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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1901)
THE MOKMXG AStOKIAK. SATURDAr, HAKCH 2, . 1WI SPECIAL, THIS WEEK $1.50.1 Adibs'- kid oloves DENT'S OWN MAKIC. FOR $1.23 PER PAIR Then are first qusllty good ana w f color. All coHtructt for mlvcrtmuiK In the Aotoi U 11 me imtJc on 11 Kuur Hittcg of circulation four Uiiign lurKcr Until tlmt of any purer publUhcil or circulated In C.htt. nop county. TODAT'B WICATIIICR, l'H(TI.ANI, Minli l. Washington, 4 )r h' and Northern Idaho, occasional rnln. AKOUND town. I h i I., i t Parson, of Portland. Is III the illy. Thre flrst-clas barbers at Iho Oc cl'Uiit again. M's Thompson, of Portland, In th KUlRt l)f fl'IfllllN iiefC. Fu'l weight cr-am?ry buter, 2o a roll ui Johnson Hn. Mm 1 luti l a Ki t. k. of HI. Melius, U a guM at tlx' iv I'I'-iit. Kug n' V. Hiiiiiiit l, & l'ii tlttix) iimur niicr tn.iii, l In Ihc city. licit 15-cent meat, Rising Jle.taur ant, eil Commercial street. liar r"prt-Llithl iiorthwr.t win J; thick fg. bar. oiim-un-d. Jrff'a restaurant the largest and best. A irlal will convince you. Tlmlium II Fiws, n Well-know II (iiay'S ilvi-r farmer, U at the Oc-ld-nt. J. W. Cook and J. I.. Hml y. Port Iuik anii-rym-n. are In the c'ty. Hweet navel oranges from 11 cents to 40 cn(a a (l"n, at Johnson Mro. Japanese good of all kinds cheap at Yokohama liaioar. 126 Commercial m. Ki iiiii.T mul Mm. KulU'ii iir moving Into tli'ir n-w r-lt'"" mi IrvliiK nvi iiu V. i Hrlntul. an attorney of t'ort lilll'l. la III att'-lldttlire (u till- circuit i'int l-Vr rciil Nlct-ly furnished front roinii. tin ntli-r rMitnr. 35 Commer cial irctl. Rise and shine; 0ltl Rope, Thrash--r. iitl-trut. union-mad plug tobac co. Save your tags. They ar val uable BK8T 18-CENT MEAL; RISINO BUN RESTAURANT. HATS And I CAPS In Endless Assortment of Styles and Sbades HATS 00 50 .00 .50 .00 50 $ & $ ft ft ft ft ft ft ft X IS. DANZIGER rmvi all ilici and a good assortment J. II. Hinltli, run nf tin' IK-HI known ii(lilit- of I lie Nut thw.nt. was In As torlii yesterday. Hwdlsli Mcilwumt Hummer Sausage ami 'h rvilui Vurni, Hoim-thlng lino, Ut JollllSOII III UK, MIm (it)i'rti'tiffci'V iiitiidiiK class if ivn a reception luxt night In honor of the lit h t night of tlio present series. YcMtcnliiy was pay-day for the officers and crew of tint revenue culler Per ry, nnd owr $2w was disbursed. Captain Jumi-s Iti'Mitlin, I'. H. A. ur ki-iiii iiitii' lii il to ilu r'Kl"i' iii m Kurt I'aiil.y, wim In tli city ui night. Kir r'iitA nvi-ruiim coiiugv, fur iiihlii.l or iiiifiirnlxlwil, on Tenth atrt'd, lo'iir Jliirrin'ii. lnulru coriifr Tenth uitil Irving. The Ilium h now being built by I.cuIh .M.i 1 c id Iuid Ixi'ii "Ic to the Wenti-m Klulicriin ('4)iiiuiiiy, for ut In Alim kiiu w litem, Cream purr ryf. America' fin cat wliUkey. Th only intra trooda; guar unleed rich and mellow. JOHN L. CAULHON. Sola Agent. Tho 1'inltlc Hlieet Metal Work are ninnliiK nlk'lit and diiy to (III ordi'm, one 1 f tin- lurKcut of nhtch Ik for l"o, iki 1 urtcM fur Aliikii ciinni ilin, Kolluwliig nre the tiituU of Ihr Co lumbia river grul 11 i-xporu for Ki-bru-my: Wheat. 'C1.V77 IiuMicIh; hurley, '.'J.liW buahela; lt"Uf, M'.t'JJ bttrrrla. Iloalyn coal lama longer, la cleaner !nd ninkea lena trouble with ntov and chimney flu'-a than any other. George W. Hnnborn, .igent Telephone 1311. The Hl'-nm achootti-ra Alliance and J'-nnlc iiiHHai out yexierdiiy morning. The J. anle had 11 cargo of box NhooM 11ml both vrmu-la are bound for Hin Kr itnK-o. Tho llghthouK" tender Columbine made another effort yentenlny to gel to Tillamook 10'i k with uII-h, but wua chllKed to return owing to the rough weather ouulde, Mudiime Hi'lnll will give a m-itlnc thin uftir'iooit from I to 4 o'clock for the benefit of the children. The adml ion w ill b rliic-d during thite hour to ten cent for nchool children. In the circuit court yiKlerday the fol lowing order were made at tho In atrtllce of Judg,. Mcllrlde: o, II. Wirt v A. It. Cyru and Oliver Stewart, uctlnii oil proinliuiory note, Judgriii'nl entered on verdict of Jury. I'. I. r v. Hmnui It. ThoiniHoii, Judgment and unlcr