THE MOKMMi ASTOKIAX, WROXESDXY, AI'Kll. 10. 1901. PEACE MANIFESTO SIGNED AT LAST Aguinaldo (or a Time Objected to Two Clauses. MORE FILIPINOS SURRENDER Major-Ocoeral Younf Tbloki Larje Army It Still Needed -Native Said to Have Soalaiaed 50.000 Cat uilllti la Rekelllon. MANILA. April 9. Although the offl clalt are uncommunicative. It la never theless said that Ajulaildo signed the MILUON DOLIiAK UKSIPKNOH. ihorlly will have a benetlclal effect and no d-ul)t a atnnfj tendency to bring about pace and jrdor. Pome of the leader will probably come in and sur render, ns I see small band are doing; from day to day. "It H Impassible, to say eurh men !i Ali'Jaiidt'lno and S;int's will do. Thoy may decl.le to follow Asuinaldo'a , ox imnle and aitftiii thev pi.iv be ft-n- ! bltlous to !m1ts In his stead. ! 18 J 8U" 1 u tne Slu" c''"ir of Kifth Alejandrino. who has Von spoken of :n- Kihty-nlnth street. A as AiulnaUo's possible successor. j" .ui of the bulldlnir h is already an ahlo an.I lntllint Fittnino. but Ii,)',,,, ,,,awn' ll wl IW ,0t tl.HH,- ""'i am ;ne One of F.nest Private Houses Kver lUiilt !n New York to He Kreet.M Soon. NKW YOUK, April 9.-Tlu Tribune says: vn of the most splendid private dwelling houses ever erected In this cltv understand that tils comm-ind Is well sra:;ered and small. General Tlno is the Filipino leadar In Xorthern Luaon and Is quite ac'ive. I'nder him are perhaps J000 men. with mere or less U o$e and disconnected organization, divided Into Riierilia bands who drop down on quartermaster and commisary ' supply trains aeompanied by small parties. They nev-r fiht in the open and take to the mountains when a force of Amer ican sollle appears, ' Even if all the leaders do come In and surrender there will remain small peace manifesto this mornlna-. Chief organized &an,is for some time to come Justice Arellano drifted the document. Aguinaldo atro.ig-ly objected to two clauses of the manifesto and consider- Interior .lecoratlons and ;dxtur?s will swell :ht tlsure by many jthoustn Is. I 0.-"Kvk1 Pell & Oonipany. who neifo j tilted the sale of the plot, woulj. not jdlvulg'.' the name of the purchaser nor 'would any other person who was I know n to be directly interested In the ! transaction. It was learned, however, that the .)uy;r was one of the big steel men. There were many rumors current 'as to his Identity. One was that the buyer w C. M. Schwab, president of the new I'nlted Slates Steel Corpora tion. Mr. Schwab was seen last nlKht at able argument was required to over come hla objections. Colonel Ababa, the Insurgent leader of Zambales province, with thirteen of ficers, eighty-three nen and ninety-two rlPea. aurrendered to Lieutenant-Colo nel Mancll C. Qoodrell. commanding the marines stationed at Olongapo, on Sutfg bay. General Malvar. with about W0 men and as many rifles, la expected to surrender shortly at Silang, in Cavite province. ANOTHER PROVINCE PACIFTED. WASHINGTON. April 9. Late mail advices to the war department contain the details of the surrender of ttie in surgent leader. Miltro Funes, at Bulan on February 22 last, which has already been touched upon briefly In the cable dispatches. The expedition to capture Funes was Instigated by the Federal party and consisted of Second Lieutenant B. F. Disque. af the Forty-seventh infantry, and twenty-two enlisted mn of com pany B of that regiment. The soldiers were accompanied by four members of the Feiral party of Bulan. who, upon arrival at Irocin. addressed the people of tlhe village gathered In a convent, setting forth to them the advantages that should accrue to them by a dec laration of fealty to ;he American cause. As a consequence 1073 natives from the surrounding country took the oath of