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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1901)
THE MOUSING ASTOKIAN, KO ONES DAY, MAKCH (. 1O0I. i. Telephone Main 6L TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Sent by mall, per year 6.01 ent by mail, per month 60 Served by eaxrler, per month M 8EMI-VEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year, In advance, $2.00 AH communication Intended lor pub lication should be directed to "Editor Aston-in." business communications f all kinds and remittance! must be addressed -to "The Astorlan Publish ing Co." The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad vertiser the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can fee had on ap Hrstion to the business manager. The Cuban negroes who are wasting their breath in shouting "Down with the Americana" are most unkind. The American policy Is "up" with the mem bers of their race, either in smoke, a la Kansas, or by means of good old-fashioned hemp, as Is still the custom down In Dixie. Everybody who can possibly do so is planning to attend the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo this summer. If it be on a par with the elegant descriptive- matter which Is being sent out by the bureau of publicity, free to ar.y interested, it will prove a marvel of elegance. The Astorian has just re ceived a beautiful 16-page booklet which Is u gem of art and sets forth the attractions of the exposition in the most captivating style Imaginable. The front cover contains a miniature pro duction. In colors of the famous pos ter. "'The Spirit of Niagara." The cen ter of the booklet contains a double pag? bird.seye view of the exposition and the last page a map of the grounds. Each page has a picture of some build ing or scene of especial Interest and the borders of each page contain beautiful little sk?tches descriptive of various features of the exhibition. The oook- let Is a work of art which deserves to be and will be pres-.'rved by those who do not attend as well as by those who are able to do so. ASSESSMENT NOTICE COMMERCIAL STREET FROM FOURTEENTH ST. TO SEVENTEENTH SX. OF J. M. SHIVELYS D. L. C. Notice Is hereby given that the assessment made by ordinance No. 2390 of Hie City of Astoria, Oregon, entitled "An ordinance confirming special as sessment roll No. 41, for the Improvement of Comi.iervlal street from the west line of Seventeenth street to the west line of Fourteenth street approved Feb ruary 1'. 101. be due and payable In United States gold coin at the ottlce of the city treasurer on March 8 th. 1301, and If not so paid at said lime the Common Council will order warrants issued for the collection of the saux The assessment is as follows: .. ... ASTORIA COLUMBIA R. R. CO. BOWER, PHIL F. BOWER. PHIL F. BUILDING & LOAN LAND CO.. CLEVELAND A. A. CLEVELAND A. A. STOKES, F. R. i I WOOD, SARAH F. WOOD, SARAH F. WELCH. JAMES W. WEUMI. JAMES FOARD, MARTIN GRANT, FETER Greatness Is never thrust upon a man who leads an aimless life. Mr. J. W. Patterson, night police at astiuJ, ia., says: "in January I bad a very bad cold on my lungs, and used half dozen different cough medicines and prescriptions from two doctors, but rrew worse all the time. I finally bought a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and after using two-thirds of It, I was entirely cured." CHAS. ROG ERS. Druggist. When looking for game it is use less to visit the bargain counters of humanity. AFTER LA GRIPPE WHAT? Usually a racking cough and a gen eral feeling of weakness. Foley's Hon ey and Tar Is guaranteed to cure the "grippe cough" and make you strong and well. Take no substitutes. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Some men nev?r do things by halves. They go out 10 get a tooth filled and cenie back full all over. Pneumonia follows la grippe, but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, th great throat and lung remedy. T-ikJ no substitute. CHAS. KOGERS, Druggist. Wise m,-n of ancient times were prob ably no wiser than other men, but they talked loss. GRATKE. ANNIE GRATKE, EMMA GRATKE, GEORGE GRATKE, JOHN E. GRATKE, MART GRATKE, WILLIAM GRATKE, A. R. (Widow)... GRATKE, ANNA R. . HENRY. 0. P. HENRY, 0. P. MASONIC LAND & B'VQ ASSN.. MASONIC LAND & B'L'O ASSN.. MARTIN, W. C. Eugei.e J. Hall, the poet and publish er, say? that one dose of Foley's Honey and Tar restored his voice? when hoarse nefcs thrtatened to prevent his lecture at Central Music Hall, Chicago. Noth ing else as good. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. The lion imy be the king of beasts but the cow bosses the barnyard Just the same. Rob'. R. Watts, of Salem. Mo., writes: "J havs been troubled with kidney dis ease for the last five years and have doctored with all the leading physi cians and have tried all remedies sug gested without any relief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and less than two bottles completely cured me and I am sound and well." A stag party would be much more enjoyable if a few more dears were Invited. CHEAP INSURANCE. Many a man) has been Insured against Brlght's disease, diabetes, or other dan rcroiis ailnvnt by a fifty cent bottle of Fuley's Kidney Cure. CHAS ROG ERS, Druylst. The sun Is unselfish; It shines for all, but it stands in its own light. "I had a running sore on my leg for even years," writes Mrs. Jas. Forest of Chippewa Falls, Wis., "and spent hundreds of dollars in trying to get It Healed. Two boxes of Banner Salve en tirely cured It." No other salve so hralinc. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Whenever a woman 1b going shopping and the street car conductor forgets to take her fare, she spends a quarter more than she had Intended to. BANNER SALVE. Tetter, eczema and skin disease yield quickly to the marvelous healing quali ties of Banner Salve made from a prescription of a skin specialist of world wide fame, 25c. CHAS. ROGERS, Druegist. WELCH. D. H. WELCH, D. H. YOUNG. ANDREW YOUNG. CHRISTINA YOUNG. PEN JAM IN YOUNG. PENJAMIN STEWART. MABLE E. , A right of way 50 feet wide across iron tage of Mocks 133, KM and 1S5, City of Astoria, as laid out and re corded by J. M. Shively $ 9 00 . West half of lot 4. block 134. City of Astoria, as laid out and record ed by J. M. Shively 29 4i .East hilf of lot S, block 134. City of Astoria, as laid out and record ed bv J. M. Shively 29 4S- .East half of lot 4. block 134. City f Astoria, as laid out and record id by J. M. Shively 29 ii .Undivided half of N. 20 feet of S. 70 feet of lot 1. block 133. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded .1 v J. M. Shlvelv 4 4S .Undivid-'d half of N. 20 feet of S. 7u feet of lot 2. block 133. City of Astoria, as :aid out and recorded bv J. M. Shively 4 49 Cndivldtd half of lot 1. block 134 City of Astoria as laid out and re corded by J. M. Shively 29 46 ...Commencing at a point on N. side f Commercial street ISo feet -V if SW. corner of lot 5. block 135, thenc N. 75 feet, thence E. 50 feet. thence S. To feet to a point SO feet N. of NE. corner of said lot 5, lhene. W. 50 feet to beginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 5S 92 Undivided onixth of lot 1. block 135. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively .... 9 S2 .Undivided one-sixth of lot 1. block 135, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively... 9S I ndivided one-sixth of lot 1, block 135. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded bv J. M. Shively .. 