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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1901)
Till MOKKIKG ASTOR1AN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH '27. 1901. Tttephoae Main 66L TKKM8 OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. lent by mail, per year fft.00 Bent by mall, per month 50 imed by carrier, per month CO SEMI-WEEKLY, tent by mail, per year, in advance. $2.00 All communications Intended tor pub lication should be directed to "Editor Aitorun." L'uslneas communications ( all kinds at.i remittances mum be addressed to "The Aitorlan Publish taic Co " The Astorian guarantees to Its ad certifiers the largest circulation of any ewspaper published on the Columbia river. Advert Islng rates can He had on app lication to the business manager. The state university has just Issued In neat pamphlet form the annual re port of the president of the 'board of regents and of the president .if the uni versity. It shows that the affairs of the university are being ably and " lth ucjff years. It is the g-v. ,n economically administered. Under the mu usim t th" country, the en- TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Tike Laxatlv Uromo-Qulnlne Tab lets. .:. the Hath Iron Work has shipbuilding contract on hand which amount in li ne to JlO.OOii.OOO. The total assessed valuation of all the real and personal property within the limits of the city of Hath is In the neighborhood of 16,000, 000. Taking one contract with another. It Is nrobable that the length of time It will tuke to build each vessel averages about eighteen months. On thi basis, this single plant will annua'.!- disturb, and very largely In wages, an n mount eoual to the whole assessed value of the r.'al and personal propel ty in the community in which It is I v.i'.el Y. t this plant is the growth of a very f.?v years, and w s huil! up al most entirely by g v.rnment contracts. m. , , - ,, ..., f... I Children are not cute when they are The first of those onttac w.r, foi , w,,,ks oM bu ts aifToi-nt with the two Uul. Junbiuts. tV Cas:in ar.-l a PUD. Machlas. co.nnv cM in Its sue It Is a pity that a balky horse docs not ie: II i.' that It is easier to pull than to tuke a whipping tht go8 with a balk. IT DA7.ZLKS THK WOULD. No Discovery In medicine haa ever created one quarter of the excitement thai has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It's sever est tests have been on hopelen victims of Consumption. rneumonlH, Hemor rhage, Pleurisy and Rronchltla, thou anda of It has restored to 'per fect health. For Coughs, Colds. Asth ma, Croup, Hay Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough It is the quickest, sur est cure n the world. It is sold by Frank H.nt who guarantees satisfac tion or refunds money. 1-arge bottl-s ".iV and Jl. Trial bottles free. ivs- with this contract brought It a considerable volume of privite buino-v end it has grnvn ro such nroj-.n :i that it can handle contract? of the mag nitude which it now has on hand. At various points along the seaboard of b'th coasts like plants are growing up, equally valuable to the communities In which they are operated, and to expand to even greater ptvpor;i:i.s STRIKES A RICH FIND. administration of President Frank Strong the university is rapidly forg ing ahead until It his now fairly out classed the othiT like institutions of thf slute nnd takes rank With the state universities of many of the older and tnoi? densely populated states. The Uev. C. M. Sheldon, who recent Iv won notiHirtv bv trying to run a dailv piper as "Jesus would have done it." In a rent sermon took a very sensible view of the temperance situa tion hi Kansas. According to his views, the resort to physical force can result only in temporary clsing of the joints and a temporary frightening away of the offenders. The real trouble lies with the officials who allow rlv laws to be openly violated. Whit is needed is not spasmodic suppression of the joints but conscientious officers of the law. If the laws are lot supported by pub lic sentiment 'heir enforcement will bring about their speedy repeal. If they are so supported, and whether they are mo supported or not. it is the business f the officers to see that they are en forced. So long as there is no attempt at enforcement ,t should excite no sur prise that the Jolntists make use of the opportunity to obtain a livelihood. SOME SPECIAL DISPATCHES. Special to the Post-Intellig-.