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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1901)
THE MORNING ASTOKIAN. Tl'BSDXY, AI'KIL U, WOI. 1 . . .ASK "Charles Carroll" "General Good" CIGARS TWO UNEQUALBD SMOKES ALLEN & Distributors, WORLD WAR OX RATS. Japan Will Appeal to Civilized Powers for Extermination of Rodents. CHICAGO. April 15. The Tribune says: A world war or. rats nuy be proposed bv Japan. That nation has been con ducting an esh:iu?tlv investigation and the conclusion has been reached that the rodents are n menace, to human kind. "Consequently." says Dr. Xafrusha, who la visitor to Chicago, "the mikado's government g to appeal to civilization to exterm'unt the rodents. It Is de clared that the rats spread all sorts of contagion while hundreds of thou sands of dollars' worth of property are destroyed by the rodents each year." The plague, says Dr. Nagusha. vould lose h.ilf of Its terrors should the rats of the world cease to exist. Other dis eases would claim fewer victims and the earth would be a safer place for human kind. Dr. X.ig'jsha. who Is a bacteriologist 6f importance In Japan. Is at the Audi torium Annex. He has been making a study of the plague- In Hong Kong. In Bombay, In Japan and In other of the Oriental countries. He was convinced, he said, that the rats were the greatest propagators of contagious diseases. Japan, he said, bad made an official investigation of the harm done by rats and the result of this investigation would be brought to the attention of the civilized world. His country is now taking steps looking to the destruc tion of the rodents. It is proposed to Induce other nations to do likewise. Rats, declared the visitor, served no useful purpose and, besides spreading germs, gnaw their way into hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of prop erty each year. '"I am aware that I am not advanc ing a new idea, said Dr.Xagusha. "for bacteriologists and members of the med ical profession have long been aware of the evil which rats work In the way of propagating contagious diseases, but I did not realize the extent of this evil until I came to make my recent Investi gations in connection with the bubonic plague In the Bast. I visited Hong Kong. Bombay and other parts of the Orient, not to speak of Japan, and ev erywhere I was confronted with the fact that rats far more than anything else were the active cause of propagat ing and spreading. the plague. - "Tim? and again I found that rodents Vere the active cause In spreading the disease into some new quarter where every ordinary precaution had been taken to prevent the malady. These precautions would have been effective in alt probability but for the infected ro dents carrying the germs with them." PORTO RICAN EMIGRATION'. Very Small Percentage of the Popula . tlon Has Left the Island. NEW YORK,. April 15.-A special to the World from Washington says: "The emigration of Porto Ricans from the island has not been such as to at tract any special attention," said Gover- BIG-HEAD CHILDREN with long thin necks you see them in every school want Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil, to build up their poor little shrunken scrawny bodies. School will be of no use to them. Something will carry them off. They have no play in them. There is no fun in playing, when everybody else can run faster, jump further, turn round quicker, and keep on longer. Big head is no harm; let the ' body be big too. We'll ttmi fim a little to try il you like. SCOTT BOWNE, 409 Pearl urct. New York. ,. i FOR ... 