of wile of attached prop erty. Special Sale of Boys' and Children's Clothing Broken Lines 25 Per Cent Discount wswv hop at 421 Hond a(re't and la prepared trt .In all fttnllMMl Of ntlltnhlnir arwl tln nlng at the loweat poaalble rate. Autlieritl.j advice received yeterdy tiilrt tluit thi following ' pHce have !iein mimed by the A 1 11 k a I'.uker' Aoclatlim for Ihc liKll oiu k: Hed tall, I'J'ic, medium red tall, Mc; pink IhII, Olof rioi'iMi made final proof yeterduy on l-'l l iu ri In ''! Ion E, townhlp S, north of riiiign K wet, and luter the tranafer of the aame property to M. H. Copelund wiim recorded. The conlder- Hlloll DlNti'd Wll 'M)I). In reniionae to 11 petition lgned by the li x payer and elllsem of gchool illHtrlct No. I, th Hon, C, W. Ful ton hit conN'-nti'd lo be a cnii'lldat" for re-election 11 aihiHd dim-tor nt the eliitlon to hi- held March II. II. C. Hnrrlaon, of the Scow Hoy Iron and Urn Work, will erect a machine (hup on the property adjoin ing Kinder llro,' atorv on Ilond atc-el. Th building will b commenced at once and will be ready for occupancy April I. The Itcv. U enry Marcotte, ptor of the i'reoliyt Tlan chun h, ha returned and will iMupy tb imliilt tomorrow. The topi,, for the morning iiermoii will b" "The (lod of Hope;' evening topic, "li-llil- nce." A "ordlal welcome ex tetnl ed to all. Mr. Maude Warren-Hlggln will art a accoiriMinlt for the oontn at the ItoHK-Holmon-M K'ean recital at Flaher'a theat-r. Mnn h 6th. Mr. Hlgglna I a nliinlM of rare n tl 1 1 1 y and will add much to the ph-amire of thowe who at tend Ihla moct Inter'ntlrig event. New Htr.ct lUht have b.-cn Inalulled at the following location: Sixth nnd Comin.rclai, Third and limine. Klf-lei-nth and (iranil avenue, Nlnct.snih and CoifiMicrclnl. Taylor and Kenalng l"ii avctiue. WuithliiKtoii, near Ilond, Thlrty-alxtii and Kranklln, and Thirty eighth und (irainl. Fred HUckwcll, the Clatop mill em ployee who him tn-cll at the ll'e'tliul i-veral day bnauHe of an Injury to hi foot, ha bi-cn obllgi-d to und'-rgo an operitloii In which the Injured foot w in amputated ut the ankle. L)r. Shuiie iH-rfurm.-d th.- op.-ratloii and thv patient I railily recovering. l-'ollortlng ar. t),.. t,M,. i,f Hi-rmnn at the lt.iptlt church tomorrow: Morn ing. "The Communion," evening, "The Stililt of Chrlnt." Aft.-r the morning eimon an addreN of welcome and the liund of frlloWHhlp will be l-xt'llded lo clit hi tii-w iih ihIm r. after which the communion wl: be avrved. The tiiother of IMr and Otto Mlk-keU.-n of tlilM ,-ity, who ha been er IoiikIv 111 at McMiniivllIe for onie time pant, died ,it that phu-v nt Monday. Her oim were with her when ahe died and remained for the funeral, which wim under the direction of the Salvation Army, of which ahe wan a member. 'Ihc ChrlMlan Teatlmony" will be the th'nie for the morning Trlce at Hi Flrl Congregational church tomor row. In-tiedliit.'ly following the er mcn th.-re will be a rifeptlon to tnem-b-i. ob."4-rvaiice of the rite of bai iIhiii and Holy Communion. Tho even In! topic will he. "Seeing the l'nm-en." Sunday nchool at 12:15; mid-week pray er in. -cling Wed:i -lay at 7:30 p. m. A former AMortan, who I now at North It.uch. In writing f the effort to Moat the rltal)och. aaya that the eri-dlt fur pi ogre I du to Captain Young, the master of the stranded ven el. He aaya that the work done by Mr. White ha been Ineffectual, and that whatever has been done o far I due entirely to the energies of Captain Young and hi crew. The 8w?tlh Lutheran church will hold a high ma aervlce tomorrow nu-rninv at 11 o'clock. The aervlce will lie In SwedlHh, and the topic of the ermon will be "Strlooa and Victoria of Faith." At the Kngltxh aervlce In the evening the aubjet-t will be, "Whlth- ir (loeHl TliiUl?" Dorlnir a.ii.i'lr.a will be held every Thurmluy evening at 1 jo p'l-KHK n tnc swedinn language. At the Mcthodlat church tomorrow morning the celebration of the Lord' Supper will be observed. At 3:30 n, m. the pator will tell the story of the "Kunaway Hoy," to the children. There will be twvlve large painting to lllus Iratrt the atory. The subject for the evening aermon will be "Five