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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1901)
L.frelo"o 6: To n' IP 5 mm VOL, Ull ASTOKU. OKP.'iOX, Tl'RMJAY, AI'KIL 16, 1001. NO. SO PLUMBING UP TO DATE A vorkman cn d mors work and do It bttr In A da than a1 poor nut, In ord'f to make plumbing chipr for our cuatomeo w employ non but ikld mechanics. If you want first Haas plumbing or steam fit tlmr dun inquire at ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO, AHTOWIA, OIIEOON Wc Charge Nothing for Advice Book Bargains .km) c iotii itoun.i i ik.-. (iMi py trit Sll TilK'N, Uin'liiiK iiihI Aullmrc . . . IvJI HP I Just the Kind for These Lonjt Winter Evenings Kiv-Volume Set of Kijinn, A . - KuH.,llolmfs, 7C Ppn Vpt Mini otlirr guo nutliorn .... vl I vl Oll GRIFFIN & REED riot 7 ECONOMICAL Household Saving Articles... FOARD & STOKES CO.. IT"! IT )' "l t i In IF irv P- REPUTATION REPRESENTS PUBLIC OPINION Imputation represents public opinion. How to get In your favor. Make a flrst-dns. re liable article like the Char ter Oak Stove and Range. Every Charter Oak Ut guar untied. For sale In Astoria nly by W.J. SCULLY, 431 Bond St.. Between Ninth and Tenth. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and loggers. As Ve ALIwBN, Tenth and Commercial Streets Newspaper Men at Pretoria in Despairing Mood. RUMOR OF GREAT BOER COUP (katral F reach tat tilt Mca Said to Have Bti Captsreo-Brliiib Take Mao; Ifiti Ammuollloa Wijosi From Sotrt. LONDON. April 1. British newspa pers a ivl, cmirm'titlng upon !ln' Hlt-rfuilnv H-rliHlH df hii and op- pri'licniiion kiiiiH finirm-t'-nv tnf iaiMit otHKi'N of 1 1 - Ho.ith African r.iirupal(fi), "rnpuii. ihi-n'- with th Uittf-r manc-n ( tln Ani-iHiun war of ln.jM-n'l'npi., iin thoiiKh to finph.'uil th''w fludua- tldiin. Whlli- li-ttfrn -f fmi mHltl cor- n in I'rcSorta dilct the altu- utl'in !n a ruth-r .-rp.i.rltiK nxxnl, th I'ri-tinlii ifi.r'--!i:alv .f th Dilly Mall n Ih tml iy a linp.i ( h 1 the mt li fill i' Ir. "Tin D.'tt xix wt-i kii.'' xnyn he. "will Hi- r-u m i : 1"H nf u live cnnipu!!n- IllK. I.lliJ K.ti Jlt fl'T will ri lll'W lllH i-"plnR nwvv'iiifnte. H- haa an army f J'Aimmi fltli-l'Tit tri.f, im-ludlng 80.- (M iiiiiinil -d men. lth a K ) aupply of ti'iiHi-n. V.iia havinK '"n in ill J'olony nlittu". ' Tin- nrtny In !n B"'d iir' ts and UtI Kltth'ii r citmnd wl'h thr ir ki i-m nr i-vi'nt, How imiugn tnpy niav (." We Rent New Typewriters. Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free . . . L. M. ALEXANDER & CO. Kioluaive l'aoillu CuaHt lValpra 245 Btark St., Portland, Ore, F W. MKK( HNE. IollAppt)t. C. CHARD, Commission. Brokerage. Insurance and Shipping. ci'li i i i' -. : r i i ' Custom Houie Broker. : ASTORIA, ORE A.KOQI W. P. ACn..aud PaolSc Kspreu Oo'l. CORRESPONDENTS ARE NOT HOPEFUL fiiutlun, n-crulta anil imluatili onf-a arp K'-ttlnK In fV"ry ilay. Kor i-vi-ry liocr by tli" KriKllrh nouailuyM half a iloisi-ri i-fcrultn dtraKK'l In from thin 'I'untry .Mill clni-whiTir. "Tin li.HTii do not rom- to flht .my lilif pltrh-'d Imttltj at prwnt. TtK-y will alrnply worry th t-ncmy anywhere they vn and ih 'it AuKUat und B'ptTn-h-r you tn.iy look for a reminptlon of (riMii'iiil o:ilon in a larK i"'alr." MI'ST NOT INTKIlFKItr:. rrilnn M -n H iv. No Ulght to A)ur-ntli to Join. Kntl.e CHINA THANKS JAPAN FOR AID And Asks for Her Support in Any Future Contingency. WANTS AMERICAN POLICE I'IIILAIi:MHIA. April 1.'.