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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1901)
THE MOKMXG ASTOKIAN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1901 COME New Dress Goods Hew Silks Hew White Goods All contiucli for udvertiititiK In the Antoiiitn arc made on a Kiiar. tinted of circulation four IIiikm larger than that of any paper published or circulated in Out. nop county. TODAY'B WKATIIBR. ItXtTljANP. Miinli . WrHirrii On Kiti mill W.-ntrru Vnliliiirtm, Inorrnju si i'iiuiiiMi'i, with nhwir m-iir the cimM. Knxlrin oriunii, Hasten) Wtmh liiifiun unit liliilin. xi'in nilly fair. AROUND TOWN. Wlli-lxi Fri'in h pruum II, at Julia ni I iron. burlier shop nd hutlin. Klmt -rlaiM service. I-- !' i- U-li i .niii-iy IhiM'T, (Ac II roll u Ji.huiMin llnio. J c Muyn. of th.. A. A 0. It., win III 1'irlliiinl yi-ntiTitny, Hot l.'.-ci'itl iin-ftl Itlntu tC Hun lt--IoumiiI. (ill Ciinini'Ti Inl Ht. It It It Hit, Jr., fi lrtliiil Inmirame mun, In in tin' city t lniliii-. Jrft" rt'fliuinint tln UrR.nt ami Itfui, A irlnl will convince you. .Mm, K. A. tlnnlliiK lit quit III with a c implicit ens of iii'tliiuliln. ,Mi Amiuiila K'IIIhk, of IVrtlnnil, U vlmiiK Minn Carrie Ifcigonh tluy, Japanese ttitoiln of nil klniU, chi-np at Yokohama llniaar; tit t'ommerclftl 8t, HwMMi Mi'ijw'urtit Hummer Saurnist kin I'li-rvrlat Wurnl. ttmfthliif nna, nt Jnlinmiit Uro. II U mlnia(il Hint between two ninl three huiiitrml fishermen will leave for Alaska within the next month. A riir liit of t-nrruimti'il Iron ww re-n-lvr I by Hi., Columbia. Itlver liu,k-r Ar Inllun yiKd rilay from llir East, 'tiiil', Johnson has been elected di rector mi Henruo M. May. clerk, for whixil district No. s In Now Astoria. Mr IM. Miller, of 2:0 Commercial street. U mifTi-riiiK with severe rJUW of iiii-ii'li-n, till hi'liijt her sevtnd at link HK8T IJ-CKNT MBAL: ItlSINO BUN ItKHTAI'ItANT. ! HAT And CAPS In Endless Assortment of Styles i and Shades Hi mi 25 cts 50 cts 75 cts s. it: DANZIGEI?;! SEE OUR New Wash Goods Hew Embroidery Hew Laces JtUe and shin; Oold Rope, Thrash or, ntitl-truNt, unl'm-mml" plug tubm en. Huvo your tag. They art val uable. If tin' hIkii am propitious the n"w launch Vnniftiiir.1, built at Iath'tn' shipyard, will bo launched at high tide luiluy. For ri'til A five-room cottaite, fur nished or unfurnished, on Tenth street, tiinr Harrison. Iniulre corner Tenth and Jiving. In ihe l imn of II. H. Itu kiniifi v. Jm.nin Min kiiiHii, m-tlon fur divorce, ili'fmilt waa I'nti'rtd yi-flti-rdiiy In th i lri'iill Court. Th (Miinty coinmUiiloniTii' court will tn-t-t ill In iiriiTD.Min nt which tlm' nici will I tnkiln to advcrtlm for bid" for I In- Ni'hnli'in road. Crani puro ry. Amfrlca' flmut whldkcy, Th only pure iroodn: ruar-uiiti-i'd rich and midlowr. JOHN L. tAIU.80N. Sole Ai nt. Thr nvlvnl iifntliurt at thr M. K. church ar' Ifliur inntlnucd durtnir thU wci-k vnh illumriiiiil Tm'ti which (rivi ipiliv aitra4lvif. John A. Mnntifom'Ty haa opnel a hop at 4:1 llond atrwt and In prnard tn do all rla of plumbing and tin ning at the owet jneaible rate. H. H. fjord m. numl'T of the Firm National Hank, ha nlurnrd from ah cxii-nilcj trip to Kmithcrn t'nllfornlit whctT hf w-Mit in ai'iin-li of hi hfaiin Itoalyn coal laata tnnifr, la clwner and iniikin p trouble with utoveii and chlmnry flu-a than any other. Oeorge W. Banborn, .wnt. Telephone I3IL You niiKht to try th" dainty dlmicra, liiliy. i-ndcr ni'iiia naid apix'tltlng Hid" Nldc illlird tvin nt the lioatun 1 ( t.iurant. Tim only place In the rlty for family illnnrrn. A reception will he tendered to the llev. an I Mra, Murtvitto In the Sunday chio room of th. frewhyterlun