The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 20, 1901, Image 2

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Telephone Main 66L
rt. -,:,"-; ;
8ent by mall, per year 16.00
Bent by mall, per month 50
Served by carrier, per month...... .60
Sent by mail, per year. In advance, J2.00
All communications Intended tor pub
lication should be directed to "Editor
Astorun." UuBlness communications
f ail kinds and remittances must he
addressed to "The Astorlan Publish
ing Co." .
The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can had on ap-
llratlnii to the business manager.
Astoria should ie planning an elabo
' rate exhibit for the exposition to be
held In Portland In 1P04. Three years'
time Is none too much for its proper
planning and arrangement. A commit
tee fhouM be selected from among the
members of the commerc:al bodies of the
city, to be composed of live business
men who are planning to visit the Pan
American exposition and will be pre
pared to study there the latest Idcns
anJ most attractive designs of muni
cipal displays.
It mav prove a very good thing for
the p. ace of Europe that England has
her hands full in South Africa. The
Insults and personal violence offered the
British troops at Tien Tsin by the
French and Russian soldiers will be
borne with an equanimity altogether
foreign to British habits, from th? n:ere
fact that what can't ba cured must be
endured. are, of course, limits
of endurance which cannot be reached
by a self-respecting nation without a
resort to arms, even though the result
of war seems almost certainly disas
trous. It is improbable -that these lim
its will be reached in the case of Eng
land's controversy with Russia. The
Tien Tslu affair will, however, prob
ably be treasured up for some future
day when England's resources are not
fully engaged, as at present, and when
a disagreement of no greater moment
again aiirs up me uruien nun. Jne
French have long since reached the
point where another chastisement
would be an act of mercy and it is
quite probable that England, after the
Boer war is over, will feel called upon
to take ac;ton regarding the series of
Ftench threats and insults which have
been endured patiently of late years.
The movement for the improvement of
the city's appearance by the personal
attention of each citizen to the property
under his control is strongly endorsed by
the Omaha News. The following from
Its columns is suggestive and directly in
line with the position taken by the As
torlan. Th" News says:
"Tho time Is rapidly approaching
when nature will don her gayer gar
ments and afford Omaha property
owners an opportunity to co-operate in
the task uf making the city beautiful.
Omaha has undergone a wonderful
transformation since the period at elav
banks and bare, unsightly stretches of
vacant lots, but it his not altogether
lost the aspect of maturity O at its
ranld growth has made unavoidable.
Its people have been so busy pushing
the greater improvements that they
have had comparatively little time to
devote to the more trifling features that
are many time th causa of various
d Muaaa. Ninety per cent of Jh
Amenoan people are mid to be
troubled with liver and stomach
complaiuts such us constipation,
dizziness. Indigestion, bUiouauess,
sluggish liver, eto.
No. 25
?reom and cure these iris.
dm tablet act u a o-entla Ura.
Tory make the liver and
tiinsca do tbeir duty a they
4iUld. Til most ohntlnta muim
S Lil'L0 tut llttJ tablet tiny
mKoudcasU procured a
Successor to Th. Olaen. MO-1 Com. Bt
combine to make a city attractive. In
the eyes of visitors.
"The season is now beginning when
a very little effort on the part of each
individual will produce surprising re
sults. If every person w ho owns a piece
of Omaha property would make It a
point not to lot the spring pass without
making sonic slight Improvement that
w ill add to the sightliness of his prop
erty, the aggregate gain would be some
thing surprising. A coat of paint here,
mvttv shrub Implanted there, a yard
neatlv swept of the winter's accumula
tion of leaves and refuse adds a touch
of beauty that is 'nmuMlately percep
tible. For the property owner there Is
no better Investment, and self-Interest,
as well as public spirit, should induce
each individual to contribute something
toward making the Omaha of this sum
mer more attractive than ihe city of a
year ago.
"These little Incidents of thrift ap
peal most potently to the capitalist and
prospective investor. A few dollars
ludiciouslv invested frequently add ten
times the amount to the value of a
piece of property. Omaha has won the
good opinion of the whole country for
its progressive and enterprising spirit.
! Its real estate is on a basis at which
it offers a most promising investment.