10c 5c LEWIS, Portland, Oregon nor Allen of Porto Rico. "I think the number leaving the island has been less than 3000 all told and that has ben a very small percentage of the popu lation. "As to th cause of this emigration, I would say the men h.tve found op portunities to better their condition and 10 make better waxes elsewhere. A number went to Hawaii and I believe others have gone to South America to work in connection with the construc tion of a railroad. "The Porto Ricans are waking up t the fact that the outside world pre sents opportunities and when the chance presents itself it is but natural that they should avail themselves of it. It is but reasonable to suppse that emigra tion from Porto Kioo would be pro portionate to that of any other coun try." Santiago Iglesias. representing the American Federation of Labor in Por lo Rico who will present to the presi dent a petition signed by 6000 work inrmen of that island asking for work or bread, denies that he has been repu diated by the labor organizations of Porto Rico. "The organization I represent." said Sonor Iglesias. "is c imposed of a tual workingmen who are too popular to send cablegrams of congratulation or make' contributions to campaign funds. The American Federation of Labor has extended to this organization and recog nized me a its duly accredited repre sentative. "I want American laws extended to Porto Rico and the Island placed on the same footing as a territory. Do away with the conflicting laws anl give cap ital an opportunity to make Invest ments and give employment and there will be a betterment of conditions." CHICAGO XOT WIDE OPEN'. Mayor Harrison Says It Is a Closely Phut Down Town in Every Sen". NEW YORK. April 15. Carter H. Harrison, mayor of Chloagi, is in this city Hi says he came for rest and recreation. While Mr. Harrison did not care to discuss politics last night, he did tilk about reform and the charges made that the idminhtration in Chicago favors a wide open town and is in league vith the criminal elements. ''I believe," said he. "that the proper ersons to institute any kind of reform. uramario or otherwise, are the people's officials. I do tot be!lve it possWe to have what Is called an opwi town un less the public: wants it. I Jo not be lieve that - It is possible to reform a community by passing laws. The com munity cannot rise alxve Its own lpvel and its level Is reflected by the way In which It enforces its laws. 'There is no truth in the report that Chicago Is a wide open town. It Is a closely shut down town In every sense of the word. I thlik it Is very poor policy for a mayor to advocate the en forcement of blue laws or the ringing of the curfew bell when the peool,; are not In favor of thm. You cannot rp- foim anv community by law. It must be done by education." EDITOR SELECTED. Rev. Dr. Ritchie Chosen by the Duke of Xeweastie. XEW YORK, April 13 The Rev. Dr. Ritchie, of St. James church. Philadel phia, has been selected by the Duke of Newcastle as editor of the Church Re view, the American edition of the Eng lish Church Review. The Duke of New castle said .here last night that his idea was to have the two. editions exchange news. A. C. Kelway, editor of the English edition, will remain h'-re until May 4. The duke plans to leave here on the Minneapolis next Saturday. The duke reiterated last nigxht that his idea in coming to America had been to bring into social union the high cburch'tnen of the two countries. He expressed himself as being pleased with the re sult of nls trip and .said that he would if necessary, return to New York next fall. WHEAT MARKET. PORTLAND. April 13. Wheat, Walla Walla, 57 to 58. SAN FRANCISCO. April 13. Wheat, May, 100; cash, 98. CHICAGO, April 13. Wheat, July, opening, 70'4 to 70; closing, 70 to 71. LIVERPOOL, April 13. Wheat. July, 3s. 9d. WORSE THAN SUSPECTED (Continued from pace .) being subsidized in securing the cock pits. It Is assorted that the department male unauthorized pur- oli:-es of qu.tntlilt of champagne. Pitt sold some. In addition to wttnt the transports brought, the commissary im ported iort g.tll ns in February and a like amount In Matvh. The commissary anJ commissary-sergeant kept private carilag-s and indulged In other extra- VMgwnces. CNDKSIRARLH IMMIGRATION. Stron Demand In Indon for Restrictive- legislation, NEW YORK. X. Y.. April 15. The iuiloii of alien immigration is again foivtng Its way Into prominence, ays the London correspondent f the Tribune. A good many people feur that, following the colonization of South Af rica on a large scale by men and women of Anglo-Saxon blood at the close of the war. there will be an nv,iion of this country by Impoverished Middle men. mon lenders and tailors from Jewish centers of population on the con tinent. The feeling amng the working clsses of the east end of Umdon with regard to the Immigration of destitute sliens is very strong. Whlteehapel Is largely Inhabited by Hebrews of the very lowest class, whole siivms Ik-Iuk occupied by an undesirable population from the ghettos of western Russia. Germany and Austria. Lord Salisbury. Mr. RaKour and Mr. t'hamherbtin hive at .itffor.'nt times In sisted on the necessity of preventing il.vtitute aliens from taking up their abode her. but the ..Ionization of the iv-untry with oeople who are undesir able from every point of view, except that jf the swelling employes, still g''s on. The fact of the matter Is. the government his dropped the alien Im migration question because they lnxlous not to liwe the political ruppott of t'ne Hebrews in the big cities. SOUTHERN PACIFIC THWARTED. Another Road Granted Franchise on Right of Way It Claimel. POMONA. Cal.. April 13. The city council today granted a franchise to the i Pan Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake II y for the construction of a track on First street over the route along which the Southern Pacific attempted to build Saturday. INJUNCTION GRANTED. LOS ANGELES, Cal.. April 13. The superior court granted the Southern Pacific Company a temporary injunc tion against the city council of Pomona, restraining them from Interfering' with the Southern Pacific in Its work of constructing a line of road over the dis nuted route on First street, Pomona. BAD BLOOD, BAD COMPLEXION. The skin is the seat of an almost end less variety of diseases. They are knewu by various names, but are all due to the same cause, acid and other poisons in the blood that irritate and interfere with the proper action of the skin. To have a smooth, soft skin, free from all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure and healthy. The many preparations oi arsenic and potash and th Urge number ponders aud lvtions generally used in this class of diseases cocef Up for a short time, tut Cannot remove per manently the ugly blotches and the red, disfiguring pimples. Eternal vlgllanoo the prloe of a beautiful complexion when such remedies are relied on. Mr. H. T. Shot. r4 I.ucsi Avenue, Bt. Louis, Wo., lay : "My daughter wfflictd for yer with a Uiifigunng emsitiun on her face, which relisted all treatment. She wa taken to two celebrated health spiiuK'. but received no bene it. Many meilicinea eie prescribed, but with out result, until we decide! to try 8. S 8., and by Ike time the firt bottle a fi nished the eruption began todiaapprar. A toien bottles cured her eomtiletely and left her !tiu perfectly smooth, gbe U now seventeen ear old. audnota aigo of the embarrassing diseaj ha ever returned." S. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cure for the worst forms of skin troubles. It u the greatest of all blood purifiers, and the only one guaranteed purely vegetable. . Bad blood wakes bad complexions. 3l purifies and invigo ISTl rates the old and Sa. makes new, rich blood that nourishes the hodv and keeps the skin active and healthy and in proper condition to perform its part towards carrying off the impurities from the body. If you have Ecaetha, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Psor'asis, or your skin Is rough and pimply, send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases find write our physi cians about your owe. No charge what ever for this service. IttlFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. AILANTA, ftA. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. TVila rr,na rat Inn fintalnt all of the Hirroct-mta and rllcrPRt.S all kinds Of food. It gives instant relief and never Iail8 to cure. 11 anows you weav an the food you want. The mont sensitive stomachs can take it. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured alter everything else failed. It is unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but do you good Prepared or.! y by K. 0. Vr.WiTt A Co., Chicago Tnell.bottlt!(:onulnsa!4 times tbcSOc. six. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. Pears'. Only they who use it know the luxury of it. Pears' is the purest and best toilet soap in all the world. PRIOK OF SILVKR. NKW YORK. April 13. -Silver. 59. SOMETHING NKW. Just published by the Southern Pa clflo Co. la a phamphlet upon the re sources of .Western Oregon, which In cludes an excellent map of the ftata, and contains information on climate lands, education.1 etc.. existlnc Indus tries and their capabilities. Attention Is also directed to such new fields for enetfy or capital as promise fair return. This publication flits a need long ex perienced by Oregonlans. In re plying to inquiries of eastern friends. Copies may be had of local agent Southern Paclflo Co.. or from C. H. MARKHAM. O. P. A.. Portland. Or S0UTH3RN CALIFORNIA. Notable anv ng the pleasures afford ed by the Saasta Route Is the win- Iter trip to Southern Laiirornia and "Ariiona. Renewed acquaintance with I this section- will ever develoo freeh ! points of interest and added Industries, i In Its prolific vegetation and among It 'numberless resorts of mountain, shore, i valley and plain. The two dally Shasta trains from ! Portland to California have been re It ently equipped with the moat ap proved pattern of standard and tour ist sleeping cars, but the low rates of T'are will still continue in effect, j Illustrated guides to the winter re sorts of California and Ariiona may be had on application. I C. H. MARKHAM. O. P. A.. ' Portland. Oregon. Jo) . 0 on uo TIME SCHEDULE liKftRI r'roui urllanU. ASRlrS S ill Luke. Dener, Kl Moith.Omaha kun tu I'i. St Luuie, Porilaud special t lis. m i p. in 1 ('melt ' uil t-ol Sail Lake, Denver. K1 ; l.orlh, Omaha. Kan' 7 , i City, til I. 11 1- I'hlcaxo mid Kal ' WslliTWaila, 7 wltuu" Mpokmte, Min'wpo lis, bt, I'.ul, buiulh. S Wiin Milwinkee, CblC'Xo 1 mil Kat. From Aitorut , OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All Sailing 1U sub jert t.iermuHc. For Mu FraoeucM isli' Atlantic imprest 9 p. Di. Spokane Flyer. 6 p. in. I 7am 1 gx Militia Columbia Klver Stcrni er to Cortland mi l , iV iy I, ill liu ; ta in 'x Mo day From Portland i.m , ." W1LUMKTTK K.VKK K,SumU Klf"""" Oregon t itv, Sewber,. fc,SU"rtt Salem it Way-Laud s. . 7 a. m Willamette anil Yam IDPm. Tues.Th'ui bill Rivera o ,..Wid. auilSat 1 If fii City, lytou ,v rri' W sy l.andl' K 5B.k.R s. m. Kluaris to LewiatvB . dally Jam ' Wlllaimtte Itltlf ' ;((lp ni Tuen.Thui Portland ti (NirvuIlK Mon, ed Saturday , and Way 1-aiidiiiK" l',riday O. W. LOUNSBBRRT. W. II. HURLBURT. Aft. Astorl. Gen. Pass. Aft. Portland. Or.. It T UXORIOUS 1 RAVEL The "Northwestern Limited" trains. electric lighted throughout, both Inside ami out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains in tne world. They embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling nubile, and altogether are the most complete and splendid production of the tar builders art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. Wo extra charge for these superior accommodations and all classes ot ticK ets are available for passage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Block