The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 09, 1901, Image 3

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New Dress Goods
New Silks
New White Goods
All cnntriicln for iidvvrtimiiK In
the Anliiilaii m e miido on u iiar
iiiiIco of circulation four IIiiich
I u rv r than Unit of any paper
published or circulated hi Clul
Mop county.
1'UTI,ANl, March -W.'sniii (in-,
von mill Wmt.-in W'.ixlilnu ton. cloudy
l'i ii i-i t y cloudy ullli itnloiutl show-
rr. Ijmliin iiii'goii, Wash
ington in. I Nmili'i n Idaho, Kiicrttlly
fair Wi-nthcr.
Doc N' knir fur lc nl I unlKr',
2u-lli-ho Kn-lii-h ril II' 11, At John
mmi I f r
Mm. I'l Ki'Iuunoii I" K'llnuBly III
Willi pl'-lllllty.
W, V. II wnrd, uf Driivr, Is at th
I'lirk'-r II mm-.
It II. l'.uk'T n-luni'M frii I'url-
lull.) Iimt night.
(hill'-.l biiiln-r simp nr-d baths.
Flrnl dims m-rvlce.
J.iIim a. !'vlln win it piictig.r on
tlir iluu ii train InM night,
K r. KltnlxTly, of SiiKliiiiw, Mu h,, I
fglit'i-rnl nt '.In- (irl,ciil.
Jrn( l.'-ollt III.11.1 Killing HUll It'"-
tnuuiii. U2 1'iinniirrvliU Hi.
I. 11 1 r i !.! HlMn-rt. i.f the Chi
rtLKk 'ImTvr, Is In I lio city,
J''ff' rt'Ulaurftiit llm 1 a r l- t Ami
b-t. A trial will convince you.
Try Ivif.vtlun Itliiwl Mt ha and Java
c"ffi r N"ii bwtrr; Johnson limn.
Kor nt-Twii nicely furnllil roiuiil.
Apply, t:'u Sixth 8t.. iii-r (Irand Ave.
JVr .tlrriuiit on brokrn llm- of Ilnys'
unit Oill'lr-M' Hints at Iiiriilg-r's.
Japatif.o kixiiU (if all kinds, cheap at
Yk-(inui Uniaar; 621 Commercial 8t.
John Kli'rni.i irittiiuii-tt'il IuhIix'm In
town ymii T'lay, l.-n v Iiik up lust even-
Itl.-c niid )iln; Oo,i flop. Thrash
er, antb trust, unlon-mad lujr tobac
co. Huvr your tags. They are val
r .
r Sir, T.Jls
vr vi
In Endless
of Styles
New Wash Goods
New Embroidery
New Laces
Ililph U'oim-li-y. who U teaching
iH'hunl ttl Ktiiipim, dp'iit ynimlay I"
lln i lly,
Mm. J. ('. Ali-x.iii'l. r ami Mm. I. A. (lf Portland, ui" vInIIIiik friends
in lh- el'y,
H. I). WIIIn, of l!w J. M. Aclu-ifiii
tailoring .-hIiiI.IImIiiiI' lit, of I'orllulld, in
III I III' ell v.
W. '. HiImIoI, attorney fur thi .
It. A N, en,, lift fur 1'orlland on Hi'1
train last i-vi-nlng
Hwdlnh Mi'dwiirit Hummer Sausage
and Clcrvrliit 'urt. Homethlng fin",
lit Johnson tros.
Til" City TmuliiMK ArHixlullon will
Ii 'Id it iii"'IIiik lliin for. inKin nt 1 1 1
Shlvi-ly Nclio'il liulldlntf.
I jr. Id iiuli'M niMt-iiiiruioti nt Kurt
Hli'vcim, ciiMic up oil the train lum
rv.'iiliiH i n I "uli- I furllillld.
Unv N' kui-iir for 4ic nt I i"xIkt'ii.
lil-A tfold pin. nutir "M" ! with
imiilii, InlllnlH "H. II, K." on l.u k.
Hillilili? f'rtind for r'-turn to A'.i lull
Kor rent A llvf-rooin rottiiA-. fur
iilnlicil or uiifunitMliiMl, on Tenth aircrt,
ii'iir ItiiriiMHi. Iii'iulrc c'tht Truth
and Irvlnif.
