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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1901)
iS wmm VOL. 1.1 II ASTOKIA. OKRCQN, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 27, 1901. XO. 74 mm III! Wll II HI V lit, TO BE WITHOUT FAULT l;or Sale In Astoria Only by the ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. AHTOIilA, OIIBGOIN Book Bargains ..HO Clnth lluUlnl Hoi.ks, (iooil TitliH, Hiiiilin' ami Anilines. . . . Just (he Kind lor These Five-Volume St Is if Kipling, u-M.II,,,M.a.l( it i m I oiiuT gnmi authotK .... GRIFFIN COFFEE INOB HILL ROAST Hull the MomI lnHiUllotiM DAISY UNROASTED Pronounced Perfoct FOARDtS STOKES CO 431 BOND STREET, lcueca Ninth md Tenth Street 11 Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS.... .. Supplio8 of nil kinda at lowest rates, for fishermen, Furmers and Loggers. A. V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets We Rent New C. J, TRENCHARD, Commission, Brokerage, Cu Insurance and Shipping. Afw.r.AcaminotirrfMcoi. The Superior Ranges ARE . . . ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL WHO HAVE USED THEM 5 for Si Long Winter Evenings Cl 7C Ppp Cpf vla v i vi & REED COFFEE NAPOLEON Was thi World's I. it ding (icncml WE ARE Astoria's Leading Hoose FOR a Stoves 'and RanSeSm W. J. Scully, Typewriters. Many now improvements added. Seo our latest ' No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogun Free . . . L. M. ALEXANDER & CO- Exclusive Pacific Coast Dealers 245 Stark St., Portland, Ore. F W.M'KEdlKlE.IotHlAct'iit. atom House Broker. ASTORIA. ORE MINE DISCOVERED BENEATH PALACE Another Unsuccessful Attempt to Assassinate Czar. MANY NOBLES IMPLICATED Uluii and Continued Attempts on Mil Life Have Completely I'onefvtd His Ma-My-Situation Considered Very Ora. .'.mm., 16. A dispatch 1J Hi-- Kxi hang.- TV-graph 4iiiiiniy from I '.it i "int. ih.. IiIk'Ii.'hi author iiy .i iiiln.. Ilk l--ri iI'v.t J b -ti'-uth ili" I'.iiai.. cif Kmp"rr Nn'holun ut 'Y.' .ii ik'i--S. In, Kiv-Iili-.-n iiiII.-k H.iutt "i S:. l'' t"t)ilMi'K. S- i if I ii'i.itilnU-, tin- dispatch fur Hi' i M.ii. i., nr.. Implicate, in the pt .'Kiiii"t In majesty. Tin. liuml.iii pr an n ( m -rilttt to tiM-iitioii tlii- af fair ''.i: i'i.MI'I.CTIM.V t'NNKI'.'KI). I."MhiN, Mmh :!..... A 'Iihu.!i I' :--itiurif to lirutor'it 'IV-lc- ; a. y ..iy. trial In coiiMonaiii-t' H b-li vi-.l In ! th'- ixar n p.'-"--l l-ti. tli- iiiiiiiM.-r of ih.- i.i- ' m Ii.ij. iubi"b '1 Inmi u tton.-i for Hi' 1111I101 IiI.'h of tin- town mi. I :ro- 11. r iiiiiti ii'llni; piov-iill- lii-.i- 111 :ifc'r.'ii: .11.,. 111 b un in a.i t-lliK tllori' fT 'in- than ( vi-r r -ir-f l-n .ifU'i 'I.'-iuiImmi s Ii.iv l '-n H'. irt'tl. 'l h - liiiinliiKti 1111 I'uHt. wTiiih Ih trios. !v 11 totich .ivlth J fl'-ph 'lumbrilali:, ii' 4 r'' 1 vl In blich '(iiai tcis In I., n ! .11 in l. -it.( ;hat ih" u In a tv ii-ivouf Htat' owlnjt to thi- i-"iili-;i 11 ..f tli.. nHi!lt-.". borlx mi. it naiu t h' fi'iirH th- r-ult of lh - policy .f h: In th'- far Kat. uhlie l h- n.l -ii t tr-iubl'it iifi.l t!.rnN uifaiiiHl I11111. nf uhlch thrf an- more than h:v' Ii- n inil!l!li"!. havi- liiiplcli'ly un I 11 i .1 h m 1111J ; I Uh ili' illi iil iiIv Im ." h 1 v.- utroiinly coiinu'li'ti a yacht. ni runs', but th.