-Th- au pwiii' ;ourt In an opinion today hold that tin- niKinlierii of (he American Fed- I'm Hon of lAbor have no right to en- th appn-ntlroH working In a factory to Ixi.'oni" rni-inl) tk of the Klaiw work fin' union. The . Ufn which the upliilon Ik Iiuhi-iI U tin- upln-al of I. J. Ski-lly and othem, ini-mbi-rii of th Rlann win k' rn' union, from a Juilffmcnt of an AJIi-Klii'iiy court u-atralnliiK ii-m from Int'Tf'TitiK wl'h the apprentci-a of chiiH. I.. Kliicru'. a (flaw tn inufacturtr of Tarvntuin, IVnn. Tlii- opinlun uy tliat a manufacturer Max lh' rifclit to 'iliiloy workin.-n who wer.- In. l' p' n l' lit of any Inlmr unUn land hf had tin further rlnht to adopt a NVKti'tn of jppri-'itlKTihlp which exclud ed bin ajiprentii-i' from in'tnb-rrWp In in h unloiiH and no one had the ilj?ht Interfere wit'i It to bin Injury. The lurt found Int'-rrrence ln- iirliitii to hint and If allowed to ("n- linie would ruin hln lunlne. MINOK liltlTISH KO IOSSK3. I.oNt;ON. April 15.-The war offtce han rv-U'd the following dJpatdi from Lrd Kitchener, dateil etorta. Apt II 151b: "Colonel Henry IUiwllrjn'a column ruhei South IiaifT, mrthwet of Klerkloip. at dtyliKat. fix Het were kllliM. ten wounlvl and twenty-three taken prlMinein. He iaitured a twelve pminder und two ammunition wijons with animunltlon. (tur ciiKualtlei were vight wounded, "t'l'lnii. I I'lumer captured a field cor nel and eyen men, ten wagon and rlflen. Purina Colonel I'ltther' oieritlc.nit In Oranae Itlver Colony ien Hoer were killel." IMH.OUAHUK HfMOU. I.ONI'ON. pril IS It la mild that a pilva.e teleKram ha b. n reivd here tn the effect ihat tienerul French, with (xi Hi-lilh trM. has been capturel by the lWr while tils fire wu8 em il"ved 'n a mlKt on the hii. The war oltli-.. enilrel illn reditK the report. ANOTHKIl CAIt: i iF MCL.ES. N I0W OHLKANS. April 15. Th steamer Monterey tolay cleured fir Cih Town with 1100 muli. i 1TU M )K I'N.A riSFATOKT. NKW YOUK. Apr.l IS. Military men d'i no: the outbK'k In South Af rl -a ua entirely satififhctory, although orRtnlfed Hoer oi'poeltion to the Rrltlfh fnii-e In nru tlcully at an end. saya the I. union oorrcHimndent f the Tribune. It Is felt that do long u. the Irrevou ell ihles pernljit in their determination to fight to the bitter end ;he war will drag wearily on with here and there a little "trltlxh hucocsh t,i chronicle and orcaiilimally new of si.ine trlftlng uchlev inent on the part of the guerillas. Meanwhile Kitchener's huge army must be maintained an-l Knglh taxpayers must be content with the knowledge tint the eniniu'gn la costing the coun try i-Mi-ly If net nnlte l.r.00.000 every week. WiIOU"? ORTTINO ItKOltVITS. NKW YOHK, Apill IV A sjvvlal to the World from Washington says: Contain John A. H.vd, who com mumli',1 thi Americans in the Doer nr my In the first pnrt of the Boer wa nut U nrnv here. ay: "T!ie Hoer cnuie whllf It cannot be said to b bright. Is brighter than that of the Hrltlsh. The Boerji have just n g xid chance to win now as the Amer ica us had befvve the sudden turn of good luck which resulted In the surren der of Cornwallls. "The winter .season has Just begun In South Africa and from now until September that British poldiers will have a hard time. The Bocts are mak ing their winter quarters in ihe Lyden burg range, where the Pngllsh will not dare tickle -.hen, for they would have to cross he low, marshy country to get there and they have to import every tound of fodder for their horses. The problem la not only one of sustaining the lives of their men in the marshy veldt, where chills and marsh fever wind up In deadly pneumonia, but It la a problem of aus'.alnlng horseflesh. "T