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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1901)
THE MOKMNT. ASTOKIAN, SATIKDAY. MAKCH 2. 1901. II: a 1 . ! S 11 CLEAR COMPLEXION SOFT WHITE HANDS LUXURIANT HAIR PRODUCED BY CUTICURA SOAP. MILLIONS Of WOMEN ISK CCTICTTRA 80AI assisted by COTKTW OnmilWT, for KT7 1' PurfylDK, nil beautifying the skin, for cleansing the i-lp,anl tte stopping S. STi i? 2r' for 'fDJnR. whIWnlBK, nl hewing red, rough, and or bind, for lib? "nes. ltctilngs, and chafing, and for all the purposes cf the toilet, batb, and nurwrr. In ifi nn,ylnr IrrttaUon. Inflammation., and excoriations, or too free or offerile nie8 lor uireraure weaknesses, and for manr sanatlre antiseptic pur. pojei i wlilfh suggest themselTO to women, especially mother. 'No other mtdicnttd soap infh S0"1? k i " ,or Pre,rTln. purifying, and beautlfrtng the skin, walp, hair. and hands. No other foreign or domestic toild soap to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, ami nursery. Thus It combine in Onb Soar at OSK Prick. I.ii S'V.Vl. BKSJ kl? n1 c,,mPlexlon op, the war toilet and baby toap In Urn world. Sold throughout th world. PALACE RENOVATION. Improvements Will Re Male During Absence of English Royalty. XEW YORK. March l.-Kin Ed ward Is not expected to return to Lon don before Monday or Tuesday, siys the Tribune's correspondent. Hi will continue to occupy Marlborough House until various changes and Improve ments In Buckingham Palace are com pleted. The alterations wl'l be exten sive, and while the gloomy exterior Is beyond redemption, the Interior will be made more comfortable and artistic. The course of repairs and decorations will be ordered by the board of works, but Queen Alexandra's taste wl'll be consulted at ever turn. Marlborough House will be thorough ly renovated during absence of the Duke of Cornwall In the colonies, An other palace which will be repaired 'and re-decorated on an extensive scale Is Clarence House, St. James, where the Duke end Duchess of Connaught have their permanent London home, ' "Tit functions will be resumed next week and several delegations will be received 'n state. Court officials are favoring changes which will supp'y fresh touches of color in the ceremon lals. One suggestion is that the offi cers of the yeomen of the guard shall wear the p'nk uniform with plumed hats which was used during the per iod of the Stewart Kings, the red cos tume with purple and gold stripes re malnlng unchanged for the men. KIDNAPPING CAPITAL OFFENSE. Law Passed by Texas Senate and Will Probably Pass House. CHICAGO, March 1. A special to the Record from Austin, Tex., says: The state senate passed finally the bill making kidnapping a capital offense. The bill will go Immediately to the house, where it will probably be pasesd without opposition. MUST WEAR THEIR UNIFORMS. Diitifch Officers Will Be Compelled to Abandon Civil Dress for Public Wear. XEW YORK, March 1. A dispatch to the Herald from London says: Society parade grounds in London will be much brightened soon by rea- PITY AND BEAUTY The most beautiful thing, in the world, is the baby, all dimples and joy. The most pitiful thing is that same baby, thin and in pain. The dimples and joy have gone, and left hollows and fear. It is fat that is gone; gone with it, comfort and color and curve ; all but pity and love. The little one gets no fat from her food : has had none for weeks : she is . living, on what she had stored in that plump little body of hers. She is starving for fat ;' it is death ; be quick 1 Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil is the at she can take. It will save her. Wt'll tend yoa a little to try if yoa like. SCOTT &B0WNE, 409 Pearl ttreet, New York, sn ot tne toriiico:nng armv order tl .lt nil oilyers sh.ill dress in u.iiform in:-i-a 1 of mufti in public, just like privates. This is the great topic of conversa tion In smart ss.