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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1901)
ASTC2U f t,'2tC LI5HAR r ASSfAncr. fit 57 1f 1 ' f X"""""' " fat IIJ j -i 11.. a- n "" " ' 1 r " - ' ....... ,, ., , , , . , .., ' r I I rri- rnn Piii.rh.v.., ' . ' ri n I 1 1 w Hill rAITIM I lll.i . .: """ lllYILM CCrcmV ""' "'. M f. II It'll 1 11111 itnt 1 ML.-.. lnrT. TO BE WITHOUT FAULT Por Sale In Astoria Only by the ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. AHTOUIA, ORBCIOIN Book Bargains .wo ciotli li..uii.l Hook., Titlm, !!iiiliiiKaii.l Author Just Ihc Kind (or These Five-Volutin) SH of Kijdinp, Hukmi-II, HoliiicH, Ih nty, Mead Huhhi.II, Holm., Unity, Meade nnd other good authors . . . . GRIFFIN AMERICAN BISCUIT COMPANY'S Macaroons, Walnut Creams, . Arrowroot, High Teas, And Many Others, Fresh and Crisp. RALSTON'S HEALTH FOODS, ALL YARIBTIES- 11 FISHER'S REST " CORVALLIS FLOUR CHASE ft SANBORN'S FINE COFFEES ROSS, HIQQINS & CO. Fishing Supplies Headquarters LOWEST A LONG RO W W. J. Scully, 431 BOND STREET, (tlMta Mini Titlk Mrtl c. jr TRENCHAPD. Ccmcilsslon, Brokerage, lesurxnee ani Sh!!:;. ... i inuiiiniu -" nu i ujjiDiLii i " f ....., lUj ' Ui win The Superior Ranges ARE a ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL WHO HAVE USED THEM IO-P itp I Lonjj Winter Evenings Cl 7C Pnp Cnf & REED PRICES. Foard 0 Stokes Co. Of our new and ujt ilnte Air tight Heters itro Mill on land Wo Haired on eonsidernMo vM weather mid mi uu Uiiml mnulity; tut lli wottlur linn nitHlpratctl, ronsr-inuMitly s!n litTo h hlow. Wt uro ovor utiK kwl nnd niul lmf the Knun now on lime splendid lu-nl inj; utovea will l jnld t reduc tion of 20 n r rent KOK CASH. Cnloiti IIom llrokvr. ASTORIA, ORE All y ppnuuivr. .,n iincc,,,,. 1 II Chinese Court I'rotes Rccilci Irani War W ill He Ke-opcncd. M'KI.NLCV WANTS PEACE Art Ttklif A4taiii ( SHmiWi Milk CklM UtSlxtS. March I Tlir Wirin. Krrnih and ilrlti.h t"trimll'iirrf, mi the I', kin rornii.riant of thf f.jnt. hai iiril'-rnl the o.imnuatlon i.f prp ar( f..r ih X.IiI.Ki In lo th In-I'-rli.r In ih- li'i-ii! of th r.ui1 l lr i" nli lirniit. hki'ahatk m;al with iirssiA. l-Mi, Maah l.-Hr Krmt Ha i"v an.l Mr. ftmiiT, afur ctinultln with UK- iiilliiii.irl. n, havr dlili-d, uM'itffIK . km (irr -Minil. iit i.f th- M-unliix I'.mi. to r-J'vt Itir nili,t-. nr".ilUin, ii' on iio riiKRi-Dtlun iH M I'ldioti. (tun thy lioU, n,t M rfDr.H-iilal'v.-i of tin- niinlMU-m of th ! Hit-in to vilw um w ith th' (.'hill.',-.en-loiniinrli-a t iuliiiiiry tju'Kllon an. tlir c I.iI'im .,f ri.i'.lvi- convfrtN. I Ih. y ur- i.invl . l howvtr," say tli" cor rH mil. in, -that tliv (. lilm-m) are t hkmv i. arranci'incm for t 1 II nic thin nitttti-r.' "Th.