allegiance within the next few days. Meanwhile Miltro Funes had signified his Intention to surrender all the in surgent 'orces In Sargoson province tc the Americans, but asked permission to take part In the celebration of Wash ington's birthday at Bulan on the 22d. For this reason the forces under his command were allowed to retain their arms, although officers and men took the oath of allegiance on the evening of the 21st. The next evening the entire force for mally laid down their arms at Bulan. Capialn McLain, of company B. who commanded the post at Bulan. express es the opinion In his report that this surrender brought all the armed in surrection In Sargsson province to ai. end. The total military force which surrendered consisted of thirty-four of ficers and 136 men. TROOPS STILL NEEDED. NEW YORK, April 9. A special to the Tribune from Washington says: Major-General S. B. M. Young, who lias Just reached Washington after serv ing nearly two years In the Philippines, had this to ay about conditions in tha islands: "In the six weeks that have elapsed since I left the islands some Important changes have been wrought, so that I am unable to say Ju?t what the situa tion in Luzon is now. I do believe, however, that the capture of Aguinaldo and his acceptance of American au- n'ai if. .,..i.i ...... which will cause traul le. I a n not in ",r uv...,- w.i favrr of redacing the military force , he tta ,ne "chaser. He added that In th-Wan hbel.wth.0.i0 limit. We :he dlJ nM know wno n "" shall aevj fullv ,Ns number of men ta!0,hep I1" wno wer mention.! malntiln peace and give assurance of tranquility. Had not General Triis sur ren1orel before the capture of Aguinal do he would m doubt have been se-liete-J as the Filipino leader and made an effort to continue ihe insurrection." FILIPINO CASUALTIES. bring tre probable buyers were ex Judge E. H. Gary. John W. Gates and H. C. Frlck. The house will be only a block south of Mr. Carnegie's new $1,500,000 home. A short time ago Henry Phlpps, of Pittsburg, bought seven lots nt Eighty seventh street and Fifth avenue for about $500,000. A home will be bulk NEW TORK. April 9. According to ,,,, ,n(, sitt? UiSi wvk w 0 Park pr-sldent of the Pittsburg Steel Com pany, purchased ihe dwelling house No. 5 East Blghty-seiond street. a Herald dispatch from Washington, since the rebellion In the Philippines 50.000 Is the lowost estimate of the war department of the casualties sustained hv the Filipino forces: T6S7 rifles hiv been capture.! or surrendered an ! 6".H2 rounds of ammunition have been seized. The numbn- of Filipinos killed cannot be accurately determined, as General MacArthur states in his dispatches that CHICAGO. April 9. Representatives it is impossible to be accurate on this , ,f thirty manuf loturers of gasoline fix- OASOLINE LAMP COMBINE. Representatives of Thirty Manufactur ers Meet in Chicago. ASK FOR point. It would not surprise officials hould the Filipino fatalities reach 21.- 000 and some say that 50.000 is closer to the real fig-jres. Adjutant-General Cor- blt; is satisfied that the casualties suf fered by the insurgents will form a po tent reason for the abandonment of fur ther resistance by the natives. MOVEMENT OF TRANSPORTS. SAN FRVNCISCO. April 9.