Lake Baikal, praying for aid and protection and declaring their readiness to acknowledge the su zerainty of Russia if the Russians with held their project for re-con(iuering the northern province of China. "It is expected that the palace Are w ill give the empress dowager another excuse for delaying the return of the court to Pekin." Some of the London papers publish a statement that Russia has ofered to reduce her indemnity claim to 10,000. 000 on condition that China signs the Manchurian convention and gTants fur the"r concessions in connection with the Siberian railway. "Russia has made new and specific proposals to Japan." says the Yokoha ma correspondent of the Daily Mall, "for u mutual understanding, but Japan gives no sign of accepting." REMARKABLE STOCK MARKET. Steady and Persistent Uplifting of Prices on Wall Street Yesterday.-" NEW YORK. April 19. Today's stock mrket,vas the most remarkable which has yet been seen during the present speculative era, not only In aggregate sales, .which reached 2.593.906 shares, but in the wide variety of the trading, the number of gains recorded, the1 record prices touched and the wideness of the general outside interest manifested. The1 market was entirely without pre cedent In the history of Wall street. The feverish tone, which has been the feature of the market of late, reemed entirely lacking in today's market. Therd was a steady and persistent up lifting of prices which was Irresistible. :NEW ARMY CHAPLAINS. Appointments for Regular Sendee Will ,Be Subject to Examination. WASHINGTON. April 19. The presi dent recently appointed seventeen army chat) alns. Under the law all appoint mentf are subject to examination, ex cept Hn the case of chaplains serving In thl volunteer establishment. C which there are 'only six. 'The war depart ment has.Jii.8t completed arrangements for I he e'xanilnaUon of the remaining sieve i. instructions i 'having been Issued to theijjoard deflnJnjr khe soope -of tha examination to the chaplain as follows: 1 Enirliiih rramroar, Including ortho graphy, reeling, writing from oral dic tation and English literature, 2 Mathematics, including arithmetic, algebri, to Include. th solutions of the first degree containing one unknown quantity, the use of logarithms, the ele ments of plane geometry, plane trigono metry and surveying. 2 Geography, particularly In refer encs to the i'nited States and North America. 4 Tb" outlines of general hin torv and particularly the history of the United St'ites. 5 The constitution of the United St lie and the organization of the gov ernment und--r It and the elements of !nt law-. 6 Physical ap-itud", as determined by the medical examination. 7 Moral chancier and civil record :ik verified after a thorough investiga tion by the board. DEATH FliOM FREEZING. It-port That Over Two Hundred Lives Were Ut In Alaska Before the Middle of January. SEATTLE. April 19.-The Skagway News of April 13 '.-ontaln'-d dispatches from Dawson of thit date. The most important .lispi'ch says: Two men who arrived from Xome bring sensational reports of deaths by freezing along the coast. They report that two hundred persons died from exposure or freezing before the mld in nt January. The stories are not credited here. MRP. MAYBRICK'S CASE. Agitation in America Retards Chances of Her Release. WASHINGTON. April 19.-Henry White, secretary of the United States embassy at London, Is here on his an nual visit. He has taken great In terest In the case of Mrs. Maybrick. "The worst th'ng that could happen for Mrs. Maybrick." said he, "Is for some one to resume the agitation of her esse in this country". Her even tual freedom has been delayed by agi tation over here." PRICE OF SILVKR NEW YORK, April 19. Silver. 59'4. PROTECT OUR LITTLE ONES DON'T buy clothes made by chitd labor in unhealthy sweat shops. BUY Union Made Clothing And feel that the coat on your back or the pants you wear are not stained by the sweat rolling from underpaid Child Labor, Scab Labor or Penitentiary Labor. BUY UNION MADE Suits, Hats, Overalls, Dress or Working Pants ! GREAT OPPOSITION TO NEW COAL TAX Hicks-Beach Forced to Make Con. cessions to Exporters. HOUSE ADOPTS WAR LOAN Grocers Have Advanced Price of Surir la London Moafactarls Interests PlesMd With Proposals-News-psperi Conservative. LONDON. Apr. 19.-The Dally Chron icle asserts that Sir Michael Hicks Beach ha agreed to exempt all exist ing contracts frorp the coal tax. Henry W. Masiingham, of the Dally News, thinks that the opposition to the coal tax has been so fre that the gov ernment -vlll aband w It. ANTI3 BEGIN AGITATION. LONDON. April 19. A committee of the Cobden Club met tonight and re solved upon agitation against the sugar and coal taxes. Sir Michael Hicks Beach has consented to an arrangement enabling coil exporters to execute con tracts pending decision as to what amount of duties would be refunded. LOAN RESOLUTION ADOPTED. LONDON. April 19. The house of commons adopted the war loan resolu tion by a vote of 1S8 to 117. MUCH DISCONTENT. LONDON, April 19.-Taker as a whole the comments of the country on the proposals of the chancellor of tbe ex-' chequer in the budget statement pre sented yesterday, cannot be regarded as favorable. The opposition of the coal owners Is' augmenting hourly. Tbe chambers of commerce In the coal districts are pro testing in vigorouus terms. The Cardiff exporters scent ruin, and their mart (Continued on Fourth Page.) ',','; --jy !.?