During the next few years outside cap
ital will be more generally invested in
local enterprises ar.d realty. It is of
the greatest importance that an es
pecial effort should be made to make
Omaha property look inviting in order
that the most may b- made of the 'op
portunity for which Omaha property
owners have waited long and patiently,
(''lean ut "
Baker City Democrat.
A young lady of course it Is to be
presumed she is young living in a
small town in Southern Idaho, has
proven the value of newspaper advertis
ing to the extent that th? postoffice of
ficials have been asked by the local
postmaster to pay more coin or find a
new man.
Miss Jeanet Morgan, for that, It
serins, is the young lady's name, be
came r "ssessej of an ambition to 'b?
som-body's wife. Among the young
men in the Immediate vicinity she
couldn't find her ideal, and so inserted
an advti tiseni?nt in an Eastern paper,
telling in most glowing terms of her
many qualities and incidentally call
ing attention to the fact that she owned
a big ranch' without the usual mort
gage attachment.
Inspired bv a love for Idaho girls
who have ranches, from north, south,
east and west came letters. Where for
loerly a few thin letters, bearing the
return card of a seed house or a gold
brick concern, filtered into the office,
the mail grew until it now ernes In big
sacks and even by utilizing barn and
chicken coop the postmaster is unable
to store it all. While no actual count
has been made of the number of ardent
letters received, it is b-lii-v-d th"5; who
seek h"r heart and hand, toj.-hr with
me saee urusn rancn, are su,n- lent in
number to mak? ev-n D- Wr tr mb'e
should they, as an army, g against
If from the bunch Miss Morgan is able
to select a good husband sh- v.i.l do
well, ana at trie same time illustrate,
mor,? forcibly than ever, the uv-rits of
newspaper advertising. There an- men
an,J w,,mer, who do not b-lk-ve in it.
but if one notices them ;h y ire uf a
quality that Is not bringing a fair price
in tne maraet. .miss .Morgan s success
In getting letters is sufficient to prove
the statement that if you would grow
wealthy and wise, quickly go and ad
so rar uunn-r jiurgan is an-aj in
the controversy, as he hun't said a
word. Montana Record.
There is another rich find on Porcu
pine cretk.The gravel just bristles with
gold. Minneapolis Journal.
Fate cannot conceal a man like Theo
dore Roosevelt by making him a vic
president. Chicag j Tribune.
If the robin "pipes his lay" up this
way, he will have to put his pip b-Jow
the frost lines. Minneapolis Journal.
Provided he has the price there is
nothing to prevent Mr. Pettigrew talk
ing a few phonographs full of his troub
les. Washington Post.
The dressmakers have formed a union.
Here's hoping that they take the mil
liners and go on a strike that will
never end. Kansas City World.
The enlargement of the Armour plant
in Kansas City is looked upon with favor
and composure, even by the ene
mies of expansion. Kansas City Star.
Roosevelt would make a gvd pre
siding otllcer for the relchsrath and
would not need to hunt mountain lions
for strenuous diversion. Pittsburg IMs
patch. The Uuke of Manchester left his past
In England when he came to this coun
try, but It was down at the wharf to
meet him the day he returned. Chi
cago Record.
All the sensible Cubans are settling
down to the conviction that they will
have to comply with the congressional
resolutions, and may as well begin at
one.-. Minneapolis Tribune.
Now that alcohol has been otllcially
eondoniMed as a food, the toddy-blossom
culturists need not despair. They
should null off a series of experiments
to prove that water is an intoxicant.
St. Louis Republic.
Some men seem to be pondering with
the muses when they are only worry
ing about text week's board bill.
Mr. J. NY. Patterson, night police at
Nashua, la., says: "In January 1 had
a very bad cold on my lungs, and used
half dozen different cough medicines
and prescriptions from two doctors, but
grew wors all the time. I tinally
bought a bottle of Foley s
loney and
Tar and after using two-thirds of it,
I was entirely cured." CHAS. ROG
ERS, Druggist.
A promissory note Is a brilliant Idea,
fir the right fellow.
Usually a racking cough and a gen-J
eral reeling of weakness. Foley's Hon
ev and Tar is guaranteed to cure the
grippe cough and make you strong
and well. Take no substitutes. CHAS.
