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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1901)
THB rtORXIXO ASTOKIAN. ' TltftlAY, AI'KIL 16, 1901 A NEW STANDARD OP MERIT IN Tailor-Made Suits Special attontion is called to tho unusual ex celionce of tlio linoof Tailor-Mado Suits we are now showing ranging in price from $7,BO to $20 each New 8i'irnto SkirlM, New Sijk Wuiuta, Itox Gontn. etc., tc. Kincul .Holies for Infants. OUR 8TORK CLOHIC8 AT 7 P. Alt contntcU for tidvcrtwmti in the Aatoiluti ru himJc on a jiir Httf of circulation four time Urnr 'limn tlut . of uny purer published or circulated In Out. nop county. m 1 ' .' TODAY'S W BATHER. I'MRTLANH. Aurll M. Wilm Ore iron, fair In tin- north, liwrwutlntt cloud ini'HK In thu southern portion, cnulitr Hi llu- iutirn hi tlon by aftrrtiuuii or nltihi; W'.nliTti Washington und tin drtcii, fiur; Kwtwn Washington hi i-l Northern I'liih'i, Tulr and warmer, northerly winda AROUND TOWN. Nw arrlvtla for Hoy at WIHK'H. MANI.Y" J-'l'" ' . Norfolk suits. I'iCKKY" shin front. H Oasion about harnam. Jjrm lnt mmil Ulslisg tautatit. I2 Cammerclal Bt. Willam Livingston, f IWtland, was In the city yestmlay n buslm. A. T. Winch., of Hitloin, was In tic diy yesterday. W W. 1Mb. of lutnlcr. was In the city yculerday on Wlnw. V. Ivl and A A. Kubanka. of Hka tnokuwa. are In Astoria on business. Mm. Jam s McCann. of McMlniivlllo, It In th city, the gueat o relative. Japanese goods of alt kind, cheap at Yokohama liaiaar; 6:1 Commercial St. Rolled oat make a mod mush when you mt the best Vi have It JOHN HON IHlOfl. X meeting of the r.tlwmtM Trades Assembly ill be held at Fishermen's Unin null tonight. Knalyn coal Inula loigrr la rlaner and mukra less iroublf with alovra and iliiiiiioy dura than any othrr. O-nrge W. Hanbnrn. g-tit; Mi-phne 1311. J. H. Mctlulgnn, a prominent Spokane tiiinliK man. died In Portland yesterday, lli.' r'ult of a full aualtUnrd at lh llol.l IniM-iliil a ago Saturday. I3KST l&- i:NT MEAL; RISINO SUN RKSTAURANT. We Know We I Have lithe BEST TEN. . . D0UARSIJIT x T'e"i'1 On the market . These suits would easily sell for much more, but we were bound to have the best Ten Dollar Suit to be had anywhere and WE'VE GOT THEM. All new and late styles, neat patterns. You will be surprised to see them. M. KXf'KIT BATL'RDAYH, Nli'tiola iviroff, a native f Finland, wan admitted to eltl.-ihlp yesterday by County Judgo Oray. . Mr.' Hnmun In prcparo.1 to do up .i turtalna In iP'xl orJr, fyve or d"r at Dp-iC'tn bukery. . John I'lllo, a nmlvr ot Klitland. niutlo Ici'hii Hioii of t'liU"tiililp intpntiona in tin county clork'a oltlu yeatetrdajr. MHlir KUb Warden Van Uuimmi and lM-puty I lull man wr bually rntrafed ytrrly lnuU)ir ll"iu, to nnn'nnen Tiu l'rltlli bnrk llulhwrll and th itiliiHh uliln Khybcr. Uh Ifrain car B.n a for Kuruiw, wi'iit to imhi yeatonlay. Wantid' To rctit, a nlorly furnlanrd tioui of four or five roma In central fart of city. Addrow, ntatln prl.. "I" cure Morning A'onun, Crenm pur ry. Ainorlr-a'a flrnwt whlk"y. Tho only pure giKMia; ur nntr rich and mollow. JOHN I.. CAUIHUN. Bol Antnt. If von ilk,, it .o.1 l.ult'T try uur A. Kori-n.on'ii. There In itmhlnir bttrr made. Quality and full cl(flit ifuaran Irert. JOIINHON liHOH. If you have a faitldlou palate and vour tuatrla economy la In a doubtful condition, conault the appetlxln menu nt th- Ito('n llcUurant. John A. .Montaomrry Ima opcni-d a aliop at 4:t llond utrcn and la prepared to do all rlaee of pluniblnB and tin nliiK at th lowrat poaalble ratff. l' fitted cure heaibicbe. Th- n-fn 'ilonlitt of the N. W. Optical Co.. 4U The Di-kum, Portland, la In Antorla. Tuedaya. at Hart'a drutf atore. 