AST0H1A PUBLIC LIBRARY iSSOfffiE:. NOTIOB! Books, Periodicals, Magazines. &a, Are Not to be Taken Library w.lhout pcrmi iu . .nd guilty of su will be liable to Drosccul illf ... . i.piLJl 'w..,.v... TO BE WITHOUT FAULT For Sale In Astoria Only by the ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO, AHTOIJIA, OURCION Book Bargains MM) Cli.Hi Uuuinl Uookx, (Jc.,1 Tillcx, Itintliiig aii'l Author. . . . Just the Kind lor These Kiv-Volume? S tM of Kipling, Uu.wllJIolmcH.IIcnty.Mca.lo ami other good author .... GRIFFIN COFFEE NOB HILL ROAST Hulls. IHo MomI Pnwtklloim DAISY U1NROASTED Pronounced Porfect FOARD & STOKES CO 431 BOND STREET, UeUcefl Ninth and Tenth Streets Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A. V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets We Rent New C. J. TRENCH ARD, Commission, Brokerage, Cu,,omi hou. Broker. ASTORIA, ORE Insurance and Shifting:. Atw.F.AcdPifloKxpreucoi. The Superior Ranges ARE . ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL WHO HAVE USED THEM S for $1 Long Winter Evenings Cl 7C Ppp Cpt nJmI J I vl Oll 6c REED COFFEE NAPOLEON Was thiKorld's Lddlry Gtocral WE ARE Astoria's Leading House FOR ..Stoves and Ranges... W. J, Scully, Typewriters. Many new improvtments added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free . , . L. M. ALEXANDER & CO. Exclusive I'aoille. Coast Dealers 245 Stnrk St., Portland, Ore, F W.M'KEdIKlE.1 oral Agent. TERMS OFFERED BY KITCHENER Outline of Negotiations With Botha Disclosed. BOERS TOO NARROW MINDED Objected to Allowi.ct .1 Equal Rlfbli lo BUckl aid Jews Public Will Never Km Full Detail, ot (be Nefotl atloai. I.n.MxiN, farJi 22,-The Dally "hrflrr, professing to be able to give an dutlui.) df the n"-g'tlalion Ik t ween Lord .CiMicivr and tieneral Botha, it y r 'In chief bsU-le to a settlement wuK I.,-,: Klt.-hrirr'R refunal to grant coinpie'e amn-sty l,j the lender of th rebel In Cape Colony. Jf offered self Kn rmiu in on the linos of Jamaica Im mediately upon the cessation of tk Hl i 1 III-a, w ild l-KUIitlv Ih1, partly cl.-r- t'il liy the burgh-re. "Th , if.iv-rniii.-nt agreed to provhU j. I (ho,(khi i compensate (li. liner f.r pr-P-iiy !!... "N hurirhir of -lt li r state mm to be ull 'W-l ;t :if except by special IIoimi li.ith.i wan K'-ii'T.illy In fa- v"r f :!i.-i- conditions but ht? dissented itirmiKly frm the propoul o give full lirlvlbgc of rItliiKhlif to pnMrly lom- lillid aii r-cUtT-il bliu-ka. He was abo K,-aiy cn.-.-i n d ab.ut th? ikI Hi. ii J.-IbIi ti)ltHli!a would iiTUpy In i'k- country and woa told that theJowa and ChrlHtUn would t-njy eiual rlghta, no diatlnctlon IxMmk made In the mat t'T of concaalon.." Thf irurllim -ntary .apcra on the nub-J-H w probably appmr tclay (Fri day). ItL'MOIt DI..'ItEIITED. !)NIx'. March Zl.-Tb" Antwerp runi'T of th'1 execution of General I'Vni h by the Ho.ra la abxHuti'ly (lis-cr'-'lit'-d In London. NOT T HE DISnxSED. NEW YOKE. March 21. A dltch b thf Tribune from Indon nays: It wua fully expected und liideed the ifoveniin'-rit ha.l lnt-nded thut the ip- r protiiiaml by Mr. Chamberlain, beur Inu tlxn the peace ni'Kotlatiins be tcn Lord Kitchener and Urneral Itotlia. chould have been reudy for l-i-u.' on Tuenday evcnlnsr. I'nforem-en delay with the printer, however, ren-.I'-it.I publli-Hllon impomtlble then, but the papers would have ben rwdy for dlHtribiitlon yesterday had It not been for the fact that at 'the Iunt minute it wan found that one of the dispatches wait of too important a nature to be Ifwuii'd without undergoing certain re vision and the publication was accord ingly atfiin delayed. It la tolerably certain that all com munication which passed between Eiik'land nnd South Africa In reference to th.? matter will not 'lie seen by the public It la mated that the failure of the negotiations was caused by a dlna isnvnient on the question of the treat in. m of the Cape rebel. I'M I MP ItOTHA KILLED. LONDON, March 21. A 8vlal from Cane Town, dated March 20. says that Philip Hotha was hlllnl In the recent lighting at Lydenburg. SITUATION EXTREMELY C.llAVK. Partlcliviilon of Fa-tory Uands In St. Petersburg Rlota Causea Anxiety. ST. PETBRSRURO. March 21. Ow ing to conditions created by the recent rlot.s In which students took part, lee tuies will hardly be possible fcr the reinilnder of the year at any of the higher Institutions. The participation of factory hands In the riots is considered extremely grave so far as the future Is concerned. INTERVIEW WITH CARNEGIE. He Tells English Reporter That Consol idation Are BencflVrn. LONDON, March 21. To an English Interview?, after his arrival in London today, Andrew Carnegie talked freely BOBBIN ETrjjw BUrFLED CUKTAIXa. vl cms. mcernlng the Unlt"d ftlafs Bte. for fotatlon, which ha thought would not (T.Tt iir.