ROGERS, Druggist.
o m in has ever conceived a more
beautiful thought than the one that Is
yet unborn.
Pneumonia follows la grippe, but
never follows the use of Foley's Honey
and Tar, the great throat and lu-ig
remedy. Take no substitute. CHAS.
ROGERS, Druggist.
Everlasting vigilance is the surest
road to success, especially when a fel
low Is trying to escape from a com
mute? of the same nature.
Eugci.e J. Hall, the poet and publish
er, say? that one dose of Foley's Honey
and Tar restored his voice? w hen hoarse
ness threatened to prevent his lecture
at Central Music Hall, Chicago. Noth
ing else as good. CHAS. ROGERS,
The reformer is the man who tries to
inoculate others with his ow n particular
brand of goodness.
Rob. R. Watts, of Salem. Mo , writes:
'I have been troubled with kidney dis
ease for the last five years and have
doctored with all the leading physi
cians and have tried all remedies sug
gested without any relief. Finally I
tried Foley's Kidney Cure and less
than two bottles completely cured me
and I am sound and well."
The pen was once mightier than the
sworl; now the typewriter is a greater
hustler than the Krak-Jorgensen.
Many a man has been Insured against
Bright's disease, diabetesi or other dan
gerous ailment by a fifty cent bottle
of Foley's Kidney Cure. CHAS ROG-
EKS, Druggist.
Th.- willing hors- pulls hardest at the
traces, but there is less in his feed box.
"I had a running sore on my leg for
seven yean," writes Mrs. Jas. Forest
of Chippewa Falls, Wis., "and spent
hundreds of dollars In trying to get It
healed. Two boxes of Banner Salve en
tirely cured it." No other salve so
hf-alinc. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist.
It often happens that when the pret
ty girl Mis the rich young man that
she lows him, she's only stringing him.
Tetter, eczema and skin diseases yield
quickly to the marvtlous healing quali
ties of Eanner Salve made from a
pre.-criptlon of a skin specialist of world
wide fame, 23c. CHAS. ROGERS,
From rortlmd.
A SRI vi
Chicag.i- Salt Lake, Denver, Kt
Portland W orth, Omaha. Kan-
opecial his i iiy, St Iui,
9:15a. m C'utcag and East
I p.m.
Halt Use. Uenver. Ft
liortli, Onialiu. Khq
: shh ;lty, Hi 1. uis,
9 p. ni.
6 p. m.
7 p. in
iim ajjo ana r.ant
Walla Walla, Lowlnton,.
HxjHiie, M iMi .-a po
lls, ht, Paul, Pultun, vjoam
; Milwaukee, Chicago
, and Kant. i
From Astoria
All Sailing Date sub :
led u change, i
For ban Francisco-Hal!
Cohunbia Itiver Stvuin
em to Portland ami ,
Way luiding j
4a in .x
From Portland !
6 a in
4:30 o. m
Kx Sunday
Ki Sunday
ion (,'itv. Newber.!
Kalem 6t Way-Laud . t
7am. Willamette audVauiJ 8:30 p.m.
Tuei.Tbur hill Rivers !Mo.,Wed.
and bat. Ort-gon City, Dayton & aud Kri'
j Way l.andiDKH !
Leave dly
3:4-5 a. m.
Snake Blver.
itiparlato Iwinton
Lt liewltitn
tf;U0 a m
Tues, Thui
Willamette Klrer
3:4Up in
Portland to Corral) Is; M (in , Wed
auu nay ijiuuiugs .ITlaay
Gen. Pass. Ag't. Portland. Or..
fli (&
Sir. HKRCUI.Es takes the place of
BAILEY GATZERT (Telephone Pock).
Columbia River and Puiret Sound Nav
igation Company.
The Hercules leaves Astoria dally
exevpt Sunday at 7 p. m.
Loaves Portland daily except Sun
day at 7 a. in.
White Collar Line tickets, O. R. & N.
tickets and Uwaco Ry Nav. Com
pany tickets Interchangeable on Her
cules and Hassalo. Through Port
land connection with steamer Nahcotta
from llwaco and Long Reach points.
Telephone No. 111.
A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria Agent.
