The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 15, 1901, Image 3

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Your new null will fit and look best '
ovr a stralRht-front ; ' j ;''',,"'
Royal Worcester Corset
II tylMi of thi-m, from t.5 tj 3 fi'h. :
Hriji (ha dressmaker by wearing our
All coiitracti for iiJvvrtiMHK l
Iho Astoiltui ui nuiJc n u Kuar
Hiitcg of circulation four time
larger than that of any paper
published or circulated In Clut
nop county.
l'OUTLANIi, Mnrrli 15-Western Or--gli
villi Wt-nli'in ViimIiIiikIii, ahowr
nii.l ci.jlir; Knst-rn Walilngtin and
Northrrii Mulm, Incri'imimt t-lnudlni-si
lirolulily fi'lliiwcil liy ulii'wrrn durlnu
I tin (iriiTIHli'M, duller III til" IKiUllliTII
Kir(lnii; i:uli'iii (iri'ifnii nnd ri'iuilHTii
Jilaliu, ii'iialily fair.
V. '. Mi iMiHI U visiting In tliv
t Hy.
W IU-li Kniuli run-s II, at Julm-
MOII l.f.
I'hurlK K"hit .fnl yiotfrij.iy III
OnlO'Mt luirlur !n') an.l bttllii.
Firt 'iitM (turvlce.
Wult.r Mt- of Wulla Wnllii. U vi
llliiK frl.'iidn In Al"ilii.
Mr. Tli'. liyrl" r-'turniM limne lust
evening fr 'in I'uritnii l.
Ilrni l.'.-rmt iiiiI ItUlnit Huit Iti
tSUiant. 613 Omimtftvlal 8t.
Mm. J 'lin KiiHicr, nf Cathlarti!. wim
li.'(-.'iiit in iIk- i'lty yriTily.
Ji-n" !l.-tnuriuil Hie largmt and
bent. A trial will convince you.
Chin. MrlfciiutM will mil fr Cali
fornia ii Iho Klilrr till inoriiliiK.
Try Ivrftvtloit Mitid Mov-ha and Java
corT'T. Noun bettor; Johnson Urn.
Mr Judii V. J. Tuylnr w i pas
sing t mi Ili' i'n trnln last rvrhlng.
li:,-a ifimilK uf all kind, cheap at
Yokohama Humor; 6:1 Commercial Bt.
City Attorney A. M. Hrnltli an J Mm.
Nniiih ri'turnM fmm Portland mt even
ing. Th Mnuurr Vanguard rwlved hi-r
Imlli'r V't' nliiy at th AnlurU Inm
Jiiii.-h T. lUrrun, "f the TtllnkM
liuking Cintiwiy, "f l'ortliuid, In lit
tin- i lty.
I! Here's Your
o Men's All Wool IJlnck Clay Worsted Suits, R4 fk A A
; Kound or Snmro Cut, $14.00 value Spociul IDI"UU
Men's All Wool Blue Sorp;o Suite, Round or
j; Squaro Cut, 16.50 value. Special
Men's Now Spring Block Fedora
Brown, Mnplo, Codar and Pearl,
and Cuffs
Royal Worcester Girdles, $1.50 each
V, II. KiiyiiHUiil. Iiil HK"iit f Hi"
Milium I1'!!"- Insurance Coinny, In
In the iHy,
BwimIIhIi Mi'dwurtt Humtnrr Sausage
nd Clrvlal Wurst. Bomethlng line,
at JoliiiNuii Ilrc.
Hiiiirliili'ridiiiit Hutnirr, of tin' Clm
i'i Mill foitijmny, rWurni'd fmni Itiil
nii'i latt rvfiiliiti.
Mm. Joint IIiihIiI' -knoll, of Wt-nt An
toil. In auffirliiK with a clrmU-ul af
ftf tloii of ih hrt.
I'. V. Ili Yii U MiuilntlllK III thr fihulit
olllir of the O. Jt. A N, C 111 Ifm !
i-lii'n uf I 'imhli r Hitilth.
