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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1901)
THB MOKNING ASTOKIAN. SUNDAY, MAKCH 17, 1901 Special Sale for this Week RIBBONS 100 iili'cm of fancy ribbons, whltw Ui ,lfik. blue, lavender, nilo. mi"', purple or block stripes, n uikI & Imhea !'!". 2r. and ilOilUr yd ,'v All commute for itdvcrtiAiiiu, In the AhI.u luit m e made on a num -untcc of circulation four Uinta larncr than that of any paper published or circulated ln'Clat top county. TOPAY'H WlCATHEIt. 1'nllTLANIt, M.inh U.-Wi-ol-rn r-i-K"n mi'l WHtiTtj VVuhIiIukI'iii, rl-u iy dt !( tty cl'iU'ly wviitln-r Willi m i un built hiei. Kiml'Til Oiegnii, (pioli lllilv ft 1 1 - W l M Cua'i'ni WilHliliiKtiili nnl Idalw, probably m-i iiKl'iiml nlmwrn, and innl-r. AROUND TOWN. (i. I. limner, "f t'hailwill, li In th lty. i:r. ll-l French prunes H. at Juhn- )tl lll'KK. li M Stunt ami lr. It. are Mi lling HI HedMlde . 'I ti- ki'lillll" ,hiilln i-.-iir-. y.-n-Irr.liy fiT Amiruliii with Hus.P.I f t uf liitntii-r. 'iiinmiKul 'ii' i IIiikIhh, f the I'm I uf I'i.i, nun-- t'n "i. the 11' M iil'H yi. r lu'. Tin' M- riiMil ,iil,i Pi-rdliiiitnl Klm-ln-r. 'nilniu M.irk. arrive I in frm at 6 '.iil rvniiinu. In tw of ilii Kit- rt IliMlyn mill hiit lunger, I ,l-nif mul iMiiki'D linn irntililt' will) ntuVi-a an I ililiiuny Mum I tut it any nihil, iI-uik.-V. S.iiili'in. hk' in; t' I'l'li-lii- Ull. W. i:, mi 1 Martin Kmit.t have 1i-.ii ai.."Hil'il liy ll..r li. lii.T H1 WeinlM-r of III'' li"ir l uf 'll"l I 'Mlillilii tlon-r ! 1iir.i--il theiimrlvr. Hyl-veMi-r l-rr-ll. "f I 'rl unl. the ntln-r nmiili'T uf III" w u ttl' re-ap-1'iilnl .1 1'iiKlii if -.ri.lm, hnve )'"U mt-n It'"-'"". HlKg im li tiiiipaity' wltnluH? If V"ii have n"l. II l wurih gilng ! n town ! '' i hit vnrl'iy anil the rcilir ul'tiiy I" prlcm ill whu-h iln'y n-i.-l!liie. In i-nrly, i; lliry villi change tli' lit'l'i y In '"Ul'li' "f 'li Tlii I'l.i'H'ip Mill I'mnpany futnl It nn'i-M ny In 1' iui'i nirlly i liwi' i" n t mt fin lory yi-l r.lay n an-nunt of lui'k of liiiiili"' Tliii'-' or f"iii- (Mrliiii'iK T'l'i'lvil null iluy fimii llin IiumiI mill ui Ituni'-i but nut miltlii'nt for the il 'in.iMil. Tli- l rin Ktix'k alMUly lll h.'lll. I l iii'.i'. tn fill I'lHtrrtl o . .1, i. HI.ST l.V( -.NT MKAL llliSTAI'lt ANT. IUHINO 8 UN JUST MHm MEN'S GOLF AND STIFF BOSOM SHIRTS NEWEST STYLES 9s- i Golf Shirts t in nent olloctn. To bo worn with li Laundried Colored Shirts length wise stripes, one and two pairs detachablo cutfs. ! ...PRICES TO Latest Shapes E. G 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50 IS. DANZIGER C0L0PED FANCY HOSE Vertical mrlpu. mnn' with, Hhft dots, two t'm" I" dmiintlrh ef fects, etc., at ..... 50c pair Ocililrtut Imrbrr hop and bath. Klrat t'luHa wrvlce. Jii Ikv It. K. Ni'lHoh In rix-tnlinK Hun iliy In rurll'iii'l. .Ml. Kmlii-ryn Hlilv.-ly r-iiiin'U frmn I'mtlanl IukI cvi'iilnu. Mr. C. H. OnrrulhiT. of Hklpnnon, ;m In til - i lly y nd-nlay, Mr. ll-Mi-r anil i;utliU-r fxturi.iil piMiliiinl Hon "vrninif. limit i;-.'.nt ml nlitlnn Hun IU' taurant, 1,13 Commercial Bt. I n-nlil "lit A. II. Iliiinmonil In i-xjMi ti d to nrrly in I'ortluii'l tinimrruw. JuK'n n-Kittunuit Hi" larKint and bi-Ht. A trial will convince you. Try IVrf'-cllon Illmd M'Kba and Java crTi-. None better; Johnnoii tiro. Jiimii ! K""c1 of all kind, cln Hp at Yokohaiii't luuiir; t:i Cummrrclal Bt. It. H, lli'ii.l-rnon, II. K. HarriMt. ami Jo.' Mku'I. of I'ort and. un- ut tin' Oc-ild-nt. C. II Cnll-iidiT mil Mr. I'lill'iid't. fif Kntipiiton. or- ii''iidiii(f Hundny In A-itorla. J. M. Tnrn.y. of Fluvil, and A. B. Mrk' ru'iii. of l' rt Si'-vn. in Ui rlt y'-nl'-rday. flwi-dlnh Mrdwurt Summer Stiuait and Cb-rvHat Wurt. Hoini'thlnic nnc, ut Ji'Iiiinoii Ilro. Tlo uti-ani'-r Kulton .imiI d".in l ft. ''ii liint rviilll, lllt MI1 bark b'TttuiT of roimh w.