Foolish Girls, llluatrated with pulntlnga. Sptc lal services will continue every nljrht next w.vk and each sermon will be ll luatrated. C. J. Curtis, as attorney, has brought suit against K. T. Johnwon and the Fidelity and Causality Company of New lork on assigned claims of work men employed on the Silvia de Oran- reef. The clulm aggregate $436.18 and the claimants are Jena L. Johnson, D. uauti, William Lewis, it. McKennctt. C. W. Liv, O. L. Kiss, Jack Olllan. J. J. Hawkins and J. A. Williams. The surety company was cm Johnson's bond to the government, v. Local creditors of Contractor Johnson have attached his machinery and appliances. C. W. FlTLTON FOR DIRECTOR. To the Hon. C. W. Fulton, Astoria, uregon. ir sir: we. me under signed reldtnts and cltJxena of the City of Astoria, t'ounty of Clatsop, Suite of Or.'gon, and taxpayers In school district No. 1, of said county, do most respcciruiiy ami Bincereiy request that you permit your name to bo used and that you become a candidate for the olllce or director or said school dis trict, at the election to be held on Mon day, March 11. 1901:! W. K. Dement. A. O. Spexarth, Jno. N. tirlllln. Frank J. Taylor, C. J. Trenchard. Harrison Allen. A. S. Heed. Tlios. S. Henderson L. Dlckmiin, it. M. llnmnford, Li, O, Nt-lll, J. H. Manaell, A. J. Tee, D. M. Stuurt, A. V. Allen, K. Z. Ferguson, Chn. Hogera, N. Schlussel, W. L. Hobb, Chaa. Olaen, J. 10. Ferguson, C. Franclscovlch, J. N. Iiws, H. Ekstrom. J. T. Ross, J. A.' Krlckson, Charh Larson, J. W. Conn, E. C. Lewis, L. C. Kinney, Geo. II. Ohler, Herman Wise, T. S. Cornelius, II. M. Lorntsen, Win. Ross, Chas. V. Hrown, F. A. Fisher, O. I. Peterson, V. R. Stokes, Thco, Cracker, f! F. A. HIldebrandF. A. Trullingt-r, Frank Hart. T. O. Trulllnger. Chas. Hellborn, C. R. Hlgglns, Frank. Fatton, Hen.lamln Young, D. I MeVlcar, Alex. Gilbert, C. A. Campbell, F. Sherman, Thos. Llnvllle, John Fox. G. Ziegler, Geo. H. George, J. H. D. Gray, J. Q. A. Bowiby, ft. M. Gaston, G. Reed, R. Van Dusen, G. A. Moen, W. A. Stlne, Mrs, Copeland, Thomas Ryrle, W. H. Copeland. Dated, this the 28th day of Feb., 19M, VAN DUSEN URGED FOR FISH WARDEN Push Club Wires Recommen dation to Salem. CLOSED SEASON VIOLATED Association Employs Fred Wlckoao to Protect Saloon Pending Ap pointment of Warden. At a meeting of the Astoria 1'ro grewdve CorifM-rcUl A'M-lutl'ii la k l night a resolution wan adopted endors ing H. ( .Van Dusen of Astoria for toe poltloli of munt'T llh warip-n, and urging hi Imm. dlute upilnirnent by the fish commission. Arrangement w-?re ulo made for the employment of Fred Wlckmun to watch for Illegal (lulling pending the aoouuc-m -iit of ap pointment from Salem, A meeting of the Chamber of Commerce ha been called for 10 o'clock this mornlt.g, at which time that bisly will alo eiidon th.) candidacy of Mr. Van Duh-ii, md both r-oli.tlon will be forwarded to the commlNHlon at Salem. The meeting was called to order by I'rcHid'-nt K. I'. Kind ill, and In the aliKciice of Secretary Lyman, Harrison Allen wa ebt.-t'Ml to fill the poxltlon. Mr. Kendall outlined Ihe reawm for lh e-clal meeting. He said that un der the new law abrogating the othce of ft Mi Comiiillon r, and In the ahfe-nce of appoint merit by the newly-electej cnn.mif!on, there was no one legally reponlble for the enforcement of the cloned ca.ioii w hich went Into effect uf-t.-r midnight on the morning of March lt. Mr. Kendill Mild that from Infor mation received by him the law prohibiting the taking of nalinon was lolat'-d yesterday and that two stor age men handled large amount of flah. The prewnl run of llh I larger than for maiy years previous at thl ea.n and It was particularly desirable that they be allowed to proceed unninlested to the upper river spawning grounds, Mr. Kendall further slated that he- had b'i-n reliably Informed that a num-bi-r of boat were out tUhlng last night In open violation of the law. In urging the necessity for Immediate action two telegram received by the president were read by Secretary Al len. The nvswige were In rep y to Inuulrk sent by Mr.!. first as to the chances for Heed retention and Nocotul as to the probable