-nrer.) FAIRHAVEN, March 24. The work tif the legislative commission appointed by the legislature just adjourned for the purpose of conferring with a like commission appointed by the parliament of British Columbia, etc. , (Sp-viil to '-h? Budget.) FAIRHAVEN, .March 26. The woik of th? legislative co nmLssion appointed by the legislature just adjourned for the purpose of conferring with a like commission appointed by the parliament of British Columbia, etc. DISBURSEMENTS uF PHIPBUILD ING. Seattle Post-In tflligenceT. tracts for the evn-itiuction -f the gi v warships, which has led to the estab lishment of th'-se great yards, mi tht .r present scale; but it is to the building of vessels for th-e meivhant mar.iu that they must look largely In th future, if they are to continue to disperse mil lions annually in wag s. This country is not committel to building up a great navy to rival that of Great Britain. The amount of naval shipbuilding w hich has been done in i-vent years .s ex traordinary, because It ha b-en neces sirv to entirely create a navy; fir the warships of twenty years ago were evn at that time obsolete and practically useless. Since then a navy has b-"v.i completely built. It is alr-ady fairly efficient and has givjn the country g'".J rank as a laval power. It is rapidly ap proaching the limit of the size to which the people of '.he Unite. States are wil ling to see it expand. It is likely that afteT a few years more then? w;ll fa no more elaborate program for new building found in the naval estimates. The appropriations for the future wi.l b- largely confined to the keeping .if i.h. navy in a state of efficiency, an; to the reolacin of 1-uoh vessels as may be. come worn out oi obsolete, ra.!ir thin to the increasing of the actual or r- l ative strength of the naval fore-. This is why ell who are desirous f seeing these great Industrial enterprises continue to grow and prosp-r. and to pour a steady stream of money, through wages, into th- chann-ls of business, look hopefully forward to 1-gislation to restore to the American marine the car rying trade upon the high sea--. We are rapidly reaching the point when U.e shipbuilders of this country -an cm-D-te with those of th- world in the building of vssels f all kinds, as th-y can now in the building of w irships of th high.-st 'lass. We Hre still us far away as ever from th- p. 'in-, tvh-n the American shipown-r 'an su' ss fully compete with th- bounty-f... and ch.-aply-manned mer-hant ship "f Europe, xhe hope Is that engross '.v. II remove the handi.-ap from the Amen, an "I w is troubled for several years with chivnic in.lig "stion and mrvous debil ity," writes F. J. ilre.n, ot Lancaster. N. H., "No r.'tiuMy helped mo until I b'san using Electric Bitters,' which did tne m re gxvd than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife In exellent heaPh for years. She -a-s Eloctrivs Bitters are Just splendid for female troubles; that they are a urand tonic and Invlgorator for weak, tun dawn women. No other medicine can take Its nluv in our rami! v." Trv them. Only jflc: satisfaction guaran-1 ttta by tt ir; s Drug Store. liuxuRious Travel The. "North western Limited" trains, electric lighted throughout, both iiwldo and out, and steam heated, are with jut exception, the nnet trains In th vorld. They embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most complete and splendid production of the car builders' art. These Splendid Trauw Connect With The (ircut Northern The Northern IViHe and The Ciinailian I'mitic AT ST. PAt'L FOB CHICAGO oml the KAST. No extra charge for these superior accoimi'odatloiis and all classes of tick ets are available for passage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Blink System. W. H. MEAD. II. L. S1SLEU. General Agent. Traveling Ag't. Portland. Ore. 