-'Uhi-r. Auoim-y I'rd II Hironii. f Tirilind. h nt y.-iiiT.ny In Atoi la. rduriiltiK ll.lllir liut I'Vl'fllllK. II. r. Wrlifbt. miliar of Houth'rn nn'K in, ttlm nirm-k rich win not Ioiik Klnri', I In ihr flty Wanti'd. Mmilay niirnlii, four rnod lady IroiiiT. ( Nill Sunday viili:c hi roliimliln Hiram I-niintry. H'vim ntnvt from ('oinmrn lal o iinini ha bi-'ii rlow d for r. I'iilrj. hv onl'T f ih' lnt-t wiitierlnt.ndi'nt. Itle and ahlne; Oold Hope. Thrnih nr. antl-trut, unlon-madf plug tubai ci. Bav your tag. Ttify are va. liable. V. UIiik, a well-known fn'iro nrtNl f pnrilund, Hh hi famllv. I viltliiK Mr. an I li. l. Zli-itb-r. Mr. KIhk In u n l r-movlnK to NV Y"tk in th nir ' future. DO LATEST PATTERNS in nil newest shades of colorings, blue, pink anil heliotrope, stripes, also fig Jres. whito collars, tletnched cufin, SUIT ALL... W. Collars and Cuffs Th HrlllHh hlp CnmllWmnk, with I.!i,0'l7 buli"l uf wlu'ttl, vulu'-d at lD, 0(W, idrar'd ycitTlny for the United Kliiij'lorn, For rent A five-room rottit, fur nlhri or unfuriilhed, on Tenth itreet, ni-ur llarrion, In'iulrt corner Tenth and Irvlnif. DlMlrlrt Alfirncy Marrlaon Alb-n will I'Hi today for Ilillitboro to attend I'tiirt. Mr. AM'-n will accompany him on the trip. Cream pure ry:. Arwrtca'a flneat whUkt-y, The only pura Kooda; iruar untwd rich and mellow, JOHN L. CAHI.BON, Hole Afcnt. Tin- illffi-rwit lHb r oruunlitillonii will mi'i't nt ilif hall uf Ih KiHlii'rnv'ii'a un ion lorinirrow nlilit to (lcu' the for inailnri of n fi'di'ialloti, (1. I'.ilmhrrif Im contrutcd to build a 'Iw-liiiK rwiir HarrlHot av-nuc and Thirty-third airei-t for Mr. Mary Taylor. Ii In to cot $700. John A. Montirtnf'ry him opened a hop h( i: 1 Ion il Ktrci-t and I prepared to do all rhino of pliimlilnu and tin-filliK- (it t)u lowi'Nt poNiiblo rite. Today Im Ht, Patrick' day and will b" i id.-hnti-il In a oub t w ay. The i;.iKli' ull ioi a Ki'Mjilon at which an li'ii reHfiK program will be renib-red. Omv.-iIiJ Wt-Mt, of Sail-in, bit Hi'i i-t' d tli" iintltloii of ti-ll-r In the Klrt Nii tlonul bunk of t ti If ill y. Mr. UVt nil loin Ir r IiiihIj.i inl f.i re In uboul two wi-k. There alwiiy omi-l!ilntc new to he f ll II I .It lilt- ll'in lIl'Kl till , lilt, Til" Hui. Jay diiin-r liictudea turk'-y with ry H iiii e. A Mrt cla place fur bull'- and K'ntlcni n. Ar. blt -i i !. t.'.n Im prepared plan for ihr - new hull. Unit to built at F ! r (--?! t ti unl Irvlnir fur John I.. I'url- n at n "'it of Pi'hci. They ore to , t'.ii,i,..i... within three month. Ten uni uro tlr'Mdy i'HKKed. U. A, Noy. formerly wnt bi-ie for ih f. It. Si S. i'o., now renidlnK I" I'oriland, waa In the clly - ki. nl.iy. Mr. Nny i;i nufT-red the inl,f..rtuiie to o- hi cyi-icht, and Im now totally blind. i A the Hi".irii -r I'ei.itch wa il'tulni' In the ilv.T by roiiKh weather ycHter liy. i'ip;aln Victor, with .M.innX'-r Aii', Hti -r I n t .-n l-n t Kulii-n, t.-acii I ton Ivt.-ron and 1 Jr. I'r.i i n. of tlx- Columbia Klver IMck ei Au-ii'i.itiiMi, cnine aihore for an oIIk'I' lay In the clly. Additional nu-ill'-, liii l'i link' half a ton of freiih meat n ii- n'-nt on board. The Piltlih :it".imT Klntuck. Cap liiln l-'Oin. under churttr to the l:. 8. Kovernin-ni. and bound for Muntla vl i t'l'til.iiid. wii r-'ported ci mi I n it In -t'rdai it 4 p. in. but I tl out Me. Th- Kiv.urk wa nearly loaded on the ! moi. I, nd only co nia to the Columbia f ir i eoinlirnm-nt of hor.. Sh" I ui- ..f the larKttt vewk-la to enter till . r: Ai he I drawinir about twenty-f'l-e f.