-The transport Garjnne. bringing the Twenty, sixth infantry regiment from Manila, is due to arrive here. The Thomas, sailing fram Nagasaki on March 24. and the Rosecrans. sailing from that port on the 23th, will be due this week with the Twenty-eighth and Thirty-eighth regiments, and ;he Lawton with the . tures gathered at the Sherman house last night to attend & preliminary meet- ing .vith a view to '.he formation of a gasoline lamp manufacturers' associa tion and .ommittees were appointed to bring abut a permanent organisation. The members admit that the object of : the organization is to keep up prices and control the trade. ICE PLANT DESTROYED. Box Cars and Fourteen Mules Burned at Shreveport. Also SHREVEPORT. La.. April 9 -Fire last night destroyed the plant f the Shreveport Ice & Refrigerating Com pany. The loss la about 150,000. Sev- Twenty-nlmh is also expected to reach M box cars and fourteen mules were Don before the week is ended. The Grant with th- Twenty-ninth and Thirty-second regiments, company F, cf the Twnty-sixth and 125 sick soldiers, is out ten days finni Nagasaki and will be due in about a week. .burned. The ice plant will be rebuilt. PRICE OF SILVER. NEW YORK. April 9. Silver. H. O. ARMOT'R ILL. Brother of the Late Philip D. Armour Suffering From Paralytic Stroke. NEW YORK. April 9.-The Herald says' ; Herman O. Armour, brother of the late Philip D. Armour, Is seriously il! at nis name in tnis city. He is sunvr ing from a paralytic stroke. The many inquiring friends of Mr. CMte Dyspepsia Cure I Digests what you eat. ! This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of i food. It gives instant relief and never ; fails to cure. It allows you to eat all i the food you want. The most sensitive ct.,mielia ran tflto It Rv lt lisp manv "",r,ul uiai iie i resuns thousands of dyspeptics have Deen comfortably and that his condition is ! cured after everything else failed. It about the same as it has been since is unequalled for all stomach trouoies, Friday's attack. L. . . He has not well rim ZICIU and a few we?ks ago was attacked by I but do you good the grippe. Hi seamed almost fully to i Prepared only by E.r. IkvVitt& Co.. Chicago have recovered from that and to be i rapidly regaining nis strength. After The II. buttle coutalus',-4 Units t be OOc. six. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. Fisher's Opera House L. E, lir.lO,UiMe d Minster. MONDAY AND TUESDAY. AKIL 15 AND 16 .100 LAUGHS IX 100 MINUTES. HORACE EWING In the Great Comedy Triumph WIDOW BED0TT As played by Mr. Ewing over 1000 Times. SUPPORTED BY A SPEC IALLY SELECTED COMPANY. A happy blinding of FARCE, MUSIC and VAUDEVILLE NOVELTIES. THE GREAT LAUGHING SHOW HAVE A SJBILE WITH THE ffilDOW ADMISSION Reserved seats. "3 cents; gallery, M cents. Seat sale opens Sat urday morning at Griffin & Reed's. dinner on Friday evening he was chat ting with frienis vhn he was stricken. A physician was summoned and he found Mr. Armour partly unconscious an J unable to use the right side of his body. Under treatment the patient re covered consciousness but did not regain control uver his right arm and leg. He was able to articulate without any great difficulty. Mr. Armour has inee neith-r improv ed nor grown worae. He is holding his own and ther; se'ims no Immediate like lihood of a second stroke of paralysis. The physician last night said that the attack was not a v?ry severe one and that there was no reason for serious alarm. H-? described the attack as j por Sale bv FOARD & STOKES CO.. for Gentlemen trJL who cherUh VdTiaT '"slight." NOTABLE PASSENGERS. Distinguished Officers Return From the Orient on Steamship China. SAN FRANCISCO, April 9.-Among the pass-ngers on the steamship China from the Orient was Captain Colby M. Chester. U. S. N., who took the bat tleship Kentucky to the Asiatic sta tion, via the Suez canal. He is return ing borne on waiting orders and will proceed direct to Washington. Referring to the trip of the Kentucky he sail: "I was amused when I heard that my ship called at Smyrna to collect claims for the United States against the sultm of Turkey. We simply put in thf-re to break our Journey and took the opportunity of going to Constanti nople." Other notable arrivals by the China were Commander A. de Femlo of the German navy: Vicomte de Oulchen, of the French diplomatic corps; Dr. Ro-b-ley II. Brown, of the British navy, and Rev. Y. J. Allen, one of the most distinguished American missionaries in China. Rev. Mr. Allf-n. who has resid ed in the Orient for fifty years, is mik ing a vi.