- ; !i;m r'fu-.l to f"l' l"-- tli'Ir'. TIiom" behind the ' 11 ,( I.i luiMa take a, very Krave . . . ir nl iikII illon and think .ii b"!5i.inliiK "t niori" hitIou.h ti.uti- SKlZl ltl-; OF SKAMXtl VICSSKl.S. m'oi r. ipondcnc.. (if Ahocl. itvil Prciis ) ,-T I'KTKHSlU'Ut. March f-H"r- I. tt II. I), ricrt-, counsel t,v the Unit ed Stat.n In the arbitration over the,' by wurvhlpo of Aim-rl- ran iillnK ve,l, h submitted his .i Ktmi. nl to the arbiter, M. A.i-r, o. ni' inb -r "f the council of ntnte of The N, tlK-ilundif. Th-' nioit Interittnt; of the cusrn Is 1l1.1t of the Jain-H Iliinilton IwIk, ulncc IttifHla set op by Implication lit I -act the defense that this vess -l was s'-ize.i at a distance f about live miles from the ltusinn Hhon-. Inasmuch as the J 11 rift it have hitherto 'sustained the thi-t -mile limit as the extreme Imun- darv of lurlifdictU n off txiasis, and Hus- m! 1 has never publicly imnTted un In- t'-ntion of cliUiniiiK iin'. Mr. I'leive ye. , ns to have mice nsfully c-itnbaued this pirn, not to mention the fact that no proef was tiff.-retl by Itussla that ih'- esi was .njrasisl In sealing o(t tile ItllHSlllll tillt. The 1-i-wlrf. Hailing from Stm Francis co, was sulz'M mi Annual 2. IM'l, taken to VladiviistiK'U mid cudlsciited. At the moment of H-litiiie he wtui twenty miles from i'oier Island, the near UussUm turltory. It is the ilalm of the United Hlai a that Khe had never durlnK the entile vnyiiBo been within Kusslan Jur ixliction. To iUOoPKXKD FOIt SKfTI.KM KM'. I Mr! of Washington Forest Heserve Found More Suitable for Agri culture. WASIIIXOTOX, March 26.-About twenty-four whole and fractional townships embraced in what Ih knoitn as Methow valley, Wash., ail within ih-- Washington forest reserve, prob ably will be detached from that icserve and opened to aittleinent In a few months. The commissioner peneral of the land i, Mice lias recommended to th-' secmury M 'bobbinetiW VMS BUKKLKD Cb'ltTAINS. W, f tin- Interior th- H iiilMilim f this to i of about 167.MO iur from lh" nM rvf. I h land ii.iv li .en r ni'-fu'-ly examln d by irvrriment official;, i,iid 1 uii'l to l" irrire suitable fur trrl- i:l I ii re thii forestry t-H.'r" purple-. big KittK at y vjuina. I iifi.i.:K 1'iir.l m i f tli.. Town Almo.-;t Kiitlr-Hy Di-n!n,yc,. VACCINA, Or".. March :i;.--i;.irly thii morning the. bind m-n. portion' thu town wa alnitit entlr.-ly d'-Kroy- fl by III--. Thi- lou Ih '-utini it'l it I':,) .in the insurance at (Mi. Tli- fin- Aim disc ivt'-,i about z.'Mi a. rn. In ii ni'i hall. N'j .U pl -uri.-..- for fluhiliiK lli- woji available jin'l the iiimt Kpr'-d'l rapllly to nljolnlnK billlilliiKK. tt.illy d-Htniylnir th'-rn wltii 1'iost of Ih-lf (tnvnli.. Tin- t'nlie'l St. It I'M CUrttolli hollMi' ,ll 1',' htioy-1 out lii ifl of th'- r-orrl mv 1. It l tboiiKbt that lb- f'.ri- wa-t nt;in-l In lh- Kurd'-n of Siotf hail fr tn a liK-it ' l t lit ir-tli. tbpiw n in tli'- rubbi.-ili I'll'. SII'.KT I. INK KXTKNSIii.N lltl.ll't f-t for I' l-ll l' tlol of (til-' Mii.:idr-l Mil.-n. NKW Vn'CK. M.11. h :';. - nti. in.. - 1 1 hi v a, had '.".lav of in- i.-port tml :.n ln hav b -:i hIl- b- A..,.. tt.e ni'hoii Siiort I-ln- "'ompuriy, whl-h is 11.11I uf th,.. I'nioii r.K itlc, and thu 'A'hlli- Knob 1'nppT inp.iliy, liMii'i-d. iou..uiiim.i'.iiiK a ctitrai t f ir trio o-n-Htru -lion of about l'Ki mi.-n .if railroad. Tli road will run fr..m a p'lnt r-tar film k fool on th.- Short I.ln.- to H.niH- t in. ocat..N In lh.- central part of Ida ho. Th.- district 1km I".- n the nct-n.- if xt' iihivc iiilnl!: op.-iMii.ii') f r the 1 jl t n l V'twn year!". fllli'A'IO HI-VoIUj SnI.U. Wiil M.. I.u.-d In "on Junction With TlmcH-ll-rald I'lid-r Till..-U'Turd-ll.-rald. of I'HU'A'io, Murvh -Victor F. I.i- ton ann i'iiices unit he has s.