-!ety at present. The order comts into force In April 2. It ordains that all army officers wear their uniforms in public aiut at theaters and places of entertainment as well. This appii.s t-1 ill household regiments, ft. 'uguards and ,-avalry. It cannot be sail that this order is at all popular. It Is generally thought that it has been Drought about by the instigation of th? kaiser, when he was over here. It do.s not mean, of course, that the officers will always have to appear in scarlrt or will have to wear their long LralJel frock coats and neaked cap?. It is unilerstool that the whole thing is supposed, to be an incentive to re cru'l'nff. Eirl Roberts and the king have had many long discussions on the subject. PREAKEP. ROYS ON STRIKE, Demand for Increase of Ten Cents Per Dav Thr.iws 700 Men Out of Work. WILKESBARRE. Pa.. March l.-The hrj;'k-r boys employed at Xo. 0 and Xo. 7 coili-ris of the Susquehanna Coal Co. at X-intlok". last night resolved t 1 go on strike until the company granted tht-m an increase of ten cents a day in wags. The demand was ma le some time ago. Yesterday was ay dny and the boys claim that what the company save them .was an in crease of t-n per cert but not ten cents a day. The failure of the boys to report for work will throw both collieries idl and sevn hundred men will be out of work. KILLED IN ELEVATOR SHAFT. Horrible Death of a Chicago Hospital Xurse. CHICAUO. March l.-Mabel Preston, a nurse at th- .Michael Reese hospital j and the daught-r of a prominent phy- siclan in Mason, a., met a horrible d-ath in tie elvvator thaft on the fourth floor of the building last night. From a po?;;!',n on a raised platform the voung woman was looking over tn? wire netting into the shaft to see what was layii.g the car when the iron weights, weighing 700 pounds, des cended 011 h-r neck, almost severing her hr-ad from the body. WAR IN HAYTI. Continual Flphting Between Troops of Havtie:i Republic and San Do mingo. NEW YORK, March 1. A dispatch to the Journal an J Advertiser from Cape Haytien says: The situation on the frontier of Hayti and San Doming 1 is more serious. There Is fighting every night between the troops of the two countries and many soldiers have been killed. Both sides are massir.g troops, though all the talk is of a peaceable settle ment of the trouble. All Is fruict here and at Port Au Prince. NEW YORK COCK FIGHT. Three Hundred Persons Attended and Over $.'j0u Changed Hands. ELM IRA, X. Y., March 1. The big gest cocking main ever held In this state took place within a mile of the city limlta lst night. Three hundred persons were hi attendance. The main was for t"00 with -50 a special purse for each battle. New York and Buffalo birds contest ed and over $5000 changed hands. The main consisted of the best seven out of thirteen battles. Buffalo won seven and New York only two. UNIQUE DEFENSE. Man Who Looks Like Twin Brother of Alloyed Murderer Believed to He Guilty. NEW YORK, March l.-Attornoy Monro, of the counsel of Pr, Kennedy, whose second trial for the murder of Dolly Reyn Uls resulted in it disagree ment of the Jury, declare that he has found a man who looks like the twin brother of Pr, Kennedy and who was a friend of IMly Reynolds He said further: "I am of the opinion that this man wns with Polly Reynolds at the C.iand Hotel on the night of August 13, lsys. the date she was murdered. 