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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1901)
THE MORXIXC ASTOKIAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 17. 1901. Tilephone Main 66 L TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, per year $8.00 Sent by mall, per month 60 Served by carrier, per month 60 SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year, In advance, $2.00 All communications Intended tor pub lication should be directed to "Editor Aston-in." (Justness communications f all kinds aiid remittances must he addressed to "The Astorlan Publish er Co." The Astorian guarantees to Its ad versers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can v had on ap- lication to the business manager. The result of the duel between Count de Custellsne and M. de RcJays will be sincerely and generally regret'.e.', by some because M. de Rodays was in jured and by the rest of creation be cause somebody else wasn't. Th patriotism of De Wet is of the kind which stirs the blood of the read er of current history, whether he be an American or Englishman. The an cient type of heroism, in which the Greek race especially prided Itself, s-ems to have sun Ived the ages. To Bght after all hope of victory Is goo and when only death, on the field of battle Is in view Is glorious but out of keeping with the practical age of t'Hiay, which In every mow seeks to weigh the costs and benefits. That the intensity of his devotion to his coun try and the anguish at the sight of its certain extinction as an independent nation may have driven De Wet insane b not ut all inconceivable. Regardless nt the view which may have been taken of the merits of the war, one can but feel both pity and sympathy at the un happy fate of the ence great Boer leader. Whatever Ihe antls may thlr.k of the Chinese policy of the administration. It must be clear even to them that it has saved the country from endltts complications In which the remaining iillies are becoming involved. Every purpose for which the American forces were sent to China has been achieved. Our imperiled citizens have been res cued and as complete a punishment as could be exacted has been meted out to the Boxer leaders. Material damages inflicted are in a fair way to be paid for by sufficient indemnities. Whatever of uncertainty remains on this last point may safely be entrusted to diplomacy for settlement. The further presence of allied troops on Chinese soil is but a :nn.iee to the peace of the world. It is scarcely to be expected that the arm-k-s of so many nations cn remain on terms of peace indefinitely in close proximity io one another on the soil 'of a country which each suspects the other to be anxious to claim to. the exclusion of all the rest. America is well out of the unhappy Imbroglio. The wisdom and tact of the McKinly ad ministration in dealing with th- Chinese question are likely to gij down into his tory as the highest example of llhj diplomtcy of the present period, i The only point at which It tan be as- sailed by the most carping critic is the failure to insist upon the degreda- , Hon and retirement of the empress dovager, the protector and friend of ' the Roxrs. A REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA. Brooklyn Standard Union. Th( re Is a movement taking place in Distress after eating is cued froui the stomach not begiiiBiug its work inimediat!y. Uutil it getf to work you fuel din truKod tlie food lays is your to ch liko u wclgbt. To Hurt diction to make th itomsnb do iu work you must assist it lr your stomach is weak or slow to work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 ftpr meals supplies the stoa u. v"l neUT aoidA aud juloa &PVaD5.S aakeUdat sbieta. Ma ad Bucceasor to Th. Olsen. Com. SL "uuib usmn iae rood quickly in a propsr muiner. To got the best feait UM Bsldwln'a fiaalth Thl.. Russia which promises revolutionary resulis, yet which seems to have escap ed general attention from the outside world. It is nothing less thin a tern p rance reform not through the hatch et i f any Muscovite Carrie Nation, or other agitation more or loss