-ld the (.'hlciijo liquid to Herman Kohlsaat, who v.lll h reaf ter Issue U in conjunc II- Mi .vlih the Chicago Ttnie-il"i'aUl under the title it the I'hiiMifo lU'cord lleral t. Frank U. N'oy-s, publisher of the W.ishintp'm Siar ami president of III- As-KK-lated Pier, has acquirtM an inli-r-.-st In the It cord-Herald and will l.e lis I'Ublinliei-, H. H. Kohlsaat ue- votlnif his entire time to the editorial linn of th pap-T. WU.I. lU'ILU TO HEU-:XA. Party of Knirine rs and Surveyors He ll v-d to lie Working for M.1 wuuK.v and St. Paul Koai. ST, PAUI March I'C-A spx-.iul from TJowdlc, S. O.. says that a full corps of engltl r .ilhl ftlrvtyors workerl west of Kvnrts today. This fact Is believed to Justify the reports In railroad cir- tl-s that the M Iw.iukee and m. Paul will build to Hel na, Montana, this sea son, work to begin at once as sm as the surveying is completed. A .ASK AX SCUVKYS. I'tovel nment Steamers Olleivd Xorth to Chart Passages. VASlUX'iTlX. March 26. The coast an ! geixie'.lc survey steamers Pathtill ai. l M ic.-Vrthur. at San Francisco tnd Patterson, and the (Jodney, at Se- attl.'. are now titling an under jrders to p;,-ed to Alaska to survey Impor tant passag s ani-mg the islands along tli' Alaska a coast. NFW PUKSIPKXT FOR ERIK. Position Act-pied by Vice-President id liaitim nv & Ohio. NKW YORK. March 26. The Even ing Post says: Vice-President F. P. Underwood, of the Ealtitrure & Ohio Railroad, has ac- ept.-d the presidency of the Erie riil- road. MORE OIL EXCITMEXT . Another Rig Ousher at Renuinont, Texas. RKAU.MONT Tex.. March 26. -The In the Beaumont field secoiui gusner came in at . o'cloek Uiis morning. The spouier was closed at 9 o'clock. Thi flow is estimated at 20.000 barrels. The city Is again wild with excitement. Just Heeeived. . . 100 pairs Robbinet Ruffled Curtains. The Swell Window Display, on which we are making a SPECIAL SALE. Also a new line of Ladles' Writing Desks in Flemish Golden Oak and Birds' Eye Maple CHINA HAS NOT REJECTED TREATY But Objects to Many Points in Manchurian Convention. AMERICAN PROTEST MADE China Hi rued a Month Ap A(ilnst Sepir He Negotiations With Any Power Protest Will Not Be Re pealed. . i.'ili.., Mar.-h :s.-Thc K'utC'i T"l Kiani Company has rcr-.-iveJ lh r.llott'intf dl.-pitch: ' T-kiii. Mirch L'C.T p. m. The it that rh'na n-Jceta the Manchurian ( o.ivi-'illon Ik no: tru . Shlr obj.-cts t 11. icy polnt.i which are und-T fiiHcuf!- -i'n." UKR'SKS Ti SIOX. I.i -NM i. March iS-T'i- hanfchai ( ..i p-.-l ond'tit of th..- Tinii-! win a: "I am inf i-:n.-l by the bci authority th.- 'hln-tw; court has instruct-J I.I lluru t'hmif to inform the mlnl-tt-'rn of thf iio.vcnt that China has rvfui.'.l to .-iitti th.- Man- liurian convention." K X T E X 8 1 0 X HE F U SEU. UiXIXJX, March 26. "M. He tJieis has emphatically declined." says Lr. M Tilson. wiring to the Times from I'ikiii. Sunday, "to tcrant an extension of th.- p-riod for sigTiing and further amending the Manchuridn convention, ul kh the I'hln-s- court implored. L.I Hung Chang continue! to urge the tx le'dieiicy of Immediate cumpliancc. His hands were strengthened by Count Von Union's sta'enfient 'n the reichstig that the Anirlo-i jermati aKr??mei:' flots not apply to Manchuria. "There is some reason to doubt the bona fldes of the m.idifled demands re-sp-ctlng Mongi'll-.i and Turkestan.'' XO AMERICAN' PROTEST. NEW YORK, M.irch 26. According to a Washington special to the Tribune, the I nittil SUtes has d-clined to .inter a protest against the seizure of Man churia by Russia, although aptioach