Mm. A. J. Tn y lor and Mm. John
T, Mulili-i arc vlHitlnir Mm. ti'-orifc l",
Klavi l at the IMmrt-Curtlit In I'orltund
for it f"W day a.
Cr.'ani pure rye. America' fin ml
U'tilakfv Th ftnlw finr ftfivi.1' imhra
uiilcd rich and mellow. JOHN I
'AHI.PON, Sole Ag'-nt,
Tim Imrk-niln.. f linlla will flnlnh
hudlmr ul.oul 8W.0iiO fect of lumber nt
Knuppton next wf-k. She la d-atlncd
f r Ki f Miri ill-, Aiiclrulltt.
The -yr K-iiliil N. Hmlth. reprewnt-
liiK V. I'. Kuli.r A Co., vlaltrd the
rliy yHt T.I.iy mill returned to Port
land on hi nt nlirht'i train.
John Fry, the newly appointed n-ud
ninct t. la not, ,ia luia bei n Hlaird. a
ri-H,ent t Nehnle-n, hut la a popular
yoiniK frmr of jouhk" river.
HhiIm mil" of N'l'kwiar at lnl-ifer'a-rKif
iiunlity Milk tl-t. conalntlnit
of Tecka. Kour-ln-hnnda, Impertul. nil
ncwrKl atyl'-a, choice for 40c.
The threc-miiatcil m-hooner J. M
Weal twrwnx. from Him KrnneUco. anil-
ed Into th htiilior ycHterdny without
the aimlatiince of a tuff. She la under
charter t I he rortlnnd-Alttak Pack
.m Aaaiiidiiiloa to load ruiinery aup
piiea for Aliifka.
Special Sale of
Boys' and
Broken Lines
25 Per Cent
Peculiar Reason for Sailors
Deserting Ship.
Men Leave County of Linlithgow nd
Will Never Ship Again With
Its Mister.
Hlx iible aruiii"ii of the crew of tlii;
UritlMh nlilp I'ounty of hlnllthifow,
which arrived Thiimduy evening from
Kobe, J.ipun, d' K'lii'l yiat rday Olid
will llli. l the vexhi'i tixhiy f r which
du'. The reiiaori for brmklnc their
hlppliiK artlih-a la one of I hi' atrunK
i'M liua turned tip In ihia port for
llliiliy II illy, AccnlillllK to the Ht'Ty
told hy John Kl be, Captain Htourk, the
limiihT of the Hhip, Im not competent to
ho aecond mate f a rowliiK inin hliie
iiiik'Ii e In nuir'ine coiiiiiiiiiiil of a
ib'- p i ii veafi l, The men make no coin
pl iint of III ii'-.iin.-iit or Innulllcl'-nl f'tod
aa their r-J ' n for .''-i(ln, the only
n lit ir.itlofi heli.K the Ki""" liicoinpet' ncy
of the nklpi" r m il tnelr f"iir to K' to
am with ti I in iiK'iln with any crtulntjr
"f a-'eliiK Mill on the other eld".
AccordliiK to tl.e aloiy oi hy Kl''b",
who acta aa hpok'-ainiin for the men,
Ih" I'ounty of'ow .-ft N York
tor Japan uilh a ciirxo of o)l. After
illH- liiiraliiK nt KoU, Kl'lx- auya, the
c.ipt. tin aold .ill lh" hoiirda, that hul
h i n uae for hoxinif In the carito t
Pteveiit It nhlfllriK In a rolling a.a, to
tin- Jupaiii'K" for llrew.aid. Mnllaat
wiia then iliiiiip d Into tin- hold In
three phu-ca, ii ii.l no ifTort hdnif made
to dlNtrllnile -.iiuly It r.-iiiallled III
three pll"a. na lit oil l .ird by the
ai.'vc oi i-. The p-at of th atory la
told UK KI'Ih- r-!ut i It lum rilKht to
ii reporter for the Aatorlan:
' The HJiid f iiriilHln r at Kohe for bui
hiAt la of a iHi aort and inn make
a icr"it iiinoiini or trouiiie in a K''ie
iinl. au It la 'rp.. My 'iMlrlhuI' il anil ii' ( -I'KWiiy
pl"i iiutloim tak 'tl to prevent It
from Hhlliliik- Th- nhtfllnjc
m-J on the trip w Tc "iif, no ordera
w-r,. Kjv ii ) iiii'.rd to the ballaat and
ll vr.ia iillow-l to move unreatrlctcd
with the mov.'in-iu of th" ship. For
fiiriy-.'lKht houra after Icivlng (xirt we
had a Kl'Mdy iioiihvvat wind which
h ld tia to our rourae. Then the brerXe
fri'Hli.-iid though nit enough to worry
I he ahlp If nh" b -en pra-rly hun-(tli-il.