violent; there Isn't much of that thing In the czar's dominion but reform by govern ment direction. Russians have the reputation of be ing the heaviest drinkers of any people on earth, their consumption of tho fiery and vlllalaous vodka being something enormous. They hive it'deed been call ed a nation of Drunkards. It need seareely be hoped, therefore, that the Dial reformation f these "tanks" is Imminent, that is, they have not yet become teetotallers. l;it there is reason to hope. Tiv in'.eraieJiate stage of moderate drinkers has been alta.iud, and the wild scenes of public debauch ery are not now witnessed! as frequently as fir.nerly. The way this partial and. it may be said, promising r form has been accom plished by the government is by a plan somewhat like the South Carolina dis pells try I aw. but with Its most objec tionable features omitted. AM the pub- I lie drinking places are closed, and the sale of liquor at retail by a private per son is forbidd n. The manufacture f suirits continues as of yore, but the state resjlate th-e output and is itsUf the ivt tiler. From the distillery the supplies are taken to the public stores. ref.T'd in government r-(incites sold from s eminent shop.i not by the glass, but by the bottle, each bearing the government sump. They cannot, however, as in South Carolina, be "drunk on the premises." Neither can the purehaser. Any person found drink ing fro n thes bottles is fined from 12.50 to $10. The settles must be opened only at home. On returning the empty bottles the consumer receives from one to live kopeks, a small coin, from the government agent. The presumption Is that the government liquor is less de leterious than the old sort. Vodka is a kind of whisky, distilled from rye. bar ley or potatoes. It is th drink of the mujiks (peasantry, or lower classes), largely, the favorite tipple of the upper classes being brandy. It will delight the teetotallers io learn that with the closing of the liquor shops the consump tion of vodka has largely decreased, and that tea and coffee houses are taking their place. There is -.herefere. it seems, hope for Russia's redemption from the rum pow er, whi.h is more absolute and more tyrannical than the czar. WITH TH5 PARAGRAPHIAS. Count de Castellane could give Carne gie points on how to avoid the disgrace of dying rich. Daily Nonpareil. Queen Wilh-lmina promised "to obey," just as an ordinary American heiress woulj liae done. I'hieago News. Mr. Bryan r.-f-rs :o his "army of sub scribers." r'h! Will th man never lay aside !rs military habits. Wash ington Post. Thirty i-ntal surgecr.s are to be ap pointed und -r th-- new army bill and they raust all be m'n with a strong pull. Montana Reeorl. Colonel Guff y s T.-xas gusher may simplify th.e problem of exterminating t!,e mosquito by pouring oil on the swamps. Pittsburg Disjatch. Bryan's last object l'-sson is likely soon to disappear. There are reports that Mexico is planning to adopt the gold standard. Buffalo Express. It will require a JittI- time for the Hon. W. E. '.'handler to acquire the art of keeping his private citizenship J on straight. Washington Post. Gov-rnor Allen reports, general pros perity in Prto nko. Crops are large and wages have gon up. The Com moner pl'-ase copy.--Minn -apolis Jour nal. Report says I.-r.ih irdt lost money on her engagement in Chicago. Her pat rons complaii -d biit'-rly of th? scarcity of local tasTs in "L'Aiglon." Mall and Express. If King Edward is inexorable in pub lic affairs as hs has been in his William Waldorf policy, h ' wili be a hard mon arch for courtiers to handle. Washing ton Post. The new- ruler of .ireat Britain al ways has one big advantage. It 13 not necessary for him to hide from people who want to get appointed as post masters. Times-Herald. Fniperor William seems to have made a great hit with the population of Lon don. He might be considered in line for promotion if Edward VII. were to tire of the Job. Baltimore Herald. Mr. J. W. Patterson, nlglit police at Nashua, la,, says: "In January I had a very bad cold on my lungs, and used half dozen different cough medicines and prescriptions