church Tlmrjiiluy i-VMiltig, Murch " A cordial Invliailon hi extended to all. Uetilenmit W. A. Hilhl, formerly In rommnnj at rort St'vna, hna b-n ad vanced- to the rank of captain and la acting Judo-.' Oilvwate on the ntff of the copimnnd'r of the department of AinnKa. Mra. C. A. Campbell Imvea thin morn ing for Hin IM rvi. mi., where he will h? the gueat of p'hitlvin and friends. Mra I'nmphi'll hna been In III health for aome time and her many frlm! wtll hop fur her early return much lin proved by the fnlmy bm'e of the land of aummery winter. t a. XM Special Sale of Boys' and Children's Clothing Broken Lines 25 Per Cent Discount Among the piwaengcra on liaeet nlght'a train down were M. J, Kinney, Ml Nan.laa Hull, I'etif (Irani, Vkk Car. rutti'T (, T. Hmlth, Mm. K. P. rr. kr mid iC. J, iVumn and wife, The Knltfif and lmthn of Hecurlty gnve a n entertiilnmerit luxt night In eunuihnn'n- hall. An Interesting muel cal and llt 'rury program waa urewtit ed and light refreehnnfila were aerved, It la reported that an option on the Taku Inlet I'ocklng tmpany atock haa been oltaliied by a repreM-ntatlve of the finffroy ayridlcat. Overture hiive aliu been midn to the AhiHka Kleh crmcn'a J'iikliig fotnpnny to Join the new orgiinlia'.lini, The ateamcr Lurllne, Captain Larklna, arrived dowti yi-ird iy with caeca of oil for the light houae department. After dlectiarglMg at the buoy depot ahe will leave up I he river thla morn ing. Ciiptiiln Chiw, T. Karnrn wa a ii ihhi nuT on the trip. It. II. Knight In out of the Merchant' Knight Hun-uu and a committee cxei Hlellng of M-iiMra. V. It. Htoken, K. A. KleherJ. T. IUihh and A. V, Alb-n, will hik after iifTlm of the buretiu (H iKlIng the employment of a rompWerrt eiicciiuuir in Mr. Knight. Tli.. I'lui... iim . .... .. ., aceeion yeaterdny of the enwmlll of O. VV Kmlll. Ill Ifnlllll.r ..n a tl.n. ..i.,lliu' line" nt I27.VW) p r month. Th mill hna n ciipiicuy or nii.uui) rect a May. ini' mill comniLiiv ..iriiecltt i.i ulilf. five mi of lumber a day to the x factory nere. The Kiennvr Hall-y rjntgrt la to be i ready f ir the A'it'rlii-rirtland run In ibout two wek. ll'-r eiiglnea nr) nw being replaced by thon of the old ete.imer T"l phon which an- miiK-rlor to thuee fiiniiTly In uee. and bidter reuli nre exp't'-d when ahe again gi ia Intu B-rvlce, Tl Mnrrlirn alreet bridge I.-, Irt- lir.d. which waa dnmnged by the Mee liter Almond llruMch Im now being repaieed by eontnipt. Pulee work la iM-ing driven atralghlen uii the bent pbr. The whnli-biu-k la titklng on her riirg i of In nb'T at the Kaetern Lum ber 'oinpany'a wharf. K. T. Johnaon, the contraftor who wa engug-d In n-movlng the Hylvhi de firitMa reef, lit In the city arranging a ttlcfin-nt with hla creiltori. One n'-W Milt waa tiled ngiliiat Mr. Johnaon yea ter ln;, tlu plaintiff being Ix-ander - h -ck. v.ho claim I1J1 tu fr labor. Mr. Jnhnnoii'a property attached la valued at over JSmm mul more than cover the miIIh filed agulnat him. While the old wiylng that rlvt-r towna lit way a build down Mreim may not b' true, it U a fii'-t that Went Aatorla la making rapid elrldi-a toward expansion. The large numb'T of aubetantlnl r'"l demva and improvementa which have bien compli-ted during the laat year give uvljeiice, not only of a nvaeure of pn.epeiily. but of genuine thrift and ent'Tprlae. Anvmg the many who have built are John Krlckaon, fnll Matt ann, Ir Ijirmm, Abraham Junttl. Abraham Tumi, t harh-a Itlnnell, John t'lcmii. Abraluun Lugn'-t nrxl Albert Varranlema. NKW COfltSKS OF STUDY. Adopted by State Hoard of K-lucatlon for High School. The mote board of education haa u (opted the following oouraea of atudy fr hlKh choola In