9 8 Undivided one-sixth of lot 1, block 135. Ci'y of Astoria, as laid out anil recorded by J. M. Shively ... 9 S Undivided on-slxth of lot 1. block 133. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively ... 9 S: Undivided one-sixth of lot 1. block 135, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively ... 9 82 Dower Interest In above only. .West half of lot 5, block 134. City of Astoria, as laid out and record ed by J. M. Shively 29 46 Undivided ha!f of N. 20 feet of S. 70 feet of lot 1. block 133, City of Astoria, as laid out and record ed by J. M. Shively 4 49 Undivided one-half of N. 20 feet of S. TO feet of lot 2. block 133. City of Astoria, as laid out aad recorded by J. M. Shively 4 49 Lot 3, block 133, City of Astoria, as- laid out and recorded by J. M. Shiv-ly 58 92 Lot 1. block 133, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 58 9 Commencing at a point on N. side of Commercial Street 1S5 feet N. of SW. corner of 'ot 6. block 135, thence N. T5 feet, thence E. 50 feet, thence S. 75 feet to a point CO feet N. of NE. corner of said lot 6. th.nce W. to place of be ginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shive ly 58 92 OREGON R'Y & NAVIGATION CO.. -Commencing at intersection of N. line of Water street (now Com mercial street) with the center line of W. Sixth (now Seventeenth street) thence W. along the N. line of said Water street to Its In tersection with the center line of W. Seventh street( now Sixteenth street) thence N. on the center line of said W. Seventh street. extended, to a point 260 feet N. of S. line of block 134, thence W. and parallel with S. boundary line of blocks 134 and 135 to the center line of W. Ninth streeU now Four teenth street) thence N. along the center line of W. Ninth street, ex tended, to Its Intersection with the S. side of the right of way of the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co., as located, then easterly along the south side of said right of way to Its Intersection with the center line of W. Sixth streetf now Seventeenth St.) extended north erly, thence south to place of be ginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded bv J. M. Shlvelv 389 52 OREGOJ. R'T & NAVIGATION CU... Commencing at a point, said point being1 the Intersection of the center line of W. Sixth street (now Sev enteenth street) extended northerly with the north line of the right of way of the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co., thence N to the Pl-r Head line, thence westerly along said Pier Head line to a point directly north of the center line of West Ninth street (now Fourteenth St.) .extended, thence south along said center line of West Ninth street, extended, to the north line of the right of way of the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co., thence southeasterly along the north llre of said right of way to the place of beginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 36 00 OREGON R'Y & NAVIGATION CO... North 53 feet of lot 1. block 133, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 3S 00 OREGON R'Y & NAVIGATION CO... North 55 feet of lot 2. block 133. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 38 00 O'BRIEN, THBREPA South 50 fest of lot 1, block 133, City of Astoria, as laid out and -eeorded by J. M. Shively 12 00 O'BRIEN, THERESA South 50 feet of lot 2. block 133. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 12 00 PARKER, C. L Undivided half of lot 6. block 134. City of Astoria, an laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 29 46 PARKER, C. L Commencing at a point on N. side of Commercial street 185 feet N. of SW. corner of lot 4, block 135, thence N. 75 feet, thence E. f-0 feet. thence S. 75 feet to a point 60 feet N. of NE. corner of said lot 4, thence W. 50 feet to place of be ginning, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 58 92 PARKER, H. B Commencing at a point on N. side of Commercial street 185 feet N. of SW. corner of lot 1, block 135, thence N. 75 feet, thence E. 50 feet, thenoe S. 75 feet to a point CO feet N. of NE. corner of said lot 1, thence W. 50 feet to place of beginning, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 58 9! SMITH. ALBERT Commencing at a point on N. side of Commercial street 185 feet N. of SW. corner of lot 3, block 135, thence N. 75 feet, thence E. 50 feet thence 8. 7a feet to a point 60 feet WHITE. J. W. ! jv. or JMi. corner or said lot 3, ' thence W. 50 feet to place of be ginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 29 46 SMITH, W. R Undivided half of the last above described tract 29 46 SMITH, L. G. K. Lot 4. block 135, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively .'. 68 92 STAPLES, M. D. Lot B, block 133. City of Astoria, a laid out and recorded by 3. M. Shivery 68 92 I WHITE, J. W. The following Is payable In Sth. 1901: CHASE, W. B. .'. Undivided half of lot I, block 1J4. , 0v of Astoria, as laid out and ' r recorded by J, M, Shively 39 4f I-"' S. block 1311, city of Astoria, ns lit tit out and recorded by J. M. Shively f. ,"" 5, M ........'omtnemttir nt it point on the N, hide of Commercial at root 1S& feet N. of SW. corner of lot J. block 133. theme N. 75 feet, thonoo IS. ,.0 foot, thence 8, 75 feet to a point H' feet N. of NE. corner of aald h't S. theme W. 50 feet to place of beKiniilng, City of sjtorln, ns laid out and recorded by J. M. Sliively gj 93 Commencing at n point on N. sldtt of Commercial street 1S5 feet N. of SW. corner of lot 5, block 134. I hence N. 7.1 feet, thence E. fill feet, t iicin-e S 75 feet to a point CO feet N. NK. coiner of mid lot 8, W. 50 feet to plnco of be. Kimiing. City of Astoria, ns laid out it ml recorded by J, M, Shively 58 9J Undivided half of. commencing at a i 'Int on N. side of Commer cial street 1S5 feet N. f SW. cor ner of lot 6, block 134. thence N, " f.vt. tlu-iico E. 50 feet, thence 75 f.-et to a point 60 fevt N, of NK. corner of said lot C. thence W. 50 feet to tlac of beginning. . "itv if Astoria, a laid out and iveoi.l.'d by J. M. Shively ;j 41 l.ot : Mock 133. t'lly of AstorlH. ii laid out and recorded by J, M." Sliively 5$ 94 Undivided half of, commencing m a point on N. side ( Commercial sueet 3 feet N. of SW. corner of lot K. Mock 13t. thence N. 75 fet. thence K. RO feet, tlieilcO fl. 75 feet to a point 60 feet N, of NE. corner of said lot C. thence W. 50 feet t, place of lHKlnnlng. City of Astoria, iw laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 9 46 Undivided half of lot 3. block 135, City of At. eila. as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 29 46 Undhlded quarter of lot 3. block 135. City f Astoria, ns laid out and record by J. M. Shlvelv... II 73 Undivided quarter of lot 3. block l'!5. City of Astoria. n laid out .in.l recorded by J. M. Shlwly.., 73 ('oiuiio iiclng at a point on N. side of l"'immTcl ll street 15 feet N. of SW. corner of lot 4. block 134. t hence N. 73 feet, thence E. R0 f.vt, r'e n.e S 73 feet to a point 60 feel N. of NE. cori-er of sal. I lot 4 thence W. 50 feet to plare of be. ginning, flty of Astoria, an laid out and recordd by J. M. Phlvely 58 92 Installments, the first Installment du March at n point on N. l of Cominer. clul atrial ISf. feet N. of HV. O'T iur of lot 2, block 134, (heme N, 75 foot, thenot. K. Ml foi't, t hello H, 73 feet t P"I'U W ft N. of NIC, coiner of wild lot 2. (hence W. 60 feet In place of beginning. City of Astoria, us laid out and record ed by J, M, Shively 14 73 WHITE. J. W. .'