'Tweiv better to see clearly with on' ye than mistily with two. IT GIRDLES THE GLOBE. The fame of Bu -klen's Arnica Salve A FEW INTERESTING FACTS ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. .! t !. " ; ; poRTtimrrj "Arrivr H;tHtt.inriPortland Union DepotuY0 i m. fiWp.m lfor Astoria and Inter-1: 40 pV mdlate points. . " ASTORIA ?.ra.m.For Portland In-Ill; Hani, $ 10 p in !tei mdite polnta (10.80 p.m. RKA8IDFJ DIVTilON. It:l.. m . :W p. ill :.I0 U III l .' it in i.M ( ill. ASTORIA SK ASIDE ; 7:40 sin p. Ill II aw m 'Siuiilc.v vui Alt trnlus make close connections at Goblo with all Northern Iaclflo trains to and from the East or Sound points, J. C. MAYO, Gen'l Fr't and Pans. Arent POSSIBLY You Are Not Aware of the Fa t Time AND SUPERB SERVICE VIA. As the hat Ol th U'Ort.l vf..n,la rilnn.l 7k, , k . i gaiety is concerned. Employes of the earth. It's the oiu- perfect healer ivNi'nvsiv cwdii tum ,,f r,,t i-.,r,w ,,r,lu iLi..u i nl,.u,-NM'N I LM HAL LINKS nn." M...!'!-,.:.' w I,;1 111,11 to serve the public and our nuns; and a.fskin Erupts, 'only 1 nec tUSh80 dl:k,i. i.iuioie i ue cure, .jc a oox at nan s Drug Store. The h-'art of a woman is a driv.-n well; and he who would soutvt its uepms must be biased in patinu-e; even like on? whj div.s for pearls. BLOWN TO ATOMS. The old Idea that the body sometimes n-'eds a powerful, dr.istic, purgative pill has been exploded; for Dr. King's New Life rills, which are perfectly harm less, g.mtlv stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system and absolutely cure Constipation and Sick Hea laehe. only I'Jo at Hart's Drug Store. The Idler that dreameth of gold suf fereth hunger, but he who hath lug for it liv?th in a palace. Carpenter says in a recent letter that there is tta in China that costs t2i a pound. It Is no wondt-r that China Is stagnant. When a people get more for a nound of tea than for a gallon of whisky It is nasy to forecast that na tion's ignominious finish. When people are contemplatlnt a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best service obtainable as far aa speed, comfort and the are trains con- t a.11 Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dir ing car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central tines and you win make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further Information call ,n any ticket agent, or correspond with j as. i. fu.u. Gen. Pass. Ag't.. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. General Agent, THE CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. GO EAST VIA IB Mi W PlCTO A wife's wise counseling entoreth her husband's mind and aft-r many days returneth to hr in jewels and precious raiment. Mr. J. W. Patterson, night police at Nashua. Ia., says: "In January I had a very bad cold oa my lungs, and used half dozen different cough medicines and prescriptions from two doctyrs, but grew wors-i all the time. I finally bonsht a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and after using two-thirds of it, I was entirely cured." CHAS. ROG ERS. Druggist. The friends that wealth mak-s are as the quicksands, hut .he friends of pov erty are like the fixd stars in heav--n. In the list of warship which are now ! hlP- an1 iv" lh an '''rying under contrac t or construction for the trade tn? same ""I'l"" an 1 -m-.uiug'.- navy. f will be nticeJ that ,n"nt as has giv-n in othr coun- a single corporation at the lit- . aa a '-"ns'-'iuen. today- tie city of Bath, Me., has secured the i "ontrol the American enuring trad-. building of five of these vessels. An id- a as to the value w hich such a shipbuild ing plajit as this has to any community may be had by a look at some figures. Including the? government contracts, Lazy Livers re minjr times the cause of various d.Masaa. Winetv par cnt of the American peopfs are mid to be troubled with liver ami 8tomach comnlaii.te such as conBtipation, oizzioess, indigeation, bilioiuueaa, sluggish lirer.eto. Baldwin's Health Tablets No. 25 raroomt aad care these ffla. Tkase tableU act as a gentle laxa- Sli wrbfy n,lk liver nd atleaaeii do Uiair duty as they m4.