The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 05, 1901, Image 3

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    Willi I ill f if '.i' i"
Our Showing of New Spring Suits
Ih .Large and Attractive
Ladies' Spring Jackets
Hinart rwfar coats-castor, inn nud block. . . -
Tailor-made Suits
10lin style, homespun and ksrscy clotlnt-bla :k, cantor and Oxford
ltcfr atylo In navy and blue k cheviot. aniM-rbly, tailored.
All contracts foi- udvcriiitiiiK In
th Astoriun uru niudo on h guar.
utci of circulation four tlinca
larger than Unit of any purer
published or circulated In 'liil
nop county.
1ITI.ANIi, April 6,-Wealern On
lion ami Wrlrn Waahlngtmi, oecaa
tonal rain, southerly winds with arver
southwat gaiVa along- th coast ami at
im. Kaatcrn Washington and North
rn Idaho, ivcasloiial ralna, probably
warmrr. Kaaicrn Oregon, probably
anna-era. warmer.
ftf limit. n about harn"a.
(ilrl Mttnlol n I M2 Exchange Mr.-ot.
Flrt-cla tabla frulta, three cant
for Wc at Johnaon Iiroa.
Fcr rf nt FurnUhM rooms for huie
hoping. 185 Tenth street.
Rent K-ernt nmU Rising Dun Res
taurant. (12 Commercial St.
Htrtctly fresh eggs for Batr. Vou
ran get tho b-t at Johnaon Bros.
Jl()fo gno of all klndi, cheap at
Yokohama llaiaar; CI Commercial Bt.
Fancy Riverside Navl Orangra, fin
t rcdvexl thla (""aaon, at Johnson
J. A. Inny, of t. IMena, haa l"n
appoint! water ballltt by Wanton Van
Dwwn .
t'url M. Ijimrn, a native of Kweden,
ina.lf declaration of cltlti-ioililp yeater-
Iltirh mil inrvli'n. it'll! Vvm hM In thH
F1rt Lutheran church n (l Friday
at 1 "W . m.
A fine lot of boat Baatern ha ma and
barm Just tn; .ill and a them, at
John 11 liroa.
Mm. !tnmucn In prepor! to do up
la.' turtalna In a""! order. Is-ava or
dT itt Orrg.m bakery.
For lleiit l'i-ai.iry building, alx
rooii.ii m Fourth nn1 Commercial
Ktrr-t; inquire nt lbS H"tul atreet.
New Line of
Fancy Vests
Single and
TO or
Without Collar
Silk, Wool
or Worsted
$2.50. $3, $3.50.
$4. $5
Hpnclal revival wrvlcea under the di
rection of an evangdiM are to Ih 1
y.tiix In th Baptist ehun h on April 17.
fltrli'ttv fiBMh eirir for Easter. You
can get th boat at Johnson uroi.
Frani Kankonan wai appointed ad-
inlnlatraior of trio ostai of Om ar Junt-
II, deei-an-d. by Probst Judge ray ye.
John ltdlatakka, a native of Finland
niailf declaration of Intention to be.
rmne cltln of the United Htates yea-
A broken wire on the downtown cm-
cult reaulteil In tho tret llghta In the
liiirilnrM mrt of the city bolnkT Xtln
(ltlihe! hint nltfht.
Wanted - To rent, a nicely furiilehed
luiuae of four or flv rootna In central
irt of city. Addrva, atatlng prl. "y
car Mornlnic Aa'orlan.
Mia lena Morrow, who hua be'-n In
! Aatiirla for aeveral diiya In the Interem
of Hie Ulllvernlty elli-lialun Work, Inivea
today for Ht. Helena,
Cream pure rye. America1 flnt
whlkey. Th only pure rood: iruar
untei'd rich and mellow. JOHN L.
U-AHLBON. Sole Af-nt
Tho trial trip of the Vutiauard, th
, new Hteanier built for I'aplaina llimlam
n ml Hklhlie, took plao y.-trr1ay, prov-
! In a complete aucce.
I If you have a faattllou palnte and
vour raatiic economy U In a doubtful
I romllllon, conaull the appetlxlna menu
at tht H'Ht hi Heataonint.
' The (anvr Alliance for Han Fran-
i rlaco and way porta and the Sue 11
Elmort for Tillamook and Nehalem will
I anil aa aoon aa weathr permtta.
! John A. Montgomery haa opened a
, ahop at 4-1 !lnd tre t and la prepared
i to do all rlaaara of plumblnr and tin
; nl ii a at tho loweat poaalbU ratea.