- KtiKKlatis arp liking ailvanlajn of tin? cximIiir Kltuaiion anJ ar rm-in. IllK 1-1 lluilff Chanff hr1 fn nxr.h ihrouKh lhi Man liuriati cnvi'iition." )' th! IVkln ri'rri'Kjiondi'itt of th TIimi-k. wiring WnlinTduy. "Mori- than one ixiwer btUlr Ja;an ami Knirland have mmnntrated ith China aalnt (he nKKUtlont thm are nnmodlnif at St. IMrraburr. "Th time haa cmiie when the now era would be Juntlfll In Intorfrrlnir In ordr ti prownt (lilna ntirrtiailnj with a lnirl? p-wor. whlt thi' peace nego tiation rvninln uncoiu ludi-d-" 'oinm,MitlniC rdltorSitlly uxn It IV kln a.lvlt-fn. the Tlimn aayn: 'Thi' I'nU.d Siat-a and 0rniany niliiht b nuppoM-d to rivoKiiiie the iniRehii-r i nina'a po!l y t ntaiim but ITea Idcnt McKinl.-y at ail events netm ln-nt upon jx-ace at any pHce." FmCNXH TltXrS LKAVINO. TIKN TSIN. F-!. M.-iVn. Voyoit. (he French commandT. reviewed the Kiirrlmm of HMMi French soldiers sta tioned h-r yeaterdiwy. It ia reported that 10,000 French troops will return to Friuice In March. The Taku harbor la open anj steam ers are ex pee-ted to arrive there thortiy. SAVED BY MIUTIA. If Confi ssi J Itiipist Tried and Land ed Sfe In I'rlaon. t'AUKOLLTON. 111.. March l.-4,luanl-rd by four companies of stat mllltt to protect him from mob d"tennlnel on lynching. AlU'rt Shenkle. whi, IV (mt r ?5 last, criminally aiwaulttM the K-ymr-oid daughter of fhas. II. D'l-l.-r. of t'airolltim. was early today tak en from the county Jull at SprlngflelJ and brotight to t'irndlton o.. a special 'll .irf.i Ji Alton train. Within an hour aft.r th' arrival of the train Sh-nke had lilciidi-d guilty. Nvn (lu an In d. ti rii .In.ite .ntentv by Ju.lg Thmi n and a on h! way to the pruii at hesler. Al'li.rvntly n-aily th wh..i. p..puU tlcn of th.- town was gailwrvd artHind th .1 m and along the tr.l Ir4d Irg to ll.e ciurthoue, but the troop foriniiig a H.n "runl the train as ..'n a It tivel tvl urroundsl Shkl' ha the Utter, h.v ha. k- l.d ani a.vinnld by Hh.-rlff be, aluhied from th train, pr.-Vviited Alt V ho. lie d.-moiustailoii, if any haj b.n ilnns. TlH' prli-r. with ai'4rii uncon i rn. puTi.1 a ;grtt Ih - c-Ua na betfa.i tbe iiut.ll .b wn the ttrvrt bad ln Uit n l.t the vooilAotl, but t;ir-vCitn vf ni.i jtitiat. Tb- mrh waswi'ln-ul In. Ulent. hen kl rwMliil liTJ !h- cOUflM. I v ih lrs'a un I- e o iiiM.and -f A U'4- 1 REMOVAL. SAUE Comtucucltiu Motuto , l'wtrirv 4, W ha! twait t tv lloaitsi: j rwoei. Iron HciIh stlt lirnnn Knotm $,1,00 Irutt OccIh Ith (ullhrnHHiull O.OO Hxtcimlott TnblcH H!.FU unit up r iVtulitiatsvn Tuva, raw an.) Wri.i'j tVX A a "JO t t. .w.h it v. rvuur j rwv i ar lr CtaiM Uliicnl lit .rw iVrvts Ku.; I tuoJvu. , Window ! r g'fe i vr vut frvt-i rw'i'u I'r'.vcw, hivJi include, N'tii";, t.u 'jr CHARLES I1EILB0RN & SON n- iff- ufi I - ih. Ih,I! (in M.ii- fun eirt a'U, h a ii i ( tn ' t i is i I tt"H"'' "'r.Mi.. (, f il. .( n h ,,,,, , h- noiiurr tf.. Th' trrai.l ili'i i,$ ,.,, . 'Iiiii'nl fmii.r i,n '" ir1( lH,.-r r-t l an I pr'- n- r ht I.Im h wmil. nutk 'Th lrvi, oft fuf la thl Jroii . r. (ifl . n th pfiit-rillrr l I'll'ii-f, lhr l' rr.aln ijrtil T, ,j arr iliti4ra"d In lh dj pr . ,,f jf,, law.' u. Ju l TrtomtiMin Tli c.'urt ar'M. and i'hivit a word in "(! l-inrid . prlon r irn 1-d h.l N for th utia kW A m wnrnt la trr th rrllMAry f.r.r-. guard around th - sh'-rirT and Mi ( n"ti-r. and mn hr il,n th 'rt for th su lion, wur.m flv mlriut-s aftr thir arnnl at the station th inlii ijvi(. ! for ( h-st t. At 5lfr.