System. W. H MEAD. H. L. SISLER, General Agent. Traveling Agt. Portland. Ore. md poison rt A SPECIALTYon'?S I I luarf Itl-OOO frOlSOU permancmif 4 I feared In UtuUdara. Vauoan be treated al U 1 homo fur mm pritaun'ler Mine (tuaraa Jty. If you prefer to come here r.ewilloon ik tract to nar railroad fareand hotel bllK,an( r 3banre, If we fail tucure. If yoo bar taken mar Earr. ludlde potueh, and alill bate aehea aoo t,ain.MucousrtchelnjDoutb.Hiire Throat, FiioDliia. Copper Colored Hpota, Ulcers oa tor oartof tte body, Hair or Kyehrow; falllne to this HeiiDdary BLOOM VUIHOS we cnaraotoe to cure. We aokdt tbe moal . otntl uaU caaes and chulleoRe the world fur s cae we cannot cure. Tbia dlMtaae boa alwayi buttled the skill of the moat eminent pliyal cluiis. 500,000 eapltnt bohind our onnoDdl, iii,nal ffOaranty. Abaol ute proofs sent aoaled ot T?XK iTAddreaa COtlft KKWKDV CU. Vnl tu6oU Teainle. CUICAOO, XIX. fisher's Opera House 1.. K. N M.K), l.i (' siul M.inar. MONDAY AMD TUESDAY. AI'KII. 15 AND Id ....101) LAt'OMS IN 100 MINUTKS,... HORACE EWING In the Great Triumph WIDOW BED0TT As played by Mr. Kwlng over 1000 Times. SUPl'ORTKP NY A 8I'KC IALLY SKLWTBIl COMPANY. A huppy blinding of FARCK. MIMIC and VAITDKVIM.K NOVKI.TIKS. THE GREAT LAUGHG SHOW HAVE A SMILE WITH THE CIDOW AO.MISSION - K'ierveil seals. 75 cents; trtillery, &0 centK. Seat sale opens Sit unluy uiortilng at (Iriftln & Heed's. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO Sr.I'd !, Duluth.Minnea Chicago and All Points East. DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; 8ER VK T, AND SCENERY UN. EQUALED. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Huffet Smoking Library Cars. Tickets ta nnlnts East vis. Portland and the Great Northern Ry., on sale at O. H. & N. Ticket omce. Astoria, or Great Northern Ticket Office Uj TIMHI) STREET, PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding Eastern trip, call on or address. A. B. C. DENNISTON. City Pass, and Ticket Agent. Portland. I Depot, Fifth wd I I Streets. Li'ave Arrlvs Overland Express Trains for Salem, Rostburgr, Aah land, Sacramento, Ofcden. Han Fran cisco, Mojave, Los Angeles, El Paso, New Orleans and the East. 7.30 p.m 9:15 a. in 8:30 a.m 7:00 p.m At Wood burn (dally except Sun- rinvl mimlnv I train' connects with tram for Mt. An gel, Sllvirton, Browntvlllp, Sprlnicfleld. and Natron, and even ing train for Mt. Angel and Silver ton. CorvalllH passen- 17:30 a.m l5:50 p.m l8:25a.m 114:50 p. ml Sheridan passcn- irer. Daily. iDally except Sunday Rebate tickets on sale between Port land, Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates $17 first class and $11 second class. Including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan, China. Hono lulu and Australia. Can be obtained from J. B. Klrkland, Ticket Agent. 134 Third Street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Pasenger depot foot of Jefferson St, Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20, a. m; 11:30, 1:55, 3:25, 5:15, 6:25. 8:05, 11:30 p. m. and 9 a. m. on Sunday only. Arrive at Portland dally at iM. 8:30. 10:50 a. m.: 1:35, 3:16, 4:30, 6:21, 7:40, 10:00 p. m: 12:40 a. m. dally ex cept Monday; 8:30 and 11:05 a. m. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, except Bun day, at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland at 9:30 a. m. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlee Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 2:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER, Manager. , C. H. MARKHAH. Oen. Frt. and Pass. Art W7 O 0CKN4SMASTAJ -I WB? SOUTH BEFORE YOU BUY A PIANO OR AfltORGAfi It will pay you In wrilo eiler's piano mm DIMMIT.: aSI Wnshlnytua St.. I'ortliinil, Ore. Wo are tlio groat profit killers ami piano price regulator of tlit Northwest, mill with our ppeeinl facilitits run nell u lino pinno or organ for loss money than you ean get them elnewlnTt. Write today. Catalogues for Hio osking. Our titoek inchules the three greatest American pinnoN ihe Kim hall, the Chickeriu;- and the Wehor together with eight other good m nk f.H. EILER'5 PIANO HOUSE. Ill '" - fa-ra sw. s . w . PORTLANO.ORE., FHONT ANPM0KHI8QN 818. f .innMaii)laB.4iUlw.i J.y. 08CAN ANDERSON, MansgM. 