1 do not want to b? understood us sarins that this man killed Polly Reynolds, but if he were to come to the front he could clear Pr. Kennedy of the charffe under which he now rests." The attorney further said that he had Informed District Attorney Phlibln of this fact and had furnished Mr. Phtlbin with the man's name, asking him to send for him. He added Mr. Phil bin told him that he did not wish to Interfere since he has placed the prose cution in the hands of Assistant Dis trict Attorney Mclntyre and nothing was done. PLENTY OP ENLISTMENTS. New Plans of the Navy Are Bringing In an Abundance of Men. Nr. W YORK, March of the Brooklyn navy yard are much en couraged by the number of enlistments now coming In from all p.irts of the country. Kear-Admirnl Henry 11. Tay lor, who while he has been, In command of the receiving ship Vermont has de vised many plans to increase the en I'stnui ts. said: mere is line danger mat tne navy will be very short of men In the near future. At the present the outlook Is bright. About two years ago the alarm was raised that the navy would soon be without men to man the different ships already In commission, much less the nc.v ones in process of construction. What might be termed the svare about lack of ra-Mi s noiv over. With the number of lew recruiting plans that have been trlej the navy has found new resources to draw from and there l.f little doubt that we will b? able to get enough men at all times." MORE OVERDPES. insurance on Ardnamurchan Advanced to 75 Per Cent, Has SAX FllAXCISCO. March. l'-The American shin John McDonald and the British ship Khorasan have been added to the list of vessels overdue at this port. The former is now out 166 days from Baltimore for San Frir,cK'0 and twenty per cent Is being paid to rein sure her. The Khorasan is 20 days out from Tampa for Yokohama and 15 per cnt is bing paid on her. The L'ertha and Cape Wrath ar still at ninety per cent, while the Ardna murchin, 8S days out from Fraser riwr for Liverpool, has reached 75 per c-nt. The Henry HackfiVM. 200 days out from Philadelphia for Xagasaki. is at 15 per cent. The Andrada is uninsur able, having b--en given up as lost. DI7VERY REFUSES HIS SALARY His Plan I? to Test Constitutionality of Xew Police Law. XEW YORK. March 1 Wm. 9. Dev ery, deputy commissioner of police, has refused to draw his salary. He declin ed to accept pay as chief of police from February 1 up to the day he was legis lated out of office, and he also de clined to accept pay as deputy commis sioner of police from the day he was legislated out of the chieftainship, up to March 1. This he did in accordance with his olan to test the constitutionality of the MW poce ,aw Th,g cours(, wM en,ereJ up0 wht.n he wajJ gWQrn ,n deputy commissioner of police and made a formal protest against being forced out of the chieftainship. TO BUY PUBLIC UTILITIES. Eastern Capitalists Will Make Heavy Investments at San Jose and Adjacent Towns. SAN FRANCISCO. March 1. Eastern capitalists are said to be figuring on an Investment of about $3,000,000 in sme of the oublic utilities of San Jcs and ... 1 - Pears' What is wanted of soap for the skin is to wash it clean and not hurt it. Pure soap does that. This is why we want pure soap; and when we say pure, we mean without alkali. Pears' is pure; no free alkali. There are a thou sand virtues of soap; this one is enough. You can trust a soap that has no biting alkali in it. All sorts of stores sell it, especially druggists; all sorts of people nse iL adjRc-Mtt town. Their purpow also Involves electric railroad exletw Ions on both stilee of the bay from Sun Jose to Alameda and Oak land and San Francisco. Among th members of the syndicate who hiv been looking over