-y twenty iiiriiU-r if th niin-r tifH 'f Kprinitn.ld took '.inn if Xhrnklf. a ukn as far sj Kaat Ht. Iuls un th sp-Ul Iraln. un l-r i-i-irl. and th-: nrn.l ivr to Hhi-rff Cimlr. who pro--dd itli hl'ti to the rh-tr inTltnlUrv. Th imnlndr of th- trooim rturnl on tli-lr sircUl train to Snrlnirfl'lil. hre lh. y dlnbaiidfl. Shenkle mad a full nf-ori of hfs tri.n to an A- wilat d 1'r-es "orreH.nd-nt this mrn h C wlul- , ti r-iut fr.m Sprlngfli Id to 'arrolltoii. ' " I nld n.-r have done It if I had not !(! Irunk." id Hhnkle. "I was i.i.k to undr.itand what I was Ioiiik and I nidi Ho ;ittmpt to run u ey. The chlf Cotx-ern f th i rlgon,r ap. P ared lo bt n-gardlng the length of his ti rm of Imprbu nment. ' I m going to plead guilty." h? saJd. "T know I could brt the can If I stood trial, but what chance has a ft-l-hiv got whn a mob is after him? I would rather go to the prln for a v-ar or o than be hanged." MITt'MKl-L'S IVLICV. lit" Favors an 0n liiver and the Xlc aragua t'anal. n;uiUA.Mi, March 1. At recep. linn by thu Commercial Club tonight. Senator John II. Mitchell among other thing said: "Th-iv must b an open river from I.ewlfton to the a-a. I have been out or putiiic lire four years and cannot fay Jut !uv the obstruction at The Luili-s shall be overronie, but there must be smie way to do It and I shall do my bot for it " He l.nkM the charge th.t had been luad.- that he uaa allied with the rail roads In .ipiHwitlon to the Nloaraguan canal and reviewed his record in favor of the enterprise. "I hall continue to U!e my b"! en ibavor for the Nicaragua canal." said he, "regardb-M .if the railroads." I'UESIDEXT INVITED. l-ading Citiieus of Memphis Want Him to Attend the Confederate Keunlon. WASHIXOTf-N. March I A tion if leading cltn.ns of Memphis, Tenn., beade-U by Senator lUtes and Cannavk. called at the While Hnue t.slay and lnvittsl the president to atti-n.l the monshr mevt ln of united iMiifederate veteran to b held In Memphis May M. and JA The prvjid.Ttt expressrd h's r grets that arrangen.ents had atn-ady ma-le which would prevent him frm visiting Memphis on this cvoiv.i.n. but he hopv o N able to do the innner w. over TKW-IMKT VKVDE AKIUVKS. Ili T 'o! -f.ur Vi.-ng-'r Who Wer - lV.r:d I'r.mi 'h i;i'pi:ic. SAX Fi:viS. Mirvh t -Th lrin.ivr M-.W anlird from Mam'a thi aftein... Th sol Iters and c'vl -a.i sh-strd ttw M n.lo numtKre Tbr (V t men who h4j b-o d' pT l fr iik ih I'h.t piiiu b thv niU tirir lun.ntu ji'tstt: 1 1 u:rr t'u iVKYUU-t. lr.-. Mrvfit-Jn fturnvii an , Mvivoie ju.U.' ..f vr--( m ani t '! kuu Jut.t, I.. th.a aftvru.Kui. Senate Amendment la Army Kill Concurred In by House. BILL GOES TO PRESIDENT Mail, tf Ui. MuiMui ttt n4 $um4 la DofWrtHat Caaipaa; la rklllsslMi - Bat; Day la Ssate. WASHI.V;TfX. Marh I -Th h"u -inoved all possibility of an extra rion '.odiy by co.