date of ap pointment. The telegrams are uj pended: "Salem, Ore., March 1-Astoria I'ro grciiKtve I'ommerclal AK-latoii: Act filed wterday to provide for better protection of salmon provide coinmis ioners shall apivnt muster flfh war den and deputy. Cannol say what ac tion will be taken as to Heed. No ob jection to send recommendation. "F. I. Dt'NHAH. "Secretary of State." "Salem. Ore., March 1. Astoria Hro gresslve Commercial Association: The board will not act In matter of ap pointment of fish warden for several day. F. I. DUNHAH. "Secretary of Stale." This deluy. It was pointed out. would result In the cloeed season being open ly violated unless step could be tak en to have a successor to Mr. Heed appointed Immediately. District Attor ney Allen stated that he would have the storage men not) lied upon request of the association and that any com olalnts made to the association, would be promptly Investigated and prosecu tion be vigorously pushed. John fc. Gratke said that the master fish war den should come from the lower river and suvgested that the application of II. G. Van Dusen be endorsed, and the action communicated to the commission at Salem. Councilman Scherneckau of fered the following resolution; "Whereas, the Astoria Progressive Commercial Association believes that In the selection of a man to fill the pimltloii of master flan warden of the state of Oregon, it should be taken In lo consideration that some one should be appointed who Is both eminently aualined for the position, and is a rest dent of that portion of the state which Is the seat of the greatest product of fish, and also the home of the great est number of those actively engaged in the Ashing Industry, and. "Whereas. The said association re poses especial trust and confidence in 11. o. van Dusen, of Astoria, Oregon for the reason that he Is a man well Informed on the fishing question and the propagation of fish and la also a of merit In every other particular, therefore, be it 'Resolved, by tho Astoria Pro rresslve Commercial Association In meeting assembled, that we earnestly urge the a pointmrnt of 11. u. an Dusen for the position of fish war den, and request his appointment to that office, and that a copy of - this resolution be at once forwarded to the state fish commission." The resolution was adopted unani mously and upon motion of Councilman Scherneckau the president was author laed to wire Immediately to the fish commission apprising the members of the action of the association. 1'resi dent Kendall's telegram was as fol lows: "Astoria, Ore., March 1. The Hon. Fish Commissioners. Salem, Oregon: At special meeting this evening resolution adopted unanimously endorsing H. G. Van Dusen. of Astoria, for master fish warden. Owing to large run of salmon now In river, and great amount of Illegal fishing that Is being done, we urge Immediate appointment of Mr. Van Dusen. "ASTORIA PROGRESSIVE COMMER CIAL ASSOCIATION." It was agreed among the members that some action was Imperatively nec essary to prevent fishermen from tak ing salmon from the river and the em ployment of Mr. Wlckmun was sug gested as the best solution of the diffi culty. He will be paid by the asso ciation pending the appointment of a fish warden and will begin this morn ing. It was currently repoiteu last night that a number of boat9 were out and that statement made before the association demonstrated the need of a pa'rol boat. The action of the fish commission, which Is composed of the governor, the secretary of state and the state treas urer, In delaying the appointment, par ticularly when the need Is so urgent Is Incomprehensible. Probably the rea son Ilea In the difficulty of choice. Sen ator Fulton haa recommended J. H. Talbert, of Clackamas "country, for warden, and Fred Wlckman, of Asto ria, for deputy. A brother of Justice Hean, of the supreme court. Is also an applicant and has strong backing. It la believed that Mr. Van Dusen will be acceptable to the 'commlslon n a compromise candidate. From the standpoint or ability the Atorla applicant I ;ne or the moat capable men In thf state, and the com mercial bodies of Astoria, together