the groum are K. J. Ilrtyward, S. P, Thompson and K. U Atti rl'ilry. of New York; J I.. RlackwcU and P. 1.. Matthews, of lUlllmoro. and U. tl. Hnnford of this city. When asked about the mailer J II. Ileii'x. ptvsld-nt of the San Jose and Stnta Clara Street Car Company said. "For some time a plan has Imvii un ;ler .'i.tiMilciatlon for comhluinK the .Uklai. I. M.iywanls. Presidio a :d San Jo.m and Santa Clara nmds under one ip.irajriment. besides the electric light ing pl.tuts of this and other neighbor ing oltl's. The promoter of the venture is R. tl. Hunford. of Sa-t Kt a icIsco. R'hlud the tla:i are New York and Uoston capitalists who understand their business ami are making a thorough Investigation of the subject. "They represent the sime Interests that suoveedtd in bringing about the ctinsolldatlon of the St. Units lines." A PATH V IN LONDON. English Comparatively Indifferi tit Over Rumored Surrender of llotha. NEW YORK. March 1 A disturb to the Herald from lndon says: The r'iorts of tienetal Botha's sur render, wh'ch should mean the virtual cNise ot the w ir. W"iv received with remarkable apathy in London. For several day past the newspapers have I) -en full of discussion w)i tti. r th opportunity for such surrender was not throw ii away after the fall of Pretoria, but the pulilie care littl' or nothing I'll tit the controversy. Kvety li idy Is siik f th ' war. esp vla'.ly of th re-hashing of anei-nt history. Even Ce'ivlMl I.' W'Cm ;itizz!ii!g mownvnts are scarcely im-Tcsting. uliil" th- state ment for th- hundredth I'mc that lie has been corm r 'd ex. it.'S Ihtl tnei--than derision. . ' The announcement of Rlia's sur render caused Jut ii ripple ,,f , xclre ment. Rut, although the . : , nus a semblance of a rush on the st' k exchange to Imy Katllrs. this .pilckly subsided when It w is seen that the pub lic was holding aUf f"r ottlcl il con flrmallon. Aran I Pall Mali an 1 In the vicinity of th- war office there was plenty of evid -nee of l iterest. however. In fad the number of call -rs f t ti-ws rivall ed the old days when the war was younir and LaJysmUh, Kitnberly and Mflfekinir Wor still b sieged. The first replies far from ,llsp ,d the beli ? that the news w is true. In quirer realled the fact that Important news frequently arrlvd long !.-fore th war otn.'e was willing to confirm it. But another consideration qualified this beiier. namely Uie fact tnat nnicial re ticence In the past has always b-en referred t ba I news and thit if B 'tha had really surrendered no doubt tip war oflle.1 would to- eag-r to proclaim It instanfr. ADVANCE IN H1TI!1TII:S. NEW YORK. March l.-Th advan ces in South Afrie-i.1 s.-euriti- s "f all kinds have b -n nt-ady and unl: t -r-rupted. says the Tribune s London cor- I respondent, being caused by reports that ieneral Botha h.ts surr-nd-r- d and that the military s'tuatl ei has grwitly Im proved. Clos observers of the scenes In the mining exchange assert that there Is no sr.cul.'itlv mov-m-nt but merely a better feeling among Investors In England and on the continent so thU shares are In gr'-ater d-mand and prices are gradually going upward. Or ders have come In from France, fj.-r-many, Canada and els-where, and there Is evidence thaf 'he South African ln V'Stom are convinced that the end of the war Is close and that a speedy re vival of the mining Industry may b expected. The day and the hour when the sur render occurs have been mentioned with such precision that It Is suspected that negotiations for th submission of the Boer general have ben in progr.