K. W. CRIOHTON. Portland Agent
' PORT! AND. Arrt
8:OOii.m7ilVi'tlaiid Union lVpot;tl:lu a.m.
M0p.m.ifor Astoria and lnter-9:40 p.m.
mi Hate points.
7.4r. a.m.F..r Portland ft tn-ll:Ma,tn.
S.iu p.m.ileim1l.i!,. points '10 30 p m,
f M p. in.
!:. a in
l' t in.
p. in.
7 to a. m
1 l i. in
11 iU in
li-wr iii
I on 1, III
'Sunday otiiy
All trains make close connection! at
I Goble with all Northern Paclflo tralna
to and from the East or Sound points.
Gen'I Fr't and Pa-1. Agent
The "Northwestern Limited" trains,
electric lighted throughout, both Inside
and out. and steam heated, are with
out exception, the finest trains In the
orld. They embody the latest, newest
and best Ideas for comfort, convenience
and luxury ever offered the traveling
public, and altogether are the most
complete and splendid production of th
car builders' art.
These Splendid Trains
Connect With
The Great Northern
The Northern Pacific and
The Canadian Pacific
N'o extra charge for these superior
accommodations and all classes of tick
ets are available for passage on the
famous "Northwestern Limited." All
trains on this line art protected by the
Interlocking Ulock System.
General Agent. Traveling Ag't.
Portland. Ore.
When people are contemplatlnf a
trip, whether on business or pleaaur
they naturally want the beet service
obtainable as far as speed, comfort and
safety is concerned. Employes of the
paid to serve the public and our tralna
are operated so aa to make close con
nections with diverging lines at all
junction points.
Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair
Cars on through trains.
Diring car service unexcelled. Meals
served a la carte.
In order to obtain the flrst-clasg er
vlce. ask the ticket agent to sell you
a ticket over
The Wisconsin Central Lines
and you will make direct connection
at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and
all points East.
For any further Information call on
any ticket agent, or correspond with
jam. u. ru.u. uen. Pass. Ag't..
or JAS. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee. Wis.
General Agont,
Oregon Short Line
Montana, Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via
the Union Pacific Fast Mail Line, or
the Rio Grande Scenic Lines.
1 1 Days to Salt Lake.
2 Days to Denver.
3 Days to Cliicago.
A Days to Xev, York.
Free reclining chairs, upholstered
tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal
ace sleepers, operated on all trains.
For further information apply to
Trav. Pass. Agt, On. Agent.
iz inira Bt., rortlana. Or.
Agent O. R.
& N.
H.F.Prael Transfer Co
Telephone 221; '
All Good Shipped to Our Care
Will Receive Special Attention.
No. ESS Duane St.,
Astoria. Or.
W. 3. COOK. Vgr
Rea. TeL 11M.
SU'iinl. lVi!ii!h..MlniiMmlis, riilvaso
and All Points Eaat.
K'.U'ALKl). Through I'aliuv and Tourist Sleepers,
1'iiilng and liuftVt Smoking
Library Car.
Tickets to points East via Portland
and the Gn-at Northern RyM on salt
at O. K. & N. Ticket Olthyi. Astcrla,
or Great Northern Ticket Office
For rate, folders and full Informa
tion regarding Eastern trip, call on er
City Pass, and Ticket Agent. Portland.
In a word th s tells of the Passenger
service via
f he Northwestern fcino.
Light Trains Pally between St. Paul
and Chicago, comprising
The Latest Pullman Sleepers,
Peerless Dining Cars.
Library and Observation Cars,
Free Reclining Chair Cara.
The 20th Century Train
-Runs Every Day of the Tear,
The Finest Train in. the World
Clcctric liijritcd Steam Heated
i-mest Daily Train Running Between
St. Paul and Chicago, via tho Short
Connection from the West made via
This Is also the BEST LINE between
Omaha. St. Paul and Minneapolis.
All agents sell tickets via
The Northwestern Line
General Agent. Trav. Agent,
248 Alder Street. Portland. Oregon.
Just published by the Southern Pa.
clflc Co. is a phamphlit upon the re
sources of Western Oreifon. which in
cludes an excellent map of the state,
and contains Information on climate,
lands, education, -tc, existing Indus
tries and their capabilities.
Attention Is also directed to such
new fields for enei yy or capital as
promise fair return.
This publication fills a need long ex
perienced by Oregonlans, in replying to
Inquiries of eastern frlenda.
Cop-s may be had of local agent
Southern Pacific Co., or from
O. P. A.. Portland. Or
A familiar name for the Chicago.
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known
all over the Union as the Great Rallwar
running the "Pioneer Limited" tralna
every day and nljrht between 8t. Paul
and Chirao, and Omaha and Chicago.
"The only perfect train in the world."
Understand: Connections are made
with all transcontinental lines, securing
to passengers the best service known.
Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam
heat, of a verity equaled by no Oth.'
See that your ticket reads via "The
Milwaukee" when going to any point
In the United states or Canada. All
tn-ket airer,ts sell them.
For rates, pamphlots or other Infor
mation, H'Jdrr-ss
J. V. CASEY. C. J. EDD7,
Irav. Pasi,. Agt., aPn. Agt.,
Portland, Oregon. Portland. Ore,
Sealed propoynis addresjifd to the
County Clerk of Chitsop County, Ore
ron, will be receht.,1 until 2 p. m
April 3. IImiJ, by the County Commis
sioners' Court of Cl.ilHop County, Ore
gon, for th" construction of forty-two
miles of road In Clatsop County. Ore
gon, or any part i hereof, viz:
The Astoria, Olney, Jewell and Ves
per watfon roid So. 77.
Bids must be In compliance with
plans and specifications now on file
with the County Clerk.
All bl Is must he accompanied by a
certified check of the value of 6 per
cent of the amount of said bid.
Copies of plans can be seen, and spec
ifications will be furnished on applica
tion to the undersigned.
The court reserves the right to re
Jct any or all hlds.
Bv Order of the County Commission
ers' Court. II. j. WHERITT.
County Clerk.
WHKRF.AS, on tho lSlh day of h, 1SU. the National Packing Com
pauy lr a valuable consideration limde
executed and dcllviuvd hw First Nrt
lloiml Hank, of Astoria. Oregon, Us
certain piM.nlHsory noto wherein
uioniUtf.1 and agrnvl to pay to the
order of said Imuk nix iiumiIIik after
ilate for value nwlved the sum of llil,
wk! with Interest threon after dale
nt die rate uf six per cent per milium
iNiy.ihle lit United Stuti s gold coin, and
Wlieiva, on the 111 It ilny of March,
I nxi, ln sul, I Nation i I'lti klng t out
pany, fur value received, inaile and ,1
llvered to aitld hank In c 'l'tnln prom
Ixsoiy no'e wherein It proitilMCil Ulld
avreed to pay to the order of mild Imuk
the yum of i'Mm. with lllterent
after h( die riili, of "l per cent
per iinnirii, p,iyalile In l'nlt'l States
Hold col,); and.
Wherein, on Ihe filh day of Seplem
tii'f, 1!H, J. II. HiliHh'M'll. one of Ihe en
il'irser and gu 'iraiiioi's of lnnlil note,
for the purpose of securing the pay
llieilt thereof, tl.llisferivd and MSslilUt'
us colliitertii, to th,, mi, I It ink. .'vs
.1 lilies of the nuiltdl spn k of the Co
lllllltila Klver I'm-kern AtNuclntlnii, u
Astrriti, tivpui. Hi n nn l hy the hiiI
J. o. ILiiithorti. ii b show n by rertill, a;e
lunnli i lus, and ill the same l line nil
a pur', of the sime ti'iinmu'tloli the
x.lld J. (. Il.illthoru eXi'i'lltisI ,tlld ie
l.veii'd to the said hank a written iihIkii
iiieiit and iraiiHfer f the suld stock, r
rltlug thireln that the said stuck was
tiaiisfelli'd as collatelill security for the
pnyiueni of ,m,l noic liiiliilliiu
chai'Kes and cxiieilns of collecttnu the
same niid a reasonable ntlorney fee,
and .iiithorlty was given theiilii to th
.l M hunk hy the suld J. . Iluillhni'
I" s II the S lid slliires uf ntplMI sun k
r iiiiv I'll r t thi'ieef and any collateral
MlhstltMU'd fiiroriid im o ihe mime, it till
or without tiotl.e, t public 'T private
' Uf at th" option ir "aid tmiiK, on
th'' iioii-i'.tyni "in ,.f said ii"l'' mi. I to
IlitilV the net r,n ds uf Mil. Il Mle I
(lie p.lllli'!lt of sill. I ll"(e.t, It II 1 1 ill th
Ml,' the "alii hank was iiiith"! I,d an.
eivpon ci vl to hi-enine the iiir -luis
i hereof, and.