--i of water the time of her nrrlv il it the Inland elty may 1 ulluhlly tin i rl.iln. Ni: l.,ih!, who whx arreele.1 by Wat er H.illilt l-'ied Wlckman Friday for lulling dtirlric :he cloned m-aMon, wa lln.;;e ctixlivly yexterday by -In"'!' f the I'eaee Urowir. Iilntrlct Alt. i lie;- Il irrin Allen InvegtlKUted the ,ae and found that Ijihtl plea tin: he w.m tlMhitiK for foo I for hi wn t.ible wa probably true, ar.d a the inuti wait In tiiidy clrcuniHtanci o-nd ioul.1 111 afford to aland a fine he moved a of the fharge. Mi. C, K. Torkeon dW'd at her h one at It;. to hint t-venlnK. The funer al rilcc will b held Monduy after noon at the '.imlly renidenoe. No. 7:'4 KxchaiiKe ntreet. She wn a member of Charity lodge, IKre of Honor, which will have charKe of the funeral service. Iivened was born In Norway forty yeutK au and ha renldrd In Aatorl.i for eventeen years. She wan njoyin excellent bcalth until few weekn uuo when be rwelved a slltiht Hlroke of xiralyl. followed by an other and m.ire aewre stroke on Mon day lasl. She leaves three children. CIM'KCH SEUVICKS TODAY. N'nrw'eKlan Kvanirellcal Lutheran NorweK'lnn service at 10:45 a. m. Eng llh service at 7:30 p. m. llaptlst Usual Sabbath services will be observed. At evening service a tern lierance meetlntt will be held at which the subject will 1k "Carrie Nutlon's Method!". " Presbyterian Morning topic, "The tirace of the lrd, Jesus Christ;" even ing topic. "The Three-fold Inscriptions (n the tVoss." A very cordUl Invita tion Is extended to all. Mornincr topic, "Christ's Appcnl to Common Sense;" evening crvlee will be occupied with address by Wstrlct President T. S. McDanlels .if the E worth U-ngue. A cordial wel come I extended to all. First Confrreicatlonal Mornlngr topic, "The AdnntnR the Christian hns over the non-Christian;" evening topic, "Somo U'ssons from the Cross." Sun day c:hool at 12:15; mid-week prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. First Lutheran Morning topic, ser mon In Swedish. "Jenus Feeding the Five Thousand;" evening topic, sermon In F-ngllsh. "The Betrayal." Sunday school nt 10 a. m.; mid-week Lenten services, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. WILL TKST HAKBEP. LAWS. Portland shop Owners Tire of Sutulay Closing. Sever il owners of Portland barber t-hops have tired of Sunday closing and It Is exp vted thnt one or two of the shops will purposely violate the l-w today In order to bring the consti tutionality of the law Into court. The bona barbers of Portland were not un animous in :lemnndlng the passage of the law and Its constitutionality was questioned on the floor of the house In the debate preceding the vote on the bill. Representative Drvsser, of Clackamas county, who was one of the ablest lawyers In the house, declared that It waa class legislation and would not stand, If the supreme court was called to decide upon that point. TEMPERANCE LECTURER. COMING The local W. C. T. V. ha Invited Col. J. C. Holt to hold a aeries of meetings In this city In- the interest of temper ance, commencing next Friday evening nt the Baptist church. Aa Col. Holt has been twenty-five yeara on the plat form, havlnir once toured the world, with Maalt Twain, he la expected to be able to Interest the people. Meetings will be held In several of the churches during the lerleg. TO CLEANSE THE CITY I'EKMANEiYf HEALTH OFFICER SHOULD IJE AI'I'OINTED. I)r, HcnderaonTclU of Work That Could Be Accomplished in . Improving the Town. "(Sod Almighty ha done a grut deil for this town, and thi people liave done very Utile," said in. II. L. Hen deivton yet ?rday to an Astorlan repor ter. "There 1 urg-nt need fr orne action toward ridding the city of tli' un lightly garbage and refu heap that piiir the appearance of many of th-? city' street. The dty should b cleaned and kept o, rltcld ordinance agiln Ideftctlve sanitation and care-l'- dlKpopal