Ml. CIiukIIu Olltx-rt. of Portland, who
I private aecretary to SHakT Heeler
iiurina: n lam iKiaiaiiv aenmnn, via-
, tied frlenda In Aatorta Wednesday.
Itodlyn cal luat longer, I cb-aner
1 and make linn trouble with tove and
chimney Hue than any other. (Vorge
W. Hanlxirn, agent: telephone nil.
City Treasurer F. J. Carney haa re
celved frj.n County Treasurer II ('
Thottiintoii h cltya proportion of the
, tiv coll'vted ly the ah-nfT. Th.
aoio'iot for the gim-ml fund la U3.Mt.85
ami It 440 07 fur thu rul and croeHlng
Our New Line of
Spring Suits
Nave Arrived.
Every new
creation of
and fabric.
Worsteds, etc
$7.50 to $22
FM.l CommlHKlimer J. W. Halley haa
appointed . K CarlHon, of I'ortland.
aa hla deputy, and the provlalona of
thu law will be rigorously enforced,
The Oranif lodg a'-anlim of the Inde
pendent Or er of Odd Kellowa will be
held In Maker flty thla year, May 21-22-23.
About 600 vltltora are epecfd,
Btrlctly freah egg for Kutr. You
can get tlw Irat at Johnaon Uroa.
The revenue cufer Pefry, In com
mand of Cafrtuln Iluhner, will atop at
Aitorla for a nornh or two In-fore go
ing to Han Kranclco for a n bnUv.
Mr, F. H, Wllaon.'wh haa ben via
Itlng her al'r, Mra, J. A. Montgom
ery, during the imat. two weeka, re.
truna to In-r home In Wlllupu. Waah,.
M.irtln Wall4te, agent for the Port
land Flouring mill, I In the city, hound
for Cow Hay an Kun-kn In the In
teret of .he Arm. He will aaJl on the
IiiHpiilora Kdwarda and Fuller will
be In Aatin-la Monday lo lnepe-t the
aii'umem Mller, North Htar, Willuln,
KlTtrlc, (). K i:i Hurd, Aalorliin. Col
well iml Volga.
1lt. ti..,lu t9 I'Ii,iIi.m in,lirMi,n U'tlo
rcently cimpl';ed a term In the Wallt
Walla penltn:i vry, wa found In a
hum near Wlllupa lart Monday. The
cauae of lei:h I nit known.
Th tug 'Jerge It. Vmlrg arrived
In late on Welnl-edy evening from Ne
halem afti-r a rough experlenc with the
wava. Hhe brought a email amount of
freight and about fifteen paaieiig..r.
W. N. N'lm. who purchnMfd the to k
of gixida of the lute O. W Fernelde, at
Nehulem. hna 1 1 lut to x Mr f.ui k. of
i'ortland, wit will not take poaw-aalon,
hut will return wl'h hla eon to Call-
The following membera of the Clga
Maker' I'nlon have t elected e
gate to tl-e Amerlcin Federation of n
bor: Charlen (Jlttere. Frank Hchmldt
John Hiurier. ). II. Muhh-r an I Mr,
Uto.Hfr TJni'ill.. ffu.rf.! Ii tho vinn
Ivi'ourt yeett-rday that the collection
on the i.e"i lax roil amount") to
h'1! u-hl.'li uiim foriit..! ni'e lo the
tr-uaiirer except I770.K due the unci Iff
for fee.
During tho heavy blow yenfrday the
iinMger l'ld broke .me or ner larg'
auction Plie by drifting agalnxt It
while working. Repair will te male
today mi' the v 1 1 1 be In vrvlce aga
on Monduy,
Merman Wine will open a branch
tore at No. 470 Commercial atrwl
where hi non-union roale good w
b- dlapoaed of at reduced iwk'ea. The
branch will be In charge of A. E. I
Winter and Leo Wlae.
The water frontage aJJolnlng the 8ea-
elde ranncry, owned by lone I. hlie,
K. A.. Mary A.. Frank J.. Mary B
tleorge and Kate Taylor and F. It. and
Miirv Strung, wna tranferrel yatirday
to (ieorg.) W. HunlKirn for l-.w.
The will of Httv M. Ttrenham. d
ceneeil. of San Franclaeo, CaJ.. wan
llle.l In the probate court yeaterday.
I ill- vniniv IF f niuf'u i inuv 'illil ur
h'-lr la iJiuru J. Itrenham, alater'nf the
iii'i i-uwu i.o I nuinec h exeruirix.
