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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1901)
THE MORXIXG ASTORIA. SATURDAY, MAKCH 2. 1901. Sally atovirw. Tjl'phont Main ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. fttfit by mall, prr year MM VM by mall, per month CO Srd by tarrlr, per month (0 w:mi-veeklt. nt by mall, prr year, In advance, $2.00 ASSESSMENT NOTICE COMMERCIAL STREET FROM FOURTEENTH ST. TO SEVENTEENTH 8T. OF J. M. SHIVELY'S 1). L. O. Notice ii hereby given that the assessment made by ordinance No. 2W of the City of Astoria, Oregon, entitled "An ordinance confirming special as sessment roll No. 41, for thu improvement of Commercial street from the west line of Seventeenth street to the west line of Fourtwnth street approved Feb ruary 19. MM, will be due and payable In United States gold coin at ih ottlce of the city treasurer on March 8th, 1901. and if not so paid at said time the Common Council will order warrants issued for the collection of the move. The assessment is as follows: All oonmunlcatlont intended for pub llcstion should be directed to "Editor A st on -in." Uuslness communications f all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astorlan Publish lag Co." The Astorlan guarantees to Us ad vrrtlsers the largest circulation of any aewspaper published on the Columbia liver. Advertising rates can be had on ap Uration to the business manager. BUILDING A LOAN LAND CO... CLEVELAND A. A. The business Interests and prominent cil'sena of the first school district are practically unanimous in urging the re election of Mr. C. W. Fulton as dlrec lor. He has aerved) with great accepta bllity and the universal appreciation of his record assures him a flattering vote on March 11th. CLEVELAND A. A. FOARD, MARTIN 4 4 4 49 The dulling interests demand the ear ly appointment of a fish warden. There Is nothing to be gained by delay and a great deal to lose. Astoria, as the tenter of the fishing Industry of the state, should name the man who is to be appointed aa warden. The Progjes' ive Association has endorsed the can dldacy of a mar. who Is In every res pect well qualified for the position. The association is to be congratulated upon it enterprise In forcing the matter up n the attention of the commission and also In providing for tho employment of a man for the protection of the fish lug 'ndu'lry until the warden is ap pointed. Like everything else attempt el by the association, the present effort la most timely pnd Is being well man aged. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AU druggists refund the money -f It falls to cure. F. W. Grove's signature is on each box. Zc GRATKE. GEORGE GRATKE, JOHN E. GRATKE. MART GRATKE. WILLIAM GRATKE, A R. (Wldo GRATKE. ANNA R. ... HENRY. O. P. HENRY. O. P. MASONIC LAND & BX'G ASSN. MARTIN. W. C. 9 S3 9 S2 . 4 49 4 49 5S 92 6S 92 W!:cn we see a small boy pulling the sled which the big boy is riding, it re minds us of our childhood days, when we usad to haul our big brother around. Mr. J. W. Patterson, night police at Nashua, la., says: "In January I had a very bad cold on my lungs, and used half doxen different cough medicines and prescriptions from two doctors, but grew worse all the time. I finally kourht a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and after using two-thirds of it, I was entirely cured." CHAS. ROG ERS. Druggist. 58 92 When the umpire called for a '"high ball" every man in the field broke for the hole In the fence and lined up at the bar across the street. I AFTER LA GRIPPE WHAT? Usually a racking cough and a gen eral feeling of weakness. Foley's Hun- ey and Tr Is guaranteed to cure the "grif pe cough" and make you strong and well. Take no substitutes. CHAS ROGERS, Druggist. K man Just getting feel like the breaking winter. over the grip up "f a hard Pneumonia follows la grippe, but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Lii, the great throat and luig remedy. Take no substitute. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Eternal vigilance Is the safeguard of the man who left his pocket book in his other pants. Eug'i.e J. Hall, the poet and publish er, says that one dose of Foley's Honey and Tar restored his voice! when hoarse ness threatened to prevent his lecture at Central Music Hall. Chicago. Noth ing tine as good. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. According to the police court record Sunday is a day of arrest. Rob'. R. Watts, of Salem, Mo.. . rites: I have been troubled with kidney dis ease for the last five years and have doctored with all the leading physi cians and have tried all remedies sug aested without any relief. Finally I trlid Foley's Kidney Cure and lss than two bottles completely cured me and I am sound and well." This life is one perperua round of short misure. CHEAP INSURANCE. Many a marv has b-en injured against tlrlirht s dina-se, diabetes, or other dan- wiiiis allm-nt by a fifty cent bottle of Foley's Kidney Cure. CHAS ROG ERS. Druggist. Tommy Hiwk has Just l..een find in a Kansis police court for licking a Kan sas preacher. Tomahawks seem to be the weapon of destruction to both saint and sinner. "I had a running sore on my leg for even years. ' writes Mrs. Jas. Forest ot t iiippewa Falls, Wis., "and spent Dtinnreijs or dollars In tryln? to g.-t it healed. Two boxes of Banner Salve en- un-iv curea it. .o other salve so caiintr. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. An exchange sttala the following pxuiy rrom mis department: "An ar ticle that la worth clipping from an ex change Is worth the proper credit. Ion't steal." BANNER SALVE. Teller, eciema and skin diseases yield julckly to the marvelous healing quali ties of Banner Salve made from a prevrlp-ion of a skin specialist of world wide fame, 25c. CHAS. ROGERS. DruriUt. ASTORIA & COLUMBIA R. R. CO.. A right of way 50 feet wide across frontage of blinks 133. 134 and 13S, City of Astoria, as laid out and re corded by J. M. Shlvely $ 9 00 ROWER, PHIL F West half of lot 4. block 134, City of Astoria, as laid out and record ed by J. M. Shlvely 9 46 ROWER, FHIL F East htlf of lot 5. block 134. City of Astoria, as laid out and record ed by J. M. Shlvely 29 4S .East half of lot 4. block 134, City f Astoria, aa laid out and record ed by J. M. Shlvely ;9 46 .Undivided half of N. 20 feet of S. TO feet or lot 1. block 133. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shivelv . Undivided half of N. 20 feet of S. To feet of lot 2, block 133. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded .by J. M. Shively Undivided half of lot 1. block 134. City of Astoria as laid out and re corded by J. M. Shively 19 46 GRANT, FETtiK Commencing at a point on N. side cf Commercial street 1S5 feet N. of SW. corner of lot 5, block 13i, thence N. 75 feet, thence E. 50 feet, thence S. 75 feet to a point 60 feet . N. of NE. corner of said lot 5, thenc W. 50 feet to beginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 5S 92 liKATKt, a..mb I adlvided on-axth of lot 1. block 135. City cf Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely GRATKE, EMMA Undivided one-sixth of lot 1, block 133, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely... .Undivided one-sixth of lot 1, block 135. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely .. .Undivided one-sixth of lot 1. block 135. ci'y of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively ... .Undivided one-sixth of lot 1. block 135. City of Astoria, as laid out and record! by J. M. Shlvely ... .Undivided one-sixth of lot 1, block 135, City of Astoria, as laid out and rtcorded by J. M. Sbiveiy ... . Dower interest in above only. .West half of lot 5. block 134. City of Astoria, as laid out and record ed by J. M. Shlvely 9 4 .Undivided half of N. 20 feet of S. 70 feet of lot 1. block 133. City of Astoria, ns laid out and record ed by J. M. Shively .Undivided one-half of N. 20 feet of S. 70 feet of lot 2. block 133. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively MASONIC LAND & B'lO ASSN Lot 3. block 133. City of Astoria. as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shiv-dy Lot I, block 133, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Muvely Commencing at a point on N. side of Commercial Street 1S5 feet N. of SW. corner of 'ot 6, block 135, thence N. 75 feet, thence E. 50 feet, thence S. 75 feet to a point W feet N. of NE. corner of said lot 6. th?nce W. to place of be ginning, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shivelv OREGON R'Y & NAVIGATION CO... Commencing at intersection of N. line of Water street (now Com mercial street) with the renter line of W. Sixth (now Seventeenth street) thence W. along the N. line of said Water street to Its in tersection with the center line of W. Seventh street( now Sixteenth street) thence N. on the center line of said W. Seventh street, extended, to a point 260 feet N. of S. line of block 134, thence W. and parallel with S. boundary line of blocks 134 and 135 to the center line of W. Ninth streetf now Four teenth street) thence N. along the center line of W. Ninth street, ex tended, to Its Intersection with the S. side of the right of way of the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co., as located, then easterly along the south side of said right of way to its intersection with the center line of W. Sixth streets now Seventeenth St.) extended north erly, thence south to place of be ginning. City of Astoria, as laid out ftnrt rpcor.-lpd hv J r Snivels "sa r.i i.vj-j.-, n i a. .ljmufliius u... commencing at a point, said point ueing tne Intersection of the center line of W. Sixth street inow Sev enteenth street) extended northerly with the north line of the rlifht of way of the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co., thence N to the Pier Head line, thence westerly along said Pier Head line to a point directly north of the center line of West Ninth street inow Fourteenth St.) extended, thence south along said center line of West Ninth street, extended, to the north line of the right of way of the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co., thence southeasterly along the north line of said right of way to the place of beginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 36 00 .North 53 feet of lot 1. block 133, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. ShlvHy 38 00 .North 55 feet of lot 2, block 133, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 38 00 .South 50 feet of lot 1. block 133, City of Astoria, as laid out and -ppnlvlpH v T f Ghi O'BRIEN, THERESA South 50 feet' of 'lot 2. block" 133. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 12 00 .Undivided half of lot 6, block 134. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 29 46 Commencing at a point on N. side of Commercial street 185 feet N. of SW. corner of lot 4, block 135, thenee N. 75 feet, thence E. El) feet, thence S. 75 feet to a point 60 feet N. of NE. corner of said lot 4, thenee W. 50 feet to place of be ginning, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 58 92 Commencing at a point on N. side of Commercial street 185 feet N. of SW. corner of lot 1, block 135, thence N. 75 feot, thence E. 50 feet, thenoe S. 75 feet to a point CO feet N..of NE. comer of said lot 1, thence W. 50 feet to place of beginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 58 91 ALBERT Commencing at a point on N. side of Commercial street 185 feet N. ; of SW. corner of lot 3, block 135. thence N. 75 feet, thence E. 50 feet thence S. 75 feet to a point 60 feet .-4 N. of NE. corner of aald lot 3, -nw- i thence W. 50 feet to place of be- ' ginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 29 46 w- R. Undivided half of the last above descrlhpd tract in it SMITH, L. G. K. Lot 4. block 135. CItv of Astoria. aa laid out and recorded by J. M Khivelv tf STAPLES, M. D. Lot 3, block 133. City of Astoria. i , ' as laid out and recorded by J. 1Z12. H I ' M. Shivery E! 92 STOKES, F. R WOOD. SARAH F WOOD, .SARAH F. 41 . WELCH, JAMES' W. UKmi, JAM 15 V. WKlMI, D. H. VELCH. D. H. 9 S3 9 S2 YOUNG, ANDREW YOUNG, CHRISTINA 8 82 YOUNG. BENJAMIN 9 82 YOUNG, BENJAMIN The following Is payable In Sth, 1901: CHASE, W. B 1 ndlvlded half of lot l, block 134, CUV of Astoria, as laid out nd recorded by J. M. Shlvely 4( ' 2. block US. City of Astoria. in laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely M n Commencing m a point on th.' N. side of Commercial street 1H5 foot N. of SW. corner of lot 1, block thence N. 75 foot, thenc E ."'0 feet, thenc,. S. 75 f,,,.t tl) a pi,nj HO feet N. of NE, corner of said lt J. thence W. 50 fct to place of beginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J, M. s'ilv'ly 5j (2 Commencing at a point on N. side of Commercial Httv,t 1H5 feel N.. of SW. corner of lot 5. block 1.14. 1 hence N. 75 feet, thence K. 50 f.'ot, 1 heme S. 7ft fkvt to a point 60 feet N. 01 N !:. corner of suld lot 5, ihetirc V. 50 fct.t to place of he mnniiig. City of Astoria, as laid .ut .iikI recorded by J. M. Shlvely 58 92 ' "divided half of. commencing at a point on N. side of Commer cial str.vt IS5 f.vt N. of SW. cor ner of lot 6, block 134. thence N. '." f.vt. thence E. 50 f.vt, th'iici 75 r.-Pt n a point 60 r,.,.( n. ,f NE. cornet of (kd lot , thenee W. .'iii fect to pla.o of beginning. City f Astoria, as Uld out and refolded by J. , shlvely 9 46 e'l block 13:1, city of AtorU. us lall out and r.vord.'d by J, M Shlvely sg 92 Undivided half of. commencing at a point on N, l,e r Commercial street 15 feet N. of SW. comer of lt 6, hl.x'k i:M, thence N. 7,"i feet, tleli.' E. 50 feet, tllflliO S. T." feet to a point Sit ftM't of NE. corner of said lot 6. thenc W. :0 feet to place of lxgnnlng city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely ;9 44 Undivided half of . 3. block ui City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 29 46 Undivided (iiart-r f lot S. block 1.1.1. City of AstorU. n laid out and record d by J. M. shivelv... 14 73 Undivided nuarter of lot 3. block 13.1. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J M. Shivelv... 14 73 Commencing at a point on N. side of r.immerol i street IS5 feet N. of SW. ,'orner f lot 4, block 134. thence N. 7" feet, thnce E. 50 f.vt. then, ,' S. 7.1 fe,.t t, p(lnt 60 fe. t N. of NE. corner of said lot 4. thcn. e W. 50 feet to place of be Klnning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 58 92 Installments, the first Installment due March PARKER, F. L. R. P. N. INVESTMENT CO. R. P. N. INVESTMENT CO. STEWART. MABLE E. STEWART. MABLE E. STEWART, MABLE E. STEWART, MABLE E. STEWART, MABLE E. WHITE, I. V. WHITE. I. V. WHITE, I. V. OREGON R'Y & NAVIGATION CO.. OREGON R'Y & NAVIGATION CO.. BRIEN, THERESA PARKER, C. L. PARKER, C. L. "7" PARKER, H. B. WHITE, I. V WHITE, I. V. WHITE, IONE E. . WHITE, JAMES T. WHITE, JAMES T. WHITE, JAMES T. WHITE, JAMES T. WHITE, JAMES T. SMITH. WHITE, J. W. WHITE, J. W. SMITH. 