- TP m olUoU eases null to Uieaa bttla okl.i. rrv..- ost Ke and caa be procured at iocoeasor to Th. Olsem. Ot-2 Com. Bt. placing ev-ry American expori-;r and proluc-r undr tribute to therr:. WITH THE I A R A 0 R A P H E I ' S . Ella Wheel-r Wilcox at-ks Platonic l ive?" But why teil wouldn't und ?r?tand it any .va;. Herald. ""ht is !i-r'.' Sh" '.-Tmi'-s- L'sually a racking cough and a gen eral feeling of weakness. Foley's Hon ey and Tar is guaranteed to cure the "grippe c-uugh" and make you strong and well. Take no substitutes. CHAS. ROCERS, Druggist. There is but one ivdl good thing in life, and that is to work; but there is an other so like It that you 9-ld m know the difference, and that is wh-n a wo man works you. Pneumonia follows la grippe, but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, the great throat and lung remedy. Take no substitute. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Men really need very tend'-r hand ling. Scratch them and you may find th-.- brute. Euget.e J. Hall, the poet and publish er, .-'ays that one dose of Foley's Honey and Tar restored his voice! when hoarse-n-'hs thrfatened to prevent his lecture at Central Music Hall, Chicago. Noth ing else as good. CHAS. ROGERS Druggist. If a woman takes th- trouble to hate vou. you've always got a fighting chance. Tammany's ijand of purifi ts hi: ii.--cided to abandon its work. This must be a staggering blow to purity. M-jn-tana Record. The next time Admiral Sampson blows down the muzzle h? should tike more care to ascertain wh"ther it i lixid'id. Omaha Bee. It is little enough to say with refer ence to thi president's second inaugur ation, that one good term deserves an other. Bi-'Xjklyn Eagle. There is an African antelope known as the Addax. If it his any friends they ought to assist it to change its name. Chicago Tribune. Mr. Tesla wiil drop the earth for a while and proceed to perform a few experiments on the newly discovered star. Washington Star. There must be some mistake in the story that Russeji Sage's pet bird is a parrot. The bird on the American dol lar Is an eagle. Chicago Journal. Rob'. R. Watts, of! Salem, Mo., writes: ' I havu been troubled with kidney dis ease for the last five years and have doctored with all the leading physi cian? and have tried all remedies sug gested without any relief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and less than two bottles completely cured me and I am sound and well." Women believe in a whole heap tlK-y don't know, and th-y know a whole heap they don't believe. CHEAP INSURANCE. Many a man has been insured against Wright's disease, diabetes, or other dan ireroii ailm?nt by a fifty cent bottle of Foley's Kidny Cure. CHAP ROG ERS, Druggist. SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO St.Paul, Duluih.Minnpapolis, Ihicago and All Points East. DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; SER- v tCE AND SCENERY UN EQUALED. Through Palace and Tourist 81eeper, Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. Tickets to points East via Portland and the Great Northern Ry on sale at u. k. & n. Ticket Office. Astcrla, or Great Northern Ticket Office laa.TUIKD STREET, PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding Eastern trip, call on or address. A. B. C. DENNISTON, City Pass, and Ticket Agent. Portland WE HAVE 2-DaiIyFast Trains-2 TO I Mf- EAST If you cannot take the morning; train, I ravel via the evening train. Uoth are finely enulpp.'d. "OUR SPECIALTIES' FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS PULLMAN DINERS. LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hurs in time saved to Omaha. Chitaijo. Kansas City, St. Luuis, New York, Huston. Ami Other Eastern loints Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. It Is to your Interest to use THE OVERLAND LIMITED. Tickets and sleeping-car berths can be a..cured from G. W. LOUNSUERRY, Agent O. R. N. Co.. Astoria, Or.. OR J. H. LOTHROP. General Agent. 