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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1901)
NOTION Books, Periodicals, Mapjazlrtea, &c, fire Not to be Taken FromlThe Library without permission. .Aity .ncl utility of suchiffniaa, A KXy o will bo liable toprosecuw". 0 VOL. LIU ASTOKIA, OKfifiON, WCI)XE-I)AY, MAKCH 6. 1901. 0. 36 The Superior Ranges ARE . ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL WHO HAVE ISED THEM TO BE WITHOUT FAULT Fop Sale in Astoria Only by the ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. AHTOUIA, OltBOOIS Book Bargaitis win ci.-tii Houmi iHu, cckhI e3 $rt S1 Titli-H, ltiii.IinKnnl AuUkim. . . . IOk itpl Just the Kind for These Long Winter Evenings Fivi'A'ohiin' Sets of Kipling, HuwII.HoliiuHjIcnty.McaJo Cl 71 PpP Spt und other good uuthois .... vltl J I vl Oll GRIFFIN & REED AMERICAN BISCUIT COMPANY'S Macaroons Walnut Creams, Arrowroot, High Teas, And Many Others, Fresh and Crisp. RALSTON'S HEALTH FOODS, HL. VARIETIES " FISHER'S BEST " CORVAUIS FLOUR CHASE 6 SANBORN'S FINE COFFEES ROSS, HIGGINS & CO Fishing Supplies... Headquarters LOWEST PRICES. Foard 8 Stokes Co. 431 BOND STREET. between Ninth .nd Tenth Streets TWO THINGS TO BE KEffEWBERED NAPOLEON Was the World's Leading General WE ARE Astoria's Leading House FOR .Stoves iand Ranges. W. J. Scully, C. J. TRENCHAR HOUSE COMMITTEE WILL COMEjllERE To Look Into Proposed River and Harbor Improvements. SENATE MAJORITY HELPLESS Defeat of River and Harbor Bill Excites Afl talloa for Amendment of Rule to at to Properly Limit Debate. WASHINGTON. .March S.-Ttie house commit i fn rivir and liuibor bxluy i tin 114 -J the iKiiil! "f two trip of In spection which lh-y will mnk. The Hi t Mill be id luvuriu. The. IIVMIlberS ulll lei Vf toiiiiiiiiw evening. I" Juic.' Ilo-y will make u trip to thi; Viu 111c I'l'iim, k ing rii'tt to Galveston and the i.tli-r gulf points, th-n mi to Is An U !. mil n.ittliAiii 1, vIhIiIiik all the IlillbolK .IK fur Ilnllll II l'ugt MOUtld. Commission. Brokerage, Insurance and Shaping:. - Custom House Broker, . ASTORIA, ORE Ateat W. P. ACOm and Pacific Kxpre.s Co a. " LIVELY DERATE- IN SENATE. WASHINGTON, March &.-Wultc un U .lly i Hv -Ty 0 Uftt Win preelpi tat d biluv .it the (lint IiiimW se- sbm of id.' i"!imt it the t"lh congrehs I'lutt. "f i ' u!. offered a. i aimnd- nuiit to i In- iuI.n to limit debate It) lh'- tiaie. I Cm proponent bud tin pur in to provoke . dlrfeiisnloit upon It today hut le'lMtorS eXplVfSod t h i r l-wa In tin uncertain term. Ma-n-iii, f Ililn. In. thought It did nut K" far i-ikiuk1) mill give tl- if an iiiii' nil'J'.ftit under which he b-Kl the itin I It v would nt b- unjtr the cn trnl i f '.In- minority. Referring to th il'-f-ttt rf the rivr mul IwiiIxT bill In the oliwintf h'urs of th' M-Kif,i JuHt fXpirH. he ihvlurtM the muJ'Ttty a hll'M to jrrv'nt the il.ffjt of the m ai'un'. Thu auvnUtm nt ht wi.uU ir-Jin'. he auld, waa modl- flialhin i.f thf It-i-d ruteii of the hoiw- of ri-prinii)ttlvK. He iwll his uiix'nij- rm-i t -.vnul l i-nihl- the (itimmltlon . to have nmpie time fr Ita dlwiiHitlun but limited the Um,r f d-bnt! to HVr The lit.-ii'w raili1 imwlx-m f the en- ie hill an Informal eonr.-rem-e aiTiT the .iilJiHiniiD.'.it "f the Henaie tmlay. Trv-re wan a dlmusylon of the chture ninv.'ineiii In the tennte ami there'wns a nulhi'lenl exi'hanire of citili toiiuc thoe pr.B'tit to ritn'lude that the move vvoiil t be fouitht t' the end of the fl.'ii. The c'lnferi'ive wn attended by Sii- ntorH riitfrin, Dubois, liarrw. iui- ner mi I H'-ltX-ld. a'.l of whom hcreto foie )ve aiH-d with ellh r the Silver U imblieaoa or Populltrta. Tiiictlon iind Wlirtrlc (Vmjmny; rhalr- iii in of the Haltlmore, r'tiecaiK-uke arid Atlontlc rttllroail Corniiany; 'vrvtary and director of the Iirooklyn fooprai (ihr-:inv. Hnrnru" Electric ('oiTipuny, Terminal Warehouae and Ifirlvernal IimI I riK t'oiTipany; trut'e of the ArnT- Icm Ijepoutt and Ian Company. American f-curlty CVmpany, Itrimklyn fi,tltute tit Art and 8cl'nc'-K, Kiulta- ble flf.j AHHurance H'xlety, People' Truat Compciny, of Ilrofiklyn, T-rmlnal Improvetnerit Company and M'-rcantlle Truct (mInyl and a memb'T of the fwyero' Club and' fxwn Twn Anwi-clatton. Hearlin wn. the treasurer of the American Hua;ar P.eflrilnif f.oiiiriny un til a few yearn aifo am president of the Wcnt?rn National Hank of thin rlly. In hla lat-t and m"Ht Import ant ent'-Tprife, the American fotton c'otiipany. he waa aaaoclated with Unit ed SU'.ei Senator Jonea, of Arkftnaaa. The litter oompuny cartiea a iatfi)t for cotton comnning and la aald to hove done a proHperoua busln-r. The announevnnent of Scarlin' finan cial emburraimient aa not a aurprlae In Win klnic circles. Healdea the fine aummr home at nl'H Uiy, near the h'nien of -x-I'realdent Cleveland nnd J.m- i.h J.-ffer-aoti. Pearle bad alsKi a fine town ret,l-d-m e In Hr'xiklyn. Edward PwlKht. ai-nlKne of .S-arla, n.ild tonight: "I am now making a cnr-ful -sanil-nallon of rje.res' affalrx and a ataie met.t of hla o. ta and llablllti'- will lie prepirel at once and aubmltted to hln crediiora. r have no oiher atatt llielil to ninke at ireKnt." r'liarln R. Hufflwa, of the couniH for the a"ilKnee, eald: "K-arlii' uji.ta are believed to be lai K-ly 111 exec of hia llablliti'-a. "The aitlgniii-nt In no way aff-rtB the American Cotton Company, or any othr corporation with which Sarls la connected." The Journal of Commerce tomorrow will Hay: The eKtimatc of Hearlin' llabllllle are anywhere from l,fi.000 to 12.000.000. lie was iceiwra'.ly n-garded heretofore a worth aeveral mllllona. ORDERS ISSUED TO STOP RECRUITING -." British Think Many Men as They Require. .iCM nnd"r the acat and oouid not be removed for some minutes, While other iwFlkeinfn were struggling and fight Ith other IrUhmen who stixd up brftru'.-ted the paaae of the police to Crean'a seat.. Ttie Nationalise fought and atrug I ft I U tiaiuil nil iUfc . ! perloi fore- of the police succeeded In drugging i rear, out uy me iris arrnn and .a-rying him down the fbxir of the hou.'e. The police then returned and carried out each of the remaining i : . - . . I. minnpr HiT . I re'iui iiraoiv - DE WET PROVES 00 SPEEDY m.U-emen .uniced for each member with the exception of Havln, who la a big man arid required eight. Many as th.v wpre h-lne carried out waved their hands en I shouted "Ood save Ire land." The troubles aroae through Iiilfour c1ourliig the whole education estimates wife at gl'ng i.i tpportunlty to dis- c-uaa th irUh votes. CHINA UNABLE5T0 MEET DEMANDS Excessive Indemnities Sought Would Destroy Dynasty. AMERICA IRGES MODERATION Believed That Boers Will Recover From Re ccdI Rout la Few Dayi-Bardei os Eo(lish Taipayeri Math Increased. follcy of Russia Tbrealeos Renewed Troubles Chinese Government Appeals Is Powers for Help Af a lost Its ' False Friend.. LONDON. March 5. The war office has laaue'l orders afniplng the recruit ing of yeomanry, on the ground taat the government already has a many men aa are requlrd. DK WET TOO SWIFT. COLESIiCKO. March 5.-The blam. for Oem-ial De Wet's ewaj- is placed on the ytem rather than on the com mand" -r purnulng him. It hts oeen .m poaaible to direc t the operations by tel- eeranh and the feeling la that greater diacretlon nhoulJ te ntlowed command ers in the. ft..'ld. fieneral De Wet marched five miles fatti than the awlfteat Iirltiah col umn. Although the Boers are now de- morallZ'd, it Is believed they will quick ly reciver If they have a few days' reat. It MONTANA DEADlvTM'K. la thJ Oeneral Opinion That There Wilt Be No Election. HELENA, Mont.. Mar'4i 5. The ses sion of the Montana legiaktture will expire at midnight ThureJuy and as yet there la no brtik In the senatorial deadliKk. Thom ia iVirter received the solid Kepubltcan vote. H. L. Frank of Uutle. has th hlgh'vt fusion vote. with W. G. Conr.ul. of Great Falls, second. Four or five others receive a few vot each. The general opinion Is that there will be no election. STILL GUKATEK MEBGERS. deortfe Gould ITrtllcts Mire Kailroad Combinations. ME.VlHW, Tenn,, Marrth 5. Presi dent Georgo Gould, of the AllKSourt lB- rlllc "ystem, -"Hit toilay here, inspecH- Ing the term.ual fnclllties of the Iron Mountain mod. Mr. Gould auld: "The eoiiHolidatlng tendency will be alive for some time yet. I