I3!JU0DL:CLlBmTASS'j3LTg.. no u"vJ L , j 'M';(0 , Wi I J. if '., !U,nY Of -, ., ' ' " "10 to ftm. ' Uf,t"3c Pr3ecuii'on. II EH Mk. M. Ill E ll A. . a I . . Ifll .irf 1 V0LIIU ASTOKIA, PRECOX, THfKM)AY, AI'KIL IS, 1 0I. " XO ECLIPSE HARDWARE GO. x AHTOUIA, OltBOON Wo Choree Nothing for Advice Book Bargains AOO Clotli Bound Hooks, (Soo,! gj fo Just the Kind (or These Long Winter Evenings Five-Volume S1 of Kipling, JtuMwll, Holmes, Henty.Mwidc otvl other good million .... GRIFFIN ll-l) f ii 1 Mi IISI Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. At V. ALLBIN, Tenth and Commercial Streets We Rent New c. Commission. Brokerage. Insurance and Shipping, aisat ft" v PLUMBING UP TO DATE A ifujd 'vorkman cn d" nmr work and do It better In a day tlinn a poor ont. In ordir to make plumbing cliw-ipcr for our customers we employ none but ikUad mechanics. If you want first 'Ih pluniblnf or steam fit tlnir done Inqulrs it the Cl 7C Ppp pt sJltl J I vl Ovl & REED THIS LADY IS PLEASED She has lust re ceived a lot of canned goods from FOAHD & STOKES CO. REPUTATION REPRESENTS PUBLIC OPINION Reputation represents public opinion. How to get In your fuvor. Make a first-class, re liable article like the Char ter Oak Stove and Range. Every Charter Oak la guar anteed. For ealt In Astoria only by W. J. SCULLY. 431 Bond St., Between Ninth and Tenth. '. Typewriters. Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free . . . L. n. ALEXANDER & CO. Exolueive Pacific CoaHt Dealers 245 Stark St., Portland, Ore, F W. M'KF.( IIKIE. l ocal Agent. CHARD, Custom Hduso Bpokp. ASTORIA. ORE. W. t. k Co. and radio Kxpreti ce l. BOILER EXPLOSION ON RIVER STEAMER I'our Killed and Six Injured Near New Westminster. TWO PASSENGLRS DROWNED Wmi Blows Overboard lale Frascr River Olien KilIU Were Deck Hsada Parctr io4 Mala Will Prob lily Die. VANi-OKVKU, Ii. .:. April 17. Hy n rxploNinn of a Ixi.lcr on th river temn cr ItwnnnH, thin atrnon, four peo ple ttcrc kllii-J outrtKlit and all otln-ra a-rlounlv Injurril. Tiw diul Include two wom'n tvho were paniR-riKr "n th nlimnr, mid two drtk handa. Of the lnjur'il, ihr purwr and mate will prob ably dlf. The (lend are: Mr. II. Morrlwin, vt Fort Lansley, II. C. Mm. lUlllle. of Munt Uhman, It. Jnhn Muck, a )k hand. M'iiry t'hlppK, a d-k bund. Tbi Iniurrd ar: Itliliard Mower, purix-r. fatally tmrn fl; JiiK'H Mityimtd, mate probably burni'd faulty; Jrone' Knowlm. flr-- niiin. badly burnd; thrc- Indlann. cr- loiinly burm-d. Tin- boiler explosion of-curred In mliNtrviim while the t-Anir wan en r.tutn from Nf- Wfitnilnitr to Kort I.iiniclry. the latter Ix-lng a farming1 (- :lcmnt iitxiut IS miU- from thla city. !y the forre tf the explosion Mra. Mr- riiM'ii and Mm. rtalllle. who were return Iiik home after a Uy' hopilng In Ntw Wetmlniter. were bl"n into the river and were drowned bfure aid rwu-hed I hem. The bodle of both women have been rwover-d and are compfcrntlvely free fnm bruits or burn. Indicating that death wan du- to drowning. The re main of lb two lk tvanda, Phlppit and Mack, have not ben found. Tur. ner Hiiwer wm bally ar&lded by ea.'ap Inx Kte,tm arid Mate Maynard was nU feirfully burn'd The Hnmuna ! a ftern wheel steam er of about 300 tms. HANK MAN AO Ell ABSOONDED. lemam, luwa. National Hank FaibM to Oien Yeeterday. ST. I'At'I.. April 17.-A Sioux CUy. Iowa. Cjierl.il to the Dlateh says: The I.emars National IUnk at ' I-e- nwm, inwa, ild nt p-n this morn biir. Thomas F. Ward, vice-president and manis'r of the institution. Is a Felf-ronf-s embezzler to the amount f r.'S.OOO to mow. He has also ab sconded. Ward d'paJ"t'd Monday nlpht and yesterday Oaehier Frank Koots ri celvl a letter fntm Ward, beirlnnlnK: 'Dear Frank I reave tonight, for f!od Almighty knows wiiere. Board of trade Murines has ruined inc. Save me fnm an Indictment if you can. I will pay back every cent I can." A sad feature of his caee is tht Mrs. Ward Is dangerously il; at her home. having slven birth to n child but a week ago. The news of her husband's disgrace Is kept fr-mi her. AU. ItEVORPS BROKEN. Over Half Billion Dollars 'n Oold In Vnlted States Treasury. NEW YORK, April 17.