THE MORNING ASTOKIAX, TUESDAY, MARCH 19. I90J... Tilephone Main S6L TERMS OK" SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by malt, per year '....J6.00 SrDt by mall, per month .50 Served by carrier, per month 60 SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year, in advance, $2.00 All communications Intended tor pub lication should be directed to "Editor Astorun." Business communications ef all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astorlan Publish ing Co." The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can e had on ap llcation to the business manager. The great Increase of population In Germany for the past thirty years, while the neighboring country of France his had no growth comparatively. Is but another feign of the passing of the Latin races from the groat prominence which they have had in the centuries past. There are few who will not see In the census reports Just published another exa-nple of Hie survival of the fittest. German anxiety for spedy withdraw al of the kaiser's tioops from China Is gra lifting to every lover of peace as well as extremely flattering to the American government, which has taken the initiative In that policy. With a few more strong American administra tions like the prvseot the nations of Europe will become accustomed to get ting their diplomacy as well as their products of skilled labor from Amer ica. THE SOUTH CAROLINA WAY. San Francisco Call. Last year the discovery was made that a 'arge number of negroes were held In the convict camps in Georgia and worked under ihe lash who had never been convicted of any crime nor sen tenced by any court. They had been lured Into the 'amps and thereafter detained by force. Among theiri were found women who had entered the camps to visit relatives and were forbidden to depart. One of these had carried with her a baby boy, that had been kept and had nearly rrown to manhod as a convict. The mother had been repeatedly whipped by the overseer to compel her to render uncompensated service. The story of wrongs endured by her and other inno cent persons held In slavery as crim inals caused a passing s?nsation. There Is no evidence that th? state took any steps to right the wrings or punish the wrongdoers. In a normal state of society, where men are mindful of hu man rights, such a hideous condition of things would have aroused the deep est indignation, and for the honor of tl.e common wealth the sternest meas ures would have ln-en tiken. But th -re Is no evid 'tic? thai anything was done. The sufferers were negroes, and the difference in race and marked the difference in treatment of a matter that would have stirred the state to its deoths had th y Ir-en whites. It was rev-aled that the system of farming out con lets to work mines and nhntatjons in the South had led to other abuses rearcflv less heinous. To re plenish or increase .the supply of such labor, negroes are arrested and convicted upon the most trifling pretext. What elsewhere, or whn committed by NICE BABY All babies are "nice," to i their mothers. We all love children. Great big men, with hard hands, have soft hearts for helpless new-comers to earth with the smile of heaven fresh on their innocent faces. No man is too high or low, too proud or hum ble, too busy or idle, too good or bad, too great or small ex cept a few very small mean men to throw up their hats at the sight of a plump little cherub ; or to pity a thin one. - Plumpness and thinness are accidents. Nature is bounti ful ; parents want to be. Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil cor rects their .mistakes. WYI1 wnd you link to try U jron like. SCOTT & BOWNE, ' or Pearl .treet, New YorV whites, are treated as misdemeanors receive the nunlshnitnt of felonies In the case "of . iwgroos and thoj- unfor tunate people have no assurance, that their detention will cease with the ex piration of their sentences, as they are liable to be held indefinitely by force. The.r has been recently exposed a worse condition of affairs In South Car olina than in Georgia. The convict camps of the plantations are full of in nocent negroes, who were never ac cused of any crime, newr had a trial, were never convicted of anything, but are held in virtu il slavery. They are caotives as much as any of their race Were on the African slave ovist In the palmy days of the slave trade. The exposure of this crime against the rights, of humanity came through a nlanter biuta'.iy killing one of tlr's- In nocent niiii who tried to ovipi from b milage. Upon cxaminati n of the mat ter It was discovered that the murdtred negro was a captive slave and not a convict crln inal. Then followed other revelations of which the grand jury has boon compelled to take cognizance. It is rrvved that in South Carolina has grown up a syst m of labor co;; tracts with negroes and that these con tracts are muje assignable. A planter in one county maks a number of these contracts, and when work is slack he st Us the contract? to another, perhaps a considerable .iUtatuo away, and un-1-ss th conti-iet m'giws gi away to their new mister th y are arr sted and charged with breach of contract, which is treated as a felony. Of course con viction fellows, and the unfortunate ne groes are sentenced to the convict camps. In no other civilized state on earth is the violation of a civil contract treat ed as a felony. Nowhere else $ a labor font rae t made assignable and treated as a conveyance of the person of the laborer to any master who is willing to buy him. It is a violation of every constitutional right of free men, and is a stain upon the s'ate and section where the practice urevails. The existence of such a sys tem is a commentary' upon the profes sions of Senator Tillman, who assumes to teach the North its duty to its labor ing population. When the truth is known about the practices in Mississippi and Alabama they will be found as nefarious as those of South Carolina. It may soon be proper to begin running the underground railroad again to rescue innocent men from this slavery of the convict camps, WITH THE PARAGRAPHERS. Puzzle picture for the British in South Africa: Find De Wet. Mail and Ex press. Th" brotherly attempt to call oft General De Wet seems to have Pietered out. Chicago Tribune. The empr-ss dowager's s?crt is out. She is simply trying to be the Mrs. Na tion of China. Mai! and Express, t The widows of St. Louis have formed a. union. What chance will a helpless inal; have there now? San Francisco Bulletin. It is time that congress dij something to prevent partisans from holding up k-eislitur-s and forcing deadlocks. I Philadelphia Inquirer. Il may finally dawn upon the British that General De Wet is not prancing all around lower Africa looking for peace. Chicago Record. The murder of a schoolma'm by her Jilted lover at Winstd, Conn., disposes of the fallacy that the New Engenders ar devoid of aflVction. Kansas City Star. If Nebraska continues to achl-ve note as a political storm center the time may come when it will want to take some of the olflces away from Ohio. Washing ton Star. Paradoxically sp-akir.g, Maud Gonne has come. She will find that the Joan of Arc business in this country is just at present several columns ovr-H-t. Chicago Tribune. J. Ed Ad dicks says he- will be a can didate for the senate until he is elected. The most warlike Boer could not have any more determination than that. Ohio State Journal. JuJere Waterman has discovered that women witnesses are unreliable. The Judge has evidently not forgotten the time when th? "no" of a young lady meant "yes." Chicago Journal. It looks as though Russia would not only have to Import American rails and rolling stwk. hut American engineers and trainmen. It need9 a regulation against vodka. St. Paul Dispatch. Touching on the question of the so- called new fee in th? United Prates senate, the gentlemen alluded to are hereby reminded "that handsome Is as handsome does. Philadelphia inquirer. The leaders n Cuba are Inclined to take the ground that the country ought to he Independent, but that It will be wise to have the United States handy to fall back on In an emergency. Wash ington Star. Maud Gonne. the Irish .loan of Are, Is with us again. When Maud meets Carrie of Kansas the question of the survival of the fittest in the Joan bus In.'