predict other and greater mergers than have yet tak en place. As to thu effect or such a concentration of Int MveUs. i believe tbe nubile will be benefited thereby. A community of intercuts among the rail- rivuls I desirable primarily for the reason tha.t a uniform and e(iilt:iule business basis can be maintained. All shippers will thn be uin un eiU-l footing." . (iliKAT NEW YORK FAILURE. hn E. Peailes, a Well-Known Mlll loiifUre .and Trust Mngnate, .Maktti Assignment. NEW YORK, March 5. John E. Searles. a well-known financier and at present In the gvneral corporation nnd financial business, made an alignment to Edward F. Dwlgbt today for the benelit of his creditors. Scniies la the president of the Ameri can Cotton company, iype rwumien Compnny and Hyatt Roller Bearing Company. H? was president snd gen eral mnnnger of the Minneapolis and St. Louis Rillroad Cornvny, the Inter national Trust Company and Union ATTACKED BT INSURGENTS. Three Americana Belonging to Signal Corps Detachment Were Killed. MILITARY MEN HOPEFUL NEW YORK. March 5. Boer war ntwi continues favorable, says ine Tribune's London correspondent, and the solrits of the ministerial followers are riMlnir. Not onlv Is General French clearhig the eastern district of the Transvaal, but General De Wet has been headed off In one direction and Is belnr closely followed toward Faure smith, so his capture can be effected The surrender of Generals Botha and TVlarev wt'l follow raddly. This, at least. Is the opinion of London military men who are now more confident In their forecasts than they have been dur Ing the recent months. It Is rumored In parliament that Sir Michael Hicks-Beach has two budg ets In preparation one adapted for the close of hostilities, and the other for an Indefinite continuance of the present condition of guerrilla warfare. One rs believed to be much more favorable than the other to the taxpayers, but each is reported to Involve consider able widening of the area of Indirect taxation. WASHINGTON LEGISLATURE. Fish Trap Fight Ends in Decided Vic tory for Trap Men. LONDON PRESS -COMMENT. Thini XAAroa of McKlnley hnows America Recognises Outcome tt I.ONOON. March S. Commenting up on the address of William McKlnlry the Dally Chronicle remarks: 'Time in Its progress creates burden f,.r u .ii Tn Ignore them Is not to annul them. America, definitely, thougn perhaps unconsciously, embarked on an rTf.anidonis nolicv when she declared war with Soain. Today she only re coa-nteel. through the mouth of her orcsident. the logical outcome of her own act." The Morning Post: "The sLlendiii commercial status . . - . a. V. ma a rn4 net Id Achieved during me nun j. - a resu't memorable at any time, but . .irnai hocaime It seems to oromis? still greater advantage for na tional Indistrv in the near future "If he succeeded in Inducing the Re publican party to regard the control of annexed ra?l'ns like Porto Kleo or pro tected lands like Cuba as someUilng ouMide the ordinary conflict of party he will have laid a good foundation for the exercise of that Influence which laturailv belongs to a nation so pow erful and so Intelligent as the Ameri can republic. The sonorous phrases in which this is urgd upon them is aa .nlrably chosen to attract the popular support." WILCOX ENLIGHTENED. Expansion. Inaugural Parade Gives. Hawaiian an Id.. of America s Greatness. MANILA. March . A wagon and detachment of the signal corps, to gether with six Macabebee scouts, were attacked by irotnrgents about midway between the town of Sllang and Das Marinas, in Cnvlle. Three Americans were killed and two Macabebee scouts wounded while -one man Is mls.slng. Four h irjes and one mule were killed. BOOK BY DREYFUS. He Has Written Story of His Impris onment am Devil's IsUnd. PARIS, March 5. Alfred Dreyfus re- to Switierland today after a stop In Paris during which he correct ed the proofs of the book he has com pleted entitled "Five Years of My Lite." dealing with his imprisonment On Dev il's Island. CATTAIN COMMISSIONED. R. D. Evans and H. C. Taylor Kear-Admlrals. Made WASHINGTON, March 5. Captains R. D. Evans and H. C. Ttylor, having been advanced