-TU' Evening Post today sys: Today's summary of the U. S. treas ury resirt of yesterday afttrnoon shows that the government aggregate gold holdings for the first time in hlatory have passed the half-billion-dollar mark. The exact total waa $SO0.278,i06. This Is the largest amount of gold now held by any single financial insti tution In the world, ami H 1 the larg est ever held by any Institution with one exception, the Imperial Bank of Russia, which. In February, 1893, rais ed Its total holdings to ir.M.390,000. At present, however, Oie Russian lMik holds only $371,SO0,o00. HILL UNlYiMMUNIOATiyE. Riy8 News Regarding Burlington Must Come From Other Sources. SPOKANE. April 17.-Jame J. Hill. president of the Great Northern, passed rough Spokane this afternoon. When iked as to the truth of the report thnt he has secured control of the Bur- Iln igton road he replied: I don't want to say anything about that. You will have to pet that from the other end." STRIKE TREMBLES IN BALANCE. Decision May Be Reached by the Steel Workers Today. PITTSBURG. April 17.-The threat ened strike of all the men of the Amal gamated Association employed In or ganized mill of the Ajnerlcan Sheet Hi-i-I ii(j.iny ami, Aulwqij'-ntly, of nil orgiinlzed men of the aaso lallon In nulls of the l'nie.i Huie Hi- I f'or ponitlKti trernbli-m n the balunc tonight. )ii the one hand, I'r.-sldent T. J. Hliiiffner In backed up n his d-t.-rrnln-(iilon to call a getcT.il strike by a ma J'Tlly of Hie mender f his adv's'.ry board and by the district irHiI-fitH biid trustees who ere a neiH.in all diy today. On the other hand there Is a new move toward conciliation and arbitra tion, which may end the entire contro versy In I'lt Lolling tomorrow or rnav bv carried to New York to be adjusted by higher powers. POIHt! IM Ql'AUANTINR. Ha l Nina!lKix on Hoard When She It idled Hawaii. SAN FKANMHrO, April 17.-The steamer Doric arrived today from the Orient via Honolulu and u detained in quarantine owing to the fact that there was a cbs" of shiallpox on board when the vessel reached Hawaii. The Doric brings news of the safety of the Ca roline, thirty-eight diys out fnm Ma nila. Hho was In Honolulu when the st.-amer solb-d. The Garonne has the Twenty-sixth Infantry m board. Ow ing to the delay In her arrival here tip-re wis considerable uneasiness. NKW rilFAKJIf'AL HfHOor ib lliiHllsts Are Planning to Start One at Portland. PORTLAND, Ore.. April 17.-Dr. L. E. Itockwell. itresidlng elder of the Metho dist church of the Portland district, has pUns f ir the establishment of a theological sdhool kt Portland In con nexion with and as an adjunct of the Willamette fnlverslty. "We are going to hold a great educa tional convention at Willamette Uni versity to prom te the growth and In terests of that institution In June. "The theological project will be brought up at that time." St'ICIDK AT Hl'TTE. dining Mun Who Was Pievented byHi.i Wife From Commliting Murder Then Shot Himself. IH TTK. Mont,., April 17. Al. David son, a mining man osratlng at White Sulphur Springs but living in Butte, committed suicide here tonight bv shootlnsr himself In the head. He had been In a row with another man and went home to get 1.1s gun and kill bis adversary. His wife per suade! hl'ii not to leave the house and shortly after this his wife went into the room where he was and found him dying with a bullet In nis brain and a pistol by his side. PLOT AOAINST EMPRRSS. Korean Minister of Justice Sentenced to . Death. ST. PRTKUSnrUO, April 17. News hs been received here from Seoul, Ko rea to the effect that the Korean min ister ;f Justice, Ki Kon Ho, was arrest ed April 1 for participation in a con- snlracv against the emptvsa of Korea. He named various tilgh officials as ac complices In the plot. He was con demned to death April 5. and another minister of the Korean court was sen tenced to fifteen yevrs' hard labor. The ther Implicated officials were acquitted TO HAVE LARGER STEAMERS. Tacoma Pl.inning to Takt Advantage of Ship Subsidy Bill. TAfOMA. April 17. It I announced tint the freight and passenger steam ers now plying between Tacoma, Yo kohama and Hong Kong In connection with the Northern Pacliic railroad are soon to be supplanted by larger ves sels. Th( new steamers probably will b of American build, as the company will take advantage of the steamship subsidy bill if it becomes a law. LAWTON I QUARANTINE. Transport Brings Three Oases of Small pox From Manila. SAN FRANCISCO. April 17.