-m urrirg in she s nat nnnlmta to ih arrny appropriation bill. Th vol- st.iod 1",9 to VA. It was a sirb t tiartv vote with th- exception of Mi-4'a'l, it ila.'iau haM-tis; Liud. of Calif.irnia; Irli.ll. of New Ttrk. and Mann, of Illinois, who votd with the ImocritH. t'iot-r, of Wyoming, ans' wri-d i,re-nt and was not paired. The bill now go.- to -.he president. Th housH was bnvught to a vote by a s-,-clai onL-r pr.'par-il by the com iiiiiie-.- on ruis wmcn permitted an hour's d -bat.-. The lN-mcrat attempt- tJ to'iuter, but they were over w hi lined. The imly exciting -incldnt occurred at the clone of th debate when Hull, of Iowa, whose name had b-n connoted with a lumber and de velopment company In the Philippines, frakly a'kn iwlHgvd that he had in vested moiey in it. He said It was legitimate enterprise which was not looking for government favors. Subsuently, when he stated that the company would not have Invested mon ey if Uryan had been elected, the Dem ocrats jeered and hissed and shouted nut it was because If Bryan had been elected the Philippines would not have been exploited. Lenta, of Ohio, chab Icdij.'J Hull's right to vote but Hull voted aye. Tbs final conference report upon the Indian appropriation biU.waa. adopted and a number of minor bills were put through the final stages. The conference report on the St. Louis exposition bill (which agrees to Sufilsv closing) was agreed to and the bill was sent back to the conference. The motion to concur In the Charles ton exposition amendmert was defeated by a vote of M to It!. IX THE SEX ATE. WASHINGTON. March 1. During the greater part of the long, tiresome session of the Senate today, the sundry civil bill waa unit consideration. At times an interesting and at times a live ly debate was precipitated on the ren, 1 lit Ion to idlscharge the committee on Interestate oon'merce from considera tion of the bill vnulring railroad com panies to make detailed Investigations of all accounts involving loss of life in their lines and to report to the in terstate commerce commission. No ac tion wis takn. The question of the reclamation of public lands in arid and semi-arid sec tion of the country was brought up but an effort to attach an amendment to the measure appropriating money for work was defeated. lulls appropriating fJaM.OCO for the Buffalo Pan-Ame'ican expedition and .Vn.0O0 for th St. Louis Louisiana purchase ex;k.wit.oii were attached to th. tu!ry b-li u r'.air The sundry civil bill .h.-n pissed by a , of Zi to 1L The senate tonigl,t sustained a point of attaint Morgan a Xlcaiaguan vtital imcrKliueiit to th sundry civil bit. l l'NFEKKKS iusag:u:e. WASHINGTvKX. March I Rather an una-iual dtn.llck la in pror-.-a ou the thi v submarine bats uf the naval bill. The h. use coo fern-a deviuiv" to reprt a d"areviio'iit. haling that the St-n-U rtiuAi 1rl i-.u ou the mal lliaist rt A protract-U cv-nf. rvii. strual on the mr ant harbor but pioiiox.L theie r Ilema of dHTirenc, 'iiw of th-iu up to the inilli Ni-Jollir Miai k, Ihete . III'. le pnapet t of i'il a pailal a."f"r luin-rron ur M !:-. X VTb'N IS J It lu. ua 'luiua.i ) lo H -l I'uul .Vpiil Vtiii o v..uit, t k. Much l-.VJra. v'une Na- ..., Vti K I.U44 "b.iui o.bhvr " ar iiivl h.u i.'i oi. iiu. 4 an. I nl 4! 