The Thirty-fourth company of artll
lerv at Fort Steven haa been divided
to form the Nm'ty-thlrd company, and
K'4 recruit are now wanted to com
plete the o,una of 99 men for each com.
n:inv, The ."ecrultlna rtatlon at Ato
rla only micc"!d In eccurlng one man
and ha been dlno mtlnued.
Chairman O. C. Fulton will call i
me. ting shortly of the committee ap
pointed by rreatdent Kendall of the
Puh Club to plan 'th" pn llmlnary work
for the coming regnttn. A aubetantlat
b'tlance I In the bank for the exiH-tiee
of the work which will be turned over
to the treasurer named to act for the
iv:iii-iii .1101111 'i wir . it, cu .
i..... ....l..u.. 1 t..l &t. .
ojin rnivivil lK'vIoun Ul'lllll Ol llie
Kry originating In Tucoma that the
I no ii l acnie w.m in ui eoro me . u.
N. and the Oregon Short Line. The
.i ' oi ii.i sinry Horn t.;nicii umi ,nr. niiu-
nouui ll'llill inn iin-Pin loniiloil itllti
a place wouhl b f.mnd for hlin on the
Krie road. Mr. Mohler characterized
. I . . ...... . V. i . . V. I . . . 1 . . .
n" Kiuu'iie in ii. oi'iiik uenneiy unr
r.m of truth.
The twin bmnche HoIh-ii Ttarron. and
Tiiku Jack have b-vn completed by 11
M. lumbers niul the Aatorla Iron
Work. TJie former la nlonevUle the
trick to be imided on cars for ship
m nt, bivI the latter wa launched yea-
tonlay for a trial before being s.'nt
north. Her twenty-horse power Troyer
gn.aollne engine work perfectly. Its
mit pli-aflng feature being the nb
aence of the nolae and offensive oijr
io necullar to the ordinary gasoline en-
The picture of Senator C. W. Fulton
In yeatertday'a Oregtinlan waa riiro
duced from a cartoon publlHhed during
the legislature and labeled "Hefore
and After." It will be recalled that
one picture represented the Clatsop
statesman aa the dignified presiding offi
cer of the senate and the second was
adorned with on expinslve smile and
purported to be a representation of th
senator giving the Corbett men the
merry ha! ha! The Idea of using car-
ioon fneea for pictures to be taken
seriously I an Innovation In large
newspnper office, having heretofore
b:en followed exclusively by small pub
lications who make patent medicine cuts
do duty ror prominent personages from
tne president to rat Crowe.
Tonight the Cooley Dramatic Com
pnny will present Hartley Camnbeira
famous meio-orama "The Galley Slave."
and the full strength of the company
win do nrougni out in the production.
The play has had many successful runs
in tne large cities and la one of the
strongest dramas In the repertoire of
me company. At the matinee Saturday
i ne Manxer entidren will be pre
sented and two prlxes will be given
away, one to a boy and one to a trlrl.
The engagement will clone Saturday
nignt witn tne mruiing rcngiish melo
drama, "The P.lo"k Flag."
Last night "Sapho" was presented.
Jay Tuttle to Hannah J. Matthews
lots u and 8. block 4. First Addition to
Ocean Grove; $250.
W. L. Uhlenhvt to Kate M. Duffey
lota 1, 2, S. 4, 8. 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 .16, 18
and 17 block 87, Adair's Astoria; 11.
At the regular meeting of the W. C.
T. V., held yeaterday afternoon, tho
namo of fifteen applicant for member
ship were read'.
G. W. Herat Will Erect Woolen
Mlllif$2ft,000lii lionJHAre
At the apcrlil meeting of the puhh
Club held .'ai night two proposition,
looking toward the eabllhment if en
trprl'a In Atorla, were aubmltte I and
dlHcuaaed. The name of the Kan Fran
cisco man who haa l-n corresponding
wlih I'reald-nl Kendall regirdlng the
etabllKhrnent of a ahlp-bulldlng pli'it
here, and whwe name, waa withheld at
h rc'iucat of the wreapundent, proved
to be Cap-lain Al Htream, who wa cap
tain of the Humwm up to hla retire
ment a month ago.
Captain Htrcim 1 exp"ctd to arrive
in Aatorli tomorrow from Han Fran
cisco and will confi-r with President
Kandall concerning the project, If the
prospect la good a pclal meeting will
be called. Two letter were read from
the captain outlining hi plana and
prospect. He tated that It waa hla In
tention to start a ahlp-bulldlng yard
either on the Columbia or on Pug-t
Hound. He said that A. U, Hammond
hvl augg -wed that he write to the Push
Club and "e what Inducement could
be offered.