lived thirteen years in South Africa arnl know all the country better than anv Boer did before the war broke out. my business, that of an engineer, carrying me all over It. "It la nard for the Boers to get re cruit but Jn spite of England' pre- Two Men Itell. vcl t Haw Been Per sons Who Kir I-1 on Deputy Hherff in Idah Saturday N-ght. WaU.ACK. Ida.. April IV l'addy lingers and Hen Smith were arrested a! Mullan last night vn suspicion of being In the party ultieklng the c fil ers Saturday night. Both are now In ail here. AltUKSTKl) ON SlVI'K'loN. LI Hunt Clui Ailti That Troopi Be Left to Oiard MilWe City al Pckli-Rni. lan lodefliilty Claim Ex cctflre. thi Chicago, Milwaukee and St. I'aul Hallroa! Company, aserted t iday that the negotiations looking to the purchase of his cmpviy by Ja. J. Hill were off and woul.J int be renewed and there was doubt that Hill .tad obtained con trol of the liurllngton. Asked about the St. I'a ll deal, Mr. Mill- r said: "There was a time when It looked as though Hill fnd the interests asso ciated with him might obiain the St. Taul ro3d. but that time la past and negotiation will not lie renewed. While I am not officially acquainted with the facts, th.-re Is no doubt In my mind that Morgan and Hill have acquired the Hurllngton. With the Burlington deal K. H. Harrlman, contrary to the general opinion, haa nothing to do. It la dis tinctively a Morgan-Hill deal and not a Harrlmin-Hill deal and that Is why the Erie figure no prominently In It." INDON. April 15.- The Chinese Imperial court, through the Chin minister at Tokio, has thanked Japan for assisting China to resist the Man churian convention, sayi the Shanghai orresponden' of the Times, "and has ask.-d for Japan's -aid and support In any future contingency." AMKItH'AN TItfX)PS WANTED. I'EKIN, April V.U Hung Chang has appll'-d to CJeneral Chaffee to leave be hind, when he departs, Captain Tillson and i sufficient number of of men to IKillce the Chinese city, as the Chinese earntly desire their retention fearing that the district will not be well looked after when controlled by other fortflgn ers. An exiedltlon of aOOO German and 3000 Fnnch troops will leave Pao Ting Fu tomorrow 40 drive from the province 'several thousand Chinese who efiwe to Jobev the order of LI Hung Chang to jkeep to the boundaries already arranged. RUSSIAN' CLAIM EXORBITANT. NEW YORK. April 15. Reports re ceived her? as to the amount of Indem nity claimed by the powers from China vary to some extent, aays the LonIn correspondent of the Tribune. For In stance France is stated by the Mail cor respondent In Pekln to be asking tor .h.n i u. fli-...l lriUin h m under the I.U"U.")U. w nereas uisoaicnra iruiu l-ft eye. passing char through his head. I Washington put the amount of Frances No eve witness cun be found, although elalm at a much less ngure. It is con- he was In front of a aaloim and an- iswered more man possioie tn renin inai dher was directly across the stieet. the powers may Jointly agree to re- wlth a number of men In each, all of Iduce their bills pro rata, particularly whom heard the shot but no on'- went " rhin wl11 guarantee certain com- 1111 to invc-tlgate. (merclil concessions. One difficulty In D.puty Sheriff Kinlayabo was In his j the way is that some of the powers will room when he heard the shot, ran down honestly nave spent tne suma mey ce an I was the first man to find the body d. hi the sidewalk. Russia may be expected to abate her Coining so Ho..n aiter the Mullan trig- 'lnlm which Is considered quite unjus vv