from two divlurs, but grew worse all the time. 1 dually bought a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and after using two-thirds of it, I was entirely cured." CHAS. ROG ERS. Druggist. The dowager empress Is the Carrie Nation of the Celestial Empire. The Joint powers are all ami. of her. Usually a racking cough and a gen eral feeling of weakness. Foley's Hon ev and Tir Is guaranteed to cure the "gii pe cough" and make you strong and w ell. Take no substitutes. CI IAS. ROGERS, Druggist. By th terms of the marriage contiact Quern Wiihelmlna s husbuivi seems ; be a sort of silent puttie- in the frm. Pneumonia follows la grippe, but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and lai. the groat and luig remedy. Take no substitute. CHAS. RIM..EUS. Druggist. Spam's new armored cruiser broke down on her initial trip. It seems to be lmposl'ale for Spain to haw any kind i'f sac e.-s wi:h ; navy. Fugei.e J. Hall, the poet and publish er, says that one dose of Foley's Honey and Tar restored his voted when hoarse ness thi i atoned to prevent his lecture f Central Music Hall. Chicago. Noth ing else as good. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. Mayor Vein Wyi k Intimites that he v-ty the n. w police bill enacted for Creator New York. The new law must poss'-ss positive merit. I: -b'. R. Watts, of Salem. Mo , writes: ' 1 haw been troubled with kidney dis ease for the last Ave years and have doctored with all the leading physi cians and have tried all remedies sug gested without any relief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and less than two bottles completely cured me and I am sound and well." Nearly four years must elapse b-fore the next presidential election, and I: is hoped that Mr. oiney will find time and inclination to resistor. CHEAP INSURANCE. Many a man has been insured against Bright's disease, diabetes, or other dan gerous ailment by a fifty cent bottle of Foley's Kidney Cure. CHAS ROG ERS, Druggist. Mr. Woolley has given timely warn ing to Mrs. Nation and her band of home-defenders that a rear-platform campaign is mighty uncertain. "I had a running sore on my leg for seven years," writes Mrs. Jas. Forest of CMppewa Falls. Wis., "and spent hundreds of dollars In trying to gt It healed. Two boxes of Banner Salve en tirely cured it." No other salve so healing. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. I'pon the return of Boss Croker fr.m foreign part he may be able to recog nize the tiger, but It won't have as many stripes as it had b-fore. BANNER SALVE. Teltei. eciema and skin diseases yield quickly to the marvelous healing quali ties of Banner Salve made from a prescription of a skin specialist of world wide fame, 25c. CHAS. ROGERS. Dnirglst. Texas Is booming quite well known since they struck oil there. I Depot, Fifth md Leave I I Streets. Arrive Overland Express Trains for Salem, Roseburg. Ash- land, Sacramento, 7:30 p.m Ogden. San Fran cisco, Mojave, Los I Angeles, El Paso, 3:30 a.m New Orleans and 9:15 a.m j 7:00 p.m the Eaat. At Woodbufn (dally except Sun day), mornlnr train connects with train for Mt. An gel, Silverton, Brownsville, Springfield, and Natron, and even ing train for Mt. Angel and Silver ton. Corvailis passen ger. 17:30 a.m 115:50 p.m 14 : 50 p.m Sheridan passen- l!8:25a.m ger. Daily. (IDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Port land, Sacramento and San Francisco Net rates 17 first claas and til second class, including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern pointa and Europe. Also Japan. China, Hono lulu and Australia. Can be obtained from J. B. Kirkland, Ticket Agent 134 Third Street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Pasenger depot foot of Jefferwm St Leave for Oswego dallv ut 7:20. a. m; 12:30, 1:55, 3:25, 5:15, 6:25. 8:05. n:su p. m. and a a, m. on Sunday only. Arrive at Portland dallv at :!! S:30. 10:50 a, m.: 1:35, 3:15. 4:30, 6:20, 7:40, 10:00 p. m: 12:40 a. m. dally ex cept Monday; 8:30 and 11:05 a. m. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, excent Bun- day, at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland at 9:30 a. m. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlee Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri days at 2:45 o. m. Returns Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. Gen. Fit. and Pass. Agt J.A. FASTABEND GENERU CO.ITRACfOR AND BUILDER. Foley's Kidney Curo cuius kidneys and buoder tight m p( SUNSCT -Tit SOUTH WHITE COLLAR LINt Str. HERCULES takes the place of BAILEY OATZKRT (Telephone Dock). Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav igation Company. The Hercules leaves Astoria dally except Sunday at 7 p. m. leaves Portland daily except Sun day at i a. in. White Collar Line tickets, O. R. A N. tickets and llwaco Ry & Nav. Com pany tltkets Interchangeable on Her cules and Hassalo. Through Port land connection with steamer Nahcotta from llwaco and Long loach points. Telephone No. Ml. A. J. TAYLOR. Astoria Agent. E. W. CRICHTON. P.wUand Ageut. ASTORIA MD uM.UfV.tiU RIVER RAILIxCAD. Lefts. PORT! '-NO- At I 8:0Oa.mJP. rtlund Vn- IVr-ot tl:Ui a m. I 7:00 p.m. foi- Astoria mid iuu.-r-9:40 p.m. j -Inn liate points i 1 ASTOR! v I DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; SER- .vm.f. r Portland a in-iu:j a.m. S in p in. pvtuiK ,10.30 p. in. SEASIDE DIVISION. lists a. m. ,v:j p. in. .vixiatn ST" I m. '.'; p. m. ASTORIA 7 n a. m t U' . in 11 IV H III SEASIDE i III Suiidy oiii) All trains make close connections at Coble with all Northern Pacific trains to and from the East or Sound points. J. O. MAYO. Gen'l Fr't and Pasa. Agent Ii uxumous Travel The 'Northwestern Limited" trains, j electric lighted throughout, both inside and out. and steam heated, are with eut exception, the finest trains In the vorld. They embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the mont complete and splendid production of tht car builders' art. These Splendid Truim Connect With The Great Northern The Northern l'acific and The Canadian l'acific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. Xo extra charge for these superior accommodations and all classes of tick ets are available for passage on the fiimOn "NnrlhWHt A, n I.lmlfa.l All trains on this line are protected by the MiicnucMng uiock system. W. H. MEAD., II. L. SISLER. General Agent. Traveling Ag't. Portland. Ore. A FEW ERESTING CTS FA When people are contemplatlnt a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the beat service obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINKS are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so aa to make close con nections with diverging lines at all junction points. Pullman Palsce Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dlrlng car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the flrst-clas er vlce. ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central lines and you will make direct connectlona at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further Information call un any ticket egent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Oen. Pass. Ag't., or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. (.enerai Agent, THE CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN Oregon Short Line Railroad THE DIRECT ROUTE. Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite routea. via the Union Pacific Fast Mail Line, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME. 1 Dava t'i Suit Lake. 2J Days to Denver. 3i Days to Cl.icao. 41 bay to Nov. York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information apply to C. O. TERRY, W. E. COMAN, Trav. Pass. Agt.. Oen. Agent. 124 Ihlrd St., Portland. Or. Or G. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent O. R, & N. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 221. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Cara Will Recelva Bpealal AJtbantioo. No. EU Duaa St, Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK. Utr Res. Tel. WL GO EAST vrx SHORTEST AN0 QClC!