The pr.ip )"! plant will Include a saw
mill to cowt between S15.000 and 120,000
and the p"opl of Amoria will r asked
to furnUh the capital through stock
ubacrlptlon, the lon-y advanced to
he returned aa soon a iractlcable. Cap
tain Stream aald (hit he waa building
a ateam ncnooner at present on Pug-t
ound and hal recently cloned a con
Irart for a barkentln.-. which he dalred
ti. build In Astoria If th prop-r Induce
mnt w?re held out. The labor on the
tin rk -nt In.- will aggr-xut" IU.WiO, ac
cording to Captain H:ream's estlmite.
an.l 710,000 feet of lumber will be used.
H- aakel for Immediate conxld'-ratl'in
of the orjpwltlon a It 1 necessary
li commence work a soon a the good
weath'r set In and practically what he
aked of Atorla had alreidy l-en of-f-red
him by the p'pe of Kverett.
Tlu oth-r proponlMon 1 from an own
er of a woolen mill now In Wisconsin
which he wlshe tn remove to Astoria.
H. I. WagnT represented the principal.
O. W. Herat, an I said that the latter
nwnd a four-a-t wuolen mill In
Wise main and If proper encouragement
and assistance was given he woutd re
move It to Aatorli. Mr. Wagner stat
ed that a committee from the chamber
of commerce had been considering the
matter and assurances had been receiv
ed from a number of citizens of their
aid and suptort. Mr. Herat's repre
sentative said that his principal ask -d
that Astorlans subscribe to bonds ag
gregating $23,000 to bear five per cent
interest. Three-fifth of the amount
will b used to purchase a site, erecting
niUable bu'ldlnga and transport the ma
chinery from Wlvnnsin to Oregon. The
remaining U0.000 will he used for work
ing capital. The nfflfwIH employ eigh
ty people and the monthly pay-roll will
amount to $4000. The bond are to be
secured by a mortirage on the plant.
If the club aaw fit to appoint a com-
mlttee to work In conjunction with the j
chimtvr of commerce oommltfe, Mr..
Wagner explained, the work of the com
mittee would be to assist In floating the !
hond. 1'non motion by A. Scherneckau
'he following, committee was appointed'
Chairman. A. Scherneckau: F. L. Par
ker and John K Oratke. The gentle
men named will confer with the repre
sentatives of the chamber of commerce
nd renort at the next meeting of th
club. Tn the absence of Secretary Ly- I
man. F. L. Pirker acted In that ca-
paclty last night. j
Will r." Sold April 1.1 and Lively Rid
ding Expected.
The Seattle PosMn:elltgencer of re
cent date says:
The date f the ecelvr's sale of the
plants of the Puuet Sound Packing Co.
his been set for April 1.1. and It Is ex
pected there will be livly bidding. The
property of this concern comprises the
old Seaborg plant at Fairhavcn, the
Hanthon plant at Port nr.'l s and
other minor Interests. The corporation
wa organised a your ago hy New York
parties an I, aside fnm the canneries
centrolled. owns some of the b.-st fishing
grounds ,n the Sound.
The plant at Fuirhaven lias h'n en
larged since ihe b'il was made and Is
said to he one of the best on the Sound.
It ha a dally capacity of 3010 cases.
The Port Angeles plait was not .oper
ated last year. It wis the old Han
thorn" plant an I has a cipaclty of $00
cases a day. Since the beginning of
the sardine Industry here It has been
tiS'.'d some for that product and It Is
fald Is admirably adapt?! for such
The Interest in the sal.e which will
be conducted by Receiver Henry M.
Neton at Falrhivn, Is In the fact that
the Alaska Packers Association Is re
ported to be aftir the property. It Is
said this concern will use It to Increase
Its output this season and make Its war
to prevent the consolidation of Interests
here. It Is also said the combine of
Sound and Alaska canneries headed by
R. Onffroy la after the property and
therefore it would not be surprising if
It should bring a good price.
Ambition of Paloma Schramm, the
Child Whilst.
The concert to be given by Paloma
and Karla Schramm, the talented child
pltnlsta, at the Methodist church In the
afternoon and evening of Thursday,
April 11. will be a distinct musical treat.
The children are not only musical pro
digies, but they are also capable and
clever musicians. Paloma the elder of
the two is now engaged In writing the
score for an opera and privileged ones
who have be?n taken Into the child s
confidence declare the music to com
pare favorably with modern operatic
productions. It Is her hobby and her
spare, moments are devoted to writing
and revising the score.