Motion w.m nio-h- In lh- circuit court
ymlcnliy fur n 'W trial In Hi" i"'
of l Mm lirxvn vh. Fri'd Wlckiniiii.
Hiili'M4iniKr J. K. Thoniilykc. of
liodwrll t Cii Hcntllr, U in Iho -lty
In iho luti'i 'Kt of tin- Htcunii-r Itiiih.
h. I.imlin (lliiHcr ulnl Ah-xnnd'-r Nor
iiiiind. Jr., i.iv lll'-d inliiliiK iliiiiim on
1iii :iII"Iih In the CrulmT' 'lillcll (IlKlilrt.
T. It. I tavln niul wife and Mm. '!
lulu H. iinii' I llainl ill w-r ni" nit'-in mi
th Kld-r for San Kruuli" yntcr
iliiy. Hlite and ahln; CJold np, Thrah
tr. antl-iruat, unluii-mad Iuk tohac
coa. Bvv your lag. They nre val
uable. Th" Nl miiit ItolKTl Dollar. plyliiK b.-tvMi-ii
S -utile mid KranHmu, put
Into N-iiir buy rcciitly mliiim hr
For fill -A nve-ronrn ruttnge, fur
nlhlu'd or iinfurnli'lied, on Tenth trcct,
nar HarrlMHi. Inulre cormr Tmth
ii nd Irving.
C.t .111 1 Mimti-r Juiin W. Welch of tin-
(, O, K. will leiive Hundiiy to vlnlt
nltliliilly a number of ludg'-a In differ
ent iiiwtm In the Mute.
Cream puro ry. America' ft runt
whlnkey. Th only pur nooAn; guar
uiitned rich and mollow. JOHN U
CAUION, Sole Agent.
Tin Knitllwi nuir over Hie omce r
the llrillxli vlce-cuiuul wim at half
maul ymtTdiy out of renpect ti the
l.,i.. lliirrlnnll
Joint A. MiuitgiMiiery him opened it
Nhop Bt 4'.'1 Hond iitrrei and I prepured
to dn all cliiHeca of plumbing ond tin
ning ut th" lowent polble Mte.
The (Inly Hiy LoKK'Ing Company,
imned by Hi Ix Hnth"r. hn force
f fnrtv men at work conntructlng u
luKKliig roud hack from the river be
tween Fronkfort and the mouth of
Iwep river.
Opportunity jj
Hats, Black, f4 ?A
2 val. Spec, ttylitlv
Full Dress
Ex tc union Pant Depot to 11c Com
menced ut Once a n J Other
Cliane Later,
Tll't Htelillier Mfrcllle Mill bl lllg dlW II
fiorr. KhI uiiii tomorrow ,10 iim l(f t,.e
r.ill fur the AMnrla Hallway Coinpttiiy,
to hi UM'd In I'oinpli'tliiK the track
on Cotiiiiieicial mreet from Nineteenth
utiwt to the CliiiHop iiiIIk. Thl chung.'
In th- prea.'in route will b" minlif at
I'licii. niul Mill be one of gn-ai conven
I' Hi e to llie travtlliig pul'llc, u the car
line Uoc not in ii iHi-iit run pant the
lallroid ifpit. Huperliiteiideiit CooIIiIko
miiteit, when the new route I In
operation, two mr will Hlw.iy b" kept
at the il ;"t ut train lime, and punit' n
er arriving In the city will be ub-
leii.-d to HlMilllllely IIO eliy.
Tin' remainder of the rail for th new
vtcm will nt reach the t it y for aoini.
time lo come. The order wH pluced
ome tluin ago, but the mutiufiu'toi -e
have Iih-ii ruHheil wiih ordi m nnd have
Inell Uliublu to turn out eliuUKh Hti-i'l
t i promptly yupply the deinuinl. It I
exiiect'-d, however, thai the new Myall-Hi
will be In p r:i!lon befirr the re
Kiilln, uud I In- coirininy w ill be uble
In acconiino l.ite the umiii"r vlnltor.