(fST LINE ' TO SUi'i!.n.i!ii li.Miiiiit'iipiiiis.l'liican I and A.I Point East. i iu. ami sncNKHV UN. SCALED. Throutih I'ulaco and Tourist Sleepers, luilng and Buffet Smoking Library Cara, Tickets to points East via Portland nnd the Groat Northern Ry on aale at O. It. N. Ticket Ortlc. Astcrla, or Great Northern Tlckot Office ' Nl.TIIIWD STKEI-T, PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding Eastern trip, call on r address, A. B. C. DENNISTON. City Pass, and Ticket Agent. Portland. BESTOF EVERYTHING In a word this tells of the Passenger Service via The Northwestern tine. Eight Tiuliis Dally between 8t, Paul and Chicago, comprising The I-ateat Pullman 8leepers, Peerless Dining Cars. Library und Observation Cars, F ree Reclining Chair Can, ' 'Die .'Oili Century Train -Runs Every Day of the Year. i Tile Finest Train in the World , ,. i "Maxa Liijhted Steam Netted ' j I THE BADGER STATE EXPRESS, the I Finest Dally Train Runnln Hctvoon St. I'aul and Chicago, vU the Short Line. Connection! from the West made via The NORTHERN PACIFIC. GREAT NORTHERN and CANADIAN PACIFIC H'YS. This Is also the BEST LINE b"tween Omaha. St. Paul and Minneapolis. All a Kenti sell ticket via The Northwestern Line W. II MEAD. II. L. SISLER. General Agent, Trav. Agent, 21S Alder Street. Portland. Oregon. "Tim A familiar name for the Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Rallwar imy d nigh between V ftK running tne 'rioneer Limited" traina and Chic ago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train in the world." Understand: Connections art made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best tervlce known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no ottw hee that your ticket reada via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada. All tiekei agcMs sell them. For rates, pamphlet! or other Infor mation, address. J. W. CASEY. C. J. EDDY, Trav. PnsH. Agt.. Oen. Agt., Portland. Oregon. Portland. Ore. PI'Oi-osALS FOR niliS. s-'il' l j.rop is.t.4 will be received at I'', utile. ,f -i,. int-iiiuse Inspector, .Maininim bud ling, Pcrtlaud. Oregon, utiiil - (,'ii.nk noon, Mach 20, 1J01. hi. I then ,p. ii.. f,,r furnishing fuel an 1 !i'.'. Inions f- vessis and stations In He- i:;th lihi iio'ji . .jlHtrlct for the fl i- 'al n, ,. j Ju ;;(), 1'jov, n ac ' "i'd;i.", w ith Hp 'i.lflcatlons, copies of winch, vlih blank proposals and other infoi re iijon, may bo bad upon 'applica tion Io Commander W. P. Day, I1, 3. N. NOTli'E TO CONTRACTORS. S'ale.l pripiwiiH addressed to the County ('lerk of Clatsop County, Ore gon, will be received until 2 p. m April ;i, mid, ,y the County Commis sioners' Court of CUisop County, Ore gon, for th- construction of forty-two miles of ,oad In Clatsop County, Ore- ;n, or any part thereof, viz: I'll" Astoria, oiney, Jewell and Ves per wagon rind No, 77. Rids must b- In compliance with plans and specifications now on file with the County Clerk. All bl In iniiHt be accompanied by a certified rho k of the value of 6 per cent of the amount of said bid. Copies of plans can be seen, and spec ifications will be furnished on appUca Imn to the undersigned. The court reserves the right to re-J'-et any or all bids. Rv order of the County Commission ers' Court. H. J. WHERITY, County Clerk. (Si nil 1 1 r i in; NOTICE OF Till) BALK OP HTtHMC OF THE COMIMHIA RIVER VM'K ICRS AH.mtCIATIoN. tF ASTOltIA, ORIKJON, WHEREAS. n the ISlh day of March, lSH'.i. the National I'aeklng Com pany for ix valuaWo consideration iniule, executed nd delivered to the First Na tional Hunk, of Axtorlii, Oregon, Its certain pro.nlnsory note wherein It promised and ugi ''d t" -y to (ho order of said bank six iiioiiIIin after date for value received the sum of lio, Mi with Inl'MVHt tlii teon rter dale nt the into of hi per inn per annum xiy ible Ilk l' Nliitex gold coin, and, Whereas, on the UMli .luy of Mmvli, ma, ,. .il, N. ill. mii I'm king Com pilll). for Vllue received, luilile nltd de livered to said Ii.iiiK II" certain prom Issoiy n.i'e wherein it promised and agreed to pay to the ord'T of s.ild bank the siiin of :; h. with Interent lifter illte jil tne I ate or SIX per Ci'llt per .iiiiiiin. p.tyalile in I'lilt.d States K"H -!,) ; ,ui, I, Where n, ,01 the lilh day of Seplem li r. I '.ma, J. . II. mill"! ii, one uf the en ilersci and kii u'.ini"ii of ilo Mid note, for tlte iurpo of securing the m incut Ih.