Ave numbers for ser vice at the battle of Santiago, were commissioned as rear-admirals, to date from February 11, last. DONATION TO VASSAtt. POUGHKEEPSIE. N. V.. March 5 John' D. Rix-k?feller has given $110,000 to Vassar College for a new dormitory. OLYMPIA. March 5. The senate this afternoon Indefinitely postponed the bid to create a new county out of portions of Yakima and Klickitat counties, to be called Riverside county. The Gunderson bill passed the house this afternoon bv a vote of 47 to 29. It Is believed that the bill will go through the senate by a close vote. The best ouinlon here seems to be that. Gover nor Rogers will veto it. The biU pro vides that at the expiration of the pres ent contract between the West Land Comoany and the state there shall be no more state uniformity of text books but that the cities which maintain high schools and the counties shall be p'r mined to select tluir own books. The senate today passed the Seho- lleld bill for the establishment of a new normal school at Montesano. The fish tr:.p tight, which has been in existence almost since the opening of the present session of the legisla ture, came to a head In the house this afternoon and resulted in a decided vic tory for the Pacific American fisner les Company, the Alaska Packers As sociation and others who were opposed to having the measurement of the depth in which traps may be located changed from low to high tides. The house today reconsidered and passed Tuckett's bill fixing three cents a mile as the maximum rate to be charged on all the railroads In the state. NEW YORK. March 5. Kooert v Wilcox, the delegate from Hawaii ana . . t ..... I In a a native Hawaiian, is muju-u ... Washington special to the World as savine of the Inaugural ceremonies: The Inauguration of President Mc- Kinlev was one of the grandest pa8e" nnts I have ever witnessed. I had no idea, of the astness of the United States until I saw the Inaugural parade today. I was told that the troops In line only represented a small portion of those ,. .iiM he commanded If neces sary. rvarvv-hor there was evidence of the strength of the American govern ment. I am exceedingly glad to have seen such a sight and shall remember It as long as I live. I was told that the rain had Interfered with some ar- tangements. It was splendid enough as It was." Delegate Wilcox Is accustomed to th. court ceremony of Italy, where he ivu educated, and also to the ceremonials nf the klne of Hawaii, whose trusted adviser, he was. NEW RECORD MADE. Payment on Purchase of Southern Pa cific Made Stir at the Clearing House. WASHINGTON. March 5.-Such re ports as reach here from Pekln Indi cate that the total Indemnities demand ed by the powers will reach a sum be yrnd the ability of China to pay. Spec ial United States Commlsnloner Rock- hill is doing all he can to restrain the demands of th powers to a sum total that will be within the ability of ths Chinese government to meet without the destruction of the dynasty and n upheaval that would result In the loss of much territory by China. BOXER ACTIVITY. . BERLIN. March 5. Count Von Wal- ders'e has ordered troops to occupy Chan Ting, 35 kilos north of Pekln. wher the Boxers are active. MANDARINS TO BE PUNISHED. FAP.IS. March S.-At a cabinet coun cil held today, the foreign minister, M. Delcasse. announced that all mandar ins guilty of crimes at Pekln would be punished. Tao decrees provided for by the ninth article of the collective nets had been promulgated, enumerating the punishments pronounced and ordering the suppression of examinations In th prjv'.nces where the anti-foreign out rages had occurred. CHINA WANTS INTERPOSITION. T.nvnoV March 5. "Russia, havln demanded a prompt ratification of ths Manchurian . agreement ,.by wnperor Kwanc Hsu. the Chinese government wired its ministers abroad asking for interposition." says the, Pekln corres pondent of the Morning Post, ureal. . Rritain. Germany, Austria-Hungary and Japan have threatened to take ac tion against Chir.a if she permits us siVs dictation. "The Washington government, whlclt is the. most frlenitiy to uussia, may persuade her to forego a