. Undivided quarter of lot !, block 134, City of Axlorta, us laid (Hit and recorded by J, M. HIilvHy... 14 71 WHITE, J. W Undivided quarter of lot S, Murk 134, City of Astoria, its laid out and recorded by J. M. Hlilvely.. . . 14 73 Hy order of the Common Council sf Dui City of Astoria. Oregon. II. K. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of A'tmla, Oregon. Astoria. Oregon, Feb, 23, 1IHH, ASSESSMENT NOTICE SEVENTEENTH STREET FROM IRVING AVENUE T JICUU.ME AVE NUE. J. M. SHI V ELY'S D. U C. Notice In hereby given that the anemeiit made by ordinance No. :'.sDof (he City nf Astoria, uivgoit, entitled "An ordinance coiiilrmliig special ae. nient roll No, 40, for thei Improvement of Sevi'ii'eentii street from the south line of Irving avenue to the north line of Jerome avenim approved Feb. 19, llM't. will be due and payable In United Hlutc gold coin nt the olllco of the city treasurer on March Mil, 11)01. and if tint so paid nt said time I lie Common Council will order warrants Issued for the collection of the same. The as. wssmeut Is as follow : HAHTll, lU'ltOLril i l.ot H, block (2, i lty f Axtoila. as I lid out bV J. M. Sliively 63 31 v'ANN, ARCHIBALD E Lot V. Murk 5.'. t'lty of Alorln. as laid out I y J, M Shively 120 00 I'-ri.TO.N, c. W ut B, block !:, Oty of Atorl. as laid out by J. M. Shively ( ji . Ut t, block i'Uv of Axtorln, as laid out by J. M Slihrly 120 CO l.ot II. bl'H'k 53, City of Antorla, as laid out by J. M Shively 61 31 . W, :5 feet of N. I'M) f, ,. of o J. block 33, nty of AloiU. us Ulj out by J M. Bhlvely 21 U The following Is payable In Installments, tho flint Installment duo March Mh, l'.mi: FULTON. C. W GILLETTE, MARY I. HANSEN. JIM WELCH, D. H WELCH. JAMES W. WELCH. JOHN W. . PARKER, F. L. R. P. N. INVESTMENT CO. R. P. N. INVESTMENT CO. STEWART. MABLE E. STEWART, MABLE E. STEWART, MABLE E. STEWART, MABLE E. WHITE, I. V. WHITE, I. V. WHITE. I. V. WHITE, X. V. WHITE, I. V , WHITE, IONE E. , WHITE, JAMES T. WHITE, JAMES T. WHITE, JAMES T. WHITE, JAMES T. WHITE, JAMES T. WHITE, J. W. Undivided quarter of lot 6. block 134. city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively.... 14 73 Undivided quarter of lot 6. block 134. City of Astoria, ns laid out niiil recorded bv J. M. Shively J4 73 Lot 5. 133, Cltv of Astoria, as laid i nt and reeirded by J, M Shively , tj S; Lot 6. bl.vk 135, city of Astoria, 11s laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively Ss 92 Undivided quarter of, commencing nt 1 point on N, side of Commer cial sitvet is:, f,.,.( x. ( Rv. ror- r of lot 1. block 134. thenc N. 7'. fe.-t, th-iiee E. 50 feet, 1 rente S. 7.'. fe-t to n point 60 feet N. of NK. corner of said lot 1, 1 h. nce W. 50 feet to place of be ginning, city of Astoria, ns laid out ainl recorded 1 v I M silvey 14 73 Undivided quarter of. commencing at a polt.t on N. side of dimmer tlal street R1 f-et N. of SW. cor ner of lot 2. block 134. thenc N. T5 feet, thence E. 50 feet, thence S. 75 feet to a point 60 feet N. Of S'K. coin.r of said lot 2. thence W. 50 fe.-t to place of beginning, city of Astoria, ns laid out nnd r-ford.'d bv J. M. Shively 14 73 1 miivi.Pd quarter of lot 2. block 11:4. Cltv nt Aatorli Int. ..... - ' ...... uui , and recorded hy J. f. Shively ... H 73 1 miivi.lcq- quarter of lot 3, block 134, City -f Astoria, ns laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively.... 14 73 ' nuivnifci quarter of, commencing at a point oti N. side of Commer (U street 185 feet N', nf ev err. mr of t 3. bl.vk 134. thenc N. 75 f.-.. thene- E. 30 feet, tht-nce S, "5 feet to a point 60 feet N. of NE corner f mi lot 3. thence W. 50 feet to place of beginning. Cltv ef Astoria, as laid out and recorded by. J. M. Shively 14 73 ' iiuiviueii quarter of the ,ist iijtove described tract 14 73 1 noivniei) quarter of, commencing at a point on N. side of Cnmmer Hal street 1S5 f.