-reof, ii.iiKfcn.'d mid aligned in collateral, t,, the ild luiik. '.''' ,1'iilics of the Mfk of the Co. IiiiiiIiI.i River Pucker" Asociullin. of A'-teflii, tMi'gun, th n owicil by the said J. O. Hanthorn, us lmii by o'l'lltleale lllllllli I Ills. ,111,1 Ut tile KUtlle tlllli- III), I u oar: of the k i nc- iiaiiHuciion thi .thl J. . llllithoin iXiilllcd .Hid de- l.vercd to the xul. I ti.l.ik u I'ltten ;Ihiii lllelll lllld tlUllnf !' of the mild stock, re Clllllg tllel-i'lll lllilt tile "Hid Mtock WlS It.llinfei ri d us mvui'lty for th pllVlllellt Of Mill I llOt'-rl llll' llld I llg lll chargcM mid cvpeiise-t of coil-cling tin aiiic nn, I it r uHon.ilile iiltoi iii y s P i' mi l authority um kiwii i her. In I" th Mid bunk by the .n l .1 i , llauthoiii to it 'll the mil. I nliureM of capital slmk or UIIV lUH't thereof a n. I llll coMiletiil Silbtlituted fol'ora.l . . to the hjimic, Itll or without noii.e. at piibllc or prlvatf : il, ut the .i.ii,ei of " liaiik. on th ' nou p.iym nt .f a! l notes and to 1 1 1 . 1 V the le tT n ii .Ii ..f such sale to tile pavill.'llt of sil l IC'lei III. at III .t!e ill.- end Lank was uittlioiu.-t an. I ellipOVM e, to become lh' pUI'i'llUI"'! 'hereof, lllld, Wh. r a .laid ceiiltU i:. of stock w i.flerw urds sun-, ii'l. ri d t ' th" sld Packers , .soi l 1 1 ion and a n w certl llcate of M'KK In li-u Hi 'f f 'r ss'' sh ires was isu ! .('! A ocl.iilon to said bank, a shown ')' eriill'at number Kil. in I. Win-re i.s demand has b.-.-n inn lc fol the p.iyiiii-u of sai l ii 'loi. and 'aid notes still leinUn Uiij'il.l. an.ljli're Is II w due and unpaid thereon a priori pit the sum of Jioi") on one note mi, K'H ill n th h-r ti 'te uii, Interest i u iM -Ii of s.u, I principal sums from M an h I, I's'l. ut the rate of six per c. nt per annum. N'U' THERE Pi l:E NnTli'i: IS IIEItKltV OIVKN. That under at,d In inii'siiine if the. il, authority confer- 1-d upon th underslKticl hy the saldJ II'. It lll'llolll. the llll,el Will, lit! Tu s!iy, th.. ;i'.!h day of March, l'.o at th hour if 10 o . I, 'k a in of said -lav. ut the front door ,.f the building now occupied hy th, Elist Ni- tloiial Hank. In th, I'ity of .lorla i M (.. ,ii. sell at public an. ti.ui for cash (o the hUh'Mt lild.ii r the said ;ss, sii irex . f .-apltal st. k of th sil.l Columbia Ru.r I'aek-rs As ii lutloii, cer;ltl. ato t ib r IT'!, and will apply th-,H of nueh s.ile to Hi- payment ,,f notes and the owls in. I xpc'is. s of sale. I'U'iil ut Ast rla, oii'k'"ii. this March, l THE KICST NATIONAL HANK OF ASTORIA. Hy s. s. i;oi:ihn. rashier NOTIi'K IS 1IERHHV (ilVEN I'liat ' Street Assessment Roll No. " made for the putpo-e ,,f .lefriiyiiig the c.'Sis an t ex: nn s of ImpioWng Tenth ste -i t from he south line of Exchnngu to the north Hi f (irulid live- liili; has li-i ii 111. I w.lh the an lllur and police Judge of Hie i'ity of As torlu by th boanl of -h..m. uinl that nn the Jlst day of Mali h, i:ml, ut the hour of i ii'cI.h k p. in. of said lay In the council chain!) -rs in the city inn or tin- i lly of Astoila. the con, tnlttci; on HtreclH mid public ways ntnl iioiiru or iuimsmoih will uie,t f,,,- th purpos- of n t i iiiiK, review UiK and c'liiiilizlng said UNseHxuieiit. All nbb'c Hons thereto must b: made In writing and llled with the auditor and police ludge. This notice Is published for ten days by order of tin; Common Council of th (,'lty of Astoria. II E. NEUSON. Auditor and Police Judu of thu City oi Asiorm. Date of llfsl pulilli atlon. Much 9. 1901 NOTK'E IS IIEREHY (1IVEN That 'Street Assessment Roll No 42 made for th purpose f defray Inn the costs and expcnsis of Improving Frank lin avenue from the cist line t Twenty-sixth street to tin- west line r Thlr- ty-llrst street has Istmi (lied with Hie auditor and police Judge of the tity of Astoria, by the bourd of assessors and that on the 21st day of M in h, llsii, nt the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day In th- council chambers In the city imu iu nn: i.iiy or Astoria, the com mittee on streets and nubile uavs no 1 board of assessors will meet for the purpose ot correcting, reviewing and -iUllllltlg said assessment. All nt.W. lions thereto must be inadi; In writing mm niei) nun me auditor and police iu'i,e. jiiis nonce is published f(rr ten days by order of the Common Council of the I 'III- uf Am. o h. I H. ii. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judg of t. city of Astoria, Date of firm publication, March 9, 1901. SHERIFF'S HA I.E. Hy virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon f,,r the County of Clatsop, on the (Hi day of March PMil. upon a Judgment and decree ren dered therein on Ui 2i;th day of Feb ruary, m. In favor of l,.,, Maiisiir plaintiff, and against Ivor Tronson de fendant, for the sum of $t:is, together with Interest thereon, and the further sum of 123.20 the costs and disburse ments of this suit and the costs of and upon this writ commanding and requir ing me to make sale of the following described real properly, to-wlt- The southwest quarter of the north west quarter, the west half of the Southwest quarter and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section G In township 8 north of range 6 wen of th Willamette Meridian con taining 16J acres In Clatsop Countv Oregon. " Notice Is hereby given that I will on Monday, the 8th day of April, liioi, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon ..f said day, In front of and at the court house door In the City of Astoria Clatsop County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the above-described real property to satisfy the Judgment, Interest c'osU and all accruing costs. ' THOS. LINVILLE, Sheriff. Clatsop County, Oregon Astoria. Oregon, March 6, 1901. HIIIORirF'H HAUC. Hy Virtus of an execution and order 0f sale Issued out of the circuit court of Uw Htatsof Oregon, for the County nf Oat. sop, on (he 1st day of Mut'ch, I IMU, upon a Judgment and dci'ic' rendered tl,cr. in on thu Si'Ht day of I'Vhiuuiy, HkJl, in favor of J. H. liatiiiiM'ir tner, pl.Uu Ulf, mil against C K, l.lnloii ,in, Maude E. Union, defendants, for th sun of ;'i'(t, with interest ili 'i'cm at Hi 4 1 ate of N per cent per wmium, from Ui I Mt I dtty of, !'.!, to the !7th day of Filiiiiuiy, IWI. for llm further sum of lo iittiu ney's fees, the costs Mild ilnbllisenii Ills of tills "Oil limed at WI 05 mid lilt 'rest nn mild Judgment ut the .'K il rule until l'il, mid the costs of mid upon this will cotuitmndiiig und requiring lue liuiku sale of llm fo. lowing dcMciihcil isail tirtiinrty, to-wlt, l.ois tell (IU) mid elevni (III. Ill libs k two C'l, in lliist Wat teuton, iis laid out end r.Miideil by I', C. Wurr.-ii, snma ln lng now a put i f the In 'oi porutcd city of W'urreiiloii, together with tbq tencui 'iits. her , 111 101. ills Mint nppiir tetlllllC'S tllelellllto b'loilgltlg or III any wiso uipertaiiiliig Iu the County uf CIlllSOp, OlYgOII, Notice Is hereby ulveii that I will on Momliiv, the Mb day of April. Iwi. ut the hour of 111 it'll 11 k In th" fiuvtionii of said day, In front of n, at the cmin h nise difcir, In tlie i'ity of Astorlu, liat sop Cou ily, Orcgim. sell nt public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, (ho ub.-ve-ici rib l mil pi'-riy to sills. fV tll JuduilH'llt. Illteient, ciwls and a.l uccniiiig cunts. Titos l,IN II.I.E, Slierlff. 1 ialsop 1 'oiinly, 1 in gon, Astoila, iiiiiiin, March Mli. I'sq, NOTICE FoR PI'JU.IOATION. 1'iilted Slates lind ortlce,' nt Oregon City, Oniioii, Inc. 1'XH): NolUo In ht'tcby khrti that In coin, plliuice nlih tin) provisions of th act of cmigrrs of June 3, Mli, oiitltl d "An act fur the sale nf tlinU-r lands In th stiil.s of CaliforuU, ireiiu. Novs.U and Washington Territory." rxtrnd ed to nil the Public l-aicl Stairs by act of August i. I".'