Wh'T tH S.lld certllli il!,' uf xl"ck va
j.flei wards nurreii'li'ied o the oal
r.ii'ki-rs Assivl itloii and .1 new certl
Urate of sl'X k III lieu th'ieof for I''j
sh:ires was is-u 'd hv suld Aseoclaihin
t" i.ild hank, im sleiwii hy i.iilll al
number K6; and.
Where is ileiuiiiid has lie.-n iniid. fal
(he piiymeut of said n,'tx, and nil
n tes still remnlii unpil.l, and He re
n iw due and unpaid ihereon as prim I
I' d Hie sum of :!iK) on one 1 1 t an
114.31 on (he other note and Interest
'II en -h ,if said prlnclpnl stuns fi'oin
.March I. 1''I, at (ho rate of six .e
" nt per annum.
IIEItEltV GIVEN. That under ni.d In
pursii.m f (he authority confer
I 'd upon (h und-rslK I hy (he sai.U
. IliiiUiorn, the undersigned w'", on
Tu sday, the :'6th day of March. 'M
at ih hour of lo o'clock a in. of sal
day, ut tie- front door of (h- hulldiiiK
now occupied hy the k.iI'1 Kllil N.i Mank, In the City of .,(.ii)a
t'ri-g'in, sell at public auction for cash
th" hlgh-Mt hld'ier the said 2M't
snares of cnplliil st.H'k of the
tald Ci-lumbla River Packers A
lutlon, certificate niimh r Kfl
and will apply Ihe proeecia of such
"file to th' payment of said notes and
the costs and expends of salu.
I'ativl at Astoria, Oregon, this March
lKh, Itol.
Jty S. S. CoitlMiN. Cal,. r
That "Street Assessment Roll No.
made for the puipoic of definylng th
."-is an i rxinsei o( impioxing Tenui
street from he smith line of Exchange
htr-et to the north line of lirund avc-
nun hits ! n rtlo j with ihr .hi
and police Judge of the City of As
cii.i Dy (ii' iiouni oi ant""!", and
(hu( on th- I'lst day of Maiili, ld. in
the hour of 'i oYl.x'k p. m. of nl
lay in tn- council cliamb Ts In ilo i lly
n in or tne city of Astoria, the run
mltlce on streets und public ways and
board of ashi-sKom will inert f,,r 1 1 1
purpose r (i.rrecting, reviewing and
equalising said iissensm.iit. .ll bj'-c.
tlous thereto must hi mude in writing
ami iiied with the auditor and police
ludge. Tills notice Is published for ten
days by order of the Common Council
of the City of Astoria.
Auditor and Police Judg- of the City
of Astoria.
Date of first publication, Mirch 0, jrm.
That "Street Assessmnii Roll No. 4
made for the purpose of def raving the
costa and expenses of Impiovlng Frank
lin avenue from ihe cist line of Twn
y-slxih street to the west line of Tbli
ly-flrat street hits been filed with the
auditor and police Judge of the City of
Astoria, oy mc board r assessor, and
that on th) 21st day of Mirch. l'.Mii, nt
the hour of 2 o'clock P. m. of said iluv
In th" council chambers In the cltv
nan oi me uuy oi Astoria, the com
miuee on streets ami puhiic wnys mid
board of assessors will meet for the
purpose of correcting, reviewing and
equalizing said assessment. All objec
tions thereto must be made In writlmr
anil iiieu wan ine auilKor and police
juuge. j ms notice is published fin- ten
Jay-by order of the Common Council
of the City of Astoria.
Auditor anil Police Judge of the City
of Astoria.
Date of first publication, Mirth 9, 1901.