Saturday night, this last tragedy tillable considering the relative ease has caused gn'.u excitement and feel- anil cneapness wun wntcn sne was aoie . . . .1. i l f , T . U . . . . ) , . V. . . . nig runs Mgh. although there is no evi COMMISSION APPOINTED. Five Delegates From Cuban Convention Will Visit McKlnley. HAVANA, April 15. At today's ses sion of the Cuban constitutional con vention five delegates were appointed as a commission to go to Washington to lay before President McKlnley the desires of the convention regirdlng the future relations between Cuba and the United States. SCANDAL WORSE THAN SUSPECTED Another American Officer Ar rested at Manila. CONTRACTORS BRIBED MANY Wild Sceae of Debaachery Participated It by Commissary Officers at Home of Manager of Firm of Contractors, . MANILA, April 15. The trial of Com missary Sergeant John Meston, charged with complicity in the commissary frauds. Is finished. No verdict was announced and Mes ton's conviction la uncertain. Other trials of those implicated will follow, Captain J. C. Reed, formerly depot com missary at Manila, has been arrested. It Is alleged that entries upon the books of Evans and Company, govern ment contractors. Indicate that com-, ml-sary officers received the following sums: Major Geo. B. DavK upward of U0OO; Captain J. C. Reed, 11000; Cantain Frank H. Lawton, 1750; B. L. Tremaine, Colonel Woodruffs chief clerk, $T0. It also appears that Evana ANOTHER MAN KILLED. WALLACE. Ma., April 15.-George Fisher was killed In Gem last night by un unknown man. He was on the main street of the'tuwn alone when a KINYOUN REMOVED. San Francisco Quarantine Officer Trans ferred to St. Paul. SAN FRANCISCO, April 13.-A re port comes from Washington that Dr. ! Company furnished the handsome Klnyoun, U. S. quarantine officer at 1 res()pnce of Colonel Woodruff. this place, has been ordered to pro- j Harold M. Pitt, manager of Evans ceed to St. Paul, where he will serve 4 Company, who Is now under arrest, as federal health officer for that city, jig notoriously lavish in entertaining commissary officers while the depot HENRY IRVING IN LONDON. 'commissary, & frequenter of the ten- ' derloln district, ocaslonally spent days LONDON, April 15.-Slr Henry Irv- ! at Pltt.8 house In questionable society, ing and Miss Ellen Terry received a pitf house is a bacchanalian rendes tumultuoui welcome this evening at vous and prominent officers frequently Lyceum theater, where "Coriolanus" vjSjt it drinking champagne and playtng was presented with ail the wealth of noer. Women of doubtful reputation setting and scenery for which Irving nave been known to have been is famous. " there. . I It is alleged t,hat Pitt had the Inaide MODOC IN QUARANTINE. track In securing government contracts ' It Is" arsoaeerteiri'harne.-wad PORTLAND, April I3.-The steamer . . . nr!m. mov. the .neme to re- Modoc, which plies on the apper Will- tush COckplt8 at Manila. Mrs. Lara amette. was placed In quarantine today . on account of smallpox on board. (Continued on Fourth Page.) deuce of connection between this last trnge ly and the labor or mirtUU law trouble. Fisher was a member of the Western Federation and had been in Cein lietween one and two years. STOCKMEN RUINED. Thousands of Sheep and Citt'e Killed by Recent Storm. SALT LAKE. April 15. A special to 1 the Tribune from Cheyenne-. Wyoming, says: It is reported that the Swan Land and Cattle Company, which ranees large herds of cattle in Eastern Wyoming, has lost upw-ard of 2500 head of cattle during the storm of the past