-The transport Lawton arrived today from Manila and went into quarantine. Three cases of smallpox developed on the vessel during the voyage. The Lawton brings twenty-seven officers and , 700 men of the Thirty-ninth infantry. . RAID ON POOL ROOMS. NEW YORK. April 17. The commit tee of fifteen raided several alleged poo', rooms this afternoon. The raids In each case were personally conducted by 'n dividual members of the conrnlttee. CATHOLIC INDEMNITY CLAIMS. PEKIN. April 17. The foreign office confirms the dispatrfli from "Washing ton spying that France will take charge of the CaUnllc claims aglnst China. RIPLEY CASE. FRANKFORT, Ky.. April! 17.-The argument In the Ripley case win be gin tomorrow, the testimony! 'having closed today. ' 1 1 . . . NOT READY FOR CIVIL GOVERNMENT Insurgents on Island of Cebu Un willing to Surrender. MARINDl'QUE NOW PACIFIED Mijor Davis Nd Not Rttira to Manila to Aaiwcr Chirxe Apiait Him - Big Dry Dock lo Be 5allt at Olaofopo. T.Bt". P. I., April 17, A thousand troops in the island of Cebu are un able to aecimplihh the aurrendcr or capture of 200 Insurgent riflemen atlll out. Coloiid McC'lernand raya that the terms the Insurgents offer are impos sible. Of fifty towns a dozen of the largest have ben organized under a mllitarv order. Oth;rg are believed to have insurgent governments. Judge Ta?t. addressing the convention today, deplored the fact that Cebu was the least paclfie province and called on the delegates to decide whether 200 men would be per.rltteJ to restrain neace and prosperity or whether the mijorlty would organize and notify the mcurtaln sulk-rs to tae causing trou ble. If the people were not all ready to do this the commbisl-jn would not su persede the military by civil control. The exhort itl in was not demonstra tively received. Iva Jlng Visayans from twenty-four towns represented urged the orgailzitlon of a provincial g"vernment and the wlndup of the re bellion. The islanl probably will be organized as one province. The popula tion numbers 650,000. PEACE ON MARINDUQUE. WASHINGTON. April 17. The war department today received the following cablegram from Ge inl MacArthur at Manila: "Colonel Abad. Insurgtnt leader . of Marlndunue. nine officers, seventy sol diers. 217 small arms surrendered to (Major) Frederick A. Smith. April 13. taking the oath with an impressive ceremony. They were then released. This ends the Insurrection there. "MacARTHUR." DAVIS READY TO ANSWER. WASHINGTON, April 17. Major Geo. B. Davis today received a reply to his message cabled to Col. Woodruff at Ma nila expressing his willingness to return to Manila on the first available transport to face charges that have been brought against him. Colonel Woodruffs reply w is an assurance tha such a step Is not necessarv. . GREAT NAVAL STATION. NEW YORK. April 17. A special to the Herald from Washington says: If the plans of the navy department are adopted by congress, a flve-mlllion-'olI.tr nival station will be established at Olangopi, Sublg bay, Luzon. Upon the' recommendation of Rear Admlral Endlcott, chief of the bureau of yards and docks. Secretary 'Long has appointed a board consisting of Rear Admiral Taylor, Civil Engineers W"ol cott and Menocol to meet at the New York nivy yard for the purpose of pre paring the plans and estimates upon which congress will be fcrged to act. The board of which Hear-Admiral Re mey was president only selected the site for the projected station, leaving the department to determine upon its ex tent. The dry dock to be built at Olangopo will cost at least $1,000,000 and the shop. and tools are expected to cost at least $1,000,000. It is the purpose of the department to urge congress to act expeditiously in order that the work or repairing men-of-war can be done In American yards. At this time the smaller vessels are re paired at Cavite, but the larger ships are sent to Hong Kong for docking and Important repairs. Work at Hong Kong is very expensive and Secretary Long believes the money spent In an English port Should be distributed among Amer ican workmen. BURLINGTON PURCHASE. Northern Pacific Will Be the Most Benefited. Line NEW YORK, April 17.In discussing today the Burlington purchase, the cir cumstances under which the