ed by other powers witi ih.u tnd in view and w.irtied by them thii ': suniniation of ihe negotlaiiotis lodjy In St. Pri 'rsbiirg would insure the dismrm bcrment of ihe I'; empire and probalily lead lo war 'n the Orient. The decision of this government to i abstain from Intervention, in accord ance with its traditional policy In com plications beyond the sea., Was c,,,nn u nicaled very recently to Wu Ting Fang by Secretary Hay. The United States government is con strained to rest Its commercial rights on its emphatic declarations in the last year, which it believes cannot be dis regarded by Russia or any other na tion. These declarations of the Ameri can position before the world were con tained in Secretary Hay s first note re garding the '"open door" in China. The decision of ihe United States not to intervene in the present crisis is fur ther strengthened by the cordial assent t.f all the powers to the assertions of American policy in the memorable now of July 3 last. The third and final rea.m which has lei ihe United States to withhold Us Intervention rests on a hiiherDo unpub lislu'd but brief and very important dt- pluii-atie Incident. It is now disclosed that tile United States tiled an inef fective pretest no longer ago than Feb- i nary 1j, when Secretary Hay warned China that it would be unwise and dan io have separate or secret nei5' tiattoiis with any single power and gave notice that the United States would not recognize the validity of such trea ties. On March 1 a circular quoting tins warning was sent to all the interested uowe'.. Particular care was taken that the American ambassador at St. Peters burg should present his copy directly to the Russian minister of foreign af fairs and simultaneously Secretary Hay delivered a copy to the Russian ambas sador at Washington. It was express ly declared to Russia and tlu rest of the world that this government would not recognize such a treaty as that now pending at St. Petersburg. WANTS AN APOLOGY. Imperative Demand to Be .Made i-'p in the Sultan of Morocco. TAXOIER, Morocco, March 20.-Tho American consul-general here, Mr. C.uinniere, says he intends to nove a definite settlement with the sultan of Morocco concerning all the American claims and will demand an apology Or his discourtesy. NEBRASKA DEADLOCK. Republican Caucus Has Probably Met for Its Last Session. LINCOLN. March 26.TFifty-three Republican members of the legislature tonignt went Into what is believed to be tb, li hi s-nitorial caucus Mj on ' i. -a ,rm va-ncy. From S until II ii'i 1 x-k th ball itlng wait sfadlly main tained without a nomination. Th- re w,is ,i falling off In the vu for E Iwani 1 oh t i'-r an I a giln for George Ale- kl.John. The lnHt ballot resulted: I;'.l -r. 27; M -ikl'-john. 20; Curri", '.; Uil lrldge, 1. (Miring; the ballot. rig a communication ii r-c'-lv d from nine men who r -fin ed to enter the caucus. In eff.-ct th- b'l:rr agreed to abide by th- d-eislon of the caucus If It would undo ih- work of a ws.---k ag and nornlnaie any t.v. men, tllmlnaflng the name of l. E. Thop;(i!in. The caucus a-t II o'clock took a r"- r-'-ss to considT the tommunieition. ire ci'.iiiis adjourned shortly ln-for- nillPiKht HUbJert to the cad of tr.e chairman. The otimmunicatiun of ti-.e boltersi was left unanswerenl after a motion to 1 nounce them and :helr a 1- visers an traitors to the party had b n tabl . DEBENTURE HUSIXES.- KIM.Kl Chio Supreme Court Icid.-s That Th ir Method Are Th'ise of Lott-ry. COLUMBUS. O.. Manh 2.