-it to his old home In St. Louis. Astoria, Oregon. Iiuxupus Travel i The "Northwestern Limited" trains, electric lighted throughout, both Inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains in the world. They embody the latest, newest und best Ideaa for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most complete and splendid production of the car builders' art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great Nortliern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for theae superior accommodations and all classes of tick ets are available for passage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All train" on this line are protected by the Interlocking Block System. W. H. MEAD. H. h. SISLER, General Agent. Traveling Ag"t. Portland. Ore. "Ch r arlcs Carroll" 'General Good" 10c 5c CIGARS TWO UN EQUALED SMOKES ALLEN & LEWIS, DtMtrlbtatorM, Portlntitl, Orcijott r. Fenner's Golden Relief Cures INFLAMMATION or PAIN inside or out, BEFORE YOU BUY A PIAJ10 OR flfkORGAJI : ' It will ay you to wrilo ilee' mm mm 01TICK: m Wnnhlmiton St.. I'ortlniid. Ore. Wo ai'o tlio Kivut profit killrra ami iuno rifo rt'Kulutorn of llu Northwest, and with our biocinl fat ilitiis mu sell a lino piano or organ lor Iohm money than you tan got them elsewhere. Write today. Catalogues for the asking. Our Btoek inohnloa tho three greatest American pianos the Kim hall, tho 01iickoriii and tho Weher together with eight other godt makes ...EILER'S PIANO HOUSE... llSCtl TlltCrnilllV I Iwidd.mWtik.nvrrytll.r.-ritliltnit cvu J plu lii 'liit und vory itrvt tuvakuewt, Krt Cures GRIP, Colds, Wrir.TVi.TMM;'!;a V'iiu'. SH Sore Toat Quinsy, AithM.!;,"") Croup, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, ito.,k..i1,.nlbi.w,HH,(i ,.f tr. ivniiir' .fci- uimis, x ever ana Ague, orm-(jull.kl). ,imi 1M.nilli,u.iirr,.iiviHi. ing Fevers.Sour Stomach, Colic, v. i. v, m n. wiwhingum nt. Heartburn, Stomachache, Chol era Morbus, Cholera.Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Flm, etc. Kot'lirtir, N. Y April S. WW. Pacific Navigation Company 8tcanicrH-MSuc II. Klmurc." "V. II. HnrrUoti 1 Only line- Aittorlu to I UluiitiM.k, (Jul IbnUI, Ituy City, HuhNonvllU IVmuMlinif at Aatoria witb tlmOrKm IUIIrtia.1 k Navigation Co. and also tho Aatoria A I'ultimtua Itivor l(. II. tor Hc FraucliM'ti, IVdUml ml all polnta raol. Fur freight and pawrngKr ral p ly t - HiatttMcl Blmoro i Co. Ociii-ral Attenla, AHT01UA. UKE. (OH. A.N. H. II (V. Portland. Agouti U. AO. It 11 (' . I'ortlnnd. (li C. I.AMU. Tillamook. Ore I.iiikkty. Pa.. Mnnii, II. I'. I Iihvh iiM'd Pr. K'unrt (iulili'ii lUOIi'f In iii iitly iim'O vi uhihI It tor iiiiiimv ii.'tirui Jin. ii.'uiiiii'ii.. .nrni'ii... rnrr Cures Fresh Cuts, Jams, Sprains, ; V.Vr. .V.,.ll;,T1 : Vi'r4 .Vi' Lr.t Used Externally WJm . v iiillimy, licuruuut, lirutUi'tint, r 1'UT WiMinsi. W. Vii.. M:in li '.7. I!W). Our little Aldlnv '.v mcmthitiilil huil aiitnnirr Felons, Burns, Coldsores, Head aches, Backache, Earache, In growing1 nails, Corns, Eheuma tism, Rusty nail thrust in fleah. t'on,,,,lttl"t,,4 Tift w,fr'"d. ur &ur Chilolains. Poison Ivy, Bites & w" '-urti woum tii. wtii.ii.MnnmniH btingS 01 fOlSOnOUS ReptlleS i-trtl a null buJ ixrmun.'ht run-, and Insects. 