Il I ulo the lii'"nt!uii uf the new own-em-t.i-be
of th- car line In put In eKht
Imndiioiii" ii.-w cum. The car will be
r the ery lul-- ilflKn uud will nut
lie cxii'IImI by inv el.wwhcre 111 ue
on thl co.iKt. Th" company cmti tn
phlt M nil i . -rvlllllle of fully l-tr.MiiO In
iljltlllg the HVHl'-MI In dh.l".
Th- An'orl.i Kl -cidc "onipauy, re
cuillv liuuriiiii.i' -l, hi not y.-l tHkett
ovei the irp-riy ( th.- Axtorl.i
Wiiy "til n y , bill ri'Uotl.lllnllH for III''
timmfi-r .f the ;.i m rf y nre now under
way. Wh"ii ni t .li ', the new nymi m
! Ill I) in i-x. ' Iieni one mid nothing
will b left lind iiie fur the cinivelililice
uf th- traveling puhllc. IikIiIi- t'le
ch iliKi- Pi Ihe r n : pift the d pot, n V
eiiil ntlu r ult lail iim iir- to b- made,
nnd ihe new inn- a , run through the
r. fkb in-'1 wet ion of K.ihI Ammla frnu
Hrh".-tl M A lluuke' Ktor- to the llllllrt
ol II." A(ortii Hog I 'nmpaiiV. The r'lltc
will ii 1 1.1 be ch-itig -d In Went Antorlii.
tlnnigh th" eg'.i-iixion i . ii ul r.l In th"
fr.uii Uff ' by the council will
nut be ma le for i hhoi t lime. The
fnitiihW" iviulreg the company to i-x-tend
Ihe llti" half u mil.' In inch dl
r"( tl in wiihl'i n year. Thl will grent
ly Increiiie pMj. r'y valu In the Kant
niul Wi t I'ji Ii. an.l will iloubtlcKn huvo
the crfe. t 'if building up thone iliont de
niiiible ri-Hl en Mcction of thu city.
Th- Urlilnh nlilji Il n D-nrg. Dermmly
in.Klir, cleared yenteeiluy fur CJueeiiH
i .n for urder wdh 6;i,oio ucka "of
v In it. viilui'd at v),inK).
Iluiyn cnal bmt lunger, I cb-aner
.iii.l in, i k "k Itb trouble with love and
chimney ilurx than any other. II -urge
W. S i nli i ... ai lit; telephone 111.
Mir H.idii ('rung I In ForeHt Orove
xlHiling h r parent. Ir. and Mr. Fred
erick 'tiig. Ir. Crnng hn been quite
ill with l.i gilpc but I now recovering.
'. It.-y Htiihong. formerly an AtorU
t.y and lately with It'HTlcke and Hun
yon. druggii In Portland, wiui n pa.t-
-tiger on the Kbler yesterday for San
S-ure 'at for the Itlttner
Theater mnny, which open an
engagement of on? week, commencing
Motility, M.irch IS. Seal on nale Sat
urday, March 16.
There 1 iihvayn Foniethlng new to be
found ut the lliwton Itetd lurunl, The
Sui.diiy dianer Includes turkey with
cranberry .iuce. A llrat claHS place for
liulle and gentlemen.
The at earner IVpatch I'lenred for
Hrltol bay ycnterduy with a full car
go for the Columbia, Hlver Packers A
oclatlon cannery at Nutiliagak. and
will probably go to en thl morning.
Itenerved et l"ale for the ixpular
Illtlncr Theater Company will opn on
Saturday morning, March 16. The com
pany open their engagement with It
tii great miccea. "Pawn Ticket. 210."
A prominent feature of the new Hosa.
IligRln ft Co.' tore Is a et of thlrty
fuiir large ten at.d coffe caddies of neat
d.-Klgn and elegant flnbjh. Just com
pleted by the Ptwlflc 8hee Metal Works
of this city.