12 f 3:30; Haiti drug more, J:S0 to t p. m. FiTgu'nn A HoiiHton have redved the contract tor drilling clla and In dialling a pumping autulon at Fort Hievi'im. The contract prle Hi I15.4SO and i he work la t lie completed within 90 days. Vhe houite occupied by Dr. Roaenberg, on liond. atreet, coujfhi , fire Sunday morning from a def.v tivw ftua and 1-00 damage auata'ned befbre the flamei could be extlngulahed. Metwra. Oaaton ami Ornahan will leave Ihla morning for a trip over the route of the propowM county nad to the Nehalem. They will obtain facta upon which to baae their bid for the work nml Mr. Carnahan alated Uet night that a bid would be auhmllied for the entire iHntunre. SALE I SI JO: I mn ! JuhU' of Die IVae ilrowrr. ha not yet decldM DlHlrict Attorney narr.aon Allen' motion for ijatniHMai or mn ar-ruat"-! Ha.tun1.iy for llbgal flnhlng. rifiid tig tho doclaion tho men weie re- leiiaed upon their own rerognUune, Kgcelient vrtiicrem vmt tiwl yeicr day by thu coutractora who are en- Kiiged In moving the llghtehip, arid it la Intm-eatlng In tlila onnect.on to note that tho Idea of t iklng the vml ovor bifid originated with a local contractor. U lybeck, The funeml' of the late Mra. Ituth flanwr waa held ylerday, the llev. Henry Marcotte condui.'tlng the aervlce, A large number of Borrowing relutlva and frlenda ucompiuild the remalna to the grave. Intexmmit waa In Ocein View cemetery. Th atinmer olumlla arrive! In liiat evening from Hin Kram lai'o. The pnawngera repnd an excwdlngly rough trip, with heavy heitdwinda all the way up. When oppoalte Kureka an aecld'Wit hiii'i'"'"'! to the machinery which occaaloned a deluy of four houra. Tho ladfea of Ht. Thomua' fhtircb. Hklimiion. will iwrve a lumh and aell ... - i their home-made apron at Warren a I ami me i mu io? Mall, Warrenton. Thuraduy, April IK, irtieid ready to do all In Itn power to on the arrival of the noon train. Their ; awnHlah !h dln-l md. After atat many friend In Aatorla are Invited to Inif the neceaalty for a public dumping come, Train leave ror town hi ;ju p. in. Acordlng to an eati.nate made by a man famlllir with the flahlng Induairy, more getir waa put Into tho river ya lerday than on any trevl'ua nfM-nlng day "f the aeaaon. Th run waa not large, non of tlu- cainerl-a or cold alorage plan' m'onlng large iur cba a. A. It. Cyrua left thl morning to at tend the atate convention of the order of Knight a of th" MurcalMiM to be liebl In port bind Tu'fday and Wednead-ay. Mra. A. It. Cyrua uhto went na a dele gate to 'he atate convention of the la dle of i he Mac. iil -en t be held the fame time. The ctilxen of Warnmton will hold meeting Halurday evening for iho purpose cif rtlHing aa much money aa N.Nlble for the ivmatructlon of the CntHii bea -h bicycle juith. If a reaaon able amount I pledgl the conat ruction will degln at once. In a match live-bird aluad, held near Vjiucouv.r Hunday, J. K. 'uillan de-fciit-d Jo-.h It. lowlea by u w:ore of h7 to Tfl out of a poaalble 100. Culllmm waa in much better form thin hla op 'til. The match wa for I'i'JO a able, and the detail were kept from the pub He ta'cauae of the f-ar that (he author lib wonld prevent tru match. V rumor hit been current. about the city for eral day xit to the effect that A. fl. Hammond, would aoon ac- J quire the property of the Clutaop M il Company, and that negotiations f,. tr,e tranafer of the mtll.alte were m pro grewn. Manager JL K. Prawl, of the mill company, atatcd last night that there waa no truth In the atory. Mr. Martin Chriatofferacn. of Alder brook, wa taken In charge yeaterday by Sheriff Unvllle and waa examlm-d by Ciunly Judge (.ray, who declared her limiiiie and rdTed her condneil In the atate aaylum. Mr. Chriatoffer cn ha been In Ihla country but U Khort time and Imagine that ahe muat return to her former home to eacape enemle wno aeek her life. The "WU W Uedott" Ma preaented at Flaher'a thater luat night by Horace Kwlng .nl t-onpoiiy. The company came up from Hao Francbn-o on the be lated I'olumbla. and aa the boat did nut arrive until late In the afternoon they were hard'y In condition to give a per formance up to their uaual piandord. A numlier of apeclaltlca were Introduced. The company will give another perform ance tonight. The committee which boa charge of the organization of the Aatorla Com mercial Club ia now buxy collecting ini tiation fee. It la the Intention of the member that 11000 arm II be pild In be fore the club I bound to any financial obligation. An option haa been aecured on the building formerly used by the packer' association aa onicen, and it the pur pone to construct an addition. In which the bowling alley will be In t tiled. Dr. Karle entertalnwl a party aboard the launch ICIe.