with tne representative or the firhlng Industry and the merchant rcn-rallv. believe the office should come to an As toria man. WILL GO SLOWLY. Flh Commission In No Hurry lo Ap point New Fish Warden. KALKM. March 1 (Special to the Aslorlan.J Fish Commissioner Heed went out of office yesterday when the new ilnhery bill became a law. It I impoHHlble to say who will be hi suc cessor though It seem to be generally believed he will not succeed hlmcf. ih governor, secretary of state and tite treasurer have apolriting power and are indlKpoaed to dlrfcumi their In tention. The board will proceed cau tiously, endeavoring to secure the best man for the place. Among those men tioned are H. G. Van Dusen, of As toria; Lotil IJcan, of Sluslaw; Repre sentative Talbert, of Oregon City, and ex-Commlssloner Reed. The board) will probably meet Monday but may not elect then. In view ut the fact that sheriff and constables may enforce the fishery laws, it Is not thought there Is urgent need of Imme diate action. POHTLAND CHARTER KILLED. Governor Geer Vetoes Measure Giving Control of City to Democrats. The I'ortund charter bill, which was deigned to take the political machin ery of that city away from the Re publican and turn it over to the Dem ocrats, was vetoed by Governor fer laM night. The bill was one of the riioM Important introduced at the last elon of the legislature. It was driW'n by the eleven members of the Multnomah county delegation who were elected on the Citizen' ticket, and wa passed through an arrange ment with the antl-Corbett forces In the senatorial fight. The meat of the bill Is in the pro vision providing for the appointment of two Democrat ami one Republican on the commission controlling the po- j me an.i nre departments of the city. Virtually It the turning over to the Lemocrats of the entire political machinery of the city and giving them ari advantage that would result In the demoralisation of the Republican party as a f.ictor In Portland's gov ernment. The stalght line Republicans opposed the measure but with support of the Democrats In the legislature, to gether with the aid of th McBrlde Republicans It was rushed through. Great pressure was brought to bear on Governor Geer by prominent Re publicans from Portland and other sec tions of the mate to veto the measure. The Democrats were equally solicitous in urging lis approval but the gover nor refused to be a party to the scheme and the telegraphic advices rrom Sa last night brought good news to Portlanders. Judge H. McGinn, who was 5ir. Corbet t's right hand man dur ing the senatorial right, and who Is In the city attending the circuit court, was Jubilant last night when the mes sage came. Together with other Port landers who were In the city he sat up awaiting the result. The rean given by the governor for his veto is that a law has been enacted creating a commission of prominent cit izens of Portland to frame a charter to be submitted to the people about a year hence. He says that in view of this provision It Is not advisable to change the charter now and thus cre ate business disturbances and uncer tainty in public affairs. This Is the only bill the governor has vetoed. PARK COMMISSION. Judge McBrlde Will Be Asked to Ap point Members at Present Term of Court. The members of the park commiS' slon created at the last election will probably be appointed at the present session of the circuit court. The com mission will be composed of five mem bers and the appointments will be made by Judge McUride. At the meeting of the Push Club last night the matter was discussed and District Attorney Allen waa requested to bring it before the court. Judge McBrlde is In possession of a letter from the association recommend Ing the appointment of persons on the commission, but he has not Intimated whom he will designate. VERDICT TODAY. Finding In Damage Suit Case Will Be Opened In Circuit Court This Morning. The circuit court held a session last night to close the case of Martin vs. Hrown and McCabe, the action being for damages for injuries sustained by the plaintiff while loading coal for the defendants, aboard the Monmouthshire Inst June. Judge McBride's charge to the Jury was not finished until after 9 o'clock, and he instructed the Jur ors to hand a sealed verdict to the foreman to be delivered at the open Inir of court this morning. The case has occupied the greater part of two days' session of the court. Martin claims that the coal chute was of faulty construction because of which an accident resulted in whtcn he sus tallied a broken leg and serious inter mil injuries. The amount of damages a.