Hlnrtly b'-fore midnight the main
lowrr toail waa carried away. The
vinaet waa hov to. u II hand ordered
on il't k and the captuln dlrwt.-d that
the fore lower (opaall and the mlxz"n
l.iw.-r topaall le- cut away. The tuna
of the canvaa put the v.tiael In the
trough of the ma where eh" lay broad
ilde on. The continual rolling reaultud
In th" halhiHt ahlftlng t the aiarlxxird
and the ahip lay i ver on her beam
Hid. the apara were vnd'T w-iler, and
with cv.'ry wave th" Tll of the allua
ilon im-p-HMcd.
"I crawled aft to find the captain and
uNk for order to right the ahlp. lie
waa on the jioop d" k but neither he
nor the llret mate aeeind to know what
in do. The youngeat ofllrer f the ahlp.
th tHt'ond mate, five menibera of the
crew an I th- xk tlu n tik It uin
iheuiaelv.a to do what wia poaalble.
We w.nt Into the hold and found the
aitid all on the atarbonrd aide. There
waa ahiM.lut"ly 'lothlng that we rould
uae for ahlftlng boarda ao we wrenched
the between d.vk hatchea from their
raalinlnica. Theae wire laahed to the
atanchlona and for aeventy-two hours
wc wor'vd :o get the billaat Into po
nl i Ion to right th ahlp. Sails were
bent on and the ahlp proceeded.
"Twenty-four houra after the work
waa tlnlaried the captain came down
to look nt It ant pr nested that the
lloorlnir out of the hallaat would t
the hIi ao low In the water that ahe
would out her maata. As there was
no other way of dlapimlng of the ballast
lie act-d on our suggvatlon and the
ahlp remaln-M on an even keel. For a
fortnight evrythtng ran smoothly,
Then another blow came up; the cap
tain b'i'iinie alarmed, ordered In all sail
nnd we scudded under bare polea. As a
matter of fact the v lnd at no time was
aiitllclently strong to be threatening
We swung around Into the trough of
the sea and for forty-right hours rolled
holpi'faly with the waves. Owing to
the confinement of the ballast the ship
remained on een keel and when the
wind filiated short Hall was ordered up
and we proceeded to the Columbia
"Another Instance of the captain's In
competency occurred when trying to
take a pilot aboard, lie came down
to the bar under full "all and the pilot
schooner was unable to overtake us.
The captain cried to the men on the
watch that he was unable to stop the
ship and bivime angry when it was
suggested to him that he back the
yards. Finally, however, he dkl so and
after an hour and a half spent In chim
in ir. the pilot boardtd the ship.
According to the captain's statement
In the evening papers he lost an n
chor in the storm Thursday night while
In the lower harbor. Klebe states that
the anchor was dropped while the ship
waa making eight knots An hour and
the cable parted owing to the terrific
strain. It Id remarkable, according to
Klebe's statement, that tlw forward
plates were not pulled out of the ship.
John A. Montgomery has opened a
ahop at 4-1 Bond street and Is prepared
to do all claapi's or plumbing and tin
ning at the lowest possible rates.
Tto.ilyn coal lasts longer, la cleaner
nnd makes less trouble with stoves and
chimney Hues than any other. Giorge
, Sanborn, agent; telephone loll.
Thn niiin of S14.250.15 was turrtcd over
I,-, tli conntv treasurer hv Sheriff I,ln-
vllle, the amount representing the col
lections to date on the 1900 tax roll.
The Norwegian steamship Universe Is
due to arrive In about the 20th with
a cargo of Oriental merchandise, hav
ing sailed from Kobe on March 1st.
William Martin, of Wadhams A Co.,
Portland, regarded by his associates as
one of the brightest grocery men on
the coast, Is doing business In As
toria today.
Itobort Aho, more generally known as
"Kusslan Bob," was treated at the hos
pital yesterday for a serious cut ex
tending from the cheek bone to the Hp.
Officer Curtis Kimball, who took the
man to the hospital, tried to find out
how he was cut but the sailor refused
tn say anything except that he had
fallen down. 1
The Jury In the Nomillii mule chp,
nwsrded plaintiff ('urnages In th sum
A IKiO, This a l&o less man ir. Nor
mile was allowed by the Jury In the
lower court.