2' ' ' 1 -1 1 r WHITE, J. W. Undivided iiarter of lot 6, block 134. Cltv of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M Shlvely.... 14 73 Undivided quarter of lot 6. block 134. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 14 73 Lot 5. bl.x k 135, City of Astoria. as laid out and rrirded by J, M "hlvelv 53 92 Lot 6. bl.vk 13:,, city of Astoria. as laid out and recorded by J M ShivHy S8 92 Undivided iuartcr of, commencing at .( point on .V side of Commer cial street is:, f,...t N. of SW. cor ner of lot I, blo,k 114, thence N. 71 fe-t. th-tlce I. 50 feft. th nie S. fe.( t,i n IM1nt 60 f.vt N. of NE. corner of said lot 1, th. TKe v. .10 f.-..t to p'ace of ty giniung. city of Astoria, as laid out atnl recorded l v I M sMvey 14 73 noivi.ioi itunrter of, commencing at poli.t on N. side of Commer cial strut lv f..t X. of SW. cor ner of lot 2. block 1.11. thenc N. 1 f-t, thence k. 50 fept. thence S 75 f.-et to a point 60 fet N. o' VK. cormr of said lot 2. thence W. .',0 feet f pa(.o of beginning. City of Astoria, ns laid out ami worded bv J. M. Shlvely 14 73 no.vinci nuart.r of lot 2, block l4. City of Astorli. as laid nut and recorded by J. M. Shlvely ... 14 73 noiviocij iiunrt'T f j0( block Uel. City -.f Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely.,.. 14 Undivided quarter of. commencing at a point on N. side of Commer da street 1S5 f.-of x. of " cor ner of .t 3. block 134. thence N o fet. thence B. 5i) feet, thence 7j feet to a point 60 feet N. of .R-,r"n"'r ,f Sftl'1 lot 3- thence W 50 ,e.t to place of beginning, Itv f Astoria. Bs laid out and r.'fonie,i Dy j m. Shlvely 14 7J iMnvioeii quarter of the list aoove ue.vrlb.-d tract 14 73 1 nniiie,i quarter of, commencing at a point on N. side of Commer dal street 1S5 f.t N. of SW. cor ner of ot 1, block 134, thenc N. feet, thence K, R0 fe-t. thence S. 75 feet to a point 60 feet north of NE. corner of said lot 1. thence v. .,0 f.t to place of beginning. 1 "y of Astoria, as laid out and recoroc,! r,v j M shlvely 14 73 1 nim we, riunrterof, commencing at a point on N. side of Commer Hal street 183 fef.t X. of 8W. cor ner of lot 2, block 134, thence N. feet, tlw-nce ro. 50 fepf. thence R. feet to a point 60 feet N. of NE. corner of said lot 2, thence V. ,,0 feet to place of beginning. ' 'ty of AstorU n inM miff An, I , , . . ..wv aii'i i.oi'ieu rjy j. m. Shlvely .. 1 nuii(j..(j quarter of ot 2, block i -i. i uy or Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 14 73 Undivided quarter 0f lot 3. block l". ' ity of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely.... 14 73 V"w",r ln,"r"st nly In last-five - descried !ts and tracts. J ndlvlded quniter of lot 2, block 1-1. city of Astoria, as laid out and record-d bv J. M. Shlvely..., 14 73 ' '"' 'V,1" ' 'tuarter of lot 3. block city of Astoria, as laid out and rocord-d by J, M. Shlvely.... 14 73 Undivided quarter of, commencing at a point on N. side of Commer Hal street IS 5 feet X. of SW. cor n;T of lot 1, block 134, thence N. fVt, th-nce k. so fct. thence f.-et to a point 60 feet N. -"'; ' "rn"r of lf't 1. thence w. ..0 ft to pl,v of beginning. City of Astoria, rH laid out and record -l hv J. M. Shlvely 14 73 "ndlvlded quarter of, commencing At a point on N. side of Commer cial str.vt lsr, feet " of SW. cor ii' r of lot 2. block 134, thence N. 75 fed. thence E. 50 f.ot, thence S. '"feet to a point 60 feet N. of NE. corner of said lot 2. thence W. fe-t to place of beginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and record ed" by J. M. Shlvely 14 73 ' ndlvlded quarter of, commencing t a point on N. side of