135 Third St, Portland. Or. WHITE, COLLAR LINt Sir. HERCVLHH lakes the place of DAILMY UATKKKT (Trlephoni Dock). Columbia River and I'uget Bound Nav igation Company. The Hercules leaves Atnrl dally except Sunday at T p. m. leaves Portland dally except Bun day at 7 a. nt. White Collar Line tickets. O. It, A N. tlekets and llwaco Ry ft Nv. Com. puny tickets Interchangeable on Her cules and HashaIo. Through Port land connection with steamer N.iheotta from llwaco and l'ig lleiu-h points. Telephone No. 111. A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria Agent, K. W. CRICHTON. Portland Agent Thsv sav Mars Is a funny world. If it is funnier than this one it must bp a freak. "I had a running sore on my leg for seven years," writes Mrs. Jas. Forest of Chippewa Falls, Wis., "and spent hundreds of dollars In trying to get It healed. Two boxes of Banner Salve en tirely cured It." No other salve so healing. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Don't whistle; It takes the attention of the people from their own affairs in wondering what tune you are trying to hit. Oregon Short Line Railroad THE DIRECT ROUTE. Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Pacific Fast Mail Line, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME. 1 Days to .Salt Lake. 2 J Days to Denver. 3$ Days to Clu'wigo. H Days to Netv York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information apply to C. O. TERRY, W, E. COMAN, Trav. Tass. Agt, Gen. Agent. iz inira tst., rortiana. or. A familiar name for the Chlcaao. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union aa the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" trmlna every oay and night between 8t. Taul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train In the world." Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no othe. I See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee when going to any point In the United States or Canada. All ueKet agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, address. J. W. CASEY. C. J. EDDT. Trav. Pass. Agt.. Gen. Art.. Portland, Oregon. Portland. Ore. KZJO ii uryriiMd DEPART Krom lortlaml. i AaaiTB Chlcag.i- .Siill, U.-nvcr. Kt ; I'ortlmid woiih.iiinai,. u- l-i.ecial h illy. Si IjhiI.. 1 4p.m. iia. in i (i nrHK an.t Atlantic 9 . no Suit Like, l)i-nvi-r. Kt iorlh, iiiiialui. Kiin-: , . " City, St , .,il ' " m lili ni' and Kiuit 1 Willa Walla, I. wIhI.iii, Hpokmie Mi(iI(kiih, .Mil, iif-HiMj. Hyer, lis, Ht. IV.ul, u .t,, H Wsin 6p.m. Milwaukee, Chicgo mid Kt, Or G. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent O. R. & N. Krom AHlorla i OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All KhIIIiik lmu mjb1 Jecl. to ehaiiKe. ' ror Ha Krancie--Hii 7am ' '''"'iil'ia Itivi-r MU-iim ExSuiiduy '-''" l'rtlaii, hih ' w,v l.uidiiii 4a m ".x Mo, day it . rrmn t'riri aiwi i BANNER SALVE. Teltor, eczema and skin diseases yield quickly to the marvelous healing quali ties of Banner Salve made from a prescription of a skin specialist of world wide fame, 25e. CHAS. ROGERS Drurglst. H.FePrael Transfer Co Telephone 221. DRAYING -AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Care Will Receive Bpeelal Attention. No. CM Duaae St, W. J. COOK. Mffr Astoria. Or. Res. TeL 111L 7a.m. iWIIUnietteandVan,. JSOpm. TueiTbur: hlllKUer Mo...,Ved. sudbat. Oregon city. Daju.n 4 and Frl. I Way l.andlniiM : 3:a m. Klparlg u, l uion l, Iwltn t M a in dUy la m i Wlllamtitte Itiver Tues.Thui! Portland t, (.'orvallljuon Pw.rt Saturday and Way Un.ll,,"1 vr 2 J, We1 and Way landing- Krida'y" Gen. Paas. Ag't. Portland 6, NOVIi'K OF THE SALE tF HTiH'K OF Till: COI.UMIII.V RIVEIt I'At'K KliS AS-IOOIATION. OF ASTORIA, OKI.o.v, W 1 1 EKE AS, n the l.lh day of .March, lv.i'.i, the Natl. .mil I'a. king Com pany for a valuable i ..iiHl.'inU"ii iiiii.Ii-, i'Xi-iut'd and d'-llvcmd lo th.- Firnt Na llonul Mauk. o( Afloi Oi.'K'iu. ItN icriaiii r..iilM.H. iy n t Hlnii-ln tt ii'oiiiU,-, ,in, .igr i'd to piy to Hit' ord'T of Nald bank nix iiumiIIin afti'l' i. ate for value nv.-r.rd th. -nun of IIU. MM lth llit-i.