the tate: KIItST YBAU. Higher EngUhh (atwut the grade of I.ockwood, to w coupled with Engllhh t'laJieli a of thla grade). Itegliinlng Algebra thlifh achool grade). rhyalcol fli-ography (or Latin). HlHtiiry (ireek and Human to 00 A. D. (ih'rt study of riwtern Nation ehould pr"?de Greek History.) SECOND YEAH (IN TWO YEAR COURSE.) Higher Engllah (about grade of Lock wood, to be coupled with Kngllah Cla elc). Algebra llnlahed (one-half year). Ilookkivplng (one-half year) or High er Arlihmetlu (tme-half year) or l'hy lology (one-half year). Latin, or l'hyalcal CesMgr.iphy, or Bot any, with laboratory work. lUatorv. Mediaeval, with special ref ereuce to England. SECOND YEAH (IN THREE YEAR COURSE.) Higher English (nuiie a above). Algvbra nnlahed (one-half year), Geo mi'try tone-half year). Latin, or I'hyalcal vJeography, or Bot any, with laboratory work. Hlatorv I name as above). THIRD YEAR. Study of English and American Au thors with Composition work. Geometry finished. Select Any Two. Lathi, first, second or third year, ac cording to whether It has been taken before. History. Modern, with special refer once to England, If course la four years' course; and American History and Constitution If courBe la three years- CCilllS. Physic, or Hotany, or Geology, (one- half year) with Bookkeeping or Higher Arithmetic (the other one-hair year), or Elementary Political Economy (one half year), and Reylcw (one-half year). FOURTH YEAR. Study of American and Bngrllsh Au thors with Composition work, History, American with Constitution. Select Any Two, 1. Lntln or German. 2. Chemistry or Physics. 3. Geology (one-half year) and Zool ogy (one-lwlf year), or Astronomy (one-half year). 4. Elementary Political Economy (one-half year) anil Review (one-half year). Themes and orations last two years. Music or Drawing are additional to above. Noto The ubove courses of study nr based upon live recitations per week for the length of time assigned and .itch recitation to be at least forty min utes long. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. United " States to John Murray 160 acres In sections 28 and 33, T 4 N, R 8 W; patent. John Murray to Sarah E. Murray same land; fuo. Sarah E. Murray to Astoria Company same land; $700. Columbia Harbor Land Company to W. R. Crlffleld lots 7 and 8, block 27, Warrenton Park: J350. Columbia Harbor Land Company to W. J. Humphries lot 13, block 26, In Warrenton Park; 200. Beer croductlon in Cincinnati Ii rated as one of the greatest Industrie there. The . increase in the output in the last ten yean waa 21 per cent. WELL DIGGER'S PERIL IMPRISONED IK CAVE-1N AT PORT STEVENS. Horrible Excerleoc of Wirfeoton Man Wbo Narrowly Escape! Suffocation Yesterday. Alhert Itlder, of Warrenton, had a narrow escape from a horrible death at Koit fltevifi yettteruuy. lie was em ployed to dig a well on the p'mt grounds, ond hd reached a depth of eighteen frrt wh"ti the cribbing gave way, letting an Immetme amount of sind an J dirt on the unfortunate dig ger. Immediate alarm was given and the lif'-savlng crew w-tt aided by the ol ller at the fort. The work of exca vatlon Wiia coftim.rnced Immediately but It was not until 9:30 lust nli;bt that the rincuHm n-oi'hed the Imprtsoned mun. Hardly a .nemher of the party expected to find lUder olive. He had been Imprisoned for over six hour be neath en avalanche of sand and dirt and It wus a foregone conclusion ,!P iiarentlv that d'-xth had Intervened Hut fortune favored the unfortunate digger. One of the bo ml of the crib bing, that was oneen''l by the faulty constrmtlon, struck him on t! head and remained In a position shielding him from the falling sand. He was