-ns and that the time and place have been agreed upon. South Africans In Lon don have contended for weeks that Botha was only holding out on a point of honor, and would abandon the hope less conflict whenever De Wet wan cap tured. De Wet's own plight could hard ly be worse. Only a small portion of the remnant of his force has crossed the Orange river, and his own passage with Steyn is now contradicted. FA I LP It K3 IN FKRRUARY. Dun's Kevlew Reports Over Two Hun dred Less Than January. NR'.V VoniC. March l.-bun's Re view says: Commercial failures In the t'nlt-d States during tho month of F'-bruaty numbered 1024 as against 1242 in Janu ary and as?r-frat; llabllltlirs were tll, 2S7.211, against $11,220,811. Of the month's total, 212 were manufacturing concerns, with sn Indebtedness ,,f $4, ?.:'S,741 and Sf,7 w-rc traders, for $4,444, 873, while brokerige, real estate and transporting d'faults numbered r,5 and wer? $2,443,307 in amount. Banking and financial concerns arc not Included with commercial fillures, and of these there were seven disasters In February, with liabilities of 1432,132, compared with ofght In January for $1,070,57. MAIN BUILDING DESTROYED. Fire at Nebraska State Penitentiary Caused Heavy Damage. LINCOLN, Neb., March l.-A fire which started In the living rooms of Wanton Davis ot the slat penitentiary ut an rly hour this mornlntj, hit ietnyod tho entire m.iln bulldlnn to irethi-r with the eimt ami woin cell building. The ho operated by the convicts are In danger, ad'ahe lire Is not vet under continl. As soon th fire became milou Warden Davis gave orders that tin' convloU, over 300 In numbrr, be taken fnnt their celln. They were iinnvhed out In order under double guard and stationed In the prison yard. There whs no attempt at mutiny or even dis order, Double guards armed with rltles w.-tv placed on the mocknde walls with strict orders to allow no one to iscmim. As 11 further precaution company P (.f the Nebraska national guard wm ordered out to itHslHt In preventing an outbn ik. ,.t J.JO ocbvk thl morning War leu Davis sent a riuett to the chief of the Lincoln police tusking for the a- sitance of every available pollieinan. A 'iriisly' who nets us a servant in the warden's household, wim the tlrsi t.i ilve the aliirm, but the Manics gain-d hoiuUny so rapidly that a steamer, hone cart, and members of the Lincoln deixirtment were sent to the scene. From the business center of Lincoln to the penitentiary Is nearly four miles and with rough road the department KKPOKT Of THE CONDlTluN OF THE Astoria National Pank At Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business. Feb. 5. i'.XH. KKSOPIICKS. l.oaiu mid dlsoounts JIVJ.OC.l 43 Overdrafts, secured and 1111- cured I". S Bonds to secure clivu- latlon Premiums on V, S. Bonds... , Slock', securities1, etc Hanking house, furniture and tlxturvd other r-ul state ow .led I'll, fiotn N itlonal' Bunks in n r s.ive agents) I'll.- from Stat ItanVs and Bankers iue fr-uii approved res-rve agei.t.i I:iter"nl-Iteveniie stamps 'he. ks and other cash Items.. Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper currncy, nickels and cents Lawful money reserve In Punk, vU: I'-cle $30.:;.S 75 L gil-t -n I-t notes... H 00 .,Mo is i2, 00 I. MM) IW 311.366 L'J 3.s;t.1 01 to.:'!") 00 T.:ii 3 hxa r.i .MIS SS i.:i ; '.-a I. 3 00 5IS 30 r S. Certllbates of IVixwit for legil t-mlers 30.29 75 fund with V. Tr-aur-r, (Je t.f cliTul.l- l,,n) 3 00 Total $:S7.i:0 29 lia;hlith-s. I'aMtal st-x-k ixild In .VI.ixhi fto Surplus fu id 10,000 00 1 iphviuim ironts, pss expen ses and taxes pal 1 2.171 71 Nat'oiial Hank notes uutstand- l" 7.0) 00 Individual dpnflts subject ch 'ck..J'.i9.1W 4 r iand certllli-ates "f deposit 21.261 93 Time cei-tineates of dej.islt 97.6C 17 2IS.fli fix Total I2S7.920 29 STATK OF OKK' iON. County of Clat sop. I, J. k. HlKK'ns, cashier of the aliove-nanp-d bank, do solemnly swear that the iiove Htatement Is true to the b.