. Christian pnlcmon, of Olnry, cnillily of Clalsofi, Sial- sf 0i ;iii, has (Ills day llbd In (his oftlcf Ills swni stat niuiit No, ii.i'j, fesr lh pilichiisn cf the NE quarter of suction No. Z', In townlilp No. t north. rani;e No. ft west, and will offer P. "of tu show that (ho I ami sought Is more valuable for U (liiil'-r "f 'rtna (hail for agricultural puipM.f. AiiH To establish i i l iliii to nuld land bi fott Hie register and nciiv r of (hia ortlca at Oil gnu fit y. Otigoti, on Thursday, th Ulli day of Ajuil, IWl. lie tiaiiies as wltki-sms. (jeurgs Mc Furland. (lust Ad..l.h. Alexander Nor. maud. Krt diTli k N'oiinuiid, all of Ul. in y. Clalsop county, tir. goti Any and. all persons il.ilnilng ad verss-ly the abovu-drserlb'-d lands ar requested lo pi,. t,rr claims In th's ottlco on or before said !ith day of April, I'iil. CHAS. H. MOORES, Register. NOTICE OF SALE. In tlm County Court In n 1 for Jack son County, Oregon, in th.. matter of the estate of Thadd. u W. Hare lay, 1 'cccasi-d. Ni'Ueo u horrby given that under and by virtue of an order of alo mads by Ihr Hon. (,'ounty Court of Jackson County, Oregon, dated Januury 7lh. lttl. and recorded in volume IJ of th probiUo records of said county, on pgs I will on and after April 1st. leOl, proceed In e ut private ral', for ciish. lots H mid h in block I, of th. town uf Fluvel (Vntrr, Clatsop County, Oregon. nj the 8. E. of section 10, In twf,. 6 N of taiige s V of W. M. Ill said Clatsop County. OERTRUKE HAIICLAY, Administratrix uf rstatv of Tlmddeua W. Hanlay, D.-crased. Ashland, Ora. E. I. ItRIOOH. Ally. Ashland, lire. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the under flgned uilinlnlslnitor of the the rsUt f John II. d. cett d, by vlrtua anj authority und In pursuance of mi order made by the County Court of the Btata nf Oregon, for Multnomah county, on the it'll day of January, I Jul, authoris ing und licensing the mii, adinliilstra ,,,r ' sell at administrator's sal.- the following descllbrd r.-gi linqicrly belonging to the estate of tht said John II., deceased, situated and being In flu. county of Clatsop, In (he State of Oregon, (o-wi: The northwest quurii-r of the north west quarter of section thirty. six (36). township nine (ID north, nnge seven (7) t of the Willamette mirldlan con taining forty (in) nrm-s. I will, ns such administrator on lbs 2.1.1 day nf March. P01, at 2 o'clock p. in. of said dav i.t llm 1 rib .1....- of Clatsop County, Orcgim In Astoria, In said county, s-l the above and foregoing described trict of land at auction to the highest bidder for cash subject to 'the approval of said court. JOHN ItOMETSCH. Administrator of said Estate. NOTICE KOll PUBLICATION. United Stutes Ijind Ollh-e, at Oregon city, On-iron, Kci 1. lsoi. Notl'je Is hiTi-by given that the fol lowing named settlor litis fll.-d notice of her intention to malm fl nil I tifrit In sufsrt of her claim and said proof will be made Imfmro tho rcglstertand re-idv-r of the United States Ijind Ofllce, at firegon City, Oregon, on Monday, ypni i., iiiui, vis; MRS. ANNA 8 A MUKI.SON, Sister and heir-at-law of Chnrlea R, Rolli-ll. fl.'caseil u-hn riui.t,. I,..,,...n (ippllcatlon No. 1114, for lot 8, mc, 34 twp. 4, N. It. 8 W., lots 1. 2 and HK'A .r.V4, sec. .1, iwp. a is., range 8 W sit uated In Tillamook nnd Clatsop coun-tii-s. state of Oregon. Klin names I ho f.illou'lnir lin. 'f. ' iin-noiTii U nrovo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vU: J. R. Whcrrv. of Mlsle r-i ly, Ore.; Daniel Rderson, of Vlnemaple. iatsoi county, Ore.; Louis Enquest, of Jewell, Clatsop comity, Ore,; c. J. Un- ueji, or vesper, uiaisop county, Ore. Further nnd special nntirs is herebey given that the above named claimant, sister and heir-at-law, Intends to make her In dividual final tiroof In simoon nt ! claim, and that her said proof will be mane ny ncr ror tne aoove described hind beforn the r.ountv olnrlr nf ih. county of Rock Island, at Rock Island, in mo sinitr or jiiiuom, on Monday, April IB. ion. " CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL. SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the nmler. signed administrator of the estate of Jemima Sklbbe, deceased, has filed In tho county court of Clataop oounty, Or., his final account aa t.uch administra tor, and that Monday, the first day of April. 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, has boen by said court fixed as the time for the heai-ino- of objections to said final account and the ottteme-nt thereof. MAX L, BKIBBE. Administrator of the estate cf Jemi ma Skibbe, deceased.