uni' inwl ius wnen discovered but Captain H-asl.'S, rlv surgeon at tach-J to the post, applied restoratives and worked over him fur an hour to such good effect that he revived sutll clently to be r'nived to his home. Klder f'it none the worse for his ad venture lite last night and It Is n'd believed Ihitt any ill nnults will follow. PERRY'S FLAGSHIP TO HE RAISED The nidu-of-wur frigate Niagara, on which Commodore perry won the bat tle of Iike Erie, In the war of m2. may soon b recovered from the bot tom of the lake. Many people who think that health Is as sunly R't as though It were al"o at the bottom of the ocean, should try HiHteiter's Stom ach Hitters, when they will once more find th'tnsclves In posse-slon of this precious blessing. The bitters is es pi clally cff'.cllve at this l aaon, to drive away winter impurities and refresh the system. It l k '" ! f r any d'.g":lve trcuble, ar.d a a sur cure for head uche, m rvnisneKS. belching, biliousness, wfok kidneys, malaria or fever and ague. 8e that our Private Revenue Stamp covers the neck of the bottle. THREATENED THE MAYOR. Hrldyeway Told "Hizioner" to Come Cut and Get Punched. Harry Hrldgvway, a former employe .f the f Mills-ip mill, was arrested last night by Otllcer Phillips, charged with (tisordeiiy mnduct. Rrldgeway called ut Miyjr Itergmun's residence early ytsterday evening, and after a prelim inary remark about a trivial matter, Invlt-tl him out In the street to be thraahed. The mayor did not fall in with the plan bu sent for a police man, and the pugnacious youth was taken Into custody. The affair origin ated In nn agreement made by the mayor with a boy to carry wood Into Ms house, who sub-let jart of the contract to Hrldgvway. When night came the work was not completed and the boy was paid, nil except a quarter which w-as to be given him upon the completion f Ihe work, this morning. Rrldgeway took It upon himself to de mind full payment and upon refusal became abusive and threatening. LOWER COURT UPHELD. Circuit Court Jury Finds for Defend ant In Appealed Replevin Suit The Jury In the case of Ole Grove vs. Fred Wlckman. action for replevin on app?Al from Justice court, returned a verdict yesterday afternoon for tne ue, thus upholding the finding of the lower court. The suit grew out of the service of nn attachment, by Wlckman, as constable, on a net and boat, that had been owned by Grove, but at the time the levy was made had been transferred to the Booth Packing Oomoanv. Wlckman attached the goods and Grove brought suit to recover 1200 and t9 damages. He al leged that the property seized was ex empt, that he was a fisherman first and farming was but a sMe Issue. The Jus tice court decided agalnst Grove, who appealed, the case havlg been decided in the circuit court as indicated aoove WILL WED MISS AFONG. Another Member of Famous Honolulu Family Betrothed. Advices from the Philippines an nounce the approaching marriage of Lieutenant A. J. Doucwrty, .Thirty- seventh Infantry, U. S. V., to Miss Martha Afong of Honolulu. The Afong girls, of whom. tlKre are thirteen, have gained considerable prominence on the Pacific co'ist, because-of the rather pe culiar action of Wing Ah Fong, the father, who was a native of China. He Lamps Oil Heaters Agateware ' Jardiniers China Crockery Glassware Dinner Sets Toilet Sets Artwarc Great AmericanlmportiniLTea Ga. 571 Commercial Street, Astoria. (f special 1 Sale I a Bottom Prices B H Just ii wa a merchant for owv-ral yfar In Hawaii and a.maied a fortune amount ing to almost a million. - In Honolulu ho married the daugh ter of a Portuguese sailor a-nd a Kan aka woman and to thlr union were born thlrtem girls and