-st of mv knowledge and belMf. J. K. Ill WINS. Cashier. Subscribed mid sworn to In-fore me this Kth day of February, 1901. OKO. C. Fl.'LTON. Notary Public for Oregon. Corr-t-Altest: I. K. Warren. fieo. H. OeorK'e, Wm. II. Marker, directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASTORIA. At Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business, Feb. Gth, 1901. RESOURCES. Uwins and discounts 1233,292 37 Overdrafts, secured and unse cured 3,764 99 I'. S. IlondH to secure circula tion 12,500 00 Stocks, securities, etc 95,143 72 Other real estate owned 6,160 40 Du" frotn National Hunks (not reserve agrnts) 4,212 98 Due from State Hanks and Hankers 40,569 31 Duo from approved reserve agents 131,327 72 Internal revenue stamps 798 29 Notes of other National Banks 240 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 110 79 Lawful money reserve In Hank, viz: Hp-de HlS',992 00 Legal tender notes 80 00 116,072 00 Red. mptlon fund with U. 8. Treasurer (5 of circula tion) ,,. 625 0J Total $644,817 62 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund 25,000 00 I'ridlvlded prod In, less expen se and taxes paid 29,811 88 National Bank notes out standing 12,500 00 Due to State Banks and Bank ers 194 72 Individual deposits subject to check 426,537 09 Demand certificates of .de posit 100,773 93 Total '.....1644,817 62 STATE OF ORROON, County of ''latsop, ss: I, Jacob Kamm, president of the above-named bank, do solemnly swer that the above statement Is true 10 the best cf my knowledge and belief. JACOB KAMM. President. Subscribed and sworn to before me this zsth day of February,' 1901. ' C. II. THOMSON, Notary Public for Oregon. Corrfct Attest W. M. Ladd, i-o. C. I'lavel, W. F. McGregor, Directors. "SWdf I . "It has justly won its laurels",, SoupsJ TAie1 rditiA Un niA (yrAA frifa fr ntM, ' Y-sf 1 I PI V VIA4V ftAVt MIAN v 'IV10 VVVlf UtQ 'sWiT Riven a Lea THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE CCcyi UWKWAKK OK IMITATIONS. JOltM MiNCAN'S SUNS, A.nl4, yw Tt. mtmwi I'iiintim; BKItrS TaWKINS I I I i: all kh mwun AT TIKI IT IS FKHlIMft r l?OUrNlIJI A. U. I7IO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OK I UK OLDlsr I'l KI I.Y 1 Csll A In I'tiKtit Mtll, J. B. F. DAVIS & SON. GENERAL AGENTS. WINFIKI.U s. 1).VS Hl'HT I.. DAVIS CAUL A. HKNKY '-M5 SunMimc Street, - San I'mtulM'", til. SAMUEL Et MORE rjAn rurunnnj iaaaxa; u u vnnj vrAn;ifiJiAAAAAuriAAAAAuvriAAAArurvn( 5 UOTEL i I 3 PORTLAND, OH. c The Only riritt-ClnHH Hotel Iti lortlincJ k was over 11 half hour In making the trip, so that the 111- had gained head way before water from the wtMim. r was turned on. The nris-nt state jM-nltetitlary build ing was limit In ISTil at 11 cost of J:!oo,. Q. ADVVNi'i: IN C'U-TEK. War lletween Arbiu ktes and Aiiu-rloan Sugar Rellnlng Co. Is over. NEW YORK, M uch I - The pi I. .- of roast 1 off -e has been advanced oae half cent a pound to lios cent net, by the Woulson Spice Co., which Is con trolled by the American Sugar Refin ing Co. Interests. This brings the prlcp Ull to a level with that of the Alblle- kles, the fust time that this his b-eu so In two years. Mr. Wlll-ti, of II-h-tt & Or.iy. Ha'd: "The coffee. Hipjar war Ms lecn net tled beyon 1 any cu-stion by a com plete liriatlgenient on rolfee between th Arbin-klei anil the Anierli an ?u gar ReilninK Co. All sugar mid coffee Interests are now In enl'iv harmony." J. N. Jarvle, of Arblli kle llms., says that the report that his firm bad bought the Woolson Company Is un tr"c. PIED AT PRI.Ef-'MHT. SH-clutor Sni-i-iimb--cl to Exelti-mrnt ut San Frniielseo. SAN FRANCISCO, March l.