The eaiie of A. V. Allen vs. David
Hanson for 1602.27 for groceries will
be continued In the circuit court to
day. The defendant claims that amount
due plulntlf but a fraction of the
amount claimed.
The bark Harry Moroe arrived In
from Snn Fnnelsco yesterday and dock
ed at the A. 4 C. II. K. Co wharf, where
.he will load cannery auppllea, Includ
ing 250 tons of coal for the Alartta
Fishermen' Packing Company.
Measles. Mid to be of the German
vnrli'ty and rather severe In form, Is
quite prevalent In the city. While be
ing spread largely by nchol children
the dloae has attacked many older
pecple with considerable violence In
some cases.
John Ooldherg. a carpenter living at
769 Kxchtnge Direct, fell from the top
of a wooden awning at Ho.HS-Hlgglns
Company's store yesterday and sustain
ed a biMken leg. He waa nn elderly
man and It Is possible he may hav.
received Internal Injuries.
The bond of J. D. McFarland and
11 C. Van Dusen, a administrators of
(he estnt j of the late A. H. Stone, were
Pprvol by Probate Judge Gray yes
terdiiy. The amount of the bonds was
$12,000 and the sureties are B. Van Du
sen, T. H. Ciung and A. V. Allen.
The stonm schonor Ruth, W. S. Hlg
glns. master, of 660 tons burden, ar
rived In yesterday morning from Seat
tle. She will complete her cargo at
the A. & C. R. R. wharf with about
260 tons of cannery supplies, Including
ten fish boats and sail for Alaska, car
rying supplies for six different canner
ies. She wDl accept no passengers, as
her license Is revoked for this trip on
account of the oil and gasoline carried.
In the case of Susan B. Henderson
vs. Clara C. Munson, executrix of the
estate of Byron Kimball, deceased, the
Jury returned a sealed verdict to the
circuit court yesterday morning, award
ing the plaintiff 11200. The amount
asked for was 12500 for services ren
dered. Thomas Henderson, husband of
the plaintiff In the above case has filed
suit against the Kimball estate for 11500
for services rendered.
Mr. Kced Say II Hag L'und to Pay
iiotintieg and Will Ihhiic
An InlercMlng development In (he
.oiliest of Flh Commissioner F. C,
Ib-ed, protecting against Nummary re
moval from olllir, rvlule to the pay
ment f bounties for ralp of enemies
to salmon. A bill panted ut the last
1'glxlaturc fixed the amount of the.
lountle and directed that tint flxh com
missioner iHHiie wuriant for thu name
upon the secretary of tate. Mr. It"d
Hated to nn Astorlun reporter ycnter
(l;i v that he had fund at hi dlsponnl
and would Issue wurrtnt up'm appli
cation. Mumi r Fish Warden II. G. Van Du
m n alo suniH r. ;i'l to draw warrant
for bountle and will do so whenever
senilis are ir.-nnt"(I nt hi odlce. Mr.
Van piiHcn xp"ci to receive specific
Inst ructions from the slute board of fish
cnmiiilsslori'T r gardlng thl pnlut. A
portion of the butchery fund, not to
exi d .Vd in uny one year, I avail
able for this purpo and will bu at
the disposal of Mr. Van Duen.
Regarding Mr. lU-ed' conteniion that
the new' bill does not provide for open
seasons for fishing and under a strict
Interpretation of its sections would abso
lutely prohibit fishing In Oregon wat
ers. Mr. Van Dusen said that the
Int -ntloii of the law was so charly ie
lined that Milling could be done wlih
mii Iniei f.'n"nee wiihln the s-ison not
specifically closed. Mr. Heed's claim I
based on th" fad that one of th.? open
ing Sccll'in of th" new law says that
ft idling, except with hok and line, shall
be prohibited as hereinafter pro
vided. I'ndoubieiily It was the Inten
tion of the drafters of (he bill to de
fine clearly w hat s usuiis would be open
. Ilihliig with appliance nth r than
hook and line. Hut the Uw goes on
to stale wh-n the streams shall b"
closed without reference to the sea
sons th"y shall be open. It Is upon
this omls.ilon that Mr. Heed has s In
purl his pr-dletlnp that the I. Ill Is de
fective. 5 ii&A&iG&$m$Gmvttttt
When you give Invitations, "Come
ov.-r an I take tea with u," you should
at on.'e step Into the store of Hoss,
Hlggin & Co. and order smie of thos-I'-i
k, Fr-an i Co. Wafers, which they
have Just reel .'.il from London, bo as
Ij niiike the wvaM n a complete suc-c-ss.