of garbage hould be pi-r-hlNtently enforced The atlon of th' Push I'lub In Informally endorsing the communication publlliel In the Aitnr lan w.i a t"P In the right dlrecMor ami should be followed by i-nTg,tlc rioaiin-H looking to the abolition of the evil." The city today I without a health ollln-r. Th' re I no on to a-e that the ordinary rule of sanitation re ob-rv-ed. Citizen in various section of th city compUlu of proximity of ces po)! with their pei tllenee breeding tilth. Un sightly rubbish plb a disfigure the prin cipal r-sld'-ncc streets. Ibrln and refuse i dumped Into the river without regard to the liw or the condition of the tide. Yost -rduy morn ing a lot of half rott d muttresies were lak'-n from the dilapidated building n IJ lining the Salvation Arniy h'irr.i k on Comm-rclal stn-et ind dumjied Into the riv-r. In a'l probability th-y will 0' high on the leach t'Hlay. The irdln;ince under which Pr. Hen d r-on wa appolrit"d and trV' a health oflber of the city l.ips'd Febru ary 1. and no measure was enacf-J to tuk Its place, There are a v rnl ex cellent ordinance pif-Kcrtblng the du ties of a h.-alth officer but th' powers given f that official have not b en vested In any other officer of the city. In speaking of the work accomplished during hi term of office. Pr. Hender son salill "A health ofTlcer ! wa emimwr-d to direct and" fomp'l the removal of garbage and refuse an. I In no Instance win my liistnn lions disregarded. I dl I not find It necessary to prosecute any one for violation of the liw and un doubtedly the woik a-compllshed did much to Improve the city's app-aranre. I hd the authority and did compel the retiring of defective plumbing and "imitation and on m vnil occasions) di rected th-' destruction of loeat unfit I r sale for fo-xl. One case I recall wh'eh w'll lliistrate the n -cewlty for some such ofTlcliU being appi'lnted. Two hoes ver brotght Into the city whl.-h were absolutely unsaleable. The own er agreel to destroy th"m. and oJ"ked where should threw them Into the river. I nam"d an hour when the tide would be running out and they were eirrled out over the bar- to the open sea. "Not only should ar. ordinance lx pastel T"ating a permanent position of h..iPh officer but the power delegated ti h'm should be far more extensive than ever (n tne pat. jj,, should be cloth I with authority and the b-neflt t ) the city would more than reply the exp.-n' incurred." HUNDRED YEA It CLUBS. Are becoming numerous. The Id a U to promote longevity. It Is Interesting to note, that the means through which long life Is to be obtained. I fsd and the stoinitch. Long life and good health are not possible unl"ss the stomach dus Its work properly. There is a way to make It, If it (bvs not. His tctter's Sumach Bitters is an Ideal strength restorer. If you would l cured of dyspepsia. Indigestion, belch ing, constipation, Insomnia, nervousness. try the Bitters. Everybody should try It at this time to help na ture Hd the blood of winter Impurities. It's a specific for malaria. See that our private H-?venue Stamp covers the n:H'k of the bottle. REALTY TRANSFERS. Hannah Drlscoll to Wlllam Prlscoll lots 1 and 2, block 102, McClure's; fWO. t'nlted States to Thomas C. O'Con- nell 100 acivs In section 1 T 7 N, It 6 west; pa tint. United States to Hans Christiansen 148.9J acres in election 30. T 6 N, R S W; patent. Edward Sullivan to May Smith lot S, block 5. Railroad addition to Ocean drove; $50. R. Livingston to May Smith lot 8 block 5, Railroad addition to Ocean urove; P. C. Warren to L. C. Hoffman lot 9. block 27, First extension to Warren- ton: $200. J. O. Hanthorn to H. W. Monastes blocks 7 and 13, Hawthorns Astoria; ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL. Modern Institution That Is Doing a Great Work. Astoria Is fortunate In possessing, in Teas 1 Coffees Spices 1 Extracts Soda Premiums "ttn,u II Powder GrJtAEeric3ilBportlaiTii&. 