1 SIixJoiisM. sn.inca. St. Vitus' Dance. "Akroa. O.Jin. I. IM W k auUl nun) t.m ml Vuur NvVttu' Su.ln, mJui cvvrr rv rtirvl hf (l. It bu cnnltlUlu. AU-lit ilaHK lKl l t.'' For Full Information t'f tl.l n,l othrr of DB. FEWER 8 PRESCRIPTIONS. ak your drugl-t or M-n.l to Dr. Fanner, Fradonla, N. T. for patnihl'U cuuulnlu ccrutlcu-of some of the moat remarkable Cure aver acblered Ij medicine. rr rm 3 iiwtm OP IMITATIONS. TM ilfuturt b am tmy boftl Msec - THfr - 0R1G1NU JOHK PfKCAN-S SONS. AfH.. N. Y. Endnrtcd evrrwhre a the lwt anil niot dellcioii Pac In the World (or Wct, (;mo, Suope and d revin. I'iHo'aCure forConHiitnption Ik a prirelwa mlirin for CoiiKha. I have within tho piwt few wn'kn dim coveml anotlier point in lt fnvor, ami that in: it in u SURE C'l'HK for LA (JRII'I'K, if taken whi-n tho firet avmptonm nn noticwl. V. A. Hiixkiiman, No. 43 BuHhntll Building, Springfield, 0 Jan. 11, 181)9. m 1 QjihiwihCi If (Kfa h lb. Jh CmKhHjrnip.lH Hjs c tmim oid. iiDiuiiu.rn BAA tsv F !! ''"'""!' It Th Pino Company, Wrrn, Pv TtII-i'I.T.l - ti:iJ ..The Esmond Hotel. PORTLANO. ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. Kiiruoraii plan, &0i' to II.JO orr dT. Amrrlran in, 11.00 to 13.00 Hr dj. OSCAR ANDERSON, Mu.,-t J. C. I'K.N'PKIUHT, Cblrl I Ink THE ASTORIAIN.... Delivered at yotir office, Htore or rcHldcttcCe 60c per month. (ttimmi pkitim, BRiirs st nmm mm mm ai. f PRINTING 111 l)KK DELIVERKII AT THI! IT IS PKflUlStD Cor. Tenth and Commercial Streets . Toloilunc rtni. IE1V UD Fli IXSLWE C0A1PANY (f New Cetiloiul VV. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. t UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SIIARFHOLDI-KS GO EAST VIA WW J. A. FASTABEND GENB84L CONrACrOR AND RimnFR I Th'TP h no Kr-ntfr ti-iiijicrnn''' ar-ji?um'-,it on (-iirth th in th.f mother nura i I nij her liiihy boy. SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO St.Pa ill, Diilmh,Mlnnpapoll!, Chicago ant All Polnta Eaat. DAILY TRAINS; PAST TIME; SEB VICK AND SCENERY UN EQUALED. Through Palanf and Tourlat 8Ieeprt, IiiiliiK and Huffet Smoklnjf Library Cars. Ticket to points Eaat via Portland and the Great Northern Ry on sale at O. R. & N. Ticket Office, Aaterla, or Great Northern Ticket Office I22JIIIHD STREET, PORTLAND. For ratea. foldera and full Informa tion regarding Eastern trio, call on or addreea, A. B. C. DENNISTON. City Pass, and Ticket Agent Portland. NOT A POISONOUS FACE BLEACH But a true beatitifier, beinjf the only prep aration gold under a positive guarantee of f 1,000 that it contains not a grain or fractidn thereof of poisonous or deleteri ous substances. Indorsed by the most celebrated artistes of the lyric and dra matic stage; recommended by eminent physicians, and pronounced harmless by leading chemists WISDOM'S FAMOUS ROBERTINE. It I the only preparation now lined by fimhiwuihle larlica to perpetuate a beautiful complrxion'4 Auk your drUKKit 'or it '"' 1" Induced to Ukr nyihiii ele Hrice r,o cenU per bottl. Sub.scrihcd (!ajitul, I'uitl-ujt Cajiitul, AsHfL-t, AsscLs in IJiiiU'd Statt s, .Surplus to Policy Ilolilcrs, - $.',)0n,(H)D 1,IMM),(MM) :h)(),()oo I,71H,7'I2 IIa.s been Uinlorwriting on tlio I'acilic Coast . ovt-i Iwnity.fwo vnra SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. KoHidont Agents, Astoria, Or. THE PLACE TO BIT CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIE8 BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria, Ore. POUNDED A. D. 1710 SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OP LONDON THE OLDEST l'L'UELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WOULD. Cali Anet, . Cain AiHta In United Htate, ?M,jrK,roo J. B. F. DAVIS & SON, GENERAL AGENTS. WINFIELD. S.DAVIS BURT L. DAVIS CARLA.IIKNRT 215 Sansome Street, - - San Francisco, Cal. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., AQENTS. wuvBOSsY HTOffli onao J YfflOlSY