road had been acquired and the advantages which It was expected the purchasing companies would gain, one of the high est authorities in Northern Pacific af fairs said to the Evening Post; ''In the recent negotiations the Bur lington people have Insisted on the Northern Pacific ar)d Great Northern acting jointly to safeguard themselves as far as possible In the matter of se curity. . . . . , "It Is a fact that the Northern Pa cific will be most largely and In fact almost altogether benefited by the Bur lington being worked In harmony with the Northern Pacific lines. All three roads will continue to be operated a& Independent properties. There will be no eons ill datlon. "We are agreeing to pay eight per rerr on Burlington stock and toe profit on such a guarantee will, In part, have ( io lie worn" j out vy economy. v e nope to gt of the Rurllrigt"n to us down, , ' four tier cent. At that (lgur',V.; f. . we agree to pay, you see, looks less ejetnvagant." ft INFERENCE OVER CUBA, Senators ('ockrell an,i Proctor Consult With the President. WASHINGTON, April 17. Senators Proctor, of Vermont, and Cockrell, of Missouri, had an Important conference with the president today regarding the situation In Cubi. Both havo made trips to the islands since the adjourn ment of congress. Senator Cockrel! Is a representative of the political oppo sition in the senate, but to held in high esteem by the president, who was ereatlv Interested today In listening to his views. Senators Proctor and Cockrell agreed substantially as to the conditions ob taining cm the island and they agree as to the outcome of pending negotia tions with the Cubans. Senator Ctvrkrel! told the president that In his opinion the Cubans would accept the terms of the Piatt amend ment in the end. After the commis sion appointed to visit Washington un derstands the situation he thinks there will be no other alternative open to them. LANDING PLACE FOR CABLE. Site Selected on West Coast of Vancou ver Inland. VICTORIA. B. C. April 17.A site has been selected cn Barclay sound, on the west coast of Vancouver bland, for the landing place for the Pacific cable. It consists of 100 acres. There Is a good harbor and room for a fleet of battleships. SENATOR SENTENCED. Two and a Half Years' Imprisonment for Passing Bad Check. NEW YORK, April 17. Alonzo J. Whluman. formerly a state senator of Minnesota, convicted of passing a bad check, was today sentenced to two and a balf years' Imprisonment. PROTECT OUR LITTLE ONES DONT buy clothes made by child labor in unhealthy sweat shops. BUY Union Made Clothing And feel that the coat on your back or the pants you wear are not stained by the sweat rolling: from underpaid Child Labor, Scab Labor or Penitentiary Labor. BUY UNION. MADE Suits, Hats, Overalls, Dress or Working Pants HARD FIGHT OVER NEW LIQUOR LAW Charges of Bribery Freely Circu lated at Honolulu. HOME RULE MAJORITY SPLIT Party Lloti Bcin( Broktu - Pcosioa for Ei QiiKi ar Lump Sun Will Bi Granted Hawaiian Lao fttaie la Curt. HONOLULU, April 9, via San Fran cisco, April 17. The territorial legis lature Is now In the midst of a bard fight -T'jr the proposed liquor dispen sary law. The bill has been before the senate In various stages for several dav and committee reports for and against It have been made. The cam paign has developed Into a very bitter one and 'here are many charges of a corruption fund circulated by the liquor interests. It will be some days be fore the final vote Is reached In the senate and then the flgnt will reach the lower house. Party llne have com pletely broken on the subject. The bill to allow theex-u.ueen $12,000 a year as a pension has two substitutes, one proposing to give her $230,000 In a lump sum, and the other to make at this time an appropriation of $12,000 for her for the next '.wo years. Most of the Independents ure understood to fa vor giving the $250,000. The house has finally passed a bill to Drovlde for the usexf the Hawa iian as well as the English language In the circuit courts of the territory. Since the annexation only' English has been allowed in courts of record. The big home rule majority In both houses has split to some extent and divisions are close upon many ques tions now. PRICE OF SILVER. NEW YORK, April 17.-SUver. 59K. .