'lite I.f llVa omuiy Ju.l, iV-' ah.i giiit Yi.i( in, . v jm .!) It r )'' b..n. w. va wtiU.,1, II r UU, c.iio U11 at i ." 'i t- I ill if c"u: t, il.TVl-tk RKMilVi CAl'irvL l-iii 6'S t'utA -.f riuiti v ui ti m-w Ilia tva H i v "14.1 y Uo!l o'.XViiTk. Mn.k t-n- i.v l.''' V-'l it- kUM bill l"Vl.- U4 fo ID aia.'iuaAoH nt uf 4 Jl ti if rtlia iSi-f and prntt.lief f if th ifo'.rnnf nf ii llfiriff I w l Ponltol Ih ! rnm-nf i,f this tl In Ih h-rti lhl an moon lh ft.(fh bill prot'dlnr lot iw joirr lull" of Ih Thirloi eriln r roiii I noii ru. (h (mil. ling of in s Id i Horn I wing f,,r lil Miiiliol pur. (r... mm , - .) ,r t Vof ., M m 3J Th hill no I -n t It Ih gov- rn-pf and will In all probability r. riv hH 'i'iuir. Hn WihK MtlZKFKillTIN'l. i Mri't. iivrri'ir Will S'sn Pro hibitory Utr Passpil by Califor nia A"mbly. ftAN rhAXd.U March 1. If Ow- ernor Uf signs th bill pnd by the asmbly. and thr la tr-rr Indira tion that h will, prla-flghttng In Cali fornia will be out n fashion and the crowd of Eastern pugilists who are hadlng this ny will have to find some other port. The bill ma Ms any sparring content. private or public, with or without gloves, a Mony punishable by a fine no less than liooo or more than I-W0 and Imprisonmint from one to five yrs. OOVEKXOR FILED KILLS. Mii.y Impirtant Measures Have come Laws Without His Signature. POKTLAXD. March 1. Governor Geer tonight fileil the following bills. permitting them to become lawt with out his signature: Port of Portland bill, bill to recon struct county court of Multnoruah county, bill to anrx Union county cauhandle to Baker county, bill appro priating to certain orphans' homes $30 for each Inmate, bill enacting Torrent.' system if land till r''.ra!:05 iii the new primary election bill. All the acts of the legislature have now been finally acted upon. CUBAN'S TROUBLED. Before Taking Further Action Want to Hear From Congress. HAVANA, March I Senor Capote, president of the iban constitutional convention, called upon Governor-Gen-eml Wood this afternoon and Informed him that. tbe convention felt In an em barrassing condition owing to the vote in the Unit -d States senate He sai.1 deb-gates had rot decided whether to continue the session or to dissolve. This afternoon the delegates held an It.formal meeting and after some dls cu?ston agreed to wait until congress I ad act -h! upon the Cuban amendment MURDER AND SUICIDE. Murderer Said to Have Been a Wealthy Ean-rn Man. SAX FRANCISCO. March 1. Adolph Rieti shot and killed a woman known as Rose Thomas and "Rose Temple," In a Taylor street lodging house to- niaht. He fired three bullets Into her head. Rletx then placed his revolver In his mouth and fired. The shot will otvbably prove fatal. Rletx 1 said to be. a wealthy Eastern man. COLORED MAN WON. KiJ McFarland Knocked Out in the Fourth Round. DENVER. March I.