-l Ilrllaln rnuc-h on way or the other, Consolldatlona are the tendency of our UK", aald h", and will provi; Imti'-IHI. The chanc-a of Andrew fame!, f he landed a p.-nnilea U.y n N.-w York tnilKit, w uld be aa bright as they were In IMS, an I he would have an even wider Meld., H thought th" tariff waa a liick number for many thlnics, hiv ing done It work, "but," he added, "where it la villi needed you may rely It will be fr.-ely usd." CONKEUENVK OK ORANfE MEN. Hundr"da of Carloads of California Fruit Kp-ilM Owing to Uu-k of Transportation Facilities. LOS ANOELEH, Mar,h il.-The oranne grower ai.d from all ovr southern Cullfornla assembled here today to discus the alleged car famine and delay In tHMi. rf fruit to the Eust. Hundreds of curl aula of fruit, It Is said, are being rej-te, (,n arrival at their destination lvaue of rot. Much rf tills dcay, the grower claim, Is due to ill slow time nuiile In transit. A commltt'-e was ,-iroliit.-, t,, confer with the railroad .dTlclals that a time j the railway siding would not proceed schedule may le arranged which the! nt!l the matter hail been dlplomatUal riillrids n.ut ke-p or pay the penalty J Iv adjusted. TIiIb proposal and tlpu- for every day In excess thereof. I N DE M X IT Y Q I'KSTION. Russian View appears to Coincide Th of th. Culled States. With WASHINGTON, March 21.-A num ber of fordgn repr-senra lives called at the st.ite department today, all Inter ested In China and all ke-nly aroused over the prurn-ss of negotiations con- -ernlng lnd"mnltli-s. The Russian view as to Ind-mnlll-s appear to coincide with that of the- I'nlU-d States, being favorable to k'-eplng the amount down lo a sum which there Is some ppwpeet that China can pay. Instead of placing It so hlg-h that China's Inability to nav will n-sult In a territorial scramble. RACE WILL COME OFF. Th- Abbott and Doralma Will Trot for - 1:5.000 a Side. NEW YORK. March 21.-Flre Com missioner John J. Scannell announced this afternoon ttal he had decided to agree to the conditions stipulated by Thomas W. Uwn-n, of Honton, that the proposed nwe br-tween the trotters The Abbot and Roralma should be for four louts In seven. The race will be for jri.OX) a side. M CONN ELL HAS RESIGNED. For Thirty-Three Years Has Been Con n-vied With Union Pacific System. OMAHA. March 21.-J. H. MeConnell. sur Tlmendent of nuHlve power fr the f'nlon Pacific system, has resigned. Me Connell will be succeeded by Samuel Hlgglns. superintendent of motive pow er of the Lehigh Valley road. MeCon nell has b-vn connected with the Un ion Pacific for thirty-three ye.irs. KILLED CHILDREN WITH AXE. Horrible Crime of a Maine Farmer Whc Woji Probably Demented. CLINTON. Me.. March 21. Jacob Dearborn Marr. a farmer living eisht tnllts thia city, killed his three chldivn, ag-l 13. 9 and 7 years, with an axe todiy. Marr had been despon dent for some time and It Is thought Is Insane. t'AU FAMINE ACKNOWLEDGED. Reports Confirmed by Officials of the Santa Fe Road. CHICAGO, M.irch 21. Officials of the Santa Fe railroad lo.Uiy coiillrm vl re ports fivm California that millions of dollars worth of oranges In that state nre rotting in the picking houses be cause of lack of transportation facili ties. MRS. NATION WILL LECTURE. Will Rec.dve $00 and Expenses for Six Talks at Cincinnati. TOPEKA. March 21. Mrs. Carri Na tion has accepted a contract for six lectures to be driven in Cincinnati. She will receive $100 each for lectures and all her expenses. Received. . . 100 pairs Bobbinet Ruffled Curtains. The Swell Window Display, on which we are making a SPECIAL SALE. Also a new line of Ladles' Writing Desks In Flemish Golden Oak and Birds' Eye Maple BOTH FORCES WILL WITHDRAW Agreement Reached Between English and Russians. RUSSIAN COURSE EXPLAINED Slid to Be Courtlni War Abroad lo Pre note Peace at Home or Trylif to Divert Attention Fra Mo tto aria. PEKIN. March 22. Count Von Wal-d'-rsee. General Uarrow and General Woguck have been In consultation and Hen. -rat Wogitc-k has agreed to with draw the Russian troops from the dis puted ground at Tim Tsln provided the British also withdraw. He insisted alo upon a guarantee t'a.t the work on Utlon was sallAfac-tory to General Nar row and won accepted fcy him. Omae quenily the liritlsa and Russian troops will be withdrawn at S o'clock this morning (Friday), thereby avoiding all trouble at present. Orders have ecn Lssu-.M that no Brit ish oftic-r shall leave or even "Bleep oui" at nlgSt or go to dinner without furninhing hi address to the adjutant. The marine will return 10 their ships. AMERICAN INTERVENTION. NEW YORK. March 21.