-itt Hi. 1 1 . mi nfl' l- dale at the rale of six er nut i"i' iiiuuini Cayililo lu t'nlt.-d Stat, it g.dd colli, and, Wheiva.t, on the I'.'Ui day 't March. Ihki, th nald Nation H P.i. klnu I'mu I' lll). f..r V till.- ler.-lv d, made mi. I de livered to said bank lln r rlaln Moni Is.t'iiy ii. i e wli-n-ln It io inle,j itixl lU'i ei-d to pay to the iM'.f r of n.ild lumk i he sum of J;:h.hi Hith int.r.t after , it - at till' I ale of ?. p. t t eul r aliiiun, payahle III lii.t il Simritl K"i.i -i..i: an. I, Wllere.H. ,Ml (I,,. -,t, ,.iv ,.f S.l.l.'ln. l).-r. I'."!!!, J. O, ll.llKh.'lll. .Ml. ,.1 III.- ell- .1 rtei .iii.I kii ..f th. .u. n-il.-j.. ( III.- purpo.Ht' f K'ciiiinK- the pay ment th -rif, ir.iii-tfeit' d an I ii.!kim-, lit rollat'lMl. to the I luiik. .I'.aren if the i-.ipllai M-i k th.- I'o liimbl.i River IVok'-iM At.viail'Mi. uf Aiteria, ( iifg.n, ih n ii hy the mild J. O. ll,ilith. M il, lis th.otii l,y , e-tll. ate niimh r Ids. and at the .im.- tune and as par- of Ihe itinie irniina. II. mi the H.lld J O. Haillh.MII i-veute. .lli.l ,le. I.vui'.'d lo IhncMl.l bi.ika wr.tienaoig, ui' tit mid liutiM-r of '.fl rtll i!...'k. r eltliirf therein that the B.tid t .. k w.i i.iiiterr''d an collateral n.-eurliy f,,r th piiymeiit of mild no(e-i. mi-tit IIiik all i-IUIIh'. .. III). I ..t roll -i 1 1 Cf( 111 ami- an. I a r iirfoimble attorn, y'n fe an I .uiih.M lty wa given th.-r. In t.i th xal.l bank by ihe nai l J 1 1. I l uuhorti In VII th said ithareH ..f riipltai nt.-t .r iiiiv ;..irt th.-re.if nn any oll.iteral ninttitiit. ( r,.rora. t,, the wi.. . ilh r with. ml notice, nt public ..r private ut th.' optl.'ti of -iil.l bank, 111' ii.mi-i .iym-iit .,f nald noeH and lo imdv the n. t ir.x dt ..f nil h r-.U,- to the payment ,,f kh, notes, an I at th Mle the nald bank wax ihiIIi mu-.I an emji,iwi-d to Imihiii.. th- j.ur Inn. ih'-r-of; and. VhT n-t ?ald i-ertllleate i f ,i ,., k ,l sum nd.-re.i t., ti,. IViik'-rn A'.si'i-I itlon and a n n-ill lb-ale of Ht'X'k In i u ili-tr. if r n I'.s1 Ml in-H VMI.H Wlle,l hy , . , latl I'. said bank, us nli-mii by . iilil ai iuiinii.-r i.b; ml, here ut demand has b n ma. I. fm Hie payment of said n. im) -,ai notes Mt 111 r.-maln untnid. un.l :h i tnw due and unpaid ther-.m a pi i, I pu uie sum of .!is) mi on- n-t- nn (VJH. Jl nn the nther note and Interest Ml i-a -h of said principal sums rpMii .March 1. ri. at iho rule ..f sit j.e ' IIL (ie- II II 11 II lit . .miw r 1 1 1. 1 ; r. l'( ) 1 1 NuTIi'i: IS HMtKMV I. IV EN, That under ,n.. l pursuanc.' f the nald authnrltv r i "U upon ui- un.l'-rslgnr.i by th- ai. J ii inni.irn, Hie undersigned win, on iii-s-iay, the Zllri day of March, l'.Md ut th' hour of ID o'clock a in of ai lay. nl Ihe front door of the hulMon- no (icrune,i uy u,e sal. j-irnt N.i inmai H.uiK, In the Oily of Oregon, sell at public iiuctl.m for cash ii- me nignvtt hiibier the said sniin-s or capitru stock of th ald I'l.lumbla River Parker As s.iriation, certlllcate numb r l.'il and will apply the proc-cis ,,f me to me payment of sal, I note. ,. tne CiwtJl ami eXiiensrs of sale Iiattvt at Astoria, Oregon, this March lilll. I'SII. THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF Hy 8. S. GORI)ON. i,n,.-r This sale has ts-rn adjournal lo tak )lil-. m 10 o'rlisk II. 111., on Salni'.lay March JOth, at pi ir.. ulsive iiani-.i H. H. GORDON. I'lisln.-i 8HI0UIFKB HALE. Hy vlrluoof an rxn ullon And Order of sale Inmit'd mil uf (lir circuit court n (Ju Hiateof Orcirm. for Iho County of tt. aop, nn llir I day of March, IWU, u(Ka judgmi'iil and iletne iflidtird llinre. In mi the 3th day of Ki'brunry, IU01, in favor of J. II. Iiittiiiii-urtntr, plain Ull', and ag.ilnsl C K I .In Ion and Huudo K. Uiiittn, dcri-iiiliitita, fur the un of l.oo, with iiiieiinl th-ntin at the late of K per cent per iiiiiiuin, from Uin Uih day of Novo liber, lsDW, to th flh day of Fi'liruury. for the further sum of III) uttoiiii-y'a frm, the cosla and 'llMblllsenii Ills of this still Inked at S.'l lr nnd lnt 'I'-sl on mild Ju ltfiinnt at the b'lf il lute uiilll (xilil iind the coals of nnd upon Mum will coiniiiiiii.Mng ajid leitu'rltig Hie In niakr sale of the fol lowing described fell I plM.elly, til-Wilt l.oli trll llm lllul eleven III), In Mix lo (;'), In Eimt Wan--nt. mi. us laid out end r.vuril'tl by I', t'. Wuir.