-The u- i.renie court t. day dealt a death hi'"' to thi so-called delientur-; business Ii Oi.lo. In quo warrtnto pro--e-lmir brought by the attorney general ai ns; the Intrs:a:e Invtstment Company. 0f Cintinniti. the court ent. r-d a ju.lg nient of ouster. The t'ecMon is baa-'-l upon th liiiding of the court that th? ineth.'ds employ-.-d by debenture companies are thos- of n lottery; that they are fraudulepi. coti- trary to public policy and unlawful. Assistant Attorney-Omr! T:d, v.n- has had charge at tiie case for the state. Mid to lay that in his bvli-f the nine d-benture companies; of Ohio wiil attempt to do no further business. Ap plication for receivers for most of ih-in luive already b?en mad-. The compan ies' aggregate deposits In the --;a!e treasury now amount to about JJ'M.OOO. According to their own reports the ag gregate liabilities to debenture ii.-lleis amount to approximately J2.'X0.i)"y. Ti.e aggregate assets claimed by the cor- .(ir.iiions oth-r than deposits wivh slat; trfa-sur r amount to abmit $30,1,"0. KITCHEXER A FAILURE. outh African Correspondents Admit That England Must Return to Abandoned Policies. LOXDOX. March 27. The Pr-tjrla and Iiloemf jiuein correspondents of the Times send long dispatches admitting that Lord Kitchener's policy and opt-:- ions have failed to achieve the results ho,jed for and pointing ou: iliat the ritisli public must be pivpaid to ic- u;n t-i ihe ordinal p-'!iey of m-eupy.ns the districts of the country wiui iiii'.i- larv posts as ihe only tmans of eft'-vt- ing comidJte pacification. Tills process, the correspondents say will occupy .puch time and n-.Vcssitate a constant .-nipply of fr-sh troops. Ar- rtngement3 muM be made to send a?so. lutely frjsh troops to the front In or der to enable others to be sent home. ' Unless this aspect of the cas.- is grasped by the authorities," pay the ad vices to the Times, "there is a possi bility of the war bstinir for years. It is yuiie us.djss to renew p.'aoe nego tiations." XKXT BIO RAILROAD MOVE. Mammoth Consolidation of Utah-Colorado Lines to Be IneorpoiiVe 1. SALT LAKE, M uch 26,-The Tr-hu'ij tomorrow will print the following: The next" big move in railioii .' cles will be the incorpei.uion u'ld r the laws of Utah of the Maninio-h .-n-v r and Rio Grande lnctrpraii in lo cover the Utah-Colorado lines which are to be formed into one system which is to be part of the great Missouri Pa cific system The capitalization of the n-'W company will probably be 51 12. Mi. -000. ' The Col.irado-Utah sines would make 1150 miles of system which would be managed bv one set of general eflk-.'rs at Denver MRS. NATION AND THE MAYOR. She Strongly Denounced Cincinnati's Chief Executive in His Office. CINCINNATI. March 26 Mrs. Na tion called on Mayor Fleishman tt the city hall this afternoon and scolded him for operitlntr a distillery here. Sie said: "Y'ou will have some serious ques tions to answer when you face your God." For twenty minutes the mayor listen l to perhaps the strongest denuncia tion that a chief executive eer re ceived in his own office. POSTOFF ICES ADVA N C ED. WASHINGTON. March 2ti.The fol lowing fourth-class postoffices wi'l advanced to the presidential diss on Apiil 1st: Coeur d'Alene, Idihj; Sd verton and Woodburn, Oregon. IOWA TO GO INTO DRYf'OCK. SAN FRANCISCO. March 26.