-A special to the Herald from Washington says: If RuMia and Great Britain desire it. the Unluxl State is willing to use Its good offices to settle the Tien Tsln dis pute. A high official of the adminis tratlcn said that no information regard ing the Tien Tsln trouble had been com municated to the state department by any of its agents in China. "This fact Is conclusive," the official concluded, "that up to this time at least no clash of a serious nature has occurred. Were shots exchanged our consul at Tien Tsin would notify Mr. llockhill, who in turn would communi cate the Information to Secretary Hay. The failure of the American represen tatives to report on the subject Is due to our w9ll-known policy of not inter fering n disputes between other nations. We are Interested In the trouble because of its possible general effect,, but we have nothing to do with the attitude of the llrlti-jh troops toward the Russian tr.iops, or vice versa, or with the con ditions which have caused theni to as sume th? stand they have taken. The United States has no right to Intervene nor will it do so, but if the disputants should intimate their willingness to have the American government exercise ita Rood ofiices it would be glad to do so," Diplomats In Washington are not In clined to believe that war will result from the Tien Tsin dispute. If the blow come, one diplomat taid. It would be because of the Mancburian situation. Another diplomat said the world was not prepared for va.r. that Russia's fi nancial co.nditiou as well as that of Japan prohibits them from engaging In hostilities and Great IMtain is too much occupied In South Africa. Ger many, he said, is the only European power In a position at this lime to go to war. BRITISH EXPLANATION. NEW YORK. March 21. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: The China aituuion Is well summed up in Llndley Sanborne's cartoon in Punch representing a Russian warrior In an Oriental boudoir armed to the teeth, while John Bull and Germany are looking over the reed palings and cautiously asking the man in possession whui he is doing. The moral applies equally to the small afT.iir of the railway skiing at Tien Tsin and the large matter In Manchuria, for Russia is in complete possession and has nobody knows how many secret treaties In her well-stocked pocket and there can be no assurance that the al lies are prepared to turn out the in truder. The railway siding dispute is so p'tty that suspicion is excited In diplomatic circles that the crisis has been brought on artificially by Russia for the sake of diverting att?ntlon from Manchuria. If this theory be correct, the Tien Tsin dis pute will be settled by a display of con ciliation at St. Petersburg and England and Germany will be allowed the sat isfaction of claiming diplomatic suc cess In due time. Meanwhile Manchuria will become Irrevocably Russian and nothing will be said about scuttling or losing prestige. AMERICAN EXPLANATION. NEW YORK. March 21.-A spvial to the Times from Washington s-tys: An Interesting suggestion connecting the latest developments of the Chinese auestlon with the riots In St. Peters burg and other Russian cities has been made by a public man of diplomatic ex perience who Is well qualified to dis cuss European affairs. His theory Is that Russia', bellicose attitude at Tien Tsin and her apparent disposition to provoke Great Britain are directly con nected with the conditions at home. - Russia, he declare, 1 not at pres nt In a position to risk a war over Man churia or north China. She I un doubtedly In a btter position than Great Britain but ahe hi not competed the trans-Siberian railway and I by no mean ready for a contest In the north. It is the general understanding of her policy that she doe not wish a war until h-r preparations In the north are completed. Thl applies at the present time not because of Great Britain' ca pacity of resistance, but because of pos sible complication with other powers. A motive for Russia's warlike atti tude must therefore be sought, and a suggestion Is found In the apparently serious state of thing at St. Peters burg. It Is a well-known axiom of statesmanship that when domestic dis turbances are becoming dangerous a foreign war will distract the attention of the people and produce a reaction In favor of the government. It Is quite evident that the present disturbance in Ruswia are more serious than any since the death of Alexander II. It Is believed that the Russian rioters may have forced the hand of the govern ment and compelled it to court war when It is unready, solely for the cak'1 of