K Iward Anderson, better know n lis
"Diver" Anderson, 1 c.nd'T arrest at
Clri I- City, charg-d with grand larceny,
and Marshal Wlckersham of that city
his writt'ii to Chief HulhK'k asking
about hi Astoria record. Anderson es
eapul from the ciunty Jail here while
waiting trial on a charge of forgery.
Captain Downs and Lieutenant Cloke
w. nt over to Fort Columbia yesterday
n the quarantine meamer hlectrlc to
select a site for the new barracks to
be er'cted there. Accompanying them,
as guest of Dr. Karle of the quaran
tine s'T.iee. were the Misses Nan Heed,
Klinoro. Floreita Klmore, Mrs. Dr.
Finch. Duncan McU-an and Walter
The Thursday afternoon Club met at
the home of Mr. Norman M trr on
Seventeenth street yesterday. Miss Vio
let I low 1 by and Mrs. Marrs were hos
ttsses. The game of "heart" was the
feature of the amusement In which
Mrs. A. A. Finch won the honors and
Ml Floretta Klmore captured the
booby prlxe.
It may be a surprise to learn that
thite are enough Americans In this
country with monarchlal beliefs to
warrant the publication of a magazine,
the first number of which has Just be.'n
IsMied In the Kast. This pretense Is as
ridiculous a that made by the various
bogus stomach remedies which spring
up. claiming to be the only cure for
dyspepsia and Indigestion. The only
rial king of all stomach remedies Is
Hofctetter's Stomach Bitters. It Is
founded on true merit, and It must
be a very bal case of Indigestion, con
stipation, biliousness, liver and kldny
trouble, which It will not cure. Try
It also for Ir.somnla. and as a spring
purlller and preventive for malaria, fe
ver and ague. It has no equal.
Diver Nelson, with the assistance of
the steaner O. K., gp-nt yesterday In
examining the hull of the schooner
Louis to ascertain the cause of the
leakage. The after part was closely
searched without locating any leaks or
injury and the planks were found to be
sound. The diver will examine thp
forward part today when It 19 expected
that the cause will be ascertained. The
pumps are kept going and now control
the water, as the hold Is said to be
clear, so that It Is thought she will
be able to reach her destination with
the aid of a tug without discharging
for repairs.
Oil Heaters
Agateware .
Dinner Sets
Toilet Sets
Great AmericanlmportiiiiiTfia Co.
671 Commercial Street, Astoria,
ff Special
p Bottom
, Prices a
(I Just M
Dormant Civic Pride Retards; Prog,
rctt Toward the Goal of Pre
detained Greatness.
One of the member of the Women'
club of Astoria, who 1 greatly Inier
eated In the "vllhigis Improvement sec
tion." asked a stranger visiting Astoria
to express frankly, for the benefit of
Ihe general public, who al way want to
kn'w, what he thought of the city, how
the general appearance of the city Irn
prewd him, a to the n"ed of any re
form movement toward a general yste
toatic yard and trect cleaning crusade.
The following article was the rply lo
thl request:
The panoramic view which one see
from the tit of a moving street cir
In Astoria I not such a to impress one
with the Idea that it are thrlf
tv. energetic, and imbued with a deslr
lo make the rnot of the cliy In which
they live, but on the contrary, on-; I
l-d lo believe that the prevailing frame
of mind Is, "What's the use of trying
to kcp things up In condition? The old
town will nit down anyway and we are
a fw. t, hold bard and fast to what we
hive, and when the' particular orange
Cat ne i i,i w sucking, has no more
lu c-.' in it. v.c will shake the mud of
th- town from off our feet and take
away with us whatever we have made
out of It."