Admission to the concerts has ben
placd at unusually low prices, 25 cnts
for children snd w cents for adults.
Plans for Road and Method of Pay
ment Changed.
The county commissioners yesterday
announced the rejection of bids fub
mltted for the construction of the
county road to Nehalem, and County
Clerk Wherltr was Instructed to re
turn the check, accompanying the bid.
to the (tenders. Notice fis given that
bid would be re-ad vertlaed for and
aevernl changes made In the specifica
tion. Two seta of plan will lie prepared,
calling for a t.n foot road and
fne for a sixteen foot road, and bids
will be aiikel for on each. A provlalon
will be Inserted la tht pcluVulon
pr ividing for tint pay nn' of 75 per
rent of th contn . prie. for th first
.nil" when cn. pitted, a similar percen
tage of tht acvond rnU and alao the 25
pr cent h-l I back on the first mile
and each mile will be paid for In a
similar way until the contract Is com
nleted. The exorbitant price asked by
the two bidders created general sur
rrl An offlelel nf -he county said
v aterday that t'WiO a mile would be
a fair price for the work and allow a
margin to the ermractor. Koads have
been constructed for other counties for
n uch lea th in $4000 a mile, w hich waa
the lowest bid submitt-sl. T'nler the
first specification the road waa to be
f'xteen feet wide to Olney and ten mil"
from thit point on. Economy may
nake It necessary to construct a ten
foot road, for the mtlre distance, which
Is the r-a-i'.n for asking bidder to
submit estimates for the two width.
Nw Appointee Arrives to Confer With
Warden Van Duaen.
Henry Hultman, of Florence, Lane
county, who was appointed deputy fish
warden by the atate board of fuh com
missioners at Salem Tuesday, arrived
In the city yesterday and reported to
Master Fish Warden Van Duen for
Mr. Bultmw waa engaged In seining"
ana traoplng on the Columbia eight
year ago, and haa many friend In
Astoria. Since that time he haa been
on the, engaged principally In
me same ousin-sa.
Deputy Hultman will look after th
patrol service and attend to other du
tie assigned him by the warden. Mr.
Van Duaen Is installed in his new of
fice and la ready :o receive license fee.
the blanks for their Issuance having
oe.-o received rrom aiern.
Deputy Fish Commissioner E. C. Mc
Reavy, of Washington, was in con
ference ysterday with Messrs. Van Du-
en and Bultman and will start this
morning for Ilwaco to see that the
closed season la being observed.
Flsn Commlniner Reed will be In
faiem -oday and il make demand
upon SecreHry of State Dunbar for
March salary warrant. I'pon refusal of
tne demand Mr. Reed will immediately
mstitut" -nan-lamus proceeding that
will call Into question the constitution
ality of the new fish law and alao de
termine whether or not the law of 1898
naa ten repealed by Implication.
SELVES. One of the best known diplomatists
recently declared that the Cubans are
Inctpable of governing themselves, and
that the United States must maintain
Its present control Indefinitely, or else
annex the Island. There win be those
who will dispute this, but there are
none who depute the well established
fact that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters
la capable of controlling the common
diseases of the stomach. It is a rem
edy that Is backed by fifty years of
success. It Is an Ideal medicine for
constipation: a strength builder for
those who are predisposed to lung trou
bles, and for nervousness It Is of won
derful be lefit. As an appetlxer It Is In
comparable. Those whose stomachs are
out of order should not fall to try a
You are requested to attend the meet
ing of the lodge on Saturday evening,
Aoril 6. 1901. A change In the by-laws
is contemplated. DAVID AIRTH.
Attest: J. C. M'CUE. M. W.
Di puty From Pacific County Expected
for Him.
Sheriff Linville yesterday telephoned
to Sheriff Rooney, of Pacific county.
Wash., to send a deputy here to take
charge of Emil Johansen, who is con
fined In the county Jail, having been
brought here from North Beach, where
he went Insane. Johansen's malady
shows no sign of abatement and yes
terday he kept the deputy sheriffs on
the alert constantly for fear he would
do violence to himself.
The deputies tok turns watching the
prisoner at the county Jail. Unfortu
nately there ts no padded ell for in
carceration of Insane prisoners, anil Jo
hansen had to be constantly attended.
Successor to Dr. Ball.