571 Commercial Street, Aatorla. I Just m m Howk I Many )j Frce JJ I Ht, Mary' hospital, a modern. Improv ed Institution for the care of th sick and Injured. It I the only hospital In an rten-e tributary territory, and latlpnt are brought almost dally from rriot lections of th cou.oly and ad bicnt vicinity. The ground floor la ocupled by the difdng roim, county ward and work Mom. On the miln floor are the par lor. aroth'?eary department, surgical war ), smoking room and convalescent' ward. Tht upper floor I divided Into twenty-cv?n room for private patb-nt. The hospital can accommodate from 75 t 100 pitl'nt. Th surgical operating room, de'ori,.d In whit", with white metal furniture and all modern Im provement and appliance for the most ddlcnte and difficult operations, is the tirlde of th Institution. At pres-ot there are forty-two pa tent being cared for. One of the old m fiatl'irit Ih a man named Bataon, who- ll.Tib are paralyz-d. He can tilk and hear but Imperfectly. Bat n hi been In the hospital for six year. Kt. Vary' wa founded In 1HS0 and I conducted by the Sllcr of Charity, Klt r Cp-opns Icing tfw moihr,r siifKr or, Mother Antoinette, of Montreal, who I at the head of the order, visit ed the hospital lait summer. Th force c ins!st"d of clirht m -mber of the is teeh'Kel and two trained nurse. HirrXBRH DREW A FULL HOUSE. Standing Riom Wa In Demand at the Auditorium Last Night. That the BIttner Company ha lost none of Its popularity, since It played Hi. last summer s.-ayon her wa evl-d- nce-1 by the large crowd which greet--I It aprx-iranf-e at the AudltorluTi last nli;ht. It wa one of the largest fdus's of the season, th seats all be ing occupl-d and th "standing room" snaie well llll-d. W. W. BIttner, the manager of the ompany. waa given an ovation on his first appearance on the lai;e. and : -stein l -d In hl usu il hap py v-in. The play preente-l wa "I'aivn Ticket 210," and was handl 'd in a most creditable manner, proving that Mr. BIttner ha been fortunate in hi ?l?ctlon of new people to uke the place of the old ones. Th-; special ties between acts were all clever and well re?-ived. This will be the uM ap p ar.inc1'; here of the company until it return April 13 for a 16 weeks' en gatrem -nt- Spokan? (Wash.) Chronicle. The BIttner Company will open an "watjenv'iit of one week, commencing Monday. March 18. at Fleer's opera Lotra' great success "Pawn Tick"! 210" will be presented at the otM-n'ng. Re:rv;d seats now on sale at ppulr prices. PLAGIARISM IS CHARGED. S nndal Crowing Out of Inter-Collegl-ate Orators' Contest. Th"!" is a pretty row on among the colleges piitlclpiilng in the recent In-tercoll-gUte oratorical contest at Cor vallls. El wood Mlnchln. of Newberg, who won first lonors, has bn charged with plagiarism by representatives of McMlnnvllle College. The winner's topic w.i "Wendell Phillip Agitator." and young Minchln's detractors allege that he cribbed liberally from well-kno-a-n volumes on the subject. The executive committee of the lnter-colle-clate association Is investigating the hams. The State University at Eugene also prefers charges, claiming the Pacific University students tried to "rattle" a young woman from th? state university, while she was rcadii g a paper. Altogether it would atirfar that considerable hard feeling Is developing and counter charges are being prepared by the accustd persons. SEEKING A NEW MARKET. A Tacoma box manufacturing con cern has sent a representative to Aus tralia to look Jver the country and en-deu-er to secure trade for his concern. The Immense orchards of th? Antipodes