A ride on the electric car aero the
iity rind" rne, a a transient visitor,
f--l among other things that,
first : It people did net have in their
vocabulary the words "civic pride," or
If they did, they were but as "sounding
brnss and tinkling cymbal." They
tn. ant nothing to their understanding;
otherwise they would not allow their
nr.-.-i tu remain In the condition they
are. with rotting, broken pavements,
dang-rous to man and beast, with the
sidewalks lying In wait to trip the un
wary, an the pilgrim found at the cost
of fumlry bruises and the breaking of
'.he third commandment. Neither would
.h'-y allow their back yards and porches
to resemble the garbage p.e. scrap heap
and Junk shop.
Nature does so much for Astoria, in
the way of cleaning her streets and car
rying off her sewerage and refuse, .that
it i evid-nt that her people have b'?en on her to do triors things
which their own hands ought to do.
The slatternly, shiftless look of many
of the back vards. porches and roofs
I must dispiriting to the stranger and
makes him feel, as he passes these
places, that here is a class of people
who are indolent, careless and shiftless,
who make use of 'hat devil's saying,
"Oh. what's the use."
There was never a greater truth t-ter-'d
than "Cleanliness is next to God
liness." Which store will you give your
business io. the one where the kerosene
drips Into the oatmeal and the codtisn
hangs next to the butter and the crack
ers are a resting place for the flies, with a
floor which Is incrusted with mud dat
Inc bark to the Paleozoic age. or will
you trade at the store where the win
dows are clean, with a freshly sanded
Moor, with goods neatly placed and at
tractively displayed, w here the general
look of things says. "Here is order,
cleanliness, thrift, honesty?"
As a pilgrim I am not supposed to
know what your rate of taxation U,
nor how much money Is being spent
In the. usual ways for keeping up the
various dtnartments of the city, but if
It Is a case of "anaemia" then, as a pil-irrlm-
I sav. "Get some red blood in
fused Into the city fathers and take a
start and show the world that the city
is not dead." If there has been enough
money raised by due process of law to
make your city more attractive than It
is. then it has been misused and an in
vestigation ought to be in order.
As a pilgrim, I met many men who
gave every indication of being wide
awako. brainy and progressive and in
their hands the welfare of the city can
be assured, provided they are willing
to devote some part of their time to
much-needed reforms with the same
spirit and intelligence which they now
give to their own private business.
The old saying the "Lord helps those
who help themselves" will prove true
In the case of Astoria. Show to your
outside capital that you are doing all
that you can with the resources and
tools that you now have and capital
will feel that here Is a good place to
Invest money.
The city Is now connected with the
East by a railroad, but unless steps are
taken to make your city more attrac
Dr. Rhoda C. Hicks,
Consultation Free.
573 Commercial St.. Astoria, Or.
Successor to Dr. Ball.
573 Commercial St.. ASTORIA,' OR.
656 Commercial Street.
That he gives you the best there
is to be had In the city for the
least money? Place an order
once and see.
Clarence Mason, an acrobat of rare
ability, is exhibiting during this week
at the Louvre. Mr. Mason's connection
with McMahon's circus as a star per
former during last season la a testi
monial to his brilliant achievements on
the bars. Finest lunches and best mu
sic are always made specialties.
tive and Indicative to the stranger with
in your gates that you have a pride In
your city and are anxious to make It
a great and progressive city, your rail
road win simply mean that it I your
quickest way to get back to Portland,
whose people are all anxious to have
vou kei-D on living In the present om
nolent condition, for of the fiery
enthusiasm ut iw of our W.''prrt
and growing cities should ever attack
the heart, hand and minds of As
toria's people, Portland would begin to
see the grass growing In her street
and the moss on her building, a In
AlorU at the present time. With
malice toward none, charity towards all,
and the friendliest of feeling toward
the cltv which by reason of her lo
cation ought to be the center of ac
tivity for many lines of industry not now
represented. I have the honor, with
many apologie for the uttering of p. r
hips some unpleasant truth, to sub
scribe myself. A PILGRIM.