2 American tilsii, 11(10 lo 12.00 r day. .1. C. r:.NPK.0 AHT, Clilaf CW.S i 1 1 1 . : . t , ' - 1 ' THE ASTOR1AIN.... Delivered ot or rcHldcncc fVllfSRl'HL ritlMIMi turn t nmm f ul ton. mwim it mi it is mmt FOUNDED A. L, I7IO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE , . or LONDON 1MB OLDEST PURELY FI K K OFFICK IN Till: WORM). CmsIi A Jil.Sn,MMi Calt AaaatlM In t'nllf d Mtata. a.n.o.uia J. B. F. DAVIS & SON, WINF1KLN S. DAVIS M'KT Sansomc Street, - SAMUEL ELMORE H OTBL PORTLAND. OR. ? The Only FlrtClnHM Hotel In Portlttnd ? at at aruxruiAAAnuianAAAnArvtnyiAn Pacific Navigation Compariy StcnntcrH "Sue II. Flmore." "W. II IlarrlHon" Only lino- Aatoriu to Tillamook, (iuribHlJi, Hay City, llobsonvlllc. CoDiiectinu at Astoria wlt'i tlm Orcitun lbilroa.1 h NhtIvhIIdii (V. ami aim) tlio Astoria A Columbia River It. K. fur Ssr Frsnciaro, 1'ortlhinl six! all points eaxt. For freitfht ami aNfMii(rir ml in sp Iv . . HartiMol Blmoro att Co. (leiirral AwuK AHTOIMA. 0KL. (O.K. A. N. K. It. Co., Porlliui.l. AReulii U. A O. It It. Co , I'ortlnml. (it C. LAMU. Tillitmook. Or Dr. Fenher's Goldfen Relief Cures INFLAMMATION or PAIN inside or out. Used Internally Cures GRIP, Colds, Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Quinsy, Asthma, Croup, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, i cnius, Fever ana Ague, i orm ing Fevers.Sour Stomach, Colic, Heartburn, Stomachache, Chol era Morbus, Cholera.Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Flux, etc. . , . w T -1 1 A 1 1 .,'iiiv fiimllv forvuir. Il txirinuiit'iillv nirid U Sell Ji AierjliilX J,;,,,!V' vry lio lm-K. I luiv ,ih.m1 Itfor flnrA Vreah fliit.a Jams. Strains. wires ires a vuib, uoma, Bwaiuo, x eions, jiurns, voiusore reatt aches, Backache, Earache,; In growing nails, Corns, Rheuma tism. Rustv nail thrust in flesh, fHIMiina Paioati Tw Kit.Al A StingS 01 FOlSOnOUS KeptlleS and In8eCtS. St. Vitus' Darico. vi.ii TnrntaVlnf ,f f l,la othnr rif druuirlHtorMind to Dr. Pennsr, rrsaoBia, K. T. for punipliInU coululnlng certltlcuUjs of soutt of the most rsmarkabl Cures srer actUtTsd by msdlclns. 1 your office. Htore 60c per month. PRINTING Cor. Tenth and Commercial Streets Ttltphona Ofl. GENERAL AGENTS. !.. DAVIs CAHL A. IIKMlV Sua f mm-isco, Cel. & CO., AGENTS. PORTLANE) I wiishikIiIcmIv tiiki-n very 111. r-x.Tiit lul lutf imlli In rliKHt und vcrv urcul wi.ilIiih'ss. vrniil ilriiw of NTNilrutliiii roiiiliiK out of uvcry IMiri!, My klu iiirm-il I1I1111 mill I frit I could not II i! mi hour. To wnlt for 11 iliH-tor would liuvovi'ii Iimi it it (i In tlilH iixlri'iiilty I look 01K1 tiililx-NiKHiiiriil of Dr. Ki'iiui'r'a tiol- (lrii lti lli'f In tlin Niitiio of wnl.'r mid wim iuli:kly ""'I fH'riiiiiiiiintly ri-lliinHl. V. V. I' knnkh, :w N. WahliliiKton ot. Itoi-liiMlor, N. V., April .M, llW. Liiikiity, l'ii Miirrli, II, I(i0. I IiiiVH lisvil lp. Fcniiitr'a (lolilrn l(illifln liii i'titH und for kii'imrul funilly iuriioiMuii(l e f)mi(1 lt Hllru11ii w ,j(Kv' VlirKli 1'i.AT Woods, W. Vs., Munrli Ti. IIXK). Our1 111 till Aldiilltltnolll llMoliI IniiUliinlnvl- coiiiiliklnt4 wmiks. Wu tried ninny ductora. und retnedlin lint lifti'outlnufd t4i urow wurao. Wufunroil ho would riln. Wa iIikm .in hmI Elected a quick und ix.rnmu.Mit -uri-. Mrs. John M. Hiiahm. "Akron, O., Jan. I, IM. W. hava mild many UnarM of your Bt.Vllu.' (isnre Hi up .Fiu'e nuvoinu, anil vrrr VMtm wu cuntfl DV proTid a binning. AlXQM'LAHK Dllt ll 00.'' It. It au DR. . ITENMEft'S VRP.artlTVTTnua ..ul i