do not bear until six months later than Oregon and Washington and if arrangements can be made to supply the Australian farmers with box es the factory can be kept running on full time during the entire year. NOTICE! The Columbia laundry wagons will jrather up work on Sunday until noon. If you are In a hurry for your washing please have It ready and it win be re turned on Tuesday. J. W. DALTON. NOTICE! No person Is authorized to collect outstanding acounts of the late firm of P. J. Goodman & Co, but Thomas Pealey, at the old stand. Please call and settle. THOMAS DELALEY. N. B. The last chance to get shoes at your own price for two weeks only. Stock going fa-t. THOMAS DEALEY. Dr. Rhoda C. Hicks, OSTEOPATHIST Consultation Free. S7S Commercial St.. Astoria. Or. C. W. BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 573 Commercial St., ASTORIA, OR. TELEPHONE. RED 206L WHERE DO YOU HAVE YOU TRIED A. W.SHIPLEY? 658 Commercial Street. DO YOU KNOW That he gives you the best there la to be had In the city for the least money? Place an order once and sec. J THE LOUVRE Clarence Mason, an acrobat of rare ability, is exhibiting during this week at the Louvre. Mr. Mason's connection with McMahon's circus as a star per former during last season is a testi monial to his brilliant achievements on the bars. Finest lunches and best mu sic are always made specialties. THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT. KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which I Bottled beer for family use or keg Mr. John Kopp la proprietor, makes beer for domestic and export trade, v v v i i v ji . FOUNDED A. D.17IO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE or LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Caah Aet, ... u,goo,ooo CtihAuiti In United Btatea, a,6i6,93s J. B. F. DAVIS & SON, WIXFIELD S. DAVIS BURT 215 Sansomc Street, - SAMUEL ELMORE N Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY Subscribed Capital, -Paid-up Capital, Assets, .... Assets in United States, Surplus to Policy Holders, Has been Underwriting on the SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Resident Agents, Astoria, Or. PacificNayigationCompany Steamers-MSue II. Elmore." "W. II. Harrison" Only line- Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, Hobsonville. Connecting at Astoria witb the Oretron Railroad & Navigation Go. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. B. for Sac Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply Samuel Elmore A Co. General AtnU, ASTORIA. ORE. i 0. R. A. N. R. R Co., Portland. Agents A. & 0. R. R. Co., Portland. (B a LAMB. Tillamook. Ore. BEFORE YOU BOY A PIAJ10 OR Afl 0RGAJ1 It will pay you to write OILER'S P1AN0 H(HM OFFICE: 351 Washington St., Portland, Ore. We are the great profit killers Northwest, and with our special organ for less money than you today. Catalogues for the asking. Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos the Kim ball, the Chickering and the Weber makes. ...EILEPS PIAN0 A Luxury Seto Enjoy d at such a price as 12V4 cents I) a dedclous El Sldolo cigar There Isn't a cigar made that carries so much pleasure In It fragrant fold to the smok er a this really fine flavored' rich and well loade smoke. If you wish to enjoy a treat try one. WILL MADISON FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria, Ore. beer supplied at any time. Delivery ln the city free. iii m J i vji GENERAL AGENTS. L.DAVIS CARL A. JJENBY - San Francisco, Cal. & CO., AGENTS. OF SHAREHOLDERS $5,000,000 1,000,000 2,545,114 300,000 1,718,792 Pacific Coast ovei twenty-two years. and piano price regulators of the facilities can sell a tine piano- or can get them elsewhere. Write together with eight other good COMPANY