. ouwht to be settled In jlg-tline, Denver Iteiuh'loan. Etuland this year. is to have one f -s-tival which will take precedence of all others. It is the one-thousandth anni versary of the death of King Alfod the Giva; and '.lood, and will occur text October. Minneapolis Tribune. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Uromo Wuinlne Tablets. All druggista refund the money -f It fails to curt. F W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2Zc. Aguinaldo's capital Is still rolling on, but it cannot be said that he Is gath erterf much moss. Mr. J. Y. Patterson, night polio, at Nashua, la., says: "In January I had a very bad cold on my lungs, and used half dosen different cough medicines and prescriptions from two doctors, but grew worse all the time. I finally boutht a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and after using two-thirds of it, I was entirely cured." CHAS. HOG i; US. Druggist. From a Democratic point of view it will b treason fur f n American soldier to discover gold in the Philippines. Usually a racking cough and a Ken eral feeling of weakness. Foley's Hon ey and Tar Is guaranteed to cure the 'grippe cough" and make you strong and well. Take no substitutes. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Prixe-flghting is to be transplanted to the island of Bermuda, with John L. Sullivan as the boss onion of the bunch. Pneumonia follows la grippe, but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, the great throat and lung remedy. Take no substitute. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. After having his Jaw cracked by an iron missile. Emperor Willi im was able to craek a joke with Prince Henry of Prussia. Eugor.e J. Hall, the poet and publish er, says that one dose of Foley'9 Honey and Tar restored his voice when hoarse ness thrtatened to prevent his lecture at Central Music Hall, Chicago. Noth ing else as good. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. Colonel Bryan was impersonated by a hotel waiter at Buffalo the other dav. This is what the colonel gets by at tending so many dollar banquets. Rob'. R. Watts, of Salem, Mo., writes: ' I have been troubled with kidney dis ease for the last five years and have doctored with alt the leading physi cians and have tried all remedies sug gested without any relief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and less than two bottles completely cured me and I am sound and well." The appointment by the disappointed ohioe-set-kers in Havana of a committee on relations must have been inspired by the Ohio contingent. CHEAP INSURANCE. Many a man, has been Insured against Bright's disease, diabetes, or other da.n eerous allm-nt by a flftv cent bottle of Fury's Kidney Cure. CHAS ROG- t-ittj. jjruggist. It must be plaant to deal with the king of Roumania. who pays all ! ficincii's out of his private purse when thr national cash b'x Is ;;hy. "I had a running sore on my leg for seven years, ' writes Mrs. Jas. Forest of Chippewa Falls. Wis., "and spent hundreds of dollars In trying to get It healed. Two boxes of Banner Salve en tirely cured It." No other salve so healing. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. If an able-bodied talker is needed for the Louisiana Purv-hise ' 'el bratlon, ex- Senator Carter should be nlaced in charge of th-e department of publicity. BANNER SALVE. Teltei. eczema and skin diseases vleld quickly to the marvelous healing quali ties or Banner Salve made from a nre.,:riD.lon of a skin medalist of worlrl wide fame, 25c. CHAS. ROGERS, Drurglst. Mrs. Nation has started a newspaper and declares in the first Issue that she has a chip on her (houlder. Probably she got it from one of her axe-change. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Notable among the Dleasures afford ed by the Saasta Route Is the win ter trip to Southern California and Arizona. Renewed acquaintance with this section will ever develop fresh in its prolific vegetation and among Its numberless re-sorts of mountain, shore. valley and plain. The two dally Shasta trains from Portland to California have been re cently equipped with the most ap proved pattern of standard and tour ist sleeping cars, but the low rates of fare will still continue in effect. Illustrated guides to the winter re sorts of California and Arizona may be had on application. C. H. MARKHAM. O. P. A., Portland. Oregon. J. A. FASTABEND GEMrUl CWrUCrOR AND BUILDER riflwaii k y These tiny Capsules are superior! to balsam of Copaiba L -I I ' i v-UDeus or injections anoiiim CURE IN 48 HOURSPDT the same diseases w'uv out inconvenience. WHITE COLLAR LlNL Str, HERCULES takes th place of BAILEY OATZERT (Telephone Dock). Columbia River and Iuget Sound Nay Igatlon Company, The Hercules leaves Astoria dally except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland daily except Sun day at " a. m. White Collar Line tickets, O. R.& N. tickets and llwaeo Ky Nav. Com pany tickets Interchangeable on Her. culcs and Hassalo. Through Port land connection With steamer Nahcotta from llwaeo and Long Peach points. Telephone No. 111. A. J. TAYLOR. Astoria Agent. E. W. CRICHTON. Portland Agent. ASTORIA 4 ND C3LUOU RIVER RAILROAD. Urr. " PORTLAND. " " AMve 8:0ia.m.lPi i tlund Union IVpot'lLlo a.m. ItWp.m.lfor Astoria and Inter-9;40 p.m. Inn , Hate points. I A8TORIV. I 7.45 am.lF. r Portland A ln-ll:W a. in. 6.10 p.m. tei r.i -d ate pilr.ts 10 30 p.m. SEASIDE DIVISION. lhsSa. m. vao t. m. .":. a hi S.' . m. .'::to p. in. ASTORIA T 4il a. in t i. in II Oia in IJ V) in 7 . Oil p. III SEASIDE Suiiilsy uuiy All trains make close connections at Goble with all Northern Pacific trains to and from the East or Sound points. J. C. MAYO. Gen'l Fr't snd Pass. Agent II uxurious Travel The "Northwestern Limited trains, electric lighted throughout, both Inside and out. and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains In the vorld. They embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the moat complete and splendid production of ths car builders' art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these superior accommodations and all classes of tick ets are available for passage on th famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Block System. W. H. MEAD. H. L. SISLER. General Agent. Traveling Ag't. Portland, Ore. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best service obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging lines at all junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Diring car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines and you will make direct connections at ht. mul ror Chicago. Milwaukee and all points East. For any further Information call jti any ticket sgent, or correspond with jah. (j. pond. Gen. Pass. Ag't. or JAS. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee. Wis, General Agent. THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. Oregon Short Line Railroad THE DIRECT ROUTE. Montana, Utah, Colorado and ail Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Pacific Fast Mall Line, or .,the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME. 1 Days to Salt Lake. 2J Days to Denver. Z Days to Olu'cago. 4 1 Days to Xv, York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information apply to C. O. TERRY, W. E. COM AN, Trav. Pass. Agt, Gen. Agent. 124 Third St., Portland. Or. Or G. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent O. R. & N. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING&NLX EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Care Will Receive BpeelsJ Attention. No. ESS Duane St,, Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK, Kir Res. Tel. lilt GO EAST i VIA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO Sf.riHii.i).i:ii:ii,MiiiiiiMiuiiis,('iiii'iiKi ah I All Pomta East. DAILY TIJAIN'S; FAST TIME; SER VICE AND SCENERY UN. EQUALED, ThrouKh Pit luce and Tourist Sleepers, iMiing iiiui imrret Smoking Library Cars. Tickets to points Eust via Portland and the Great Northern Uy., on sals at o. k. & N. Ticket Office. Aatcrla, or ureal .ortnern ricHet omce UiJIIIWI) STREET PORTLAND. For rates, folder and full Informs Hon regarding Eastern trip, call on sr address, A. n. C. DENNISTON. City Pass, and Ticket Agent Portland BESTOF EVERYTHING In a word th.s tells of the Passenger service via Ik Northwestern line. Eight Trains Dally between St, Paul and cnicago. comprising The Latest Pullman Sleepers, Peerless Dining Cars. Library and Observation Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars. The JOth Onttiry Train -Runs Every Day of the Tear. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Stcm Netted THE BADGER STATE EXPRESS, the Finest Dally Train Running Detwten St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Connections from the West made via The NORTHERN PACIFIC. GREAT NORTHERN and CANADIAN PACIFIC R'YS. This Is also the BEST LINE between Omaha. St. Puul and Minneapolis. All sgents sell tickets via The Northwestern Line W. II. MEAD. II. SISLER. Genet al Agent, Trav. Agent, 2 Alder .Street. Portland. Oregon. A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train in the world." Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best servloe known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no 0th.1 line. fcee that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlots or other Infor mation, address. J. V. CASEY. C. J. EDDT, Trav. Pass. Agt.. (Jen. Art Portland, Oregon. Portland. Ore. PROPOSALS FOR RIDS. Sal -d proposal will be received at !)- oilic ,f ;h! Iignt-house Inspector, Manmarn bull ling, l-rtland, Oregon, until 12 o'clock noon, Mwh 20, 1801, ind then nn-ned f.,r furnishlm? fur. I mil pi oviKlons for van -U and stations In W.e Juth light -hoMl-i .-iistiict fi.r the fli- '.'tl y;ir to en 1 Jun ."A, 1902, in ac cordance with sp (Ideations, copies of which, with blank proposals and other In format Ion, may h- had upon applica tion Id Command"r W. P. Day, U, 8. N, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled propoHalH addressed to the County f'b rk of Clutson Conntv Ore- gon, will be received until 2 p. m April d, l'JOl, by the Countv trommlB- sioners' Court of Clatsop County, Ore gon, for the construction of forty-two mile.s of road In Clatsop County, Ore gon, or any part thereof, viz: ih'? Pstoria, Olney, Jewell and Ves per wagon roid No. 77. J5PIH must be In cornnllance with plans and specifications now on file v. nn the County Clerk. All bids must be accomnnnled tav a certified check of the value of E ner cent of the amount of said bid. t.opies or plans ran be seen, and spec ifications will be furnished on applica tion to the undersigned.- The court reserves the rlirht tn re. J"ct any or all bids. HV order of the Countv Commission. ers Court. W. J. WHETIITY. K0 THE IJVMft" County Clerk. NOTICM3 OF THE HALE OF HTOCK ,OF Till! COI.UMULA lUVEIlpACK,. ,' KKS AS-kVIATloN. OF ASTORIA, ORI4GON. WHEREAS, mi the Mill day of M.ttvli, is'.e.i, the National Packing Com pany for a vuliiiiMi' consideration made, exmiled and delivered o the First Na tional Hank, of Astoria, Oivkou, Its certain pro.ulssory nolo wherein It promised and agr-ed to pay to (ho order, of said bunk ilx months after liaie for valuo received the sum of H, WM with lnt"rest ilirrcon uftcr dale at the rate of six per cent per unnuiii pay able U United Slates gold coin, and, Whereas, on the l'.th day of Mm eh, IHHI, th s:ild National I'm king Com pany, for V line received, made and de livered to said hank Its certain prom Issoiy tm'o wh'ielll il promised and agreed to pay to the order of Hiild lunik the sum of Mimhi, tth , Interest after dite at tne nit, of six per cent per annum, payable 111 I'lilM States gnld eol.i; and. Wlr-rcH, on the Utli day nf Heptcm le r, I'. J. i. Haiuhorn, one of the en il ist'i and giu ran tors of the said notes, fi the purpose nf securing Hie pay ment thereof, transferred and usIhmM lis O'llut.'l III, to tile Htlid lilllk. 