Water consumers should b'tir In mind
I hut Hutunluy, the 0th Inst., will be
the last day on whb h to pay water
rntcn In order to avoid the penalty of
:'fi cent', whloh is charged against mi
J, J. Murphy, clerk of the Oregon
aupieme court, yeal'irdiiy notified Coun
ty! Oik Wherlty that tiling fees on ap
peal hud been reduced from K'.V to
115 and 110.
You ought to try tho di'nty dinner.
uliy, tender ment appetizing aid ;
Hide dishes served it the J!'tri Itc
Uiirant. Tim only place In the city for
family d'nuira.
H, T. Mnynitrd, th" newly appointed
agent for the I. It. A N. ('. at the II
wiu.'o wharf, arrlvd from Portland with
lila wife yeaterdiy and went aeroaa the
rlvr to enter upon hi dutlea.
Thf slngTs of all the churches of th"
city are very cordially Invlt d to attend
the revival aervb e at the M. II. ihurch
during next w k and aavlat In apcial
iiiiialc in connection with the splendid
mrle of lllua'.rated sermons.
A largj logging engine arrived on
the Hep uM last evening for Hi hwi-g-lr
Hroa., of lfc-ep III ver. The inglti"
una tnmaf'Tr-d from the steamer to
the kld", which wr already built
on a acvand will be towed aeroaa to
day, The at-iuner Columbia la s -h-'du'ed to
hiII at 4 o'clock this morning for Kan
Kranclaco. Among the iMaaei.K-.-ia who
have book-d are Mlas Antona John
son anl Mli M. IdTglund. who will
vlalt In California, and Captain Al.
Tl.e lumber schooner Chlco, from SUin
Fram-ls o to load lumber for the Truc
kee Lumber Company, waa reported
outside the Tillamook bar last Mon
oiiy and then dlaappeap-1, but crossed
In yesterday, much to the relief (,f in r
Mr. Kiting" F.lrtxire, preal b ut of the
It. I'. Klinor" Company, the h-ading coal
d'-alers of Milwaukee, Wis., will end a
ninth's visit !n Astoria this morning,
r-turnlrig home via th" Northern l'u
clllc It- will sp'-nd a abort time In
Seattle, Taeomu and St. Paul n route.
Mont. Hiwthorn returned yesterday
irum j a' oiii'i. n ii'-ir ne iiiiiue .ui'inK"-
... at. .V.. I n
lil.-lllH lo (o ii'.iiii I'll in-- i"iii.iiR -a-
aon to aup-rintend a cant.ery to be
built and operated by the t'nlon Pack
ing Company, of Tama. Ho win start
m v . . I ... .. u.UL.k I
p-r me ac'-ne in oih-i auoun, mi n i
j cur Wrangle. Alanki. about A firil la'.,
The young lieiiple of the Swedish
Lutheran church will give an enter
talnment nt the church tonight at
which time an Interesting program will
be rendered. Light r -freshmenta will be
served for which a small f.-e will b"
rhurgvd. but there will be no charge
for admlaon to the entertainment,
A warrant was laued yesterday by
Jualli-e of the Peace Brow.-r for the
arreat, of Charles Warrenataff. a farmer
In the Nehilem country. The complain
ant la Chrl Orewlg and the charge Is
aaaault and laattery. The two men live
near the town of Olney and recently
had a dispute over a team of horaes
The steamer Dispatch la nrtrWiig g"'od
prugreas in loading cannery-1 -sajpi.-s
am) building material for the Columbia
Hlver Packers Association at the foot
of Sixth street. Slie will carry most
if tl e lumber for the m a house, store
rooms, olllce and main cannery build
ing. About sixty men are expected to
go up on her, for whose accommodation
bunks are being built.
The n-'.v launch "Tnku" H ready for
her machinery at the leathers" boat
yard. She is 50 feet long, 8 foot beum
and IV. feet deep, and will be fitted
with a 2a-h r' power Troyer engine
She will be tak -n north bv the sie.ime
Charles Nelson. Mr. Leathers also has
the frami-s up for a sister launch to
the Taku, to be called the Tniinket
for the Thllnket Packing Company,
which will be propelled by a 30-honw
power H'rcules engine.
An affray took place In a West As
toria saloon last night in which a man
who gave his name as John Doe re
celved an ugly gaah on the scalp, said
to hnve been made with a boot In the
hunda of a man who took to the woods
to avoid arreat. The wounded man.
who was much the worse for liijuor,
was carted to the Jail, as was also an
other of the same name, and under the
ame Influence who ww sonv-what
abusive to the olllcer making the ar
The following vessels cleared at the
custom house yesterday: The German
ship Arthur Fitger. Denker, master,
from Yokohama in ballast, under char
ter to Given & Eyre to load wheat for
F.urope. The British ship Khyber, Cap
tain Steele. In ballast from Shanghai.
The British ship County of Linlithgow,
Stroaks, master. In ballast from Kobe
to Balfour Outhrie & Co. The Gorman
ship Nlobe. Fettyjacka. master, twenty
nine days from Yokohama, under char
ter to Kerr & Olfford to load wheat for
The time of the county court was oc
cupied with consideration of road mat
ters yesterday. People living In outside
precincts presented petitions Tor road
Improvements, and all were deferred to
Uoa.lmaster Frye. Mr. Frye will file
bonds In the sum of $2000 today, and
will Immediately enter upon the dis
charge of his duties. His appointment
by the county court has given general
satisfaction, ns Mr. Frye Is well versed
in road matters and fully competent
to supervise the construction of the
great Nehalem highway.
The usual services will be held Sun
day at the Swedish Lutheran church.
Midweek meeting Thursday evening.
Presbyterian church Morning topic,
"A Powerful Advocate;" evening topic,
"The Categorical Imperative." A very
cordial welcome is extended to all.
First Congregational Sermon at 11 a.
m. and V;30 p. m.: Sunday school at
12:15; prayer meeting Wednesday at
7:30 p. in. Strangers always welcome.
Baptist church Morning topic, "The
Redeemer's Last Command;" evening
topic, "Some Things About Prayer."
The other usual services will be hdd.
Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran
Church Sermons at 10.45 a. m. and 7:30
p. m.; evening topic, "Christ In ueth-
semiine. Both services m the Norwe
gian language.
Methodist church Sermons at It a.
m. and 7:30 p. m: Evening topic, "Three
Young Men in a Fiery Furnace," 11
lstrated wdth large paintings. Special
services will be continued next week
and each evening's sermon will be H
lustrated with paintings.
Mrs. Henderson Wants Valu
able Ranch Interest.
Clara C. Muoson as Administratrix
Opposes Demand and Interest
Ing tvldence Develops.
Tlore were (xclilr:g times In the cir
cuit court yet'rday. The caa - of 3ua
an ii. Jl-ii.p-raoii vs. Clara C. Munson.
administratrix of the eate of Byron
Kimball, deceased, occupl-'d the entire
time of Judge MclirldV and a Jury, and
during the progress of the trial s- VeraJ
I - t ieslln iliu-hea between counsel oc
cuncd. The plaintiff la represented by John
II. KuiHh ar.d C. K. Thomson, while C.
'A', and 0. C. Fulton appeared for! .lis
Hudson. Yt.e first w lines t b? placed
on th-! atind waa Thomas Henderaoii,
the jlalntllf' huabiind, to whose testi
mony otj.illor waa tiled by couna l for
defendant. In arguing a motion to ex
clud; certain testimony the attorneys
r.ime together In a wordy war. and
sharp ixchaiiges held the attention of
Judge and Jury for some fifteen min
ute. For a time It looked as though
there would be a scene, but Jude Mc-Bild-:
cut th argument short by over
ruling th. motion.
Th" plaintiff In the caae alleg.-s that
Mho worked for Byron Kimball for a
nt n.b-r of years, on a farm in which
h-r bunhand was Jointly intereated with
d-f-aa-d. She cared for him and aa-HuiiH-d
ilnig,. of the household, for
which he agreed to give her one-half
d hlh half Interest in the Mr.
Kimball dl"d In WJ, but In his will
.'.'glected 1 1 provide f.-r Mrs Hend-rson.
Sh" th'-n applied to Miss Munson, the
ex-cutrix of the estate, for $.VW, the
imount alleged to be due, but the claim
waa not all'. wed. She asks that she be
awarded that amount and costs.