-trlc yesterday on a trip to the atranded llghtahlp and to Fort Canby. The guea: were Mra. A. A. Finch. Mrs. It. F. Wllaon. Mia Ilennott, of IVrtlanif: Mis Clarke, of Kentucky; Mian (Nile. Mlaa Sutherland. Mb Hell born, Ml Klmore, Mlaa Floretta. El more, Mis Tallant, Mia Harriet Tal lant. Ml U H-.inett. Dr. Finch, Cap tain Haynes. Lieutenant Cloke, O. F. Prael, I). A. McLean. L. F. Her and J. R. A. Uennet. Peputy Fish Cimml8loner McReavy and Water Halllff Fred Wlckman re turned Sunday night from Westport. where they seised tS0 pound of calm on that had been cached nearby by the flahermen. According to reliable Infor mation received there were three ton of flah originally but the remainder had been dlapoaed of nefore the arrival of the offljer. The flah waa sold on the apoi for S cents a pound, but waa after wards resold to union flahermen for 6 centa. The Identity of the owners of the cache waa not learned. . The regular meeting of Qulnlin lodge of Elks will be held this evening, when the proposal advanced for an Elks' street fair In connection with the an nual .vgitta will be taken up for con sideration. Nearly every prominent Elk In the city haa expressed himself as being heartily In favor of the plan, and it Is thought the lodge will tonight de cide to take up the matter. There Is absolutely no chance for failure If the Elks take hold of the fair, as they al ways succeed In their undertakings. Tho feature of a fair would add great-, ly to the attendance during regatta week, and would bring a large crowd here fro.n all parts of the Northwest, It la earnestly requested that all Elks be present at tonight's meeting. AUTOMOBILES IN WAR. Automobiles are to be used as army transport wagons. Trial experiments In France have proved convincing. It Is odd to note the dlflerent uses to which nature and science are put On the bat tlefield they fight for the destruction of life, while throughout the country Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters, one of nature's moat scientific medicines, fights to pre serve it. For fifty years the Bitters has been making strong stomachs ana cur ing dyspepsia, Indigestion, constipation and biliousness. In the spring when the svstem Is usually run down this won derful medicine will bt helpful In res toring your health and strength, it will also Drevent malaria, fever and ague and as an appetiser It hi unequall ed. See that our Private Revenue Stamp Is over the neck of the bottle. DYSPEPTICIDE Th irMtoit aid to DIGESTION. PUBLIC DUMPING LOT WOMAN'S CI.UI1 COMMITTEE PETITIONS COUNCIL. CI nb Offer AaaiHtance In Ckunlnx the City unJ Council Urged to Act. A committee from the Woman' Club, computed of Mr. K. P. Kendall, chair man; Mra. !H(ic ivrgmarr, Mra. David Morgan and Mr. Neinon Troyer. ap pi ared lef re the city council lat i.lght and petlthrtied for the i!lalillhment of a public dumping jrrmnd, and uch other action aa will aid In the effort of the club ;o havo the unalghtly rub lileo h"!ip ,nd garlxMfo pllea removed and the olty made moro attractive. Mra. Kendall own-wi'M the council . ... . ...... . . ,1. . .. JfroiJII'J, "OVin I "I un" fni or could be dlHpoae l of. Mm. Kendall alao of the public park, ylng that a number of offer of tree and hrubler Ic had beni made but under exlatlng clrcumiitanc. a It waa ImiK-exlhle to ac cept. A commlt'.ee waa appointed by Mayor llergman, comported f Councll rtien Cook, chairman; Kcherneckau and t'tr.lngiir. to