Portland, to Su? Owner of Almond
The owner of the Almond Branch
have offered the city of Portland 11000
for th damage done to the Morrison
street bridge by the big whalebark.
The county commissioners offered to
accept IlioOO, but th owners refused to
consider the compromise and the city
will bring Mjlt for 15000.
Th memorial services at the W. C. T.
I", hall yesterday afternoon was well
attended and the exercises were biier-
I estlng and impressive. The thank of-
i fering amounted to $02. to be turned
over to th Frances E. Wlllard memor
ial fund for pushing the work of the
A .hungry boy says that bread I the
crying knead of the waking hour.
Astoria. Ore.
Pacific N avigation Com pan y
Steamers-"Sue II. Elmore." "W. II. Harrison"
Only line- Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, Hobsonville,
Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad k Navigation Co. and
also the Astoria A Columbia River R. R. for Sac Francisco, Portland
and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply lL
SamMcl Elmore & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA. ORE.
O. R. A. N. R. R Co., Portland.
Agents - A. AC. R R. Co., Portland.
R C. LAMB. Tillamook. Ore.
A Delicious and Palatable
Drink Absolutely Pure
The North Pacific Brewery, of which I Bottled beer for ramlly use er kec
Mr. John Kopp Is proprietor, makes beer sapplied at any tune. Delivery
beer for domestic and export trade. I in the city free.
Korth Pacific Brewery
a, saw Miiiviivi a mvs-wa,, g
KuroDesn Dlan. 50e to l JO oer dav. OSCAR ANDERSON. Manager. 9
American plan, $1.00 to $3.00 per day.
It will pay
OPPICE: 351 Washington St.. Portland, Ore.
We are the great profit killers
Northwest, and with our. special
organ for less money than you
today. Catalogues for the asking.
Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos the Kim
ball, the Chickering and the Weber
iler's piano mm...
The Only PlrBt'Class Hotel Iti Portland
Will Comma.irl the Cutter. ttuh In
Alaskan Waters.
The revenue cutter Perry arrived
down from Portland yesterday morning
under orders to proceed to HatUe, 6w
will sail from Seattle shortly under
command of Captain A. Buhner, for
an Francl.vo, where she will receive
a ne boiler.
Captain W. F. Kllgorr. who ha com
manded the Perry during the past three
yer will go north with the cutter
Hush, within a month, to look after
the Inter.-st of the government In
southfattern Alaskan waters, with
headquarter at Sitka. During their
stay In Astoria In the past Captain and
Mrs. Kilgore hive made a host of
friend who sincerely regret their de
parture and will, while wishing the cap
tain bon voyage, be glad to welcome
their return. Mrs. Kllgore will not
accompany the Hush, but expect to
spend part of the season with her hus
band later on.
The Captain and Mr. Kllgore desire
to express the pleasure and happiness
of th ir relations with the , people of
Astoria, both a cltlz -ns and a friends.
Captain Kilgore desire particularly
to express to the pilots of the
oort the assurance of hi "sin
cere graltude for their many
kindnesses, his earnest apreclatlon of
their nble services, and hi high regard
for their opinions and good will.
The captain will go to Portland today
bv train and upon hi r?rurn will p-it
to set as soon as he has completed all
No person Is authorized to collect
outstanding arounts of the late Arm
of P. J. Goodmin A Co. but Thomas
Dealey, at the old stand. Plfase call
and settle. THOMAS DEALEY.
N. B. The last chance to get shoes at
your own price for two weeks only.
Stock going fat. THOMAS DEALEY.
j, rj. PENDEGAST, Chief Clerk
MHO OH flfl ORGflJl
you to write
and piano price regulators of the
facilities can sell a tine piano or
can get them elsewhere. Write
together with eight other good