-u, aaiiie b-iiig now ii put of ihe in '"i ponui'd i'lty of Wiiir.-nioii, tog'-ilirr with the tent'lll'Mlts. Il.-r 'dll lllirllts lllld tlppur- I'-iiaitc -it lliei.-iini.i belonging or In any wlho npperlalulng In tin- County of OIlltHop, OlX'giMI. Nolle,- lit 111 reby ttlvrii (loll I Mill on M"i:dilv. Hit- Mil day id April. Il, B( ilie hour of in k lu Hie forenoon of Kitld day, III f noil of and at Iho t'uiiit h.Mise door. Ill tlli' I 'II V or Antolllt, I'lul soli ('un ity, Hieiinli. mil nt public auc tion (,i ihe lilk'h. si bi. 1. 1, r for rush, the ii In M' i.'( i Ih d mil pi-i'irty to Ml'.la f.v th- Judaniriil. In I ! ' . ruels nlld all Urrl'ilig costs THUS I.INVII.I.I.'. Sheriff. t 'Inisop I Viinl y. I li-gn, i, Oirgon, Man h Mil, ItH'l, NOTICE TO CONTRAfDHtS. Sealed proposals addressed to the County Clerk of Clatsop County, Ore gon, win dc received until 2 p r April 3, mi, by the County Commis sioners' Court of Clatsop Count v Or... gon, for the construction of forty-two miles of road, or nny part thereof n Clatsop County. Oregon, viz: The Astoria, Olney, Jewell and Ws- per wagon ronj No. 77. Bids must be In compliance with pians anu apeciiicatinns now on n I" with the County Clerk. All bids must be accompanied by n certified check of the value of 5 p(.r rem ui me amount or saia old. Copies of plans can be st-en. ami hi.,., IHcatlons will bn furnished on applica nt n tne unuersigneii. The court reserves the right in n. Oct any or all bids. ft. nH.l ... .t.. r . wi.j-i ui inc oumy i.ommiSHlMn- ers uouri. n. j, WHKItlTV County Clei'k. SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue of an execution and order (if sale Issued out of the circuit cone. of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Clatsop, on the Rh day of March I'Mt, upon a Judgment and decree ren dered therein on the 2Cth day of Feb ruary, 1;1, In favor of I-on Mansur plaintiff, and against Iver Tronson de fendant, for the sum of $4.'IH, together with Interest thereon, and the fnriiw. mm of $25.20 the costs and diaburse ments of this suit and the cohih (,f (in, upon this writ commanding and re Mir ing me to make sale of the foiioi,,.. described real property, to-wlt: The southwest quarter of the north west quarter, the west half of ti, southwest quarter and the northeam quurter of the southwest quarter of section 6 In township 8 north of range 6 wen of the Willamette Meridian con Itrlning 16') acres In Clataop County Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that I will on Monday, the 8th day of April, moi, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the of said day, In front of and at the court house door In the City of Astoria Clatsop County. Oregon, sell at nnhiu auction to the highest bidder for cash the above-described real property to satisfy the Judgment, Interest, costs Bind all accruing costs. THOS. LINVILLE, Sheriff Clatson Countv. Ore Astoria. Oregon. March 6, 190L 'I NOTICE For I'Clil.lCATlo.N. Ulllled StltiS IUld Oltlce, it( Oivgun city, oii-koii, lire. ':t, I): Notlro Is lii-o by Klwii tliut In com pllance wlih the provisions of (he act of cuiigrrsa of June 3. lili, nilltl d "An act for tin- sale of Unit- r lands In th (titi of I'ullf.Miiia, Oregon, .Nevada and Washington Teriitoiy," us ri tend ed to all thu I'llbllc l-nn l Hiales by act of Allw'iist i. isa.'. Chtl-obiu l'i'teroll. of Olnry, cmllll)' of Cl.ilv.p, tttal.- of On-gnii. Iin this tiny nir, I ii, this oltlce Ills tul iiii'iit No, , j flr ih pun hiisn of the Ni; .ni.irt. r of suction No. 27. in luwiishlp .No. U north, range No. h west, nnd 'll offi-r proof show that the land sought I more vuluulile for Us turner or (on I ban for aurlcullurnl .uii..--s. and in establish Ills claim lo n, i.,,l before on reantir and rt-clv r ..f tin omY l Oregon I'll)-, Or.Koii, u T.'iuriday, the 21th day of Aprd. IWI. Ho numes us t itiiessi s; i;.