one boy. The latter was his father's Idol and whn Wing An Fong bad maile enough mon ey he took the lad to Chirm, leaving the mother and Kirls on the Inlands, He also left a "nerru!i nhare of his estate, and by Judicious management this has been Increased to a rnagnlfl cant fortune. Th" Misses Afong, the f,hlnse spell lug was dropped, were cd'icSted In th .Mills seminary at Ookland, Cal., where two of the younger girls are now, ami the word went up ami down the coast, and even spread eastward, tlmt a sub stmtl'il dowry went to every girl who married a whit husb'ind. As a result suitors came from every part of (he world, fine of the first weddings In the family was the union of the i-ldi'st daughter to Commander Whlting lit the U, H. monitor Monod nock. It will be reralh-d that Whiting vns dl'filplnd for holding his veMe lo- long at Honolulu shortly after Dewey victory, when the monitor had b-en dispatched to Manila at all pos slhl'i speed. The reason for the delay ns a quarr'rl forced upon the com mander over an Inquiring remark mole about his wife. As a matt it of fant the Misses Afong have all the graces of civilization and In their manner end customs are d"lghtfutly American. They have married well and those who have thus fir recnilned single do not lin k for admirer. The hospitality of the family, particularly to Americans, Is famous In Honolulu. WILL MOVE THIS WEEK. Ross. Higgln Company Expect to Oc- ; cupy Magnlfli-ent New Store Soon. With the addition of the magnificent new store or tne J.oss, uiggins Com- i ;wnv together with other Improvements being made Astoria will have a retail gn.cTy establishment second to none on the Po'ilic coast. Tne new manager of th'i store, Waller E. Row, of San Francisco. Is In the city and together Aith K. A. PI Muck, of Seattle, is dl- r-ciir.K the work In the new addition. The completed store will have a seventy-foot frontage on IJ'md street, and a uepth of ninety feet. The present meat market will be added to the grocery I deiMrtnient and that branch of the buKlii'hs will tte moved to where the grocery store Is at pr-.'sert. Tre stock which will be carried by the Ross. Higghm Coaitiany will be sutliiiently varied to supply a city of Ii.ooi). In addition to staple gwds an xtenslve line of fancy groceries will be c.irried Mr. Ross, the new manager. is a capable and competent man who has had years of experience in similar lines. He Is still a young man and has rls-n to a managerial position by the i"heer force of h's own ability. The In terior decorations will be harmonious and artUtic, and In planning the new aure provision waa made for magnif icent display windows. The exact time for the opening or the new 8thre has not been fixed, but the management expects to be In their new quarters some time during the present week, due announcement of which will he made later. GOVERNMENT FISH EXHIBIT. Splendid Display to Be Made at the Pan-American Exposition. t Uncle Sat will have a splendid fish exhibit at the Pan-American exposition. It is impossible to give here a com prehensive Idea of the beauty and In terest which attaches to this exhibit. W. DeC. Ravenel. chief of the division of fish culture, and several assistants are now In Buffalo erecting in the gov ernment fisheries building an artistic design fir a home in which will be placed every variety of fish, oyster, crah. starfish, scallop, clam and prac tically everything else that can be foun lit the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and their tributaries. The mtjoiity of these specimens will be alive, and will be exhibited swimming in their native element. At all past exhibitions the ex hibits prepared