Hy virtue of an execution ami order
of sale Issued out of the circuit court
of the State of Oregon for the County
of Cl itsop, on the 4th day of March,
IWl, upon a Judgment and decree ren
dered therein on the 2Clh day of Feb
ruary, l'JOl, In favor of I'mi Mansur,
plaintiff, and against Iver Tronson. de
fendant, for the sum of $4.'1S, together
with Interest thereon, and the further
sum of 125. HO the costs and disburse
ments of this suit and the costs of nnd
upon this writ commanding and requir
ing me to make salo of the following
d'-serlboil real property, to-wlt:
The south west quarter of the north
west quarter, tfu? west half of the
southwest quarter and the northcat
quarter of the southwest quarter of
section S in township 8 north of range
6 west of tha Willamette Meridian, con
taining 16) acres in Clatsop County,
Notice Is hereby given that I will on
Monday, the 8th day of April, lftoi, at
the hntr of 10 o'clock in the forenoon
of said day, In front of and at the court
hous? door In the ORy of Astoria,
Clatsop County, Oregon, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
the above-described real property, to
satisfy the Judgment, Interest, costs
awd all accruing conts. .
Clatsop County, Oregon
Astorli, Oregon, March 6, 1901,
Ily Virtus of an vxivullon and order of
sale Imued out of the circuit court of the
State of Oregon, for lli County f Hat
"P, on tliv 1st day of March, ltioi, upon
a Judgment and decree roiidiT'-d theni
HI on tint S'lt day of Kchnmry, 1901,
in favor of J, H, HiitimKiirliuT, plain
till, and against C II. Linton ami
Maude E, Union, defendants, fur the
sun of fi'vo, with Interest (hereon nt lhn
late of s per cent per annum, fi-om thn
11th day of Novc'IiImt, IS'.i'.i, to the 27lli
day of FVbruary, liMil, fur tho furtlmr
sum of 110 attorney s fei-, the costs and
disbursements of tills suit taxed at
N.''i and Interest on mild Judgment at
the ei!" rule until paid and Ho costs
of and upon this wilt cotniiiiiiolliig and
requiring me to make sale of Hut fol
lowing described real property, to-wlt;
Lots (rll (10) ulld eleven (ll, III bl's k
two C'), in Miist Win i .-nt'iii, lis laid out
end i-'VordMl by P, C, Wurr-'ii, same
bilug now a pin of (he In '"i pointed
City of Varivnt"ii, together with lh
tcuono'iits, tieivdlt iinetiis und appur
tenance thereunto h"loiigliig or In any
wise appertaining In the County of
Clntrtop, Oregon.
Notice Is hi I'rhy given (bat 1 will on
Monday, the SI h day of Apt II, I'.Hil, at
(he hour of ill o'clock In ihe forenoon
of said day, In fnoil uf and al the court
house door. In the City of Astoria, Clul
son Cou ily, Oregon, sell at public auc
tion to th,, lg-,'st bidder for cnh, llm
above. iet rlh d n-nl piMs iiy t" sills
fv tin Judgment, liilercnt, fusts and
all accruing coats.
Tllos. LINVILI.i:, Sin-riff.
Clalsop iNninly, i iicgoii,
Astuih, Oregon, March Mb. I I .
I 'lilted States Land Olllce, at Oregon
Oty. Oregon, IVc. llKfl;
Nodes Is hereby given lliai In com.
1'llaiico with the pMvlslons of the act
of congress of June 3, U.'S. i-ntltl d "An
act for the sale of tlmU-r land In (lis
states of California. Oregon, N'vada
and Washington Territory." as rx tend
ed to all the Public laiud Slates by act
"f August 4. lvji. Christian Peli-rson,
of Olney, county of Clat'wp. Hiat- ef
Oregon, ha this day filed In this oltlee
his worn lt nieiit No, liM. tor the
purchase. f the NE. quarter of section
No. S7. In township No. t i.orlh.
range No. 8 west, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought la
more valuable (or Its timber r stone
(bail for ngiliiiltural pin pve. Bnd to
estatillsh his claim to mid land before
the register and rrcelvr of this office
at Ongon City, Oregon, on Thursday,
the 2'Ah day of April,
ltd names as witnesses: George Mc
Earland, Gust Adolph. Alexander Nor
mand. Frederick Norniand. all of Ol
ney. Clatsop county. ur,gon.