Willi- lle-i ler-ton waa on the stand
this afternoon the plaintiff's attorneys
tried to sho-v what service Mrs Hender
son had rendered Kimball, and Hender
son proceeded to detail his wife's du
ties by relating that she had washed,
c'lok.-d a.nj otherwise looked atter ttie
affairs of the household. She was a!.T0
v- ry attentive to th" deceased, witness
r.-liited. and during his Illness cared for
him as only a whole-souled woman
could. "Why, she treated him bett-T
than she ever treated me!" said the
witness.. In an outburst of confidence.
The laughter w hich this remark caused
did riot subside for some mlnuteg.
The cav was not concluded at last
night's session of the court, but will
probably go to the Jury today.
General Manager P. H. Flynn, of the
Northwest railway has resigned his po
A lodge of the Independent Order of
Old r ellow s has been organized at
HalnJtr.wlth a charter membership of
San Francisco Is' about to put Into
force an ordinance requiring street rail
road companies to carry school children
for half price.
A member of the Tacoma police force
his mad an affidavit that Chief of Po
lice Fackler of thnt city tore open pri
vate letteTs containing money belong
ing to the affiant.
Governor Geer attended the opening
of the new armory at Bakir City last
night, and was accompanied by his
staff. The tnaips were reviewed by the
governor In the evening.
The Baker City Republican says: "It
is funny how many original Mitchell
men can now be found. The rush for
the band waron is almost a stampede.
The latest comer yells the loudest."
The citizens of Walla Walla held a
mass meeting recently at which time
an organization waa effected for the
purpose of raising money to attract
home seekers. Walla Walla's resources
will be advertised and every effort msde
to g?t a shire of ..he new-comers to the
Pacific coast.
H. E. Dorsch, who will have charge
of Oregon's exhibit at the Pan-Amer
ican exposition, Is busy getting the col
lection In shape. Eight carloads will
go forward March 15, and more later.
W. S. Byeis, of Pendleton, Is filling
a contrart for 140.000 sacks of flour
for shipment to Siberia.
A monument is to be erected to the
memory of the late Senator Stephen
M. White of Los Angeles. Cal. Mr,
White was the recognized leader of the
state Democratic party and tne mayors
of Los Angeles ard San Francisco are
worklnir tot-ether In raising the fund
The memorial will be erected In Los
Herman Wise reports over one hun
dred signatures to the membership
roll for the proposed Astoria Commer
cial Club, and a meeting has been call
ed for next Monday evening: at the
council chambers to perfect an organ
ization. All citizens are eligible to
membership and it is desired that all
who have not been waited upon should
call at Mr. Wise's store and sign the
roll that the club may be started with
the support to which such an effort Is
The organization is Intended to be
both of a social nnd business nature
and particularly to provide a means
of encouraging and entertaining visitors
and prospective investors in the city.
A property owner has made an offer
to erect a building for Its use If de
656 Commercial Street.
That he gives you the best there
is to be had in the city for the
least money? Place an order
once and Bee.
oovMwr im m TM MOCf m.u CO C.e"HUf I
ISTTNGUISH between economy and wisdom.
Sitting at home to save shoe-leather is econo
my, but it is scarcely wisdom. In the same
way, doing without Ivory Soap is economy
but it isn't wise; your risks are greater than all
possible saving. Every 'cheap soap contains free
alkali. Now, free alkali will eat its way through
the new oil cloth on the kitchen floor. Imagine,
then, what it will do in a single Monday's wash
ing I Is such economy wise?
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen,
Fanners and Loggers.
A. V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial greets
A Delicious and Palatable
Drink Absolutely Pure
The North Pacific Brewery, of. which Bottled beer for Tamlly use or kef
Mr. John Kopp is proprietor, makes beer supplied at any tune. Delivery
beer for domestic and export trade. Jin the city free.
North Pacific Brewery
We Rent New
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OFFICE: 351 Washington St.. Portland, Ore.
We are the great profit killers and piano prico regulators of the
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organ for less money than you can get them elsewhere. Write
today. Catalogues for the asking.
Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos the Kim
ball, the Chickering and the Weber together with eight other good
The Esmond Hotel..
KuroDenpln.50cto$10ier dr. OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager.
American plan, $1.00 to $100 per day. j. c, PEN DEO AST, Chief Clerk g
Astoria, Ore,
Many new improvements added.
See our latest
No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter
New Art Catalogue Free . . .
Eiclnuive Pacific Coast Dealers
245 Stark St., Portland, Ore,
F W. M'KECHSIE, Local Agent.
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