by Mr. Ravenel have been so crowded with visitors that It has been at times Impossible to get .vlthin a comfortable distance of the brilliant and beautiful Inhabitants of the oceans and rivers, which have been collected under his superintendence. In thla exhibit will be shown the various methods for the propagation of fish and oysters and for filling our rivers and bays with these useful ar ticles of food. FOREIGN LAROR BARRED. Asiatics Will Not Be Employed on Ne halem Road. There will be a provision In the speci fication for the cesjnty road to be con structed to Nehalem which may prove distasteful to the contractors. The em ploying of Chinese, Japanese or other cheap foreign labor will be forbidden and the penalty for violation will be the forfeiture of tne contracts at tne will of Judge Gray of the county court. The provision Is covered by a state law prohlMthig trie employment of aliens generally and Asiatics 'n partic ular on public works. Judge Gray will Insist upon a rigid observance of this clause of the specifications, and the work will go to white men. WHERE DO YOU W YOUR i HAVE TOU TRIED A. W.SHIPLEY? 656 Commercial Street. DO YOU KNOW That he gives you the best there Is to be had in the city for the least money? Place an order once and see. C. W. BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 573 Commercial St.. ASTORIA, OR. TELEPHONE, RED 206L THE LOUVRE Strangers visiting; the city will find the Louvre an attractive resort where in to spend the evening. First-class va riety snow is always on tne bills. New performers every week. Don't fall to see Prof. Hunt's "Dog Paradox and Monkey Show," now on the bills. Pal atable lunches will be served at all hours. GROCERIES? AN ARTISTIC TRIUMPH DELIGHTFUL PROGRAM OP DRAMA AND MUSIC. Ecb Performer Scored a Personal Hit and Encores Wen Repeatedly Demanded ty Audience. The recital at Fisher's opera house last night was a succers, both from an artistic and ilnaneial standpoint. It would be difficult to single vat any one of the contributors to the delight ful program as d-s-;rvlng of greater mention than the others, but there wi 1 surely be no to the congratu lation received by Mrs. J. T. Ro up on the successful .-occlusion of the af fair. She has been the dominant spirit of the enterprise and had vnueh to do with its planning, in addition she gave freely of her own vocal talents and th" encore which the audience demand ed, with an enthusiasm that refused to be plucitej with a bowing acknowi-ciig-m'nt, evidenced her personal tri umph as well as the recital's success. The opening nmotxr was a clarinet solo by Mr. George Price, "La Travl tlna." by Verdi. Mr. Price was as ulsiid b the Columbia orchestra. The first chorus number, "Hark. Hark My Soul," by Shelly, presented Mlss.s Hob son ar.d Fost.-r, Mesdame J. T. Ross am: C. L. Hotuton. and Messrs. Ros, Hirr, Thornton and Garner. Mrs. C. R. Hip-gins played the accompaniment. Whlh; the applause was liberal and sincere it was evident that the audience whs anxiously awaiting the solo num bers and Mrs. Ross was heartily wel comed wh-n she arrpeared to sli.g, "Star of Love." accompanied by the Columbia orchestra. In responding to the encore, Mrs. Ross sang "My Old Kentucky Home," and the popular old melody appealed to th- audl nie as old songs will. Mrs. Ross' two other numbers were delightful, particularly the "Salute a la France," with ringing martial measures. Pre ceding It was a dainty, charming lit tle lullaby by Vannah. Mr. MoKean was. as always, artis tic an l excellent. His first monologue. Bret Harte's "Luke," was splendidly giv en. His costumes were In keeping with the characters and there Is no necessity nt this time of exploiting his art. As torian are familiar with It and know Its excellence. For an encore he gave THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT- -1 FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria, Ore. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A. V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which Bottled beer for ramlly use or keg Mr. John Kopp Is proprietor, makes beer supplied at any time. Delivery beer for domestic and export trade. jln the city free. North Pacific Brewery We Rent New BEFORE YOU BUY A PIANO OR AH ORGAfl It will pay you to write EILER'S PIANO HOUSE OFFICE: 351 Washington St., Portland, Ore. We are the great profit killers Northwest, and with our special organ for less money than you today. Catalogues for tin, r.sking. Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos the Kim ball, the Chickering and the Weber makes, ..JEILEKS PIANO HOUSE,., Riley "Old Fishloned l4o.'.' ,Ili Mend number showed him In a nlore humoruu vein, particularly In the ren. ponses to continued applause, of which two were demanded of nim. "0r rid. (1I Junes was a splendidly, rendnred selection and Mr, McKean entered thoroughly Into the spirit that the Hoo sier poet must have felt when he wrot, It. .' Mls Rfba Hobn was in splendid vnlce and aang her numbers In such a way that the audience Insisted upon got It, "Angel' Serenade." with violin ohilgati by Carl Strom, w!s her first number, followed by "Th Last Rose of Summer." It was a hap. py thought to the ladle responsible for the program to make place for the old songs. Tht appreciation of the audi ence waj ihwn after Miss Hobson's splendid rendering of "Elnst War So Tlnfer FriedV when she sang 'Silver Throids Among the Oold." Mrs. Rons' contralto Joining In the. refrain.- A repetition was the only escape for Miss Ifohson and she graciously gave It. Mr. Fletcher's trombone solo called fr an nvre t, which he responded. Th? chorus was heard to good ad vantage In two more miectlons. "Moon light on the Like," and "O Divine Re deemer." the Utter closing the pro gram. Following the former eume the cutest lltlte. coon lull.iby. sung to hrlng out ail Its simple beauty. The accompanist, Mri. f'has. Hlpgins, Is de serving of much praise for her very necessary aid to the musical selections. The Columbia orchestra did excellent work, and In fact there was no a weak spot In the entire program and the Every Mo-idty Club has every rea son to be proud of Ua achievement. BACK FROM ALASKA. Julius Erlckson's Perilous Trip Over th- Ice to the Gold Fields. An ong the recent arrivals from Alas ka bi Julius Erickson, who was for vears a tlshermao for the Elmore can nery. Mr. Erickson started from Daw son on January 11th, but as the ther mometer Hitood at 60 degrees below he wrtlred for milder weather, leaving on th-? l;:th and arriving at White Pass after an adventurous Journey of eleven days over the ice of the Yukon, with dogs and horses. He passed one man who had frozen to death on the trail. The coldest weather he experienced was Ts degrees below. As an evidence of his success In Alaska Mr. Erickson has purchased a lot on the Hinman tract on Bond street and has already built the basement for a two-story residence to cost $1600. Erlck Gustafson, who built Senator Fulton's house, has the contract. Typewriters. Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free ... L. H. ALEXANDER & CO- Eiciusive Pacific Coast Dealer. 245 Stark St., Portland, Ore, F W. M'KF.CIINIE, Local Agent. and piano price regulators of the facilities can sell a tine piano or can get them elsewhere. Write together with eight other good