confer with the labile and report to tie council on the altua lon and what can be done to further the movent "nt. Heuill Il'iuor ll-encea were granted to Wlrklli, Kenney & Oribler. N. Ilura'y, and M. Krawbvovlch. LI cenaea -v 1 1 1 be granted to P. Peteraon and Auguat Nelaon at tha next regular neetlng. The r'ignatlon of O. V. Mc Fwnn. J.mltor ot the city hall, wa re ceived and aa-cepsed. Tlie app,lntment of his rfU'.wiwor waa deferred. The street commltte recommenced that the ietl tlon from the Aatirli Box Company for Improvement of the alleyway between Thirty-fifth and Thlr'.y-aixth atreeta be (lied. Tne cmimlttee alao recommended nlmllar action on the report of the city purveyor a fo the grade on Twenty ninth aireet, between Harrison and Orand avenue. The n-port of the txiard of equaliza tion confirming the niK'wmcnia for tbe Improvement of Tw Mfth atreet from ("oimiierclal to Fnnklln waa adopted. An ordinance Introduced by Councilman Schcrneckau auth jrizlng the auditor to luiue warranta for the collection of .laavnamenta outatandlng for atreet Im prvemena v.hh advanced to aecond reading. The ordinance confirming ua aenMment for 'he Improvement of irei-ta wa p:i.wd under a aucponnion of the rule. An ordinance was also pa.a ed providing for repairs on Franklin ovenue between Seventeenth and Eigh teenth streets. The telephone license ordinance was Introduced by Councilman Hansan and Imposes a monthly tax of ten cents on each Instrument. An effort was mode to advance the meaaure under a sus ienaion of the rules but Councilman Parker oppoed the motion. The or dinance lmpoalng yearly licenses of $25 on Junk and second-hand dealers waa passed by the following votes: Ayes Agren. Hrlx, Parker, Scherneckiu and Wrlirht, Nays Cook. Hansen, Svenaon and I'tzlnger. Resolution by Wright establishing the grade of Franklin av enue was adopted. A resolution by Parker for the Improvement of Astor street from Sixth street west was defeated. A similar meas ure introduced some time ago was defeated because of remonstrances from property owners. A resolution was passed Instructing the chief of police to Issue d'eds to the city of property heretof re fold for taxes, unless the propel v i '-Wined before June 1. Councilman Cook In troduced a resolution Instructing the city attorney to file a written opinion as to whether or not J. H. Manseii has the right to hold a position on the city board of equalization and also as clerk to the water commission. The following claims were allowed: Fisher Brothers. 20 cents. J. S. Delllnger. 126. O Peterson, !.50. H. H. Scheel. $5.18. Sherman Transfer Company. "5 cents. Expenses council committee to Salem, jr.. Astoria Box Oompiny, $2.54. Clatsop Mill Company. $20.55 Prael & Cook Transfer Company, J9. Astoria Gas Light Company. $20. A. V. Allen, $1.25. Fred Sill. 75 cents. Charles Rogers, $2.50. The claim of the Astoria Water com mission for $9.25 was ordered filed. CLATSOP COUNTY TEACHERS' IN STITUTE. The regular annual Teachers' Insti tute of Clatsop County will be held at Astoria. April 17, IS and 19. Day ses sions will be held at the High School building. Evening sessions, Thursday and Friday at 8 p. m., will be held at the Methodist church. Teachers in the county will attend all sessions. The publlo and all friends of education are Invited to be pres'nt at any or all ses sion. H. S. LYMAN. School Superintendent. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Program for the Three Days' Session Which Commences Tomorrow. Follcwing Is the program for the three days' session of the Teachers' institute, which will open tomorrow morning at the high school: 10:00 CiM to order; enrollment of teachers. 10:30 Narrative of school work, W. W. Payne, McClure's; O. A. Thornton. Shlvely's; A L. Clark. Adair's; J. C. McCue, Alderbrook; A. A. Cleveland, Olney; J. T. Le Warren ton; T. C. Jory. Seaside; Mrs. N. D. Singleton, Hammond, and other. AFTERNOON. 