2SS1! a'.ates of Iho capital slm k of the Co liimlila Itlver Puckers Association, of Astoria, (iieM,,n, t ti -it w it'll by lite said J. ( , I lam horn, as shown liy eei'illh ale luiioli I Itis, and at the same time and as part of the sini" transaction Hi said J (i. Ilatllllorn executed and de l.vered to (In. said hank a w rtden uigii ment and transfer of the said stock, r- cltlng therein that the said stock was transferred us collateral security for h payment of said notes, liieliidinu all charges nnd expetisis of collecdng the Mini1 and a reasonable attorney s p c and authority was given th iltt to th sttld hank by the said J o. lanth"t to s'll th said shares f capital sim or any part tli.'teof till I any collateral substituted fororad P-d to the same, with or without notl.e. at public or private ! il at the option of aid bank, oil the ii'in-paym'tit of said notes mid to annlv the net proceeds of such sale to the payment of sal I notes, and at the ale the eald bank Mas ,tullt"MxcJ nn etfpow ci ,! to In-come the puivha' thereof, and, Wli'T iis said o-rtltlcalc of stock a i.flerw ards surrendered t" the said Packers Assocl it ton and a lew c'tll tlcate ..f stock In 11 -u Hi, rcf for is' shares wits Issu by sal I Ai"oclailim t" said bank, as shown by i rtlll 'ate luimb'T 1'ii. nil. Where is demand lias I n ma le fot Ihe payment of said n't. and sat notes still remain unpud, and th'ie is now due and unpaid there n as in liu I pal th sii'ii of Mow ,,n ,,n,. not., and iv.dl 31 on the other note and Interest il a -It of said principal sums from March I. IM. at the rate of six per r-nt per annum. Now Til ERE FoRF. notice is IIERElir GIVEN. That under and In ptitDii.ino f the said niKhorlty confer r.d upon th -und'-rslKiied by the said J o. 1 1 iii'liorn, the underslKU'd will, on Til sday. the .'Gth day of March. lPftl at th hour of p) o'clis'k a m of said day. at the front io..r ..f th.. bullding liow occupied by the Said Flint N tloli.ll Hank, in the City of Ast.nhi Oregon, sell m public auction for cash t" th- hlgh-Ht bidder Ho- said :ss'.4 snares of ftiltal st'ick of th sab! Columbia Itlver packers As i. lutlon. ciTllflcati mimb'T 1,'fi, and will apply the proceeds of stn h ale to th" payment of said notes und the costs iti.l -xtiensi's of sale. Date,) at Ast rla, Oregon, tbl March 1 .til. I 'Mil. THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF ASTORIA. Hy S. S. i SoR n N. Cashier NOTICE IS HEREHV GIVEN That 'Street Assetsiifiit Roll No. 43 made for the purpose nf .lefraylng th cists and cx uses of tin trov Iiik Tent: street from fie south line uf Exchange street to the north line of Grand avc nue hus ii-en iii.-j with th,. aoit.,r and police Judge of tin; City of As loriu ny in- Doiiri! or ass-suis. an, that on the 21st day of March, I si. m the hour of 2 oclock p. m. of n, lay In the council chamb 'is in the cltv il in or iiii- city of Astoria, (lie r mi mltt'e on streets and public ways mil board of jutvsMors will meet f,,r (lie purpose of correcting, p-vlewing nnd liiallzitig suld ass, wm, hi. All i 1,1 tlolis thereto must be lliilde In wrltlMK mill Illcl With the nil, III, 0 U;i, i,c ludge. This notice Is published for t.-n lays by order of the Common Council of the. City of Astoria, H. E. N El. SON. Auditor and Police Jtidg of the City of Asiorta. Date of. first publication, M irch 9, ;in NOTICE IS HEREHV GIVEN That "Street Assessment Roll No i: made for the purpose of dcfnivlnir the costs anu expenses or improving Frank lin avenue from the cist line .,f Tw, n- ly -sixth street tn the west line ,,f Thli - ly-flrst street has Is-en filed Willi the auditor and police Judge of the City of Asioriu, uy mi! uoaru or assessors, and that on the 21st day of Mirrli, p.mii, nt the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of snld iinv in the council chambers In the ,.tv nan or me uuy or Astoria, ihe com mil tee on street unit public ways nn, board of assessors will meet for (he purpose or correcting, reviewing ntn equalizing said assessment. All oblec. lions thereto must be made In wntlnir ami men wan tne auditor ami police lunge, inis nonce is published