Commer cial street 1S3 feft N. of SW. cor ner of lot 3, block 134. thence N. '' t'-'d, thence r. r,o fpt, thence H. (j feet to a point 60 feet N. of ni K-rf".r"f'r f'f "aid lot 3, thence w f-et to place of beginning, Uy of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 14 73 Undivided quarter of the last above described tract 14 73 Undivided quarter of, commencing at a point on N. side of Commer cial street 1S5 feet N. of SW. cor ner of lot 1, block 134, thence N. feet, thence E. El feet, thence n. 75 feet to a point 60 feet N. of NK. corner of said lot 1, thence W. 50 feet to place of beginning. City of Astoria, aa laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 14 73 Undivided quarter of, commencing WHITE. J. W. WHITE. J. W. ... t u point on N. side, of, ('mnmcr ' rial street M fed N. of HV. cor." ner of lot 2, block Ml, hones N, 75 fevt. tlietnv KM fHl, thenc H. 73 feet to point 60 feet N. of NIQ. coiu of "ld lot 2, lhinct W, (0 feet to Place of beginning. City of Astoria, us laid nut and record ed by J. M. Hhivcly 14 71 Undivided quat'ter of lot 2, block IK. ( Ity of Astoria, as liUd out nmt reooi'd.d by J. M, Hhlvrly... 14 73 Undivided quarter of lot 3, block UI. city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Hhlvrly..,. 14 71 Ity order of the Common Council if ilv City of Astoria, Oregon, rt. IC, NELSON, Auditor Slid Poller Jlldi of the City of Atla, Orpgun. Astoria. Oregon. Feb. 2.1. 1901. ASSESSMENT NOTICE SEVENTEENTH STREET FIHM HO I Nil AVENUE TO JEROME AVE NUE. J M. SIUVEI.VH l. L C. Notice is hereby given that the aH.-m'nt iitudo hv ordinance No. 2'.tl'J of City f Ast.ula. t'lvK'n, entitled "An ordlnan.i.t oonnrmlng special scM. nieut roll No. 41), for tho lioiirovemcnt of Hen-n'rentit utivrt from Ih" south line of Irving avenue to the north line of Jerome avenue approved Kdi. ID, I'M, will be due and payable In United Slates ("Id coin at the olllci. of th city treasurer on March tth, I'.'Ol. and if hoi so pull at said time tho Common Council will order warrants Issued for the collection of the sunie. Tha n. sessment is ns follows: I.ot K, block l1, city of Astoria, aa laid out by J M. Shlvely 63 ji I."t 7. bbs k .'..', Cltv of Astoria, laid out t y J. M Shlvely 120 00 l-"t 5, block city (r Astoria, as laid out by J M Sh'vely 63 11 I."t 6. Cltv of AtiU, aa laid out by J. M Hhlvrly 120(0 Lot U. block 53. City of Astoria, aa laid out by J. M Hlilvdy 3 W. 25 f.vt of N. i) f.-rt of lot 2. block 53, City of A'torln, as laid out by J M. Shlvely ;t The following Is iniynblu in Installrn eiits. the Mist Inst.i 1 1 flic II t .flirt M4fS.h sth. lwt: HARTH. IIUIHM.UH .... CANN. ARCHHIALH E EUI.Tt-N, C. W FULTON. C. W OILLETTE. MARY I. .. HANSEN. JIM WELCH. P. II WELCH. JAMES W. WEU'H. JOHN W. 14 73 E. -5 feet cf N. I"0 f.vt and H. 50 feel of lot J, bio k 53, Cty of Astoiia, as laid out by J. M. Hhlvidy 41 10 Ift I. block 5.1. city ..f Astoria, as laid out by J. M Hhlvrly 147 73 U"t 12. block 53. Cltv of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shlvely 7$ 00 Hy order f the Common Council of the Cit of Astoria. Ongon. II E. NKliOX. Auditor and Poller Judire f the City of Astoria Ot-nn Astoria, Ore-ton. Feb. !3. 1901. J ASSESSMENT NOTICE ELEVENTH STREET FROM FRANK I. IN AVENUE TO HARRISON AVE NUE, MCLl'RE'S. Notice la hereby given that th assessment ,tiade by ordnance No 51 f the City of Astoria. Oregon. entltld ' An ordinal).--, confirming sn.clal a. sMD.-ni roll No. 31. for tho lmnrovem.-iit r .:i.,ih 1 " of Franklin av.nue to north line 0f Harrison nvnitie. approved Feb t! lsol will bo due and payable In United States ri. cm at ti. ottl.