-.ked for 's JjOOO. The best bok of life Is made up of short chapters. WHERE DO TOU W YOUR GROCERIES? HAVE YOU TRIBD A. W.SHIPLEY? S58 Commercial Street. DO YOU KNOW That he gives you the best there Is to be had In the city for the least moneyt Place an order once and see. C. W. BURR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 57S Commercial St.. ASTORIA, OR. TBLEPHONJB. RID MIL THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS. IS AT- FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria, Ores Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A. W ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which Bottled beer for ramlly use or ke Mr. John Kopp Is proprietor, makes beer supplied at any time. Delivery beer for domestic and export trade. I In the city tree. North Pacific Brewery BEFORE YOU BOY fl PiflrlO OR flfl ORGflfl It will pay you to write EILER'S PIANO HOUSE OPFICE: 351 Washington St.. Portland, Ore. We are the great profit killers and piano price regulators of the Northwest, and with our special facilities can sell a line piano or organ for less money than you can get them elsewhere. Write today. Catalogues for the asking. Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos the Kim bail, the Chickering and the Weber together with eight other good makes, ...EILER'S PIANO HOUSE... We Rent New CANNERTMEN. ATTENTION! I own one of the best salmon can nery sites In Alaska and will give a one-half interest to any capitalist who will build a cannery on same, or I will contract to furnish cannery with 25.000 cases of salmon per year, at 1V4 cents per pound. Address, CAL. H. BARKDULD, Skag-way, Alaska. THE LOUVRE Strangers visiting the city will find the Louvre an attractive resort where in to spend the evening. First-class va riety show Is always on the bills. New performers every week. Don't fall to see Prof. Hunt's "Dog Paradox and Monkey Show," now on the bills. Pal atable lunches will be served at all hours. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, Notable among the pleasures afford ed by the Saasta Route la the wai ter trip to Southern California aad Arizona. Renewed acquaintance with this section will ever develop fresh points of interest and added industries. In its prolific vegetation and among Its numberless resorts of mountain, shore. valley and plain. The two dally Bnasta train from Portland to California have been re cently equipped with the most ao- p roved pattern of standard and tour 1st sleeping cars, but tne low rates of fare will stlU continue to effect. Illustrated guides to the winter re sorts of California and ArUona may be had on application. C. H. MAJrlK-HAM. U. F. A Portland. Oregen. A GENTLEMAN'S SMOKE la what a cigar I. It win tlckla thi pa'ot of the fastidious without de pleting his pocketbook. There Isn't a cigar rolled that there Is so touch pleasure, richness op perfect satis faction hidden In Its folds for th money as there Is In a GENERAL GOOD for flv cents, A boi of these luscious cigars should bs on every man's dreiser. WILL MADISON Typewriters. Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free . . . L. M. ALEXANDER ft CO. Exclusive Pacific Coast Dealers 245 Stark St, Portland, Ore. F W, M'KEl IIKlE, Local Agent. fisher's Opera House L. K. 8KLIO, LMe and Manager. SATURDAY, MARCH 2 The New and Latest Mu sical Farce Comedy THE STAR BOARDER : 00 . . CLEVER . . 00 tt"ENTERTAINERS'tt More Music than-a Comle Opera. A number of Elegant Specialties. A Host of Charming Girls. New Songs and Medleys. Fun Fast and Furious. ADMISSION-Reserved seats, 75 cents; gallery, t9 cents. Aavance saj of seats opens Friday morning- at Griffin & Reed's.