for b-n days by order of the Common Council of tlb city (f Astoria. H. E, NELSON Atbllior and rolice Judge of the city or. asiorni. Date of first publlcAtion, March 9, 1901 SHERIFF'S SALE. By vlrtun of an execution and order ol sale IHHU'-'U out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for the County of Chitsop, on the 41 h day of March, 1901, upon a Judgment anil decree ren dered therein on the 20th day of Feb ruary, 1901, In favor of I yon Mansur, plaintiff, and against Iver Tronson, de fendant, for the Hum of $i:is, togeihi-r with Interest thereon, and the further sum of $25.20 the costs arid disburse ments of this suit and the cosls of and upon this writ commanding and requir ing me to make sale of the following described real property, to-wlt: The south Went quarter of the north west quarter, the west half of the southwest quarter and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section B in township 8 north of range 6 wefd of the Willamette Meridian, con taining 161 acres In Clatsop County, Oregon, Notice Is hereby given that I will on Monday, the 8th day of April, 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, In front of and at the court house door In the Olty of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, soil at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the above-described real nroncrtv. m satisfy the Judgment, Interest, costs ana an accruing costs. THOS. LINVILLE. Sheriff. Clatsop County. Orecnn Astoria. Oregon, March 6, 1901. SHIORIIT'H SALE. mm ' llyvutudof nil rxecutlon und Ol'dcf Of Ktiln Issued nut f Hie circuit court of Ihe Hutu h Oregon, for tint County of OUt. SUP. on thn 1st day of March, lltol, upon a Judgment und decieo ri'lidiied the-i'ii. Ill on th STtli dnv of I'Vbniury, liwi, Ml favor or J. II, ItaiiiiiM'Mtiier, plain. Iiif, und against C. IC, Linton and Maul" E. Linton, defendauis, for Ills "tin of ;'(H), with Interest th"rMm nt thn lale of H per cent per annum, from tlm Mill day of Novu nlier, S99, In tlm S7th tin v of Frbruiiry, IwU, for Ihe furlhur sum of tlO attorney's fees, ihe cosls nnd 'llslilliseill' tits of this still taxed lit $21 til mid Int T' t on sin, I Jiidumeut ut the legal rale until paid ami the costa of und upon this Mill rommnndliiM and I'c'lil'rliiH til" lo make sale of (lie fo. lowing dcs.'i'lbei p'lil property, to. wit: l.ots (en tin) and eleven till, In block two U', In Emi Wai't''ii,'ii. ns laid nut end r.i'orded by I'. C. Warren, mine It. Ing now a pu t of Hie In "i p 'ite, City of Wnireiilon, loiellier with I hi) leneni'Mils, her-'dll iinetiis und appur teuanc 's thereuiii'i lieoiiKinit or lii any wlso appertaining In th" County of Clatsop, Ofi uou. Noll' c Is In n by itlven that I will on Monday, the Mil day of April, I'.hi, ul the hour of in o'cl u k In Hie fotviiistii of s,tld day, In front of an, I ut Ihe court home door, In the t'lly of Alollu, Clat son I'mrily, Oregon, sell at public sue Hull (a the highest bld'l' r for cash, tlu above. iei rib d real pis . M-rt - to suis f.V ill Judgment, Inleiesl, costs and nil accruing costs, TltoS I.INVIU.K. Sheriff, Clatsop Count), Oregon, Auto: la. Oi eoi, March 1th. Ii. NOTICE FOR Pl'lH.lCATIoN. t'lilled States Iind ottlce, n( Oregon "Uy, Oregon, Dec. 2. 19U0: Notice Is benby kKcii tbut In com pi lit nee with tha provisions of tht act of congress of June 3. is,', rniltl d "An net for the sale of tlil r lands In III slntes of California, Oregon, Nevada und Washington Territory," us extend ed to all the Public I -und Stairs by set of Auuusl 4, 192, Christian petrrson, of tMliey, county of Clats.