573 Commercial St.. ASTORIA, OR,
Beginning tomorrow evening Professor
Montague's great Australian bird cir
cus will appear for a week at the Lou
vre. This is reported to be a most mar
vellous aggregation of trained birds
and shows the highest training of
which their Intelligence Is capable. Man
ager Wlsensteln also continues with
him the vocalists who have proven
such popular attractions
rmr itaiti mr...
(58 Commercial Street.
That he gives you the best there
Is to be had tn the city for the
least money T Place an order
once and see.
Dr. Rhoda C. Hicks,
Consultation Free.
57S Commercial St, Astoria, Or.
Union Made Clotlii
Is made in Sanitary
Is made by Experienced Tailors
Is made to Fit and to Wear
Is sold by the best stores in the
Union at no higher prices than
sweat shop goods. .
Pioneer of
In Astoria
A Delicious and Palatable
Drink Absolutely Pure
The North Pacific Brewery, of which Bottled beer for ramlly use or kec
Mr. John Kopp is proprietor, makes beer suppUed at any tune. Delivery
beer for domestic and export trade. in the city free.
North Pacific Brewery
IS h T sliaa
Astoria, Ore.
c The Only Plrtat-ClasH Hotel In Portland
on ivntJinnjTJxnnnnJvinr mrfj
He attempted to pull the bandages from
his wounds and re-open the cuts but the
vigilance of the deputies thwarted him.
He still has an hallucination that some
thing inside him Is an enemy that would
kill him. and yesterday another vagary
cropped out. Thia time he fancied a
rival had stolen his sweetheart and was
waiting to catch him and cut every
bone out of his body.
A deputy from Pacific county is ex
pected titlay and Johansen will be taken
to South Bend wttere examination will be
held and he will doubtless be confined
in the asylum.
The offices and headquarters of the
North American Fisheries Company, of
which T. J. Gorman, of Portland, Is
manager, are to be moved to Seattle.
Sheriff Cudihee, of King county.
Wash., left Seattle on Tuesday evening
for Walla Valla with a special coach
In which he had seventeen prisoners for
the state penitentiary.
About 3000 acres of land In the vicin
ity of La Grande will be devoted to
raising sugar beets this year. The yield
last year was Ave and one-half tons
to the acre, worth from $4 to S per
The Adams Express Company and
Coorsre Francis Train are said to be
baok of u enterprise to start a new
savings bank in Walla Walla, with a
capitalization of 1250,000, to open about
August L
The Guarantee Oil Company baa been
Incorporated In Spokane with a capital
stock of $250,000. It owns seven square
miles of land near Medical Lake, which
promises plenty of oil at a depth of
1000 feet.
Editor H. R. Cayton, of the Seattle
Republican, will nave to stand trial In
the superior court on the charge of
criminal libel, preferred by Chief of Po
lice Meredith, who was publicly accus
er by Cayton of official corruption.
A number of well executed counter
felt $19 gold pieces were recently pass
ed In several of the Sound cities. The
counterfeit is made of copper, tin and
brass and resembles the genuine except
for having no ring. The culprit has not
been apprehended.
George Shelley, sheriff of Harney
county, says Oregon Is a state of mag
nificent distances, To deliver a patient
at th asylum for. the Insane at Sa
Ism, it was neewsary to travel 150 miles
by stage from Burns, the county seat,
to Ontario, a station on the O. H. fe N.
railroad, with stops only for meals.
Thence by rail 150 miles to Pendleton,
231 miles to Portland, and 6$ miles to
sclera, making nearly 1200 miles for the
'rnunV i.rlP--Tho
-Tn"tlflient of shipping oranrea
from SoutherrT 8'lfornla 1 the East
by way of the nortt.'T b MoY-
en successful, and will De repeated on
a larger scale. The benefit lies in
avoiding the long delays and damaging
heat of the southern routes. Fourteen
carloads of Lee Angeles oranges were
shipped to Seattle by steamer, and
thence. In C8 hours, to St. Paul, arriv
ing In betttf conditon han those ship
ped by the all-rail routes. The Pacific
Coast Steamship Company, in connec
tion with tho Great Northern and
Northern Pacific railroads, is preparing
to handle from 200 to S30 Carloads a
week in this way. ' v
. ' j
Notice is hereby given that there are
funds In .the city treasury to pay all
warrants drawn on the -gnufund
and endorsed prior to September L I'M.
Also all warrants drawn on the road
and crossing fund and endorsed prior
to April 2, 1901. Interest will ceaee aXHr
this date. T. J. CARNWT,
City Tre&a.
Astoria, Ore., April X J'"!