weikenlr.g a domestic danger. BUTCHERED HER SIX CHILDREN. Bloody Crime of Insane Massachusetts Woman. COLDBROOK, Maf.8., March 21. Mrs. Lizzie Naramore, while in a fit of In sanity today, killed her six children at h-r home, a fann house haif a mile from this village, and then tried to taka her own life. The children ranged from ten years to a babe of ten months and their lives were taken by the mother with an axe and club. She laid the blood-drenched bodies on a bed and then attempted to take her own life by cutting her throat with a razor. When discovered she wis In the bed on which the bodies of four of the children were lying. Although she-cut a deep gash in her throat and suffered the loss of much j blood, it Is believed that she will re cover. KIDNAPPER CONFESSED. Man Caught In Texas Was Pal Crowe's Companion. DALLAS, Tex.. March 21. Sheriff Johnson tonight made this statement: "H. C. Henderson this evening con fessed to me and County Attorney Sum mers that he Is one of the Cudahy kid nappers. His confession was made vol untarily. He stated that he had squan dered and used In fleeing from Omaha most of the money he got as his share In the kidnapping job before I arrested him In this city as a suspect early in February. BIO CHICAGO FIRE. Warehouse D?royed at a Loss of $200,000. CHICAGO. March 21.-Fire tonight totally destroyed the large warehouse of J. S. Ford, Johnson & Company at Six teenth str?et and Wabash avenue. In the wild rush to escape Injury by the falling walls many women and children were knocked down and trampled up on. The loss Is $200,000. I r-x u No other article used in the domestic economy of the household has so many enthusiastic friends among the house keepers of America. No other article of food has received such emphatic commendation for purity and wholesomeness from the most em inent authorities. The great popularity and general use of the Royal Baking Powder attest its superiority. The " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook "containing over 8oo most practical and valuable cooking re ceipli free to every patron. Send postal card with your full address. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 NEW COMPANIES OF COAST ARTILLERY Ninety-Third to Be Organized at Fort Stevens. FORT COLUMBIA QUARTERS Will Aaommodale To Compaalci Artillery -Plans Prepared by Qaartertniiterf'. Dtpirtmeol tod Bid. Will Sooi Be Advertised (or. WASHINGTON, March 21.-Under the army reorganization law, which pro vide for an increase of 20 per tent ot the artniery arm of the aervlce, an or der has been issued authorizing twelvo companies of coat artillery In addition to tho3 now In service. The Ninety-third Vompany is to be or ganized at Fort Steven. Ore., and oflt eeied by Captain M. K.' Barrel. Sec ond Lieutenant Alden F, Brewster, Ninety-fourth at Fort Flagler. Wash., Captain Eugene T, Wilson, Second Lieu tenant Raymond S. Pratt. There are several vacancies to be fill ed, as three offbers are to be assigned to t-ach company. . These additional con panies are to be filled by transfer from oth?r companies and recruited up to 113 men. PLANS FOR NEW QUARTERS. WASHINGTON. Mirch 21.-The quar termaster's lepartment baa been pre paring plans and will advertise for the construction of additional quarters to be occupied by new artillery companies. The points at which additional quar ters are to be constructed are Fort Re vere, Boston harbor; Fort Manan14 and Fort Wright, Long Island sound, and Fort MU-s. San Francisco, quarter for one company of artillery at each. At Sullivan's island, Charleston, S. C. and Fort Columbia, at the mouth of the Columbia rlveri ' Washington, quarters for two companies each. ' As soon as condemnation proceedings, ate completed, quarters will be con structed at Fort Casey and Fort Wor den, Pug?t sound, Wash. SLUMP IX PORK. Advance Yesterday Followed by a Sen sational Decline. CHICAGO, March 21. May pork, pop ularly supposed to have been cornered, advanced to $17.10 early In today's ses sion of the board of trade and thea made a drop that was sensational, Uib decline rot stopping until $1S.20 was quoted for option. May pork, closed at 53 cents lower than yesterday," at $l5.3i LOW RATE PROMISED. " Fare One Cent a Mile for1 Grand Army Encampment. CLEVELAND. O... March 21. At a meeting of railway men today the one cent a mile rate premised for the Grand Army of the Republic national encamp ment to be held In Cleveland next Sep tember was formally promulgated. Avoid the Imitation powders. They are sold cheap because they are made from alum. But alum is poison dangerous to use In food WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK.