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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1901)
THE MOUSING ASTOKIAN, WEDNESDAY, MAKCH 6. 1901. AUTNLSKM 0. B Soft White Hands Luxuriant Hair Produced by GUTffiURA mf M' ILUONS OP WOMEN USB CUTICUKA OINTMENT, for prenerYliiff, purlfyiUR uud beau tifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and dumlnitT, and the stopping of falllDg hair, for softening whitening and HiMitliinj; ml, rough and sore hands. In the form of baths for annoying Irritations and chaflngs, or too free or offensive perspira tion, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, and especially mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. No amount of persuasion can iuduce thie who have onco used it to use any other, especially for preserving and purifying the skin, scalp and hair of infants and children. ITTUTRA SOAl1 combines delicate emollient properties derived from Cl'TICl'ItA, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing Ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odors. No other medicated soap ever com imunded is to be compared with it for preserving, purifying and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair and hands. No other foreign or do mestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compar.-d with It for all the purposes of the toilet batb and nursery. Thus it com bines. In ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, via.. TWENTY FIVE CENTS, the BEST skin and complexion soap and the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world. Complete External 2nd Internal Treatment for Every Humor, $1.25, Connliitlnr or CETICURA SOAP 7&c), to cImuuw th jVIn of mists Ui) sralrs and often the thickened cuticle; CITICITRA OINTMENT (VV . to Inittuntlr ullay Itch. In, Inflammation and Irritation and tooth ant) heal. an) lU'TICU'KA RESOLVENT to cool and rlnae the blood. A SINGLE SET In ift.-n sufficient to cur th severest humors, with loss of balr. whsn all eis fails. Sold throughout the world. TRIP OF ATALANTA. Adventures of American Crew Who Took Former Yacht of Jay Gould to Venezuela. NEW YORK, March a. The ships company that left this port on January 21 in Jay Gould's former yacht Ata lanta. triiisformed into the gunboat Rimurador. under Venezuelan colirs and equipped with showy navaj uni forms and In hope of attaining Venexue lan commissions, have returned home n ihi liner Philadelphia. They were gone a little over a month although they were expected to deliver the boat to the Venezuelan government in ,e.i days. The yacht was sold to the Venezuelan government early In January and con stitutes the entire Venezuelan navy. Her armament consisted when the sail ed, of four six-pounder Hotchklss guns, a three-pounder, and two two pounders and she was loaded with am munition. Captain Jeremiah Merlthew was in command. Under him were forty-six The flrt night at sea the sl:ip ran into a stinn which damaged her con siderably and i aged four diis. It was decided to run into San Juan, but the coal had given completely out before that port was reached. The cabin fur nishings, which had been in the yacht since the days of Jay Gould, were dumped into the furnaces; fan.-y wood paneling, portieres, carpets and tables, and finally the provisions such of them as would burn rapidly went Into the fires. In San Juan the Restaurador lay from J inuary 3 to February 6, being repaired aud refitted. After departure from San Juan, according .o tht story of one of tlie crew, the vessel was ordered to "bombard the tQVyn of Csrupano, held supposedly by the rebels. The guns had been trained on the town when t was larnd. from a. flag that th wn "nad t7i recaptured by the government. Shortly after this a number of pris oners wero placed r. board the little gunboat. Among the prisoners was the insurgent general commanding In that part of the country. He had been sen tenced to be shot but it had b?n de cided to send him to La Guayra and thence to Caracas, where the sentence was to bf carried out. He was hope lessly crushed and spoke to ' nobody. As Jf ng as the boat was visible from lie town his wife and daughters stood iin a Mgh peak of rocks gazing af ter him, 'The vessel ran aground on the island of CocK-, in the straits of Margarita. Sht xtaid there until early in the morn ing of the 12th. She was pulled off by a '.uk and a German and a Dutch steamer that happened along. On tha same day the vessel touched at three ither small ports, two of which were vi'annda and Cumana, at which she . . , ' 1 k on more prison rs soldiers. Tha ship got Into La Gu.iyra on Feb nnry 13. The ship was no sootier in poit ord the prisoners and soldiers dis charged than the- government put the skipper, his ofllrers and most of t!ie men ashor?. They were paid in Vene zuiUn silver which was eventually x I'hangcd by the authorities at eighty cents on th:- dollar into American g;! 1. Captain Mrithew said that President Castro Inquired of him about John Ja cob Astor's st:am yacht Xourmahal, p.nd that he learned afterward from lh? niristr of ilnance that negoilations wre In progress for the purchase of the yacht. Mr. Astor could not be seen list 'light about Captain Merithew's story. It has already been announc-d that the Venezuelan government re cently' purchased JameB Gordon Ben nett's yacht Namouna for $100,000. INCREASED DUTY ON CORN. Itocommended 'to French - Chamber Pejiutles by Customs Com mittee.. 'of XrV YORK, March 5. The ' Paris CUTICUBA SOAP, assisted by ".it l -si on lent of the Journal of Com merce write: Tl"? customs committee of the French chimb -r f djputi-s. on the 2Mh of Ja-iuarv. l:.'l. presented an exhaustive report n tne ue f importe.l maize in the .iun;ry and recommended an .n crease f present dutU-s on nia'ze in th- grain fpai ihre- to five fnuics per quintal, ir 1') kil s (2-0 founds): on flour or rr.eal. eight frams instead of five. In ISM the nuiZ' impns actually de livered for consumption in France, from the Unit-rd States amounted to 3.153. 1M yuintaN; frim y.i!mania. 1.11,179: from Russia. j0i!,4"3. The total impor tation for consumption was a,21T,S3S ciiiintals. valued at 6S.ST5.4o2 francs, on which 5,770.512 francs were paid as cus toms duties. Thus the United States I have had here a promising opening for their product, considering both their own over-prJuction and tire pissibil- ities of developing the French market. The milling and oiher Improvements of maize fir integral re-exportation of the transformed product add to this pros pect, amounting last year to 30,000 quintals for tnal re-exportation. The imjHrt.itinn h;is len so far ir regular but with a tendency to increase unJ-r favorable circumstances. For many ir.dustn-s the French product is unfitted, or. account of its quality; and the proosed Increase of duties has nothing to do with pcteet'iig this na t;ve product. The interests ft -presented before the parliament customs committee wer In favor of the importation of foreign maize distillers of grain alcohol, ,lis tiKtrs of manufacturing veasts, starch rranuf icturt-rs, brewers' transjiortatlon companies using maize as food for hors-V grain, m-rchants in general, sevent-en of the official chambers of commerce of France and the milling in dustry for re-exportation of the trans furrjjfj product. " oortatlon of maize, , and demanding the high duty of seven ! francs whic h the committee rejected for five francs, are distillers of beet root alcohol, manufacturers of potato starch, matters in g-: eral. and numerous agri cultural societies, headed by the almost nTicm: society of the agriculturists of Fiarc. BARBAROUS WARFARE. Horrible Tortur-s Perpetrated on Both Sides in Colombian Rebellion. SAN FRANCISCO. March 5. Ac eordinif to V. II. Putroe, a railroad man who lias arr!vr! h"'e from South Amer ica, the warfare now in progress In Colombia Is characterized by brutality on both sids. In the far interior, says Mr. Putros, the federals before being driven out slaughtered every person that f-H into their hands, excepting only a few women. At Ch'nipa a body of adherents fif Maio-iuin, while retreating, came upon an inn near the town and took pos sesion of it. The person in command of this party was Mellton Zubla, who at present has charge of the artillery at l.'.ogota. Theophile Ordaz, the son of the own- ... I - , ...i.LI. nA tr or tne mn, was iounu wiliiui mw made prisoner. Having ascertained that the young man's father was a rebel, Zubla ord red him to be tortured. He was finally, according to Mr. Putros, impaled by the chin on a hook driven above the door of the Inn and his hand3 naittd to the sides of the entrance. In this way, as a of his struggles, he soon died. BRANDY FOR GERMANY. Three Hundred Barrels Ordered From California for Arm.and Navy. SAN FRANCISCO. March 5. The German government has ordered three hundred barrels of California brandy for use by Its army and navy. This is the first shipment of the kind and is the result of unsatisfactory experi ments with other brandies. STEKL COMBINATION OPPOSKU. Oig-anlicd Movement by St ickhoUci of National Tube ttuuMiy. NF.W YORK, Marvh 5.-Th Herald says: Stockholders of the National Tub CmiHiny dive taken ste to oppose the steel combination which J. P. Mor irn i'n. Is projecting ami which is to ataorb the tube concern union? cth'iu. It is possible that, an appeal to the courts may le nWile for a:i injunction. Counsel for the new 1'nited States Sled Corporation are however, confident of easily disposing of any legal auMgoniam. ThTniisn An advertisement by White & Blackwell, a stck exchange housi' of low-r Broadway, the public obtained the first evidence of an orpin!ied Movement to oppose the proposed steel combination. This firm advertised that It had been requested by holders of Jl.5o0.u00 of the Natloi.i,! Tube in nanv s stock to org.mise a protective committee on behalf of those who were against the consolidation, and asked other shareholders to Join in the move ment. v hat the dissatisfied stockholders want, it Is said. Is the surplu In the compiny's treasury, which amounted l,. mor? than $$.67$.')O0 on June 30. l'Mi. and which, it is said, has grown sine There are, nor-Mver, l-iO.iHKf.OV) of preferred and HO.OOO.OOO of common stock outstanding. Mr. Morgan, however. Is unwilling, it Is reported. to let any of the con cerns he proposes 10 merge use this surplus for the stockholders, as each surplus has been reckoned as a luirt I of the working capital of the "new eon- t-irn. I'ILL TO COMPKI. SKCltKCY. Provliis That Nurses and Physicians Shill Not Disci, se IVofesslonal Information. AI.HAXY. X. Y.. March 3The Ki.v 'lii'rder case and the names of . Wired T. Patrick and Vat -t Jon.s were In tectel in the iebite over the W. H. Smith bill in the assembly list night. hlch provides that nurses as well as physicians shall not disc-lose profes sional Information. Mr. llyman, of New York, defended the bill, while Messrs. Ke!s-?y, Fish, Lynn and Paly opposed it. Davis, of New York, brought up the case, and as to whether the hiil. If it became a law, would have any thing to do with the Jones confession In the Ftlce casj. Mr. Smith, the in- troducer, asked that the blll be laid aside inasmuch as such a question hid been raised, and he desired to investi gate. The bill, he added, had bevii handed to nlm to introduce by a law yer whi wis a member of the NVw Vcrk City bar. The measure was laid aside. PAPER COMPANY FAILURE. Decree Ordering Sale of Ohio Concern Has Been Filed In District Court. CHICAGO, March o. A special t, the Record from Columbus, O., says: A decree ordering the sale of the property of the Columbia Straw Piper Con pany, toeared In Xenia. Defiance, Massillcn, Coshocton and Sandusky, this state, to satisfy the holders of Jl.OMl.OOO worth of mortgage bonds, has been Hied in th United States district court. The decree designates George W. Dupe, of Chicago, as special mas ter commissioner to conduct the sale at Xenia. The bonds were Issued De cember 1, 1S!)2, to secure funds with which (o Improve and extend the com pany's business. KILLED IN A DUEL. American Had Written Letters to Wife of Russian Count. PARIS. March 5. John MacWilson Durant, of New York, who has been living for the past two years In Paris with his mother, at the Hotel Lafonde Trernoill.e, has been killed at Ostend in a duel with a Russian count. According to the best Information ob tainable, Mr. Durant had written let ters to the wife of the Russian count. The latter's nephew came to Paris to settle the matter when he met Mr. Du rant l.i a restaurant, where a vicious fight resulted, In which Mr. Durant lost Distress after eating is ctuaed from the Btoma.h not beginning itt work Immediately. Until it get. to work you fool d.a trwwwl the food lays ia your i ton? ach like u weight. To eUrt digestion to make the itomaoh do it work you mcutt MMst It if your itomacli U weak or slow to work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 taken after meal aapplle tbe ttora ach wltb neoefwary acids and JuiCee which digest the food quickly in a proper manner. To get the beet results one Baldwin's Health Tablets No. ii with the DyspepHia Tablets. The Dyspepsia Tablet ooet Mo and oaabha4i PRANK HART. Olsen. tOO-2 Com. St. Successor to' Th. his front teeth. He struck the Russian with a. heavy irlas wuter bowl, and the bitter died, but the dooior's certifi cate gave congestion of the brain as the cause of death. This occurred dur ing January. Liter the count took the nuttier up. sending his mvotids to Mr. Purunt. The latter wont to Out nd with his mother, vho afterwards defined for mud l still at Glasgow. A duel was arrange! and probably fousht yesterday with pistols. Durant was kill t and the coun was seriously wounded. Durant registered as Charles Neville Orb r. Ills mother hits tuva notified. Durant was well Known In th-' Amor loan colony here. H was a friinnt attendant at otllclal iweptloiw given by the American ottlcials. Ills etig.inement tii a young Frx'och woman was ivent ly announecil. They w re to haw leen man led In M irch. The namis of the Russians In th case have not yet beon ascertained. MORGAN IVMN T WANT EARTH Rumor That He Wanted Control Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal Fields Is Denied. of NEW YORK. March 5.-It has I n reported recently that J. Mor Kim was planning to obtain control of all the Pennsylvania nnthi'4 lie coal fields. The rumored comblnulon. It w.;s said, would Include the Philadcl M la & Reading Company, the I-hlgh Railway Company, the Krle and Jer y Central Coinpinlcs. th- d-xe i'.iW. Coal imMiiy and the IVnnsylvanla C.vil Coniiiilny. Itulirn tlv ass.H-lated with the project were. It is slid, the Penrsjiva-iia Rallrid Company, tb, D'laware and Hu lsoii Canal Company, the New York. Ontario Western Railway, the Ddtw.i-e. Lackawanna .'stern Rillwav iVttinanv At the otllee of J. P. Morgan this storv was denied, agents of a tlll:l)her of the comp.inlis s'Oiite, the I'Vi f such a combination being , f. f cted at this time, loiter It wa.s e-IHi-fil that the Interests Woo!, liciate the terms upon which a set- tleMint Of the difTetcnces betUien the nerators and miners would be , ffect- I at the .onv-ntloi- to h- hell nt llnz- b'ton on Marvh 1:'. This re;,rt could ii"t Ih- -ontirmed. SrC.RKGATp. i. F.Vi iRKD. New ,rU Cotnniitt.s' of Fifteen Wi I Driv Vicious i 'l.anictei s Fn in Respectable Tenements. NKW YORK. March .V-m. II. Baldwin, Jr., chairman of the commit tee (f fifteen, has announcd ttiat war w ill be wagvj ,,n (h,- s.v lal evils alotig lines which will rid uppon-diy r'spvt able tenements aid flat houses of vicious p-rsoiis and force them to t ike rtfuge In houses abou,t whose character thepe in no doubt. 'the .'ommllte'." said Mr. Baldwin, "will urge the legislature t.i .-nact a law in lcoriamv with th- findings ,,f the t!ieinent hoiis,. commission. "All that is neceSHiry to prove mid. r the propos-d law Is the presence of bad women In the houses. The wom-ii will be sent to Jail for a long term, and tlv bouse itself will be lib, H,., Just as we n w libel a ship. ''A penalty of JMoO will he impos d upon the landlord and the penalty Is to b-: a lien tiHn tbe property. "The new law will only apply to tene ments and apartment houses o,-cupe by respect ible persons." fITIZKXS MUST Of). ThHr Quarters at Sandy H'Xik Prov ing Orounds Will P.- Torn Down. NEW YOilK.'. March 5. Orders have Vie.n n-celved from 1h? war department that the quarters occupied by thr civil ian empbyed at the Sandy Hook irov irii? grounds must be torn clown. Th orl'Ti Jire the renult of an ln VeHtigitlon foado by the post physic ians and approved hy f'uptaln Ifcibbitt. The doctors found that th'- presence of f'i many wrsons made it Impofwiblo to preserve sanitary conditlonn and s cure pure drinking water for the mil itary quart'-rs. Moro than three hundred clerks In the ordnance and enw-cr departmeptH as w'Hl nx the entire force of laborers employed at Fort Hancok will have ti find new lodgings. WRICSTLIN'O MATCH. Profinsor Dwyer, of Michigan, a Much, Larger Man. Floored NEW VORk', March 5. "Prof"HH,r" J. M. Dwyer, of Orand RapIdH, Mich., and W. H. Qulnn, of Montreal, met last night b-fore the Paswalc Athletic :iub at Pateruon, In a catch-as-r.atch-ran wrcdtllng match for a fide bet of $100 and the gate receipts. CJu'nn weighed V.iO ikiuikIh and towerel over Lnvycr, who only scaled l.'O pounds. tlwyer won the firt fall In ten min utes, uslnif a half Nelson and crotch hold. Th'- second fall wan won by him also, this t!m? with a toe hold and a half Nelson. STEAMSHIP COMPANY WON. Federal Court a,t Seattle Gives It Ver dict of $10,0! Against Firemen's Fund Insurance Company. SEATTLE," Wash.. March Ti.-Thc Se attle St'.-amshlp Company yesterday in the federal court was given a verdict of $10,0.18 agaitiKt the Firemen's Fund Insurance Company. An award of .XI , wa .aJso made to settle a claim of ;$14,000 by pie steam ship company for an attempt to save the Laurada. The suits grew out of the iocs of the Laurada in the fall of lf.99. 1KAL IUCINO ClsOSKD. Syndicate Will Htnm Control All Tran. sit Fucllltb.. Chlwign. M.w iDKK, March 8.-Chnrle T. Ycrkes, of fhlcr. It In this city r ranging the rlowtnir details of bis hi l.Nil by which the Union Elevated and the Noith-sistcrn Nlev.UM Railroads of Chicago will be- turned over to Ui syn dicate which will heivartvr control the transit faclIMb of Chlcagti, Tne Union Traction and the Subur ban Railway Comparles, with li, Met- ropolltlii Kiev Mel, the South -side Kaput Transit Elevated and the Chi cago City Klllwtly ComKiny will s.wni ,mss Into the bands of the new nmll- ciite Hum thos nf Mr, Yerkis, who controls the tiiiwt dslrubl of (he r.mds. JannK A. Blair and John II. Dennis, lepivsentlng the New York and Chicago yndlcate. held a cot'ren,t wljh Mr, Yrkes. After tbe meeting Mr. Yikt said. I shall leav,. for England In about t.-.i d.iyx and w ill rein tin there for u month or more. I Intend to return to th' United States and will make my heme In this city and In Chicago." RAILWAY TUNNEL SOLD. X-w York Capltillst Buy Valuable Prop-'rty in Colorudo. GEORGETOWN. Col., March The AtlatitU-l'aililc rulhmy tumie and all of the mining and mill site property of tin' company has b-en sold at auction to satisfy Judgin -nts for ovr $7tHI,UiHl siMind by Mis. Marie Hoyt. a bond h old t. The entlrf property whs bid In bv Jam s E Ratchrord, a banker and capitalist of Syracuse, X. '., for $4100. Tlie tunnel Is now MOO feet on the cast -nd The total length of the bore wilt n Mulshed will be 1S.0OO It l.s design., for a railway tunnel and whs started originally In lsso by w late Marsh M. I'otn. p.y and $Tw).0o.l bns ins'n sctit in Its construction. The miulmsT with other Eastern capit ilists are pit inning U m ganUe a t. mp.iny f .- the c,mpotM ..f the tllll-tl'-l. PltK'K op SILVKll. XK.V uUK, March i.-Sllyer, U KEI'UKT OF THE CONDITION OF THE flRSl NATIONAL DANK OF ASTORIA. At Astoria, in the Slate of Oregon, at the close of buslnenH, Feb. 5th, 1301. RESOURCES. IyanH and discounts $233,2'J2 37 overdrafts, secured and unse cured 3,76199 I'. S. Iloiids to secure clrculu- tl m 12.500 00 Stocks, secuiUles. etc S5.1U 72 oih.r real estate owned 6,160 45 lU" from National Hunk i not reserve aip-nts) 4,212 tS l'ue from State Ranks and Honkers 40.5C9 31 lue from approved reserve UK Jits x;i 131.K7 7 1 11 i.-runi i.'-niie wttnips "us 29 N'ot.-s of ,,t r X,iilitial Hanks 241)00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents HO 7;i Lawful money reservu In, viz; Specie H5.W2 00 Leg il t-i;ter notes' hU 00 116,072 00 I. iiptlmi fur I with I'. S. Treasurer l.Vi of circula tion) C25 0J Total 3644,817 62 MAltlUTIES. Capital st'M-k paid In t 50,000 00 Surplus fund 20,000 00 I'ndivlded profits, es expen ses und taxeg paid 29,811 88 Xatlomil ltank notes out- Htandlii),' 12.500 00 Due l Htot Huhks and Uank- ers 194 72 Individual leHlts subjint to t he, k 42J.537 09 Demand certificates of de posit 100.773 93 Total 3844,817 2 STATE OF OREGON, County of Clatsop, hs: I, Jacob Kamm, president of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the b rst of my knowledge and belief. JAi.oi! KAMM. I'reHldent. Subscribed and sworn to before nie this IMh day of February, 1901. C. It. THOMSON, Notary I'ubUc for Oregon. Corn f I Attest W. M. Ladd, il'o. C navel, V. F. McOrefcor, bl rectors. m A familiar name for the Chicago. Milwaukee & Bt. Taul Railway, known all over the Union aa the Great Rail war running the 'Tloneer Limited" traina every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train In the world." Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passenRers the best eervlce known. Luxurious coaches, electric lljrht, steam, of a verity eq'ialed by no othe." hte that your ticket readi via "The Milwaukee" when ffoini? to any point In the United States or Canada, All ticket ajrents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, Address, J. W. CASEY. C, J. EDDT, Trav. Pas. Agt.. Gen. Ajrt-i I'orHaPd. Oregon. Portland. Ore, SOMETHING NEW.. Just published by the Southern Pa clflc Co. Is a phamphlet upon the re sources of Western Oregon, which In clude an excellent map of the state, and contains Information on climate, lands, education, etc., existing Indus tries and th'-lr capabilities. Attention Is also directed to such new fields for enerqy or capital aJ promise fair return. ""'."' This publication fills a neej'ioiig ex perienced by Oregonlans, in replying to Inquiries of eastern friends. CodIc-b may be had of local agent Southern Pacific Co., or from C. H. MARK HAM, 0. P. A.. Portland. Or. fOlVKUllAL PRINTING ; BklP.rS AM TKANSCRIITS f or. all w nuum at Ti.i! it is nmm rOUIMM-13 A. L. I7I SUN INSURANCE OFFICE Of TMK OLDI-ST ITRKLY I'lKK (l TICK IN Till-: WORLD. Cti Ahi In t'nlt1 Hti, J. B. F. DAVIS & SON, W1NFIKLU !. P.Wls ut'HT 215 SatiMHiic Street, SAMUEL El MORE rri inAAAAvruuvinjxru u vruvruxruvu H I F'OHTLANI), OK. t THo Only I7lrtt-CloMH llotol In lortlniid 5 at ru njvvrLaariA nuvAAui ruxruvruuvn nxu an aaaua n anrui aavaaaui u trfi TI.MI7 7LM ivn vm ivoiiuivpy rnunivv (if New Zeulnnd VV. P. THOMAS, Algr., San Pranclsco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS SuliHcrihfd Copitul, ' raiil-uji Caiitnl, . Assets, A.wt.s in United Suites, Surjilus to Policy IloMors,, Has been Umlerwiiting on the Paeilic ovei tiveiity-lwo vmrx SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Resident Agents, Astoria, Or. THE ASTORl AN.... Delivered at your office, Htoro or rcHldcncc, OOc per month. Pacific Navigation Com pany Steamers-"Sue II. Flniorc.7' "W. II. llnrrlHon" Only line- Astoria to Tillamook, GurlhalJI, Hay City, llohsonvlllc Counwting at Astoria with thnOn-irou lUllroud A NsviKidlon (V ami also the Astoria A Columbia Kiver K. It, (or Sac FrHin lwo, I'oitliuul and all points east. For freight aud passngir rules sp j . . SarttMol Elmore Si Co. General Aietifs, AHTOHIA. OKR. (0. It. A. N. H. ILCo.,IWllnml. Agents A. A C. It It. Co , I'ort laml. Ji (I. I.AMU. Tillanjook. Ore. lioxuRious Travel The "Northwestern Limited" trains, electric lighted throughout, both liwlde and out. and steam heated, are wHh- out extVptlon, the finest trains In the world. They embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling nubile, and altogether are the moat complete and splendid production of the car builders art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern . The Northern Pacific and The Canadian 1'aciFlc AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST, No extra charge for these superior accommodations and all clasMes of tick ets are available for paxsage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Hlock System. W. H. MEAD, II. L. SISLER, General Agent, Traveling Ag"t. rortland. Ore. L 1. These tiny Capsules are superioi to gaium ot lopaiba, ..1 u. .i:v . 1 i CURE IN 48 HOURS Wr. the tame diseases w;th- out inconvenience. ASTOIUAN niBUSK CO Tenth ami Commercial Streets Telephone not. LONDON Sll.aiMI.IMMI GENERAL AGENTS !-. DAVIS C.Uh A. IIKSItr Sun I'rntulsio, Cl. & CO., AGENTS. u o iatjuuu uvuvuuuu uvuvtm ui, niu PORTLAND f:,oon,o()() 1,0(11 1,000 2,r)J.r,,iM 1,7IH,72 WHITE COLLAR LINL Sir. HHRCUMW takes the place of BAILEY OATZERT (Telephone. DockX. Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav igation Company,, The Hercules leaves Astoria dally except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leave Portland dally except Sun day at 7 a. m. White ColJur Line tickets, C. R. & N. tickets and Ilwaco Ry A Nav. Com pany tickets Interchangeable on Her cules and Ilassaln. Through Port land connection with steamer Nahcotta from Ilwaco and Long Heach points. Telephone No. 111. A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria Agent. E. W. CRICIITON. PiUand Agent ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. L ve "2 PORTlNTJ! "ArrivV g:00a.m.Portluind Unlon"l)epotll:lu a.nT. 7:f0 p.m.lfot Astoria and lnter-9:40 p.m. mediate points. i ASTORIA. ' 7.45 a.m. For ' Portland ft ln-lll:M a.n 6d0j).m.term?dlate points 10:30p,m. BBABIDH DIVI8IOM. ll:',ni. A:X0 p. in. H::wam fl lr. m. 'IM p. in. ASTORIA a 7:Ha, III 4 11. m ll:(lll III 12:fi0p in 7;Oip, in I SEASIDE Hiiudsy only All trains make close connections' at Ooble wKh all Northern Pacific trains to and from the East or Sound points. J. C. MAYO, Oen'l Fr't and Pass. Agent