-et N. of SW. cor ier of lot 1. block 134, th'-noe N. f'-et, thence E r,0 feet, tlnC S. 73 feet t a pnt 50 north of NE. corner of nald .,( 1, thence W. 50 f.-et to place nf beginning. City of Astoria, as 'laid out and recorded t,y j m shively 14 73 Undivided quarter of. commencing at a point on N. side of Commer cial street 1S5 eet N. of SW. cor ner of lot 2, block 134. thence N. 5 feet, tl-m e E. 50 feet, thence S. 75 feet to a point 60 feet N. of NE. corner of said lot 2, thence W. ;,0 feet to place of beginning, city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 14 73 Undivided quarter of lot 2. block 134. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 14 73 J ndivided quarter of lot 3, block 1-4 City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively.... 14 73 Dower Interest only In last five describe, !.fH ari(j (ra,.fBi ' ndivided quarter of lot 2. block 134. city of Astoria, as laid out and record d by J. M. Rhlvely.... 14 73 ' "divide I quarter of lot 3, block l"l. city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded bv J. M. Shively.... 14 73 '-ndivided quarter of, commencing at a point on N. side of Commer cial street is:, feet N. of HW. cor ner of lot l, work 134. thence N. 7; fi t, thence 50 feet, thence S. 75 f..e to a point 60 feet N. of NE. corner f Hai,j ot j( thence W. 50 ft to ,,ia.. of beginning, City Of Astoria, ll H l.lld out (lnrl reeorrl. '-d bv J. M. Shively 14 ''ndivided quarter of, commencing at a point on N. side nf Commer cial strr-d. 185 feet " of SW. cor ner of lot 2. block 134, thence N. 75 f'--t. then,.,, k. no feet, thence 8. feet to a point CO feet N. of NE. corner of said lot 2, thence W. .0 fr?-t to place 0 beginning, City of Astoria, as laid nut and record- ''d by .1. M. Shively 14 Undivided quarter of, commencing at a point on N. side of Commer cial street 185 feet N. of SW, cor ner of p,t 3, block 134, thence N. feet, thence E. 50 feet, thence H. 7j feet to a point 60 feet N. of Jk- corner of said lot 3, thence W. 50 f-.-et to nl.'iee nf KeoHnnlno- City of Astoria, as laid out and recofded by J. M. Shively U .Undivided quarter of the last ....E. 25 fee of N, I'M) feet and 8. 50 feet of lot 2, blo. k 63. City of Astoria, as laid out by J, M. Shively 43 10 .. 1. block 53. City of Astoria, as laid out by J, M Shively 147 73 ...Lot 12. block 53. City of Astoria, as laid out by J. ,M. Shively 75 00 Hy order tf the Common Council Of the City of Astoria. Oregon. II E. N !.:!.( Auditor and Police Judge of the City of A'lyrls. Oregon. Astoria. Oregon, Feb. 23, 1901. 49 73 i 73 above described tract ' 14 73 .undivided quarter of, commencing at a point on N. side of Commer cial street 1S5 feet N. of SW. cor ner of lot 1., block 134, thence N. 75 feet, thenoe E. 60 feet, thence H. 75 feet to a point 60 feet N. of NH. corner of said lot 1, thence w. 50 feet to place of beginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively ll 73 .undivided quarter of, commencing ASSESSMENT NOTICE ELEVENTH STREET FROM FRANKLIN AVENUE TO HAHItlN AVE NUE. MC LURE'S. Notice is hereby given that the assessment made by ordinance No 2511 of the City of Astoria. Oregon, entitled "An ordinance confirming social as s. sMiieni roll No. 39. for the Improvement of Ei.nenth street from south tins of tranklln avenue to north line of Harrison avenue, approved Feb is loi will be. due and payable In United Slates gold c..ti at the oltlce of the ct treasurer on March 8th. 1901. and If not so paid t said tl,,,,, n,e Common Council will order warrants Issued for Un collection of the &m The merit Is as follows: ' assess. A. V. ALLEN l,,t 1, blm k 70. It, th, Town of As torlo, as laid out by John Mc Clure .t ., VIRGINIA E. FULTON Lot 2. block TO. In the Town'of' A'sl toria. as laid out bv John .Me. dure CEO. C. FLAVEL U.t 3. To. In the Town of As torla. as laid not i.v t,,i... v-. 