1:30 Music. Singing by pupils of sec ond and third grades. Shlvely school. DIscusaion Geography. Specimen work from classes of Miss Fossett. Mrs. McCormac. Mrs. Kroger and others. The sclcnoe of geography. Prof. J. Burnham. of Portland. Music Vocal solo, W. W. Payne. " 3. 00 Drawing. Specimen, work from classes of Mrs. Bu-iey, Miss Utslnger, Miss Bayles and others. THURSDAY MORNING. 10:00 Subject, writing. Specimen work from classes of Miss Sayre, Miss Olsen, Miss Fossett, Mrs. McCormac Miss Garner and Prof. McCue. (General discussion led by State Su perintendent Ackermnn. 10:30-Educational Journalism, Prof. . C. H. Jones, of Salem. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. 1:S0 Music. Singing by pupils of fourth grade. MoClure's school. . 3:00 Subject, Tianual training, Prof. D. P. Dyer. 3:15 Subject, reading. Specimen reading from cla-a of Mica Htockton, Mix Dealey and Mra, Jemon. KVKNIN' (M, B. CHURCH.) , Hon, (.'. W. Fulton, chairman of tha evening, . :H0 Muale, vocal dU'.-t, MIh Bhlvely and O. A. Thornton. Invocation, Itev. W. 8. Hhort. Addrea of Welcome, Prof. W, W, Piyne. Addrca. Progre of Bducatlon In Oregon, .1. H. Ackerman, auperlntendent of public Instruction. Muale, vof-al (tofi, Mr. J. T. Roa. Addrea. (exploration and Hettlement Near Aatorla, Hon, 11. W. Beott, of Portland. Fit I DAY MOHXINO. Hlatorlcal excursion, Bteamer will b-ave Telephone dock at 8 a. m, EVKNINfJ (M. K. CHURCH.) H.ZOMualc. vo-al aolo. Prof. J. C, Mc 1 ,'u. Invocation, Uev. It. F. Rowland. Kanay. ivt of 'he N. W. Piclflc CoHHt. Mr. Carrie Shaw Rice, Tacoma. Mualc, vocal ado, Mir a Kathryn Hhlvely. Addre, The t."e of SupplementaJ Literature, Pra. P. L. Campbell, Mon mouth. PI 'rill CLUB MEETING. R"porta Were Received From Various Committe s. At .be regular monthly meeting of the Puh Club held laat night a report was reivel fr.iin O. C. Fulton, chairman of the regatta nominating committee, stat ing that the naming of a commlttte and other preliminary work had been de ferred until after the meetir.g of the B. P. O. E., the members of which are considering the advisability of holding a tret fair In connection with the re aatta. The reports sugg.ts that If the Elks decide to bold a carnival that the entlr handling of the regatta be placed In their hinds. The report waa adopted. Chairman C, W. Carnahan, of the agricultural committer, reported that 117 letters ha1 been sent out asking for expressions on the proposed estab lishment ot a produce exchange In As toria and but six replies had teen re ceived. Among the six. Mr. Carnahan stated, not one had come from a local merchant, and it is essential that the merchants agree to buy frim the ex-. mange in order to secure Its success. Headmaster Frye, who. was . present, aid that he had talked to the farmers on the Nehalem and they will be heart ily In accord with the plan when the new road Is completed. W. J. 0k ,ik?d .hat the club pass a resolution setting' forth the necessity for a first-class harness store in the city, where repair work will be done and a full line of saddlery and harness kept. He gta'ed that a young man rrom i-oruana. c F. Miller, wag anx ious to locate In Astoria and that the action asked for would aid him in es tablishing credit with the wholesale houses. A committee composed of MeiMsrs. Scnerneckau and Cook was appointed to confer with the mm. and report . at the next meeting of the club. At a previous meeting District At torney Harrison Allen was requested to call the attention of Judge McBrlde to the fact that the park commission has not yet been named. He did so and the Judge stated that he would appoint the members of the commis sion during the last session of the court. KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which Bottled beer for ramlly use or keg Mr. John Kopp Is proprietor, makesbeer supplied at any time. Delivery -beer for domestic and export trade. in the city free. North Pacific Brewery THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES . AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria, Ore. Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY Subscribed Capital, Paid-up Capital, Assets, ; . . - Assets in United States, ; Surplus to Folicy Holders, - Has been Underwriting on the SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Resident Agents, Astoria, Or. T IlilfJ 11 'III DIRT CLEARANCE. r is a good plan for every bather to know something; of the soap he uses. There is a well-founded objection to using a floor-cleaning soap upon the human body. Ivory Soap is the bather's soap. It costs more than common soaps, but the difference is in the ingredients and making. Why not treat yourself with a little respect. Is not th human skin with its marvellous delicacy entitled to pure soap? Ivory Soap it floats. WlMrt iMf f 'Nt WKtf but it evidently slipped his mem ory. Last night the president of the club was instructed to address Judge j McBrlde on the matter of an early ap ipoiniment and request a reply, j R. M. Gaston stated that at the next i meeting of the club he would submit : a plan for the establishment of a feed 'mill, to supply the city and territory tributary to Astoria. He said that he , had not yet completed his Investigations I but that be was In a position to say inai ine nun wuutu w vutriCTi 11 ue received the necessary encouragement from the club. He suggested that he would ask that a part of the money necessary to erect the plant be sup Dlled by the club, either through sub scriptions to stock or in the form of negotiable paper that he could take up at the expiration of two or three years, according to the development of the business. .A number of other matters were In formally discussed previous to adjourn ment. A special meeting of the club will be called in the near future to receive the report of the committee ap pointed to see what could be done in the Interest of the establishment of a shipyard in the vicinity of Astoria, ac IT'S UP TO YOU to try our cigars we've done all we could to furnish you fine ones. The tobacco fn our cigars J? long filler and of the best Qual ity, and the people who roll them thoroughly understand their . business. So, as we sold before, 'It's up to you" to smoke 'em. If we can succeed in having you make a trial of one cigar, you are very Ukely to finish the box. WILL MADISON OF SHAREHOLDERS 15,000,000 1,000,000 2,545,114 300,000 1,718,792 COMPANY Pacific Coast ovei twenty-two years, . UMI CO. CiCHAfl cording to the plan submitted by Cap tain ai. stream. C. W. BAR R DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 573 Commercial St.. ASTORIA, OR. TELEPHONE. RED 2041. THE LOUVRE Prof. Traxeli, the well-known leger demain artist will give his marvellous sleight-of-hand performance at the Lou vre during the coming week, and other features have been secured that will make the program a most uttractlve one. j Dr. Rhoda C. Hicks, OSTEOPATH 1ST Consultation. Free. , 573 Commercial St., Astoria. Or. WHERE DO YOU HAVE TOU TRIED A. W. SHIPLEY? K6 Commercial Street. DO TOU KNOW That he gives you the best there Is to be had in the city for the least money? Place an order once and see. POSSIBLY You Are Not Aware of the Fait Time AND - SUPERB SERVICE via. f :; vm HAVE ' 2-DaiIyFastTrains-2 TO THE EAST If you cannot take the morning lialn, travel via the evening train. Both ar finely equipped. "OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS PULLMAN DINERS. LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR FREE RECLINING; CHAIR CARS Houra In time saved to Omaha, Chicago, Kaasas CitT, St. Louis, New York, Boston, And Other Casterj i folats Tickets good via Salt Laka City and Denver. . . It la to your Interest to use THE OTHELAND LIMITED. Tickets and 'sleeping-car berths can be secured from O. W. LOUNSillSHIlT, Agent O, R. 1 N. Co.. Astoria, Or., OR J. H. LQTHROP. General Agent. 1?5 Third St, Portland, Or. m GROCERIES?