protectorate over Manchuria as a preventive of en croachments by other powers leadinff to the disintegration tt China. LIEUTENANT FOUND DEAD. i New Y'orker Had One Spree Too Many In San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, March 5. Walter K Stewirt Ir.. of New York, ana tor- merly second lieutenant .of the Third . infantry, was found dead In a public sauare this morning. He had been drinking heavily. INDIANA LEGISLATURE. House Adopted Joint Resolution in Fa vor of Woman's Suffrage. INDIANAPOLIS. March 5. By ' a vote of 5i to 35, the lower house of the Indiana legislature today adopted a joint resolution for a constitutional agreement providing for woman's Suf frage in this stale. REMOVAL SALE Cottimeticlng Motidny, February 4, Wo shall make the following pricos; Iron Beds wltH brass knobs $3.00 Iron Beds witti full brass roll 6.00 Extension Tables. S4.SO and up Our Combination tok Cases anil Writing I)csk wo niako a 20 per cent discount from regular prices. Par lor Chairs Reduced in price. On Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Window Shades, we give 10 per ceiit from regular prices, winch includes, Sewing, Laying and Paper. CHARLES HEILB0RN & SON POLICE CALLED IN. Exciting Time in British House Commons This Morning. of LONDON, March 6. In the" house of commons after midnight Balfour ap plied the closure on education esti mates. The Nationalists shouted "Gag" and refused to leave the house when division was taken. . The speaker then named sixteen re calcitrants and Balfour moved their suspension. This was agreed to with out division. The speaker ordered them to withdraw but they refused amid great uproar. At this a num ber of offlcers and policemen entered to enforce removal. Eugene Crean, member for southeast Cork, struggled desperately agalnot re move' and there was quite a free fight on the floor, lasting five minutes, othor Irishmen assisting him. He stuck his NEW YORK. March 5. Aggregate balances of $21,570,33$ made a new rec ord at the clearing house today. The highest previous day's balances weiv K'O,0S3.033 on January last.- A call by Kuhn, Loeb & Co. for fifty per cCit of the money in the purchase of South ern Pacific stock by the Unid) Pacific was the occasion for the movtmeiit. The cull for fifty pjr cent of the South ern Pacific payment required upwards of $20,000,000. . ' NEBRASKA DEADLOCK. LINCOLN. Neb.. March 5. The vote on the United States senator today re sulted us follows: Allen, fusior. i Hitchcock. 22; W. H. Thompson, 8; beige. 44; D. E. Thompson, Republican, 3i; Crounz, 7; Currte, 12; Meiklejohn, 3u; Illnschaw, 1.1; Rosewnter. 15; scattering, 20. TRAINING SHIP MOHICAN. Starts on a Cruise and Will Visit Many F'acirlc Coast Ports. SAN FRANCISCO. March 5. The training ship Mohican sailed today for San Diego, and will later continue to Magdalepa bay for gun practice. Re turning to San Diego, the Mohican will then sail for Honolulu for a brief so journ, returning to the coast at Puget sound and Jater coming to San Fran cisco. On board the Mohican are 25 landsman whj have already received considerable training In naval tactics. and will upon this occasion get their first taste of the sea. INAUGURAL FIREWORKS. WASHINGTON, March 5. The In augural difpliy of fireworks postponed trom 1 ist night on account of the In clement weather took place tonight. HIGHEST TREASURY RESERVE. WASHINGTON March u. Ths amount of gross gold In the treasury today was $0,412.153, the highest poh ever reached In the history of the gov ernment. " AT THE WHITE HOUSE. WASHINGTON, March 5. ThJ was a day of much handshaking and little busings ul the White House. BODY WASHED ASHORE. Chinese Sailor From the Grew of the Rio de Janeiro. SAN FRANCISCO, March 5. The body of a Chinese sailor, undoubtedly one of the craw of the Rio de Janeiro, has been picked up on the Marin coun ty side of the bay. It Is expected that other bodies will soon drift ashore. Wal- WHEAT MARKET. PORTLAND, March 5. Wheat, l.i Walla, 55'.'6. SAN FRANCISCO, March 5. Wheat, May, 5S; cash, 9s. r-iTTrvvnn Xfarch 5 Wheat V;r opening! 75V4Cm5: closing, W(fK. LIVERPOOL; March S. Wheat, July, 5a. H1.