1 ' " "v H. F. TUCKER U,t j2. bi,'K k 70, "in'VheTown ' of Astoria, an laid out bv John M... Clure V1UOINIA E. FULTON Lot . Mod, 7.). I the" Town f Astoria, as laid out t,y jlirill ,it.. Clure C. H. PAOE I.t 14. Mock 70. In' Vhe' Town of rtsioria, as 1111.1 out by Juhir Mc 'lure r,ral iiiMiiiiMHAn UlluriCJI... l.ot 1. block 91. In the Town nt Astoria, ns laid out by John Mc- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH... iJ.", WitVkM. In ' i'he Town'" of " " Astoria, as laid out bv John f Clure ' ALI1ERTINE JENSEN I 34 6 26 6 26 I 34 27 11 I 24 6 25 6 25 Lot 8. blmk 91. In the T,..n' v Astoria, as laid out by Job m Xfc. Clure I-:. Hi LA N D Lot 12. block 91, In the Town of Astorln, as laid out by John Mc t mm MARY C. FLAVEL Undivided half ofT. ' blink si. in the Town of Astoria, as laid ,.. by John McClure 417 NELLIE FLAVEL Undivided one-slxth of ioi 13 block 91, In the Town of Astoria' ,,, ,, " laid out by John McClure.... ' 1 IS KATIE FLAVEI Undlvld-M one-slxth of lot block l, In the Town of A.torin' cfo r rrAVPt laid out by John MoCiur.......' i ' (.EO. C. FLA v EL Undivided une-slxth nf lot 13, mocK di, m trie Town of Astoria. ,.. - .,rt,. '"Id out by John McClure i sj MARY C. FLAVEL Undivided half of lot H, block 91, III the Town of Astorln. as laid VFTTTr- vi UTT V,,"llb'.J"nn M'1're 13 85 NELLIE FLA V EL Undivided nne-slxth of lot 14 Mock HI, In the Town of Astoria' As Ifiiil nn, hw fnkn rA-.t.... ' . KATIE FLAVEI VnAlvld k ".V Mnrk 91. In Town of Antorin UN IhIiI nut Utr Tfiltn fm..u ' UEO. C. FLAVEL Un.llu ,l,5 i-.L : " '.V " block 91. In the Town of A.tAet. as laid dit by John McClure .' 4 jj -IM 8. block 71, In the Town of Astoria, as laid out by John Me. 1 lure J. E. FERGUSON J. W. SUPRENANT 0. 4, block 71. In (he To.n "r.r flsinnn, as laid out by John Mc ( lure 10 42 WINGATE Ilt 5. block'a'in "theTmvn'of wiioria, as laid out by John Mc Clure 81 29 ievf.easfe7 ' " ,.... '-"t , block 71. In the Town of Astoria, as laid out by John Mc- VIOLA F. KANT rlt 'bVnrkMVVnV'Tnwn of M" Astoria, as laid out by John Mc Clure .... J. II. MANS ELL 4. Mock W.'Vn "the' Town of " nun m, as loia out by John Mc- MARY HANSON HERMAN WISE Clure .Lot 5 block 90. In the Town'nf Astorln, ns laid out by John Mc (lure 81 29 81 29 10 41 I'"t . Mock 90. In the Astoria, as laid out by John Mc Clure By order of the Common Council of the City of Astoria.' Oregon.'"' IT 13 MPt onv AJ'Jj; aml I,0,!ce Jur,Kc f 'he City of Astoria, Oregon. Astoria, Oregon, Feb. 23, 1901. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 221. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Car Will Receive SpedaJ Attention. No. SSI Duane St, W. j, COOK. Mrr Astoria, Or. Res. TeL IVtL J. A. FASTABEND CENER4L1C0NTRACT0R AND BUILDER GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. Office of C, Q. M., Vancouver Bar, racks, Wash., February 12. 1901. Sea), ed proposals. In triplicate, will be re ceived here until ll o'clock a. m, March 12. 1901, and then opened, for furnlahlng fuel at the several military posts In this department, and at Camp at Bkagway, Alanka, and at Fort Llscum (Port Valdez). Alaska, for flsj cal year commencing; July let, 190L In. formation furnished here or by quar termasters at posts, u. S. reserves right to reject or accept any ar all proposals or any part thereof, En velopes containing proposal! ehould be marked: "Proposals for fuel at anil aildrpimen' to iinawlma r nr Jacobs, C. Q. M. '