-KId McFarland. f New York, lost to Burdy King, col- vl. of Ivnver. in the fourth round f iii & fo have been a ten-round o th-forr ihe Colorado Athletic Club io night. SHIRT FACTORY BURNED. PHILADELPHIA. March 1- The shirt manufacturing linn of Tutleman Brothers A Fagan. at Adams avenue and Church street, was destroyed by Are uih'. Lo ro.OoO, fully cov ered be Inaiirance. MHIrHmHM'ftMfitflMIHaiHUItHlltitMlf ASK "Charles Carroll" "General Good" L nr.fiRq TWO UNROUALRI) H.MOKH14 ALLEN & niatlrlHaatoraa, Veterans Consent to Take Some Part In Inaugural Ceremonies. ACT AS PPEMDENT'S ESCORT wit' Cist Partkipaia la Afttraaaa Paratfa- Ns4 Beta Defalks1 la Bfiuf la Rar al Rcktlea" That Pasliioa. WASHINGTON, March l.-The dla. put between the Ina .gra commit tee and the war veterans over the mat ter of precedence In the parade of Mon day rKultd today In a compromise un der which the veterans will take part to a certain extent In the ccremonlea. At a conf-renc between Beeretarr Root. General Francis Greene, grand inarsihal of the pur,de anj Gen. Dan iel Sickles, it waa decided that the lo cal and visiting Grond Army veter ans will form the honorarr escort In tile president fr-itn the White House t the capital on the 4th of March. The further conclusion was reached tbat th vetenns will not participate In the. afternoon parade and the return from th capltol to the White House, but after the procession has passed through the court af honor they will b received by the president. Until the developments of today It was thought that the veterans wouat decline to participate at all. Accord ins to iui: uilginal program they were detall-d to bring up the rear of tha military grand division of the parade. They refused to acvept the position. BIG ANTHRACITE DEAL. Four Companies Bought by a Syndleata for I1.500.0CO. SCR ANTON. Pa.. March I. -Another Ha anthracite coal deal ha been co aummated by the purchase of the Laflln. LanclllTe, Gr-enwood and Brooke CcI Companies. The paiT3 were signed la New York. Four collieries and threa xvanheries are included In th deal and the consideration Is $1,500,000. The total output of the coillerl,a la SiO.OOO tons per annum. Seventevo hundred men are employed. The pur chased companies were owned by Reea G. ErooKs, T. H. Dale and W. J. Lewi. WARREN TO BE REPAIRED. About ll.'O.OOO Win Re Expeiid'd V. S. Transport. on SAX FRANCISCO. March l.-Tne United Slates transport Warren la to b repaired at an xpense of HM.OOfl before she again goes to seg. Tha work will be completed In about threa months. OIL IN NEW MEXICO. Found at Depth of Eighty Feet Near Texas Line. BARLSl'AD. N. M.. March 1. Oil haa been struck thirty miles b-low this place near the TeX's state line. !t was found at a depth of 0 feet and bubbled up from the bottom of the well like a spring WHEAT MARKET. PORTLAND. March l.-Vhat. Wal la Walla. 5o tf SAX FRAXClSil). March l.-Wheat, May, ; ca.h. 95. CHICAGO. March I. Wheat. Mar. ..p-nlng. VoWli. cl'Htlng. 7JSt75',i. MVERI'tHU Msv. U. iSd. March 1 Wheat, FOR ICc 5c a m LEWIS, lirlt nt. Ofati'in