-p. Stute f Oregon, has this day filed In this utiles his sworn stat"inein No. 6333. for th purcliUMj of tha NIC. quarter of soctlon No. 27, In tonlilp No. t north, range No. 8 west, and wilt offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timlM-r or stone than for agricultural pmps'S. and to establish his claim to wild land before the register and rrcclvr of this office al Oi'igon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the Jilh day of Aplll, 19td. He nanus us wltsessi's; Georgn Me Farlnnd. Gust Adolph. Alexander Nor mand. Fnderlik Noimand. ail of u. ney, Clatsop county, or, gun. Any and ull persons claiming ad versely th above-described latili are reqiieste.1 to llle their claims In til's ottlce on or before said 2ith day of April, 19 l. CHAS. II. MOO It EH. Register. NOTICE OF SALE In tho County Court In und for Jek son County, Oregon, In the matter of the nutate of Thaddms W. Itarclay, I eceaed. Notion Is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of sain made by the Hon. County Court of Jackson County, On-gun. dated Janimry 7th. 101. and recorded In volume 12 of the probate records of said county, on pags I will on and after April 1st. 1901. proceed to sell at private rait, for cash, lots 24 and 4H In block I, of the town of Fllivel Center Clatsoo County, Oregon, and the S. E. U of section it). In nvp. 6 N,. of laiitf. H W . of W. M. In said Clutftop County. uERTItuDK IIARCLAT. Administratrix of islate of Tludleus W. Harclny, D.'ceosed. Ashland Oi. E. I). HRKiOS. Atty. Ashland, ore, ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given (hat the under "Igned administrator of the the estate 'f John H. Tell, deceased, bv virtus and uulhorltv and In pursuance of an order mii'ie ny in,, fcninty Court of th,. State of Oregon, for Multnomah county, on Ihe 9th day of January, Ijnj. aiithorlx. Ing and licensing the said administra tor to sell at administratnr's Sllle the following dec, lllied ,e.l pnnrty belonging to the estate of the said John II. Tell. d'Cnised. sltmiie,! und being In the county of clatnop in the state of Oregon, to-uit: Ihe northwest quart -r of the north- West quarter of section thlrtv-sls I1l tow nship nine ( north, range seven (7) w.t of the Wllluiiielti. ttnrldliin con talnlng forty (40) acres. I will, ns such administrator nn th 2.1,1 day of March, 1901, nt 2 o'clock n m. of said day, r.t the courthouse door of Clatsop County, Oregon p, Astoria III Slllll County. Sell Ihe iiIkiVh and foregoing described tract nf land ut auction to the highest bidder for cash subject to the approval of sul, oiri, JOHN ROMKTfVII. Administrator of said Estats. NOTICE FOR PURIFICATION. Unlled Stute Iind Olllce, at Oregon ' uy, uregon, r cD. l. 1901. No the Is horvbv riven that th fol lowing named settler has filed noll,. tf her Intention to make final proof In sup(Krt of her claim and said proof will be made Is.foro tho register1, and re. reiver of the United States Innd Office nt Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday. April 15, 1901. viz: MRS. ANNA SAMUELSON. Sister and heir-at-law of Char'l,. t,' Ronell, d'-crtlsiNj. who made limiimi,,. "Ppllcatlon No. 11S14, for lot 8, mv. M iwp. i, n. it. n w iota l. 2 nnd SE'4 NE'4, sec. 3, twp. 3 N range 8 W.. sit. uiiti-d In Tillamook nnd Clatsoji coun ties, state of Oregon. Sho names the following witnesses in prove his continuous residence unon and cultivation of said land, viz: a. ii. wiiorry, or uisie, Clutsop coun y. ore.; Danb i Reicrson, of Vlnemapb., latsop county. Ore.: Lou la Enoucsf n't Jewell. Clatsop comity, Ore.; C. J. jyin. den, or vesper, ClatMop county, Ore. Further and special notice Is hereby given that tho above named clulmiint, sister and heir. nt-law, Intends to make her in- llvhluul final proof In support of hpr lalm, and that her said proof will he mudi) by her for the abovo dewrlbed lurid before the county clerk of tlm ounty of Rock Island, at Rock Island In tho state of Illinois, on Monday. April 15, 19)1. ' CHAS. B. MOORES, Regigter. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby eiven that the signed administrator of the estate of .H-rnima DKirJue, aepeoscd, has filed In thn county court of Clatsoo countv rir his final account as i.uoh administra tor, snd that Monday, tho first day of April. 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock a m. of said day, has been by said court fixed as the tlnn for the hearing' of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. .,, MAX L SK mnw Administrator of the estate of Jemi ma BKiuoe, deceased.