-Durlng the progress of the bouts preliminary to the McFadden-Hawklns prl,i light at the Mechanics pivlllon, Andrew Denorrl, a traveling salexman, sue cunibed to the excitement and died In a city ambulance while being taken to the receiving hospital. The physicians attribute his death to heart failure. SPECIAL EXPOSITION RATES. Single Fare for Round Trip to Buffalo on Severul Lines, PHILADELPHIA, March 1. The passenger agents of the Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia & Rending and the Baltimore & Ohio railroads have aKreed to make the pissenger rales to Buf falo during the month of May a single fare for the round trip. The rate for later months during the exposition will be fixed at a future meeting. - BIO BALTIMORE FIRE. Paint and 01,1 Establishment turned : Wlth Lriss at $100,000. . BALTIMORE.' March l.-The estab lishment of Hlrschberg, Hollander & Co., paints nnd oils; was d"fltroyod by Ore. last night, entailing a loss of $100, 000. of which $80,000 Is on stock and the remainder on the building. The loss Is fully Insured. PRICE OF SILVER. NEW YORK, March J. Silver 61. most delicious navor by usine- & Perrins' SAUCE Thit ilfiom It wi twy Utos PRIHTltlG Cor.Tenlh and Commercial Streets Telephone rinl. LONDON IKi: Oi l l( l. I.N l ilt: WDKI.U. Sll,SHI,fMMI & CO., AOENTS. PORTLAND I CAt'OHT IN THE ACT. New Yorker Wns Smuggling Chliuuipn A 1 ross the Hound iry. PLATTSItl RU. N. Y.. Man h 1 -Special ll.spector illld. of I 'halliplalll, N, Y., niii'le an luipoi'tiint ntptutu last night wh-ii he arrested Jules Cou tre, of Rouxe's point, N. Y., driving eight t'bliinmen ncroHs the boundary line ft Ciuiada Into the l'nlt--d Sufi tp nr iliampi iln. A f-VRTI.'NE FOR CHAItlTY. A Hill man's statement that Ip In tend to ip-vote almost his entire for tune to charilnble works bus aroused much discussion. This Is became- It will accomplish much goo,). It Is a praiseworthy endeavor, but there nrw many other ug-in les which accomplish Jilt UN much gisid. Take Hosteller's Slonmch Pltl'-rs for Instaii'.o the giesi Ainernan lemedy, Fop fifty years It has i-un-d cuiiHtlutliiii, dyspepsia mil all the ills which arise from weak dl iestlon. This medicine will keep thti hmii.ii I- In good shaiie and the Imiwi-is regular. It In a wonderful restoratlvi tonic and health builder, It Is also a prevention for malaria Over and ague. Ask fur It and Insist upon liav Iiik it. S.-e that our Prlvute Reve nue Stamp covers the neck of the hot lie. WHITE COLLAR LINL Sir. HERCULES take the place of BAILEY C1ATZERT (Telephone Duck). Columbia River and Puget Soun.t Nav igation Company. The Hercules leaves Astoria dally except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Sun day at 7 a. m. White Collar Lino tickets, O. It. & N. tickets and Ilwaco By & Nav. Com pany tickets Interchangeable on Her cules and Hassalo. - Through Port land connection with steamer Nahcotta from Ilwaco and Long Beach points. Telephone No. 111. A. J. TAYLOR. Astoria Agent. IS. W. CRICHTON. Portland Agent ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. jsiri. PORTLAND. " ArHveT g:00a.mrPortland Union Depotll:lO Ym, 7:l0p.m.for Astoria and lnter-9:40 p.m. Imedlate points.; "r,; fTl"A8TORIA. 7.45 a.m. IFor Portland in-Ill :Ma.m. yoj.m.lterm jdtate points 10: 30 p.m. BBABIDB DIVIBION., 11:3. a. m. A:X0 i. in. H-Mh in :l5a, at' p. tn. ASTORIA "SEASIDE 7:40 a. m 4:00 11. ill 11 .00 M. Ill I2:fl0p"nt 7 .UO, in .SunUsy oaly All trains make close connections at Ooble with all Northern Paclflo train to and from the East or Bound points. J. C. MAYO, Oen'l Fr't and Pass. Arent