ten days. JackKdwards, a large owner of sheep in Wyoming and Oregon, bst T0OO head of sheep out of a band of 14.000. The storm is still In progress and many stockmen will be ruined. to m'llize. It should not be forgotten th it Russia Is making separate de mands for territorial and commercial privileges and. besides, the rolling stock and railroad material which she an nexed in vast quantities and applied to the local needs of the Minchurlan line must be wrth something. WILL BECOME MASON'S. Over Two Hundred Candidates Given Degrees Today. to' Be HARD LUCK STORY. Reports of Poverty and Discontent at I'orto Rico Continue . NEW YORK. April lo.-Wenoeslo Borda. Jr., nnf Vicente Balba, Porto Rlcan commissioners, today received the following cablegram from the executive committee of the Planters', Bankers' and Merchants' Association of Porto Rico: "The bill Is practically a "allure. Business Is at a standstill. Excise tax es produce little, hence valuations are ordered Increased. Emigration contin ues. General Discontent." Commissioner Borda has this to say as to the cablegram: "This cablegram signifies that by rta n of the Imposition of excise taxes, under the Hollander revenue law, the production of the Island has so decreased Irhnf the excise ihtm do not- nrnilnA WICHITA. Kas., April 15. The larg est class of candidates for the myster ies of Masonry In the history of the the avenue whlch was expected by W....I Muli i, it, tiJ' ..'ill tvA m r .i'ltifi. 1 .,, uio1 ouio ur t.i. en degrees here tomorrow, the special invasion being the twentieth century Ju bilee. I'ongTessman James D. Richard son, of Tennessee, will jireside. The class now consists of 200 members and may be augumeited by tomorrow. TO CHRISTEN THE OHIO, Daughter of Governor X&sh Has Been Selected t Perform the Ceremony. WASHINGTON, Apr. 15. The daugh ter of Governor Nash, of Ohio, has been selected to christen the battleship Ohio, to be launched at the Union Iron Works May 28. The customary bottle of wine will be used In christening the vessel. BONDS PURCHASED. WASHINGTON. April 15. The secre tary of the treasury today purchased $16,000,000 ahort term four per cent bonds .at $113.55. HILL COMING WEST. ST. PAUL, April 15.-Pres. J. J. Hill, of the Great Northern, left this after noon for the Pacific coast. Treasurer Hollander. "The Insular government has. there fore, ordered the assessors to Increase their valuations of the real and per sonal property of Porto Rico." NEW STEAMSHIP LINE. Northern Pacific Has Secured Eight Vessels to Ply Between Tacoma and Liverpool. ST. PAUL, Apr. 15. The Dbpatch to day states that the Northern Pacific Railrpad Qompany today made an Im nortant announcement regarding a new Hne of steamships which the company will operate three-quarters of the way around the globe or,. In other words. from . Tacoma to Liverpool, by way of the Pacific ocean, Suez canal and Med iterranean. One boat has been des patched but negotiations for eight ships which will be put on the route were only just closed. DIDN'T BUY ST. PAUL ROAD. Negotiations Between Chicago, Milwau ket and St. Paul and J. J. Hill Are Off. CHICAGO. April 15. Rosewell Miller, chairman of the board of directors of PROTECT OUR LITTLE ONES DON'T buy clothes made by child labor in unhealthy sweat shops. BUY Union Made Clothing And feel that the, coat on your back or the pants jou wear are not stained by the sweat rolling from underpaid Child Labor, Scab, Labor or Penitentiary Labor. BUY UNION HADE Suits, Hats, Overalls, Dress or Working P&nts II I 1 1 Pllll