-e f ,,; cuJ treasurer on March Sth. 1901. ami If nd so paid m ,uld tlnu. ti,c l I :.n"ntci" ,;i",u.rarrtt""' ,"u"d for t",, A. V. ALLEN -lt , bUk 70, In th Tow,, of At o'ria. as laid out by John Mc- VIIKHNIA E. FULTON (JED. C. FLAVEL t lure .Lot 2. block 70, In the Town of As toria, us laid out by John Mi Clurr . l-t 3. block 70. In the Town lit A. I 'rla. us laid out hy John Mo ., . ( lurr " tucker , k ;o !'.;; :ri'-n"''' Astoria, us laid out by John Mc- Clure MKt.l.M.V E. FUI.Tf'N I.ot 13, block V II I 34 I 26 I 26 I 14 PETER E. HYLAND MARY C. FLA V EL NELLIE FLAVEL XT 11 I 14 0 25 25 70. In tin- Tnn-ii nt lur M-" ('' rAOi: '"' H.' l'i.H k 70." In" the' Tow' n of Astoria, as laid out bv to),., u... l.-flu-p f n r-a n vn-trr. . t. ....... 1""'. ''. ' ........ l .i.-.0. , ir,niA.i I, bl.s k 91. In the Town Astoria, as laid out by John Mc. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH... ls. Mn, Vn'i'hV'ToVn" of " 10 Astoria, njt laid Ollt liv Inlin r.. i lure .. ' u ALRERTIN'E JENSEN 3. bio, k ii; 7n" ii-eTn' ' of Astoria, nn laid out bv .!..... t. .-..I't 12. blo,k Kl. m the Town of Astoria, as laid out hv t,.i.n r ciur 7 .... Undivided half of' lVit ' 1 j,' ' block 111 uir 1 own or AstorU, ns luld "Ut by John McClure 4 17 ....Undlvldeil one-sixth of p,t 13 bliH-k 91, In the Town of A.i,.n.' iCATfP vi wpr "ut uy J"'"1 McCiurr .' 1 Si KATIE FLA EI Undivided one-slxth of t 13 l" b'ork bl. In the Town of a,..u' fU'O c rr ivpt '"Id out by John McClure ." 13a t.LO. C. FLAVEL Undivided or.e-slxth of lot 13 ttljk,.Lr Al i.. . ' ' iJ' " "ie 1 own or Astoria, MARY C Ff AVFT ''I1'' f,,,t ,,y J"1,n McCiurr 1 39 .MARY C. FLAVEI , , u ,,,, ((f u el, In the Town of Astoria ns inl.i VPT T TP pt iv'pt ,,y Mctlure 11 t NELLIE FLAVEI Undivided one-slxth of lot V " "kh-k vi, in the Town of Astoria KATIE FLAVEL i'n,l bi V 1 ., I ' . 81 1 n.llvHed one-six h of lot 11 Mock HI. In tlu Town nt a.(.,h.' (JEO c FLAVFL M ll'l "tt by John McClure .' 4 63 1. a v 1 .1 1'ndivld-d one-slxth. cf lot i II 1 I. ' T,,wn nf Astoria, , E. FERGUSON J".1",'1 M'-(ire 4 5, a- block .1, In the Town of AKtorln. ns laid out hy John Mc- 1 iq if I't 4. hlo,k 71. the Tow'n'of Asforln, ns laid out by John Mc- J. W. SUPRENANT.. G. WINGATE jj Chirp WIN'IATR ,J t 5, block 71. in th fL.,n"L't Astoria, ns laid out by John Mc t lure 31 2S .11 29 ol B. block 71. In th T,,.,r, Astoria, as laid nut by John Mc- VIOLA F. KANT r" , ';V,'u"".""'J 11 3. blOCK BO In ih .a Aitorla, ns lald out by John Mc- H. MANSELL ,!'!r"i ;,'"," 10 41 W'X'I M. In tho Town of -"o-Mis ns out by John Mc- MARY HANSON HERMAN WISE '"( fi, blok 00 In i,'-rA,V.l"-i j;r'"' ",ifi out ny John Mc- SI 29 1..1 T.:.",." 81 29 V"' "; "o s k ,n the Town of ft '"1 by John Mc" By order of (he Common Council of , rly 0. " ' " " Auditor and Roiice ,... ... " B: NKr'fl?N' Astoria. Oregon, Feb. 23. 1901 " 01 ABtona. Orsgon. I. F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 12L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Cart Will Roedv BpeataJ AttMon. No. Mi Duana Bt, W. J. COOK. Mtr Astona. or. Reg. Tel. mil J.A. FASTABEND GENERALICONTRACrOR AND BUILDER GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar racks, Wash., February 12, 1901. Seal, ed proposals, In triplicate, will be re ceived here until ll o'clock a. m March 12, 1901, and then opened, for furnlahlny fuel at the several military posts In this department, and at Camp at Skajrway, Alaska, and at Fort Llscum (Port Valder,). Alaaka, for fis cal year commencing; July 1st, 1801. In formation furnished here or by quar termasters at posts. U. S. reaervea right to reject or accept any ar all proposal or any part thereof. En velope oonUlnln nronosala ahouM h marked: "Proposals for fuel at -tV" and addressed to undnnimiut r nr Jaxsobs, C. Q. M.