Any and all prrons claiming ad
versely (he above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
otlleo on or before said !&th day of
aprii, iq.
CHAS. 11. MOOIIES, Register.
In Ihe County Court In and fr Jack
son County. Oregon, In the matter of
the estate f Thoddiu W. Harclay.
Notice I hereby riven that under anil
by virtue of an order of sale made by
i ho Hon. County Court of Jackson
County, Oregon, dated January 7th.
irvi, ana recorueej m volume 12 of the
probate records of said county, on page
4n. I will on and after April lx
lPOl, proceed (o sell at private rale.
fr cash, lots !4 and 48 In block I, of
(he town of Flavel (Vntrr. Clataon
County, Oregon, and the 8. E. of
section 10, In (p. 6 N., of lang.- S VV
of W. M. In said Clatsop County.
Administratrix of estate of Thaddrui
W. Harclay, lx-ceased, Ashland, Ore.
Ii. U. HRIGG3. Atty.
Ashland, Ore.
Notice Is hereliv vlven M,i n a
i-igiied adiulnlstraliir or the ih i.,.
f John H. 'Ml, lecea d, by virtue and
authority and In pursuance of an order
inline i,y me couniy court of the State
nf Oregon, for Multnomah county, on
the Ith day of Janunrv. l'mt ,.n,..ri..
Ing and licensing the said administra
to sell at administrator'
"ale the followlnir fW'iln.e.t ...i
propel ty belonging to the eHt,i!n ..f 11,.
said J'dm H. Tell, de-efise,. situated
and h-lng u the county of Clatsop,
in i in; come oi I'regon. to-wlt:
I lie northwest r nf ill ,r,i,
W'e.4( (lUlirter Of Seetlon IS,
township nine (9) north, rangn sevon (7)
west of the Willamette meridian (.n.
talnlng forty (40) acrva.
I Will, ns such adm nlslrulur ii,
IMd day of March. 1901, at 2 o'clock p.
m. of said day. ut the ciinriliou,.,. a.,..
of Clatsop County, Oregon In Ast,rtn
In said county, S"ll ' the ahovil
and foregoing described tract of land
at auction to the highest bidder for
cash subject to the approval of said
Administrator of said Estate.
Uidled Htate Ijind Office, at Oregon
uy, Oregon, nu 1. Jisjl.
Notl.-e I hereby given that th rot.
lowing named settler has filed notice of
her Intention to make final proof In
supiMirt of her claim and said imsif
will be made befiro tha register! and re-ielvi-r
i,f the United Mates Land ofllce
at Oregon City. Oregon, on Monday.
April 15, 1901, vis:
Sister and heir-at-law of Charles v.
Ronell, di-rensed.' who made homc-simd
application No. 1114, for ot g, 34,
iwp, , n, 11, s w., 101s 1, z and HE 14
NEW, sec. 3, twp. 3 N., range 8 W sit
uated In Tillamook and Clatsop coun
ties, state of Oregon.
Kho names tho following wltm MSes In
provo his continuous residence unon
and cultivation of said land, viz:
J. R, Wherry, of Elsie, Clatsop coun
ty. Ore.; l)nnle Relerson, of Vlnemaple,
' Intsop county, Ore.;Loula Enquest, of
Jewell, Clatsop conuty, Ore.; c, J. Lln-
e, of vesper, Clatsop county, Ore.
Further nnd special notice Is
herebey given that tha above
named claimant, alster and helr-nt-law,
Intends to make her ln-
livldual final proof In support of her
claim, and that her said proof will be
made py m-r ror tne above described
land before) the county clerk of th
ounty of Rock Island, at Rock Island.
In tho state of Illinois, on Monday.
Am-ll 15. 19J1.
CHAS. B. MOORES, Rcglater.
Notice Is hereby given that the under.
Igned administrator of the estate nf
Jemima Bklbbe, deceased, has filed In
tha county court of Clatsop county, Or.,
his final account as i.uch administra
tor, and that Monday, the first day of
April, 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.
m. of said day. has been by said eonri
fixed as the tlnw for the hearing of
objections to said final account and
the settlement thereof.
Administrator of the estate of Jemi
ma BkiDDe, deceased.