-niKe Mc Finland. Una! Adolph. Alexander Nor. tumid. Fn-dcrlck Noitnatid. ad of ON ney, I'lutsop rnuiity. Or. g"n Any and ull persons claiming ad versely the ubovr-dcscrlbeil l,ind are requested to file thdr rliilm. In th'.s oltlco on or before raid 2Mb day of April. Itlil. ' CHAS. II. MOOUES. Rpgtaier. NoTIi'K OF HALE." In thu Counly Court In and fr Jack on County. On-gnn, n the mailer of the rstato of Tliadd. ua V. llarclay Irrru.-d. Notlff I hereby given that under and ' by virtue of an order of sale mad by the Hon. County Court of Jackson County. Oregon, ilutt-d January 7lh Il. and recorded In volume 12 of the probate rerord of said county, on page hii; I will ,.u and aft.r April 1st IM1, proceed to sell U( private rale for cash, lots 24 anj u in bbM k I of Hie town of l-'ia v. ('enter ci,'. i ounty, Oregon, and tin. h i-' u s.-rtloi, lo, In twp. N, f IiinK,'. k'w of W. M. In a!d Clatsop County OERTRUHE IlAltci.AV. Administratrix of .slate of Thuddrus W. llarclay. Iii-ceiued AhIiI.,..i t,r. K. IK HRHKIH. Atty, ' Asnianii, ore. STREET ASSESSMENT- N, , U stv pur- Notice Is hcr.-bv iriven ii.n, lal ass-ssiii-nt r. ma.'le f,,r ji.t i.4 u-irayiiig t. , .msIi b,j rx. '""" " ri'p.uring ti- fth ir..,., t.. '57"' r. I M,ree, ,., North line f Franklin io.i. mi ...... w,, ,... auilllor an.) i..,-4 Jildg" of th- City f AsliMb, ,y board nf uss.'SMurs e mid III ilk.-, I .n.l lllllllhlTi.t -Stre.-t Asse,-,,,,.,,, s-., .... and that lu , . C,,nrl ci.ami,,.., i I'" 'l,y Hall Ih- City of A,llirla lalsop i. utility. Suit- of n,,.K ,,; ;;th d.iv of April, 1'jol, t ,,,,, jMlr )f . oc.ork i. m. of said day. has b.s-n U.-I ae il,.. tP a,,,, ,,u.(. I i t( log id the b.wrd of i,ss.-swM-s and mm. ,:ltt. !l SlreelH ,111 I mibll.- .. ... slltuling the board of e-iuallzatl,,,, fr III.- purpose of i-xiimllilnir eoe and equaling sa.d ass.-ssment ri)," Any person having ohj.t tl-.ri t ai, .' .i SHiin-ni i, n risiilr-i to make ti. am In vrltiiik an I Hie 'he mm,. Wtt, tn luidltor uinl police Judge (,r s.,i, ,ity prior (i tne linn, of mvllnK of ad board of equalisation. 1 1. E. NK1.S. iv Auditor and I'nllce Judge of ihe' city of Astorli. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. nlted States Ijind Office, at Oregon City, Oregon. Feb. 1. 1901. 8 Notice la hiTebv a-lven ihm it,. ..i I , - v kite; U owing named settlor haa niert n..n. her Intention to muke final nn... i siipiKn-t of h-T claim and said proof IL I I I tt ft-.,..... . t. . . J ..... iiinun uriiiro mo n-gistert and re I'lV-r of the United Statea Iji at Oregim City, Oregon, on Monday" April 15. 1901. vlx: Uy' MRS. ANNA BAMUELKON, HlHter and hclr-nt-law r n.or'i... Roriell. (Iii-iisihI. who mn.ln III trilAait .1 application No. 11014, for lot 8, m-c 84 vV'f4' N,,V J0"' 8n" 8"4 Nh!4, sec. 3, twp. 3 N., range 8 W Blt- imted In Tillamook and Clatsop coun- Nm. slate of Oregon. Khe iifimeg the followlnir ull urovo his continuous residence unon ami cultivation of mild land, viz J. It. Wherry, of IOIhIo. cint ty. Ore.; Unnlel Relerson, of Vim-maple latson counlv. Ore -IjiiiIs M.,,... i . - - ' ' .eu'-Bt, or 'well, f latsop conuty, Ore.; C. J. Lln- M, oi vesper, uiatsop county, Ore. Further and spoclal notice Is re bey n-lyen that tho nhn. tunned claimant, alater and heir-ut-law, Intends to make her in. livblual final proof Ir, support of her lulm, and that her said nroof uin v.. niadi! by her for tho above described land before tho county clerk ut v,. county of Rock Island, at Rock Island In the i stiit of Illinois, on Monday' April IB, 19J1, " CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is herebv riven that o.. "Iitned administrator of the estate of lemlma Rkllihn AnimmaA t... ... . . u - ' ...., mm iiie(j jn tno county court of Clatsop county Or his final account aa t.uch admlnlstra tor. and that Monday, the first day of April, 1901, ul the hour of 10 o'clock a m. Of said dav. h Aa hwn hv - ' Axed aa th time for the hearing- of objectlona to said final account and the ottlement thereof. 0 , . . ' - MAX U BKIBBEJ, Administrator of the eatate of Jenil- "a dhiodc, aeceaaea.