-The battleship Iowa sailed today for Puget sound. She will go into the drydock at Bremerton. SERIOUS ACCIDENT IN NEW TUNNEL Train Stalled and Crew Overcome by Poisonous Oas. ENGINEER BRADLEY DEAD Other fireat Northern Trainmen Recovered Alter Reachloi Open Air Relief Party on Special Ea(loe Rescued Ihe Crew. SEATTLE, March 2. The first a- accident to occur In th new Jreat Xorthem tunnel which wa opened for trifflc about three month r,' i t'"k place yesterday afternoon and resulted in the death of Engineer W. W. I!ia.:i'y. His death was due to auf f ication from poisonous gaa. His "re man. Jo- W. Smith, was ivercorne but recover.-J. Five other trainmen were overcome but. recovered soon after r-achin the ipen air. The train, which was eastbound, be- cam.. aiaild In the middle of the lun- i;el. Fumes fnm the engine noon flliel tr..- piace and the men were fwced to Kave the train and lie on the floor f th- tunn-1 for safety. When the train failed to appear at the east end Of the tunnel the watchers there feareJ that something hid happened and start ed with a relief engine. T'.u (Hid of the engineer was found face down in a ditch at the side of the track. The other men were found along the track. The rescuers had hartl work Setting into the scene, owing; la the pr sen;-e of smoke and gas. All th men rescued were taken to a hospital at Everett and are nearly recovered to night. ;i;ts second place. Victory for Democratic Ticket of Mich igan in the Supreme Court. LANSINC. Mich.. March 2S.VTh su preme court today granted a minJaaius directing that the Democratic ticket bet given second place on the official bal let. Ionia county. The attorney-generaj and secretary of state had ruled that there was no Democratic vote cast last fail, the party column then being ha4- I ed Democratic-Peoples Union Silver part v." the Democratic ticket, must have the last place on the official bsd iot this year. . .f r WILL TALK WITH MORGAN. Prelates Are Trying to Settbt Trouble Between Miners and Mine. Owners. -"N NEW YORK, March 26.-Father Phillips, of St. Gabriel's church, Haale ton. Pa., is in New York for the pur pose oi using what Influence he caa bring together to settle the trouble be tween the mine owners and the miners. Hj give out the Information tonljht thai he has made arrangements for himself, Archbishop Corrigan and Bish op Henry C. Potter to meet J. P. Mor tal! tomorrow afternoon to talk over th situation. HOUSE MARKET BROKE RECORD. Seventeen Hundred Arrived at Chicago Suek Yards Yesterday. CHICAGO. M.irch 26. The Chlcag liore market broke the record of re e.ipts yest-Tdiy. th-re having arrive! a: t'exter part Hiriprointraier union sloek yards, during the day 1697 horses in 114 cars. A Urge number of the horses now being purchased in this market are for the Engltfh army. REDUCTION PLANT DESTROYED. Loss of $73,000 Sustained by Copper Hill Mining Company. SANTA FE, N. M.. March 26. News has reached here that .the fine new re duction plant of the Copper Hill Mining; Company was completely destroyed by fire. The bMler house and tank were also d'-stroyed. The loss is about $75. 000. GREEN ADMITS CHARGE. Shot and Killed E. V. Benjamin at Mood River on "Sunday. HOOD RIVER. Ore., March 26. Wil liam Green was arrested today on a charge of murdering E. V. Benjamin, who was shot through a window early Sunday morning during the progress of a dance at Wendorf's place. Green confessed to firing the shot. Green was taken to The Dailes tonight. OVATION FOR HOBSON. Naval Officer Presented With Valuable Silver Service. MONTGOMERY, Ala., March 2. Captain R. P- Hobson received an ova tion In his home at Greenboro tonight, the occasion being' th presentation to him of a sliver service, costing $1(M, bv his neighbors and friends.